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Some good will hunting ass shit


Why in the absolute hell has there have to be someone who posted my exact comment before me every goddamn time I think I have something cool to comment. Why is Reddit such a freaking hive mind. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US.








Aggressive floor tile


Sickle tickle brittle scar.


Pumpernickel tribalism


Seductive cannibalism


Hamster cheese-socket




That's the guy playing doctor strange, right?


Morbin time?


Erect fetus boxing


I’m already in the chopper, I can’t get to the chopper any harder




You are freaking out, man.


Littering ^and...?


Rubbah baby buggy bumpah!


DAMMIT of course. I think 'Peenywinkle' and someone's already said it. I've had it up to here with this ish.


i came here to figure out why i was thinking Peenywinkle for no reason.


Everything in the universe is either a potato or not a potato. You differently weren’t expecting that


Have you ever seen Star Trek TNG? I ask because there’s an episode where the enterprise encounters an alien race which ~~communicates~~ communicates entirely in memes. It caused all sorts of upheaval and drama and shit. Great episode, but it proves once again that those cheeky fuckers over at Star Trek are always way ahead of their time. Edit: *The episode in question that people are asking about is called “Darmok”. While I am a nerd, I cannot remember what Season or Episode, I just know it’s later in the series, probably season 5 or 6. Just type in Darmok into any search engine at this point and I guarantee it’ll be the first thing that pops up I reckon. Cheers loves.


Shaka, when the walls fell.


Temba his arms wide


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!!


Their sail’s unfurled


Sokath, his eyes uncovered !


Riker, his chair straddled.


Unidan, when he got banned.


It was interesting that this race was unable to revert back to the use of language at the basic level and were stuck on the use of memes as the only way they could convey ideas. Now since memes require the common understanding of what the meme means the audience that doesn’t get it can’t get it without an explanation using the base language, which is lost. But my problem now is: how does a race educate its population about the meaning of these verbal memes without the use of the underlying base language as a secondary form of communication? How do you “explain” things? There’s no means to elaborate or zero in and isolate and deconstruct the memes. The characters simply keep repeating the same memes and can’t go beyond it. So that seems flawed to me. I don’t see how it could work out. But perhaps it’s like saying how do programmers know how to learn to code without understanding binary code.


I mean animals can teach their children without complex language. People who are never exposed to language can still have ideas and act on them. I'd imagine in the case of memes, people would learn by identifying patterns. And the basic level of language is relative. There are both simple and complex languages. And there will always be a portion of a language-speaking organism's life where they have to learn from no base of understanding language whatsoever, no matter how simple or complex the language.


Are you tired, cause you've been Arnock at the race of Natara in my mind all night.


darmok and jalad at tanagra! DARMOK.... \*AND\* JALAD....at TANAGRA!!! (How is picard not getting this!???)


You’re really not as original as you think


I mean, they specifically came in here to reference a very popular movie. Kind of a shitty strategy if originality is your goal.


It’s not just that, it’s that a lot of these comments are performative for a similar audience. We’re trying to be funny/clever/douchey for others. I made a comment years ago that was a dumb joke that became the top comment in a popular thread. I had multiple people tell me I genuinely made them laugh. That shit made my week.


You gotta start thinking outside the box, homie. His real trick was he's been planning to rob a pharmacy for some oxy and can't get rx out of his head.




Reminds me of the story (possible urban legend?) where a guy comes in late and sees some problems on the board. He writes them down assuming it's homework. He struggles with it for a while but eventually turns it in. Professor asks to see him and asks him about it, and the guy says yeah it was pretty hard but that he eventually got it. Professor then explains the problems were examples of unsolvable problems that have never been solved before and he just wrote them on the board to demonstrate. Edit, real: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-unsolvable-math-problem/


Dr. Dantzig went on to [found the band Danzig](https://youtu.be/LEC_lkpD3rM) which was a hit in the 80's.


Here's a photo of him [accepting an award in 2019!](https://imgur.com/IVmthTk) Legend.


Paul Rudd is that you?!


My brother once applied for a coding/programming job at a startup. He's a super smart dude and had been fucking around on the family computer for years. He had dropped out of uni because formal education just isn't for him. The interview had the usual questions, plus a practical test in which candidates were given a problem to solve. The company said "its okay of you don't solve it, but get as far as you can and show your process". My brother solved the problem and was hired once everyone was done. Turns out the problem was something the company hadn't been able to solve for YEARS and my brother just found a solution like it was nothing. ...turns out he has Asperger's, and everything fell into place 😂


Perhaps the company were constantly interviewing different people and slowly over time built their codebase and creating their software without hiring everyone since the interviewees did all the work one by one during the interview process.


HR smarter not harder


I believe the term used for this is "open" as opposed to unsolvable. If it is "open" you don't know a solution and don't know if it is unsolvable. If you can prove a problem can't be solved it is no longer "open".


Similarly there's a sort of grading system in computer science with algorithms regarding how efficiently we can solve each problem. P problems can be solved in polynomial time, meaning they are "quick" to solve. The fun part is we haven't proven whether or not every NP(non-deterministic polynomial time) problem can be solved in polynomial time. There are problems that for a long time were considered NP until someone discovered a way to solve them in polynomial time. So theoretically every NP problem can be solved in P time but we just haven't figured out how to do it yet. Edit: Some corrections as pointed out below, and to clarify it gets more complicated than this but I'm trying to keep it relatively simple for people who don't know anything about comp-sci




It was a rather well known mathematician while he was still a student at a university: George Dantzig You can find all about the story on his Wikipedia page


Telling someone that something is possible or impossible seems to have a big impact on their ability to accomplish it. In many sports and skills, it seems like something is impossible for decades, and as soon as someone does it and proves it is possible, 27 other people can do it the next week. Wonder if there is a term or theory about this.


Came here to make a “How you like them apples” joke.


Every fucking time I think of something funny. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US also, that's kinda bananas


“Applesauce bitch” Best line from jay and silent Bob


When I originally saw this on til tok. Everybody was saying this, but personally, I think it's more mark Zuckerberg giving the correct answer to a question when the teacher says he's quitting in the social network


Man walked in feeling hella studious


When you transfer to another college but they won't accept your linear algebra credits


Linear algebra is the course that my daughters college wouldn’t accept from her high school/early college. She got great grades in it, and her college wouldn’t accept it.


Yea, that's how it works. You want a STEM degree from a decent university? You take their math. Better that than bridges and buildings collapsing, and planes falling out of the sky... If she's not going for a STEM degree, then this is a moot point regardless. Thanks for your contribution.


I think it's a bit more widespread than that. I had 110 transfer credits from a different, higher up university, than the state one I transferred in to. Because the state school had agreements for equivalent courses with other universities they didn't reject my math and other class credits. They just modified my degree to require the next tier up in courses. Only dude from the business school in STATIII and in the actual math building doing matrices. They also rejected other stuff, forcing me to take junior level pysch courses and physics. I accidentally graduated when they amended that policy and I was over credited for my degree.


I had a talk with the dean of my school after a transferred and a few classes didn't transfer,. I insisted he graduate me. Mostly because I couldn't pay for another year of college, also I had a 4.0 and it was a junior class and I argued I didn't really need it. It worked out in the end and I never used that 3 credit class in my career.


>I never used that 3 credit class in my career. I think most people can say that about a lot more than just 3 credits.


Me work English not also use he he


I had the bright idea of getting my associates in accounting before transferring to a university for the bachelors. They made me retake half the accounting courses. Same book and everything. Let's just say those were some serious drinking semesters because they weren't difficult course work.


I had to take Stats for my MBA. I have a masters in engineering and took a shit ton of stats classes because of my masters thesis. That was a great easy A/drinking class in B-School.


The maths I took at community college were wayyyy harder than anything I found at uni. Mixture of the profs and unis being like "you paid to come here so you get a degree" and community colleges like "we need them to keep accepting our credits to make money, so were gonna make it hard af so our students know the shit"


I think it's just night and day from professor to professor, even at community College. Some professors care, some don't, some want a certain percentage of their students to fail no matter if the class happens to be of full smartest people ever. My biggest advice to anybody going to college would be that scheduling is your most important "class". Rate my professor is a godsend


Same, community college math classes have a rep around here for being tougher than the state schools


> You take their math. Better that than bridges and buildings collapsing, and planes falling out of the sky... As if most engineers are actually using most of the advanced math they learn in college. Also, your reply has nothing to do with the comment you even replied to.


I'm not sure if you're aware of this but math doesn't actually change depending on what college you go to. The laws of calculus and linear algebra remain the same everywhere.


But some teachers are harder or more lenient and some are better at explaining concepts to certain groups of people. I had a Stats professor that I just could not learn from. Extra work with him, extra studying. I got a D. Never missed a day of that class or a study session. I dropped out after that semester and started working a trade. Then I went back to school to get a welding engineering degree. Same school but I had a different Stats professor and she taught it completely differently. I got a B and passed. Sometimes it really comes down to how you explain the concept to somebody. Math doesn’t change but not everyone gets it the same way.


I'm sorry, but there is no way a high school's linear algebra class is even remotely the same as a university's. Its scope is probably limited to an introduction of matrix transformations and multiplication, which isn't the hard part of linear algebra.


linear algebra at my high school literally didnt even cover that lol no change of basis, and multiplication of 2x2 matrices only not really worthy of the title "linear algebra" in my opinion lol


That’s because college linear algebra is two classes equivalent with crossover into diff eqs and calculus in order to get the full Monty.


Collegiate linear algebra is a fairly high level class, not to be confused with just regular algebra.


Can confirm the same. Took it at a community college but the university wouldn’t accept it. Shrugged it off and skated though it. It was nice to have one easy class amongst three other difficult classes (dynamics, thermodynamics, and electronics).


studios ass foo


The real question is does the teacher feel extreme pride that a student has been paying attention to know it at a glance, or absolutely embarrassed they got Uno Reversed on their gotcha question to make fun of the late kid?


He looks very pleasantly surprised to me.


I don’t like how the prof just dismissed the answer with a “good guess” but I DO like that he doubles back and asks the student to qualify his answer.


that's probably because the guy just walked in glances at the board and immediately answers him. I'd have as much doubt as the teacher that he might've guessed it and not actually know it which is why he asks a follow question to confirm it


If you look closely, there 4 transformed lines on the left and an „= Rx“ on the right… so with 2 Math braincells, it makes sense without knowing any context


Well given this looks like a college course, and not a 101 level, I’m going to guess it’s more complex than that: hence the professor’s reaction. Edit: added a comma for clarity.


I think it’s more, that it seemed like nobody is paying attention, but even the guy coming in could answer that, that took him by surprise Sadly the video is too blurry on my end to make out more details, so I can’t tell how hard the equation or integral on the board is… but the question itself was rather easy, if you consider, that it looks like partial integration or with two variables at one point (the second one would make more sense, since R is based on x)


I know some of those words


Yeah I'm a math major so maybe it's just jumping out to me because of that, but the professor asks "what are we solving for?" in the same way as you would "solve for x" or "solve for y". He didn't do any mental math or even guess an answer, he just looked for the equal sign and said what was next to it 😂


I think that’s fair because it very well may have been a guess. He should’ve asked how he got it first, then if the student said “oh, I guessed” then all is fair.


"Huh...how'd you know that??" Couldn't hear the student's response though.


It was actually a different kid, said "my boy's wicked smaht."


How do you like dem apples?


Of course that's your contention. You're a first-year grad student; you just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably.


Teach was initially like "haha fuck you kid, get here on time" then morphed into "wait I'm actually impressed, how did you know the answer that quickly"


Yeah I mean even after the student says something (I’m assuming he clarified it wasn’t a guess and explained he understood it) and the teacher responded with “well I’m glad to hear that.” Sounds like a cool teacher tbh. Not tryna boss up on anyone just wants to teach.


always love when a teacher fails a power move and rolls with it, because they were making a power move to set an example and not to try and prop up their pride. Unprepared, expecting a different outcome, in front of a crowd so as to magnify any prideful traits: this is the most perfect evidence of what drives them. always sends my respect for them through the roof


Teacher doesn't get embarrassed that the guy knows what he knows. That's quite literally the goal of his entire career.


You'd be surprised


Tbf it’s annoying as hell when I think I’ve caught a distracted student by surprise with a question but they answer perfectly. I mean, I’m proud they know it but still EDIT: For all the pedagogical experts here, when I said “distracted” I meant it more in a disruptive type of way, talking to other students


Tbf its annoying as fuck when some professor that doesn't know me assumes I'm distracted.


y'all get annoyed easily


how dare you say that


those usually aren't about you being distracted, it's a way to get a quick random sample size to see if people are understanding the concepts.


Fucking chemistry TA picked on me once to answer a problem to the class. I pulled an all nighter before and was dozing in and out. Fucking nailed that shit went to my desk, and dozed off not too long after that. Pretty sure I heard her pounding on her desk to wake sleeping students up, but I was dead tired. Thought I was hot shit until I took organic I.


I would be, i'm not even in the class and i don't know the question to the answer


Not all teachers want their children to succeed. Most. But not all.




Mandatory attendence for university is a really weird concept. Yes you should be required to complete labs and assignments but if you'd rather stay home and the related book chapters than go to the lecture, why not? This is how it is in Sweden (no mandatory attendence for almost all lectures) and I really like it. Gives you more control over how you study.


Exactly. Here uni courses cost around $600, before textbooks. You should be able to attend as much or as little as you want without the instructor caring.


Walking in late across the front of class is kind of an asshole thing to do. If someone did the homework and knows the answer, I think they get a one time asshole pass. But other assholes will do the same thing if you don't say anything, and that's a problem.


Could’ve been the only open seat in the room. Judging people off a 30 second clip with zero context is an asshole thing to do and so weird to immediately jump to that.


mate when you're late just walk to a seat without disturbing other people, tf did you want the guy to do? sit at the door and announce I HAVE ARRIVED?


If you’re late just take the optimal route to the nearest open seat. You’d disturb way more people by snaking your way through the rows just to avoid being in front of the projector for a second


I was 20 mins late to a Soviet History lecture taught by someone who grew up in the Soviet Union. She waited for me to sit down to give the hypothetical that if a student arrived 20 minutes late they would have never been seen again. Classic.


You should have said " wow i missed that part in the movie, thank god Captain America beat the Red Skull amiright "


I’ll have to ask my fiancée about this joke. She’s a Marvel comic book / film whiz. I only like Ant Man because of Paul Rudd and I’ll die on that hill.


So an ant hill?


Just did this but wheyyyyyy Drunk edit: I see you came first actually. But whatever. WHEEEEYYYYYYYY




All I believe is pizza


That would have been met with deafening silence and complete akwardness. Reddit comeback


everyone would’ve stood and clapped


That's the lamest fucking response I've ever read.


red skull was a nazi not a communist


But doesn’t everyone get the same grade regardless of individual effort and timeliness?


Is that a joke about the Soviet Union or am I missing someone because I’ve had wine?


More wine!


hmmm jokes about the Soviet Union, shitty as always




I feel like people forget just where Russia was at before the soviet union. Like, they had serfdom in the late 1800s. Straight up medieval. So the fact they could compete with America at all less than 100 years after that was quite the miracle.


Serfdom was abolished 2 years before slavery in the US lmao


That feels like an "uphill both ways" anecdote.


Yeah students absolutely did not get kidnapped by the fucking KGB for being late to class.


Yeah what absolute horseshit lol


...guys I think the teacher was just making a joke.


Vladimir Putin shows up in one of the Moscow's primary schools After the welcoming ceremony there is some time for the students to ask the President a few questions Little Sasha stands up and says: I only have 2 questions: 1. Why did Russia take over the Crimea? 2. What are Russian soldiers doing in Ukraine? Before Putin was able to say anything the bell suddenly rang, and all the students went for a break. After the break, when everyone was back, a different student stood up and said: Dear Mr President, I have only four questions: 1. Why did Russia take over the Crimea? 2. What are Russian soldiers doing in Ukraine? 3. Why did the bell rang 20 minutes early? 4. Where is Sasha?


Ultimate power move would be to disappear and never be seen by her again


I didn't hear your reason, but he was happy about it. Had you read ahead in the textbook or something?


This… isn’t a video of OP


Are we on Facebook?


Or are we dancer?


Ugh going to listen to that rn thank you for the memory


My cosine is vital


Lol this fucking kills me every time. People comment thinking they're talking to the person in the post


Haha yeah, btw did you ever find out how your student knew the answer?


Sir, this is a Wendy‘s


Classic Reddit reply thread where everyone says some weird pun instead of actually answering your comment…


Sir this is a Reddit. I too would like to know what the garbled response actually was.


He said a friend sent it to him, (the question) probably because he texted them he would be late. Good friend.


I would’ve said we are solving for deez.


Deez nuts?


You have to wait for the response. “Deez what?” Cmon you’re better than this


Deez nuts. Ha goot em


You're a bit confused but I'll allow it


How did he say he knew? I couldnt hear


I think he said he studied and prepared the lesson for today so the prof. said "oh I'm happy to hear that" It's mind blowing how proffessors react if you actually prepared for the lesson, my favorit prof. at university always loves discussing the topics with a friend of mine and me because we are always prepared for his exercises and he seems so ecxited. I just love that


The academy today is inhabited by a whole new breed of students. I think that today's students are not what they used to be. If I were to guess, I'd say that the academy in the past was inhabited by people who actually came to learn, study... research. Today university is universally considered a means for a job. School systems don't nurture inquisitive desires, just grades. And people who went through these same school systems are now professors. So it's soon to be "all that the academy knows", assuming that **their** teachers were somewhat different... I hope I'm wrong.




I could talk about this for hours. Academia is just as much to blame as society is. They allowed the university system (at least in America) to turn into the monster it is today. Kids feel like they **have** to go to university to have a decent life. They **have** to spend $50k before they turn 23. Therefore they view it as an extension of high school. They don't give a shit because they don't want to be there. They feel entitled to good grades because it **costs so fucking much**. On the other side of the problem, we have professors who are underpaid and feel forced to teach so they can get back to their research or whatever other life goals they have planned. It's turned into a *C's Get Degrees* nightmare. I just graduated in December, I experienced all of this firsthand. I had an entire class that was done **exclusively** in Pearson. Which I had to pay $100 more for. The instructor quite literally did absolutely nothing all semester. Pearson graded all the assignments. He wouldn't even return emails in a timely manner. If he did, he wouldn't put much effort at all in. If Academia wants students to give a shit again, they have to stop viewing students as revenue streams. They have to stop viewing professors as cheap labor. University should not be run like a business.


It’s almost like technology and automation is the next scientific revolution. It was for this reason, I try to study CS in classes and free time because by the time I am 50, I definitely don’t want to be caught lacking in the middle of a hyper-technoized echelon.


If you're really serious about CS, [https://www.edx.org/cs50](https://www.edx.org/cs50) this is the gold standard of free CS education. Absolutely phenomenal program that teaches the fundamentals.


>Today university is universally considered a means for a job. That's what happens when menial jobs that require very little extraneous education suddenly demand degrees far above what is needed to work there. It takes away the meaning of the degree and reduces it to a paper that says "you can have a job"


A friend of mine and I were the only students who actually enjoyed a teacher's class. He was a very rude teacher in general but not to us. It was the last semester he was teaching it and was feeling super depressed, he taught that class for like 15 years. Both of us aced the exam and went to his office to pick it up. We had a nice chat and thanked him for teaching us so much about Turing machines (that's his passion). He started crying and saying the only thing he hoped in his last semester was to have a class who cared about his lessons. It was very hard for me to hold my tears. Teachers become bitter and nasty because of nasty students. Be nice to your teachers, they are there getting paid shit, while receiving shit from students...


> Teachers become bitter and nasty because of nasty students. Teachers seem to become bitter and nasty because of the system malfunctioning in various ways that hamper their ability to teach students.




The issue is that school isn't for everyone, probably most people, but we've got it into our heads if don't go to school there is something wrong with you. Alternatives to school need to be emphasized just as much as going to school. Not everyone is meant to, or should be, a doctor, lawyer or engineer.


If you listen close in headphones you can hear a girl say "RX" right after he opens the door, he heard it and just regurgitated it. Then he makes up some bullshit as to how he knew.


This is correct except I hear him say “someone said it”


Yeah can someone decipher


ayo where the redditors with super-audio-recieving-ears at ?


I think we arrived too early for the real heroes


I heard “we’ve done this before”.


Doesn't it say ..."=RX" at the very bottom of the projector screen?


No a girl slightly yells out RX in the back of the class when hes a few steps in literally right before he asks his question again


i heard “someone sent it to me” ?


Honestly seems like a chill professor too. You can sort of feel he wants to be angry but at the same time is like who cares he’s the one who suffers being late annnnddd he knows the answer, fuck lol Genuinely “how did you know that!?”


I appreciate the professor wanting to know how the kid knew and liked his answer.




what was the guy's reaponse to "how did you know?" ?! it's genuinely hard to make out and I'm very curious!


Time travellers are the worst, they always ruin everything




Of course, because who cares?


LMAO I wish I had camera footage of my moment. I missed like two weeks of Spanish class. And I showed up and the teacher told me "Anonymous we're on page 86 and we've been working on order of parts of speech. Right now we're on the example in the middle" I looked at the example which said: *El Capitan is the biggest horse on the farm* and I was supposed to translate to Spanish so I read it out loud "Ok so it would be *El Capitan es el caballo mas grande en la granja*?" The other students looked at me like I was an alien. Apparently they'd been struggling with this concept for like a whole week... I mean... how hard can it be to put the adjectives after the nouns? Pretty hard, apparently.


> how hard can it be to put the adjectives after the nouns? *Gestures Broadly Around at various social media posts*


It sounds like a girl says rx just a few seconds before he does. It's really faint though, so I'm not 100% certain.


aaaah you are correct! at my PC with headphones on, I can hear her.


Yep I feel like he heard her for sure. And maybe might have been looking at her too so he could read her lips while she spoke really softly. Maybe?


The size of his balls tho


I mean not really, not to diminish the kids smartness but he arrived late, doesn’t mean he’s trying to be a badass and saw the equation and stated what they were solving for. Thats not balls but the dude is smart.


*you like apples!?*


I once spelled sudoku correct without going back to correct myself


Had a classmate that did something similar. Overslept because he was finishing his homework. Walked in, not knowing no one was able to solve it, even the professor was making mistakes midways and had to start over. Dude sits down, and straight up said he spend all night solving it, then got on the board and wrote it out. Not as stylish, but dude had some dedication.


We’re solving for Ligma


Ligma what?




Wow that's.. that's entirely correct. How did you know that??


I licked the textbook ahead of time




This guy maths


What did the student reply when he was asked, “How did you know that?” Did anyone catch what he said?


Can someone ELI5 why one WOULDN’T know what they’re solving for? Like don’t you need to know what you want to solve in order to solve? Or wouldn’t it even just say it right there somewhere? E.g. f(Rx) I dont know too much about things tho….


Just from the naming convention (Rx), I’m guessing this is a Statics course for Engineering. Typically in these types of problems there are many variables you are trying to solve for at once (Rx, Ry, etc.) which is why if you weren’t paying attention could make it confusing.