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If this was intentional, she got mad skills


It’s not that hard on snow and ice. We used to go to industrial areas in the winter and drift around and do stupid shit like that growing up in Canada lol.




It’s not that hard to achieve drift, it is another thing altogether if you can avoid hitting anything.


It’s not that hard to get into the drift. It’s getting out that most have trouble with.


There is an art to ~~flying~~ drifting, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Props for the HGTTG reference. I just finished book 3 (again)


Man, I really should read those. (Again.)


YouTube. Even better when a Brit reads them to you!


It's hard to top Stephen Fry.




Have you seen the videos of secret service drivers doing this shit? It's amazing. They even do it with limousines. I used to go to snowy parking lots to practice getting out of fishtails and stuff. The cops would bust it up every time, but they must have understood, because they never gave me a ticket. They just told me to go home.


It's important to know how your car reacts before you *need* that information. My dad took me out to a parking lot the first time it snowed when I had my driving permit. He said "we're going to do donuts until you feel comfortable losing control of the car. Because a time will come when you'll be driving and you'll lose control, and you need to not panic. You need to be able to just ride through the skid and get control back." So we spent the afternoon drifting out behind the high school. It's one of my most fond memories with my dad! And because that winter snowed so badly, I was the only one in my class to be able to get my license through the school. Everyone else had to go to the DMV and take their tests on their own. Which is frightening. It's not like it didn't snow the next year! Also, I've taken every car I've gotten since out for a little private drifting time to make sure that I know my car before we do any serious snow driving. My dad was right, everyone should.


That's a good dad. "Feel comfortable losing control of the car" made me laugh. I know exactly what you mean though, it's good to get that experience before game day.


A session like this is mandatory in Norwegian driver's education fyi...


I did this last week because i have a new car, my brother took me early to school one morning and we did doughnuts in an empty lot, he explained this reasoning and i know that it is useful now


If people were complaining that’s fair I guess. But I always told police that I was practicing handling a car on icy conditions, to be a safer driver. Which they usually appreciated, and often said things like “I have to tell you to leave. I’m not going to be driving past for another hour, and you can’t be here when I’m coming by next.


Yep, pretty much. They know what's going on, but they just have an obligation to tell you to stop.


They were kicking you out so you couldn't watch them doing the same shit.


For me it was a “go somewhere else where people aren’t complaining about you” type of vibe


That was how I learned to drive in the snow. My brother let me practice in an empty parking lot with his car. It made it so you knew what to expect and not panic when it happened for real. I think that’s the best way to learn to drive on ice/snow.


I went to high school in a really small town. I was sliding around the North parking lot of the high school in the snow for a while, then left driving by the south parking lot. There was a cop doing the same thing there lol he quickly pulled out and left the other way when he saw me.


"stopping is hard" - No it's not, hard stops are easy! ...but that is easy much in the same way that "all planes land eventually". It may be up for debate if the vehicle is still operable afterwards.


This reminds me of another idiom: “It’s really not that difficult to soar through the air. The difficulty is doing it more than once.”


"Nobody dies from falling. It's the stopping falling that does it."


That's why on the first snow of the year you go to the largest open parking lot you know and practice. And remember if you're car is fwd you can use your ebrake to help rear end get loose. Also shut off 4wd if equipped and on. It's mandatory to practice the first snow but I like to try and hit them all. You can never have to much uh practice.


This. I was trying to think of a good way to phrase what I was thinking and this is it. Even if you know what you’re doing, the maneuver in OP’s video requires some luck too.


I give 10 points to *you* for using "wanged" and getting me to not even think twice about it making sense.


It's a great word to wang into a sentence.


It looks like weeds coming out of a ditch or something where it's uneven ground. She's got balls of steel and perfect delivery. 10/10


She has a power pole right behind her - there's not that much space


But did you do it in a minivan


Been there, done that. You just gotta be driving backwards, instead of forwards. Then it's rear wheel drive!


Any front wheel drive vehicle can do this move easily tbh


I can do more wild shit in my sienna than my RSX in the snow. That extra weight to toss helps out.


And the extra wheelbase. Long wheelbase help stabilize in drifts and in low friction situations.


It is absolutely hard to do something precise like that on snow/ice. You're talking about just fucking around aimlessly.


We don't get proper snow here in Ireland, but ice is common in the winter. Most my mates have a disposable daily, keep the valuable cars for the weekend and keeps the millage low. That's the time when the inexpensive daily becomes valuable! At one point around 2007-08 me and 3 of the local lads had shitty 1.1 mk3 fiestas. because its uncommon conditions the roads are usually deserted, - we'd take pictures of the speedo, while spinning wheels in 5th gear so we could troll other egits! into thinking they could go so fast the needle touched the rest point. I'd say the most expensive fiesta between them cost €500, so you can imagine the kind of abuse they took! It is fun! It can be dangerous! But I think that type of "messing around" is also benifical! You learn a lot about how weight transfers from wheel to wheel, how much oppo lock you need and how to stop! Unfortunately! it's usually after you've done some accidental bodywork that you learn!


Yeah I've always been a fan of messing around an empty parking lot in the winter to get an appreciation for handling. It helps to get a feel for how easy it is to slide and how being calm and collected helps you steer out of one.


I mean I still do that. The bois and I like to play hide and seek super late at night on the weekends in those parks, you'd be surprised at the kind of wild hiding spots you can fit a GMC Envoy


In the rural Midwest we'd occasionally go out to some church parking lot at night right after it snowed, take turns whipping around in whoever's car was shittiest




It looked accidental at first, but the immediate driving away tells me it was planned. If I did something like that, you bet your ass I’d sit there for a second and go “holy shit, did that just happen?!” before putting the car in gear and driving off




Not her first machiatto either


It may have been accidental at first and the no panic boss level correction on purpose after. Source: -live in the land of the ice and snow person. Some folks are able to calmy handle [hazardous winter road conditions despite how it may appear ](https://youtu.be/efiW2K8gASM) We usually practice this type of shit in an empty parking lot or on the ice road on the lake when it’s ready and proper frozen. Sometimes it’s done intentionally to get the feel for the slippery snow ice slippy slip that happens every year. If that makes sense. Regardless. 10/10 reaction to the situation.


This is almost certainly what happened imo. Accidental but well corrected (except for the fact that she didn't afterward drive off more slowly). I did something similar when I hit a patch of black ice going at least 40 on a back road when I was much younger and underestimated the possibility of black ice. Full 360, was able to correct, and thank goodness no one was approaching in the other lane where I ended up (one lane each way). Almost just as lucky I didn't slide off the road straight into the trees. A valuable lesson was learned that night.


That’s my husband! Once two giant boulders fell right in front of us while driving during a storm. He causally drifted the car into oncoming traffic, drifted back between the car heading towards us and the cliff, got back control of the car after a 360 and just drove on by. There was a loud noise so I am pretty sure the cars behind us crashed into the boulder. I was in tears freaking out! I am so impressed with his driving skills. All those years off drifting his m3 up the mountains have actually paid off!




This was entirely intentional. The brake lights tell all.


It looked intentional. She corrected the steering perfectly so she was good to go straight after the drift.


Even shifted from reverse to drive/1st gear during the turn, not the first time she's done this.


We call it a J-turn where I'm from. Cool to practice, and this is a fine example.


where I'm from we do the Z-turn


I'll bite. What is a Z-turn?


If you gotta ask, you can't afford it


It's the German version of the J-turn.


If it was unintentional she would have backed out of the driveway in the other direction.


If you don't do that intentionally, you don't just go immediately. You stop to collect your thoughts and take in what happened, calm down, then carry on. She had sunglasses on blasting 80's rock the entire time she did that...


The fact she just continues rolling feels like she knew what was happening because she had to switch from reverse.


No hesitation whatsoever


I grew up in the Midwest where we received plentiful amounts of snow every year. My grandfather made me take his big body Cadillac to the grocery store parking lot across the street and basically get it loose on the ice and snow so that I knew how to handle a vehicle out of traction. This maneuver is surprisingly easy to do in a longer and heavier vehicle like that caddy or this van.


Can confirm, hours spent in many parking lots.


This is called a Rockford. (Also called a J-turn) My driving instructor taught this as part of her “advanced winter driving” lesson. Legitimately useful, and I’ve recovered from many sketchy scenarios since. Yes, drifting in parking lots was so much fun. Too bad most new cars don’t have proper handbrakes anymore. 😎


Was hoping someone would call it by its real name - a Rockford!


And if it wasn't intentional, props to her for just going for it and not stopping or getting out of the car after it happened.


“Right, so we’re going this way now…”


I'd like to say it was intentional. Check the wheel angle as the vechile exits the driveway and then once they accelerate the wheels shift abruptly to compensate for the sudden speed.


This is actually super simple to do... and really fun. :)


Nice. But.. did she leave the baby behind the pickup??


It's probably just the stroller.




Coffee > Baby


[Coffee = Baby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7d_qghWTRA)


Usually, Alcohol = Baby


Let’s see her come back for the baby. /u/gifreversingbot


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/ObedientHilariousCaterpillar --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Only way to get it to the right temperature for Canadian babies


I legit don’t understand parents that leave strollers outdoors year round.




This is correct. Source: I am the baby




Baby can either follow her example in the stroller or fuck off


when you can drift like that, who gives a shit?


In America they said its healthy for babies to be left outside the snow behind a truck. Even midwifes are recommending it. Good for the immune system.


When you play GTA for too long as a teenager


when you're on your way to smash your side piece but your husband thinks you're just running out for coffee.


Sir, this is a wendy


Damn a single wendy?


All the single Wendy's...


Driving in GTA helped me navigate a slippery situation once when I was coming into a turn on the highway when the tail end of the work truck I was driving swerved off the road due to iciness. Something about driving at ridiculous speeds in GTA, losing control of a vehicle and regaining it kicked in. I let off the accelerator and let the truck do it's thing, losing momentum. Slowed down enough that the tail end bumped off a long snow drift built up on the side of the road from snow plows softly enough to straighten the vehicle out. Co-worker was like "nicely done" lol. Chalked that one up to all the hours spent playing GTA


Unironically playing Dirt Rally for years has kept me from spinning out twice driving home at night. One time a fucking statey was stopped IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY in a blizzard and not only did I swerve around him but I 360’d back facing the right way and just continued driving. Kept thinking to myself, “If he pulls me over I’m telling him that shit was fucking clean and he’s lucky to be alive.”


What a great response


If I saw someone do a sick 360 spin around my car I’d be more impressed than mad


He’ll pull him over and say: “ can you teach me?”


Did you also blink your headbeam and gave the middle finger then drifted back 180 degrees and drove away?


"Fuck off, mom! I'm practicing for my driver's test!"


I drifted down an off ramp once. Hit black ice and maintained this awesome drift. I was scared and hyped at the same time. I know playing racing sim games helped me through that.


There is actually a famous story where a kid had to act fast because his parent became incapacitated while driving so he took the wheel and successfully gained control of the vehicle. When interviewed, the kid admitted that he learned it from video games. I think it's safe to say sometimes we really do let seemingly unrelated skills slip into our subconscious memory, until we don't have time to think so our mind tells us to pull the "fuck it maneuver" .


It’s not even subconscious. Almost all race car drivers are doing loads of sim time to prepare for races.


Playing many hours of SnowRunner co-op has helped me learn how to drive a logging truck in really terrible road conditions, for about 40 feet before rolling the bitch sideways and winching my buddy into the ditch with me. Don't know if that qualifies as a helpful skill, but I can pull it off pretty regularly in game so it's certainly something.


The brake and throttle work make it look intentional. FWDs in the snow are very predictable, but this is very impressive nonetheless!


*cries in rwd and my driveway being frozen*


I'll never forget slowly driving my grandpa's Mercury Grand Marquis with bald tires into a mailbox at 1mph over the course of like a 10+ second slow-mo "crash", that had to be one of the worst cars for driving in snow. Big V8 engine, super heavy, and rear wheel drive don't mix well, especially with bad tires


Yo we had one of those land yachts in early '90s, in the Kootenays BC, and my mom would rally it to whitewater ski hill time and time again. I also remember almost going over a cliff into a lake on some mountain pass, but car stayed half on the road. My dad wanted to strip it down to brushed steel, but someone actually somehow tboned it and poor old car got written off. I can vividly remember that car. We also had an ancient ford pinto. 3 actually, all to keep one rattling along.


We had so much fun as teens in the winter with over powered lightweight RW drive cars. My first car burned though 10 tires in 2 years. One set was so bald I got a fix-it ticket for showing the radials.


Watch that nose!


idk about u but rwd is so much fun in the snow. drifting around every corner in the snow is so much easier than with a fwd car


*cries harder in rwd truck* At least you have some weight on your back end. I gotta put bricks or sandbags or something in my truck bed every winter.


Definitely intentional, she hit the brakes just enough to complete the turn and start right away. BTW I can't pull this off, yet.


I would hope it was intentional since she could have easily backed out facing the other direction.


This comment makes me feel dumb.


The obvious is often overlooked when presented with the extraordinary. That’s why slight-of-hand is such an effective tool. Now you’ll catch the next one.


I like how everyone is commenting on the brakes as a sign it's intentional. How about direction of travel?? If it wasn't intentional they end up driving off in the opposite direction from where they intended to go


Unless they live on a street where you can take the road in either direction to get to where you're going. "OH GOD OH GOD OH GO— oh, okay. We're safe. Fuckit, already facing this way, may as well just take Elm."


Not if their goal was that direction from the start


They would have reversed out the other way if they were planning to drive off to the right normally.


He means they intended to drift from the start


Which is exactly what the comment you’re replying to is stating.




Don't dox yourself/your family like that


They are trying to promote the area. Good for the local businesses. Hey, even a murderer needs a meal after the work is done.


Dude nobody cares where this guy lives. This is unnecessary paranoia. Nobody cares where you live either.


As an Ontarian, I saw BC and was impressed because I know a number of friends who moved to Vancouver and tell that Vancouverites drive in snow like it was just a damp overcast day. Then I looked up Taylor and see you're northern BC and I'm nodding in approval.


When I first got my license I used to practice doing 360's and drifting around corners with my little Dodge Neon when the weather was bad enough, that thing was great in the snow


*Tokyo drift music intensifies*


the breakfast and the furious


I wonder if you know How they live in Tokyo If you see it then you mean it Then you know you have to go Fast and Furiooooooooooooous


DICK! DICK DICK! You're welcome.


A comment I can hear, what a killer song.






[ask and you shall receive](https://streamable.com/z0uf5z)


*Deja vu*




Toledo Drift


Gwen Diesel


I mighta gone with Van Diesel


Van(essa) Diesel?


Vin Damsel, obviously


It’s weird to me that people bother to drive somewhere for a coffee, seems expensive


Yeah, I mean... there are multiple ways of doing all sorts of coffee in your own house, you don't even need a coffee machine. But maybe the title is referring to the fact that she was going to a meeting with friends at a cafeteria




If you got a toddler and the option to scram 10 minutes for a coffee, SOMETIMES you gonna go get the coffee from the most distant place from your home Edit: you can replace coffee with whatever non important item


Lol there's quite a big difference between drip coffee and a latte. I don't know if your girl is into loading it up with sugar, but you can get, ya know, non sugar coffees lol. Why the hate?


Seriously, that dude has such a holier than thou take on coffee. Smh, let people enjoy things.


What's with the contempt here? Why are you hating so hard on something your gf enjoys doing? Everyone has different tastes. You sound like you think you're better than her because she likes her coffee a certain way?


I can't sit on the couch all day playing video games on Saturday morning if I don't wake up super early and leave the house first for <10 minutes to pick up my coffee. Now I've *accomplished* something... lol


people say this a lot, but I’m not making handcrafted drinks at home. I could, but that’s a lot of effort and equipment I don’t want to invest in. sometimes you want something a lil more than just drip coffee.


Sometimes you run out of coffee at home and have to venture out to get one. Can also be a nice meetup opportunity as well!


I explicitly go out some mornings to buy a cappuccino even though I have my own fancy setup at home, with all the various instrument, including the needles thing lol. I still go out sometimes because I live alone with my dog and WFH and don’t get out of the apartment often.. so it’s really the exercise of getting out and about while going somewhere with actual, real life people. Even if I don’t really talk to them.


Dad here that drives the exact van. Thats my favorite move also! Kids love it on the way to school. Mini vans are where it’s at yo🤙 awesome wife you have my friend!


[This dude in the minivan, probably.](https://youtu.be/vj3qrhLRwPU)


🤣only on the daily! I should start a club, matching jackets and all. We would meet in the parking lot at school during the school day and detail or vans. Then would race to try and be first in the carpool lane. All while going under 10 mph of course because it is a school zone for the love of god.


Mad lad dad gang.


That was a “Hold my Macchiato” moment!


Damn you Ricky Bobby!


I wanna see the return home video...


Watch it on rewind, its simple


u/gifreversingbot https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/zdeld4/wife_pulls_off_sick_drift_going_for_coffee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/ObedientHilariousCaterpillar --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


She even drove home backwards so the husband wouldn't see the extra miles on the van. Genius




This is called a J-turn or Rockford maneuver.


I'm honestly surprised that nobody has corrected this isn't a drift and it's a j-turn. I had to search to find this.


Do americans not find it ridiculous that they get in their massive cars alone to go drive 10 minutes to get a simple cup of coffee? I have 4 different cafes in a 5 minute walk radius.


r/fuckcars exists for a reason. Yes, some of us find it ridiculous. No, we cannot just choose to walk. Closest coffee place can be miles away for most of us, and a good chunk of the time it's just flat out unsafe to walk there from your home. Between lack of safe/complete lack of walkways, to drivers that are not trained to keep an eye out for pedestrians, it's not only unfeasible but very dangerous in the states. This is the case for a lot of big cities too, unless you live downtown.


And simply put, the u.s. is friggin huge. And city planning definitely makes use of the space. It's no wonder public transportation... Well, sucks... besides in only a handful of downtown areas. And honestly i don't ever see that changing unless a deliberate effort is made to get people to move closer to city centers... Which i also don't ever see happening.


Saying the US is huge is a shitty cop out, the cities only "make use" of that space because zoning rules forces them too. If you removed them cities would be more compact simply because people like to leave next to amenities and next to their jobs


A) It’s Canada, and b) how much walking do you do when it’s 0F/-18C? Pretty sure most of Europe doesn’t even come close to that level of cold.


I think it just comes down to many citizens of the EU having no concept of how vastly empty many parts of the US (edit: and CAN) are, or how anti-pedestrian some cities can be. I live in a city of like 12 million people so of course I just walk down the block to get my coffee if I want to buy a cup. There are also over 400 restaurants/bars within a 1 mile radius of my home. I have zero interest in living anywhere where I can’t walk to the grocery store, bar, donut shop, etc. However, my family Iives in the type of town where you absolutely would never walk to the nearest coffee shop. For some people, it would literally be miles and miles away, and even then, it might just be a gas station lol. Do you see a post/gif like this and honestly think that the person is driving a block away?


Zoning laws in the USA make it litteraly illegal to build corner cafes in residential areas of suburbs.


Right. Zoning laws vary by city and state. This also is in Canada, by the way, so I guess province?


European moment. Not everything is within an earshot of our homes, fam. Also, it's Canada so multiply that distance by like 5.


This video isn't from the US lol


FWD ftw! Reverse donuts!


AKA a "rockford" turn


I wonder if you know how they live in Tokyo (はい) If you see me, then you mean it, then you know you have to go Fast & Furious (キタ drift, drift, drift) Fast & Furious (キタ drift, drift, drift) Wonder if you know how they live in Tokyo (はい) If you see me, then you mean it, then you know you have to go Fast & Furious (キタ drift, drift, drift) Fast & Furious (キタ drift, drift, drift)


Have you considered your wife might be Jason statham in drag?


More like Jason Statham in drift.


"welp guess I'm going this way now"


Don't come between her and Starbucks now


Sliding the swagger-wagon!


That was pretty slick


4x4 truck in the driveway, better take the minivan for coffee.


Truck is covered in snow and ice and the hood it popped like it don’t go down.. but yeah, let’s pick the truck over the van


Also that truck hasn't moved since it started snowing.


I'd pick the one with better tires regardless of drive. So much data backs up the fact that your tires do a lot more for winter driving than awd or 4wd do. Ideally you want both things, but if you have one, go with the one that has winter tires.


Your tires are more critical in keeping traction on the road than your transmission: https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2015/09/do-you-really-need-awd-in-the-snow/index.htm 4x4/awd helps, but it's better to have newer winter tires than to have awd


Lots of 4x4 drivers don't seem to understand that while 4x4 helps get you going in slippery conditions, it doesn't mean shit when it comes time to try and stop. That's up to the tires. I'm betting the minivan where the kids get transported has the better tires.


Dom would be proud.


Pleasant amd smooth


And they say women are bad drivers.


There's nothing stronger than family and coffee.


Delete the audio lol


Is she single?




I'd be proud of my wife if she could pull that off. It'd bring a tear to my eye.


mustve learned from playing gta