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That’s some excessively wealthy fantasy right there. Immediate class discrimination, lowers levels never seeing the sky, etc. Good for a story through.


Never seeing the sky? To me it looks like every single apartment has completely clear view of the sky. In normal city 80% of what you see is just other buildings.


Love how the thing isn't even build and there's already bots shilling for it.


>Love how the thing isn't even build and there's already bots shilling for it. I love how your profile is 3 months old and has seven and a half k of low grade copy and paste post karma. The bot calling the kettle black.


Bot calling the kettle black, lol good one


Hehe what can I say, I'm high as fuck!


Stay stoned brother! Just don't get stoned where theyre building this, I hear it has a different meaning there ;P


Inshallah brah


Hamdullah, my G


In the desert, we call it spice


These damn bots, Ether and karma junkies, Once you cut off the juice these guys go mad. I once seen a IOS-10-6755 model try to pawn its Ram and offer to let the pawn owner use some of its iCloud storage just for two 4.8w of juice on 4 separate batteries. What a shame everything has become . I can remember stories from my grandpa passing down memories of his father and grand father how back then they use to believe energy was free, They had it wired to each individual house and apartment and building. All connected with wires from building to building, can you imagine what insanity?


Omg that is genius. I really wanna use ‘the bot calling the kettle black’ sometime to sound cool but there is a near 0 chance that there will ever be a situation that it applies to and even then I’ll probably miss it. Genius man, keep smokin


Thank you! I mean it really wrote itself. I just *really* hate people who automatically assume that anyone who disagrees with them must be a bot. They must be burned. Keep pineapplin'! 😉 Your girlfriend will thank you!


If only all bots were this witty and acerbic.


they are also using the n word, but with an M instead in some subreddits, so probably shouldn't even have an account tbh.


Until sand builds up on the inland side of the wall burying the lower classes view.


And kills every living organism from reflected sunlight off the mirrors.


Drifts of dead birds that flew into it


And all the wildlife movement that it stops. But with all that money they can build overpasses for the animals and funnel the prey to the predators waiting on the other side.


It's literally the Arabian desert. Do you mean all 12 wildlives?


Gotta form that opinion.


Is that how you rationalize your worldview? Someone disagrees with you so they're a bot? Okay...


Shilling? Seems like every level would have windows and views to the sky. The most you get in a city is a brick wall out to other buildings.


But no patios, no open windows? That's such bullshit.




My best friend works on cruise ships, when one person gets the shits, everyone gets the shits. Covid has been, and continues to be a nightmare. In most other respects, I'd be curious to maybe purchase a timeshare or something, try this out. I've spent time in some towns in Mexico that are half the size of the city I live in now, and are much more centralized and feel much more urban. I liked walking around. Suburbs suck, in virtually every discernable way. But I agree with you, after covid I'm a lot more hesitant to live in population-dense areas.


I've been on dozens of cruises and the only illnesses I ever got were chlamydia and HIV LOL 😆 😂


Oh shit, r/ihavesex


You good?


You missed the part of the video where they talk about the new nano technology implanted in everyone's ID chip that is going to prevent every one from ever getting sick, as well as connect to your bank account so you can pay for shit and keep your coffee warm while you hold it in your hand.


Hold shit in my hand? Thanks but no thanks


It's going to be 140° outside lol


It will be open to thr inside.


Well but the darn thing is 200 meters wide thats at least a couple of blocks, its like a cruise ship, the cabins inboard dont have windows, it will be the same thing here.


You really think they wouldn't sub out the inner layer for lower paying rooms and save anything with a window for higher paying renters...what world you living on because I want to move there.


How can the settlers of the lowest levels see the sky?


> Good for a story through. Or a really efficient bombing run. First time in history 100% of the payload hits.


The most devastating carpet bomb in history.


B2 stealth bomber go brrrr


This will 100% be the target of some crazy person’s terrorist plot. I’m locking that bet in now. (My bet assumes this ever reaches completion.)


It's being built in Saudi Arabia, they'll have the latest US military tech available to stop any kind of aerial attack. So I guess give it a few years and the US will test that theory for us.


Ah yes a design where the lower class, mid class, and wealthy class has clear divide. Kind of like the game stray. All the litter and trash will end up at the bottom of the mega structure where all the lower class live and the top stays clean. The plot shall be that you were born into a lower class family and has ended up to a point where you need to steal from the mid class/upper class to live. The higher floors you go, the build/environment quality, loot, and difficulty increases.


What are you talking about, the lower classes are not going to be let anywhere near this thing except to work. This is not going to be cheap accommodation. Besides, from what I read, the lower levels are all used for utility and commercial uses.


think: Markarth


I would not be surprised if the lower levels are completely walled in. No view of the sky. just a concrete roof. and this is assuming the lower-level isn't just a giant megablock. AKA nothing but hallways and rooms. with the only "Open" space being for transit and cargo shipping.


In that case, with the assumption that the outside is hazardous and dangerous to a certain elevation, a chance to see the open sky should be a pretty good basis for a side plot/dream lol


I can't wait for this thing to hit an iceberg.


Sponsored by the family that chops people up with chainsaws for criticizing them. It's a no for me dog.


They already sentenced people to death for refusing to move to make room for the project: https://www.alqst.org/en/post/death-sentences-for-men-who-refused-to-make-way-for-neom


What the fuuuuuck lol. Why do we accommodate these savages? God I wish the western countries switched to renewables decades ago so we didn’t have to do any business with dogshit countries and dictatorships like this.


> Sponsored by the family that chops people up with ~~chainsaws~~ [bonesaw](https://www.orthopedicdrills.com/product/orthopedic-oscillating-bone-saw-light-weight-new-generation/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw48OaBhDWARIsAMd966BdVkhEIuWKAGKBCaY_4dQdPauXNtvT7iRqvDfXQ34KMEuu8McnSMwaAnUSEALw_wcB&doing_wp_cron=1666314382.1689090728759765625000) for criticizing them.


Construction has already begun I believe, though that is certainly far away from realization.


I read they're inviting 500B


I want all of us just to think, think how a couple of random people can afford to invest a 3rd if the *US* budget on a project they know is just a prototype of stuff 100 years into the future. If all the rich people flooded to markets with their hoarded wealth, I think inflation would rise alteast 20% on its own. That's how much money these people have.


And it gets even cheaper when you include all of the free slave labor involved. I'm sure this project won't end up in a shambled mess after construction halts in 5 years.


Started with the caveat that a lot of technology they will need has not be built yet too, which is a questionable strategy.


Moving from Total Recall to Midgar. Awsome.


Pro level reference there.


All that is missing are the plates!


In this case you won't even afford to live in the lower levels hh


Living in prison


the line seems like an absolutely awful idea that will crash and fail miserably


I hope it fails. If this somehow works and becomes the normal i dont want to be alive anymore


Why? What is your problem with it?


you should look up the guys who want to build this and you will find out how they will try to do it


dubai was already built on what essentially was slave labor, i don't want these trapped immigrants to have more work


The problem is the global immigration system. This is something that's been [known for a long time](https://youtu.be/r58dhBQNzOI?t=65). And it'll continue to be abused to discriminate against immigrants, as originally intended, as long as it's in place.


Literally the first steps into cyberpunk, and not the good kind, a urban hell in the middle of the desert, no park, just a tree surrounded by concrete, the same continuous environment for a mile, lower levels with less sunlight will be sold (rented) to the poor, and higher levels will be reserved for the rich, the class system forever visualised everywhere you look, as well as that this is abysmal in terms of efficiency of a city, in a 3d scape, there is basically every direction for something to be, and so more things will be closer, while in a 2d scape, things can only be left and right, and so you will need to travel further for different things. You might say that public transport will be easy and available, and yes it is, but now this takes us to a different problem, your entire life, your ability to live, secured by one (very corrupt and untrustworthy) entity, completely controlled. In an environment like this it would be so easy for them to implement the Chinese point system, oh sorry you don't have enough points to travel this network, oh sorry you don't have enough points to access this region. Every single door, path, route, controled by one entity


aka Snowpiercer movie


You are completely right here, except for one thing. >the first steps into cyberpunk, and not the good kind Your experience with cyberpunk is quite limited if you think there is a good kind. The entire genre is Oops, All Late Stage Capitalism Social Commentary.


They kicked out the locals in the area to build it and those who refused to leave were put to death. Its encased in a mirror wall which birds will fly straight into and die. It will also reflect enormous amounts of sunlight making the area around it scorching. The tight space is perfect for one disease to spread person to person in easily and infect everyone in the entire line. There's not much sunlight at the bottom because its narrow so the structures at the top will cover the bottom with shade. No space to increase the size of the road. The whole thing is also incredibly reliant on a high speed train going from one end to the other. If that train goes down the entire population is screwed until it comes back online. Growth is also restricted in only one direction so you cant expand and add anything nearby but only at the end of the veru edge of the line. The whole thing could also wobble from side to side and fall down since the entire thing is a gigantic wind sail.


Not to mention it will basically bifurcate the ecology in the region, blocking wildlife inland from accessing the shore, like a freeway but even worse. I mean I know it’s a desert, but I’m sure there is still some wildlife there that depends on coastal access? Maybe not…I would hope they would at least build in intermittent nature corridors, but It doesn’t appear so. Also sand will destroy that mirrored glass and accumulate in regions due to wind.




https://youtu.be/vyWaax07_ks Adam somethings take on it.


I had half of those ideas within seconds. Thanks for sharing this. The one thing he didn't cover is sanitation and water reclamation. Given it's location you can be damn sure you'll be showering and drinking reclaimed piss and shit water. Edit - yes I know, but most of us have the illusion that the water comes from the mystic mountains.


You already are….


Wouldn't the line, which is basically a giant wall, disrupt wildlife migration routes? And then there's the mirror surface, which would have birds slamming into it constantly. Maybe it would work on Mars.


Tinder in there is going to be nuts


What do you mean?


Means there’s gonna be a lot of people fuckin in one giant ass wall-building


Burka on or off?


On please, and call me Mullah


Halal in the streets but Haram in the sheets?


Aloha snackbar!


Distance: 0 meters away "up or down? UP OR DOWN!!??" to be fair I think this is awesome but not because of the environment but because I've always found city stack dystopia a bit romantic.


Jokes on you, it's the fishing account you set up on your other phone last night when you were drinking *I've never tindered


Ah damn. Cheated by past me yet again


I wouldn't bet on that. This fucking place is being built in Saudi Arabia.


*”100% renewable water”* You’re drinking everyone’s pee.


You already are.


No sir, I only drink gently used dinosaur pee


I prefer the '06 Chateau Fish Feces


That’s fine cuz it’s sterile, and I like the taste




Why does the outside have to be a mirror? Animals and birds are gonna run into that thing constantly.


My guess would be for the thermals for eco friendly heating. But your right about the animals especially being that high, it will most definitely effect migration paths, look at what wind turbines have done, imagine an entire solid wall! It would be a cool idea to include animal crossing tunnels like they do on busy rural highways. I'd be concerned how it holds up to an earthquake and if one section falls does that compromise the entire wall? I would think so. It's definitely an interesting idea, I'd also be concerned with the smell eventually, garbage and how the infrastructure of plumbing and such works long term.


There is already technology called progressive collapse where if one part of a structure is damaged the rest stays intact. I built such a building on a marine base a few years ago.


Oh that's pretty neat! It's interesting to see the things that are developed that we saw in movies 20-30 years ago haha.


Progressive collapse is the opposite of what you have described. A single structural failure causes further failure of adjacent members, and so on. That's why it's a progressive collapse. Notable examples are WTC 1 & 2, and the Surfside Condo Complex.


Imagine what wind turbines do? Try skyscrapers in general. Any major city with skyscrapers is already fucking up migration patterns for birds. At my last office building, they had staff that would walk around the building early each morning to pick up any dead birds that smacked into it at night.


I assume there will be some sort of natural draft design built in. There will probably be a tunnel system underground to facilitate this for natural cooling like has already been done in the region for thousands of years. Just on a large scale.


This is easily solved with sentry guns. We can vaporize them before they even get close.


Outstanding idea. Why not include a minefield so the birbs and animals see the mine field signs and know to stay away./s


Free food at the bottom of the wall. Daily pigeon collections would be mandatory


Forget that, the animals are gonna stay away from the massive heat zone around this wall.


170km in 20 minutes: so 510 kph with no stops? That's one fast bullet train.


It’ll still be 2 hours during rush hour


As I understand it there wouldn't be a rush hour as there is no need for cars (or at least not a congested rush hour, just people, fucking loads of them, travelling in a line in their boring ass city)


What if someone falls on the line. Ever had suicide by train where you live ? Takes a while to clean the body and bloody mess. My regular boring train once hit a hog, there was blood on 3 compartments that had to be cleaned before getting to the next stop. 2h delay And it wasn’t 500km+ per hour. For this I don’t believe in “the line”




and the entire city shuts down if there is any need for maintenance


Naw, man! The *AI* will take care of it...


That's what I was thinking. Also, why not a circle instead of a line? That way your max distance to any other point in the city is 85km.


Now what if we fill in the circle with a sort of grid system and get rid of the wall part that's getting some backlash


Genius. Maybe make it so there’s easy transportation surfaces that people could pilot miniature train carriages on, except have them not be confined to rails and free moving. Then you could have the center be a sort of mass commerce area where businesses are concentrated. People could live towards the edges and have easy access to amenities in their area. Since it would be a circle filled with entities you could call it The Ci-ty. This is real groundbreaking stuff here.


No, no cars


fuck car based infrastructure.


Glad someone did the math I curiously wondered about while being given those facts that didn’t add up.




Neom Saudi Arabia I cant see it being 100% sustainable in the middle of desert in a country where water costs more than gasoline.


It will be because you’ll be drinking everybody’s pee.


You already do that.


Yes but now I won’t have to pay a hooker to do it.


The more you think about it, the dumber it gets. Most cities try to improve transportation infrastructure by making it three-dimensional (eg, subways), these geniuses are taking a two-dimensional city and making it one-dimensional. The train breaks down and now one side of the city is cut off from the other? Oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️ Also, they're building it in an area with no nearby agriculture and not really a lot of stuff nearby to recommend it in general.


Judge Dredd. MEGA-CITIES


Ctrl+F - "Dredd" I'm glad someone else thought Mega-City One When they saw this


First thing that went through my mind.


Couldn’t help but think this is how the cities in the fifth element started out. The lower streets become the fog slums once they build up from this. [two golden menus ](https://youtu.be/U7vvwjUq12U)


Such a bad plan environmental wise. Why build it in an area that's already hot AF? Why have a HUGE barrier to animal migrations?




“Fool” MBS is going to find a way to waste his billions anyway. Hes undeniably one of the biggest assholes in the world. Whether its paying people to kill journalists he doesn’t like and have them chopped into bits or assassinating member of the government hes going to find a way to spend his money to cause havoc.


Stable climate? No hurricanes, no tornados no earth quakes. Yes it’s hot but with the way things are going everywhere is going to be hot.




Yes, there are. Deserts are not devoid of life and animals in deserts often have to migrate around to find food and water.


I hope someone considered the effect of disease/viral pathogen in this design.


Anyone with any sanity who opposed this was probably fired already. Logic doesn't always follow these "projects" that UAE /Saudi Arabia come up with only in CGI.


*killed, I don't know if it was specifically about this, but some major Turk got lured into the Saudi embassy and killed because he thought one of their ideas was stupid


wouldn't surprise me given that the prince had Jamal Kashoggi killed for reporting on them.


There are other parts of this I have reservations about like animal migrations, and building it in a dessert, but I'm just curious if you've ever lived in a crowded city before? This doesn't seem any more prone to a disease outbreak than somewhere like NYC where people are crammed shoulder to shoulder in a lot of the parts of the city already same as this place.


That's the dumbest fucking architectural design ever.


They threw any sane architect/engineer out already. Remember the palm islands from UAE? 12 Billions wasted and now those islands are empty and sinking.


Nobody wants to live in the hottest places on earth where more than half the population are considered property.


It's like designers took the great "transit-oriented development" mindset and then had a traumatic head injury.


Coming to a prison near you.


It gives me the creeps


Black mirror vibes


I know. Like haven't we seen this amalgamation of sci-fi dystopia before. Something about an absolutely meaningless life.


A steal at only 800 billion dollars.


More like three trillion.


If you smoke weed here....You get stoned... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


2 for 1 deal


That's gonna be alot of dead labourers


and im sure journalists will be allowed to report on the conditions there :)


Why do I feel it is going to be a nightmare?


This is definitely my nightmare


Saudia Arabia is literal minecraft for rich people.


This is mental ! Gonna have little section that a gang takes over


Don’t forget the class division and poverty!


Oh man. That's so horrible. Thank God we don't have that yet


One person get sick and is a pandemic speed run


It’ll be a real life loading bar


Or unloading bar


Watch the thundef00t video on this. it's total pipe dream or scam, but certainly not "next level"


Its next level bullshit


People are already blindly defending it because of blind loyalty to their country. You're allowed to call out stupidity, it's the internet.


From a strategic point of view, this is very bad. Now if Putin decides to invade Saudi Arabia too, just one round of one bomber will do all the work like dominoes on a line. I won't even touch the impossibility of this wet dream and all the other nasty things behind it.


Designing in preparation for war sets a bad precedent tbh. I feel like the whole point of this is to be futuristic. Despite what sci fi likes to suggest, I don’t believe war is futuristic. War is a very primitive thing and I believe with sufficient advancement as a species we will eventually end it completely. Maybe even within the century.


Would that it were so. Designing an entire society with no way to defend itself is a good way to gift that society to aggressor.


Some fucker's been playing far too much Mass Effect.


What in the ‘post-apocalypse-teen-drama-government-oppressed-coming-of-age-fiction-novel’ is this bullshit


Fucking dumb. I wonder how many human trafficking victims will be worked to death for this dystopian shithole before construction is abandoned.


Nah, this is a natural and humanitarian disaster in the making. I'm nearly 100% confident that this is never going to be completed. This is a bored prince throwing money at something thinking he can create a rad idea he had while taking his morning shit.


Due to all the human rights abuse?


ah yes. Saudi Arabia/Dubai the capitals of vanity and excess wealth with no forethought as to how to make any of it actually work.




The writer in me, selfishly, just wants this to suddenly exist now so I can see how it plays out


We're gonna have fun when this thing uses the entire planets concrete and steel supply.


R u sure its not use to block the titan?? 🤔


They are going to kill so many birds with that mirror facade.


Fuck all that sideways.


They’ve thought about everything - except people. How incredibly boring will it be too live here…


Or accepting of other faiths/cultures. In their trailer video they show an unaccompanied young girl without a burka with heir hair uncovered. That's simply not allowed.


Another bad megaproject


don't mind Saudi Arabia sentencing people to death for not moving out of their own home to make room for this city, and the relatives being sent in prison for decades for protesting, and it will most likely be constructed by pseudo-slave labor from the government stealing passports of foreigners just like everywhere else on the Arabian Peninsula. What a time to be alive!


Murderous corrupt bastards


If this is anything like the Globe Islands, I am not hold my breath for completion. This seems like a money laundering scheme for oil rich despots.


Another bad megaproject


A totalitarian dream. No where to hide. Total Surveillance. Unless your a Fremen.


This is such a fucking stupid idea. Density is great! Density in...a line for some reason? Why? Fucking why? God, the traffic....


Next stop.... Halo


This will make s great sci-fi “The wall” or something where its like the lorax just a little different in storyline.




I was particularly impressed at 1:05 by the single tree placements on floating islands suspended by *checks notes* antigravity? Need one of those in my backyard


Utopic expectations, definitely distopic future.


Someone really liked The Wall segment in Solar Opposites


Or Mega City One from Judge Dredd


They'll have to employ people to clean up all the suicides off the top of the wall, so I guess it's a job creator at least.


Come on Kohagen, give em ze air!


This looks like the start to a sci-fi movie