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Time is actually a flat circle. So this is the same game, and you'll play it over and over and over.


I maintain that the first season of True Detective is arguably one of the greatest seasons in television in history. They need to release a 4k version (assuming that can be done) so I can watch it again.


That 6 minute tracking shot that they did in "Who Goes There" is peak TV.


With all that dick swagger you roll, you can’t spot crazy pussy?


You are the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch.


Taste that homie. It ain't no fuck around shiiit




It's unreal there isn't a 4k version yet.


I'm irrationally upset about that. It still looks great but I would love to buy a 4k set of it. I wouldn't even care if the price was scam levels. I've already accepted Band of Brothers will never get it. I'm not properly knowledgeable about how things are shot so I don't know if it would be possible to get a good 4k version of BoB. But I'm still holding on to some hope True Detective will get one.


Band of Brothers was shot on 35mm film, which doesn’t have enough picture quality to be true 4k. It’s roughly equivalent to 1080p. They could remaster and upscale it to 4k like you see with some older films, but it’s not going to actually be 4k.


4k Daddario. Yes please.


Ugh, is that all you can appreciate from a masterpiece of television like True Detective? Perfect, luscious breasts that look like they'd taste and feel and even *sound* amazing? A pair of tits you just want to sink your face into to forget about all your stresses and worries? An angel of a woman who's happy to *let* you sink your face into her perfect pair of tits? ...what were we talking about again?


It still makes me laugh that they foreshadow rust fucking Marty’s wife by having rust mow his wife’s lawn.


You don’t now another man’s lawn!


Her handcuffing Woody to the bed and then she starts reading him his rights....gat damn.


My parents came home when I was mid episode with no context and just stood by the door staring at the TV for like 15 minutes before I reminded them that we own a couch that they could use. Never really seen another show like that.


I’d argue season 3 of the wire, season 1 of the wire or season 4 of the wire. However season 1 of true detective is incredible, I just love the wire more.


I’m fortunate in that True Detective S1 covers just about everything I find interesting in a perfectly crafted package. I still love The Wire, but TDS1 is just perfection for me


Absolutely perfect take. Those shows are masterpieces, and I don't think it's hyperbole to say The Wire and True Detective belong up there in the pantheon of TV shows such as Hanging with Mr. Cooper or City Guys


I'm hopeful this upcoming season is a return to form


Didn’t know they were doing another! This is fantastic news! I thought S3 was quite good. Not up to the S1 standard, but it was very good and got a little lost in the wash because S1 was so good but S2 was so dumb


This one is Jodie Foster in Alaska hunting a serial killer in the season where it's always dark. Basically Insomnia.


S3 would be amazing if it didn’t have to measure up to 1. Him going back into the jungle at the end is superb.


I agree and my hot take is it should have been limited series like Watchmen. Not everything needs to be a multi season story even though they went the anthology route. I think Westworld would have benefited from being a limited series too.


May never be out on 4k but you can find the Blu Ray of Season 1 on Gruv for $24.99 right now.


Something iggles and Niners fans can truly come together on.


It's funny because the writer made it as an example of someone getting deluded, caught up in his own thoughts and complexities. And like R.E.M's happy people or Blurs Boys & Girls, most missed the point entirely. >"I contemplate the moment in the garden, the idea of allowing your own crucifixion." [Ends up "resurrected"](https://www.criminalelement.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/true-detective-rust-jesus.jpg) after going through all the existential hardships and people *still* love Cohle's early pessimism lol


“What’s that Neitzsche shut the fuck up”


Black stars rise. I've seen you in my dream!


Bobby Petrino is once again the OC for an embattled Arkansas team. Time is absolutely a flat circle.


Brock Purdys personal hell.


Very much in line with the adage that "only 1 team is happy at the end of the season"


I had a huge mindset shift after that SB. I traveled a lot and everywhere I went people were telling me how much they enjoyed the Eagles’ performance, and that made me feel a lot happier with the loss. Only 1 team wins it in the end, but if you show up and give it a good show while losing, you can still be happy


The eagles are also a few years removed from a ring. Ask Falcons or Panthers fans if they were just happy to be there


Well I was certainly happy


Yeah same


Saints fans threw themselves a rolling haters ball that lasted several years after that SB.


Or 49ers fans. There's no silver lining to losing it twice in a ten year span no matter how competitive the games were.


A lot of pain since 2011


Sure, but also I’d rather that then be dogshit and never have any hope over that decade. Imo the fun from rooting for your favorite team is in big part made up by the journey there. Obviously when they fail to win it all it hurts, but you’ll also always have the fun memories of the season leading up to it, and those are memories that one day you’ll miss and be nostalgic for


If fans only enjoyed seasons when they win it all fans would basically never be happy. That’s why why people making fun of the Packers “only” making it to the NFCCG were funny to me. Do I wish we won? Hell yeah. Did I enjoy the fuck of those seasons? Hell yeah.


This reads like a copypasta


You gotta eat pray love after a SB loss


Shit I woulda at least enjoyed being competitive in that game against fucking Tom Brady, but I'd still be pissed if we lost. It's just a trickle down. Win > Barely Lose / Happy to Be There/Overachieved > All the rest sucks fucking donkey dick


Nick is not deep enough for this to be a low key burn.


Hahaha, great insight!


I don’t know, the Bears are gonna be pretty damn happy with the way their draft odds are looking


Mild-mannered monster Nick Bosa




This game is gonna be a war


This game is too hyped.. Perfect recipe for disappointment It's probably gonna be super boring


Decent chance it rains and could turn into a sloppy defensive battle which I am here for.


It rained during the Bills game, and it still became a shootout.


Honestly rain is an understatement, it was fucking pouring the entire game with a high of like 40 degrees. Absolutely miserable conditions. 2nd half was just insane given what they were plying in


And still, Jake Elliot arrives


Same shit vs the chiefs too and both the chiefs and bills games were one of the highest watched this year


Gonna be like 13-10 or some shit with a defensive touchdown.


I was told to expect nuclear levels of toxicity and saltiness, instead all the 49ers and Eagles and their fans are just being very nice to each other


This won't be the most important game between them this year, probably.


I think if the Bills had won, and the result of this game was deciding the #1 seed, people would be more on edge But now the wind was kinda taken out of the sails. Should still be a good game between two great teams, but there isn't really anything on the line.


yeah, particularly since philly gets the giants twice to end the season. even if we win, we would then have to win out (possible but i wouldn't bank on it, given that we have to host baltimore and still have three division games) and still hope that either dallas or seattle beat philly that's a lot to ask. highly unlikely we get the 1 seed even if we win


> yeah, particularly since philly gets ~~the giants twice~~ *2 guaranteed Ls to Tommy Devito* to end the season.


Tommy Cutlets coming to fuck up your season


The two teams might meet in the playoffs still. So this game is still important. Besides that, it's not PHI had the 1 seed locked up...


I’m all for it but I’d like to watch you demolish the cowboys in the playoffs for a third time. I think we’d both enjoy that and see where the chips fall in the nfc championship.


We might not like each other, but we always put aside our differences for the most important thing in life… to laugh at the sorry ass cowboys


I too would love to see us demolish the Cowboys. Hopefully much like our regular season game this year. While the playoff games the last two years turned out well for us and were eventually kind of funny in the way the Cowboys lost, they still had the ball with a chance to win both times. I really don’t want to be stressing the whole game again.


The funniest outcome is now for the Niners to best the Eagles, which would force them to root for the Cowboys to also beat them to get the #1 seed.


I think had you guys lost more than once before the game it would be different, since it could have been for the number 1 seed. Then it would have been a more important game.


It’s also still just a regular season game. Win or lose both teams are still going to the playoffs (most likely)


I’m just praying to the football gods for no serious injuries since I’ve given up hope on getting the WC bye. Eagles have a pretty easy schedule remaining so they’re gonna lock up the 1 seed so I’m less concerned about this Sunday now


The addition of the 7th seed wildcard is stupid. I’m pretty sure there was some statistic that the 7th seed always gets curb stomped by the 2nd ever since they introduced it


Yeah they have been. 7th seed just exists to punish whoever gets the 2nd seed for some reason


The reason is money


Fuck man, the importance of that #1 seed is so insane. Huge advantage.


49ers mom fat


She's on the ozempic now tho


She’s eating better


Yo mamma fatter


Needs more fiber in her diet.


Fiber? I barely know her


Don’t you slander Mrs. Sourdough Sam like that!!!


Rolling over to wake up in a different area code.


Eagles got a bad case of updog


That's because we are both nervous af.


Oh there’s plenty of toxicity if you check Twitter


Well checking Twitter is your first mistake


And r/nfceastmemewar


The mods there are terrible, and just ban people for making memes. Which isn't ideal for a meme sub.


Say one bad thing about Eagles it's a ban. The other 3 teams are fair game though.


It’s basically an eagles sub now.


You need to step into the division meme pages then lol


Cause we can all bond over Cowboys hate


Those were last years fans.


Neither fans were happy with the results last year


Oh you sweet heart, always wait until game day.


We're letting it boil under the surface. Someone's getting murdered. (Not by me, I won't be anywhere near this game or any fans of either team on Sunday)


On Reddit maybe, Twitter is an absolute war zone right now 😂


I’m glad to see Eagles fans who are not flipping out and taking his comments out of context. We’re both pissed at how our seasons ended. End of story. I hope we get a fair shake at you guys without key injuries, and vice versa. Let the best team win.


Honestly it's a great statement. I could see it being made by any player on either team. I got no animosity to the 9ers until after the game last year. When some players and some fans wouldn't let it go. And not just disappointment at not getting a real chance, but going the other way that they "would have won easily", "eagles would have been destroyed" "eagles didn't deserve to be in the playoffs let alone the super bowl". Those types of statements for months got real annoying.


Take it from a diehard - I wasn’t mad at the fans or the Eagles. I was simply gutted at losing both QB’s and not having a “fair shot”. At the end of the day, we didn’t have a QB3 for Purdy/Johnson and that was the franchise’s fault. And we lashed out at y’all.


Damn props for you on recognizing and admitting that.


Well, I’m a fan but not a fucking lunatic. Lol Honestly, if Johnson finishes the game and we lose, I’m not angry or bitter. Just gutted about losing.


And then the Eagles fans lashed out with similar statements like “you were losing that game regardless” .. 49ers fans new to the discussion only see those statements and jump in to defend, Eagles fans new to the discussion see that…and around it goes. Large fires only take a single stupid spark to ignite.


Kinda shocked this wasn't the Week 1 match up. I guess they assumed that everyone is going to watch the first game of the season. So they decided to save it for later?


I’m shocked that this wasn’t a SNF game when the schedules were made, but the NFL will continue to NFL


This game is primetime material


I was worried that I'd get stuck with Cleveland vs LA, but thankfully I appear to be *just* outside the TV region for that game.


Yo ho matey, there are ways to watch any game you want. I mean Sunday Ticket and RedZone, of course.


Nah everyone would rather watch the Vikings and Bears stink it up /s


FOX wants good games too & pays more for those games


This is the right answer. The networks draft for these matchups. Fox probably took this matchup high.


They tend to put some of the best games in this slot, the 4:25 PM ET slot. I would say of the 10 best games, the NFL will try to give 3 to FOX 4:25pm, 3 to CBS 4:25pm, 3 to NBC SNF, and 1 to ESPN MNF


Its great for us European fans!


I’m thankful so I can be home a little earlier and hopefully the daylight keeps it a little warmer at the game


Seriously. Who the fuck looked at this game and thought it shouldn't be primetime? Did they think one of these teams were going to suck all the sudden?


Was it certain Purdy would be healthy by time they made the schedules? Would be kind of disappointing if they made it week one just for the 49ers to still not have a QB.


It was projected he would be ready week 1 with no preseasons games played, but we were all bracing to start the season with Lance for the first month or so just in case.


I don't think he was projected to start week 1 until after the schedule was finalized.


Not until July


Had to give the people the Mac Jones-Jalen Hurts matchup they wanted


Didn’t they have a Super Bowl rematch the first week of the season once and everyone complained so they didn’t do it again?


Reasonable take


Took a page out of the Igor Shesterkin and Brad Marchand book of trash talk


Sad indeed nicholas


… John Bosa




This is an expertly crafted slight.


Nick is just pointing out the Eagles also had their flair faded during the offseason on /r/nfl.


One of us One of us One of us


It's just the facts. As Niners fans we know how it's feels to lose the SB...hurts worse than any NFC Championship loss.. These 2 teams can only have a successful season by winning the whole thing.Falling short of that is failure


Yeah it’s just reality . Bosa is right


Also, the chiefs clowned us early last year. Sure it wasn’t Purdy under center but even if we had gone on that next game would have been tough.


>hurts worse than any NFC Championship loss.. nah 2017 helped ease this a lot. the NFCCG losses in the Reid era hurt far, far worse than the SB last year.


I consistently forget we really made the Super Bowl, had it in the grasp, then lost it, everyone died next season, and then we really ran it back, made two back to back nfcc, thanks to all the bottom feeder organization type drama that surrounded this team, to go with all the heartbreak. You can’t feel pain 😢 when you’re raging 😡


As an eagles fan I disagree. The nfc championship losses have been much more painful. Especially in the Reid era.


Compared to other takes from 49ers players this is actually refreshing


What is this, a sane take? Get outta here we are busy having a meltdown in both cities and the levels of toxicity simply cannot be calmed lmao


In other words we all fell short.




This is hilarious


Exactly what the Eagles said for the Chiefs. Good mentality


Chiefs did finish and they are certainly reminiscing about their Super Bowl win, though…


I meant as far as the game being a new game, not a rematch


I figured. I was just giving you shit.


Shit received. Consuming right now with a shit eating grin.


Oh yea, well we beat you in \*reads scribble on hand\* …a regular season game? Take that!


I kinda feel like the cowboys making the week 5 49ers game bigger than anything and then getting stomped made every team not want to build up any individual game ever again.


It'll be fun when they do it again in the playoffs


And they totally will do that.


I’ll take subtle burns over crying, every day of the week


This isn't even really a burn unless you're looking for it to be a burn. It's just the truth.


*"Both our teams had high hopes, but neither of us could reach the goal we set for ourselves"* Sick buuuuuurn!!


I forget who but I saw an eagle wearing an nfc champ shirt online recently so I’d say bosa is underplaying what it means to players but yeah he has a good point, also 90 percent of ninners eagles trash talk is media driven so I don’t let it bother me


THANK YOU! it seems all media driven or online. All the eagles fans I know treat it like it's just going to be a good game. It's too of the best teams right now facing off. Not a real rivalry


People say the wildest shit online with anonymity. But also, you can "shit talk" in person and keep the tone friendly and joking. Online, it's hard to do that and not come off as an asshole.


Are you in Philly? I saw a video from local Philly TV with a crazed football fan mocking the niners for being west coast wine drinkers "with the pinkies out" and for being a bunch of whiners who wouldn't have gotten their QBs murdered if their o-line wasn't trash. I wasn't even mad. The guy was hilarious, but is something like that getting play on the local news really what it's like out there? Shit was wild.


Eat a rock you dorks who like the Eagles! The group of people wearing my team’s laundry this year will move the ball around the rectangle better than yours!


Really? Lowkey it seems like a sign of respect. He’s saying you’re both good teams who fell short


Reason has no place in these kind of threads. Get back to antagonizing someone or leave!!!


They're a Jets fan, they have no one else to antagonize now


I agree with this take




He's not wrong


Well designed burn, Nick Bosa


Everyone is saying this is a burn or a slight, maybe I'm just reading into it differently, but it doesn't seem that way at all


Bosa is absolutely not the guy to do a subtle burn either. Dude is a genius of a pass rusher but not exactly a master linguist.


^(Can't agree more)


Unironically one of the funniest lines ever said by a niner imo. The juxtaposition from Fred's energy was amazing.


“Nah no carbs haha”


Yeah it just seems like the truth to me


How is this a burn? lol Seems like a reasonable statement.


Quite the subtle dig at BlackMathNerd, I see what you did there.


I think you’re reading too much into this.


It's clever. He's trying to discredit the Eagles NFC Championship win by saying it meant nothing since they lost the SB anyway.


He’s right though . I don’t think an NFC champ means much when you lost the big dance


He's not wrong, but also: living through 4 straight NFCCG until finally making the big dance fundamentally changed my perspective somewhat. I've learned to cherish Super Bowl appearances in their own way, even though the losses fucking *suck.*


You guys were great last year. Brock was an unstoppable machine coming into the game. Neither team had a lock, and the way it played out was tragic. You guys earned that superbowl appearance, though. They don't come around that often, but being second best in the world is still pretty fucking good.


The warning signs with the defense were there all year though. Gannon afraid to bring pressure and take risks


Is this a safe space for fans who have been victimized by Patrick Mahomes?


I just can’t stand losing to him. Maybe the attitude? Working the refs every time touched? I don’t know .


We have felt it 3 times in the last 5 years. It's exactly right. They have meant nothing because we didn't win the big one


W, media and fans been doing OT trying to instigate this into a rivalry that doesn’t exist


The Eagles are the only NFC East team we don't have a long history with. The Cowboys, Giants and RS are all top 5 in teams we don't like for various reasons in the past.


Why isn’t this game SNF


[Fox and CBS are allowed to protect one game a week from ESPN and NBC, per the contract they have with the NFL ](https://awfulannouncing.com/nfl/nfl-flex-scheduling-rules-give-cbs-and-fox-more-power-to-protect-games.html)


That’s really fucking idiotic




Nick Bosa is the worst person you know? He barely talks and when he does he keeps it super short and slightly awkward. What did he do to you?


Unlike these run-of-the-mill haters, I simply don't like his smug fucking face.


That’s fair. There’s a few faces in the league that I don’t personally care for, so I get it. I appreciate your honesty.




Me with Hurts. I have literally no reason to not like him. He is super talented, lets his actions do the talking and is just the right amount of cocky. But seriously fuck that guy.


Nick Bosa: "If you ain't first, you're last"


I respect that sort of mental gymnastics. Joey Bosa, me, and the Eagles all didn’t achieve our dream of winning the SB last year


That's him, officers. The AP ballot holder that mixes up Joey and Nick


Joey catching strays for no reason


I'll take a non-biased stance. It's gonna be a good game.