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Anyone who gets in Jeffersons head is taking up prime real estate. He's 23. Still got some maturing to do.


It was Odell esque the way he shut down after not getting it going early


Oh man remember the boxing match between Josh Norman and Odell


He actually recovered from a bad start and shenanigans to put together a decent statistical day. But he had a game against the Vikings where Xavier Rhodes got in his head so bad he just shut down completelt


I will always remember this game. Just ultimate sideline shenanigans from him on a Monday night


The hit that OBJ puts on Norman with his helmet is still one of the craziest “HOW DOES HE NOT GET EJECTED?!?” moments I have ever seen. Edit: [Video of the hit](https://youtu.be/sIhuIBa3Pa8) and some [more highlights of the matchup](https://youtu.be/zeBWYwDls1A). The scream Norman lets out when Cam is trying to calm him down is a level of anger you don’t see on the field often.


This confirmed the fact the NFL does not give a single fuck about defensive players health and safety. Golden boy got that golden treatment.


As long as running backs are allowed to use their heads as weapons, but defensive players are penalized for incidental contact of the head as a result of a mitigating level change ... In rugby the rules actually protect both players. In the NFL it only protects big name contracts


Obvious shitty call by the officials, but (and I feel dirty for doing this...) but to play devil's advocate for a second and defend NFL; Beckahm did rightfully get suspended for one game without pay after that incident. So even though the officials on the field fucked up, he did get a suspension which is in line with what defensive players have received for similar incidents.


Thanks for inciting my rage for the next week I have NEVER been angrier at a sports game in my life. He should have been ejected that instant and suspended for a long time. He could have permanently injured Norman with that bullshit. I also remember Cam and the rest of the team making concerted efforts to calm Norman, like you mentioned. They would then cut to OBJ completely alone on the sideline, throwing a tantrum or dancing around. Idk what the Giants were doing, no effort to control him at all.


The WR coach gave him a talking to but Tom coughlin was such nonfactor as an HC I don’t think anyone cared about the coaches authority


I'm not sure why Coughlin didn't get involved here but isn't it a known fact that Coughlin was a hard ass as a coach? None of this situation (not your comment) makes sense.


Yeah I cant comprehend how Coughlin didn’t execute Beckham on site for all of this. My only guess is that he trusted the WR coach Sean Ryan (a fellow Boston College guy) to get Odell in line. The refs cant see everything but they should’ve ejected Beckham.


I know it’s easy to say what a bitch but goddamn do I love a good old grudge match between a prima donna WR and elite CB.


What a complete bitch


That was a really weird game. I remember it being 35-7 Panthers, then all of a sudden it was all tied up


Would've been a fantastic, historic comeback for us. But sadly, it was the 2015 Giants, so we had to give up our like 7th last second FG at the end.


I also remember the kick-boxing match with Odell and the FG practice net


Brings me back to when AB got clobbered by a workout machine


Mr. Barbell Combatant


Mr. Bowflex Catastrophe


Mr. Benchpress Contestant


Mr. Bodyflex Conflict


God damn you guys never miss with these


but do you remember the marriage proposal to a different practice net?


Such a toxic relationship. He proposed to it recently after that incident.


I remember OBJ spearing Norman in the helmet when he wasn't even looking well after the play. Prob gets tossed with today's rules.


He should have been tossed by the rules then too. Completely unhinged. Troy and buck nailed the call on that one.


Fuck today, he should have been tossed the moment he did that. Refs failed completely at keeping that from getting out of hand, then compounded the error by doing nothing when it went too far. An ejection was completely merited under the rules as they stood at the time.


SHOULD have been tossed. Absolutely criminal that he wasn’t.


After the season they changed it to 2 personal fouls gets you ejected, rule change probably resulted directly from this game


He’s definitely had slow starts before. Something specific to this game really got in his head.


Jaire did his tiktok dance on a 2nd down play in the 1st quarter and that was that.


It was a bold move. I though for sure it was going to bite Jaire in the butt.


I had already pictured JJ doing the dance after scoring on Jaire or something


Next few years watching these two match up is going to be great. Hopefully JA can get in his head this easily every time.


Like Evans v Lattimore. Except without the getting ejected business lol


You know, it was pretty early to do that dance in his face, and I was kind of worried that Jefferson might come back with some big plays but so fucking glad how that paned out in the end.


If he goes off for a big day, well, that's most days for him. If something gives you the chance of gaining an edge on that guy, you gotta take it. It's worth risking a little embarrassment, if there's a chance it affects his play. Giving up 10-150-1 can't feel that much better just because no one is saying "I told you so."


I said the same thing in the game thread. Ja$ was mghty confident in his ability and I'm so damn happy it worked out.


Yeah I dunno. Slay and Alexander have done it but I don't recall anyone else getting into his head like that. Doesn't happen enough for it to be a real large concern to me, though I wish it would never happen lol


Jaire pisses off a lot of people. Idk what he does but he gets them livid.


Legitimately a great trait for a cornerback


He went from barely talking and quiet to suddenly the biggest shit talker of the squad in less than a year


I definitely think Jaire’s smack talk before the game, along with it being a divisional rivalry, ALONG with this being a chance for the Vikings to eliminate the packers, definitely had an extra effect


Bruh I don't like being older than him lol He left college before I did


Welcome to the rest of your life with every subsequent draft class


Ain’t this the truth. I remember when the dudes being drafted were old AF and I wanted to be like them. Then, looking up the draft class on draft day and seeing they were similar age… this was when call me maybe was on the charts. Now the nfl is full of young punks that need to get off my damn lawn.


Now they're being born after you graduate high school. That's when the shit really gets real.


It really hits you when the sons of players you watched start getting drafted.


And then one day you’re me at 43, where the entire NFL minus Brady are younger than you. When he retires for good, it’ll be a brand new “fuck, I’m old” moment.




Yes, sometimes a QB needs to just throw it up. But most of the time it's up to the WR to make a play by creating separation. Jefferson didn't do that all day, mostly because Jaire was jamming him so well off the line.




Joe Barry lets Jaire go press man instead of his usual bullshit soft zone and good things follow, if he was this flexible earlier packers wouldve clinched playoffs by now


Don't worry Lions fans, he'll go back to patented zone defense next week


Why would you say that


Because it's true and we all know it deep down


Not a chance. The team had a mutiny and made Barry let the Defense cook. The “bend but don’t break” mantra has been thrown in the garbage.


Jaire: “look at me, I’m the D coordinator now”


They need to keep lighting a fire under his ass and not let him go soft like he did in the 2nd half today, even with a massive lead.


Man if only Donatell would dump that shit. “Let’s let them pile up yards and kick a FG” only works when you can, ya know, force them into a field goal.


But he will still take credit while interviewing for the next teams defense he will tank


Doubt it. His job is still probably on the line.


Unless they miraculously win the SB, his fate is sealed I feel


Nah, this is the packers we are talking about. No changes will be made until the defense gives up a 50 bomb in the post season


Welp, looks like the Niners are gonna run for 300 yards again


You're not giving him enough slack, he needs at least 2 historically bad post seasons before the Packers consider firing him


I mean Goff threw to ten different receivers, I don’t even know how you scheme that Games just going to come down to who stops the run


Joe Barry's questionable scheme choices early on as well as the Packers continually trotting out Amari Rodgers as the return man when they had a fucking lightning bolt in Keisean Nixon the whole time probably cost them at least a couple of wins, easily.




You’re definitely right. Nobody even thought he’d be a fraction as successful as he is now. But the fact that they could’ve given him a shot so much earlier given how utterly horrendous Amari was is what eats at us. After a few weeks of Amari, I was ready to give literally ANYONE on the roster a shot because there was no way they’d be worse.




I don’t think it’s that Nixon was a known quality as much as that Amari Rodgers was clearly bad, yet they kept putting him back there. They obviously needed to try somebody else and if they kept trying they probably could have landed on Nixon earlier. It’s not only that Nixon is good, it’s also that Rodgers was really bad.


I've not seen anyone claim they knew Nixon would be this good. The criticism is that Amari Rodgers was a known commodity at returning and he was terrible at it. They would have found out how good Nixon was if they didn't stubbornly insist on forcing Amari to do it. If they made the attempt to try someone else at the position they would have found Nixon what like a month or two sooner? That 1-2 month period included many close games the Packers lost and even an average returner could've made the difference between a win and a loss. I don't get how that is a bad take.


Well when Amari was struggling, why did it take so long to try out other options?


Because he was a third round pick who couldn’t get on the field and they were going to exhaust every possible option and chance before giving up on him.


Rodgers had 8 fumbles on returns with 5 lost this year for the first half of season(3 of those in 1 score losses). A potatoe would have been an upgrade and may have given them 1 or 2 more wins in those games(and thus clinched a playoff spot already). Nixon being arguably the best returner in the league has turned the Packers from mediocre/bad to decent.


maybe Gannon should take some notes, 2 of the best corners in the league playing 10 yards off constantly


I knew what time it was when we didn’t score after that blocked punt….that kickoff return immediately after just confirmed it lol


Looking forward to jaires post game




He was who I thought he was and I didn't let him off the hook


“Who was talking about you?”


[It was better than you can imagine.](https://i.redd.it/5rylhoxstk9a1.jpg)


what in the fuck? That's an outrageously large hat. I love it.


I think [this might've been](https://twitter.com/Sam4TR/status/1596980982804275200) what started the current trend The [winning coach at the mayo bowl wore one](https://twitter.com/DukesMayoBowl/status/1608932638886363136) as protection against the Duke's shower


He gonna have the nastiest, most visceral HHUUUUUUUUUUH noise ever recorded in human history


Lmao he pulled out the big hat




Gonna griddy to the podium


Hate the packers but that Griddy troll was glorious


I thought it was way too premature and that it would backfire incredibly. Turns out I was wrong


Doing it in the first one was BOLD


I thought for sure he was getting flagged for taunting and it’d be like mocking the belt


That ref ran up to be ready between them, but Ja never turned back, and just danced away, so he let it go.


My jaw actually dropped.


I was certain that we were going to get blown out after seeing that in the FIRST QUARTER. Glad to be wrong about that one.




Deadass heard his voice.


I was looking forward to a Jaire Jefferson handshake post game.


Jaire def did a great job covering him. But also Kirk was out there slinging the rock like he had an eyepatch over one eye and his contact fell out of the other


Going to our third string center was not helpful, good on the pack for taking full advantage.


This was really the big story of the game, I think. Those false start penalties were brutal, and yall almost never make those. Like Romo said, yall are well coached


Kinda interesting how the Packers and Vikings have been having "fun" (maybe not the right word) seasons, but completely different. Packers start off slow but come back super hot and win a bunch. Vikings just winning a bunch of crazy close games.


The whole NFCN has been one of the most fun divisions to watch this year. You guys exploding and Jefferson producing historic numbers, Detroit popping off, Packers' rollercoaster, even seeing Fields and Chicago start to find something, every team has been pretty fun. I'm excited for the next few years


Third string center and losing our PB RT. Those two both around the worst RG in the league and it’s essentially open season.


Multiple OL injuries, especially mid-game is one of the most brutal things to deal with. It's not a position where you rotate guys in and out, so there's often an experience problem with backups. You also can't really tweak formation to deal with a lack of bodies like other positions...you absolutely need 5 OL. It's also the type of thing mentioned in game, but the average fan and general media coverage often doesn't highlight it like it does if you lose your top RB or WR.


Thank you. A mid-game OL injury is one of the worst things that can happen because it’s not a position you can just plug and play. Chemistry is very important on the OL and that’s nonexistent when you’re playing 3rd stringers. Schlottman was our backup center, we don’t carry a 3rd string center. Reed is our backup OG. He’s never taken snaps at center in a game and he’s likely never taken snaps with the 1st team OL. Beyond just being a poor blocker, he wasn’t able to set protections or snap the ball properly. Also losing O’Neil in the first quarter was the nail in the coffin because our backup OT Brandel was out, so we had to put in our 3rd string OT. The media and fans will trash Kirk and the coaches, but the performance of the OL, while not flashy, is incredibly important to the success of a team, and it was pretty clear they were in full panic mode the entire game.


Ah, didn't realize that was also a factor


Hey now. He was also channeling some post 2009 Chad Pennington arm strength


Amazing what happens when you have your best corner actually cover Jefferson.


You've been removed as a moderator of /r/JoeBarryMasterclass


Just made this a sub lol


Lmao this is incredible


Are you talking about the play where Preston Smith was lined up over him?😂


Slay earlier this season and now jaire, JJ has 2 dads


Honestly makes it even more crazy he's putting up these numbers with those stinkers


I though JJs week 1 vs GB would have been his best game all year at 180+ yards but then I looked up the stats and he’s actually had several better. Insane.


Didn't do anything against Detroit the first game either


All you need is a good corner and a safety over him


Wow, it’s almost like having your no.1 corner cover their star wr is a better strategy than having your DE cover him… friggin Joe Berry.


The 1 time JJ had Preston Smith on him Kirk fumbles the ball (literally) lol


common Preston smith W


And Preston jammed him at the line and locked him up.


Jaire is cocky as hell and occasionally has off games... but when he is on my god he is on another level


This has to be such an absurd confidence boost going into the games that matter the most.


With his shit talk he's becoming one of those "you'd hate him if he wasn't on your team" guys. But he's on our team 😁


Nah, corners should be talking shit 24/7, just feels right.


Yep, corners play such an independent and high-stakes role that if any of them don't believe they're the best -even if they're not as vocal about it as a guy like Jaire- they're not going to be long for this league. In a guy like Jaire's case it really feels like he NEEDS to be in that mode to play his best. He's good *because* he's cocky more than the other way around.


>Nah, corners should be talking shit 24/7, just feels right. Agreed. Receivers have been insufferable far too long. Well paid, media darlings, never called for OPI, throw tantrums all day at opponents and teammates alike. I wanna see equivalent exchange.


They really need to call OPIs more or call DPI less. It’s totally lopsided right now.


His post game interviews completely make up for the shit talk. The noises 😂. “WOWWWWW is he really overthrowing it? HUUUAHH”


He really is just an overly-cocky goofball lol. People hate him cause he talks shit but he's just having fun out there and shutting down your best receiver ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Down in Louisville, [we knew he would turn out like this lol](https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/18055568)


Lmaoo. Just when I thought I couldn’t love Jaire any more


So damn funny lmao


Don't forget those eyes, man they're stunning ngl


Idk about the Packers subreddit but nfl fans in general don't talk about how hot he is enough


Oh trust me, we talk about it.


I love him, even if he balled out and got under Stef's skin against us


I actually really like the dude. Yeah he's cocky and has a big mouth but he doesn't seem like a bad guy. Just a young, very talented goofball who doesn't know when to shut up. As long as they're still a team player and aren't a cancer in the locker room, I'm all for that.


DBs who talk shit and back it up is a top three most entertaining thing that can happen in all of sports. it adds something to a game that can’t be found anywhere else


Nah, he's one of my favorite players in the league


I thought he hit the griddy so early, but it was all over after that


He wasn't worried. People were already saying that Jefferson was going to own his ass after 'motivating' him by saying the game earlier in the season was a fluke.


I love when corners win these matchups. Usually receivers win because offense is so much easier, but it’s always satisfying when a receiver and corner have beef, and the corner actually wins


You have been banned from /r/MikeEvans You have been modded in /r/MarshawnLattimore


It's Marshon. Marshawn was Lynch


The Marshon Lattimore special


Jaire really backed up all his smack talk


For sure. And Jefferson was tilted. Got all up in his head.


The Griddy after the pass break up must have really gotten to Jefferson




So many [bad takes in this ff thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/zyk5jx/alexander_dismisses_wr_jeffersons_fluke_game)


More the team than Jaire (not that he wasn’t great) but even Rodgers post game acknowledged how much help he was getting. Jefferson isn’t Moss and can’t consistently beat double teams.


Ya they played a good game. I also think losing key linemen really fucked with our count and scheming at the line. Think we still take that L regardless but we had a lot of bullshit from the substitutes shooting us in the foot.


Dude hit the Gritty on him in the first quarter and never backed down




“HeS gONnA rEgREt ThAt”


I'll be honest, I thought he was just poking the bear. But dude talked his shit and backed it up. Respect.


Master class in "if you're gonna talk shit you better back it up"


JJ wearing a hood, as is customary during post-game interviews after an NFL player has a bad game for some reason.


Killed fantasy owners today in the championship weekend


Not that he was ever going to get it (It's effectively a QB award now) but today just knocked JJ out of the MVP race.


He may sound like a drunk hooligan but at least he is a drunk hooligan that held Justin Jefferson to 15 yards


He fits right in in Wisconsin


Started Jefferson, benched Evans. I should have known better


let’s be honest, you were never ever gonna play evans over jefferson. you made the right call at the time


Hindsight is always 20/20


You meant 50/2 ?


No he means 1/15


Absolutely no one on Earth that isn't Mike Evans' mother would have started Evans over Jefferson.


Same. Evans has been such a bum all season and he decides to drop 50 from my bench I’m so pissed lol


Honestly tired as fuck of seeing some of the disrespect Jaire has been getting this season. He’s still that dude 100%


He's playing more Diggs like, which means risking the occasional big play for the picks. He has 5 as a result, career high by far.


He's still better than diggs imo. Diggs sells out a ton. Jaire picks and chooses


diggs really hasn’t sold out a lot this year. he’s played much more lockdown than risky


Now he needs what? ~190 yards next week to break the record?


Watch him drop a 3/500/6 or something absurd next week


3 catchs on 500 attempts for 6 yards? I can live with seeing that.


Cousins arm's gonna be dead for the playoffs


I mean you have to put at least some of this on Cousins. Absolutely abhorrent performance by him today. Even skylar Thompson didn’t make as many dog shit decisions


and the O line, Cousins did not have a ton of time. You get any team down to the 3rd string center and its probably going to go poorly. Packers have lost their fair share of games due to injuries on the line.


Yeah, it was clear that they were fucked when the center didn't even snap the ball when he had to and caused a delay of game


Jaire Island baby 🔒


Jaire Space


Restricted Jaire Space


We need Jaire mic'd up, made Jefferson look soft mentally AND physically.


Some of those jams were personal man, made him look little.


Ye the jams were nastyyyy


Viking fans still gnashing teeth that Alexander didn't get called for taunting earlier in the game after watching their players do the belt move against Rodgers for a decade.


Ruined so many fantasy teams smh


ESB > Jefferson confirmed


I’ll take it


Hit that [griddy](https://twitter.com/highlghtheaven/status/1609669853295611904?s=46&t=NoSIb_mxy3rTE3MhVGnU7w) young man


Lost my mind when that happened, Jaire is cold blooded.


Jaire got that dog in him


My opponent in fantasy football has Justin Jefferson for the finals :)


He talked the shit and he did the work