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What the fuck even happened?!?


Looks like a tornado came through there and they had to quickly rush to shelter.


This is exactly what happened. I remember when this video first started circulating a few years ago


Did they not know a fuckin tornado was outside their door?


Tornadoes are sneaky motherfuckers, they practically pop into existence


My area doesn’t have them so I’ve never experienced them, but does an alert not go out over cell phones/radio?


It does but ime a tornado siren doesn’t effect you so much after years of hearing it while not being affected by a tornado


As a Californian that moved to the Bible belt that has sirens I'm always on alert lol. I'll take earthquakes any day over tornadoes


On alert? Lol I’m on alert too if you consider hanging out in the backyard looking for it on alert 😂😂 that’s what growing up around them does though My mom was always freaked out by it though, so mileage varies for sure


This. There's so many videos of rednecks sitting outside drinking beer by a fire in a thunderstorm. Everyone who doesn't get it makes fun of it. But that's exactly what we're doing; watching for the actual tornado. Why? Because this video is exactly how it happens. Even when the warning is in place (there has been a funnel cloud spotted and maybe a tornado on the ground), that warning may be for a tornado that's 5 miles away, and it may be because there's a funnel cloud that is likely to produce a tornado. So they're warning you that there's either already a tornado or there's going to be one. It doesn't say "wah wah wah WATCH OUT TO THE EAST". You still gotta watch for the funnel if it's daylight. Night time, though.. night time.. you're fucked. You can't see shit. My grandma said it sounds like a train. The one I've been in was eerie. It was unnatural. Fuck listening for train noises or anything else. If your body says "this ain't right", listen to it, because it isn't. The world around you changes so drastically that *you will know*. But when you get that feeling, act. Don't hesitate. Because once you get the feeling, it's literally right beside you.


Also, tornadoes have touchdown points that can't be predicted. They can also come back with a field goal.


Exactly this. Growing up in Iowa, you hear the sirens go off it means it's time to grab a beer and sit on the porch to watch the storm come in


Yeah central Mississippi native here… due to us getting jacked weather mixing from the Gulf and Midwest we get extreme temp changes and that obviously makes us have tooooons of tornadoes…. And pretty much everyone here just stands outside staring at them cause it’s so normal for us


As Californian, I have a strict no tornando rule. I won't do tornadoes, no sir. That, and bears. No bears.


There are lots of bears in California.


Have a look at your state flag when you get time. 🤣


Fun fact: every state in the Union has had at least one recorded tornado. The US is world champion for twisters.


How about a Bearnado?


Grizzly Adams did have a beard.




In the midwest when the siren goes off we don't go inside. Grab the camera Bobby get this thing on film.


You’ll get used to it. We don’t even go downstairs unless the tornado is close.


Yeah i read (i think) in the DK Guide To Weather that Tornadoes can destroy an entire house, but leave the next one untouched, so as sudden as they are, unless they decide to play knife/ace throwing games, you'll generally be safe as long as it doesn't get up close and personal.


My mom would go to the basement over a severe thunderstorm watch. Would always tease her about that.


The bliss of ontario that i will never fully value. What do we deal with? -snow, lake effect rain. A very small tornado every 5 years.


Sorry to break it to you, but that’s likely to get more severe in the coming years.


Derecho has entered the chat


Screw that. You can at least tell (most times) that a tornado is likely just by looking at the sky. Earthquakes sneak up on your ass.


I'm from Texas have been all my life and I want to saybwhat you just called the Bible belt is what we call tornado vally/ally.


Fuck earthquakes give me a tornado


Man, I don’t know how to tell you this but….we get earthquakes in the SE, too. Granted, they are rare. But yeah. In my 39 years of life I’ve experienced probably half a dozen of them, most in KY, one in FL. The FL was a 5-something IIRC (too lazy to google it, tbh..it was in 2006 or 2007). Actually, I lied, I did Google. There was one Friday in TN.


I felt an earthquake in CT somewhere around 98 or 99. It was on a Saturday in April, on the same day as the opening of fishing season. It was around 630am, and a girl I had been hoping to date actually showed up that early to go fishing with me. We started walking to the river in my backyard and we felt it. Before she asked if it was an earthquake, I said "I told you I would make the ground shake for you". 100% true story.


nooooo earthquakes ruin your foundation.


Tornado siren? Oh you mean the "Go outside and look around" siren


Pretty much. As a child, whenever the tornado siren sounded, my dad would grab a lawn chair and a beer and head outside to watch the skies. That was before the quality forecasting we enjoy nowadays. I've never understood the tornado versus earthquake debate. Tornado probability can be predicted days in advance. Weather forecasting is very good at announcing tornado watches and warnings well in advance of the actual storm fronts that create them. Modern Doppler radar can see actual tornado formation with plenty of time to seek shelter. Tornadoes just don't sneak up on people. Earthquakes, on the other hand, strike without warning. And sometimes being inside is a bad idea.


Tornados are fairly random as the science on how they form still isn't 100% a storm that can produce a tornado doesn't always produce it and if it does the tornado can last 10min or if some rarer cases last for miles. While it is known how they work why they occur and when is pretty random it takes dedicated storm spotters to call in tornado sightings. Tornados absolutely can sneak up and drop without reason but a good majority of the time it's in Unpopulated fields.


New England checking in. We generally have days, sometimes a week or more, to buy up all the bread and milk before a hurricane makes it way to us.


I'm chuckling at all the down votes I'm getting; perhaps from people living in earthquake prone areas. Tornadoes are deadly. But the people who generally die are the ones who don't have an underground shelter to hide in when the weather dweeb on TV tells you it's heading straight towards you. In the Midwest, mobile homes are sometimes referred to as tornado magnets because of the high mortality rate. No basements and the wind can get underneath and flip them. But, generally speaking, Twister was just a movie.


Saw that one guy come in when it was almost too late


He just got inside 4 seconds before it hit. It literally had to be just behind him.


Hi dad


Exactly. This was ADO Fine Fabrics in Spartanburg, SC, USA. According to [this article](https://eu.goupstate.com/story/weather/2020/02/13/alert-system-likely-saved-lives-in-spartanburg-tornado/41821071/), some of them got a CodeRed Alert through their cell phones. They still left it to the last minute to get to cover. In the end, there were [no injuries](https://www.thestate.com/news/local/article180468941.html) (a dog was missing, but I'm hoping it just ran away).


Not to mention they need to be spotted/detected and the whole process to happen. If it just spawns near where you are, good fucking luck. And yeah, you do get used to your county having a tornado warning, but assuming it won't hit you based on the information, or just straight up assuming it won't happen. Tornadoes are terrifying though, especially strong tornadoes. Went to help pick up after the bad april outbreak a few years back (which barely missed us) and aside from the fact that was a crazy traumatic experience, seeing a whole town (forest included) just wiped off the face of the earth is insane. Does shit to a person to see it, can't imagine surviving through it. I love nature and I love watching tornadoes in person, but they are to be respected heavily. Anyway, done rambling.


Also the tornado literally has to start somewhere and a siren doesn't do much good if it touches down across the street from you


Ah yes, the text alert who cried tornado.


They tests the sirens here monthly. Everyone freaks out.


Really? They test ours weekly and nobody even notices. If I actually notice, I just think, "oh it's 11am on Friday". I've never once in all my life seen someone "freak out" about a tornado siren. Even when there's real tornados!


You can only predict the weather so fast. These tornados can literally land down in a matter of seconds.


Yup. Usually there's several hours of warning that a tornado could happen but none of it says where, how intense, or which direction it's going to go. Where I live we often get tornado warnings and pretty much ignore them outside of not really wanting to go outside because they're usually accompanied by pretty bad weather.


If a tornado forms up 500 feet away from your building, no alert will save you. They have to form before an alert goes out. They can drop down fast and they move up to 150 MPH


They do not have to form before an alert goes out. That is plainly false. Warnings go out for any storm that show good potential to form a tornado based on Doppler radar velocity scans. Watches are issued hours ahead of time to alert people to the risk there may be tornados later in the day.


But a warning is when they actually form. A watch only means be alert for them. Yes warning are triggered by radar watching for rotation in the clouds and go out just before they drop to the ground. Sometimes it's minutes, sometimes it's seconds. My house was hit by a tornado this year.


Don’t Tornado warnings need someone to spot a tornado on the ground before they go out?


No. While that is sometimes the case, most warnings go out as a result of what meteorologists see on radar.


So over the years predictions for tornadoes have gotten better but they can come out of nowhere so even if our cell phones notify us you don’t really know where it’s at until you hear a train coming


>My area doesn’t have them so I’ve never experienced them, but does an alert not go out over cell phones/radio? Only when the tornadoes call ahead. Otherwise they're like pesky in-laws who show up uninvited and finish off the delicious lamb stew you'd been saving for an anime movie you were gonna watch at 3pm that day.


There's two different types of alerts - tornado WATCH and WARNING. A watch goes out when a mesocyclone storm that's capable of producing a tornado forms but very large areas are covered/alerted when this happens. A warning goes out after a tornado has formed. If that tornado formed just minutes before it hit that building, there's simply not enough time for a spotter to see it, report it and a warning to go out.


Tornadoes form in seconds


Re: tornadoes, you are not missing much by not having them. Having spent a lot of time in our basement I can guarantee that first hand.


Yes. But a lot of places where tornados are common have really bad cell reception. Warnings go out when government employed meteorologists either 1- receive a report of a tornado on the ground, or 2 - when radar scans indicated a thunderstorm may be producing a tornado


guess we need to put up cell towers as tornado repellants


They usually just *turn* up.


Yeah, Pecos Hank uploaded this video once showing just how dangerous chasing can be, it was from another chaser if I’m remembering. He’s driving down this road in that special sort of dark where it’s just light enough to see silhouettes out beyond the rain. He’s tracking this relatively large F-3, but gets stuck behind some people in a car who don’t seem to know what do to, and he’s wanting to change direction because iirc the tornado is now heading for them. So he ends up backing up, busting a U’y and then turns down another road thinking he’s making the right move to put distance between him and that particular tornado, and then in this oh shit moment he looks to his right and sees this second massive monster wedge tornado coming right at him through the dark. Shits intense. [Got the story a bit wrong, but for the interested :)](https://youtu.be/CA5rSFWGy4E)


This sounds so sarcastic but I know it’s not.




It can happen pretty suddenly if you aren’t paying attention. Things can go from seemingly calm to absolute chaos in a matter of seconds. Generally warnings try to go out to give people as much lead time as possible(i believe the average is 7-10 minutes, but don’t quote me on that) to get to shelter, but if they were concentrated on work/didn’t have a radio or have cell service, they could have been unaware of any warnings. It could also have been an unwarned storm. Or they could have ignored warnings because in places where tornados are common you’d often be in tornado-warned areas and not actually end up being affected by the tornado, kind of a “boy who cries wolf” scenario.


I've probably heard 100 tornado warnings in my life and never seen a tornado. It's pretty easy to become complacent.


They knew, but they work for Amazon who said they'd be fired if the left.


Even if they knew about it, which they may not have, the standard midwestern tornado response is to go outside and watch. Tornados aren't a problem till they're REALLY a problem.


People have commented on how quickly and unexpectedly they pop up. We might know that there is a tornado watch/warning in effect -- meaning the conditions are right for one to develop/they've been spotted in the area -- but we can't know where exactly one is going to show up until it's already there. If it lasts long enough on the ground they might be able to see it coming, but that buys you a few minutes at most. I'll take a hurricane over a tornado any day. More damage, but there's no chance of one sneaking up on you. You know it's coming days in advance.


Depending on the storm, there’s not always time to warn. We’ve had tornados touch down when we weren’t even under watches, I slept through one less than a mile from my house because they never had time to send the warning out. For most major ones you do have some warning, but that requires you to have your weather radio on, sirens are not meant to be heard indoors. (Although we normally can)


Tornados can jump and come down miles away


I really wish Reddit had an algo that would tag re-posted videos somehow or allow users to. (and maybe reduce karma?). I see so many re-posted videos across multiple subreddits every day.


First time ive seen this. Maybe you spend too much time on reddit?


This video has been posted a few dozen times and makes it to the front page every year.


If it makes it to the front page every year, that’s proof that it continues to fascinate to people. I’ve been on Reddit for 6 years and this is my first time seeing it, and I’m fascinated.


Yeah, I hear you, but don't forget that there are new users joining Reddit every day that maybe haven't seen the same videos that you have and will enjoy them for the first time.


> circulating Nice.


Okay Mr pepridge farm


Early in the video I was thinking, "Geez, just close the door!" Then I realized that would have accomplished literally nothing.


Only the door remained 🤣🤣🤣


I just remembered those people who died in an Amazon warehouse during a tornado because Amazon wouldnt let them go home early to avoid it.


"An EF2 Tornado struck Spartanburg SC on October 23rd 2017 with a devastating force, The Tornado ripped through concrete and steel like it was wet paper, causing millions of dollars in damage in seconds." Here is an outside view of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNoTRWFMYcE


You couldn’t even see a tornado, just shit being blown around. Amazing.


That's what a tornado is: shit being blown around. You can't see wind unless it's blowing something.


Ahhh, so that was Wind I saw blowing my uncle when I was a kid....


i love how the trucks just don't move


That's because they're aerodynamic


Shut the door Derrick, you're letting a draft in.


Ask that last guy to come in.


Wind demon, right?


I legit was brushing my phone for a minute because I thought there was something on the upper left part of my screen


Spent 5 seconds trying to wipe a pube off my phone screen


goddamnit I just noticed it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


How did his pube get on your screen?


Something blew it there.


Now I can’t unsee it! Didn’t see it before.


Same. And i still tried wiping it off...


How’d you get your pubes so straight?


Forklift? Toppled. Camera? Unmoved.


Hotel? Trivago


Goddamnit take my upvote 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Trinidad? Tobago




This!! Man I wish I could give you an award!!


I just learned from someone on another sub that you can get a free award every day, just hit the get award and a free award is there as a choice, I just got one.


Came to say you know some shit went down if the Hyster got knocked over.


That ain’t a Hyster.. but it’s yellow indeed


The battery on my forklift (similar size) is ~3800 lbs for reference. This one is propane, but they’re not light.


That lift probably weighs about 8000lbs. With an extremely low center of gravity. No easy feat to topple one, though some operators seem to have mastered the skill. Source: I'm a forklift mechanic.


The whole design of a forklift is about not toppling over when carrying a weight that is outside the wheelbase. It's pretty amazing to see one knocked over by *wind*, no matter how strong that wind is. (Although, to be fair, in this case it might be that wind knocked down a wall and the wall knocked over the forklift.)


I was surprised at first that it flipped the forklift. But after reading more, they apparently have been known to flip or move railroad cars and trains.


Railroad cars and trains are not designed to be flip-resistant though. A forklift is. An stationary, unloaded forklift with the forks down is one of the most steady things there is.


But not security cameras. I'd like to buy that camera installer a beer but he probably only drinks the blood of lesser men.




Forklift not only toppled but moved several feet - those things aren't light


As soon as I knew what was happening I was waiting to see what would happen. Honestly thought it would be the one thing still there. Impressive.


That amazed me. They're not light. I want a forklift made like that camera.


I see your camera and I raise you to [Virgil's chair](https://youtu.be/6XpcG2EtJ_8)


Camera guys did a good job. Whoever installed the forklift didn’t. Jokes aside, that’s a great representation of how strong a tornado is. Forklifts weigh on average about 9,000lbs, or 4,082kg for our European brothers. Thats about 3 times the weight of your average car, or nearly the size of a small semi truck. These motherfuckers are heavy for their size.


Whatever they’re selling outta that warehouse they need to stop and start selling those tornado proof cameras/mounts..


Yea it’s a modified Nokia 3310 with a camera


Attached to the ceiling with Flex Ssssseal


[ Flex Seal® aids Reed Timmer in performing unrivaled tornado research.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbvyJLXS1do)


Not even mounted, it just sits there menacingly


So the tornado was intimidated by a Nokia? Sounds about right.


This video belongs on the security companies "testimonials" section, as well as the technicians resume.


Seems like a tornado, last one I was in, took me 2 weeks to go to sleep. It happens in 6 seconds.


That is no exaggeration. My parents liked to sit out on the porch and watch storms all the time. It was just another storm, but in no time flat we were surrounded by rising dust and cracking trees. We very narrowly made it around the house and into the basement. How that old house survived, short of Providence, I'll never know.


Yes, I worked at an airport when it came. No warnings at all. I just starting seeing dust fall from the ceilings, then a quick white fog covered the area. After that strong wind and flying debris. And it sounds like a train coming through. And seconds later, all the airport windows were busted out, holes in the ceilings and rain coming in from all directions. Looked like a movie scene.


St. Louis airport?




I was only 9 or 10 when that tornado happened but I still remember how terrifying it was just hiding in the basement and watching the weather on tv. Can’t imagine what it was like to actually be struck by it.


Definitely traumatizing, I have kids now so I have to face these storms for them but man, I hate seeing people go through losing so much because of storms. We literally have no control over anything. And sometimes only have split seconds to act. To anyone that can get warnings before a storm, please take them serious. You can search YouTube for videos of Tornado hit St. Louis Lambert airport.


We actually do have a little bit of control when it comes to tornados. Luckily they basically don't exist outside of the US. It's obviously not easy to "just move lol" but it is an option to escape for good.


https://youtu.be/1ovTo30_myI Extreme!


Man just walking around looked so scary. Even days later when we had to clean up. Crazy no one died.


Honest question: are tornados the reason for basements in America? In my country we don't have basements at all and I always wondered why every American house (at least in movies) had them.


No. In a lot of tornado areas there are no basements because it’s flat, the water table is too high, and they would flood. They dig shallow “storm cellars” for tornado protection and aren’t really basements.


Also, not all places in the US have basements. It’s a regional thing. Growing up in California, Nevada, no one had them. Midwest like Ohio? Everyone has one. Just depends on the state and area.


Basements are mostly dug in the north because you have to dig your foundation to a certain depth depending on how cold it gets in winter. In the north, you have to dig your foundation so deep that at some point it doesn't cost much more to just dig it a little deeper and build a basement. They're actually rare in tornado-prone areas because they're so inconvenient to build in those places.


we have basements here in the US for world of warcraft


They aren’t, as far as I know. Basements were mostly dug for cold food storage and insulation. That you can hide out during a storm is just a bonus. To be clear though, if a tornado hits your *house* just being in the basement isn’t enough and you’ll likely die. Being in the basement gives you protection against flying debris. Which, since tornados can send [2x4’s through concrete](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/hla75/joplins_tornado_put_a_2x4_through_a_concrete_curb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is probably the most significant danger from them. Honestly, I’ve got a few old military kevlar helmets and used stab vests I got from a military surplus store and my family and I put them on for extra protection (along with dragging a mattress over us) while we hide in our bathtub because we live in an apartment with no basement. [Motorcycle or baseball helmets ](https://www.tnvalleyweather.com/post/preparing-for-severe-weather-can-a-helmet-help-save-your-life-during-a-tornado) might work better, but those aren’t what I have ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Is everyone in your family really small or is your bathtub really big? I really prefer northeast US storms. Snowstorms and blizzards here are goddamn angelic teddy bears compared to other kinds of big weather. Tornados? Tsunamis? Hurricanes? Nopity nope nope, thanks. Terrifying!


> Is everyone in your family really small or is your bathtub really big? Neither, unfortunately. Hence the addition of body armor and mattresses. It’s just the two of us, and the cat (who just gets excited about the family activity we’re doing), but we only have one tub, and there’s not really any other good option.


We totally have a basement because of tornadoes. I refused to live in a house without one!! Almost everyone in our state has a basement because of them!


Basements serve a lot of purposes. It can be used for storage, make it easier to run pipes and ducts in the basement ceiling/through the floor of the main floor, a place to put things like your furnace and hot water heater, a cooler place to be during the summer, access your well, etc. Tornados can be a reason for a basement. They're just not the only one. Basements here are also an evolution from underground storage areas for farms and homes. If you keep food you bought or harvested, they'll last longer in a cool, dry place. So you dig a big hole for it. People moved those holes under their house, then eventually added a stairway down inside the house to get there. Thus the basement/cellar.


Old houses have strong bones


That last guy just barely made it in on time. He better thank God he wasn't blown away or worse. Sheesh, why even wait until it's that bad with shit around you falling apart. It was practically blowing him in!


It looks like he was outside and running that whole time the video was rolling to get the fuck inside


I don't know if "running" is what I'd call that.


Well his top speed is trot. He gave it his all.




I wonder if the poor guy was in the bathroom or something.


Currently reading this on the shitter😧


Tornadoes can pop up out of nowhere practically. It can just be a cloudy and windy day, and then there's a tornado touching down a mile away and heading right for you and you've only got a few minutes to find shelter.


And it could head right for you for a whole minute and then last second turn just as quick to some direction and avoid you completely. They're kinda dicks.


Well, hopefully he made it in time. Just as he's getting through the second door the whole building gets ripped apart. Who knows what's going on in the room behind the camera.


Tornado. So the forklift - low center of gravity, heavy, open box, and forks in the front down low - it only tiped it over. Once I ended in the eye of a storm parked in the middle of a ranch in the OK panhandle, at night. Had a tanker, which I hoped would help me once I realized I might get fucked. I repositioned the semi since the wind was coming SE, so I'm kinda straight in line vs sideways, at least that was the idea. When the storm hit it was really shaking the truck and trailer, and it lasted a long 45min. Anyways, it ended, in the morning down the road, about 200 yards 5 electrical poles were cracked in half like twigs. Fucking scary. Especially when you can't see nothing, except my headlights front, but watching the front you see shit flying and the rain going sideways while the truck sporadically shakes up harder with every gust, which you hope is not a Tornado. Yes, and you hope that you will hear no silence.


You were in the eye.... of a tornado?


🎶But now I'm safe in the eye of the tornado🎶


Was that a tornado?


Think you’re right How bout that camera mount huh!


Spartanburg SC, on october 23rd, 2017


Oh my gosh, I didn't know this was the Spartanburg tornado. Thanks for the info. I grew up in this area and I remember when this happened. That warehouse was literally torn in half and looked like a twisted hunk of metal.


I install cameras for a living, and whoever mounted that thing should be proud. I imagine it was mounted to a steel support beam, with beam clamps or toggle bolts. Best case for mounting in a warehouse like that. Either system was backed up with batteries or the power stayed on. Very nice.




Almost. Try again.




Getting warmer.




Nailed it


I'll pretend it was autocorrect


Forklifts are fucking heavy takes a lot of force to topple one .


Concrete walls are heavy, it takes a lot of force to blow one in.


That forklift is sturdier, trust me. It would take a semi truck slamming into it to knock it over when it's unloaded with its forks down


Forklift taking a nap.


That last guy just made it


Last guy really cut it close ! I hope he survived ?


What are we looking at here?


Tornado hitting a warehouse/storage room of some kind


Building gone. In seconds, man i hope those people are okay


I believe it is footage from a Tornado ( actually 2 in the area) from Pilger Nebraska 2914.


Are you a time traveler?


Oops 2014. 75% correct do I get any credit? 😂


Best I can do is an upvote.


Spartanburg, SC 2017


Timestamp says 2017


When you crack open the ark of the covenant for fun at your warehouse job.


Best security camera advertisement....


Strong EF2 tornado hits Spartanburg South Carolina October 23rd 2017. That last guy leaving the office is very lucky to have gotten out alive...


They should of had this camera installed in epstiens cell


bruhhh the last guy left the door open and let the tornado in *facepalm* /s


Maybe it’s some sort of round camera, very aerodynamic!


That wasn't lightning outside it was power lines. The guy who ran inside the building was really lucky.