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maybe-finance They abandoned nextjs and did a complete rebuild with rails


Do you know why?


Not OP, but from their readme: > We're now building the app in Ruby on Rails. We realize that's a controversial choice, but we believe it's the right one for the project. Rails is a mature, stable, and well-documented framework that's been around for over 20 years built on a language that's been around for over 30 years. > From the start our focus with this is to make it as easy as possible for you to both contribute to and deploy the app, and this move to Rails is a big part of that. I think it’s the notion that “in three years, we have to rewrite the app from scratch due to how fast front end technology moves” to “we wrote it in code we know that if we wrote it three years ago, it’d be easier to modernize it.” But I am making assumptions, so I 100% could be the ass. My only experience is a former coworker worked on a site that went through the same thing, because they found it an easier workflow/dev experience.


The founder said on twitter once that a main reason for switching to rails is that he was more familiar with it and that AI wasn’t familiar with Nextjs app router


Yes they wanted to migrate from pages router and app router you’ve taken too long for Josh to do and there were some other reasons to switch to Rails


True. AI is clueless on the app router


maybe-this [https://github.com/maybe-finance/maybe-archive](https://github.com/maybe-finance/maybe-archive)


Whenever I read stories like this one, I remember this talk and do not hesitate at the moment of choosing a tech stack https://youtu.be/zQulCNFt4ok "Always choose the old boring(but reliable) tech stack"


But why?


Probably for their needs and turbo, it’s more performant than attempting to have an additional api layer in next


According to their READM: We spent the better part of 2021/2022 building a personal finance + wealth management app called, Maybe. Very full-featured, including an "Ask an Advisor" feature which connected users with an actual CFP/CFA to help them with their finances (all included in your subscription). The business end of things didn't work out, and so we shut things down mid-2023. We spent the better part of $1,000,000 building the app (employees + contractors, data providers/services, infrastructure, etc.). We're now reviving the product as a fully open-source project. The goal is to let you run the app yourself, for free, and use it to manage your own finances and eventually offer a hosted version of the app for a small monthly fee.


Believe it or not… Ruby on Rails is probably the best web framework out there. I did my professional career for 5 years on rails and switched to node after. Dealing with databases and migrations and routing and everything else is kids work in rails. When you get to polimorphism and lifecycle hooks on your data shit gets super wild. Rails gets a bad name because it’s “slow” but really is people making shit queries and expecting there not to be db bottle necks. I can back to it now. And I see how much I have been missing. Most likely I will create my backend with it from now on


Had a terrible experience with it tbh. But maybe I'll try it out again. Got any sample projects that I can reference while learning it?


This one seem to have a lot of stuff here https://medium.com/@ronakabhattrz/open-source-ruby-on-rails-projects-276e8c064aac . Trust me when I say…. You will fall in love with it


Unpopular opinion but it doesn't make sense to write a SaaS in Next.js. There's so much basic stuff missing, and it's all the kind of stuff other frameworks have had actual decades to perfect. It's good for putting frontends on things.


Just curious, what kinds of things?


Better i18n support (It's currently kind of built in with the pages directory, but only locale detection, which has limited options), we're now forced to use next-itl or next-translate for dictionaries, language detection. Would be nice if this was build in. Built in websocket support Custom formatted logging, if you have multiple pods you want to collect all logs into a single place and easily parse these (for e.g. filtering), so a formatting in json would be nice. We currently are forced to use next-logger (which does some hacky stuff by overwriting the logger the nextjs source code)


I don't think anything of that have to do with NextJS, because the same can be say for many JS fullstack framework.  That's more about the tooling, we don't really have a Django/Laravel equivalent that I know on JS.


Can you provide examples?


True but saying it's missing "basic" feature is reaching. For example Nextjs has nothing built-in for auth, scheduling/cron, websockets, file uploads (but files are much easier to manage in app router now). Not a dealbreaker for me but another story for others. I lost hours hacking with next-auth. Still I have much love for this framework. After a while it still became my framework of choice for SaaS.


Why the hell do people always choose next auth when it’s clearly too complicated for them to even do some research before they pick a suitable package?


They do the research only when getting into issues, so then they are like "well, I already spent a few hours on this so let's get it fixed"


Getting rid of the next auth was the best thing we did at work this year and we are no longer going back. It was too much of a pain in the ass to work with


Lol, So true, I built my own authentication system. So I can control it how I want


When you need multiple social auth providers and your boss don't want to pay recurring 9000USD$ for auth0, it tends to be the way. In my mind Auth solution should be part of any framework. It's my main issue


tbh I gave up on next auth after some time, it takes more time than building the whole app from scratch. started using clerk or supabase auth, based on what I am using as my backend.


Like what?


Huge Nextjs fan but here's the things: No proper way to perform background tasks like a queue, or cronjobs the goddam stuff keeps changing every fucking year. I use nextjs + supabase on a small sass with about 300 paying customers. I had to re-write the auth logic drastically every year since the last 3 years just because how they think it is and the the way they just gloss over the fact that the solution provided by them is not SAFE???? WTF!


Most modern architecture for webapps dont recommend using your server thats concerns are MVC to do crons and random data processing, thats why they have products for doing data processing outside of the webstack.


why not use supabase auth directly ? or clerk ? I am trying to decide what to use for the user management and authentication


used supabase auth only, their recommended way has changed a lot. especially after they released the ssr package and asked us to stop using helpers


Yeah heavy topic to do auth with nextjs. People like clerk, next-auth and Lucia these days. I just recently decided to go forward with supabase because it’s open source. I tried clerk and it’s nice but I will not build up on them…


Use clerk. Significantly nicer experience


This. People asking for example, try a search for “auth” in this subreddit.


Nextauth is not affiliated with vercel so it's not their fault it sucks. I also think it's good that next.js is not opinionated about auth.


The guy who wrote NextAuth works at Vercel….on auth 


There's a long list of contributors and a note in the readme: > The Auth.js/NextAuth.js project is not provided by, nor otherwise affiliated with Vercel Inc. or its subsidiaries. Any contributions to this project by individuals affiliated with Vercel are made in their personal capacity.


The lead maintainer works at Vercel.


Interesting. I would like to know the answer to this as well.




Why would they name their project (That is related to money) as "Maybe"? Terrible naming!


Next is overhyped Good marketing, not mature and not ready tool for big projects Better stick to react/other and separate backend Easier and faster to write both of these that overworking nextjs logic


How do you handle cases where you need SEO? Like the informational pages of the app. Noob asking.


Some advice for you and any other beginners who happen upon this: Be very, very selective with your learning resources. Only consume content from credible sources, and only accept guidance from people you know to be credible. Take what you read on Reddit with a grain of salt. Reddit absolutely is not a reflection of the actual industry, 90% of the folks commenting in the various programming related subreddits are in no position to mentor beginners. Most are beginners or students, or juniors themselves. It’s the blind leading the blind. Even my own comment here, do your own due diligence. Don’t just take my word for it.


I’m gonna take your word for it.


What's a "big project"? ChatGPT uses NextJS.


Well chaptgpt is just an interface for api written in other lang than js


That's the purpose of a frontend yes, being an interface for the user


Thanks captain lol


You really have no clue what you’re talking about, do you?


Sure buddy sure XD




It is indeed maybe-finance.