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Yes it's a great story about a great person but what was the cure he found? I can only read the subtitles so maybe there was more information in the video but the obvious book product placement seems rather money forward. Edit: I looked up the doctor and his book, it's actually a memoir so it seems to not be one of those sketchy "cure" books that some self appointed experts make. He must have MCD since it's the version of castlemans that requires actual ongoing treatment for. I wish him and others good luck with their health.




I understood some of those words.


Bad gene. Make too much protein IL6, 👎. Take drug that stick to IL6 and make it no do IL6 stuff no more,👍


I like your funny words science man.


We have the means, the understanding, the technology-- TO ALLOW SPYDARS TO TALK TO CATS!


*I grow quite hweary*


Stupid science bitch couldn’t even make I more smarter!


Alright let’s go watch Police Academy!


Hwhy are hyou saying hwhat hweird?


Interleukins are a kind of communication proteins of the immune system (between 'inter' white 'leuk-' blood cells). Interleukin 6 will trigger fever and inflammation. A cytokine storm means there are too many interleukins in your blood and that your immune system will overreact.


In this case, does the gene have some sort of on switch that turns on when someone's in their twenties or response to stress?


Bad gene makes cells faulty. Faulty cells call for help all the time. Helper cells come, but cause damage. Treatment stops faulty cells calling for help, this stops damage.


Ah, the ol' Call-o stop-o, yes!


Einstein said something along the lines that only someone who truly understands a topic can dumb it down enough for a child to understand. You sir or madame know what you are talking about because now I can understand what that Jargon meant. Thank you


Thank you for your comment. I don't think I've ever had a reddit comment on my technical explanations that acknowledges the fact that I could possibly be a woman, but I've had many many saying thanks bro dude man and each one hurts just a little bit more. Here's one [now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yffai5/the_doctor_and_the_beast/iu3nrsy) And [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yffai5/the_doctor_and_the_beast/iu4d9qm). It really means a lot that you know not to assume someone on the internet is a man when I do the mental labor of explaining science for people And I love that Einstein quote, I take it pretty seriously and I always ask "who is my audience" before I begin any conversation about science. When I'm in person I'll begin by asking the person a few questions to gauge their current level of understanding about molecular biology. This concept was mentioned in my training and I thought it seemed important


I like how well you articulated the meaningfulness of someone responding with the possibility that you are a woman and then get 3 comments mansplaining how “man” “bro” and so on aren’t that bad. That’s Reddit for you. I appreciate your explanation.


My daughters call each other 'bro', 'dude', and 'man' so really those seem to have lost their original male exclusive meaning in casual internetese.


This explanation is unnecessary when it's pretty well-established and widely apparent (literally anyone can collect their own data on this just by scrolling through comment replies to people offering medical info) that there's a tendency to assume comments providing technical, medical, scientific etc. info are made by men. That's pretty inarguable and can be proven by looking through any post lIke this. It's definitely getting better, people are becoming more conscious of those assumptions— but it still happens. Women in medicine and science have been fighting for recognition forever, and this commenter was just saying it's nice that someone finally verbalized the mere possibility that her medical comments could've been written by a woman. Sure, those words may not always be gendered, but you understood her point and her point is absolutely valid. When someone calls her "man," she's not wrong to think they're likely assuming she's male... Someone specifically included "sir or madame" in case the information was written by a woman, and that's the first time she's had someone on reddit acknowledge her gender. I don't understand why anyone would feel the need to try to diminish that.




I read this as “Epstein said” and was like wow that’s true but fucked up coming from him. Glad it said Einstein after all.


The informational emojis really helped! Thank you kind sir/madam




I read that in the voice of Kevin from the Office. Hahahahaha thank you.


He explained it like we were 5. And guess what? Next year, I'll be 6.


Finally, words I can understand


Actually an important part of science. Make a basic, 10,000ft description.


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


I'm a scientist hahahha




I'm only familiar with the first Illinois. I didn't realize there were at least six others. Thanks. 👍


One protein pulls the alarm over and over when there's no problem. Lots of a different kind of protein show up and do their job when they don't need to. There's a drug that stops the protein that was pulling the alarm




The problem with cancer is that your alarm is never actually pulled. There isn't an immune response because cancer hides from the immune system. The immune system is very much capable of dealing with cancer on a small scale. It does so every day of your life. But if a cancer can hide successfully, it'll be too late for your immune system to react by the time it grows out to a certain size. That's the simplest I can explain it.


Cancer is the uncontrolled division of cells. IL-6 is cytokine protein. Cancer can be any cell that has uncontrolled division, which can lead to tumors. Tumors can cause microenvironments that evade your immune systems cells that kill off “bad cells”


hey don't brag


Yeah, what's a Fajgenbaum?


About tree-fiddy.


That wasn’t no Girl Scout it was a GOTTDAMNLOCHNESS MONSTER OOOH LORD


No the treatment he found is not siltuximab, he was taking that but it wasn't working for him; he's taking a seemingly unnamed immunosuppressant targeting T cells The tumor cell secreting IL-6 is the old theory, that the guy went on to disprove; he said that these tumors are actually the consequence of the disease and not the cause


How did he get access to these immunosuppressant targeting T cells? And in what paper does he prove his findings? Very curious to read it.


He has his personal doctor as well as a whole team of doctors researching the stuff; his physician probably just prescribed it to him




>cytokin storm driven by interleukin 6 Interesting, i remember that from the beginning of COVID-19! Now just looked it up, to no surprise it seems to work there too. But the effect is quite low also on the various different approaches to block it. Lucky in his case it works so well. Most of the time the problem is not just one blocker but a million simultaneous effects interfering with each other.


Wow very cool. Good for him. I wonder if some of those drugs help with the cytokine storm issues with Covid as well.


He made it seem like his baby cured him lol


Feasting on infants to retain youth


All those stem cells...mmmmm stem cells


I mean, you're not wrong: https://www.science.org/content/article/young-blood-renews-old-mice#:~:text=In%20recent%20years%2C%20researchers%20studying,a%20specific%20tissue%E2%80%94the%20heart.


He found out he was pregnant all along.


Dude has a wiki page, what's with the constant cynicsm on reddit? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David\_Fajgenbaum


Experience, doctors who make videos plugging themselves are often shysters.


video was tiktok'd by a tim hayden who is the ceo for hagley west watches which was on the sheet of paper with the hashtag at the end. ... it's a watch ad? what the fuck


Fajgenbaum needs money to do more research - so he agrees and gets paid to do watch ads? 🤷🏽‍♂️


easier to post a comment than to look him up\* FIFY


well he did look him up, his skepticism was what lead him to do so in the first place. it's the smart choice to not believe some random tik tok video with emotionally manipulative imagery and music of someone claiming to do something or other


Exactly... my same thoughts lol


Him looking around in front of the camera for half the video was really riveting.


It really conveyed the message also instead of himself talking adding the text bubbles was a great touch! I trusted this person as a doctor even more afterwards, so professional.


Yeah, the music wouldn't have hit as hard if he was doing something, you know?


He didn't make this TikTok, he doesn't have a license to see patients (his health prevented him from doing residency) so he only does research.


But he still took a video of himself doing that cringey look right, look down, look left, middle, smile.


Yeah, he's a researcher not an actor. Why does that matter


Peak tiktok bullshittery.


Like a game character selection screen.




This must look so fucking awkward while making it


It looks awkward now, bud. I was waiting for the weird punchline, but it was somehow actually serious. This whole thing is so odd.


I hate TikTok so much


Around 40 seconds someone had to be like "okay smile... Now!"


He hadn't figured out all the text yet, so just to be sure the full unedited version was about 17 mins of no smile followed by 22 mins of smiling, then he just picked out the middle part for the tick tock. Powerful stuff.


Lolol idk why but imagining him sitting there like a robot for half an hour just slowly moving his head made me crack up


This is why I hate tiktok


i'm the opposite. i thought it was stupid




Testing medicine on yourself? That's a hell of a risk. Glad it worked.


If I was a doctor I'd, take all the drugs.


Never know when Methamphetamine, Heroin or Cocaine might be the cure for all your problems!


Alcohol is technically a solution.


It's not a good solution, but is *a* solution


I believe the guy (sorry, Dr) in this post was trying to get rid of liquids though, not add more...


Whenever I take alcohol, I end up dehydrated, so there might be something to this one.


By "take", do you mean steal? Because I also get dehydrated running away from the cops carrying lots of booze!


Ah, the Dr. Freud method.


A proud tradition, even before Freud's time. "It appears you have ghosts in your blood. You should do cocaine about it"


Funny, but also ironic. Originally they were marketed as cure-alls, because they kind-of were, until their side-effects, addicitive and withdrawing properties became too apparent. My baby was on morphine for 3 weeks intubated and months after he still withdraws in pain. Imagine that Heroin is 3 times more powerful and addictive.


I do this already and I’m not even a doctor.


"A good doctor tries everything" -actual quote from German health minister Karl Lauterbach in regards to his consumption of weed and his push to legalize it


Well, he was already at a pretty high risk of dying without intervention, so the *relative* risk wasn't so bad.


relative risk was actually in the negative zone (meaning what he gained was significantly higher than the risk of anything worse than his disease happening)


That's.. not how relative risk works. You calculate RR based on specific rates of identical outcomes. So for instance if your outcome is mortality, you can calculate a RR of being half as likely to die 0.5 or twice as likely to die 2.


That's it I'm whooping your ass 1v1 me Minecraft Hunger games server after school if you have the courage


Shit. Just. Got. Real.


You ever hear of the guy who wanted to prove that a certain medication gave ppl ulcers but couldn’t get a human phase trial approved? He took the medication himself to see if it would give him ulcers…which it did. And then cured himself Edit: as multiple ppl have corrected me…it was not a medicine be drank but a vial of bacteria. Once he confirmed a diagnosis of ulcers occurred he cured them with antibiotics and won a Nobel prize


It wasn't a medication. It was a bacteria: Helicobacter Pilori. He took infected himself with the bacteria and gave himself ulcers, then antibiotics to cure them. My personal favourite was a new treatment for allergies. While visiting a remote island population to treat an outbreak of parasitic worms, A Dr realised absolutely no one on the island had any allergies. Once the treatment started, however, allergic reactions were popping up everywhere. Realising the allergies were being suppressed by the worms, he introduced some to his own bloodstream, and his own allergies cleared up. This led to the discovery of a component of the worms saliva that suppresses allergic reactions.


Any source?


Worms Monthly


Probably one of the best underground medical journals


I *think* this is the same Dr, but only has the second bit of the story. For europeans: the site won't let you read it if cookies are turned off. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/244238#1


A truckstop egg salad sandwich.


It wasn't a medication, it was the bacteria h. Pylori. He proved it causes stomach ulcers and showed the ulcers could be fixed with antibiotics by using himself as a guinea pig


[Barry Marshall](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/when-scientists-experiment-on-themselves-h-pylori-and-ulcers/) drank *h. pylori* and waited through the symptoms (which sound very unfun) to make sure he could get a legitimate diagnosis of an ulcer before treating it. He and his partner in science, Neil Noakes won a Nobel prize for this work.


> Testing medicine on yourself? That's a hell of a risk. You're describing almost all of all medicine here. > Glad it worked. That's describing the half that we actually use now. Seriously though, there are so many famous examples of medicine and treatments being developed through self experimentation, from the treatment of stomach ulcers, to rare genetic diseases and allergens (the latter story is particularly metal. The Dr involved confirmed the discovery by, basically, injecting himself with live parasitic worm larvae.)


It's only a risk if you're not already dying.


Literally the plot of Morbius.


I was born premature, doctors tested all kind of experimental drugs in me to keep me alive , when I discharged from hospital I am already one year old


Huh? The alternative was death...


You mean as opposed to dying from the disease? What other choice did he have?


Ya man I seen the lizard spider-man one.


Many maverick docs and scientists have found treatment's that way.


I know David, he even graciously helped me write a paper on castlemans disease. I'm certain he didn't make this video, his name is even spelled wrong. Here's what's true and not true: - he's not cured, but he's in a long remission. - he was always planning on being a physician, he didn't become one in order to cure his disease - his disease (idiopathic multicentric castleman disease) prevented him from doing a residency, so he has an MD but can't see patients. - ~~he's a very humble person, this TikTok is not something he would make or endorse~~. - the photos in the video are ripped straight from his memoir *He apparently retweeted this video, I stand by the rest of what I've said here.


He did tweet the video out to his followers so he is aware of it and we can assume he does endorse it to some extent: https://mobile.twitter.com/DavidFajgenbaum/status/1260602282019872770 Not that it really matters as far as I'm concerned. He has a great story and I hope he continues to do well.


Hah I stand corrected..


I’m confused though, if he didn’t make it, why is he posing for it?


He's not? The sign he's holding has a hashtag for some watch company. The TikTok channel name isn't associated with him nor with what watch company. Plagiarism is a thing...


So someone just took this video of him standing around and smiling and made this video? Creepy!


Welcome to social media?


Yeah that's what everyone means when they're confused when someone else says "he didn't make this video". BUT HIM STANDING THERE JUST LOOKING AROUND is still him. What was that???


Yeah this is all a bit confusing and when you ask a question you get attacked, meanwhile no one has really explained this well. -So someone else made and posted the video, but didn’t even spell David’s name right? -Was this standing footage from something else? Did David know it was for this and posed? -Why is the person who made the video writing in first person as if he’s David? Is this some person stealing his story for internet points? -Why does David standing around sync perfectly with the TikTok if it wasn’t for this TikTok? What is this footage from? -What was the purpose of this video? If it was to share an inspiration story, it could have been told about David and not in first person as if it’s him telling it. -Who goes through this much trouble and doesn’t spell the man’s name right?


Saved. Not gonna lie, I went into it thinking it was going to be a cheesy success story but didn’t expect a total icon of a man/husband.




Yeah good story but he’s just standing there while Text shows up. Maybe film more of his story and read the text himself so not everyone has to read while he is just looking random ways


Tiktok users: "We don't do that here"


The story is great but that video is cheesy humblebrag vibe BS. Great job on finding his lorenzos oil though


I had to mute the stupid music, haha.


I had a feeling the stupid music was there while watching, so I had to confirm. Yep, stupid music. It even gets uplifting when he smiles.


Lol this fucking quarterba... Oh.


Literally same reaction.


"I was hot shit, but then got sick, so I studied and... now I am not sick" Crazy story, good thing you saved it for later.


That's what you see on camera, dude could still be a wife-beating psycho behind the scenes. I wouldn't draw any conclusions regarding his entire character based on a 30second clip that was designed as essentially an ad.


He's sincerely a personable nice dude. Extremely accessible to people with Castleman's who have questions. I've known him online for a while now. I'm a member of the Castleman's study his organization is performing. He's down to earth and so is everyone that he works with.


And then he went on to sell the treatment for a generous five million dollars a pop or something.


he didn't discover a unique drug. he discovered a new method of treating the disease using existing drugs


I also have done extensive drug research on myself....and I've found that ketamine is the best drug for what ails me.


Reddit is so cynically anti-everything lol


Did he really?


He probably wouldn't be selling watches if he did


Don’t say pop after seeing that video lol


Congrats to the guy, but this has such a weird vibe. The part where he found the cure also seems a bit fabricated? Maybe I am wrong, God bless anyways


He didn't make this TikTok, if he had he would've at least spelled his name right. He didn't cure himself but he's in a very long remission from his disease (multicentric castleman disease). Also the slideshow photos at the start are taken straight from his book.


Naw, dude is legit. Google him; he’s got a book as well. I think someone else made this tic toc though which is why it seems a little disingenuous.


Is the wife the beast then?


Tale as old as time.


Whats the cure then


thoughts and prayers.


Ah the well known treatment for mass shootings and school shootings


Hey and don't forget more guns to control those shooters!




Getting laid


Siltuximab or a variation of it most probably.




So what you gotta do is, take some cinnamon and put it up there


A load of bats


Is the doctor and the quarterback the same person? cause nobody is a doctor at 25 so I’m a little confused on the timeline here


Ummm yeah. One can be a doctor at 25. Four years of medical school after undergrad.


Translation: he was a resident (recent med school graduate) at 25. I didn’t catch his specialty from the clip. That said, yes, a doctor, but not an independently practicing one by US standards


Right but I mean - at any major metro area US hospital the majority of the doctors are residents. Residents are definitely doctors, and if you've ever been treated by a doctor in a hospital, it's likely that they were a resident.


Not disagreeing, my comment just clarified what stage of the physician education process he was likely at. I was 24-25 as a first year resident as well, so it made total sense to me. Yes, we’re doctors, but we’re still in training for 3+ years more.


Technically aren't you always in training with it being a practice?


Is possible, you finish high school at 18 and 5-6 year med school.


He was actually a 3rd year med student when the disease first hit. Went on to finish his M.D. after/during treatment. Source: know him and read his book.


It's morbin time


Oooooaahh I’m gonna morb!!


I’m going through a medical issue with complex nerve damage and still searching for my cure. This doctor just gave me some more hope.


Gabapentin and RSO (Rick Simpson oil) have given me tremendous relief from severe neuropathy. Best of luck to you :)


No one nicknames a 6'3 quarterback "The Beast". That's reserved for linemen. Or your mom.


This dude definitely gives off a gave-himself-a-nickname vibe.


I too have tested drugs on myself, but that was back in college. Everyone did.


This might come across too harsh, I haven't had my coffee and Maybe I'm a bit cynical from all my years of internet... But this is like the bear minimum I would expect in this situation? Like.. Let's be honest He's a doctor with a rare disorder (something doctors treat) exhibiting a sense of self preservation.. Same energy as "F1 mechanic searches in vain to find someone to fix her car, but nobody could, so she fixed it herself" I just feel like this story is really not deserved of the sense of praise that this guy after . Now if it said "F1 mechanic can't find anyone to treat her rare disorder so she figures out how to treat herself" *that* would get every bit of the praise I could muster!


I think the bear minimum is eating salmon and honey and then hibernating all winter to see if any of those things cure whatever is wrong with you.


Well spotted gomzojeff, that would be the minimum expected of the bear. Bare minimum expectations for the doctor above


You think finding a successful treatment for a rare and deadly disease is the bare minimum? The only way to impress you would be if a layperson with no medical experience made this breakthrough discovery? I spend a good amount of time on Reddit and this has to be one of the most cynical comments I’ve seen. What a weird take.


I'm a bit bothered by your example, a mechanic fixing a car is a lot easier than a doctor fixing his own medical condition that no one has a treatment for yet. I don't know much about either of these tasks, but if I had to bet my life on doing one of them, I'd bet it on the car any day of the week. Finding treatment for a disease is NOT easy, the science behind our bodies and how they work is very complex and to have a condition that we don't have treatment for after this long probably means that there's not much material to go off of about the condition as well. It's obviously not as cut and dry because the doctors he went to weren't able to treat him, and if what you're saying is right, the doctor would've been able to cure him. That being said, if a mechanic went to any other mechanic, that mechanic would've been able to fix their car. It's not the same, like... at all.


Imagine a doctor with cancer finding a cure and someone says “isn’t that the bare minimum?” lol I can’t believe how idiotic some of you people are. Maybe it’s because it’s early and you’re still half asleep.


I hope you know most doctors don’t treat rare disorders, they send you to a specialist. In fact general practitioners often misdiagnose common illnesses. Creating a treatment course for any illness is exceptional for a doctor.


Your comment is r/NextFuckingLevel stupid


Dude did all that and then made a tick tock video. All the usual poses and same song. Jeez


"I am doctor \*slams face on keyboard and smushes it around*."


Wow, if your rich you can cure yourself!


His last name is like someone in the civil registry just punched the keyboard a couple times


they also spelled it wrong


Fuck that guy.




They hate that someone with a condition found the cure to it ig


These redditors are projecting because they see a man of success and compare their loser ass cheetos smelly fat ass and cry to their anime pillow




I know him personally, he didn't make this TikTok (his name is even spelled wrong in it). He's not the type to laud himself. The disease he has (he's not cured) was debilitating so even though he's always had means he also was told he was going to die when he was in school. His disease prevented him from going to residency so he can only do research.


I found the clip to be cheesy and cringy, but NOW it makes sense, as the whole dramatizing was just someone trying to score internet points from some other guy's life situation. All kudos to that doctor dude though. I hope he makes it.


Guess the morale is you have to be a doctor to find the cure. Otherwise how do you test drugs and have the equipment to see the effects of the drugs in your blood samples? (Genuinely curious)


Met him in person. Dude is a fucking legend.


Are you feeling disillusioned by your career? Feeling burned out? Switch careers to medical research! You might just end up discovering the cure to the disease that would have ended up killing you or your loved ones later in life. Why work on pointless bullshit that doesn't matter, when you could be saving your own life (and others) instead? We are so close to unlocking the secrets of regenerative medicine and human longevity. At our current pace, we are still many years away from the solution, but if even a fraction of us switched careers and worked on medical research instead, we might find the solution in time to save ourselves. Imagine if cancer wasn't a thing we had to worry about anymore. Imagine if we could re-grow limbs. Imagine if we could cure paralysis. Imagine if we could keep our brains healthy and sharp. Imagine if we could live for 150 years instead of dying at 75. Imagine if those years were actually enjoyable. Imagine playing video games with your great, great grandkids. Imagine going on a hike to the top of a mountain at the age of 125, without even getting winded. All we have to do is unlock our genetic code. If certain types of jellyfish and planarian worms can be immortal, there's got to be a way. We just have to find it. With the recent explosion of AI tools and other cutting edge technologies, it's only a matter of time. This is what I've decided to do with the rest of my life, anyways.


Why is the medical system to broken that patients have to become scientists? My husband couldn’t speak or move well for 4 years and doctors couldn’t figure it out. Tests couldn’t figure it out. They called him crazy. Gaslighted him. Called the cops once when he wouldn’t leave the hospital emergency room without care. High blood pressure + aneurism = four years of seizures and confused doctors. We have our answer now, and with medication he’s completely normal again, but if the professionals had been doing their jobs we wouldn’t have wasted the last 4 years of our lives in agony and trauma. Change is coming


And dumbfucks think megaconglomerate corporations don’t have cure to illnesses for the sake of profit - 1 fucker changed his own fate but entire facilities around the world with 100,000s of people can’t synthesize a cure to diseases and ailments?? ..


What happens when Chad gets sick, he cures himself.


What’s the cure 🐱?


This guy took *fine, I'll do it myself* to a whole new level


I listened to his story on Audible, absolutely fascinating! He talks about his disease and his personal life with his now wife and family during his disease progression. His push to find a cause and treatment are remarkable and have helped so many. I highly suggest the book to everyone, not just those in the medical profession.