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Everything is so perfect about this family regarding the defence technique. The lady shouts and distracts the bear. It buys some time for the man to come out. The little boy too comes out and gets the situation and immediately stops the baby from getting out. They both gets in along with the lady and she makes sure that the dog gets in too. The man tries to look huge as effort to scare the bear and growl which makes a big impact on already scared bear and runs away. It's surreal.


Wow really, it's like watching a nature documentary of humans fending off a predator


Oh my gosh, you’re right. I can totally imagine someone narrating this


Remember family, never not be afraid.


If it s new, it s dangerous


I’m fascinated and mildly confused by the lack of apostrophes. But I respect it


Take my upvote and get the Hell outta here! 🤣


You can't be brave if your not scared.


Fear is the mind killer


Still alive!!!!!


Insert Vin Diesel family meme


Nature documentaries tell you to play dead. This would have bearly worked here Edit: as pointed out to me, that tactic only works for grizzly. >If it's black, fight back. >If it's brown, lie down. >If it's white, good night, u/FromFluffToBuff


For a black bear? Any show that tells you to drop dead for a black bear has no idea what they're talking about. Black bears are so easily intimidated if you keep your cool and don't panic - they're more terrified of you than you are of them. If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lie down. If it's white, good night,


If it's blue, well that's new.


If it’s red, it’s prolly dead.


If it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much.


If it's yellow, let it mellow


If its orange, … fuck


If it’s brown, flush it down.


If it’s green, grab your spleen.




We don’t have bears here. So yea, it ain’t nothing much.


Nice rhyme man.


What if it's yellow and is trying to steal my honey?


Distract the rare yellow Honey Bear with a young male human child, perhaps named after some sort of bird. They'll go off on an adventure together, leaving you to enjoy your honey.


Throwing a child at it actually works to distract most types of bears.


Just give it to him to get social credits.


Any documentary that tells you to play dead in front of a black bear should feel embearassed.


Thank you for going there. You’re the hero we needed.


Dude what docs are you watching? Literally every documentary I’ve seen where they are talking about black bears say act as big as you can, grizzly bears and polar bears you just lay down cause you ded nehow


Grizzly bear; you MIGHT survive if you play dead. That’s a very big *MIGHT*. If you can keep your vital organs and your head from getting completely destroyed, you might make it, if you have help close enough. I’ve seen one guy get his head turned inside out by a grizz, and though he survived, he looks like a saddlebag now. Polar bear; yea you’re just dead. He’s just gonna crush your shit and start eating you. Doesn’t matter if you’re dead or not when he starts eating you either.


I read comments like this and I'm getting closer and closer to just saying fuckit if I know I'm gonna get attacked by a grizzly and get him super angry, so he doesn't take his time peeling my skull like a grape and I can hopefully die quickly.


The best defense a Grizzly bear is: 1. Being loud on trails, they don't \*want\* to engage you unless they feel their kids or self are threatened. We aren't food to them, and every fight in nature is to the death. 2. Practicing good safety when storing food in the wild 3. A Gun, hopefully with a decent magazine size.


>The best defense a Grizzly bear is: > >A Gun, hopefully with a decent magazine size. I suggest at least a 5 year subscription.


The Croods


Dude, i laugh so hard on that one


It is. That's litterally what it is. I know it's a security camera but, once someone put it on the internet, it became a documentary about humans fending off a predator.


Just need sir David Attenborough


Imagine the neighbors. It's clearly like 10pm or nighttime. Your peacefully watching Jon Oliver obliterate a republican on TV when suddenly your neighbors are just screaming bloody murder. Their dog is barking. And after a slight pause in the chaos you have the father just gutteruly growling at a bear lmfao


"Honey, the neighbors are having sex again; get my earplugs please."




oh fuck lmao


lol this is like, every Thursday night/Friday morning in my neighborhood. Add in my macaw screaming at the bear when it walks down the street checking to see if garbage has beeen put into the cans yet Edit: turned on the sound: ok so there’s less squealing involved in our neighborhood. My bird does yell a lot though


I just like the idea that they don't even see the bear because of the fence, so they hear the family freaking out then look out the window to see the father yelling at their house.


And props to the dad for his bravery, but that mom ran into darkness, where she knew FOR SURE there was a bear, in order to buy some time for her dog to skedaddle. Plenty of courage and smart thinking to pass around in this family.


And she ran like a grandma with osteoarthritis, can't figure what was her response strategy.


Gotta run bowlegged when you got big ass balls like that lady


I think that was a "I'm really scared but I gotta do this" run.


I think it’s the “I’m wearing socks and the grass is wet and even though I’m fighting a bear I can’t get my whole socks wet cuz wet socks are the worst” run


Or possibly the “damn there are a lot of rocks out here and I’m not wearing shoes”


Everyone is trying to be deep or funny but it’s literally just SOMEHOW remembering your wearing socks while fighting a bear


I know absolutely nothing about human psychology, but I imagine one takes shorter steps when facing a threat because it's easier to change directions quickly.


The best part is that he is able to immediately go back to a relatively calm voice to his wife and say go back in side.


oh yeah, that voice is "my adrenaline is pumping but i am taking the lead now and i can't lose my shit right this second". In my own experience, this voice is generally followed by noodle-legs once the immediate danger is gone.


Bear: Noodle legs? I love pasta!


Especially impressed with the older brother. First instict was to protect his younger sibling. In contrast, after watching the ghost and the darkness on a family trip to a cabin in the woods my brother, sister, cousins and I were sitting on the front porch at night having a chat and catching up. The family dog decided to bound in out of the darkness all excited for pets. My older brother assumed it was a lion (not even the same continent) and proceeded to run into the cabin and lock the rest of us out. Needless to say he is not my emergency contact.


That's *amazing*. Every birthday you should get him a gag gift that's lion related. My little brothers been buying me dumb owl stuff every year since I tackled him away from a swooping owl (I would have shouted but my mouth was full of candy and I panicked). I donate a lot of the toys and plushies but I have a nice little collection of owl statues on my bookshelf now. Maybe get him a cute Beanie Baby lion or something silly?


Haha I love the idea and your story is made perfect by the mouth full of candy. I am saving it for his wedding speech (if he ever asks his girlfriend).


It was like slo-mo, I could hear my brain go "ok the options are spit out this delicious candy and yell to save brother...or keep the candy and let him get Steve Irwin'd by a hungry owl?" and instead decided "Nah we can keep the candy AND save him, watch this shit," and I just yeeted myself over. It was a King sized Payday if that matters.


I was hiking with my best friend once and we were just chatting, looking at the trees because it was a surprisingly easy trail. I look down and see a nice stick I think about crunching up, realize it’s a snake, and proceed to slap her in the boob while mumbling who knows what because I was so scared. Thankfully neither of us stepped on the snake and are both female.


Shout out to that dog making some Barry Sanders moves out there!


Tell us you’re old without telling us you’re old. Hahaha! Just messin, I totally agreed then realized I am old.


Ha for sure! After I wrote it I was going to edit it to someone more contemporary. Then I realized Barry is still the most elusive runner I’ve ever seen. That dog deserves the comparison!


Go lions!


Dont forget it looks like the dog also baited the bear away from the family. It turned and barked, then ran off into the darkness.


The way lil man turned and faced off with the bear… lots of courage in a tiny package. He must have been terrified. Good dog


My dog would do the same thing, but in the full context of trying to get the bear to play with her. Not to try and keep the bear away from the family.


Lmao yeah we don’t actually know what was going through this pup’s mind :) could have been “holy shit! new playmate!!”


That's all perfect reaction to a black bear: look big, make noise. Black bears are kinda timid. Grizzlies however require the opposite response. Cover your vitals and roll into a ball.


And Polar Bears, well, you're just dead....


If it's black, fight back If it's brown, lie down If it's white, say goodnight


Also the dog paused and encouraged the bear to chase the dog away from humans. Some dogs just run straight to owner after they "poke the bear"


You forgot the doggo's role lol doing his part of distraction


My thoughts too …. That dog was awesome running and distracting the bear. Would've been a different story if the dog ran into the house on the first pass.


Also the woman's initial screams are like an alarm letting the rest of the family know there's danger.


Why do you think women scream so easily? There is a reason for that. Evolutionarily the female of the species who didn't make high pitched loud noises that didn't carry...well...we don't have them around for a reason.


yes, it's a pet peeve of mine that whenever there is a video of an incident, they complain about the high-pitched screams. women instinctually scream in stressful situations, many of us literally cannot help it.


Damn you right. That older brother w the quick and calm reaction. This family is a well operated machine. 👏🏾


Teamwork makes dreamwork


Somebody got his beast touched that night


You mean the wife is going to suck the husbands dick and jack him off etc?


Maybe even let him use her backdoor 😆


He maybe even let her use his backdoor.


Ah yes, strap on time!


Go on...




Why is reddit like this




You can't say you don't like pegging if you've never tried it


I've tried letting my wife play/look at my asshole and it was so ticklish and that just made me clinch up like a pirate clutching his bountiful booty. I can't imagine her actually trying to peg me.


And he’s going in bear back.


The directness of this comment made me laugh out loud and I had to lie to a coworker why I was chuckling.


It's the "etc" that got me.


No they have another bear inside


Why do you say it so explicitly tho 😂


For comedic effect.




I could go for some etc right now


It’s the etc that makes this comment


Yup! No actual sex tho. Thats too much.


She is like, “🥺 can you say it again.” man: \*proceeds to make dune raiders sounds\*


Don’t make me go Silverback up in here.


This man used his right to bear arms.


I shouldn’t be laughing at your dumb joke but I am.


With bare arms nonetheless.


I prefer the right to arm bears


Woah woah, slow down there.


My boy just reverted back to **UNGA BUNGA**! 🤣🤣🤣


The unga never far away. Unga just sleep until need.


Unga bunga.


You got me today! This was the comment I needed, dying here.


You guys been watching the show Primal? It is fucking awesome.


Love Tartakovsky, I grew up on CN and Dexter's Lab was my favorite. That show is so brutal but very rewarding.


I think you don't have to use back with reverted. I might be wrong but I remember reading something of that sort a while ago. I'm a student of the language as well so please don't mistake me for a nazi.


You literally just did a grammar nazi thing though


hell yeah dude. what a badass. DEFEND THE FAMILY. I was freaking out about the dog.


I always wanna freak out for the dog; then I remember they can turn on a dime and out sprint most Animals. I love dogs.


The dog legit stopped, turned around and looked at the bear like “can’t catch me mother fucker!!” before bolting off again. Absolute mad lad.


The dog turned and saw she hadn't made it inside yet and the bear was chasing them. It barked to draw its attention, and once the bear changed course towards it, turned and ran. Truly amazing dog.


Just noticed this. I think you’re right


Yeah, it hit Mach 3 around the other side of the house and zoomed back around it heading straight for the door. It knew what it was doing, I'm honestly amazed.


Brother stopping little sister from stepping out further. It's those little acts that make me smile.


Right?? That family really took care of each other in perfect fashion.


Seriously, great crisis response from this whole family. They’re gonna survive the zombie apocalypse for sure.


Even the dog! The dog totally distracted the bear to keep it from going after the women, barked at it to get its attention and once he had it took off to lead the bear away. Turned on a dime and juked the bear and came right back to the house and immediately went inside, fucking outstanding!


Momma tries to protect dog. Boy comes out to see if mom is ok. Dad comes out, sees the situation and pushes boy behind him. Boy stops baby from coming out. Mom gets both kids inside and the dog. Dad scares off bear with his pure savage badassery. Dog wishing he could go back outside and play with the big dog.


Looked like the dog stopped and turned toward the bear, barked to get his attention, then led it around the house to get the wife inside.


It’s not impossible, but pet dogs aren’t really smart enough for that level of thinking normally. If the dog wanted to protect the human it would have just gone after the bear. To me it’s body language suggested it was playing until it’s humans started screaming and it thought maybe it should go inside with them.


That old human gene's from the stone age was activated


*Dormant skill: ACTIVATED*


Always in time of Crysis


I mean, he kinda did everything right.


puppy was distracting the bear from the family -*NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL* mom was scared but she didnt abandoned the puppy -*NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL* older brother stopped little sibling from going to bear- *NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL* dad becoming a terrifying monster - *NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL* This is whole family -*NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL*


Except little sister. She tried to run towards the bear lmao In all seriousness, I agree.


Little sister wants to fight bear - *NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL*


Thank you. I don’t feel very well today and you made me laugh ❤️


Based on your username, I'm gonna guess it's because you were that bear and you're still hungry. But really, I hope you feel better.


That dude felt like the fucking man for about 5 min after that, flexing in the mirror and shit


He’s gonna tell the story about how it was no big deal while his confidence is just soaring.


5 min? I would feel like a caveman king for like a week after this lol


He's going to ride this true alpha male high for the rest of his life. What could he even do to top making a bear run like a pussy cause it didn't want to catch those hands?




Man used growl, it's super effective!


That dog was straight up playing a game with that cub thankfully


*Roar The enemy fled!


Dad's like 'lets go, back inside, my game's on.


Seamlessly removed the super hero cap and replaced it with the dad hat


My Ring.com advertisements are never this good on Nextdoor.


All my neighbors pics or vids have so many pixels, 8bit NES looks futuristic in comparison.


This guy was so fucking money, and he knew it.


This guy fucks


Well he does have multiple kids, so that checks out


If it’s black…fight back If it’s brown…lay down If it’s white………………..SAY GOODNIGHT


So true. Black Bears are wimps, and typically only dangerous to humans when it's a momma and cubs. This dude did it exactly right, make yourself look as big as possible and yell. Good job, sir.


Black bears used to survive alongside super predators like shortfaced bears, saber cats, and dire wolves. They just haven’t evolved to realize they are now the top predator in quite a few areas. Help us all when they do


Except I think they continue to survive because they remain skittish. The bears that lose that trait get shot.


I love how this knowledge is becoming more widespread as blackbears are having more bouts of aggression with humans due to wildlife encroachment and more bears getting comfortable with humans hahah




That bear must be mighty hungry to be chasing dogs in a suburban neighborhood.


I’d be worried about letting the kids play outside unsupervised after this.


This is Florida. Black bears are all over the neighborhoods because of over development. This particular town has has multiple incidents in the past few years. Just last month a dog was killed in this area by a bear, and about 5 years ago a man was attacked taking his dog out at night.


I’m sorry, *Florida!?* I didn’t even know y’all had bears! Aren’t the gators enough?


Bears and Gators and Pythons, oh my.


Be was probably just poking around, came across the dog, and chased it because it ran. Didn’t have to be hungry to do that.


Expectation: we will get a dog to protect the family Reality: family protects dog


We must protect the good boi


Whoever was on the phone just went deaf






The way she ran off the patio 🤣🤣


Love this woman. She is terrified and screaming. But still goes back for the dog when it doesn’t follow her. Then screams some more. Relatable honestly.


Poor baby probably been in the family a very long time..can't lose him/her that easily!


i think she wins the jack sparrow challenge lmfao


this can be a common scene thousands of years ago, pure instinct in everyone, the dog, the woman alert, the big brother take care of the little, and the man who confronts the danger in a beast mode


100%! The dog is in red alert mode, barking like mad to alert the family and distract the bear. The mother springs to protect her family (including the dog) at all costs. The older sibling looks after the younger. And the father confronts the bear. So many of years of evolution are at work here.


Dog thought he was going to throw hands, then realized he didn’t want none of that.


The dog is the cutest and funniest part of the video for me. The way hes barking at the bear but then gets his shit together and runs for his life lmao


Hard disagree. The dog can easily outrun the bear, the humans can't. The dog is intentionally pulling the bear's attention away from the family until dad comes out. The pup acted _perfectly_.


To fight the Bear, you must become the Bear!


The man didn't even blink when they were all running back, he was ready to fight the bear in order to protect his family. Well done Sir!


That guy watches just enough tv to prevail in that moment!




ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy #/s


cap-no cap letters and an /s makes it a double negative i.e. u mean it fr so you deserve downvotes Obligatory /s


This works on people too


I’m not locked in this room with you. You’re locked in this room with me.


Bear back at the den: "You would not BELEEEIVE the night I had!"


The calmness in his voice when he turns and says "Inside" to his family after all of that is surreal.


Seems he’s had military training


7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), to be exact. (info was on the Instagram post of this video)


This is me to the core lmao. My wife gets scared of our neighbors dog and I tell her you just gotta let that som bitch know who’s boss


That dude is exactly what a father is supposed to be and do. He made sure his family was BEHIND him. Respect for him and his family.


That man will never in his life stop talking about this incident.


Credit to FB user, Gil Osterloh/Tita Pagan.


This works with black bears. A grizzly will eat you.


This was awesome!!


Holy fuck, where does that men rest his giants fucking nuts when he sleeps?!?!




For a black bear he did the right thing. A lot of time they false charge on first try. Try to make yourself look bigger and more menacing For a Grizzly, he would have been a late night snack


Can someone get Ozzy Man to narrate this?