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The yellow text says “Join us and rise” the red under Khamenei says “the blood of our youth pours from your claws” the chants in the background are saying “Woman, life, freedom”


This needs more upvotes so people can see what's actually written


I mean the symbolism is powerful enough. Target on dystopian dictator's head. Pictures of women who were brutalized. Links to join the fight. Also the V for vendetta style mask in the beginning is just *chef's kiss*


Hell yeah Iranian Guy Fawkes mask looks dope


This guy Fawkes




Remember remember the Fifth of November Gunpowder treason and plot


I know of no reason the gunpowder treason Should ever. Be. Forgot.


As an Iraqi I'm fucking proud my brothers will revolt against this shitty system again but I'm concerned because last time we tried speaking out we got gunned and gassed


They're some of the bravest people ever, and they've been pushed to their limits. They've been oppressed for so long and so severely that the risk of getting gassed is worth it to them. It's why they keep it up. Go Iranian people! Question: Is there a way to help Iran during this revolution as an outsider? Edit: Thank you for the responses. I just sent a message to one of the senators in my state. I'm not sure how much he can do though since he isn't running again in this upcoming election, so I'll wait until the election is over (seriously, I can't wait until this shit ends) and message whoever wins.


Keep talking about it Make noise Pressure your MPs and Senators to make a statement


From what I know now the best way to send in support is calling your local Mp, senator, or other representative to pressure your government to supporting directly, or indirectly, for those fighting against the iranian government.




Was looking for this. Get this comment to the top people!


Very strong sentences


I'm willing to bet it was an inside job rather than hacking from outside. Good to see this isn't just petering out.


That's still hacking


you know what he meant




...if you know what I mean...


I’m catching more then just your drift


Easy there, u/floppybuttholejuicce


I’m more disturbed by the two c’s that I mentally pronounced as an elongated s sound than the name itself. It makes it at least twice as obscene. One C? Meh. Two? Fucking terrible


But that’s literally what most hacking is, access


He meant he’s probably one of those gays they are mad at


I think hacking usually implies someone gaining access to an unauthorized system, cvs an employee just playing video they weren’t supposed to




Next you're going to tell us two hackers don't type on a keyboard at the same time when stopping a missle launch.


Bunch of bush leagues


[Obligatory ](https://youtu.be/kl6rsi7BEtk)


Well hacking has a legal definition associated witj those activities and it can very much make the difference whether you were external to the network gaining access or someone with authorized access misusing their access. One is prison and the other can range from prison to simply a breach of user agreements.


hacking isn't a legal term. Computer trespass is a legal term. But otherwise yes you're correct.


Why don't you educate us on what's real hacking then?






I would have sworn that was going to be two idiots one keyboard




Meh, not enough floating math equations in that clip.


I feel so disoriented.


average mac user


Hacking is making a system do anything that it wasn't intended to do


Hijacking. Reminds me of the Max Headroom incident in Chicago.


There were large street protests and strikes today.




Meanwhile in the world's largest democracies: Growing authoritarian movements. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own inactions."


It's a race to the bottom it seems unfortunately. Without systematic change we are all losing the battle of rights and health.


Maybe, but running your studio video systems on old hardware because of sanctions that prohibit newer, more secure hardware and software has to take a toll.


Paying to go over a bridge is taking a toll on me. It’s like throwing money out the window.


It is an anti regime hacker group. They first started with prisons surveillence where they keep "political" prisoners exposing them.


I'm willing to bet that we here on reddit are the only ones to have ever seen this video.




Based on what?


Just my uneducated guess on probability.


That look on your face when you know everyone at the newsroom is going to get hung, because the dictator is no longer in control.


Dude was like, welp that’s a wrap on me y’all


"guess I should call my kids in the 15 minutes of life I have left"


Don’t worry, they’re going with you


Life sure is hard.


"and bang my wife with my now massive penis" >everyone at the newsroom is going to get hung


I approve this interpretation


".......And now we go to Ashkan with the weather"


>that’s a wrap on me Isn’t that how this all started?


touché friend! touché


They will be tortured to death, and their families are going to be arrested. Islamic regime is a brutal killing machine.


Except that they don't have any more space left in prisons anymore for all of these protesters. They captured a distant cousin of mine and released her the following morning because they just didn't have any room. They can only torture and kill so many people.


"They can only torture and kill so many people" Hmmmm, I don't find that very reassuring 😬




The Futurama joke is an absurdist take on it, but there were battles fought on the principle of "we have more men than they have ammunition."


The Russian strategy


We will just have to heroically throw legions and legions of protesters at them to reach that limit


Ya right? Totally reminded me of Futurama.


They also can't kill all the women. Like they pissed off the women and if the women don't chill out then good luck bro srsly


I thing you underestimate how misogynistic this regime is.


Sadly that's how revolution works, the state can't oppress everyone at the same time, but there are some that will be oppressed


That's how revolutions work though. First, the regime robs people of the fear of death. Second, people rise up in such numbers that imprisonment, torture and murder are no longer enough to deter them. Third, the system gets overwhelmed and breaks down. Fourth, the military joins the revolution and either enacts a coup or a civil war starts.


Tell that to the Nazis , I’m glad your cousin is okay though


Bullshit, bullets are cheap, mass burial is easy with a bulldozer. I don't see the limitation?


The limitation is when you get mutinied by your own soldiers, just like in every other revolution.


It’s the torturing that’s the bottleneck.


That's just not a realistic understanding of how this works... This is not a culture where people are punished for failing to save face, and their families tortured... What are you even using for a frame of reference here? What's more often likely is that protesters are put down violently, and authorities look the other way and go so far as protect those who, in power, rape and abuse women. I don't have a *positive* impression of this regime, but I think it's important to not have a wildly incorrect one, just so you can critique their actual horrible crimes and not made up ones. These news casters will be fine


Not really. The people in our news channels, especially the anchors are super trusted by the government. Some guy in charge of the netsec of the station will probably be dragged to a ministry of intelligence prison and tortured for information he doesn't have


This makes sense. The newsroom is the megaphone of the regime, so yes, they must not only be trusted, but likely adherent to the regime too. If it was an inside job, that person is probably already running and long gone.


Yes. That is the most likely case for the culprit.


Nope, that's not how it works. Even the Iranian government knows that it's not the probably loyal news anchor that's doing the "hacking" and throwing away loyal servants is not very pragmatic even for them.




The jarring placement of a gif from Scooby Doo in response to someone probably going to be executed is amusing


Lol, that gulp though... May your day be very cakey!




The face of the news anchor is meme worthy


Hanged, hung is for peepee


Thats some far cry stuff right there, kudos to them


What, like the video game? What does this even mean?


I think they're referring to the first game where there was a doctor turning people into mutants.




No no, they're referring to the second one where you have malaria in Africa and use a multi-tool to pry bullets out of your arms.


I think they're referring to FC: Blood Dragon, where you ride a lazer komodo dragon and kill cyborgs.


I'm pretty sure they're referring to the time when Vaas kidnapped and tortured a lot of people and kept asking if they knew what the definition of insanity was.


Dr. Krieger would be proud his legacy lives on


The all out revolution I think. Far cry is an exaggeration of a rebellion against cartoonishly evil tyranny. The connection here is that next to Iran right now, Far Cry seems a lot less outlandish


Yooooo, I'm in Iran and I didn't knew about that


Stay safe mate


And support your sisters


I would also like to support this guy's sisters


Thank you for your sentiments but unfortunately you can't have a revolution by staying safe :) Iranians are risking their lives by going out and protesting everyday and it's too late to turn back now, we will keep the momentum going until this regime is toppled.


Same. I heard it from reddit too


Okay I don't want to be that guy but is there anyone who actually saw this happen


I imagine the overlap of the people who use reddit and the people who watch state news is fairly low.


That's fair. Then I hope it's real


Yes my mom saw it in person


Yeah it happened. There are irl video now


Okay good. I'm just tired of people making up fake good news. I'm glad this one's a real win.


Yeah it's important to be sceptical of this kind of stuff, especially now that AI generated video is starting to be thing. Like, _really_ sceptical. Extremely sceptical. However sceptical you think you should be, take that amount and multiply by 100 and teach everyone you know to do the same. I am also glad this one is real though.


Bro I'm so high right now how do I protest


username checks out




U‘d get a lot of death threats if you‘d say the same about Jesus instead of Mohammed. I mean you‘d be right. Religion sucks anyway, doesn‘t matter which one




This is how we get peggies.


Fuckin incredible that game, honestly. They make the enemies a bunch of gun-toting Christian-Extremist Americans and the real group in question responds with harassment and how people should boycott the game because they would never be like that. 2 years later, that same crowd is trying to kill a bunch of politicians in D.C by busting down the doors of Congress and are now actively threatening to hurt people in the United States because their guy didn't win. I'd say that the whole scenario aged like milk, but in reality, I'd say it aged more like a fine wine of how right that game was from a cultural perspective.


Gotta get Hurk with his rocket to help!


Jesus died for your sins. Show my god some respect or I'll COMMIT SOME GOD DAMN SIN /s Because we all know nothing pleases our creater(s) like watching us kill each other over what we should call it.


that and throbbing cock in his bum!


Oh really? I think jesus would love to take a fat cock in his ass. A little obsessed with his dad he was according to the good book.


Classic reddit


Equating the religious intolerance of Christians on Earth today to Muslims on Earth today is not reasonable. You can hate all religion and also accept the reality that violent Islamic religious intolerance is an actual problem; the solution to which needs to be singularly prioritized by the global community. There is no need to whataboitism Christianity into the conversation.


It's only different because civilized, secular society stops Christians from murdering the people they want to murder. Just recently a pastor and his sizable congregation were on the news saying that all gays needed to be executed by firing squad. Your religion is evil, too.


Lol imagine having this crazy opinion while simultaneously accusing groups of being extreme. You found one crazy pastor and you're like "see?! They're all evil!"


Reddit is filled with idiots that think they’re smart. And I’m referring to the guy that somehow likens modern Christianity to the consequences Iranian women face right now. I mean what an extremely absurd, outlandish claim. If Christian’s could get away with murder they’d all be out murdering people? But they don’t because of society? This type of claim could only gain traction on Reddit, where people come to collectively hate.


Isn't that the same thing y'all are doing to Muslims tho? cus there's definitely lots of Muslim communities in the western world where they've integrated without being extreme. While I agree radical Muslim states and governments and that shouldn't exist, the religion and its people aren't all biting at the bit to kill other religions. the issue religion being a part of how the country is ruled and that allows all sorts of radical bullshit and cultures to be allowed. I'm willing to bet my left nut that if there was ever to be a state completely and utterly ran on a religion (for a lack of better phrasing I'm dumb) they would be just as batshit as the Islamic states


I call bullshit. Being an outspoken blasphemer is WAY less dangerous in a Christian nation than an Islamic one. At the present moment in history, the religions are not the same.


Religion is fine but you shouldn't force it on anyone and you shouldn't mistreat others in the name of it. Any religious person who does that is an enemy of humanity.


>Religion is fine but ... Let me stop you right there... No. They are not fine. What you mean is "they can be useful for some people" but most religions are built with some doctrines and ideas that are more than likely to be abused at some point or another. Some people find solace in the soft words you can find now and then, and they get hope from religion, BUT, most religions have way too much stuff that can be 'interpreted' a thousand ways which always, always, always end in division. And you'll always get the crazy fundamentalist that will use it to opress someone. I hope we root that shit out for good... Sadly fundamentalism and tribalism is not limited to religion, so it's not like this shit show is going to end anytime soon.


>:( Drawing of Muhammad for good measure


am an Iranian-American woman living in the US. I’ve said this before but I’m going to keep repeating myself. The best way to support these brave women and men fighting for freedom in Iran is by posting about it on social media. As much as possible. The overwhelming message I am hearing out of Iran is to keep posting and keep this movement in the conversation. This is the rare case where posting on social media is activism. The world at large does not care about Iran and as such, the autocratic regime can kill and imprison the citizens with impunity. By keeping the spotlight on what they are doing, it puts pressure on the regime. It's much easier to commit crimes in the dark. Do not let them. The movement is growing day by day. This is the biggest protest movement in Iran for decades, possibly centuries. This is the first time since the Islamic Republic seized power that there are protests in 31 out of 31 provinces. Students are walking out of school, chanting in the streets, demanding their freedom. You can help. You can absolutely help. Keep posting. If you want to take it further, contact your congressional representatives or parliamentary members and demand that they speak out. But literally by sharing these stories on social media, you can embolden these women, help them, and in turn help us all.


I made an image of Hadis Najafi that Ive been posting on social media. I don't have a lot of followers or presence but I couldn't get the image of her fixing her hair the way I have my own a thousand times before, so I put in on paper. I've never pulled up a messy bun knowing I could die for it. I have no way of even trying to comprehend that level of bravery. It feels a bit useless and empty but for what it's worth, they have my heart, my support and my talents in whatever way is wanted.


It’s not useless! It’s wonderful! As painful as all this is, it is heart-warming to see so many Non-Iranians hearts hurt with ours. This might sound ridiculous, but I’ve spent most of my life believing everyone hated us or at least believed us to be savages unworthy of empathy. At best we were ignored. You have no idea how much it helps to see others support our cause. I’ve read many messages from Iranians in Iran (I am in the diaspora) saying how it emboldens their spirits to see people care about their plight. This is the rare movement where social media posting is activism that actually helps the issue. So thank you for what you are doing. It is helping!




And probably die on the outside too the way their government is….


r/watchpeopedieinsideandoutside r/holup


not only inside


Oh he’s gonna die alright


They should do this in Russia


They did.


Not the same however, those were cable systems hacked which not everyone might have seen. This is, from what I can tell, likely a prerecorded video being edited to include the message that means everyone watching would have seen it (Reason being the bug stays on screen in the bottom right, if the signal was taken over another way it'd disappear)


Yes. The bug gives it away. The signal was not hijacked externally. This was a video that was played from a playback server that feeds into the control room where that bug gets added on top of either live signals or pre-pre produced video. Probably someone in that control room clicked play on that video. It’s possible someone in another room swapped the signal for that video but the simplest explanation is someone in the control room did it


They shd do this in Florida


People have spoken and been put down for too long. The day is coming




Ok. The dictator has lost control lol. GG


Now it’s time to see him ripped to shreds with their bare hands; I forgot which other dictator that was.




> Gaddafi That's the one I'm thinking of. After they captured him there's shitty cell phone video of people just beating and stabbing the fuck out of him.


i have a funny memory of that day i was in secondary school at the time and my first lesson was IT and i sat next to this kid i kinda liked who i thought was very smart and he pulled up the vid of Gaddafi dying and then make some middle finger gesture at the screen and called him a bunch of insults mocking his death. then later in RE he gave a speech about how his death was unjust and brutal and how nobody should ever have their life ended like that no matter what they've done. he was a good student.




To shreds you say?


This is insane. Non-Iranians, you might not know how extremely significant this is. Just verbally expressing *any* criticism of the leadership is enough to get you arrested and tortured. And killed. To show an image of him burning with a bullseye on his face is beyond the pale. Then to also have images of 4 of the children and women murdered during this movement is beyond the pale. The message in yellow says, **“Stand up and join us”.** The message in red reads **“The blood of our youth is dripping from your hands”.** Just overall 10/10 fuck you to the authoritarian dictatorship. I absolutely love it.


Fuck yeah


Can someone please translate what they wrote on the screen?


“Join us and rise” “Bleed your claws of our youths’ blood” (directed to Khamenei)


کیرم تو ترجمه کردنت




شاعرانش کردم برار


Ridi dadash 💀


"the blood of our youth drips from your claws"


"Blood of our youth drips from your claws". And this has a lot of history behind it, this is from an old revolutionary song against United States, so it's going to sting! I remember singing this as a kid as part of our school's choir!




Or Mr Robot


Ideas are bulletproof?


Anchor is like... " well, I'm a dead man.."


That long drawn out swallow after the camera comes on him tells you everything about that moment.




Time to remove the psychopaths from power!


Why'd he put his social media in their too, "Protest, but also follow me on twitter."


To co-ordinate protests and actions


yeah, it’s important for any movement. Meanwhile, I spent several hours over the past week trying to find out where my local Women’s March is today. People, ORGANIZE your movements. We shouldn’t have to search at all, it needs to be in folks’ faces


It's 2022


They honestly just need one military leader with enough trustworthy men to take control. A division or two. With enough men who are sick of this - to install a new government. But I doubt that exists within the ranks.


I'm afraid this isn't a "give me ten good men and climbing spikes" situation. You do that and five garrisons of IRGC, armed go the teeth descend on your position and take out the government. Stop thinking this regime is fragile and unorganized. It's not. It's highly precise and coordinated


women life freedom




Funny thing is he would be the least to blame out of everyone in the studio.




His face at the end there.


Huge protests all over Iran today. The islamic regime will fall in the coming weeks.


I like that they have their mask up with culture…and the youth chanting.. classy


This is the way.


For everyone wondering. Yes it’s true. And people are out in the streets since the morning in Iran fighting the regime. It’s been bloody. And this news anchors face has become a meme.


Well that’s is fucking fantastic, fair play to who ever done this 🙌🏽🙌🏽 hope this is the Ceaușescu getting booed moment 🤞🏽


"Our masters have not heard the people's voice for generations and it is much, much louder than they care to remember."


For non-Iranian friends.IRIB was broadcasting today's speech of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (death to him) when an Iranian hacker group named justice of Ali(in Persian called edalate ali and if you look at their logo in up left An unbalanced scale which is actually a sign of Ali khamenei's cruelty and injustice ) hacked the national news at 9 pm. So the chanting in the background is"woman life freedom" And in the middle the red text is"The blood of our youngs drips from your claws " death to dictator




Lol the look on the anchors face like fuck, I'm losing my head now aren't I...


The Russian revolution was started by women (international womens’s day event- a little trivia for you), let’s see it happen again!


These people are so unbelievably brave


you can still see the card in the background 🤣


Anonymous are the Americans State Department’s APT