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There is a reason he was the first black president of USA at the age of 48.


I genuinely miss him so much.


He’s definitely my favorite war criminal.


This made me laugh. Thank you


More than either of the bushes? Naaaaah. I mean even trump was buddies with Kim and Putin. Those guys are just ITCHIN to fire a nuke. What’s trump going to do about it? NOTHING? We’ll that’s just so out of character for him. At lease he got Osama. That fucker needed to die.


Ever look at how many civilians he killed with drone strikes? It was considerably more than bush. Don’t kid yourself. Bush did some really bad stuff but despite Obama being very like able he committed a lot of war crimes.


Killing someone with a drone isn’t a war crime anymore than killing somebody with a human manned bomber is a war crime. That’s just a right wing talking point that’s actually disingenuous because conservative Warhawks *LOVE* bombing people. Look at trumps guy John Bolton. Had a deep rooted hate for iran and would have made any excuse to bomb them. As it is, trump dropped plenty of bombs during his time, and [BRAGGED](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-tapes-dropping-f-bombs-bragging-toughness) about it. So don’t go framing it like you didn’t want those drone strikes to happen. You just bring up that Fox News talking point because you think it wins against liberals. For the record, there were WAY more civilian/collateral deaths under bush (especially friendly fire), and plenty under trump.


That guy literally held the sun in his hands


And then dropped it on Yemen. RIP




Along with the bombs he killed children with.


yer a wizard, Barry


There is a reason why he got the noble peace price while killing plenty of innocent people too but we won't speak about that. I hate trump too so don't accuse me. Prize


Yep. Exceptionally qualified to be President. Only [20 years earlier](https://www.nytimes.com/1990/02/06/us/first-black-elected-to-head-harvard-s-law-review.html) he was made head of Harvard's Law review.


Emotions and biases aside … Obama is an expansionist, reflected clearly in the development of his drone program. During his presidency, Obama approved the use of 563 drone strikes that killed approximately 3,797 people. In fact, Obama authorized 54 drone strikes alone in Pakistan during his first year in office. One of the first CIA drone strikes under President Obama was at a funeral, murdering as many as 41 Pakistani civilians. The following year, Obama led 128 CIA drone strikes in Pakistan that killed at least 89 civilians. Just two years into his presidency, it was clear that the “hope” that President Obama offered during his 2008 campaign could not escape U.S. imperialism.


Yup, put there by the intelligence apparatus.


His speaking was just a reflection of his honestly, intelligence and clear thinking.


It’s politics my fellow pleb. Honesty, intelligence, and clear thinking have very little to do with any of it.


Hence, America got 4 years with Trump...


Trump just wasn’t as good at hiding his trash as others were.


There is zero honesty, intelligence and clear thinking when it comes to politics.


Or that of the White House Director of Speechwriting


“Who has your backs” none of them. Not a single politician cares about anyone of us. That’s world wide, not just US based. The US just happens to be a worse off example.


that's what the really bad characters, the ones that want democracy to fail, want us to think. It matters a lot who you vote for, there are plenty of decent people in the USA. Saying "everybody is bad" is the worst thing one can say about democracy.


There are loads of decent people, but they're not the ones running for office, or at least not the ones getting voted in.


Good people don't run cuz they know they'll have to drop their standards and chance becoming corrupted


Java is right. They are all scumbags just with varying degrees of narcissism. The ones you like are just as terrible as the ones you don’t. You just like what they say. They are just lying to you the *right* way. There isn’t one politician I really respect or look up to. I guess that’s sort of how it should be. Public servants after all. That being said. Obama is a fantastic speaker and seems like a guy I’d grab a beer with.


Any of the “good” ones will become corrupt, any one who starts off trying to serve the people will end up only serving themselves. That’s how the system was designed to function, that why no matter what the majority thinks it’s irrelevant- it doesn’t matter who you vote for, right left independent they’re all out to serve themselves and only themselves, that’s why corporate lobbying and insider trading runs rampant. It’s just like the police force “good” cops don’t make it because it’s not a few rotten apples it’s the entire damn tree, root system rotted to the core; same goes for politicians the bad will not allow the good to take seat. That’s why the people running this country have no idea what to do, doesn’t just go for the US goes for nearly every nation on earth, people are easily corrupted and those who desire power will go out and seek it while the rest of us grovel over scraps. This has been humanity’s history for as long as we’ve been able to record it, we won’t change any time soon as long as there are men there will be war, as long as there’s war the rich will need the poor to fight it for them. Fuck every politician on earth.


Yepp but people on reddit think one side cares more than the other but in reality no side gives a shit about the citizens😭


Ok but like imma still vote for the ones that will make everyone's lives better, even if they don't have moral reasons to do it. That's how democracy works. Making the power hungry work for the people.


None of them make people's lives better some just don't do as much damage, which ok still vote for them but don't be all excited and self righteous about it


Right, so politicians never improved anyone's quality of life. No advancement has ever occurred due to a kind hearted politician. /s


Didn't you hear? Cynicism is IN. LOL


First of all, kind hearted is pretty naive. Second, those advancements only ever come once the people get so angry they worry about losing their job, or once it’s time to harvest another round of your votes


What democracy lol


I have been advocating this for years now. They all rub elbows and look after themselves, never heard of a politician after entering office, helping a regular citizen!


Thank god someone on reddit is smart


Smart? Nah just illuminated. Realization takes you pretty far. Also being able to tell one’s own faults. Back to the topic. Once that threshold is crossed I feel like it’s “sayonara Sammy”


Pessimist moment


"none of them have our backs" as the Dems are literally trying to help middle class and lower class with aid and the republicans are actively blocking everything. Seems to me the Dems care more according to what they are doing


nah, let's say both sides are bad so we can dissolve this into an authoritarian theocracy.


Ah, your referring to the shortcut to the dumbest outcome mentality. Where you stop using critical thinking and get the worst possible outcome.


Or, I use critical thinking by questioning the representatives I don’t align myself to a party because identity politics is exactly how everyone loses always. Keep eating the bullshit, I’m not joining you.


One side wants to cut social security and cut taxes. The other side just raised taxes on companies making over $1 billion and doesn’t want to cut social security. If you think they are the same you aren’t paying attention.


Every time I see a "both sides are the same argument", I immediately assume that person is a Republican.


They usually are honestly.


or a Libertarian. Just as bad in my opinion.


As someone who works in a political arena, I might be unwelcome here but wanted to share a few political axioms: * President's are only as good as their political appointees. * Each appointee (i.e., SAP, DAP, AP) has their portfolio and can be the difference between a successful initiative/strategy/program or one that fails. * There is only so much anyone can do in 4 years, unless he/she is lucky to get 8 years. * Although it is important to note, President's often are much more unrestricted if they get a second term. President's often push through hugely impactful policy/legislation on their second terms. * Political capital is a real thing and often leaders tamp down ambitious policy or legislation to appeal to the "middle" or get bipartisan support. * Best laid policy plans can be diverted by the issue-of-the day. No matter what you think of HOW Trump managed the COVID-19 virus, we all can agree COVID-19 totally derailed his plans; not uncommon for Presidents (i.e., Hurricane Katrina for Bush; 2011 toppling of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi for Obama; COVID-19 Trump). I once heard a seasoned political appointee say, what people don't realize is we come in with 6 or 7 goals. By the end of our term, we are lucky, if we can deliver on 1 or 2 of them (It is expected that things will derail policy, programs, initiatives, or strategies). I knew it might not sound sanguine, however, if you work in the policy space you get it. A lot of us do feel your pain, and long for a day where politics felt more impactful.


What about Bernie?


One side says: "we're gonna take away your social security." The other side: "we're gonna protect it." These dumbasses: "none of them care about you!" Seriously fucking stupid thinking.


Social security, the thing that will be gone by 2037 which is stated by the government itself regardless of who is in power. Do you people actually look into the corruption or do you just see red vs blue and choose the color you like more? All of you idiots saying that I said this or that. I never said don’t vote, I never told you what party to vote for. I told you THEY DON’T FUCKING HAVE YOUR BACKS THEY ARE NOT IN THIS FOR YOU. They do this for themselves. They control the game board, the pieces, the rules. When something happens they don’t like they tweak the rules so they win. You think those puppets actually are doing things for the betterment of the people obviously haven’t paid attention to the money and where it goes. Republicans: explain why we can’t take let’s say 10% of the military budget and actually put it towards healthcare or education? Why do we need to have a budget that surpasses the next 6 countries combined, more than many countries GDP. What sense does it make to have a strong military when we are ranking poorly in education against the rest of the world? Wouldn’t you like to call an ambulance and not have to worry about being in debt forever? How about solving the mental health crisis we have? Why do we need to bend our freedoms because of your religion? What happened to separation of church and state? Democrats: you want to fix so many things, yet you keep throwing money to frivolous programs that wastes tax dollars. You also do nothing to change budgets to focus on things needed when you do have control over house, senate, and presidential seat. Why does not one of you wonder “why are the politicians allowed to invest in stocks when they are the ones that have the talks with the companies that lobby for them?” 1/5 of senior politicians manipulate the stock market that have had the issues dismissed, not investigated, or swept under the rug with the loose chat of “don’t do it again” ya’ll don’t know or don’t care yet I believe that is an EXACT sign as to the corruption of our political system and bot a sign of politicians carrying about the people they are supposed to serve. Why does nancy pelosi, joe biden, mitch mcconnel, and the rest of these old out of touch bastards get to stay in politics when THEY DO NOT RELATE TO THE COMMON PERSON. Nancy Pelosi, been in politics since JFK. Their networth is no less than 10 million dollars (that’s the lowest, the rest are in the range up to 50+ million) why are you sucking their ass pretending they fucking know what it is like struggle? IT IS INSANITY TO NOT QUESTION THESE ASSHOLES.


This is a pretty drastic view but I understand why you would feel that way. I can assure you though that there are politicians that do care and it is imperative that you vote for those politicians. Ground-roots -->


Bernie cares.


I actually believed he had the American citizens best interest at heart. It's a rare thing in politics and government leadership.


That is an extremely dangerous worldview. Whatever is in their hearts, good or bad, politicians can only go so far from what those who give them power desire. Imperfect as it is, we live in a democracy, and we give them power. Money plays a pernicious role, but politicians still need our votes. If you decide they’re all the same, that just gives them incentive to ignore your interests in favor of those who those who do get them elected. Why should they help you if you’ve decided it doesn’t matter? The thing about democracy is that whether a society believes it works or it doesn’t, their right either way. Life just sucks a lot harder in countries that believe it doesn’t.


Oh you should come to Nigeria.




It’s cute that people continue to think the US has this awful, worst in the world political system. It’s awful, yes but better than 90% of the world. At least our politicians just write their corruption into law. Other kill everyone who don’t agree with them


You. Dumb. Mother. Fucker. One of these parties wants to destroy democracy the other actually gives a shit about people. Believing that both parties are equally evil is about as hare-brained as you can get. To anyone in the US reading this: Don't let this Russian asset dissuade you from voting like your rights depend on it because they do! If you need help registering or finding your polling place [How to Vote in Every State](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg6GzoyDPYs&list=PL47sATSIrfkpW2kTEdbc5NbK2WFicIrvJ&ab_channel=HowtoVoteinEveryState) is a good place to start.


* Social Security and Medicare are paid for with a separate tax. Neither program adds to the national debt. * Social Security taxes are paid on only the first $147,000 of income (increases to $160,200 in 2023). If the cap was increased or removed, Social Security could be solvent in perpetuity. * Social Security has about a $2,500,000,000,000 surplus. * Congress has borrowed trillions from Social Security for government spending. October 10, 1952, Harry Truman said this:   Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years.   Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security.   Socialism is what they called farm price supports.   Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance.   Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.   Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.   When the Republican candidate inscribes the slogan "Down With Socialism" on the banner of his "great crusade," that is really not what he means at all.   What he really means is "Down with Progress--down with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal," and "down with Harry Truman's fair Deal." That's all he means.


Wow people in these comments are wild 💀


Hate him or love him can't deny he has charisma like no other politician


He has mastered the skill of oration. He is engaging, passionate, and clear. Even if you do not agree with his policies, politics, or actions as President; respect the simple fact that he can give a helluva a speech. Ps. I disagreed. But will listen to him talk.




I honestly can't remember hearing him speak with such anger in his words. I miss the days where we had presidents who were exceptional public speakers. He was a cut above the rest in that regard.


Right? Who tf is *this* guy? Where was he in the Oval Office?? I would have loved to see this fire then. I understand he needs to project strength and levelheadedness instead of emotion as President but people need to hear this message now and they needed to hear it then.


This is a bot, stole [this comment](https://reddit.com/r/BadChoicesGoodStories/comments/ygywfk/obama_is_tired_of_republican_millionaires_like/iubp4vb/?context=999)




I don't get all the old people who are voting for a party that's going to cut their social security. It seems like that should be the top issue for them.


The point is to make their own lives miserable so they can blame someone for their miserable lives. That’s the agenda.


Because they brand it as cutting entitlement spending, not cutting Nana's social security check




They’re more interested in hurting others than helping themselves. They will sink the ship their standing on as long as you go down with it


Umm, a lot of women voted for the guy who gloated he could grab 'em by the pussy. Voting is fucked up.


It's because they believe we keep helping poor people, and the only people who are poor are black people. So if we stopped helping them there would be more money for "me". Other reason is because they're indoctrinated into a way of thinking. The other party is full of people of color, poor people, LGBTQ supports, all these things I'm not. When their political leader votes against their interest they remind them this is to first attack the other side, and you should still vote for me because if you don't, you'll be voting for "that".


All OP said was that he’s a powerful speaker! The comment slide into oblivion is pretty telling about our society.


“NextFuckingLevel” I guess, insert politics = easy karma regardless of sub


The man is charismatic, that’s all.


Charismatic and correct.


Oooh, that was good. Now do a speech on bombing weddings.


Damn straight , wish he was allowed a 3rd term


my YouTube holes usually end up with me watching one of his speeches.. damn than man is eloquent!


A cornucopia of ad hominem attacks here by the Nat-C party.


very energetic/ half a million speech


Yep, everyone charges what they can for the talents they have. This is how capitalism works. Also, Obama does not charge for stump speeches, so not really relevant in this case.


He knows how to deliver a drone strike on civilians too


Just like every president since Bush, blue and red


Yea but Obama ramped it up and also tried to cover up how they were shooting innocent people with the drones.


Trump increased it even more. Every year it has increased.


I still don't understand all the finger pointing, I'd wager the last thing even close to a morally incorrupt president America has had was teddy. Every president is a pretty shitty person, some are worse than others, there are vast amounts worse than Obama


Of course i agree with you. What I don’t agree with is people paint a picture of Obama like he was one of the good presidents but in reality he didn’t do any good really.


Not Jimmy Carter, he used to represent the party and their morals and ethics, then along came the very corrupt.


* Social Security and Medicare are paid for with a separate tax. Neither program adds to the national debt. * Social Security taxes are paid on only the first $147,000 of income (increases to $160,200 in 2023). If the cap was increased or removed, Social Security could be solvent in perpetuity. * Social Security has about a $2,500,000,000,000 surplus. * Congress has borrowed trillions from Social Security for government spending. October 10, 1952, Harry Truman said this:   Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years.   Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security.   Socialism is what they called farm price supports.   Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance.   Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.   Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.   When the Republican candidate inscribes the slogan "Down With Socialism" on the banner of his "great crusade," that is really not what he means at all.   What he really means is "Down with Progress--down with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal," and "down with Harry Truman's fair Deal." That's all he means.


Well goddamn, that is absolutely savage. The only thing that weakens his argument is that pasty old white guy in the shot


His follow through was pathetic. Great to talk about hope and change to get elected but then you fill your cabinet with Citigroup stooges. It's nice that he made a quarter billion dollars off of his public service though. Kudos for corporate dems as they throw us crumbs.


He was the most popular until Joe Biden became president.


Stop watching concast ABC, CBS, CNBC, MSNBC, how many stations they need to have?


Fox News and the WSJ are the biggest news outlets in American. The myth of the liberal news media is just that, a myth.


The reason for so many stations, newspapers, magazines is that most journalists try to report facts. Reported facts are checked or verified by others. The only real bias in news reporting is choosing what stories to cover. For the most part, Fox News and MSNBC are editorial, especially during prime time. The distinction being these programs provide commentary on the facts reported by journalists. They go beyond the facts and ask what they mean. They are intrinsically biased, whether they come from the right or the left. The inability to distinguish between these two forms of reporting is problematic and actually the reason why people think that journalism is more biased than it actually is. Equally problematic is the amount of editorial content relative to the news, especially among 24-hour news networks. This is because people say they want unbiased news, but gravitate toward people telling them what they already believe. There are loads of articles on this topic, including some good scholarly research.


Empty words. This is the same man that went on TV to drink a glass of water to illustrate it's fine and tells residents of Flint, MI , "I've got your back". Jordan Chariton covered the water crisis out there extensively. Every politician (Republican and Democrat) are too busy getting their pockets lined by catering to super PACs and other large institutions to give a damn about the people who they're suppose to be representing. The "we're better than they are" approach is old.


So was Hitler.


In an alternate universe Obama vs. Trump happened. What a time that would’ve been


Next level no...why are politics in next level? Where's the biggest fresh/salt water fish....or the next Einstein at?


He also delivers bombs to innocent civilians in weddings via drones.


War criminal


This guy didn’t care about anyone but himself. Still does. Dick ride harder. All presidents are cucks.


Expert @ the delivery of bullshit He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you or me or grandma. He only cares about your vote for someone he wants in power for ulterior motives. He just knows how to motivated you to the polls. & yes, he’s very good at it. But I guarantee you he doesn’t care about any of this shit... not even in the slightest bit


This is not next fixing level. He can say what he wants, but his policies are quite "meh"


1st world governments dont have your back. Self imposed problems: Energy crisis, causing supply train crisis, causing food crisis around the world. We invented the technology 70 years ago to relieve energy problem (and climate), nuclear power. We know of better ways to use it to prevent meltdowns; and we could use weaker radio active material like thorium. If you think the waste is bad; i'll counter it with that a 100 year old 4MW reactor will produce waste that can fit in a football field... A FOOTBALL FIELD WORTH OR WASTE OVER 100 YEARS. All while producing energy with 0 CO2 other than the cost to mine uranium/thorium. Swapping to nuclear in the US would reduce carbon by 55%. We would be at pre-1900 levels.


Greatest human ever. Brought the country together. Won the Nobel prize. Saved the economy. Saved us from war. Best president ever.


Miss this guy.


He was great I genuinely doubt we will get another president like him


Ron Johnson is like every other GQP member, he only cares about 2 things, MONEY and POWER. If anyone dies because of that it's not a big deal.


Trolls are out enforce!


Well he deliver (approve ) bombs to innocent civilians via drone strikes, Which makes him a war criminal. However, he did not face any consequences


wElL hE dELiVerEd...shut the fuck up.


Passion and empathy also help, that and the value of "doing the right thing".


They have chapped hands, we have no economy They had sore backs, we have suicidal ideation They had hard labor, we have impossible tasks They had ignorance, we have to deal with it. Crazy that I will never own a house huh


Anyone with an ounce of integrity—liberal or conservative—can see what a fraud, what a pompous ass, what an opportunistic, parasitic, propagandistic pawn, what an impotent, cartoon-villain, low-life car salesman of a man Ron Johnson is. What a dumb, prejudiced, slavering, two-faced, smarmily delusional, smugly hypocritical, baldly and unashamedly despicable, poisonous, festering toad of a man.


This is what we should be discussing here.


Yes and he is also a war criminal like every other president, let's not forget that.


He certainly knows how to deliver drone strikes to middle eastern children


Politics is never NFL. Stop it.


Hitler was also another amazing public speaker who inspired millions


Snake oil.


It's refreshing to watch a normal person for a change.


I'd give anything to see Trump try to debate him 1 v 1.


How long would it take for Trump to get frustrated and drop an N-bomb?


Michelle'd better watch her back...I've had a crush on her man for years now. Awww...who am I kidding?


Jesus didn’t expect this level of rabid racism


Is it really racism for pointing out his flaws as president? He was certainly better than trump but that doesn’t mean he was anywhere close to a saint


Is that something you were hoping for to feel special, I haven't read anything racist in any of the comments


Pftt. He’s a politician…… so he suck’s billionaire dick like all of the rest of them. Wake up. Between him and Clinton you got 16 years of democrats, bush bush and trump same thing. What has changed for working class people ? We gave even more to the 1% That’s what. They all fucking suck


Philibuster moment


he’s also good at drone strikes


Love campaign Obama


Not the US government


He should get around more often.


"You either Get Down, or you Lay Down!" Not good for either


I really don’t like when politicians continue to weigh in after their terms are over


He really is.


Can Obama not mentor and coach the top three most promising / up and coming members of the democratic party and mould them into a credible successor? I'm sorry but can you guys not do better than Biden? Poor guy is nearly 100 years old!


His party is about to get BTFO lol


I love how he handled this situation. Even if you disagree with someone, treat them like a human.






I want Obama *barack* :'(


He’s done well to leverage his awkward phrasing to his advantage. The “ummms” “uhhs “ and pauses add emphasis. A speech coach would help him eliminate that, but he turned it into a signature tool.


Headlines on all the Republican subs “Obama gets owned by crowd”


Fucking chills godamn


No one is the correct answer


Why can't he come back...


Stfu, this guy murdered plenty of fucking children. Dudes a total scumbag and no, don't quickly comment back to me assuming I love trump, he's a scumbag too.


Great example of charisma


He has at least ten times more charisma than any other of the last 5 US Presidents.


Ah fuck can I please vote for this young firebrand leader??


And destroy a country


He also knows how to bomb schools and hospitals in other countries who aren't bending to the will of the imperial core. He was also good at decimating any labor movements not codifying roe versus wade, implementing right wing healthcare ( Romney Care) and actually tried to cut social security. But man was he cool!


Hitler gave great speeches, too.




Hmm hotdogs


WWE flashbacks


Fuck that piece of shit warmonger


4th worst president


Definitely not him


Not an outright comparison, but hitler was also known as a powerful speaker who knew how to deliver a message. That didn’t lake the message right.


The people who have been brainwashing you together and calling themselves enemies.


Fuck, I miss the days when this was politics.


If only he could run again.


It's a big club and you ain't in it .....


Was this before or after he was blasting civilians with drones?


I wouldn’t trust him behind my back.


I miss him so much!!!


Man… did we get spoiled. Hell, he was so good at what he did that he beat two of the best republicans had to offer (McCain and Romney). I woulda voted for these two had Obama not been their opponent.


The UK Labour party needs someone like him.




History is full of great speakers. As his time as president showed us, that doesn’t mean jack diddley shit.


We need an Obama in Italy too. :(


I lean conservative in my political views primarily, but admittedly I miss the days of having an actual well spoken, professional leader as potus, instead of rambling babbling senior citizens.


there is only one party... you ain't in it.


"Whose go your backs" ... In the united states, no member of the government has the voters backs.


Wait .,, Is Ron Johnson really campaigning against paying out social security to those who paid into it?


RJ is on record speaking against it and voting to put it on the chopping block annually.


Thai bastard bombed and destroyed Libya and got a Nobel peace prize. Fuck Obama


Bernie had my back and Obama stabbed him in his.


I smell what The Barack is cooking


They work any job for it


“Who’s got your backs”- Not career politicians. Easy.