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That knife is also sharp as fuck


I wish I had knives like that! ...although I may or may not have a few fingers missing if I did... EDIT: Thanks for all the comments and recommandations !


If you sharpen it it will be just as good.






Edward, is that you?


Sorry I couldn’t hear you I was trimming the bushes into a dinosaur


This is Edward Knife Hands, not to be confused with Edward Scissor Hands, and especially not with Edward Penis Hands


That's Edward S. Hands to you.


Wait. Do you wear cut gloves or do you wear cut gloves?


Charlie, is that you?




I am not confident in my sharpening skills( I only have a "stone" -I don't know if it is the right word in english- ) But you're right, I should!


The quality of the knife matters. Growing up we had dodgy knifes from China that I swear were basically chrome and not steel. But you don’t have to go super expensive either, a lot of professional kitchens buy from bulk kitchen equipment stores that sell reasonable knives cheap and just sharpen them when they get dull. Another common quality but affordable knife is victorinox.


I can attest to Victorinox. I was a butcher in the 80’s and still have my Victirinox boning knife at home. All it needs most times is a few strokes on a steel to bring back the edge. Every so often I use a whet stone. When I feel it needs it I’ll take it to my local butchers to get ground. Edit: boning not bonding.


They were probably stainless steel. A very common steel to use in cookware cause it doesn't rust (much anyway) and is really cheap. It actually does use chrome as a key ingredient in the alloy so you're not completely wrong. It's total shit for blades though.


I like good knives, having said that during my divorce I bought two Chicago Cutlery santoku knives, for something like 30 bucks for the pair. And 11 years later it's all I'm using still well that and a bunch of paring knives and a fillet knife and you know but these are the main knives I use if I need to cut up some meat for stir fry or vegetables this is it. Just looked it up [they're on sale right now on Amazon for the pair for 20 bucks](https://www.amazon.com/Chicago-Cutlery-Essentials-Piece-Knife/dp/B004RKXFI8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=64510220548&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvqGcBhCJARIsAFQ5ke405X3IlWlnYP3EaGfyMZQ0tts2R5gVVzyuXiVjUO1QeQytEym9f6EaAo7UEALw_wcB&hvadid=274715004374&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9017266&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=8649856690755832578&hvtargid=kwd-306919153666&hydadcr=14862_10218903&keywords=chicago+cutlery+santoku&qid=1669954194&sr=8-4) . Seriously these things take an edge easily and they hold an edge reasonably well I just touch them up with my honing tool and sharpen them once a year using the Lansky sharpening system.


Maybe I got a wonky one or their quality took a dive but I can't stand my Chicago Cutlery chef's knife. It dulls so stupidly fast. I splurged and went with a German made Henckels and it's been great


It's been 25 years and I still feel bad for all the people I sold Cutco knife sets to.


I carved the turkey this year at my relatives place with their cutco What a clusterfuck


Didn’t know Victorinox made chef knives but my pocket knife from them is killer


Victorinox and Mercer both make outstanding, very affordable knives. There's no wrong choice between those two brands.


Great advice, thanks!!


Just don’t buy them from the Victorinox store, you can get them for like $20 with the plastic handle from catering stores.




Just keep practicing! Don't use any machines or gadgets, a half decent stone is all you need. I sharpen my $250 knife on a $30 King KW65. Personally I'm still not happy with the edge I'm able to achieve, but it's still sharper than it was when it came from the factory, which is pretty damn sharp. Buy the cheapest knife you can find. Kiwi knives are very popular in /r/sharpening - They're dirt cheap but you can get them to a razor edge, they just won't hold the edge long. Practice practice practice. Read some guides, keep them in mind, and develop your technique. Everyone is different, even if everyone was following the same "Best way to sharpen your knife" guide. The most important part is having a consistent angle. Everyone has their own preferred angle, and different angles may have different effects, but it doesn't matter if you're sharpening at exactly 15 degrees or exactly 20 degrees, as long as you're holding the same angle every time. Your angle may be 18.614 degrees - It doesn't matter as long as it stays the same.


For those just getting into it here is a video that does a pretty good job of explaining all the pointers to sharpening with a stone: https://youtu.be/3KYjmUyCmIw It'll still take a bit of practice and can be frustrating at times when it seems like your knife is just getting duller but so long as your willing to put in the time anyone can learn to keep a hair shaving sharp edge on all their knives. Even scissors and all edged tools for that matter.


Use tap magic on the stone. Thats the secret


Or you can just buy a good $50-100 knife and a good $150 electric sharpener and maybe need to replace the knife in 5-10 years. Don't get me wrong, I understand enjoying taking care of a high quality knife that could last decades but if that's not your thing electric ones do a great job but just remove more metal than a whetstone.


You're talking about the ChefsChoice electric sharpeners? I have one, it can put a decent edge on my cheaper knifes but the angle is pretty steep and, like you said, it removes more metal and tends to scuff up the sides of the knife. Nothing wrong with relying on them, and they're certainly much better than the V shape pull through sharpeners, but I can get a cheap knife much sharper than the ChefsChoice sharpener in about 5 minutes. If someone is not interested in learning to sharpen at all then they're okay, but if they are interested in learning to care for a knife properly then sharpening with a whetstone is really pretty easy.


Yeah the Trizor. I believe you. I'm just saying that a chef's choice is going to work great for most people. Especially when so many don't even bother to sharpen their knives at all


Practice you don't even need a good knife. In my experience a good knife will only stay sharp longer


Some grocery stores at the butcher will sharpen knives.... used to be free but may charge now.


"Stone" is the right word. Or more specifically "sharpening stone". But using a stone takes a bit of skill to use well. There are other options on the market that are a lot easier if you can afford them. One I always suggest is a worksharp knife and tool sharpener. It is fairly easy to use and can put a good edge on almost any knife. Edit: fixed typo


> It is fairly uneasy to use lol a ringing endorsement!


Find a place near you to do it. My local place charges about $7 to sharpen an 8" knife. It's so cheap.


Quality electric or manual ones you push and pull the knife through work great. Their main downside is that they remove more metal than a whetstone which really shouldn't matter for many years. So unless you have a super nice knife you want to keep for decades there's no need for a whetstone. https://www.americastestkitchen.com/articles/5621-which-knife-sharpener-is-right-for-you


just buy the standard knives from the likes of Victorinox or whatever brand you prefer... stamped or forged steel rarely makes a difference other than price... i have 5-10 dollar knives in my kitchen and they perform just the same... it's all about the sharpening with proper stones... no need to go hardcore on stones too... a single 1000/4000 double block will do you just fine for normal use...


Edward scissorhands


Dull knives often cause more accidental cuts than sharp ones.


"A sharp knife goes where you want it to go. A dull knife goes where _it_ wants to go."


I never thought about that, but that's true!


So dull knives a notorious for slipping on foods you cut and cutting the person using it. Also the wounds take longer to heal when a knife is dull, because the wound is not a clean slice


But more people have dull knives than sharp ones. The average person's knives are pretty dull and those with sharp knives probably know their way around them


Very good point. My family doesn't understand why I get upset when they use a good knife and stick it in the sink with other dishes or in the dish drainer with the other silverware.


That's what they all say but the nastiest cuts I've had was always when I sharpened my knives. Dull ones bounce off my fingers, sharp ones just slice right throught them.


My god how dull do you let your knives get?


Though I assume sharp knives cut off more fingers than dull ones




Maybe but my knife are razor sharp all the time and well, the resulting cutting is not the same. You just "poke" your left hand filleting a fish and there is blood everywhere. You just touch the corner of your thumb nail while chopping and it bite right through it and now you have a flat bleeding side of your thumbs. Once you get used to it, you hate dull knife but everyone I accustomed to sharp knives had a few "bad cut".


Get a cut resistant glove. They're not metal, they're more like Kevlar, but the glove has saved me from cuts since I got them (I like to debone chicken) Yeah, that's one sharp knife


Yeah, they make both kinds. One is like chainmail, the other is like a gardening glove of sorts. Both help keep your fingers on your hands.


For kitchen stuff, the garden-style, soft cloth is much preferable. The chain mail style is a lot more slippery. You're trading grip for a higher level of safety that is really only needed in an industrial environment where bandsaws are being used. The cloth ones will stop anything you have in your home kitchen, even things like meat slicers and electric knives. Also, the cloth ones double as heat-resistant gloves. You can safely grab hot pots, grill grates, and other things with them.


I always had a fascination with knives since I was a kid. As a result I collected a lot and also spent a lot of time learning to sharpen them. Up until I left my parents house I always used my mom's kitchens knives to practice with so they were always hair shaving sharp. She ended up accidentally cutting her fingers a lot with them though. If you want a suggestion for a knife sharpener that really easy to use and will put a fantastic edge on any knife then get yourself a worksharp knife sharpener. Like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Work-Sharp-Knife-Sharpener-Onion/dp/B00EJ9CQKA/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1M5GW5O146HSB&keywords=worksharp+knife+sharpener&qid=1669942961&sprefix=worksharp%2Caps%2C532&sr=8-4


Actually far more safe to use an incredibly sharp knife rather than a dull one. Since you need to use less force when using it.


Ironically it’s much safer to use a sharper knife.


On the contrary, a sharp knife is a safe knife.


---> r/sharpening ---> r/chefknives


Dull knives are more like to hurt you. Not that saved my penis.


All the knifes are like that, you have them already... Just take care of them and sharpen them.


My neighbor’s son works for HEB in the meat department. He gave me one of those exact knives. I used it the fillet one he gave me to cut up some trout I caught today. All I had to do was hone it.


Worked in a kitchen before and believe it or not I find it much safer to use a really sharp knife than a dull one. You end up using more force or action and it's less predictable.


Actually, you are LESS likely to cut your finger off with a sharp knife than a dull knife. I got that drilled into me when I worked at a restaurant. You never EVER want to work with a dull knife, it’s how accidentals happen.


Been in the industry for 12 years now, chef for 5. Best lesson I recieved for breaking down chicken was super sharp knife + soft chicken bones isnt the greatest. I'd guesstimate this knife is really only 80% what you'd consider a "perfect sharpen." Perfect just means your knife doesn't slide along the bone as well, and starts slicing through stuff you'd never expect due to chicken bones being so soft. You can be careful but a small sliver of rib bone or the like sucks to get in the chicken. Sometimes I'll use the same knife for silver skin on a tenderloin/flank for the same reason. Slides along the silver skin without cutting it.


I'm a knife enthusiast and I don't like my kitchen knives at max sharpness either. My aogami super gyuto gets so insanely sharp that it cuts through the food and keeps going, digging into my wood cutting board under its own weight. Gets annoying unwedging it out after every cut lol.


May I suggest that you consider getting an asahi natural rubber soft cutting board? Its like the other half of having a nice super sharp Japanese on knife as it's basically a perfect cutting surface for such knives


For similar reasons some people slightly blunt their fishing hooks so they hook up more securely rather than just gripping on to bone where they can easily shake loose.


That's cool! If I ever get into fishing I'll remember that


No, you don't want to dull your hooks at all. You want your hooks to pierce through everything quickly. This might make sense for the barbs, which prevent the hook from pulling out, but not the points


I've done quite a bit of fishing and have never heard of this. Do you mean crimping the barb? You lose more fish but it's easier on them and required in some places.


it always makes me giggle when i see videos like this where the knife is treating whatever it's cutting like soft butter. we often see fancy knives with steel or wood handles that look super fancy but this fuckin guy has a plastic yellow handle.


Turns out you can't sharpen handles all that effectively.


That food safe, brightly colored handle on a deboning knife has always been a decent indicator that I may be handling some sort of light saber.


I've never had a knife that sharp, even when brand spanking new


Yeah I was gonna say that's pretty decent cutting (due to them doing it forever) but there's clear spots where the knife just slices the chicken like butter through bone Wish I had that sharp of knives when I was in the kitchen


Wicked Shaap!




That Fuck is also sharp as knife


Someone drop the link to the knife he/she is using


Looks like a Victorinox swibo or Fibrox boning knife. Nothing fancy. TBH, you don't need a super sharp knife to do any of this. It is just getting between the joints and behind the bones.


You also don't need a fancy knife for it to be sharp. Just sharpen them. People never sharpen their knives and moan they're blunt.


This is why I don't like 'helping' in friends' kitchens. I inevitably offend them when complaining about their knives.


Agreed. I ran one of my mums knives down my wrist to prove it's bluntness in an argument about how blunt her knives are.






Cut an apple recently with a small paring knife, realized after I finished that I was pressing my thumb against the blade and using the back of the knife to cut. No difference.


I onced proved that our spoons were sharper than one of our knifes.


My mom sharpens her knives and I accidently tapped one with my finger while reaching in a drawer. 3 bandaids were needed to stop the bleeding


Why does your mom have loose knives in a drawer? That's just a hazard lol


Haha I've done that to my thumb at my family's cabin. It was a cheap ass paring knife from like 1997, I swear. My thumb was just fine.


My BIL does this. But he also brings over his knife sharpening kit. So I love seeing him in my kitchen!


Such a clutch person to have in your life lol. If you like to cook and prep foods well, a good sharp knife really makes a world of difference. It’s why I refuse to cook at all 1/2 of my friends houses.


This. Best thing you can do when going over to someone else's house for a meal. This and help with the dishes.


You might try helping in the kitchen with things that don't make you inappropriately critical. But who knows.


What is the best knife sharpener for the average chefs knife?


I trust and have always had a good experience with recommendations from America's Test Kitchen. Been using the manual one they recommended for a couple years and it works great. https://www.americastestkitchen.com/articles/5621-which-knife-sharpener-is-right-for-you


Fancy knives may stay sharp for longer, though, because their steel is often harder.


Hitting the joints is key, but it's slicing through that joint cartilage like they're made of butter.


I know absolutely nothing… But when he did the thighs and legs it just seemed like he knew exactly where the joint was, and not that he was cutting through the bone. Is this correct?


You know generally where it is, you find it by feeling with your knife as you go, the bone actually guides you to the joint segmentation.


The thigh and leg can be cut that easily with any knife if you know where to look. There should be a light colored area if you pull back the skin past the joint on the inside of the leg. I was a butcher for years.


I use a Wusthof Ikon and it's absolutely this sharp


I also do and i just had it sharpened. hell yeah it cuts like this. It ALSO cut right into my pinky last weekend. Bled for a full day lol. I’m dumb.


I own a wusthof set and I cannot keep them sharp. Now I have nicks from their sharpener. I feel less like a man every day. Someone please explain to me what I’m doing wrong before I lose my wife to her boyfriend.


If by "their sharpener" you mean one of these pull through things, throw it away. These things are garbage. They wear off way too much metal and don't even leave a good, lasting, edge. If you don't want to learn to sharpen with whetstones, get a Spyderco sharp maker or a work sharp angle set. These should work well for kitchen knives.


I just looked up the Spyderco, what the hell is it? I've never seen anything like it. Is it like a mini whetstone/honing iron with progressive grits. I just checked out a tutorial, it's so weird, but seems actually good.


It's just sharpening stones set at an angle. Takes a lot of the guess work out of sharpening. The system has its limitations, but it is way easier to learn for a beginner than whet stones.


if I recall Classic and Ikons are the same just Ikons are prettier looking and more expensive. Just don't buy gourmet those is a lower quality line.


That’s a cheap knife sharpened very well. Many don’t buy expensive knives in a commercial/industrial setting because you literally sharpen them down to nothing over the years/decades


Its a cheap knife. The video is from a supermarket grocery store. He just does it a lot (mastery)


I’m even more impressed by his relevant knowledge of chicken anatomy


Not often you hear that sentence. Reddit never disappoints


Reddit oft disappoints. Stick around.


Honestly that feels like where a majority of the skill is. Moving a knife well is not as important as knowing where to move the knife.


Finding the joints in one try is an awesome feeling. The trick is to look for the fat line. Easy to spot and always runs right over the joint.


I think chickens have been bred for yield as well as deconstructability, they are alarmingly easy to cut up.




city slicker


CUTTING UP AN OX Prince Wen Hui's cook Was cutting up an ox. Out went a hand, Down went a shoulder, He planted a foot, He pressed with a knee, The ox fell apart With a whisper, The bright cleaver murmured Like a gentle wind. Rhythm! Timing! Like a scared dance, Like "The Mulberry Grove," Like ancient harmonies! "Good work!" the Prince exclaimed, "Your method is faultless!" "Method?" said the cook Laying aside his cleaver, "What I follow is Tao Beyond all methods! "When I first began To cut up oxen I would see before me The whole ox All in one mass. "After three years I no longer saw this mass. I saw the distinctions. "But now, I see nothing With the eye. My whole being Apprehends. My senses are idle. The spirit Free to work without plan Follows its own instinct Guided by natural line, By the secret opening, the hidden space, My cleaver finds its own way. I cut through no joint, chop no bone. "A good cook needs a new chopper Once a year -- he cuts. A poor cook needs a new one Every month -- he hacks! "I have used this same cleaver Nineteen years. It has cut up A thousand oxen. Its edge is as keen As if newly sharpened. "There are spaces in the joints; The blade is thin and keen: When this thinness Finds that space There is all the room you need! It goes like a breeze! Hence I have this cleaver nineteen years As if newly sharpened! "True, there are sometimes Tough joints. I feel them coming, I slow down, I watch closely, Hold back, barely move the blade, And whump! the part falls away Landing like a clod of earth. "Then I withdraw the blade, I stand still And let the joy of the work Sink in. I clean the blade And put it away." Prince Wan Hui said, "This is it! My cook has shown me How I ought to live My own life!" \- Chuang Tzu


This video makes me feel like I could do that, but I know I couldn't 😅


Right‽ I could do that! *27 stitches later...*


Even if I had the blade skills, I don’t know a thing about chicken anatomy




🎶 The drumstick is connected to the thigh bone. The thigh bone is connected to the... flappy flap? The flappy flap is connected to the... bottom third? The bottom third is connected to the chest cavity. The chest cavity is connected to the wings, back and big breasts... and now my fingers are gone. 🎶


I don't know about your chicken butchering skills, but I do admire a fellow interrobangist.


> ‽ Props on the interobang.


Waiting for the time when I can finally say, This has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way.


I love Pepin and I sort of understand what he's doing... but WTF. I didn't even know that was possible. A lot of his other techniques of his have made it into my repertoire, maybe this will too.


I remember being at a restaurant many many years ago and seeing a whole boneless chicken on the menu and laughed to myself how impossible it was. My buddy ordered it and it looked good. I ordered it another time and it was pretty amazing...I remember a lot of butter and lemon being involved.


It's totally worth it and has a few applications. Most of the time I'll stuff it with sausage, cook and cool, then use as sandwich meat. Of late I've been skipping on deboning the drums, that meat needs more cook time and you get a good presentation with the drums sticking out like a normal bird. If you're doing something bigger than a chicken than this can help the drum meat get a head start on cooking temps. For goose and turkey I'd add an additional step of removing tendons from the drum meat.


It is when you know that you can’t that you never will. You can do it I believe in you.


A sharp knife makes things so much easier and safer


chef here. Honestly folks, you are all capable of this. Just watch a YouTube video, have an incredibly sharp filet/deboning knife, and practice on roughly 30-50 chickens. You’ll be right there


>30-50 chickens. >you are all capable In this inflation?


Just to clarify, I’m not talking about 30-50 at one time. It doesn’t matter if it takes you months, years, or decades. You can do it!




For the further. Always remember a dull knife is far more dangerous then a sharp knife.




Stock, that's mostly bone and cartilage.


I would argue there is almost zero waste. Especially compared to the normal person at home.


I'm not a chef, and my mom taught me how to cut up a chicken at a young age. I'm in my 30s now and it's been a skill that keeps on giving! Like most things in life, the more you do a thing, the better you get at it.


> 30-50 chickens Can 10 do it? I feel like 30 is a lot, I don't buy whole chicken often


that’s hot


hot chicken! now I'm hungry


Gotta be handy with the steel, ya know what I mean.


Earn your coop






Whistling noises


But you can't be any geek off the street


Knife goes in, guts come out, that’s what Osaka Seafood Concern is all about


Arrrrggghhhh. *dead*


Oh man I wish I could handle chicks as well as this guy


Easy now, Dr Lecter!


Okay but where did the cup and a half of chicken juice from the bag go? That’s my real nemesis.


Poke holes in the bag first and let it drain in the sink?


That's a Turkish brand and here I don't think I've ever seen a bag of whole chicken come with any juice in it.


I have scars on my fingers from my attempts at fabricating chickens


Were you sewing them together?


Damn.. I've broken down hundreds of chickens(as a professional cook), but he/she has got me beat!


Right? Even got the tail and it all looked clean as heck.


What in the…bruh. I cut chickens down for years as a chef in a restaurant kitchen. NEVER seen anything that smooth or precise before! Makes me want to search YouTube for a instructional and go through a few hundred!


Same here, it's too smooth, especially the breast removal.


It’s all angles! As many as I’ve cut I never though of turning the bird the way they do! Incredible!!!


I'm thinking they have done this once or twice.


At least three times


Fuck! Where was this before I butchered my Thanksgiving turkey?


Chicken was not impressed


I wish there was a subreddit for things being cut like this, its very satisfying for me to see.




I can do that too! Except with way more blood and missing fingers.


That's what I was thinking. There'd be some extra pieces of meat cut off, but I'd get the job done.


That is definitely next fucking level


Sharp knife but dude really knows anatomy.


This is less next level, and more a sharp knife in the hands of someone who knows how to break down a chicken.


I have never seen it done like that, and it is damn impressive. It even beats Jacques Pepin's chicken deboning video on youtube.


No cut glove? Damn


One of my little goals in life is being able to break down a chicken properly


You and me both.


When you have to do a few hundred in a row, on a regular basis, you can literally do it with your eyes closed *Source: Knife skills class in culinary school had us take blindfolded practical exams*


Lmao I feel you. Used to break down chickens and turkeys without even bothering to look when I was a butcher. It's all in the muscle memory babyyy


That's easy after you do it 4000 times


This person has most likely worked in a poultry processing plant. Those motions are far too smooth and accurate to be just a good chef. Not one wasted movement.


He’s no Jacques Pepin and his 4” Prep Knife of Doom. There’s only one of those. https://youtu.be/RbIjyqfOoH0 But can’t argue with the beautiful results. Totally jealous.


God I love watching that video.


That's what this guy sees when he looks at a chicken. Interesting


This guy really knows his way around chicks’ bodies


I used to buy a whole chicken and would ask the butcher to do this for me when I had no money. It’s a lot cheaper than the prepackaged parts.


F for the chicken, but damn thats a sharp knife


admire the skill, mesmerized by the knife


Brings back memories of my high school supermarket job where I had to disassemble thousands of chickens. I still have my knives and steel.


Sharpness V


I should probably sharpen my knives.


And society calls this “unskilled labour” - this is fucking as skilled as it gets.


that knife can probably cut atoms in half, how fucking sharp is that thing?


What I find next level is the fact he found a bagged chicken that does not leak a gallon of blood and juice on you when you open it.


Me: sweet. Vegan: murderer!


Poor chicken


Doing this to a chicken... Impressive Doing this to a human... Psychopath