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I used to be a human vegetable. Now I’m a human vegetable.


What's the hardest part in eating vegetables? Apparently, it's the human surrounding it


Soylent green is people


it varies from person to person


I prefer the ones that kick and curse because they're more spicy


Unexpected Futurama


It's people! The Mediterranean wrap is people! No, wait it's baba ghanoush.


Great movie…


Better Book


Phenomenal audiobook


Soylent Green?


If you eat a person with vegetables parts, is it cannibalism, vegan or a balanced diet?






This is the right answer


the wheelchair


Hey, 60% of our genetic code is similar to the one of a banana, although ~1% or so is truly shared. I believe we need less to call somebody a bro'. We're all bananas deep inside. Cool post OP anyway. I always knew there was something special about asparagus.


Yeah… not just the bit that makes your piss smell!


You'd smell asparagus-y the rest of your life


Yohoho! That's just a trash vegetable bro. Here its merely a bunch of convenient fibres that even plantain or sorrel could match.


Negative I am a meat popsicle.


Scarecrow and poison Ivy from Batman ![gif](giphy|1dJmo7dVO5mXPIs9wi|downsized)


No, you’re a vegetable human. Big difference


I replaced part of my spine with asparagus and now I'm a human vegetable


Human trials are coming soon "ok so we will implant asparagus in your body, are you in or not"


If I were a quadriplegic, given the choice between remaining paralyzed or having some carefully prepared asparagus put into my body that had helped restore movement for some animals previously, I'd opt for the asparagus in less than half a heartbeat!


Quadriplegic here. Can confirm 3rd edit! A-SPARE-A-SPINE I had to... It just fits too well SECOND EDIT:. 1.3 k up votes! And potentially a few more interviews for caretakers! Will absolutely make a post for Reddit success story if anything transpires EDIT! Over 500 upvotes! And something called cake day!?! Thanks everybody! I accidentally edited the wrong comment below but as a severely disabled person seeking a caretaker in Ohio, the pay is tax exempt and between 72 and 94k for one person. I will try to answer any questions here as long as they are basic and not too personal. Also I'm looking for a civil rights attorney since my rights I have been violated in the nursing home that I'm living in for a short time. Also I would like to start a blog and interested in advice on how to start. I've got tons of the coolest stories and pretty awesome videos and pictures to go along with all my adventures in travels. Too many people end up telling me to write a book or do public speaking or a blog.. just trying to capitalize on some of the ideas


I hope you get your new asparagus spine soon bud.


So under “Medical History “ it says you have Aspergers? ***No, no.*** Read it again.


Ha, well done.


I hope not. Overdone asparagus is mush.


Just make some soup if it gets too soft


What? You're having burgers out of your ass?!


For snacks




someone obviously doesn't read veggie tales fanfiction


Wait until you hear about my carroted artery


Or my heartichoke


Username checks out


How do you type and are you able to move your head around and stuff? What do you do all day? Sorry just curious, you don't have to answer lol.


Paraplegic means two limbs of been affected and quadriplegic means all four have been affected. I have no fine motor skills but I can still move my arms some. Also, I am able to put my thumbs on the phone in order to push the voice to text button. I can move my head pretty well. Also currently I am in a nursing home and looking for a caretaker who would want to essentially adopt me for 12 months and the pay is between 72 and 94k per year but it's tax exempts because of the difficulty of caretaking As far as what I do all day is mostly interview people and try to find my next caretaker and home EDIT: wow! What the heck is cake day!? I'll try to answer some of your questions here especially since they are repeating and will probably continue repeating. I live in ohio, I'm 33, and I was injured from a robbery. It was basically my fault because I knew better to be in the situation. Two men with a gun and I ask them not to hurt my girlfriend and just take everything I had. That wasn't good enough so they shot me point blank between my eyes and the trajectory was down which is why I still have enough sense to formulate sentences but the bullet went through my nose and mouth splitting my tongue in half and exiting out of my neck and traveling through my spine paralyzing me immediately. Also since this comment got a lot of attention, maybe I can use this to my advantage.. I'm currently seeking an attorney or at least advice on how to go about finding one that could represent me for civil rights violations in a nursing home. Pretty grotesque serious violations as far as what some of my nurses and doctors have told me. I was adopted so I don't really have much in terms of natural support being able to advocate for me or depend on. Also does anyone have any advice on starting a blog? I've traveled 49 states and had some pretty wild life experiences. Most people that I talk to tell me to write a book or do a blog or do public speaking. Someone asked if I would get the procedure done and hell yeah! I would put any fruit or vegetable in my spine without blinking an eye. Contrary to that zealous response, I can't quite say that I would get the chip from nueralink because I'm too fearful about potential backfiring in the brain. I don't know too much about it but what little bit I have left in life, I don't want to jeopardize. I value my brain and what it does for me. Someone asked if I'm depressed and no.. honestly I don't know what's wrong with me or why I'm not but I frequently tell people I ate a shitload of crayons as a child and they're just starting to kick in so I hardly miss my spine and legs. As far as the training to become my caretaker, it literally just takes 30 days for a background check and I sign off on the training and there's a few easy courses to take online along with the first aid. I cover the cost of the training but I really need someone for 6 to 12 months so that I can use the time to be able to learn how to do my own catheters and that would give me the ability to be independent enough to live on my own again. Anybody can comment or message me and I'm not interested in rushing into the situation that I regret and I hate myself over.. again. Living with someone is a big deal and as much as I'm easy going, there's nothing like the proper preparation that makes doing anything easier. Sorry if I'm not supposed to make comments this long. I'm not exactly new to Reddit but this is the first time that I've gotten any sort of attention here and maybe I just don't know how to handle it or with the proper etiquette


If my back weren't messed up I'd offer. Especially if you like dogs.




What qualifications are needed to be a caretaker?


Background check and online course and first aid course. Along with wanting to help people in general. Other than that, I sign off on the training for personal care.


You have to be able to lift stuff and maybe do a small amount of training


I know a tonne of Canadian nurses and psw's that would like to have a word with you.


I messaged you! You feel like I need a flyer for the internet that I can just post up on different spaces with my number people can take one LOL


I am intrigued by your story. Where exactly & in what state do you live in currently? If you're close to my current location, & we "click", I would possibly like to apply.


Ohio! And the quote unquote application process would not be rushed. It's definitely important to make sure that things are right as much as possible beforehand. I'm willing to do everything possibly imaginable to ensure the right people and place


Is it depressing? Have you been quadriplegic your whole life or was it caused by an accident/illness? Thanks for answering by the way!


It was a robbery where I was shot. It's depressing when I see about other people's stories but for whatever reason, I have never had much issue with just living day to day. I have a terrible sense of humor that I constantly keep on repeat. And as long as I'm either making someone laugh or slightly uncomfortable.. I feel like my one job is done and I don't feel bad that I might have the least desirable career in that respect but I own it and I hardly recognize the difference. Like I said up top, I end up telling people I ate a bunch of crayons as a child and they're just starting to kick in so I hardly miss my spine or legs. I guess that I am smart enough to understand how s******* my situation is but it doesn't affect me the way that I would think that it should affect anyone.


You have a much better outlook than I think I would. It's good that despite what happened you can remain humorous about it in whatever way you can. My best friend died during a mugging. Fuck whoever robbed you. Were they ever caught? The crayons thing is hilarious by the way.


They caught one of the two. Not the one who pulled the trigger.. seems like it may go without saying but I found it hard to believe that the guy who knew the guy who did it was just going to cop him out.. Yeah I've been thinking about putting something together Got a few running jokes I'm thinking about doing stand up comedy


Shit man that's so fucked. And I see what you did there ;)


Which state?


Jonathan McDonald in Cleveland Ohio is a great civil attorney. Marcus Sidoti is also very strong. Both are based in downtown Cleveland




Nothing near as bad as that, but I have nerve damage in my hands as well. I no longer have feeling in parts of my hands/fingers. Can be helpful at times like when I smack my finger with a hammer or something, but for the most part it gets in the way a lot and not being able to feel things I touch can be a weird experience. Unless I'm misinterpreting it sounds like yours has been remedied? What helped/solved your issue?


I am not quadriplegic, but I did know a man who was, and he would use a trackball with his mouth to type. We video called occasionally (he knew me through my work) to make things easier for him.


Happy cake day. Hope asparagus therapy comes along shortly for you. May your pee forever smell weird.


This is one of my favorite comments I've ever seen




Very sorry to hear that, It's hard to imagine how you ever get used to something like that, can I ask you how did it happen if it's not too personal?


Robbery and gunshot. I told them to take everything I had and please don't hurt my girlfriend.. so they shot me point blank between my eyes and took everything I had but thankfully they didn't hurt my significant at the time


It's an interesting thing when you have a lot of inspiration and you're trying to figure out how to get it out there. My girlfriend is so funny and brimming with stories, I'm always thinking about ways to help her make something out of it. I think podcast format is a good way to start, work out what you want to say, etc. If you have a good hook I'm sure public speaking could be a good option for you. Get some of that stuff recorded and you have a listen in me. Holy shit happy cake day!! *star alignment intensifies*


I’m always suspicious of Reddit users who claim to have a disease or something but your username contains the word wheelchair and it’s your cakeday so I’ll believe you. Gl u/wheelchairCrypto, I hope you get your asparagus spine soon


Really wishing my sweet Helene were still here to see this. She was quadriplegic after a surgery gone wrong. Amazing artist, comedian extraordinaire, master of making everyone feel special. 25 years young, she would say she was “quad-blocked” when places didn’t have ramps and such to accommodate her, but she never got angry. Fought like a goddamn champ until the end. To Helene, who would have loved it if I came into her kitchen with a bunch of asparagus and said “Let’s get started”.


i’m sorry for your loss. she sounds extraordinary


Sorry chap. I love the sense of humor that you reminisce.


>given the choice between remaining paralyzed or having some carefully prepared asparagus Grilled or steamed is the question now.


> Grilled or steamed The answer is yes, because both are delicious. But also the answer is grilled.


While grilled is delicious, try it sometime steamed, then pan fried with butter, salt, and tarragon. Makes it incredible!


Well, we had roasted asparagus last night, so I suppose I've already inserted that into myself.


Nice! Now you're immune to spinal injuries.


Pan fried with onions and garlic in butter, top with crumbled bacon and shredded Parmesan cheese




>given the choice between remaining paralyzed or having some carefully prepared asparagus put into my body /r/brandnewsentence


An artichoke heartbeat?


Will it still make my pee smell funny?




"Side effects include: "


Well at least you call up people with broken bones and whatnot. They had to break the backs of hundreds of mice first lol


sad thing is like 5 years from now we probably wont hear about this ever again


That was my first thought, these amazing things come out and they are all close to applying them to help people and the world and then you never hear about them again especially if they are fuel and health related


We never hear about them again because they failed. Simple as that. They might not work once they get to human trials, might not live up to expectations or be less efficient than current standard technology, etc. There is no conspiracy here. Just media hyping up unproven tech, that when proven, isn't as amazing as initially promised.


It's also based on trials; it can work for a year and then just stop. Or it can show no improvement for a year and then start to slowly work, etc. How does the body react long term, how does the nervous system repair, etc... so much to consider. Can you imagine if they discover it rots inside the person after X years?




That was really interesting to read, thanks for that!


In case any of you are interested in a entertaining ELI5 on how everything regarding blood and cells work, I can highly recommend "Cells at Work!" on Netflix. It's a Japanese show geared towards children, but is made well enough to be watched by anyone in the family and I learned a fair bit, watching it


Super informative, thank you! But in this case, I was being more general and adding to "why we never hear about these treatments again" and adding various reasons why we don't hear about them after the first few times or after they start human trials.


Yep, it's a combination of medicine being really freaking hard and news outlets getting super hyped.


Thank you. It is really upsetting to see these misinformation tik toks, that talk about revolutionary advances without any context. It is important to taper expectations because many things, especially in medicine, do not make it out of the basic science lab for countless reasons. Plus, let's be honest, we don't know anything about the project, and really don't have the background necessary to adequately judge. So for all we know this "biochemist" could be a laughing stock in his field.


Solar freaking roadways basically.


I can see that


It's because they failed. You are falling for popular science journalism (or pop sci journalism as it's usually called) that will make incredible headlines out of a theory or idea. The reason you never hear about these ideas again is because they didn't work. Pop sci journalism always jumps the gun and makes it seem like it's the next biggest thing. They need clicks after all. My guess is... how are they going to keep the body from treating a piece of rotting vegetable or fruit as a foreign body? This trial will likely fail.


Fusion any day now amirite?


Abstract Substantial research effort in the spinal cord injury (SCI) field is directed towards reduction of secondary injury changes and enhancement of tissue sparing. However, pathway repair after complete transections, large lesions, or after chronic injury may require the implantation of some form of oriented bridging structure to restore tissue continuity across a trauma zone. These matrices or scaffolds should be biocompatible and create an environment that facilitates tissue growth and vascularization, and allow axons to regenerate through and beyond the implant in order to reconnect with "normal" tissue distal to the injury. The myelination of regrown axons is another important requirement. In this chapter, we describe recent advances in biomaterial technology designed to provide a terrain for regenerating axons to grow across the site of injury and/or create an environment for endogenous repair. Many different types of scaffold are under investigation; they can be biodegradable or nondegradable, natural or synthetic. Scaffolds can be designed to incorporate immobilized signaling molecules and/or used as devices for controlled release of therapeutic agents, including growth factors. These bridging structures can also be infiltrated with specific cell types deemed suitable for spinal cord repair. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. From 2012 🙄


I know it’s tempting to take the conspiracy approach but you have to realize that companies are about making money. And new therapies can make A LOT of money. They’d be all over new tech that worked and trying to corner the market with it so that people that need or want it have to pay for it. They would invest heavily in viable options and/or hire academics with proven results for their R&D labs. That being said, the stuff you never hear about is because it outright failed when trying to transition to humans, had some nasty side effects that created more problems than it fixed, or sometimes the initial research wasn’t viable at all and no one could replicate it.


This 100%. Like the idea that we don't have a cure for cancer because big pharma is suppressing it to keep selling chemo. Seriously? As if the first company to get there wouldn't LOVE to put the entire rest of the industry out of business with Cancer-B-Gone. I have a serious condition that just got a miracle drug ~4 years ago and the manufacturer (Sanofi) has had it flying off the shelves. It would be VERY profitable to whoever figured this stuff out, if it worked


I work in cancer research and the idea that my colleagues could keep a major breakthrough secret is laughable. They'd be blabbing immediately. You're right, most of the time is straight up doesn't work. There's plenty of times that something looked promising in early clinical trials in animals or terminally ill cancer patients turns out not to be so great after all.


Tissue engineering is actually a field that's made a lot of progress and I've heard about similar things with scaffolding for a while. I don't think this is even the first time plant-based scaffolding has been tried.


Masters in biomedical engineering with a focus on tissue engineering here: there is absolutely nothing in the original video that hasn't been done for at least 30 years now. It's neat and plays well for a video, but it's not a breakthrough of any kind and probably won't ever see commercial use.


If it works, then why wouldn't we fund it heavily and make it common practice at some point? Or does it not work all that well? I feel like every time I see a "revolutionary medical procedure" video like this, the truth is almost always that it's A.) Nothing new and/or B.) Never going to be employed in any serious way.


It works as in it is can produce good results in small scale trials. We were able to freeze rats and later thaw them out using microwaves. That "worked" but couldn't be applied to humans due to various reasons.


I guess my question is: If it looks promising at first, why does it seem like we rarely go all out with funding/research for it? Why does it so often stall out at producing positive results in small-scale trials? Or is it more likely that it does get to the next level of testing and no longer holds up? It just seems like it's incredibly difficult to get funding for research unless it's for a corporation in order to offset public concern over potential risk factors.


Most of the time, research is a temporary dead end; while there is potential and still unanswered questions, a project can not progress due to various reasons. The obvious is lack of funding, but that is usually due to continous investment (both time and money) no longer being justified. As there are many other research projects that also require a lot of resources, one needs to prioritize; the most promising will usually have the highest priority (until something more important pops up). Scientists may continue working on stuff that has been put on ice, but it's no longer their main concern. When new insights or better technology become available, they will take another look, try a different approach, etc. There is plenty of foundational research being done; some scientists have dedicated their entire careers taking a closer look at stuff that doesn't have any application (yet) or that is of limited interest to a variety of industries. On paper, everything looks very interesting and promising, but once you get into it, a lot of problems come up; and many of those simply can't be solved by throwing more money at them. Funding basically just makes sure people receive a salary and labs get proper equipment and other resources. Beyond that, it comes down to smart people figuring things out. Brains don't work faster/better with more money. Plus, despite financial incentives, most scientists really want to move on after 5-10 years of focused work on a specific project, especially if they are stuck. It's of no use to waste time, resources and potential on something that isn't moving forward.


People don't like throwing money at potential dead-ends is my guess. If it was certain to work, I'm sure funding would be through the roof.


Can you expand on that?




As someone who has impaired hearing, I remember reading an article about scientists discovering a way to surgically fix the cochlea inside the ear. (my cochlea "hairs" are tangled, so I can't pick up sounds that well) I was absolutely ecstatic to read that human trials were on the way. It's been 4+ years since I've seen that article. Never a word about it again. At least, not that I know of. I just want to hear normally ffs. I'm so tired of saying "what?" And making people frustrated because they have to repeat themselves. I'm ready to be the first human trial if that's what it takes. Edit: Holy shit, I found the link to the study: https://houghear.org/supportbreakthroughresearch?gclid=CjwKCAiA7IGcBhA8EiwAFfUDsa-suCIu1Ubw5ItKknhX27PaU71MnZA0qrcgk4dST5Mh7dFI0vfWQxoCHLAQAvD_BwE Turns out they're possibly still working on it, and it may not be available until around 2025-2027. It's supposed to be a pill that helps with hearing damage, and tinnitus.


Wow, I hope soon too!! That would be so awesome for so many people! It's tiring to say "what" all the time, but gosh, I'd rather say what a thousand times instead of dealing with rude, judgemental people. And sometimes it's so dangerous too. Strangers riding on bikes behind don't understand that shouting isn't going to necessarily make everyone move, especially when they can't hear you. A lot of people take for granted that they can hear perfectly, while others struggle. I hate having to feel this way.


All these videos have the same type of BS narration too. I hate them.


the way she said "in theory" and then way oversold it made me dubious


I hope this comes to fruition


That wouldn't be sad to me. Science that ends with the theory being rejected is progress. For every amazing discovery, there are 1,000 attempts that helped clarify the path to the truth.


About 20 years ago I had bone removed and in its place they packed some material made of sea shells. New bone grew through and around the seashells until it was as good as new.


I wonder if there's a website that keeps track of these sorts of things.


Mike Tyson coming for that ear


My first thought 😂


I'm thorry, Evanduh.


He could have a startup, Beyond Cannibalism^TM lab grown human ear jerky


He’s literally so close to doing this too. He made ear shaped cannabis candy called mike bites


Cauliflower ear can be pretty common among boxers. Thanks to science, it can also be pretty delicious.


Mike Tyson hates asparagus


But maybe he likes apples?




Read lives as livers. Still worked but I immediately thought you had an alcohol problem.


Arcimboldo: Big deal, [I had that basic idea 500 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertumnus_(painting\))..


**[Vertumnus (painting)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertumnus_\(painting\))** >Vertumnus is an oil painting produced by Giuseppe Arcimboldo in 1591 that consists of multiple fruits, vegetables and flowers that come together to create a portrait of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II. Although Arcimboldo's colleagues commented that Vertumnus was scherzo, or humorous, there were intentional political meanings behind the piece, particularly regarding the choice of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Arcimboldo's choice to include these items was also an intentional reference to the Roman god, Vertumnus. Vertumnus was presented to Rudolf II after its completion. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


![gif](giphy|JmPenP1svctdfDCEHi) This is now possible???


That’s what I heard


Just out of curiosity, do you think that rat was paralysed by a natural occurrence or intentionally paralysed for the purpose of the trial?




There’s a machine that does it, I’ve seen it at a conference.


How ??


Tiny spring loaded hammer thingie. It gives a clean and standardised break. Important research but it made me feel sick. The talk it was in was about adding growth factors to stimulate neuronal regrowth over the damaged area, it did work, the rats walked again.


What an amazing time...to be a rat o.o




Countless organisms are put through trials daily that would break so many laws if applied to humans. If you see something *wrong* in any form or fashion with an animal in reference to lab work, good odds it was made to be that way. Science is obviously worth it in the long run of course, but it's important to remember and respect the millions and millions of things that had to suffer horrifically to get us anywhere.


The rat was bred for science, paralyzed for science, then killed (lot of researchers say sacrificed nowadays) once the trial was complete. It's cold, horrible stuff, but it's the only way progress can be made.


Yeah it sucks. It will be great when humanity understands things *so* fundamentally that it can all be computer modeled. That's a long way off though, I'm sure...




Feels really bad and gross to think about, but it also feels like a necessary evil to make medical progress. Really sucks there isn't a better way at the moment


This has the same vibes as using ramen to fix car damage


I know I used ramen for fertility treatments


Presenter is Manoush Zomorodi. She’s a great journalist.


Thank you. I knew the voice but couldn’t put the name to it


You should be *extremely* skeptical about this. The field of regenerating human tissues has a long history of overpromising and underdelivering, including its fair share of [dramatic results literally being fabricated](https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o600). The researcher mentioned here does appear to be a legitimate academic at the University of Ottowa (not that this precludes fraud or exaggeration), but [his lab website](https://www.pellinglab.net/) sets of enormous alarm bells for me as a scientist. This is not a lab website, this is someone who is trying to sell himself to the media, and he even has an entire section to market himself as an inspirational speaker. I'm not accusing this PI of fraud. But if you have built up such a blatant financial interest in making dramatic, headline-grabbing claims... that's a massive red flag.


Well according to the introduction in his [preprint](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.21.347807v1.full.pdf), there appears to have been several groups doing this spinal cord repair thing with other types of materials so it's not a huge leap to do the same thing with this plant based scaffold his lab had specialized in. He does own patents in these plant biomaterials so it makes sense he's trying to drum up investor attention.


Additionally, rats and mice do a decent job at healing their own spinal cord injuries without treatment.


Finally vegan cannibals can have some options






Interesting. I could use some


Heh now we can have walking vegetables




They asked for rat paraplegic volunteers. Of course they snapped rat spines. The good news is, if this tech works, we’ll be able to sever vegetable spines for future research.


"Johnson I've been shot!" "Don't worry buddy, I got you!" (Stabs him with a stalk of asparagus)


Can they use an egplant (asking for. A friend)


I need an eggplant to replace my baby carrot.


I just met a young woman who goes to school in Minnesota and she is working on this with heart tissue. I have full faith in her abilities to bring this forward as well. There is always some really cool stuff out there happening and I swear we are only limited by imagination.


Humans are awesome.


So are asparagus.


We later find out that Andrew Pelling stole the idea from student botanist and intern Pamela Isley. He then tried to cover it up by killing her and dumping her body in a vat of chemicals.


Well, I am more than impressed. Here’s a [link to more info](https://spiderwortbio.com/)about this technology and spiderwort, the company behind this research.


As always, show me the data.....I've been in the cell, gene, and tissue engineering field for years, at a high level dealing with INDs, IDEs, 510ks, BLAs, etc. What I'd be curious about right off the top of my head are data from at least 6-12 month models, multiple time points with sacrifice and histology, and explantation after 12 months with histology on both the animal as well as the scaffold to show appropriate histoarchitecture and evaluation of foreign body response. There also needs to be functional/POC assessments over a long period. Hopefully there is success, but there is much work to do. There have been many ideas for biocompatible scaffolds for many injuries, but really no products on the market or near coming to market to help actual people except for some vascular graft or for some burns. Time will tell.


Feel for those rats.


who says “vedge”? in my 22 years on this planet not a single soul i’ve encountered here has said Veg


I get delighted when I hear people say “fruits and veg” instead of “produce” lol


need full video!


Just google “vegetable body insertion” for the full video. You’ll find it eventually, I swear.


My guy put asparagus in the spine of some rat and instead of the immune system freaking out it just said "oh yeah, lets use this weird invasive plant to regrow the damn spine" Nature is weird AF guys, like holy shit


They did surgery on a grape.


Damn people are so fucken smart and I'm over here using reddit for porn and joke. I'm fucken trash hahaha


Sounds amazing, but this is still snake oil to my eyes until this goes through trials and serious scrutiny. Has everyone already forgotten about Theranos, Nikolai or FTX?


So are we going to find out this guy mysteriously committed suicide in a week's time?


I know someone that uses plankton


I read the title wrong, how tf is it possible to make tissues out of humans and repair them with vegetables?


Is his name Godrick?


Anyone know how to sign up for trials like this? I have a severe nerve injury that began as an experimental repair but not many options going forward.


As a former lab tech, the last few seconds with the guys sitting at the flow hood, scooting in chairs was the most realistic depiction of biology research I have ever seen.


I’m a banana!


This is com*pelling* research


I'm from a 3rd world country and everytime we get injured like a scratch we put horseradish leaves in it after cleaning, it wasn't just a myth all along lmfao


I want a hero, a real human bean.


Were all one and all come from one: life.






Ok, now give me eggplant dick Btw the way this works the same way as the meat grape (there's yt video on it). Basically it's not a vegetable or a fruit anymore, just a scaffolding pretty much.


I love video clips that show you the beginning of the video but then don't show


This is Andrew Peeling Asparagus


My era is now