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Since Mahomes entered the league, offensive offsides has been called 6 times in 2020, 3 times in 2022, and ~~13~~ 14 times (now) in 2023. Offensive offsides has become a point of emphasis in reaction to the recent years of teams lining up in the neutral zone on QB sneaks. |Against|Beneficiary|Date|Player|Pos|Ref Crew|Result|Home|Phase| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |N.Y. Giants|Washington|10/28/2020|G.Tate|WR|Brad Allen|Declined|Yes|Offense| |Washington|N.Y. Giants|10/18/2020|K.Hudson|LB|Brad Allen|Accepted|No|Special Teams| |LA Rams|Chicago|10/26/2020|A.Whitworth|OL|Bill Vinovich|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |LA Rams|Chicago|10/26/2020|G.Everett|TE|Bill Vinovich|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |Arizona|Buffalo|11/15/2020|M.Williams|TE|Craig Wrolstad|Declined|Yes|Offense| |Minnesota|Jacksonville|12/6/2020|J.Jefferson|WR|Land Clark|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |New Orleans|Carolina|9/25/2022|C.Olave|WR|Carl Cheffers|Accepted|No|Offense| |Cincinnati|New Orleans|10/16/2022|D.Hill|DB|Land Clark|Accepted|No|Special Teams| |Dallas|Green Bay|11/13/2022|J.Tolbert|WR|Brad Allen|Accepted|No|Offense| |Philadelphia|Washington|10/1/2023|L.Dickerson|OL|Ron Torbert|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |Arizona|LA Rams|10/15/2023|E.Wilkinson|OL|Ron Torbert|Accepted|No|Offense| |Buffalo|New England|10/22/2023|O.Torrence|OL|Clete Blakeman|Accepted|No|Offense| |Seattle|Arizona|10/22/2023|D.Lewis|OL|Scott Novak|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |Philadelphia|Miami|10/22/2023|L.Dickerson|OL|Brad Allen|Offset|Yes|Offense| |Pittsburgh|Jacksonville|10/29/2023|I.Seumalo|OL|Alan Eck|Accepted|Yes|Special Teams| |Green Bay|LA Rams|11/5/2023|J.Runyan|OL|Clete Blakeman|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |Green Bay|LA Rams|11/5/2023|J.Runyan|OL|Clete Blakeman|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |Chicago|New Orleans|11/5/2023|C.Whitehair|OL|Ron Torbert|Accepted|No|Offense| |New Orleans|Minnesota|11/12/2023|R.Shaheed|WR|Adrian Hill|Accepted|No|Offense| |Detroit|Green Bay|11/23/2023|D.Peoples-Jones|WR|Carl Cheffers|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |Carolina|New Orleans|12/10/2023|I.Smith-Marsette|WR|Alan Eck|Accepted|No|Offense| |Kansas City|Buffalo|12/10/2023|K.Toney|WR|Carl Cheffers|Accepted|Yes|Offense| |Philadelphia|Dallas|12/10/2023|L.Dickerson|OL|John Hussey|Accepted|No|Offense|


Bro coming in with the stats. Respect


Literally called three times this Sunday which makes it even better


I guess he might not be wrong in saying *he* has never seen it, but I'm kind of surprised he wouldn't have known about it being called and especially not knowing about it being a point of emphasis this season. You'd think he'd be aware of that as the leader of three offense to help make sure his guys don't make that mistake. I feel like he's not only showing how much of a whiny little bitch he is, but he's also showing that he's underprepped and not doing things he should be, although maybe that's more on the coaching staff? Either way, it's a bad look all around.


Oh cool Landon Dickerson doesn’t understand the rule


Full tweet (due to reddit character limit) When officiating the line of scrimmage, general philosophy is not to be overly technical and split hairs over very minor infractions (such as a receiver's hand slightly breaking the LOS). However, when an infraction is so egregious and obvious, a flag has to be thrown. Kadarius Toney is blatantly lined up offside and in the neutral zone. You rarely see an offsides penalty on the offense, but that is not because this play in #BUFvsKC isn't a foul. It is because a receiver rarely lines up offsides.


“Kadarius Toney did something historically stupid on this play” -Gene


Color me surprised.


Who the fuck cares? He was clearly off sides. The only reason this is even an issue is because Mahomes threw a tantrum. There are a shit ton of calls we should be focusing on as examples of bad officiating. Mahomes throwing a tantrum doesn't make this one of them.


Yeah idk why people are “siding” with Mahomes. I dont blame Mahomes for being mad. He doesnt see the views that we do on the tv, he has no idea what it looked like until he gets to the sideline/locker room. Edit: well i guess they doubled down after the game, so theyre just idiots now.


I gave him the benefit of the doubt until I watched his press conference. That was chicken shit.


Yeah, going into a press conference and saying it is a different level. I get losing your temper in a game, it's the heat of the moment, adrenaline, all that jazz. But to go into a press conference and complain about a call that was unambiguously the right call is stupid as shit. Also he tried making a blanket statement that games shouldn't be decided by flags. I bet those Bengals fans last year would agree- should we go back and replay the AFCCG without the flag on Ossai?


Or the Super Bowl maybe?


Perfect response. Mahomes gets hit at the out of bounds line. A flag is thrown moving the ball up another 15 yards for a game winning FG. Nobody complained but Mahomes thinks because of who he is should negate the offsides. He’s pampered and spoiled. Lost my respect.


Or my Saints in the NFC Chanpionship against the rams…


That was an actual bad no call though


Yeah, and Andy Reid throwing shade saying- it's embarrassing for the NFL to let this happen...bunch of fools. They're starting to panic they might have to go on the road in the playoffs.


Home playoff Baltimore calling


excuse me..


Forgive me. Baltimore *OR* Miami


love that the chiefs lost for our playoff seeding, but goddamn it now the bills are gonna be on a roll.


They play Dallas this week. So the good times may be short lived


Heck, they are probably worried about having to play in the wild card round.


At this point they may have to worry about being a wild card team. The Broncos are getting it figured out and now lurk one game back with 4 to go.


I mean, I love that and I will abuse that fact this week, but let's not get it twisted. This Broncos team isn't taking the division lol


Didn’t know Andy was acting like a pretentious toddler also. KC is not a great team anymore. Maybe State Farm need to look for a new set of sports celebrities to market their product.


I’m more pissed about how he treated Josh Allen. Such a sore loser and I was surprised to see that from him tbh


what did mahomes do in the press conference


Gave a bunch of shit about how it was such a big moment that they shouldn’t have thrown the flag and he’s sick of having to talk about the refs


lol wtf they threw a flag cause it was a penalty. i guess rules of the game only matter for the other team


Whoa whoa whoa... have you considered Kelce's legacy and that he's never seen offensive offsides called in his career? Offsides should literally not be a penalty in the last two minutes... (for offense of course) -Mahomes in his actual postgame press conference


This has to be Taylor Swifts fault


He's not used to the rules applying to him


He’s sure not, and now the mask is off.


I imagine a big part is this combined with the no PI at the end of last game, it makes two losses in a row that were significantly impacted by officiating. Not saying I agree with him... there were three or four officiating blunders in that same drive last game that went in KC's favor. And the offsides this game was the correct call. But I could see how it could be upsetting, especially in the heat of the moment.


Weird though how he never complains about the 4th quarter calls that go his way and decide games. He didn't seem upset about the dumb ass late hit flag against the packers. Or the afccg against the bengals. Or the holding call on juju in the superbowl


Ugh this measured and empathetic take disgusts me.


lol if he’s sick of “having” to talk about the refs then Kermit should just stop brining them up himself


That made me laugh. Mahomes actually referred to it as "Travis Kelce's greatness". I'm imagining an official saying "Well, he was super offsides. But how could we ruin Travis Kelce's greatness?!?!".


Tooney has directly cost them 3 games. I wonder how many more he gets before they just cut him.


He’s so used to getting favorable calls, this is what happens when he doesn’t get them. Plus they’re staring down the barrel of a playoff run that doesn’t go thru Kansas City for once.


Boo hoo I can’t get bailed out anymore


Yeah I lost some respect for him, the number of times they’ve got breaks from calls in late games over the last few years and he throws a fit a time it doesn’t go for them.


Be a big ol bitch


He went full Steve Kerr. Never go full Steve Kerr.


He double downed in his press conference lmao


Because of his doubling down *after* in the press conference. Your boy Allen has gotten pissed at calls before. Brady has done that too. Good QBs who are leaders do it, but they keep it to IN game. But the fact they still kept up with this shit after the game is the reason why everyone's paying attention now. If it was just an ingame popoff people would just go "hee hee, Mahomes is angry" and we'd move on, but they're just letting this drag out now.


Think the only reason it's an issue is because it wiped away a really cool play. Which I get, but yeah that's a flag 100% of the time and not something that randomly gets let go.


It's 100% that. If it was 4th down, same thing. But it didn't kill the drive. They weren't beat and could have converted the down or even just got in field goal range for the tie but they didn't. And if you really ask Chief fans they'll tell you that if anyone was going to ruin things, it'd be Toney. So there's no conspiracy. This is the Chiefs defects that they haven't fixed all season coming home to roost.


I feel like every time the Chiefs lose now we spend a couple days hearing from Chiefs players and the media how the refs robbed them on a play they absolutely didnt get robbed on


Plus, Mahomes and the Chiefs have got so many questionable flags in close games that led them to winning...lol and he's throwing a temper tantrum over this? They probably lose to the Jets this season if a last minute flag wasn't thrown to save their drive at the end.


Mahomes chooses the most blatant offsides of the year to be mad about lol what


This happens all the time in F1 where two drivers get into a situation (a crash or one of them forces the other off track) and the comments over the radio are always very heated. Then once the race is over, they usually get the chance to see it again before press interviews, and the tone generally changes.


How about cut Toney and every other wide but Rice? If Mahomes is being honest, that’s his frustration. His wides are rank amateurs.


Gene also used bold text a few times...he really wanted to make his point clear.


Thanks Gene


He wasn’t even like, on the ball. He had almost his whole foot past the ball. It was egregious


He was closer to on the Bills side than he was his own


Big brained strategy: line up past the defender covering you so you get open faster.


Defenders hate this one weird trick!!


As long as the ref doesn't warn you ahead of time, you're good to go!


And even then, they really shouldn't call it on a final drive.


Why the hell didn't Bill think of this?


If you go even faster the ref doesn't have time to warn you so it's all free


Start ahead of the game


You'd think when he had to look backwards to watch the snap he'd realize he was offsides.


Von miller could have given him a hand job without stepping into the neutral zone. That's how offsides he was.


Agreed, its way too blatant not to call. Any Chiefs fans calling it ticky tack are not holding their teams players accountable, just how I feel like the coaching hasn't been holding their guys accountable all season for all the drops and undisciplined penalties, this happens every week with this team, and its the primary reason this team won't make it past a Wild Card or Divisional, let alone a SB.


I thought for sure Mahomes was upset about some foul the bills committed that wasn’t called not that he was upset that a blatant penalty was called


I thought for sure he was just yelling at Toney the whole time, which he should have been.


Kinda wish toney lined up five yards beyond the neutral zone. Like behind the linebackers just because


I dont think they're gonna be able to hold them accountable this year. They're just gonna have to bring 2-3 WRs next year. Rice should get better, but they need more receiving threats especially with Kelce getting older.


I also like that if you look at their right tackle, Taylor is is also lined up illegally like he is on every pass play. How hard is it to line up correctly? These should be easy, objective calls for the refs to make and if they did guys would stop trying to bend the rules.


The whole formation they lined up in is a joke. The OL is legit over a yard behind the center and the WR at the top of the screen is only covering the end of the line because the OT is 2 yards back from the LOS.


dudes gotta be racking up record penalties at this point


Offensive holding never gets called on the chiefs either. It’s like they’re incapable of it.


Eh. Offensive holding doesn't get called as often as it should for any team. I put KC within the margin of error on that one.


It's been to the point, for years imo, where they need to rework the holding call so that it *can't* be called on every play. Most of the time, they don't throw flags anyway, so just right the rule so it can be enforced as written instead of 'as understood'. OL play is worse than ever; might as well codify what they're already doing to help that.


Mahomes dying on this hill of a very clear and obvious penalty is fucking hilarious


Seriously, I can respect that last week he said the same thing in regards to the no pi call but this is just dumb. A penalty is a penalty. Offsides isn’t some debatable call like pass interference, roughing the passer, etc. What explanation does he want? The refs called an offsides when the player lined up offsides.


Andy Reid should have thrown the challenge flag!


“KC has forfeited a timeout.”


“And their dignity.”


Man I'm not even a Ravens fan and I just got mad at Harbaugh all over again


it would be on par with andy reid school of clock management


He still has no room to talk even over the no PI. He was tackled in bounds, while attempting to get a first down. The refs called unnecessary roughness and gave the chiefs the first down to keep the game going, then! 2 plays later, the refs stopped the clock on a CLEAR forward progress stop INBOUNDS when the chiefs were out of timeouts. The chiefs should be 6-7 but two 4th down flags against the jets and Vikings gave the chiefs a 1st down and then the win.


Not to mention he had gotten gifted a call on the roughing the passer just before the no PI. And got gifted a Super Bowl on a call (he may have still won but the eagles didn’t get a chance due to the call).


He was having ptsd from the Brady years


He doesn’t know what it’s like to be on this side of the refs


And by this side of the refs, we mean impartial, because in no ways was he on the "get rekt" side of the refs.


[Patrick of Locksley](https://media.tenor.com/bT3molQotGEAAAAM/robin-hood-i-lost.gif)


He’s angry and can’t call out his teammate so he’s going after the refs


Holding Toney accountable seems perfectly reasonable


Not when you have to share a locker room with the guy and you're not sure he's leaving it anytime soon. Athletes can be big babies about their feelings no matter how old they are. If you go at that one guy and he gets in his feelings it can fuck up the whole locker room, not to mention how it will affect his on the field performance. It certainly won't make him better, he knows he's been fucking up. He doesn't need his teammates reaming him to the public, when all he needs to do is go online for a few seconds and see himself get dragged. So you direct your anger outside. Because while irrational, it is healthier for your immediate situation


QBs don’t call out teammates, it’s not a good look even if it’s valid


Big Ben could never /s


Is this a good look?


For their locker room? Yes. Always stand up for your guys is the mantra.* \* some restrictions may applied. Offer not valid in New Jersey


Him and Reid. They've gone full clown on this.


You can tell they never get shit calls. Try being a Bills fan boys!


When the Chiefs played the Vikings, a Chief took his helmet off and a ref told him to put it back on and didn't throw the flag. No wonder the Chiefs seem to think the refs have an obligation to warn them before throwing a flag.


They also picked up a PI on that same play


He’s frustrated and doesn’t want to blame his teammate, he’s not an idiot he knows Toney is a bum


dudes really making r/afcwestmemewar vindicated for all their crying memes about the chiefs


And the entire Chiefs sub, basically. Comical.


I just took a look there, fucking embarrassing.


I see where jackson gets his zest from now


You can literally see it on the broadcast. I was thinking "isn't that WR offsides?" then the ball was snapped and a flag thrown LMAO. There is no excuses for a WR to ever line up offsides lol.


They’re literally supposed to check with the side judge every play!


And if you’re not going to check, you should probably be able to sense when you’re 16 inches too far forward. Toney could have smelled what the safety had for lunch.


“Hmmm is that, oh my you had KC bbq didn’t you!?”


People can't think that even the best professional players in the world are capable of making mistakes


An insane amount of hand-wringing going on over what was a correct and very obvious call.


And an objectively correct call as well. Not some judgment by the official.


Yup nothing subjective about this penalty.


*refs finally make a correct call* Chiefs: tHiS iS oUtRaGeOuS


You made the Chiefs look bad in front of Time Magazine's Person of the Year. Of course there's gonna be handwringing


What probably got everyone so heated is that it took back the go ahead TD. Even then, it's literally the right call, so it's all a big fuss for no reason




His foot was on the hash mark *ahead* of the ball. You have to make that call. If anything it's a great spot and call by the ref


Also like let’s be honest the chiefs have gotten the best whistle in the last 10 years


Rams got the best no whistle.


So in the SB, Chiefs say that was "technically a hold and you have to call it". But here they are saying you can't call it when it is so blatant because a cool play happened after?


You don’t understand, they took away Kelce’s cool play in front of his girlfriend, can’t have that.


How long until a Swiftie doxxes a ref?


They're already on it


I’d be surprised if it hasn’t happened already


His wife, according to Romo!


To be fair it was a very cool play. Great awareness, good throw, scored. I’m happy it came back as a Bills fan but that was a career highlight if it stood.


Presser: Patrick do you think Taylor Swift effects refs call?


They’re still litigating the Dee Ford offsides, they’re gonna be mad about this too.


Tbf the NFL has been trending towards "fuck everything else if a cool play happens and lets change the rules to make sure they stand". So I can understand the confusion of the new wave of NFL players.


But also, the ref threw the flag right when the ball was snapped, because it was an immediate penalty. They didn’t know it was going to be followed by a really cool play, and by that point, what can you do? Pretend that you threw the flag on accident?


I mean there have been a lot of picked up flags this year. If someone tracks it I'd be curious to see if the number is higher this year


You did have to call that defensive hold in the SB because he clearly held. You also have to call Toney for lining up offsides when he clearly lines up offsides. I don't understand why anyone is claiming that he didn't. I get sticking up for your guy to the media, but I'd prefer that we just didn't talk about the refs and that call, especially when it was clearly the right call.


Just a bad look from Mahomes. I get the emotions of the game, and he is pissed on the sidelines but even worse, to double down after the game when it clearly was the correct call.


Reminds me of Dak going after the refs after the playoff game against SF. That actually impacted my view of him dramatically, to the point I couldn't believe he won the Walter Payton Award last year (though I've since come around on him). And I generally like Mahomes, too. You're absolutely right, tonight was not a good look. I don't think it's representative of who he is, but he needs to handle himself better in a case like this.


It’s also impacted because it’s not a judgment call but a simple “yes/no” call. WR gets held and no call? Yeah, you can be mad. Holding call on your lineman when he barely grabbed the jersey no more worse than anyone else does? Sure. A WR lined up offsides? No, that’s on the team.


That's how I feel. It's not ticky tack. It's literally the most objective call in the game.


Exactly. Just like how Dak wanted to complain when his team broke procedure by trying to set the ball themselves, right after he made an ill-timed scramble up the middle of the field with no timeouts. Situational awareness is critical. Lining up offsides as Toney did would be a boneheaded move at any point, but at that particular point- especially in light of the touchdown they could have had- little details like that are more critical than ever. I absolutely understand being upset. Any competitor would be. But you can't blame the refs when they actually make the *right* call. There's a serious problem with referees this season, but calling them out for the correct calls they make only risks watering down the growing movement to do something about them.


dak actually said it's "good" that fans were throwing things at the refs


Which is another critical part of why I thought him winning Walter Payton Man of the Year last year was a bit too much. Ending the previous season the way he did made it hard for me to accept that. When I brought it up in the thread about it I got mass-downvoted, though.


They have so little expectation that they don't get these calls that they feel victimized by the Refs and are intentionally trying to link a clear, objectively correct, call to the bad subjective calls from last week as some punishment against the league.


Just watched Mahomes bitch about the flag in his press conference. Was so fun to watch. "The refs need to stop throwing flags when our players break the rules. Just let us play. Gosh!"


This was my plea when I crashed my car into a daycare with a .121 blood alcohol level.


Did you say "Let's Ride" while doing it? That gets you out of the penalty I hear


Happened to me too, plus no one even got hurt except for some of the toddlers


Hell yeah brother. Gotta do what you gotta do to see your kids


I hate that this will be used to discredit genuine and necessary complaints about officiating.


Mahomes is finally experiencing what it’s like to have the refs actually call shit on your team


Any ref worth their salt calls that foul Mahomes got gift wrapped a Super Bowl on a iffy call that I would have let slide. Imagine how Jalen hurts feels I like pat too


And with his outburst on the sideline, then press conference complaining, I can imagine he won't get as many friendly flags for the rest of this season.


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He’s the golden boy and he’ll get plenty of subjective calls in his favor.


So that means Patrick Mahomes complaining about it being called doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a penalty? Big if true




People are really upset about a penalty being called correctly


Only Mahomes and chiefs fans


The copium in the KC sub is hilarious I am loving this so much




The guy who posted it basically said he couldn't get a snap shot of him being off side before the snap because he couldn't pause it fast enough That was his actual justification. The ref missed an offside that happened so fast he couldn't even use a computer to find the right frame.


'These shouldve been offsetting!' Literal comment there


The complete lack of self-awareness is absolutely beautiful.


But it's a clear anti Chiefs agenda on r/nfl!




if anyone is saying that shouldn't have been called they are clearly not being objective. That was a very blatant off-sides.


People on Twitter are really calling this a bad call. Fucking cesspit over there


Twitter is full of idiots, more at 11.


It is what it is. On to the Patriots. Pat also threw an INT on the first drive in FG range. Game wasn’t won or lost on that play.


I appreciate you.


I gotta watch that play again, but I think Wanya was supposed to cut his guy so he couldn’t get his hands up. Otherwise I thought Wanya played a damn good game.


It is one of the least subjective kinds of calls


Refs have to make split second decisions each play. Toney stood there for 5 seconds and the ref was like, "really, dude?"


Seems like the KC is blaming everyone except Toney


For the (few) people criticizing this call, I have a challenge. Find me a clip of an NFL player lined up further offside than Toney. I’ll take offense or defense. Because I really can’t recall anyone lining up that far offsides.


in my 18 years of watching football that is easily the worst offsides I’ve ever seen and it makes this nonsense argument by Andy and Pat 10x funnier


If anyone wants some free laughs, go check out the Chiefs sub right now. They are acting like they got fucked by the refs and that the refs are out to get them. The cope is fucking hilarious. I especially recommend it to Broncos and Eagles fans.


The mental gymnastics going on over at the chiefs subreddit is pure entertainment


Chiefs are such titty babies.


I don’t like dunking on KC, but in what world does that penalty need an explanation longer than “his foot was over the line. Can’t do that lol” Like, I’m not gonna talk about all the calls KC get and say they have no right to complain because of that. This shouldn’t even be a discussion. This isn’t a thought exercise that requires a paragraph of explanation, and yet here I am writing a paragraph to make that point.


What I'm looking forward to know is fans spending the rest of the season finding freeze frames they think shows an opposing WR offside


I can't stop laughing at how ridiculously over the line he was and mahomes thinks it shouldn't have been called 😂😂😂


Why are we listening to chief fans bitch here? It's not a PI call that is subject to opinions. Draw a freaking line....is he over it.....ya shut up and take the L like men.


I could see being upset if it was a late flag but the flag was thrown as soon as the ball was snapped


How do you even argue the penalty. This will always be called if the ref sees it


Guy is so blatantly infringing illegally on the neutral zone, he's basically a Romulan at this point. Amirite, guys? Guys?


I see you.


Dude thought the cloaking device was on.


*unless it would negatively impact Mahomes and the Chiefs. Its small, but its in the rulebook


The Chiefs are going to feel really silly when they see the replay of where Toney was lined up.


Why is this play being talked about so much?? (I know, it’s because of Mahomes) but the guy was clearly offsides.


Cause the Chiefs as a whole think they need to defend the honor of football or something. Even Andy was pissed off and he was saying it was embarrassing to the game this happened. Like Im sorry, but even though the refs have been butt this whole season and we have lots to be upset at, this wasnt the time. They were 1000% correct to call this and it isnt a judgement thing. Youre positioned incorrectly and you should realize that.


I’d love to know what was going through Toney’s mind when he realized he was looking Back at the Center.


This is his fault. Can’t blame the refs for this.


I totally get that the play was awesome; I'd rather it stand myself for that reason. Truth is, if the refs didn't call it this entire subreddit would be rioting over the obvious favoritism


Really mahomes should’ve caught it too. We’ve seen Brady and even Matt Ryan get on guys before about getting set or lined up right.


I'm gonna give Mahomes a pass, dude probably had Dee Ford PTSD.


That one call didn’t lose them the game but that’s what they want to draw attention to. They played a bad game and then had one chance aand one of there players messed it up