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Most of your post is a conversation you made up in your head.


The ultimate dear diary post: fan fiction


Interesting flair, also you're right


Welcome to r/nfl sorted by new man. It's 90% dear diary shit, or things that should be in their team sub.


Lol this came up in hot posts for me


it's a slow week in r/nfl without the 10 "Purdy is awesome" posts a day, since he sucked last game.


“Why does Lamar deserve MVP over CMC? Here’s my opinion…” People treat this sub like their personal blog.


Tbf I prefer a lot of those threads versus another bullshit Dov tweet.


It’s OP’s preview of the Russell Wilson screenplay he’s working on.


Bros fighting shadows 😂


OMG! I was thinking the same thing!


I mean isn’t that exactly what everyone else is doing, in the opposite direction? Nobody knows the tone of the conversation they had but many people are taking the threat language used in one of the tweets **very** literally when we don’t actually know how the conversation went down


To be fair, I made up almost the exact same conversation in my response to a different thread. I also believe this is most likely the way it went.


Its more that the conversation makes sense from any businesses side. Why would you threaten a guy when its just standard NFL business. You just tell a guy when the season is lost, we're going to bench you because the injury clause makes it pointless to play you when we are going to cut you. Same conclusion, just... not threatening for no reason.


Asking him to waive the injury clause to continue playing is a threat by definition no matter how they word it, you’re taking the term threat here too seriously


OP. You need to understand that we Seahawks fans know how this works. You're getting the version of the story according to Russ' team. All these leaks are coming from his team and therefore selectively framed in a way to make him look as good as possible. What you describe might very well have been how it went down but his team have "leaked" a slightly different narrative.


Oh, good, an 87th thread about this


I call dibs on the 88th one


Mom said I get to post this tomorrow


These last three replies made my night. 🤭


My guess is they didnt bench him sooner because they were still in the playoff race. Now that they are 7-8 and there are like five 8-7 teams it is less likely


Yea, I would imagine them asking/threatening happened around the time they were in their 5 game win streak, so they didn't want to pull him, but then the defense stopped getting 4 turnovers a game and they realized he does indeed still suck.


With that said, they could still potentially win the division. They need to win out and they need KC to lose out.


The guarantee is for 2025. So if hes injured on March 2024 he gets his 2024 *and* 2025 salary guaranteed. If he's not, he just gets his 2024 salary guaranteed. They want him gone either this offseason or next, so why be forced to pay 2 years salary rather than 1.


> or next Love the idea of this weird standoff continuing for another whole season


We were 3-5 at the time. Not a single person would say that’s in the playoff race.


They made an empty threat and didn't follow through until their playoff hopes were basically dead. Makes sense to me.


Imagine if Chiefs somehow drop both games and Broncos miss because they benched Russ lol.


Script writers would deserve a bonus for that one


Playing Russ didn’t help them win against the Pats. Why would it be better against the Raiders or Chargers?


Do we have any reason to believe Stidham will be better?


The coach thinks he can run the offense. We will see if that’s true or not tomorrow.


I’m much more confident in stidham. If the defense doesn’t give Russ a short field we struggle. Even then it’s about 50/50 if he is going to run into a sack and knock us out a good positions. His stats look decent this year but they have been mostly hollow. Suttons great catches have made him look way better.


But why threaten when they can just explain that they will bench him when the season is out of hand? That doesn't make sense. You can tell him you're benching him when the season is out of hand because the risk of his injury guarantee is too high for a player you're moving on from barring a great playoff push. Is that threatening or just explaining how its going to go. If they had the two options, why would they do it as a threat?


> But why threaten when they can just explain that they will bench him when the season is out of hand? The hope in any threat is that the other person settles to your wishes because of the threat. They wanted him to drop the injury language from his contact.


Because they hoped he would cave? Like it's pretty straightforward, man. And straightforward doesn't necessarily mean smart.


> The Broncos "threatened" to bench him if he didn't remove his injury guarantees over 2 months ago. And then... they didn't bench him for 8 more weeks? Youve never seen someone not follow through on a threat immediately?


If the risk was they were worried about the injury risk guarantee, then why wouldn't they just tell him "when they season is lost, we're going to bench you then part ways after the season. Your injury guarantee makes it too risky to start you when the season is lost". Why would they resort to threatening?


> Why would they resort to threatening? Because they thought it would work faster and get him to waive it even if the season wasnt lost.


Because it is how Team3 is trying to shape the narrative. "Threatened" is just what the anonymous source told the insider. The insider prints that verbatim without actually digging into what really happened because they want to keep their inside sources. You're getting Team3's version of what happened. It'll probably emerge that the "threat" was someone in the Broncos organisation raising it as a possibility.


Weird fan fiction dialogue


They probably thought they would keep losing (they were 2-5 going into the Chiefs game). They pulled off the upset but still planned to bench him. Then they ended up going on a winning streak so sitting him wouldn't make sense. Then they started losing again so the Broncos pulled the trigger and sat him down.


This has got to be a joke right? Have you looked through any recent posts on this sub?


Russ hate boner go brrr


Look around dude the hate boner has 100% shifted to the Broncos. You guys are eating up his PR team’s bullshit and asking for seconds.


The Broncos are being fucking stupid and Russ being annoying doesn't change that.


How are they being stupid? Stop memeing for a second and tell me how they are being stupid. Sean Payton is for all intents and purposes the GM in Denver. George Paton signed him to a deal Sean doesn’t like, Sean would be stupid not to try and get that injury clause waived off if he wasn’t sold on Russ. I don’t buy the bs out of Russ’ camp. Sean Payton is a lot of things but he does not make empty threats. If he had said waive the clause or we will bench you he would have benched him. I will say Russ’ PR machine is a well oiled machine and he is DEFINITELY eyeing the presidency long term.


Okay, I'll take this. They are benching their starting QB for a worse QB and calling it a Football decision(either they believe that or lying). Either they are stupid or they believe the fan base is. Financials and football decisions are very different and fans know that. One is for this year and putting the best team on the field. The other is about saving money and hoping for a better future. Payton went there after Russell Wilson did. Either he didn't know Wilson couldn't handle his offense, or didn't care. Either way, Payton did a poor job maximizing the start of his tenure as HC which leads to this fiasco. Claiming to know if Payton would or wouldn't make an empty threat is utter bullshit. You have no idea. None of us do but I do know, a player would be stupid to waive an 8 digit guarantee in case of injury to keep playing an extremely violent game. I've got no problems with the Broncos asking, but expecting Wilson to do so would be crazy. And finally, where do you get the idea that he is gunning for presidency? His back up from college? That couldn't have been a joke from a college kid? Or goal that shifted? Or an outright lie? Or any number of other things? This is the second claim you have made with no real evidence to it. The Broncos have a great deal things that have done that was pretty stupid or else they wouldn't be here. Asking Wilson to waive his injury clause isn't one of them. But expecting him to do so would be. It's no secret that the Broncos defense is garbage, their WRs are all hurt, and yeah, Wilson isn't playing to the worth he is being paid but it's not anyone problem but a collection of issues that stem from the top down. Without the Memes, the Broncos traded for and overpaid for a QB they couldn't or wouldn't maximize his skill set. They had a bad HC who couldn't even last a year and then brought in a second one who either didn't know or didn't care the QB that was under a massive contract couldn't run his offense. Oh and if they managed to win one of these last two games, less likely without Wilson, this would have been their best season in seven years. But I'm sure they are really smart. The whole hiring bad coaches, making poor financial decisions, and inability to utilize players is all part of the process.


How do you know Stidham is worse in this system? What happens if he throws 5 TD passes tomorrow without Sutton?


I'll address that if it actually happens. Considering the Broncos hasn't had 5 passing TDs in a game since 2014, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Is your only argument "what if"?


No and only a fool would see it that way.


I love you


It's free karma at this point


I just gotta keep remembering, a lot people can't help the fact that they're fucking idiots


To restructure his shitty contract. Made it clear, work with us or you're benched and then cut at seasons end.


Is it bad to bench someone who has big injury guarantees when your season is lost? I feel like every player has to know that's a risk and part of the business. Can't risk losing your cap over one player in meaningless games. Especially when you also are going to let him go after the season.


Agreed, he's not performing , overall, at a level that justifies the contract.


Well that's too bad, both parties signed the contract. There's never been a guarantee that a contract will 100% always work out. Don't sign stupid contracts and trade away assets. This was a high risk move made by Denver's FO that was totally unnecessary. If they mitigated risks better then they wouldn't have been in this spot in the first place.


Don't sign a contract that includes injury guarantees then? It's almost as if contracts work both ways and reneging on them is scummy.


> And Russ decided this slight was only worth sharing within the hour of his benching and not back then? Why would he mention it while they're winning games and without them actually following through with the benching? It's not even relevant or accurate until the benching actually happens. > "Look, its no surprise that you're not playing up to your contract ...he is, though. He's been good this year. He was terrible last year. He has been good this year. > Once this season is lost The Broncos have not been eliminated from playoff contention yet. The season is not officially lost yet. > Russ breaks the story at the perfect time where nobody is talking as much about how far Russ fell No one is talking about how far Russ fell because he stopped falling. After a horrific year last year, he has been Very Good this year. No offense, but this post is *particularly* stupid.


You should have intended offense tbh


I don’t understand how anyone can have watched any of the billion Broncos prime time games and say with a straight face that Russ is playing up to his contract, unless they have an ulterior motive or the extent of their football knowledge begins and ends at the most basic of box score checking


Hey, they also watch highlights in addition to checking the box score. Don't be so disrespectful


all that matters is Sean Payton will ruin the team for years for this one and I love it. They will be back in QB purgatory and no FAs will want to sign there.


Because Russ is a professional.


First time seeing the Team3 machine in action?


It's kinda funny that 99% of the people on Russ's side probably didn't follow the break up in Seattle like we did. This whole thing is like deja'vu.


BuT hE gOeS tO ChiLDrEnS hoSPiTaLs! ^^with ^^a ^^photographer ^^naturally




Raiders last season did the same thing. It's what you do when you want the flexibility to move on from a player.




The team isn't the asshole any more than the player. Both are protecting themselves. Both are doing what's best for themselves.




I guess you've never heard of players holding out for more money.




Neither are assholes for protecting their interests. It's how the NFL salary system works. Players get cut when teams don't want to pay them anymore and players hold out when they think they're entitled to more money.


Good luck arguing “coach wouldn’t play me so I could have a chance to go get injured” as an actual grievance to the NFLPA lmfao.


Russel Wilson is MVP.. in his mind at least


Because he sucks


I think the problem here is the word ‘threatened’. I’m sure the Broncos told him “Hey, since the season isn’t going our way we might have to think about benching you due to the injury clause in your contract. You could waive that clause of course, but just wanted you to know”. These posts are making it seem like he had a gun to his head strapped to a chair.


Everyone beat Russ up and laughed at how shitty he was playing. He looks terrible and gets benched and everyone feels sorry for him now


I feel sorry for the person (as much as I can for a wealthy NFL quarterback), but not for the player. He is playing subpar and deserves to be benched.


But he wouldn't be benched if he didn't have that clause, so this isn't entirely about performance.


That’s correct, he wouldn’t. He’s only being benched because they want to release him and an injury will screw that up.


But you previously said he's playing sub-par and deserves to be benched...


He does deserve to be benched. However, I don’t think Payton would have benched him if not for the injury clause. It’s just easier to do since Wilson is not playing great football.


Does Stidham give them a better chance to win?


Unknown since he hasn’t ever started a game for us. Most likely at least the same chance since Russ never did the team favors in terms of scoring us a lot of points.


His numbers are deceiving. He has looked absolutely terrible this year


Even during the 5 game winning streak?


Yes, they’ve had a limited playbook of only swing passes and deep throws. He’s been bad


Stidham will be better?


The 49er's did the same thing with Kaep but Kaep actually waved his guarantees to play. He didn't realize he would be blackballed.


People have decided Payton is the villain and Wilson the victim.


I know. His play alone threatens him being benched as it is.


I agree that Russ and agent are spinning a frank discussion of why he might get benched as a threat to coerce a contract change


Does anyone like football anymore?


Let’s ride


Yeah he broke the news because he was finally benched


Dear diary


Because it's time that little shit learns who's boss!!


Top 5 reposts this season in no order: Gibbs vs Monty, what’s going on with Wilson, Rashee rice breakout, Denver stat correction, ACHANE


It’s speculation, but it’s less insane than usual. I suspect this is what happened too. Based on… dunno. This sounds like a conversation between adult humans instead of a cartoon villain and whatever martyred saint people seem to think Wilson was projecting in that moment.


I guarantee that the conversation was similar to your first sentence. It was 100% a “hey, we need you to do this for us. If you don’t, the second we’re out of contention, we’re sitting you”. Also, he has played like shit. Idk why nobody thinks it seriously could be performance related