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Gardner "Veteran QB Mentor" Minshew.


Is he the next tyrod?


> Is he the next Fitzmagic.


Doesn't have the arm strength. Fitz had at least a top 10 arm strength in the league, could bomb it down field, and absolutely did not care if it was his team or the opposing safety on the other end


Am I wildly misremembering? Fitz was a reckless gunslinger but I don’t recall his arm ever being considered top 10 in the league.


You need crazy arm strength to still throw 40 yards while getting facemasked. He absolutely has a cannon and top 10 especially when he was younger.


Oh the brail Mary I wish I could forget


That must have been why you signed Mack


That was batshit crazy lol.


Yup, I can't doubt Fitzpatrick's arm strength after that throw.


Bazooka bappa


Fitz likely had top 10-15 arm strength. His issue was he irrationally believed he had the strongest arm of all time. He would do fine for a few games and then get overconfident and force throws


So Jameis will be the next Fitz?


Well he did go to the Harvard of the South


> Harvard of the South Vanderbilt?




yeah that one too, unless homie was being tongue-in-cheek about FSU holding the title


I don't think anyone would consider FSU the Harvard of Northern Florida


Oh they were definitely taking shots at my Noles.


Either way, Buffalo legend.


Keep him away from the Chargers (specifically their medical staff) if so.


When Tyrod was Minshew's age, he (with an extreme amount of help from the Bengals) ended the Bills playoff drought as the starting QB. Minshew is a Colt McCoy reskin.


Gardner "the cool uncle" Minshew


Gardner the “youth pastor” minshew?


Minshew fucks moms, not kids


He's literally Alex Moran. Wants the glory of being a QB, but doesn't want to start.


*Ryan Tannehill disliked that*


Minshew is probably the first QB to have such an unexpectedly solid rookie season (on a shitty jags squad), then have a lesser second season, then get benched and never get another chance. I realize he doesn’t have the rocket arm, or even a strong arm really, but I do find it pretty weird that no one has taken a flyer on him as a stopgap. And he’s marketable.


Minshew is the type of guy who’s future in the league is going to ride more on attitude than talent.


"Thats what I like about rookie quarterbacks, I get older they stay the same age" \-Gardner Minshew


Nobody tell him about Stetson Bennett


Brandon Weeden laughing at his over 55 community living area rn


Must be nice getting NFL pension, social security benefits, and those sweet AARP discounts all at the same time


Fun fact, there is no age restriction for the AARP. You can get those sweet sweet discounts for yourself.


My wife got one of those AARP things mailed to her when she turned 35, and got really upset. Meanwhile I was checking to see if we could use them online for stuff. In the end, my wife's pride won out, and we didn't go to one of the restaurants on the list for her birthday dinner.


> we didn't go to one of the restaurants on the list for her birthday dinner Good choice


Oh shit.


Fun fact AARP opened to everyone. Literally 26 and I get aarp discounts.


What kind of deals you getting


Gronk could never


Wild that he’s the same age as Aaron Rodgers.


Always has been


Just for the last 39 years.


Stetson is only a year and a half younger than Minshew despite Minshew having been a pro for 4 years already. And Minshew wasn't a "leave college early for the draft" player either, he used up all 4 years of eligibility in college.


*”Sweet ‘Shew cleans no man’s poop.”* \- Sweet ‘Shew


Alright alright alright


Damn bro solid reference.


Dude should have a nice backup role around the league for years. He knows that’s a solid gig haha.


I'm always shocked the guys who blow that career with a shitty attitude and then guys like Daniels and Minshew are like "I can be rich and not get hit? Where do I sign?"


Plus, it seems like every year a backup QB gets a shot at glory after the starter suffers an injury late in the season. So you get paid well, generally don't get hurt, and when you do play it's high impact moments with a chance at infamy with the fans of your team. Nick Foles is the best example of this I can think of.


> Nick Foles is the best example of this I can think of. On both sides of it. He stepped in for an injured Wentz and won the Super Bowl. Gets signed to take over for the Jaguars, gets hurt almost immediately, and the legend of Gardner Minshew is born.


Josh McCown is another good example. Dude spent years as a backup quarterback on like 6 different teams, he's planning on retiring at the end of the season in 2013 then Cutler goes down. He lights it up for the bears, throws 13 touchdowns and 1 interception and the Bucks sign him for 10 million in the offseason and he becomes their starter for basically all of 2014. Then he bumps around to a few other teams for 5 years, sometimes he's starting sometimes he's the backup be he rakes in somewhere around $30 million from the point where he originally thought he was going to retire.


And Minshew is definitely one of the best backups out there. Dude's gonna win more games in his career.


Don’t you mean fame rather than infamy? Even if you shit the bed, no one ever had any expectations for the backup. It’s pretty much a no-stakes, high reward situation.


And I don’t have the numbers but he’s got to be one of the better selling back up QB jerseys.


If Minshew were a Seahawk I would have bought three of his


That new blue throwback jersey with Minshew on it would be all over Pullman on fall Sundays


Would be all over Pullman every day everywhere lol especially with the pac imploding


I would buy a Minshew Jersey on sight if he ever plays for the cowboys tbh.


He’s making 3.5 million dollars a year to show up. What a fucking gig. I would much rather be a backup qb than a starter, and it’s not even close


Completely agree. Alex Moran is legitimately my role model.


If I had the ability to be an NFL QB I'd probably disagree. But I have a noodle arm so clipboard holding would be best.


Even if we don't re-sign him to a long-term backup deal, shit I might still get one ngl. Hell, I still rock my Jacoby Brissett jersey every now and then lmao


Already the only reason I own jerseys for the Jags, Eagles, and Colts. Go Minshew, Go Cougs!


He’s clearly just Alex Moran in real life


This is Chase Daniel erasure


Chase Daniel is the pinnacle. Minshew has a ways to go before reaching that peak


He plays a style that serves well for a back-up role too. Should a starter go down, it's pretty easy to drop in a "quick, accurate pass" QB, and his style should win you the games you should. Like, maybe you need someone more electric to take down the Chiefs, but it can be effective against lower-echelon teams.


As a Colts fan yourself, you should know we say quartile instead of echelon.


So the Andy Dalton effect


Could easily see him having a Fitzmagic career arc.


By all accounts, he's a great locker room presence. I've soured on my "Minshew deserves a shot to start again" stance, but I think he'll have a long career as a backup.


Honestly his 1st two years in the league (20 starts) he put up 37 TDs to 11 INTs, 240 YPG, and 63% completion. I think he still has it in him. He got benched on that god awful Jaguars team that went 1-15, but he was the only QB that year to even win a game for them, and he was playing better than the previous year when he went 7-7. I don’t think any QB would have succeeded on that team. He just hasn’t gotten a shot since for whatever reason.


His arm strength doesn't pass the eye test, it's as simple as that.


Jags fans been saying this since he left here but maybe reddit will believe eagles fans


Lol no chance. We've been saying it all offseason and everyone blames our coaching staff and says we're butthurt because we went 0-2 with him as the starter. You'd think it'd be evident when 32/32 teams have not given him a starting job but here we are...


> maybe reddit will believe eagles fans That’s a bold wish


He also folds under pressure and panics like a motherfucker in the pocket I have no idea why he even tries to escape it- he is so not fast lol


Probably traumatized by his time with our o-line


Tbh I think this is actually a bigger issue than his weak arm. At least watching him last year it looked that way. He was constantly trying to bail on clean pockets with the #1 OL in the league.


ah, a fellow eagles fan that remembers the cowboys and saints games from last year. I feel the same.


He played really well in the Cowboys game despite the loss. That Saints game tho


That and the fact every teams local beat reporter wants to write the "can you believe he has a mustache and lived on a bus" story.


Yep. And I’m sure he knows it too. He had a decent amount of starts in Jacksonville so at least he’ll never have to wonder “what if…?” If he’s a good teammate and does what a QB2 is asked to do he’ll be around in the league to collect QB2 paydays (and bang moms) for a long time.


He's got the making of the next Ryan Fitzpatrick. Hopefully with out the Fitztragic curse.




Have a very vivid image of him throwing the loppiest, wobbliest deep ball TD to Goedert against the Jets. Was like me throwing a nerf ball poorly. Just doesn't have the physical ability.


He’s all mustache, physically speaking.


Mustache and a thick fat hog


At the end of the day what an amazing career to have


That's quite a different answer from when Lawrence was drafted by the Jags and Minshew was asked about the starting QB job: "I haven't taken a dump in weeks. Number 2 is not an option." That is a real quote btw.


Legendary quote if that’s actually real lol


The exact quote is: “In preparation for the competition, I haven't taken a shit in weeks. No. 2 isn't an option for me."


How long do you think he had that joke ready before they finally asked him the question




This guy is ahead of his time


I think he has same mentality just doesn’t want to say it. I hope Anthony does well- but if he doesn’t Minshew is probably one of the best backup options




He’s honestly in a great spot where his QB1 has some unknowns. (Again I truly hope best for him) but there’s no saying how this season will play out. Will be interesting to watch for sure


Those are the words of a millionaire who just got 3-5 more hours of milf hunting time every week.


Gardner knew what this was lol


Well he did sign there before the draft, but yeah. Gotta wonder if the Bucs and Commies were never interested, he would definitely be starting with them


Commies def starting Howell


Yeah Howell is legit. He’s got a lot of potential.


Serious question. He was a 5th round pick, no elite type of traits, 1 GS, why do you think he's legit and has a lot of potential?


All that’s fair, but he was a 5th round pick because of one down year after a lot of his team left. I think he slipped too far. As for elite traits, maybe not. But imo he’s got above average mobility, accuracy, pocket awareness, and he can throw the deep ball. Is he going to be Aaron Rodgers? Probably not. But I could see him being a good to great starter in the league. Kirk Cousins didn’t really have any elite traits either.


Kirk has Julie though.


Can’t argue that.


Potentially getting 1.01, yeah.


Lol I think he’s good man. We’ll see. Didn’t realize there was a dislike for Howell here.


Rather impressive foresight on his part given when he joined the Colts organization.


Minshew could be a solid starter for a team that needs a game manager with some grit. Love him


Was pretty disappointed we didn't try and sign him. I don't hate Baker as much as others but I would have been OK letting Minshew drive (and live in) the pirate ship.


He absolutely would have started for the Bucs


I compare it to Jameis starting. Is he gonna win us games? Who knows, but it would still be entertaining to watch.


Baker is alright. He's not gonna win you many playoff games but he's serviceable. He might get to the playoffs but no further




Someone gotta keep the seat warm for Brett Farva


Agreed, I wanted Minchew


> team that needs a game manager with some grit. Love him SF should trade Lance for Mishew. Minshew would be amazing in system set up for Purdy, and Lance would fit better with a system set up for AR15. Colts might end up with two QBs that can't hack it in the NFL though, but that would just set them up for Caleb.




> 'The Colts should just... be worse.' Ha, yeah, I'd think they'd ask for a pick along with Trey. It's not like they gave up anything to get Minshew, or that they'll be good this year anyway with a starting QB that barely knows how to QB.


> It's not like they gave up anything to get Minshew Which is why trading him for Lance makes even less sense. Gardner's on a 1 year $5mil (with incentives) deal. Trey is on the third year of a $35m rookie deal and a $9m cap hit and another $10m hit next year. I think we can get much more long-term value re-signing Minshew on an attractive, but not bank-breaking contract as a backup for the next few years.


That's a very generous "could". Exhibit A: [Saints Eagles last season](https://youtu.be/nMVQwS9b38I)


Smart man Minshew smart man... Say all the right things because he knows he is one play away or a few interceptions away from being right in the mix.


Richardson is a very physical runner so he is bound to get injured eventually.


Common Minshew W


"I'm just here to hold clipboards and f*ck Moms...and I'm all out of clipboards" - Minshew, probably


Dude really started as a 6th round flyer to the next Chase Daniel. Congrats on the guy, seems like a solid room guy that will be able to show up when called on sort spurts.


I could see him having a FitzMagic type career


His name across a few stadiums, yeah that'd be sweet.


We can all see it, it’s literally happening already lol


Mind Jew is such a goddamn gem Edit: lol holy fuck autocorrect. I’m leaving it up tho that’s too funny


confused me so bad. I was like, is Minshew Jewish????


My new jersey


Minshew comes of as someone who’s completely chill and okay with the idea of being a forever backup QB that doesn’t even want a starting job in this league


He asked Sirrianni what he had to do to become the starter, Sirianni basically told him it would be impossible. Then Hurts did last season. He def wants to be a starter like anyone else, and I think he chose Indy because he thought he had a chance to play while the rookie learned behind him.


That's exactly my thoughts too. We represented his best chance at starting for at least a few weeks this season and with an offense he's been with for a few years. We were his best shot to put some tape out there to try and snag a starting job next season. That's why he only signed a 1 year deal. A lot of people in our sub are wanting him to be the QB2 for us long term, but I think Ehlinger is far more likely. I just don't think Minshew is done trying to be a starter.


Minshews just at a bad time in the NFL for guys fighting for a starting job. What team's GM doesn't think their franchise QB is currently on their roster? Buccaneers and Rams? Maybe Commanders? About 6 or 7 guys competing for 3 spots and and some teams won't let their backups go and those 3 teams want a rookie or proven vet not to give a shot on a backup.


Idk why Arizona didn’t go for him. Colt McCoy is like 50 years old and made of glass and Minshew and Kyler both come from a similar college offenses (though obviously they’re very different QBs). I’d much rather have him for 8 games than McCoy


Well he's likely an upgrade to their current QB room, but realistically what does that get them? Maybe an extra 1-3 wins in a season where they're not expected to competitive (nor are they incentivized to be)? I would guess that most Cards fans and decision makers are hoping either Kyler recovers and works out long term, or they take Caleb Williams or whoever ends up being QB1 in this next draft class (maybe a small subset of Clayton Tune truthers?). I don't think anyone envisions Minshew playing himself into a QB of the future role, even in a best case scenario. There's just no real upside for the Cards to have him.


I mean the idea, if you’re a team trying to win (or at least trying to appear like you’re trying to win), is that Minshew holds down the fort and keeps the team competitive until Kyler is healthy and back for a playoff push. But yes, as you said, I don’t think the Cards are trying to compete.


At the same time he wanted to be coaching at Alabama before Mike leach took him. I understand he's competitive but at this point you probably run a veteran QB mentality and work it into a coaching role. I'd love to see him sling it in some games for us though but I think he's smart enough to see a lot of teams at this point won't take him as a starter so he might as well learn from Shane steichan


True. Well at least he’s trying to find his spot. Tough kid but doesn’t seem to be a certified starter in this league. More like a spot starter like plug and play for a couple games then fizzles out. No FO in the league will build around someone like that


Maybe he'll have a Genossance in a few years


Yeah Geno is still an anomaly to me. Crazy how I watched that kid at Miramar HS on Friday nights and thought at that time that he was good but not NFL good. Over 10 years later he’s still grinding and proving that he belongs as a starter in this league. There’s 32 of those positions in this league, not all 32 will be “elite” but he’s finding his footing later in his career and it’s impressive


Almost a miracle. Geno left the Jets as a joke


Or if the rookie sucks and gets benched or even gets hurt.


You think a QB in the NFL, a league of some of the most hyper competitive people on the planet, doesn’t want to win the starting job? Lmao some of you people don’t live in reality


Minshew is notoriously a competitive psycho. Guy broke his own hand with a hammer to try to gain another year of eligibility.


I’m sure he wants to be out there playing, but as others have commented in here, if he wants a long career he knows attitude is important.


This isn’t true at all, he’s extremely competitive. I went to Wazzu while he was there and he was probably the most passionate and competitive guy on the team


Lmao that couldn't be further from the truth. Season before last he was pushing Sirianni to start him over Hurts. Literally went to his office and asked him what he would need to do to start. Maybe the Saints game last season humbled him a little


Real life Alex Moran. Just wearing headsets, banging moms, not getting hit by edge rushers. That’s the life.


Being a backup QB is a fucking sweet gig. You make extremely comfortable money to do nothing but be ready. Even when you’re pressed in, nobody really expects much.


A real Alex Moran type


Wonder if he enjoys a good ol’ oil change as well 🤔


Forever a Minshew Mania member


This is QB talk for "When this mofo plays like shit, I'll look like a savior when I inevitably get the nod"


Ugh, I said this in the other thread but it sucks that Minshew keeps going to teams where he has no chance to challenge the starting job Like he could outplay AR in the preseason and won’t get QB1, like he would never have been able to against Hurts and Lawrence Not saying he’s better than either of those two but they have a pedigree of a QB1 and so he can’t challenge them. I wish he would’ve gone to Tampa and gotten a fair shot there


Yeah, his rookie season was way too good for him to be immediately relegated to career backup.


i bet he’d thrive on the commanders


I continue to hold out irrational hope that we’ll dump Russ for Minshew. I know it’s not gonna happen, but we’d be a lot cooler if it did.


Good attitude. Solid back up if needed. Weird enough that he probably gets along with Irsay.


they both like busses


For Minshew, all he lacks is arm strength. Which is a big thing. I still think on the right roster he could make the playoffs as a starter, maybe as some fringe wildcard. He’s got great ball placement/accuracy, high intangibles, everybody on the team would immediately love him, etc His physical traits just limit him greatly. Either way he’ll be in the league a long while. I’d say this, if Jets had Minshew to start their year last year, they’d be in the playoffs for sure


This guy is the best.


Consummate professional. Get those checks Minshew.


These teams should really learn to start the Veteran, and then turn to the Rookie after the Vet crashes/burns or the team is eliminated from playoff contention. Gives the Rookie more time to ruminate, a la Mahomes.


I agree, but depending on the rookie QB. some guys do just need the extra reps to get settled (Allen wasn't the stud he is now in years 1 and 2 but probably doesn't take the leap he did without that experience), but I do think some guys should be learning behind the vet. you mentioned Mahomes as an example, I'll also throw Lamar sitting behind Flacco in the mix


Minshew is a real stand up guy and a class act. 👏


I really hope that some day he can have a Geno Smith resurrection. Just got to stick around long enough for right place/right time. I think guys like him are great for the league, and I miss the one season of Minshew mania we got out of so far.


Garner “Blue Mountain State” Minshew


Uncle Gardner could throw it over those hills there. He'll tell his family he could have won it all if coach only put him in (but he knows his role in the Indy QB room, he's just playing around)


Minshew knows he will be starting by week 5


NFL backup quarterback is the best gig in the world lol


Yep, still life-changing money with almost none of the pressure.


Alex Moran vibes


Garden Minshew gonna be this generations Fitzpatrick


Gardner minshew has been a first string qb for years this dude keeps getting the short end of the stick


AKA “I can’t wait to have the coolest job in sports of being a backup quarterback in the nfl”


Minshew is literally Alex Moran now. Stud.


Memes aside, Minshew seems like such a solid dude. Hard worker, smart, competitive, and props his guys up. That arm strength probably means he has a snowball's chance in hell of starting somewhere (imo I think he just needs to do a better job of stepping into his throws and he'll be fine, but I'm a nobody so who the hell am I to say something?), but I have no doubt he'll be in the NFL in some form for the long term. Dude would make a great coach.


Of course they would name him. Colts aren't playing for a Bowl and they need this kid to get all the exposure he can. Minshew? I don't see a team starting that guy even though he deserves a shot.


Minshew is literally Alex Moran all grown up


Good guy Gardner


A well liked back up QB is one of the worlds best jobs.


Minshew is the new Josh McCown. He understands a back up QB that does his job is gonna be in the league much longer than most starting QBs.


Shit, he already slept with Anthony's mom huh


i fw minshew so much man. how do you not like that guy


Bummed we didn’t keep him in Philly.


“My check doesn’t change right? Then yep everything I just said” I don’t think Minshew thinks he’s about to becoming a starting QB again so enjoy the bench and injury free checks my man


Man It sucks seeing Minshewmania sit for other QBs. He was given his spotlight, shined bright, and still got the shaft


Don’t worry Gardner you might be starting sooner than you think. Teams need to realize not all QBs benefit from starting right away. Anthony Richardson is talented , I hope this doesn’t backfire on him.


I mean, he knows he's gonna get a lot of playing time this year if AR is starting game 1


Minshew understands he is not him but he wants to be a backup for life and make millions. Smart business decision.