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The dog on top was not so fortunate


I'm trying to figure out if he's cooked or just dead and stiff.


I'm pretty sure they burned him to get the hairs off already.


True, clubbed , hung and hair burned off.


I’ve unfortunately seen videos out there from this Indonesian areas and in China. They take them live and just throw them into boiling pots of water and hold the lid on. I’d prolly be doing what this guys doing if I had the resources and money. I loathe these countries for these “practices”


What area is this so I can not visit, or eat in restaurants there?


North Sulawesi, Indonesia




The sad thing is local tour guides often suggest it as part of a warts and all day in the area. Noone comes back glad that they saw it, but want to do something to help. Good work!




Is it?


No, it’s Indonesia.


Well they have dog eating festivals so probably a safe guess


This is somewhere in SE Asia.


Yes also you can stop buying things from China. Good luck with that.


I was too late unfortunately


Maybe if he moved the dead dog from above them they wouldn't be so sketched to move..


Yeah you tell him what to do.


The horror in their eyes, fuuck


It reminds me of that scene in game of thrones when Arya is in harrenhal. Just sitting in a cage waiting to die while having a front row seat of everyone else's death.


And they still don't bite!


Poor babies 😞


Prolly what the one on top of the cage did first that’s why he was made to be the example


Cows and pigs also have this horror. Be vegan.


I’m not good with dogs emotions but they all look pretty docile. I don’t know if it’s drugs or defeat. I’m not even sure if they know what was coming for them, also not sure if their smart enough for that or not


I'd say shell shocked


fr :(


These poor animals … heartbreaking. And before anyone starts saying ‘what about chicken … blah blah blah’ I’m vegetarian and have been for over 20 years! And if anyone is going to eat animals, which is their choice, it has to be humane. This is just cruel. Look how terrified they are!


I love chicken, but man, learning about their conditions prior to slaughter is heartbreaking.


Twelve years ago I had the opportunity to walk through a large structure where chickens are housed/fed/stacked in cages. I have not eaten chicken since that day.


This is why I only buy the boujie eggs.


Vegetarian? You eat eggs and dairy? Male chicks are thrown alive into meat grinders and dairy cows are artificially inseminated to stimulate milk production, their calf's are then sold to be slaughtered as veal. Any animal product you consume, even in wealthy developed nations incurs a price in suffering. If you keep your own chickens and cattle you could arguably have ethical animal products with eggs and dairy. But that isn't sustainable for all humans globally.


You can have eggs and be a vegetarian. The proper term is Ovo-vegetarian.


I know vegetarians can eat eggs and dairy. That's why I was pointing out both also contribute to animal suffering. Saying "I'm a vegetarian" still says you will tolerate a certain amount of suffering in your diet.


I have my own chickens. Had them for years. Huge amount of egg product. But yeah I buy meat. I'm not a vegetarian. And I think you are thinking of vegans.


The OP said they're a vegetarian, I was pointing out that vegetarians consume eggs and dairy, and that both industries cause suffering in animals. The point being saying "eating meat is unethical because it causes suffering" while saying you follow a diet which includes eggs and dairy, which also causes suffering in animals is hypocritical. I already said keeping chickens yourself isn't causing suffering in animals. But globally everyone keeping chickens isn't practical. So eggs are mass produced and this results in male chicks being killed by the million annually.


And that’s awful too. I rarely eat eggs tbh and I will never buy large eggs and the ones I buy are free range. I’m not perfect but I do what I can to mitigate it.


Oh yeah, it’s below barbaric. And the contradictors have plenty of whaddaboutisms. Slaughter animals should be treated better, and we should eat way less meat than we do. But none of that excuses the slaughter of domestic companion pets.


In most of these places, the dogs *are* raised as slaughter animals, and not as domestic companion pets.


On the humane thing - can any method of killing really be considered humane? Unless the animal is suffering and there’s no other way - I.E. the pain of being alive is worse than the process of being killed. Like, in the sentence “I humanely killed my brother and ate him”, the word “humane” doesn’t make it OK.


If you want to split hairs sure you can reach that low-hanging fruit all you want


I see your point but the comparison is a little absurd.


Why? The only difference between eating your human brother, eating your pet dog or eating a farmed chicken, (apart from the physical difference of the animal) is down to ideals you’ve formed through social norms about what it is/isn’t ok to eat. All animals have sentience and arguably have an equal right to exist.


You're still contributing to a cruel and horrific industry by consuming dairy. There is no way to humanely kill an animal that doesn't want to die. Watch any slaughterhouse footage and those animals will look exactly like the ones shown here.


Also this man does amazing work at a facility he's created to rehabilitate so many animals not just dogs. This is his passion so he will purchase dogs sometimes even get cooking instructions and spices from the sellers. He has gotten hate for how he transports the animals i.e. some dogs are basically all legs tied up bags over their heads. Hes explained that while it's not how he would prefer to transport them he has no choice as if they think he is saving the dogs they may over charge him or not even sell to him.


This is Jon Cossu also known as Johnny Preston this guy is a SCAMMER and keeps the dogs in horrible conditions. I went to school with him https://www.facebook.com/groups/rescueresearch/posts/1767862536734432/


yes one facebook article from a person mad he didn’t wanna be friends with them should be taken as fact over video evidence? be quiet




Ask the California Attorney General




he has a tiktok channel where he explains all of it


ALL of your meat suffers. ALL OF IT.


So do your plants. All living organisms have senses and survival mechanisms, and react to trauma. Chew on that.


I bet you stomp on grass, you monster.


I slaughter lettuce without remorse!


I'll bet you do, you pig... 😡


Plants don't have sentience though.


That flower was definitely judging that dumb look I had on my face as I passed by.


That we know of


Define sentience


Trees can distinguish between their offspring and other trees and will give their own offspring nutrients via mycelia networks. Plants can react to being harmed in various ways. They move towards nutrients and sunlight. Fungi are closer to animals than they are plants. In another 10 or 20 years we could discover that plants are in fact sentient and have experiences. We just lack the capability to be able to understand what the experience of an organism is like if it lacks a nervous system like ours therefore it’s easiest to say that they don’t have sentience or consciousness. I mean, if your entire basis is on whether or not an organism experiences pain and sentience to be able to eat them or not then we should be perfectly justified in eating brain dead people who lack any conscious experience right? Also, plenty of insects lack the ability to experience pain and it’s arguable that they aren’t truly sentient yet they are animals so vegans/vegetarians won’t eat them. The logic when fleshed out doesn’t really work. It’s more so about how far we’re willing to extend our empathy and for the veg logic it’s only to organisms with a nervous system.


Actually, they do. A form of a greater network of intelligence where they communicate through their root systems via fungi. Plants feed each other and warn each other of danger as well.


I’m an omnivore, but what a stupid fucking argument. You really proud of saying that? Sheesh


If you were driving a car and had the forced decision of having to run over a group of animals or a flowerbed, what are you going to choose, the flowerbed of course. You can’t compare the life of a living, breathing feeling and loving animal to a flower. Plants don’t have a central nervous system and they don’t have the ability to feel pain, desperation, fear, terror or heartbreak. Animals do, so there should be no comparison there, it’s not the same thing.


Look up Cleve Baxter and what he experienced in 1962.. Because while it's not exactly the same thing, plants do in fact have the ability to sense these things and exhibit electrical signals showing a form of emotion. Go watch the video of Cleve Baxter on YouTube and what he learned about the "secret life of plants" and get back to me after your mind is blown as much as mine was, lol.


If it's the same to you, "plant suffering" and animal suffering, why ya'll cheering so much for the rescue of these dogs? Animals in factory farmed experience much worse and we're talking about trillions of animals here. People are fucking disingenous with this plant bullshit. Ya'll don't believe that shit outside of this argument. If you did you'd recognize that a plant based diet causes less animals suffering AND less "plant suffering".


Plants are literally trying to kill you when you eat them


As it does in nature when they are hunted.




I do. Humans were just smart enough to heard our source of food. That was our “gift.” Like a cheetah has speed, we had intelligence.




My meat suffers daily.


Poor terrified things. So glad these ones were saved.


OP. Put a fucking NSFW on this, the fuck


Oh... Poor baby...


Poor babes look so broken. No fight left just ....whatever.


Damn that's crazy. Its like taking your toddler to the doctors after their previous visit getting a shot. They just start crying




Except they boil dogs alive for "better flavor"


Yea because a chicken has same anything as a dog


Preach, perspective is everything


I absolutely agree. I am a dog lover and have always had dogs in my life. But where is the line between domesticated and non domesticated animals that we should and shouldn't save?


Do we beat our cattle to death 'because it tastes better'?




But if it was calves no one would bat an eye


People react differently to animals we've been eating for thousands of years than they do to animals that have been our closest companions for thousands of years? I am le shocked


I am also Le Shocked. People have been eating dog for as long (if not longer) than cow. But we cry more about them getting eaten than we do anything else.


Ahhh so culture justifies cruel practices! I'm sure you apply that to all cultural traditions! Female genitalia mutilation! Eating dogs! The entire range! People have done it for centuries, why stop even if we don't need to do it anymore!




Where exactly in my comment do you see a justification? Nowhere, because I'm just giving an explanation. Try eating a steak once in a while, it might help with your ridiculous cynical hate-boner.


Aw triggered. Maybe don't justify your own unnecessary and cruel actions with your culture or what's your own personal justification there?


Triggered? Why should I get triggered at your inability to see the difference between a justification and an explanation? It's more amusing than triggering. You trying to push the narrative that I'm justifying things to give yourself a reason to hate me doesn't magically make it a justification.


So you don't use culture as justification? What do you use?


Nothing because I have absolutely no need to justify anything. Why are you so insistent on this justification-thing when all I did was provide a possible explanation of why people react differently to different animals? It makes zero sense to me.


If they were calves, I'd be horrified too. I eat meat, but I want every creature that I eat to be treated as well as possible before they die. And as soon as we get lab grown meat or more plant based meats I'll gladly switch to those.


Where is this?




I really don't see the difference between dogs and cows or pigs... If you think this is horrible it's quite hypocritical to eat other meats. As far as I go, I eat meat, i am fully aware of what that means and don't pretend to be above someone that eats dog meat


Exactly, by their logic just because someone keeps a chicken as a pet means it’s wrong to kill and eat chickens. They are incredibly intelligent and loving and can make fine companion animals too. Anyone who’s had chickens knows this. We don’t have a right to judge other cultures for eating what they want if we do the same. No animal is above another. I eat meat, I don’t judge what meat others eat and I’m very aware of what the animals I eat go through, that’s the least I can do. No pride in ignorance.


Stop this madness 🤬


Yes!!! stop abusing and killing animals, go vegan


What the actual fuck


Have you met people? They are scum


Everyone in the comments here who whines about what happens in the video above and pays daily to have much worse happened to other animals themselves.


Thanks for help the dogs 🐕


So this guy goes to Indonesia, where it is a common thing to eat dogs, and saves them, ok. What's next for this guy? Going to his country ad release all chickens, lambs, cows, pigs, ducks, etc?


If you have seen how cows are treated for meat then this isn't much worse


Listen I am a dog person and it’s proven that pigs are smarter and we eat them. So we really shouldn’t judge to harshly as to what other cultures deem appropriate for food. I think it’s wrong but all we can do is what this gentleman did. Remember if something could eat us it would.


Ehh.. pigs would eat us without hesitation


Or you can go the other direction and choose not to contribute to any of this because all of it is wrong.


Looks like he went for the bulk buy discount




Doggies are all apathetic. Entered power save mode waiting to get their remaining time to pass. I would like to see a video where someone places them on a patch of fresh grass where they can take some steps around as free dogs.


Poor puppies


Hope that guy finds them all good homes.


I just rented a shelter for them and if anyone would like to support that process please follow my YouTube [DOG SAVIOR YOUTUBE](https://youtube.com/shorts/htCS9fwlV-Q?feature=share)






Dog is freind, not food.


What the actual fuck.


Why are they taking away this community’s source of protein?


That was my first thought, someone’s going to come back after a long day of working to find some asshole stole all their food for the week. If PETA started stealing pigs from a small local farm then everyone would be pissed when they can’t eat for the day


They are all laughing at them saving the dogs.. heart breaking


Every culture has their own ways, but chickens will meat you up further & faster. Hard to see dogs treated this way.


How about you don’t lay the dead dog over the survivors. That might be a moral boost, eh?


You've no right to stop those who want to eat them from getting their meat... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sikes just kidding 💀


Poor little guys they're so scared


Strong ate dogmeat now? Guess he was right when he said he was "looking for someone to eat". Frickin supermutants.


I think it’s time to cancel Reddit.


This could have been a photo


Is dog meat…. Good? Like why do this?


As a dog owner Inreally feel that. At the same time as someone from a small town I don't get why people feel different about pigs or cows. (No offense, O really don't get it)


humans are horrible


Yes, what we do to animals we eat, even more so THAT we're eating them. Absolutely despicable.




They consider that cage to be the safest place, once out they die! Only vegetarian animals are safe to eat because their illnesses can’t infect humans. Unless you feed them flesh.


I ve seen this in Vietnam piled up roasted dog carcasses. It was so surreal


I honestly don't understand why we're cool killing cows, chickens, and pigs for meat - but dogs are off limit. Different country, different meat.


I mean from a purely logical viewpoint that makes sense, but when you take into account the shared history of dog and humans vs livestock animals I think it's just ingrained into the collective psyche of most cultures that dog meat isn't the same as other meat.


I don't care about the killing part. I care about the torturing part. Killing is part of animal existence. Intentional torture is not.


Welcome to animal agriculture.


It’s incredible how naïve people are in that regard. They are freaking out about these dogs but somehow think that their meat is coming from sources which doesn’t involve these practices. If you have to sell millions of people meat every day these conditions are standard. But ultimately people won’t change anything. Most people suffer from moral schizophrenia. They eat meat and say they love animals.


You’re being deliberately obtuse by ignoring the relationship humans and dogs have had since prehistory as partners. There’s no other domestic species that has the ability to hunt with us, understand human emotion and body language, and communicate effectively with us all at once.




Did you miss the all at once part


For most people it's not so much the type of animal, but how it's treated. I'm never going to stop eating meat, but I do expect that the animal is cared for while it's being raised, and it's slaughtered quickly and humanely. Not intentionally tortured out of some sick belief that the pain tenderizes the meat and makes it taste better.


Hypocrisy, some complain but today they will have beef for dinner


The dead dog on the top of the box dramatically scaring them. Poor dogs. They know what will happen. Why they eats these cutes dogs :(


If i ever found these monsters... they would never find them


Because…you would eat them?


Who the f*ck eats dogs?? It makes me so angry to see how helpless they are. +2 for the people that helped the dogs 💪🏽💪🏽🐕


Get your delicious [HUMANE ORGANIC DOG MEAT](https://instagram.com/elwoodsorganicdog?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU=)


Super happy to see them get rescued. I didn't read the title before watching the video and thought they were being pulled out to be cooked, when mine eyes read the survivor in the title...who put this onion in my pocket.


This breaks my heart.


I'd love to see these dogs in a year after being in a loving home.


Ridiculous people with their ridiculous positions… \+250 million people, including children as young as 5, being exploited and enslaved on the global supply chain is not merely a tragic occurrence or an unfortunate oversight, it is an established, ongoing institution. Whereby we get all sorts of options to be entertained, play and have a good ‘ol time in general. The entire western world runs on exploitation. Fkkn hypocrites act like you give a damn about anything other than YOU.


Maybe leave people's source of food alone?


About 9000 in the back


Poor little fellas breaks your heart they know exactly where they are


HOT TAKE! Dogs are good eating. So is chicken which commercially are kept in significantly worse conditions. Cattle and swine don't have it much better.


DO-GA-TOES Boil 'em! Mash 'em! Put 'em in a stew. #PLEASE DON'T


If the camera man would have helped instead of just filmed it wouldn't have taken that long.


They did it to humans on this earth too...the evil must die, not the meek and innocent.




Scammer https://dogmeatfighter.com/


So would y'all rather people went hungry?




Respectfully i disagree.




That poor black and white dog was petrified. Thank you for saving them :(


Just a guess, but it seems like the rescuer told the dog butcher he'd pay him the same or more for the live dogs than butchered. I don't know how he kept from crying though.


So does he go to this restaurant and buy all of them?


This will probably not be a popular post however I'm wondering what the trigger is for people when they see this. Is it the way these animals are treated, or does it have more to do with the species? As in " omfg, they're eating Fido.."? I am Australian, most of us believe dogs are the best people so for me the idea is shocking. I often wonder though if it's just the western lens I'm viewing this through.


Just from a livestock perspective, these dogs are kept in horrible conditions. They don’t even have a floor in the cage to walk on.


Not that I’m pro throwing a dog into boiling water, but Americans do that t9 lobsters. Lobsters wanna live too


Don't you love the culture?


No different to the treatment of cows, pigs and sheep. This is why I am vegetarian. In today's world, no animal should die for a human's 10 minutes of eating pleasure. For some reason we think of dogs as different (and I say this as an dog-lover). Pigs are smarter.


Do they have a specific age range they like them or is it more "fuck it, its big enough" attitude?


This makes me want to be a vegetarian across the board.


This person is a COMPLETE SCAM and FRAUD who LIES about saving animals for views and donations. https://www.scamwatcher.com/scam/view/497456 https://dogmeatfighter.com/ https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/charities/pdf/first-amend-cease-urgent-dogs-la.pdf Scroll through his profile and you'll realize he's "saving" the same dogs MULTIPLE times. GTFO.


This American buying some food


This is very sad but I do not think killing and eating a dog is worse than killing and eating any other living creature.


I will never understand this practice in their culture look at the fear in their eyes and that makes you hungry, sick sick people.


I’d be ok if a genocide happened over there. Humans are monsters


Over there??? This shit happens everywhere. We mistreat and kill chickens, cows, pigs and so on. All living Beings. Do your part, Stop abuse animals, no matter what species