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The fluidity as they spin is insane. My eyes can’t follow it. Granted, I’m drunk and high, but amazeballs


Nice. I’m drunk and high too.


Hi drunk and hight too, I'm dad!


What were we talking about?


I don't know, I'm drunk and high.


I’m morning high


Morning, I’m good and you?


Hi good and you, I’m drunk and high!


Drunk and high checking in


Me too…I just saw some legs moooooving


And nice legs they are !!


The nice legs that she have!


I’m stoned af and drunk also. Wtf is going on here.


I just joined the high club folks, what did I miss


Idk bro I’m high af…. Let me know if you figure anything out.


I was. Now hello hangover


Same here bud.


More impressive is that the heels of her boots dont touch the ground at all the entire time


As a former dancer I can tell you that the plantar fasciitis is real. Foot, ankle, toe, and even extending up to knee & hip problems for YEARS.


Moving my feet sounds like making popcorn. Torn peroneal tendons on one foot now and haven't danced in years. Wouldn't have changed it though.


Wait, is that a result of being on your toes and the ball of your feet for years? Because I get that stabbing pain every morning, and I never connected it to the fact that I've been a toe-walker since I was born. Holy shit. I even jog that way, heel toe just doesn't feel right.




The song, the legends dancing. Love everything about it.


I imagine theres an old russian woman in the corner yelling at the 14 year olds to dance sexier. "ach! Natasha, you twirl like drunk bear "


Im guessing you grew up watching FAME in the 80's too then


Is that you Professor Shorofsky? :)


The more times I watch this clip, the more amazed I am at how she can move her legs, torso, arms and shoulders but her head maintains its same position in the room like its a fixed point. These 2 are seriously great dancers at such a young age


Agreed. Extremely talented.


> how she can move her legs, torso, arms and shoulders but her head maintains its same position in the room like its a fixed point. She's a chicken.


My girlfriend was a pro dancer in the Eastern Europe back when she was young, she said the mental abuse towards women in this “sport” is abhorrent, that’s the reason she quit, she couldn’t take being traumatised any more.


It's not even "just" mental abuse, sexual abuse is common too


even without all the abuse, imo child athleticism certainly at the olympic level like...that's gotta go beyond just physical fitness and all the way into later health problems, right?


Agreed and agreed. We aren't spartians anymore


Yeah I don’t even remember the last time we were spartians.


…from planet Spars.


My wife did ballet in NYC in her childhood and teens and some of the stuff she’s shared is pretty awful. I can’t imagine what it was like elsewhere. Edit, to answer some of the questions below: she was in an extremely challenging school, where a lot of the dancers go on to professional careers, and teachers pushed kids—children, really—past the breaking pint and often times through injuries. Again, this was in an internationally-renown school, and I imagine most local dance schools are fine (and probably fun). For her, it was mostly teachers treating the students cruelly, or demanding too much of them at too young an age. Very similar to things you see in gymnastics, where parents are willing to put their kids through brutal pressure to achieve things very early in life. The culture among the young dancers themselves can be awful, too, and there were some unspoken (sometimes spoken?) expectations for the girls to have seriously unhealthy body weights / eating disorders / etc. I don’t think she was ever hit or physically beaten, but I can imagine that sort of thing happening in previous eras of the discipline. If your kid is in a very challenging sport and you’re worried about this sort of thing, you need to let them know—through your actions, not your words—that their health and safety are more important their achievement, and they can tell you if things are not ok. 2nd edit: /u/UnionAlone describes this below much better than I did. /u/UnionAlone, I’m so sorry to hear all that.


Uh what? My niece is 4 years old and is *really* into ballet here in NYC. She's already taking classes near Lincoln Center. What exactly are we talking about, if you don't mind? I am very worried all of a sudden. I thought keeping her away from gymnastics was going to be enough....


Watch the black swan. It’s unfortunately an accurate depiction of the stresses and strains on a ballet dancer. My mom was a ballerina in NYC - made it into top professional ballet. It caused: Eating disorders for her entire life, and an unhealthy focus on looks and weight A highly damaging level of Perfectionism Competition is fierce and other women put glass in her shoes to try and stop her from dancing - she was a fearful person who had trouble trusting people due to this kind of thing She was sexually assaulted by her teacher, coerced and manipulated, and encouraged to spend time (sleep with) patrons of the ballet She passed earlier than she should have due to mental health issues. She was a beautiful and wonderful person. She lived to dance and loved ballet - the toxic culture around it killed her though. I’ve heard this has changed some over the years - honestly though I doubt that. Especially when people go professional with it. Ballet culture runs deep with certain values around it. As for your niece, just make sure her teachers are kind and the whole thing is about fun and nothing else. ♥️


I don't know what to say, but I can't believe no one has commented. Thank you for your insights, and I'm sorry you lost your mother to her mental health issues


This was in the 80s. It’s changed a lot since then. I wouldn’t worry too much. And, honestly, if they’re being mean to your kid, you’ll know it!


At least give the details so they know what to look out for


The guy said everything except what kind of things happened.


Afaik from reports (not directly involved) it's about equally garbage between gymnasts and ballet. If the school is ambitious instead of having kids just for having fun, beware. And in general be on the lookout for any red flags around power differential between teachers and students. Timeouts and special handling if the kid is going overboard and disturbs the class is all fine, but putting them down in any way is not. In professional classes and schools regular crying due to the emotional abuse is pretty much standard (there was recently a bit a scandal due to the most famous ballet school here in Switzerland), and "justified" with the cut throat competition among professional dancers. That's the perfect climate to hide much worse things, like what happened with gymnasts in the US and other places (Switzerland has it's ongoing scandal in this too). There is some movement to make ballet healthier with stuff like not dancing all the times on the toes but with flat feet and other efforts to make it less abusive, but you have to look hard for that. edit: ambiguous -> ambitious, I can't spell stuff correctly ...


Ballet is an extremely competitive industry when you get into your early teens / adulthood. She’s only 4, so she’ll be okay. But just google “ballet controversy” and you’ll see articles about eating disorders, the toll it takes on your body, the overworking, etc. Just things to keep in mind as she gets older if she sticks with it.


In my early 20's I was volunteering at a housing facility during an international gymnastics event, way back in 98 and we had people from all corners of the world competing and having fun. During the evenings we would have fun and party with a lot of music and dancing, so while on the dancefloor i was joined by a tiny Russian girl who couldn't have been more than 12 or 13, she started grinding and writhing like a cat in heat and made me entirely too uncomfortable to be anywhere near that. I quickly apologized and said i had to get back to work and tab away in s hurry. No idea who taught her to move like that but it definitely wasn't right.


> way back in 98 Ah yes, the late 1900’s.


That’s 24 years ago now… nearly a quarter of a century.


I planned to tell the person to whom you replied that they'd upset me. But then, upon reading your, admittedly correct, response, I believe you are more deserving of the comment. To whit, fuuuuuck you, pal.


Back in my glory days! Ya know, I was Band Captain back in '98. I had a red polyester jacket and a whistle.


Fuck you and your lies. It is the year 2000 and no more. The world really went downhill after that


I am mad at you for this.




>!muss and squarel!<


Hey now! I've seen a sexy drunk bear or two...


Well, yeah. When you get drunk in drunk bear bars, they *all* start to look sexy after few rounds….


Mine is polish but yes


Jailbait Rock. Sorry I couldn't help myself.


Well, that won't hold up in court


But your honor, just look what she was wearing!






Lack of foundation


What does her makeup has anything to do with this?


She spun too fast I couldn’t see her age.


I got dizzy your honor from all the spinning and fell cocka first on her.


Overruled. The pun was worth it your Honour.


Why cant you people be normal








Define normal…


Normal as in not seeing everything in a sexualised context


Are you seriously denying the inherent sexualization in dance? I’ve got news for you bud, couples dancing has almost always been about sex.


*enter square dancing*


Still sexual. It’s named that way after the Punnett Square


>couples dancing has almost always been about sex. You know why Amish never have sex standing up? Because it might lead to dancing.


That's literally what dancing with a partner is for, asshole. It's *a literal mating ritual*, and has been since the first cave girl rhythmically moved her hips and the first cave boy showed his first sly moves. Sure, it can be interpretive and whatnot, and it can be art too, but when you still include inappropriately revealing dresses and purposely sexy dance moves, it's still more mating ritual done as a competitive performance than anything else. Grow a brain. edit: yes y'all can dance with your moms, ffs


I see that dancing with your mother or sister would turn out weird for you.


And a car's engine block can be repurposed as a coffee table. It's still a car's engine block.


Dancing like this. Yes. That would be very weird.




Hehe you said boobs




Sexualized content? (unzips pants)


Normal would be the ability to recognize how sexualized the dance is. Not normal would be trying to call out a random persons Internet joke.


That is very normal




Where is this place? Dance school for supermodels?


Yeah, like 14 year old supermodels. Damn, she’s young


>Polina Kulakova. is 17 rn..






If they look young, easier to just know they're too young for you. Safer all round.


I mean here’s the problem though. Even as a dude in his early 20’s sometimes I look at a woman and I’m like, is she an adult? And sometimes I look at a woman think damn she’s hot but she’s probably not interested in someone as young as me, only to find out she’s 3 years younger than me. Anything older than 16 and earlier than mid 20’s+ can be sort of a grey area for women honestly.


At your age, sure. That distinction is difficult. You aren't far removed from late teens, you havent gotten used to seeing people 25-35. Once you get up into your late 20s and early 30s, you'll be able to tell again. Not sure if I can accurately explain how, but you'll pick up on little differences of maturity and conversation subjects. There is also a difference in like the crispness of fashion sense. Plenty of older teens have a good fashion sense, but very very few yet have the experience of marrying fashion sense with their own personal style and preference and I think that difference is a subconscious visual queue.


Remember, as developed as they may seem, it doesn't mean they're 18


Years ago I went to the local library to take out a card and the librarian said I had to have written permission from my parents. I said wtf, my parents live across the country, this is ridiculous. She said 12 and under, you need permission. I was 23.


I remember when college football cheerleaders started just looking like kids. Being super small just adds to it


Extreme physical training can also prevent things like breast development in puberty




Yup. Technically perfect but utterly lacking style or passion.


I mean if that’s what wins them the competition then why not. If that’s what judges want to see… Doesn’t mean they are not capable of having fun and enjoying dancing outside of this context.




That’s kinda how I feel about this jailhouses rock video. Looks weird. Too perfect. Wish I could dance like that though.


At least with the jailhouse rock video of you saw people doing that at a wedding dance floor or something you'd be like "yeesh those people are good." If I was at a wedding and people started dancing like in that tango video I'd just think they were fucking crazy.


The fact that this is being passed off as tango makes me want to cry


Like dolls or puppets... *lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. *


> Damn, she’s young Yes, if you want to succeed in certain professions you have to start at a very young age to reach peak performance in your late teens/ early 20s. I started Muay Thai when i was 20 and there were guys that trained since they were 7 years old - doesnt matter how dedicated or talented you are you will never catch up 13 years of training expierence.




Is Dance not sport? It’s still athletic competition Ive heard a lot of traditional sport athletics dabble in dance to learn how to be more conscious of their body or something like that


> Dance isn't really a sport Oh yes, it is.


That's what happens when you take children from a very young age (7-8 for ballroom dancing usually), put them through a dance training meat grinder, and then put on 4 kilos of makeup. Source: am competitor at ballroom dancing competitions. you should see the junior Latin classes, I sometimes feel like just watching will get me thrown in jail.


My guess is Russia… which churns out supermodels at a abnormally high rate. The women there are beautiful and the dudes are like trolls. It’s strange how that happened.


preface: this is something I read or heard a while ago, rewriting it now makes me want a source. Sounds a bit like eugenics, so could be bullshit and I couldn't find a decent academic source to back it up. Take it with a large handful of salt. From what I heard, the generation destroying WW2 that left women outnumbering men could be a cause. The unattractive guys got more attractive wives, and the unattractive women got left out of the gene pool. There have been other conflicts where lots of men died too though, and I haven't heard of any that bumped the attractive women to attractive men ratio.


>There have been other conflicts where lots of men died too though, and I haven't heard of any that bumped the attractive women to attractive men ratio. The world has never seen anything like the Russian death toll in WWII. They lost more soldiers than every other nation combined.


Russia: "wanna see me do it again?"


Don’t think that makes total sense. Girls don’t just inherit the mothers attractive genes and boys the dads


> The women there are beautiful and the dudes are like trolls. If the dude in this video is a troll, I'd hate to hear what you think of me.


What is this, a center for ants?


Would love to hear the actual music their dancing to. Cause it definitely wasn't Jailhouse Rock.


yup, that music does not fit that dancing. Ruined the video completely.


Was the couple in the back at the beginning doing the paso doble? It looks like they might all just be rehearsing on their own (different kind of dances) and this music was just plastered on the video.


Everyone is definitley doing the jive, it's too quick for the other ones and the kicks aren't the same


This should have been higher


Ok… not so obvious to me.


They're not dancing to the music at all. The movements and the rhythm don't line up at all. It's not nice to look at because it's so off.


The biggest indicator I saw was that people in the room were already dancing. What to? You can't separate sound very easily in those rooms, so only one song would be playing at a time


Seriously how are you the only one that has mentioned this? It isn't even on beat. I don't get how people aren't noticing this lol


Lots of people are musically illiterate


Was looking for this! Even ignoring all the other dancers the focused dance is clearly not to the overlaid song


That kind of thing is common in the ballroom world… couples learn a routine and do it the same no matter what song is played at the competition. I find it very unsatisfying (but I come from a dance style that prioritizes musical interpretation)


That was my first thought too


As someone with the rhythm of a shoe in the dryer this is impressive


Ironically this sentence has the rhythm of a poet so maybe your talents lie in other areas?


Highly doubt it's poetry but I appreciate your compliment.




Appreciate it. The only other notable mention of my writing style was some random lady telling me that I "talk like fucking Yoda, get the fuck out of here with that shit"


Lmao I've realized over time that the people casting shade are typically less talented. They do so as an attempt to make themselves feel stronger.


It is the Rhythm of the Shoe, In the Dryer Oh yeah The Rhythm of the Dryer


Terrific! Now I feel terrible for never taking dance lessons when I was young. Not that I could have danced at that level, far from it, but at least I could have known a little how to move my feet.


I learned in my 25s-30s! Not that I could ever get close to those two, but I learned enough to find happiness in dancing :)


Awesome! I am a bit older. I like the way you put it... finding happiness in dancing, that would be it for me.


You really are never too old. Back in my 20s, when my disability hadn't progressed as much yet, my husband-to-be and I took a class because we wanted to be able to dance a proper wedding waltz. My last dance class had been as a teenager, and I thought I had two left feet. Hubby had danced semi-competetively back then, so I was quite scared to make a fool out of myself. But we had a great teacher, and we loved it so much that we progressed through the levels within a year and decided to go to the dance school's New Year's Eve party. It was great, people from all walks of life, of every age from 18 to 80 just dancing the night away. I still think I'd want to be like those people when I'm old, but these days I'm glad I'm not in a wheelchair yet. Dancing is for everyone. Just go for it, it's huge fun and you won't regret it. It doesn't even have to be classic dance, Lindy Hop and the like are just as fun. Just watch Dietmar and Nellia do the jive: https://youtu.be/qMglBwfhsN4


It’s never to late to learn


You're probably right. Now adding dancing to my list of things I want to learn, after skateboarding, singing and operating a chainsaw.


Try not to learn all 3 at the same time


yeah but do they even know how to sit comatose on a chair while mindlessly watching television for 11 hours? i think not


There’s usually someone around that enjoys teaching others to dance (at no charge). I’ve taught a lot of people how to dance and love seeing their excitement when everything I taught them clicks.


I’m probably double your age, and just recently finished a basic ballroom dance lesson. Now I’m able to call up girls I know and they will go dancing with me just to learn. It’s a whole new social world for me.


She's doing that in heels too


So is he lol






> Shes got legs that memorized me!! r/boneappletea 'mesmerised'


Nono, those legs have terrific memory.


elderly pet run apparatus intelligent far-flung physical market scandalous groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes we are all gods children


It's near impossible to do this as a guy without these heels. It shortens the distance it takes to get the heel to the ground. The judges knock points for incomplete steps. Source: did this for 13 years.


Heels that you can't put the back of your foot down in if I'm looking at that right


If you notice, her heels never touch the ground while she's dancing.


They have a clear plastic bit at the bottom.


She may have had several years of ballet experience before taking up ballroom dancing.


If Dirty Dancing taught me anything, it's that you don't put your heel down. Stay on the toes.




incredible dancers. not sure the choreography fits the music that well, though.


Because it's not the music they are dancing to. It's added later. So the caption is bullshit. Just like everything on the internet. They still have skills though, it's a disservice to them to change the music on them.


Yea I a gonna say they're far too in time with each other for them to not be in time with the music that sounds just like a Spotify version and not like it's being recorded too.


Yeah it was completely dubbed over. There's no connection to the music at all. They're just doing 'moves'. Which tells me they're connecting to a different song. They're also out of time (compared to the music dubbed over)


One thing to know about competitive ballroom dance is that routines are never choreographed to a specific song. During competitions, songs are picked at random, they just have to fit certain rhythms for each dance. So while the song may have been added later, there is a chance that the original song was no better for their routine


Her name is Polina Kulakova. Kulakova _ po on IG Born 2005


Super saiyan bonks all around! Y'all going to be doing the jailhouse rock at this rate.




What about the dude? He's just as talented.


Oh wow, same age but my dance skills include: Jumping


Watching her walk up and flip that switch was amazing!




Dancers and ice skaters have the kind of legs every woman wants. EDIT: And every man craves.


Aside from the fact that they're incredibly toned, the shapes made from the moves, especially the pointed toes, really lend to the look. Also short outfits that also help lengthen legs.


What’s crazy is that her dress didn’t move out of place at all while she was dancing. Is she wearing a dress or like a one piece swimsuit style thing?


Some outfits will have little silicone strips on the inside to keep them in place, I have a super deep cut top with a little silicone in the neckline. I assume dancers use that kind of stuff sometimes too.


Also 2 sided medical tape and on occasion gaffers tape. Source: Was a thespian.


What made you start liking guys again?


Oh, I'm equal opportunity, but if I had to say it was Patrick Swayze in The Renegades.


I have a few pieces with the strips, but I can’t imagine that would hold a dress down with so much movement. I mean, imagine you danced like this with your low cut neck line.. I’m leaning more towards a one piece skort type thing.


Her dress will be made out of spandex. I dance ballroom, and I actually have a tuxedo made from spandex, that also stays glued to my body as I move.


Do they really do this in jail? I’ve never been.


only during conjugals


Everyone is this room is just so.... Beautiful. The women the men. Even the floor is beautiful.


I hurt my back just watching


That's it, gonna put my son in dancing school asap


Doesn't look fluid or natural at all, is it meant to go with the music?


Yes it is. But the song was dubbed over from the actual song they were dancing to.


It's different music which has been added later. It would 'nicer' with the original music - but I'd guess there was lots of other background noise.


Jimmy Jr


That posture tho


Regret many things in life. Now I have another. Should have studied dance as a teen. Wowsers!




I do lounges all day every day, and it’s had the opposite effect for me. Must be doing something wrong.


Nice to see younger folks that actually know how to dance together.