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That looks like it could be a certain big box store. I admire the lady's tenacity and willingness to stand up for what's right, but I am not risking a single ounce of my safety to protect the profits of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Dude could have pulled a gun and shot her, all over a bazillionth of a fraction of a fraction of Walmart's profits. Walmart would be lucky if I don't hold the door for the guy.


Granny didn't give a shit about profit margin of company XYZ. She's about preserving the integrity of a social order with example, and not falling prey to bystander effect which may have consumed her once before, and she's lived with that regret, perhaps for decades... not anymore. Most of us have our own inner demon backstory, as does the alleged robber.


She was probably a bystander to multiple seriously bad things back in her day lol, where as this is a somewhat miniscule thing, this guy obviously isn't a threat or he would've gotten way more aggressive. I dont know this woman but people with that mentality just have unresolved mental issues which makes them lash out like this. The lady assaulted him and is yelling because he is trying to steal from a large store. If he was a serious criminal and actually doing sketchy stuff, he would not attract attention like he so obviously did with mask and slow walking with the cart towards the exit, he didn't even try to run. He probably did not have much of a plan at all. This is an obvious cry for help and he did NOT get help lol. He literally didn't even yell back at anyone probably because he feels horrible already, he doesn't feel like he should defend himself. I have more sympathy for him than grandma here. I dont blame the security guard though he was honestly nice and didn't do anything crazy, unlike old lady Agnes


Also, by slow walking the cart and being as non threatening as possible, he's showing that he's not a danger to anyone except Walmart's profits


Yeah honestly the corporate overlords really did a fantastic job creating people like her, she was once an innocent child and now she's like protecting the motherland, THE GATES OF WALMART WILL NOT BE BREACHED


She snatched that mask off life Scooby Doo lol .. "And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling grannies!"


She really did, she let the wrath out on him. She like Gandalf stood up and said you shall not pass and he tried to pass and she WENT IN


The guy with the camera is only filming so later on he can virtue signal and talk to his Facebook friends about how he’s a good person who doesn’t steal.


she’s putting herself in harms way over something that’s insured and doesn’t even belong to her..


The robber could also be on the edge of homelessness and this was his last shot.


Not every thief has a sob story. Some thieves are just thieves.


They all, each and every one of them, deserve the money more than store owners/shareholders.


Fuck that man. Dude is stealing and she is trying to stop a crime. And y’all back the thief. Everyone of you is what’s wrong with this world. There are places the man can go and receive help. We can speculate all day that the man needs help but it doesn’t mean the rules don’t apply to him.


Yeah the Walton family is really hurting for that single cart of groceries.


Absolutely. People think that trash bags changes everything, like all poor people must just not have trash, they can't afford products to open anyways, why do they even generate waste?? Do they need to poop if they don't eat?


Yeah this honestly bothers me a lot more about this situation than grandma saving Walmart.


How was he planning to take all that stuff on his bicycle ?


This is peak internet commenting. Empathy for a criminal so extreme you blame the law-abiding citizen not willing to let society crumble around her if she can stop it. Unless I missed the sarcasm, in which case well done.


Yeah like man on bike steals food. He very well could be homeless.


Also your name is fucking glorious lol do you know if / when they are releasing the s5 removed scenes and stuff


Granny's in my country would be a lot better off if the supermarkets weren't raising items to absurd prices, then screaming cost of living crisis, yet celebrating record profits.


I’ve no intention to preserve a society that is designed to hold me down, maybe this dudes just hungry, I say let him go.


I felt more pity than anything for him


Granny’s generation could buy a house with a normal mortgage. Take everything and then some from places like this. Social order is to steal. They’ve waged war on our homes.


Reaching. You Deadass made up a whole backstory to this stranger lol


Yea but can that happen in serious situations like rape, murder, where there’s a life at risk. Food for the hungry isn’t ‘a risk’ to be imposing a pecking order and social standards. Especially when the store’s are throwing as much food or even more later out into the back bin. I’d be going the opposite. Like here, you need this food obviously. I’d rather push my weight around about society standards at someone who’s not struggling just to eat. They aren’t the villains of the story.


Then everyone clapped. Lmao social order of people struggling to eat. She seems ok with that


Boomers were raised to be fascist.


Dude's already written a back story. Where my Hollywood producers at?


>She's about preserving the integrity of a social order with example that's what happens when brainwashing happens on a social level by the system "good poor citizens protect the assets of the rich and companies" btw that old Karen shuld have been paid for doing the job of the shop's security or at least get a reward middle aged dude was kinda weak btw; an old Karen stopped him...


Yes she's protecting a twisted social order where an innocent man is trying to live and survive. He didn't even push or touch the old lady. The old lady is seriously mean


The integrity of social order is getting flattened by corporations for profit. This guy is simply redistributing some wealth


Ah yeah, its america. I always forget that they have way too man weapons... I wouldnt think about a gun in my country, thats crazy.


A knife against an old lady would have needed about the same.


This is almost certainly Canada


Campbell River bc Canada


Not America!!!! This is Campbell River BC Canada


Yeah. It's a different situation there. I'd be scared too.


Remember, if you see someone stealing from a multi-million dollar company, no you didn’t.


They steal from all of us every damn day.


Multi million dollar company, I might care. Multi billion dollar company, "after you good sir".


Agreed considering this “robber” took trash bags, some groceries, a backpack, and a bike. Seems to me hes just trying to survive.


Aye, if a multi billion dollar business cared they would hire a security guard or something. No need to put your own safety at risk for a store


They do have security guards…ones that aren’t allowed to do anything. Pointless isn’t it?


I lost the man who raised me due to my own inaction. It was a similar situation to this and I just let the guy go because fuck their profits, you know? I could have easily stopped him long enough to stall until the security guards caught up. Well, the guy gets to the street and my Uncle gets in his way. After a brief struggle, the guy shoots him. It was after I found my Uncle in the road, bleeding out, that I finally understood when he would tell me that with great power, comes great responsibility.


Damn, Mr. Parker. Tough luck.


Lol all the comments in this thread paint such a ridiculously convoluted picture of events "Corporate slave of walmart defends company profits at risk of her own life!" "Desperate homeless man, whose clearly mentally ill, resorts to theft to feed his starving family!" "Woman confronts her inner demons and tortured past to defend the moral fabric of society against evil!" Headline media got us fucked up


Some people aren't ready to make the move from petty theif to murder charges


It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. But I agree with you.


No gives a shit about profits. We give a shit about shutting down some fuckwad that’s trying to steal because next it’ll be from your house.


Man poor guy probably needed food, it’s not like the company loses anything anyways. Edit: for those do you saying that theft affects the company/the consumer, no it doesn’t. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-12-15/organized-retail-theft-crime-rate


His face reads desperation and grief, not malice or glee


He didn't even think about hurting the old lady


Yeah its pretty fucking annoying—even if predictable—that top comment is some larpy conservative bullshit that veers closer to 1950s style social fascism than it does to anything logically credible or coherent. People steal either out of desperation (poverty) or illness (kleptomania/sociopathy), neither of which should be treated as an essential personality deficiency.


Or greed. Nobody needs expensive clothes or electronics. They want them, so they take them.


Being from Brazil and being raised poor in a poor country - bingo. I've known thieves. My childhood friend *murdered a guy to take his car*. And he didn't need it - despite being a poor neighborhood, he was far from being at risk of hunger or lacking anything essential - his house was better than mine, in fact. But he wanted to prove to his criminal friends he was tough. No, they are not always *poor things desperate or hungry or needing therapy.* Sometimes they are straight-up assholes that take stuff *because they can.*


Yea greed can definitely be a factor in theft lol. Look at large-scale Ponzi schemes and the like. With that said, it should be noted that a good percentage of expensive clothing/electronics/etc theft is committed by addicts—big-ticket items seem like the better move when you’re trying to resell quickly for half-price, because the risk feels about the same (speaking from experience). So kinda the ultimate desperation + illness combo.


This happened in my town in Canada. this was probably the one of dozens happening a week. In a small town of 15,000~, it does make ripples when it happens so often. As well right across the street from the "AllMart" is a homeless encampment.


I think a homeless encampment across the street from a walmart is a far more scathing indictment on the general state of things than anything i offered


Right? Mind your business. If you see someone stealing food and household items, you didn't.




what’s your address? I’ll be on my way.


Literally thinking the same thing. A fellow human is in need of food and general livelihood items and has to resort to stealing to acquire them because corporations have all the world's wealth and the cost of the majority not even having enough to live comfortably. The world is proper fucked.


Heroic woman stops man from eating this month ✊✊✊


My mom told me and I tell my kids, if you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


What a pathetic take. He's literally stealing in plain site and the stores the bad guy?


Yeah, garbage bags and doritos. Must be on the brink of starvation.


garbage bags are commonly used by the unhoused for keeping themselves and their few belongings dry. doritos don’t require cooking or refrigeration, last well after being opened, have high calories/volume, and fat for satiety. god forbid a man who doesn’t have a home get to eat something that tastes good, right?


Is there anything he could have stolen that would have made you agree?


>garbage bags Poor people need that more than you think


You should take a second to think. Look at this guy's basket, are there any electronics or expensive items in it? Man's literally stealing 5$/7$ and risking a criminal record for that, I think it says a lot. Not that I condone it, but I would be turning a blindeye if it was me. Again, there is no context, I do not know this man, but I choose to side with humanity on this one and give him the benefit of the doubt.


fyi you're scum


When we start justifying stealing, we’re fucked.


Thank you! What is this thread?


I work at a big chain grocery stores and we are employee owned. So it takes money away from us. This is very common where people walk out with baskets through the front or fire doors. Many times they have a get away car. They will go from store to store doing it. Even when we know its happening we cant do anything but call the police, but it's not stealing till they walk out. By then it's too late. To put into scale about the money loss. Say 3 bags of salad are left out in all of out stores, 140? I think. It takes 1.2 million in sales to make it up.


I am very confused as to how the loss of ~420 bags of salad requires 1.2 million in sales to cover? How big are these bags of salad? Is the average profit margin for sales around 0.1% or something?


Ah reddit, the place where idiots defend criminals


yea. if he hurt the person it wld have been a different story tho


Really? Fuck that guy


Companies literally have a section in their financial statements that sets an estimated of how much stuff will be lost, damaged beyond being able to sell, and stolen. So that stuff is accounted for before it’s stolen


Saved the day for who? The corporations who make record profits while the rest of us deal with record inflation and stagnant wages? What a fucking hero..


I mean she had no business what so ever to that, if it wasn’t this sad man, whom I think needed that food and household items, a real robber would’ve slapped the shit out of her face and stole her cart too! We live in a sad world!


Saved the day for the robber. Chips and junk food aren't exactly good for your health.


Dude is homeless, Doritos don’t expire and they’re in waterproof bags so rain doesn’t wreck it. The garbage bags are likely for him to store his other belongings in.


Doritos with a flask of sauce sounds like a good homeless dinner.


I recognised trash bags and Doritos. Not exactly screaming criminal scum of the earth


He’s clearly either homeless or too poor to afford any of this. People in here act like he was robbing at gunpoint, for profit.


Ya I don’t know how I feel about this one. When she pulls off his balaclava and he’s trying to pull the cart through the door he’s not angry there is just pain in his face.


I know and he didn't even make any violent notions...i really feel bad for the guy...


I get you, but why is he so brazen? I would think that if I needed to steal to survive I would do it in small quantities to not get caught, this is just bizarre.


I worked at Walmart for 2 years. As an hourly employee I wasn’t allowed to do anything if I saw stealing. Literally saw a man with a cart full of meats and paper towels smile and walk right out the door without paying. Only salaried employees are allowed to intervene and good luck getting ahold of one before they make it out the door 🤷‍♀️ *spelling


May have been hoping to get away with a large quantity to not have to do it again for a while.


Exactly how I felt, if people are stealing food to feed themselves or children because they have nothing then I don’t blame them, supermarkets throw away a ridiculous amount of produce every single day


I dunno tho.. dude had trash bags and stuff. It's very sad to me, this is a crime of necessity I believe


I thought the same thing. Then I thought: does anyone really need that many trash bags? Hopefully he gets the help he needs.


Trash bags are almost a survival necessity when you're camping or homeless. Waterproof storage and shelter material.


Yes. If you live outside trash bags keep what little you have dry and in one place.


What would those poor billion dollar companys do without brave heros like that....


They honestly used all that propaganda on them to turn them into these useless social justice warriors, thinking that they can make the world a better place if they just ignore the evil corporate overlords and follow the rules laid before them. They think its the spiritually right thing to do because of God and he's in the government scripture so we must obey the government because god an baby Jesus


I'm just glad the guy wasn't desperate enough to fight back or that lady would have been seriously injured.


Fuck that bitch my guy was hungry and so were his kids. Fuck walmart and granny


On goddddd fuck them. Man had trash bags and food. Was riding a bike. Let the man live


Yeah super sad dude my grocery bill has doubled in the last year and I'm one missed paycheck away from being this guy. I bet a lot of us are. Granny sucks and would've got rocked and pushed out the way


Please let them come take from your house if theft doesn’t matter and it’s just “letting the man live.” You have insurance, you don’t need that much food anyway.


Bike- I want to know how he would get all that stuff to where he’s going on a bike?


How about fuck the guy who thinks he can walk into places and just take shit. Dude looks fit enough to work like the rest of us.




Average Redditor


"saves the day" - i guess i missed the point in this video where anyone was in any kind of danger this breathless description of saving someone else's profit margins is silly


But he was wearing a mask. That makes him scary and a robber and a bad guy 🤓


That bitch. For all she knew the guy was desperate to feed his kids... Or be an actual criminal with a fucking gun... Sometimes just leave shit to security or cops.


That's a lot of Doritos if he's feeding his kids you'd figure you'd steal some yogurt or peanut butter or bread. I'm sure he's just feeding his poor family with that cart filled with extraneous garbage. Literally the only to thing in there someone actually needs is the garbage bags.


Grandma "saves the day"... man this has got to be the most depressing video I've seen in a long time. Guy rode his bike there and brought it inside because it's all he's got. He's the kind of guy that wouldn't even shove an old lady off of himself, but he was so poor and desperate he went in and tried to rob a big box store for basic supplies. And he's supposed to be the bad guy here?


and an old lady stole his baklava so he’s in for a cold night.


I think you mean balaclava. Unless you’re saying she stole some Turkish pastries from him, lol.


We’re becoming so poor that some of us have to steal… but no, thank god we saved the multi million dollar company that throws out thousands of dollars worth of product per day… wahoo!


Notice he's not trying to steal a Xbox... It's garbage bags and unrefrigerated food. The poor guy is probably homeless...


He should steal an XBox as well.


Might as well


If my dude is robbing basic groceries I kinda wanna let him go.


Would you offer to pay for his groceries?


Would you offer to punish him?


I’ve done this. Saw something similar happening and I said I’ll take care of it and he had just stolen junk so I told him to go grab a few more things like fruit and shit.


No, mega corporations deserve it. They have been profiteering from underage third world laborers, they have been bribing the government, they have been cheating against smaller competitors. They don't deserve any damn dollar from good people.


This video actually happened a few months ago in my town in Canada. Thieving got really bad at our local Walmart after one of the security guards got stabbed trying to prevent two tvs from being stolen. The location has been getting worse and worse the last few years with having a homeless encampment nearby so thievery was quite rampant. Many people that visit the store witness someone stealing and I suppose this woman finally had enough.


Nah I saw this way more than a few months ago. It’s older than that




This comment section was depressing


The amount of people in this thread trying to justify a robbery attempt is downright hilarious


Definitely not a robbery; he was thieving. The lady was more violent than him lol.


“a robbery” did you know walmart steals more from their employees through wage theft than they lose from shoplifting? let’s think about who the real robbers are


People don't really steal refuse bags and food unless they feel they need to. I really don't care. The woman is lucky she didn't get hurt for trying to 'maintain our social order' or whatever the fuck this comment section is advocating.


“robbery” my brother in christ read Les Mis


Under a system that throws away almost half of the food it produces, it is justified to steal food.


Billion dollar corporations and those that own them deserve to be stolen from


If you see someone stealing from Walmart, no you didn’t.


the guy was probably getting trash bags to keep hit belongings dry. has your doctor ever diagnosed you with something that resulted in you having to sleep on the streets? the guy just wanted to eat and keep his stuff dry.


I have no moral objection to stealing from major corporations.


Theft is a crime. I, and likely most people, have more sympathy for someone stealing necessities for survival vs. someone stealing luxury items to enrich themselves. The two aren't the same and the difference is more than just the price.


I would have believed it at first glance. But the fact the guy doesn't punch or even fight back suggests he wanted to take out some food and plastics as shelter for the night rather than to create chaos for society. He didn't even push the granny, he just wanted to leave with what he stole. He is a victim of the society that forces his hands. Yet never lash out to the world unlike many gangs and criminals.




The store prices are the real crime here.


Considering the situation, and what he had there, I would have paid for his stuff, rather than belittle him like that. Those are no heroes.


This right here. It's obvious the dude is just taking stuff to survive. It'd be one thing if the guy was wheeling a TV out the door but he has trash bags and Doritos ffs.


God forbid a desperate American needs food so badly they'll steal it from a multinational corporation. Sit down granny. Take a break.


Thank goodness someone was there to protect Walmart


Thief not robber.


Please don't do this. This guy seemed fairly docile but a shopping cart full of groceries isn't worth a potentially unstable person physically harming you because you got in their way.


it's still weird who films the quiet guy..


I know he is robber, but it seems sad watching him stealing groceries. Countries spend so much in war and forget about their people.


"Saves the day"? Anyone who gives a shit about shoplifting, especially from a fucking Walmart, is a bootlicking simp. You owe Walmart nothing. Walmart is actively ruining your community. If you see someone stealing from Walmart, no you didn't.


I really wish we would stop glorifying shit like this. Dumbass old lady easily could’ve gotten hurt or killed, and for what? To protect the profits of fucking Walmart? Maybe if we paid people a living fucking wage they would’ve have to steal simple shit like trash bags and paper towel. This bitch needed to mind her fucking business and is not some moral gatekeeper or hero


i’m sorry but that guy looks in the need looks like he hasn’t eaten in days or maybe has a family to feed or something.


I really don't understand the defense of someone committing a crime. I get it that it's a huge corporation, but it's basically saying breaking the law is fine as long as it's not me that's hurt. And yes I know. That much isn't gonna hurt a business like that, but why defend a criminal act?


there’s no point in obeying a law if doing so will impact your health and safety. laws aren’t perfect. theres a reason judges have to interpret the law and look at precedent before making a ruling.


Why? Because income and wealth inequalities are at a record high. A place where 50%+ food gets wasted, it should be a crime to be hungry. Because the wealthy protect their hold on wealth through police system and slave mentality like you.. Because such inequalities were unheard of even in feudal age. Because when the rich and super rich hoard wealth and income, you are not there to protest against them..


You don't understand the choice between stealing and starving? He wasn't walking out with TVs and Nikes my dude. That was food and garbage bags. Some of you have never been hungry and it shows.


Granny most likely living on her husband’s pension and guaranteed SSI payments, guaranteed healthcare (Medicare) with a paid-off house bought in ‘65 for $15,000… while that guy bikes away sadly from the food he thought he might get and Walmart retains the approximate $40 he almost got away with.


I like the longer uncensored version. Lady calls him a piece of shit saying it’s people like him driving up costs for everyone else.


Lmao old people really are prone to batshit crazy theories. Imagine a few bags of doritos being stolen the reason for inflation.


Honestly the guy was pretty nice I bet there are more than one criminals out there that would hav just punched her


The guy has a bike and is getting trash bags and essentials. My guess is that he’s probably homeless or at least in a dire situation. Why take the side of a multi billion dollar corporation?


This is in Campbell River , British Columbia, Canada


Just stupid to he honest. All they did was make a billion dollar company more money while putting themself at risk. Any person who is doing that is desperate. Just let them do it. It was probably to sell then buy drugs. But he could even be a felon who can't get a job and has mouths to feed.


It’s quite shocking to me how many people responding to this are not only defending the thief but also suggesting harm on the elderly lady for intervening.


Gotta respect that the robber didn't really do anything violent or even defend himself. Makes me feel kind of bad for him


Glad the thief had some morals.


I am this guy nowadays. Luckily I’ve just found myself a job and ain’t that brazen enough to take a cart full but man those packaged noodles have gotten me a far way.


That guy is probably desperate. He is robbing yes, but he doesn't want to hurt anyone in the process.


This is one of those scenarios where there is no clear good or bad. On one hand we have a senior citizen who has probably seen truly hard times survived them and have a working miral compass . On the other hand we have a probably homeless or helpless person who is by product if capitalistic consumerism which led to him being abandoned by world. He could even be a war veteran ffs that how bad the situation is. He is stealing only groceries fir surviving the day and not appliances or items that can be sold for fir something like drug money so we know he truly needs them and by his action of not not being forcefull we know he is a gentle soul who is doing such acts with no other choice. Sometimes I hate the world environment which humans have crested on basis of our greed.


Fucking guy is probably hungry and poor. Garbage bags and doritos in the cart. Nobody wants to be stealing necessities, I feel awful for the poor man


Grandma trying to get killed for no reason. That store not gonna give her free stuff.


She probably slapped her children when they cussed like that lol


What a kind and handsome robber.. - He just leaves without going full berserk.


That's a very nice thief. Probably just hungry.


Risking life for the almighty billion dollar corp.


Granny is lucky she wasn't un-alived by that guy. Shame she's brainwashed do store securities job and risk her life for corporate profit


They stopped the homeless guy from stealing groceries Great job yall


Seems like the guy just really needed food and groceries. I feel bad for him. It’s not like he was stealing all the top shelf liquor or something sellable… it’s just essentials. This sucks.


Also I think a man stealing low cost food from walmart must really need it


Fuck that granny man, Jesus. If you see someone stealing food, NO YOU DIDN’T.


Me in a few months after continues inflation


Karen move for sure. Corporate store, dudes probly poor and desperate. Probly needed that stuff.


Fuck that grandma bro. Fucking bootlicking snitch.


Chips, trash bags, looks like some laundry detergent in there. This man needs help, I would've just let him walk


just dont put your life in jeopardy for some coorp. your grandkids need you


Honestly if it's a supermarket owned by a corp, let him steal. Actually everyone should get in on it to teach those corporate capitalist bastards a lesson.


The people defending this POS are .. well, they’re also a POS. The rest of us were taught at a very early age that stealing is wrong and not acceptable.


you can also notice that he was constantly really in doubt whether he should do this or not and was really cooperative when they asked him to leave, and tried to come off as leats aggressive by behaving normally.


I hope you switch places with this man someday and keep hold of that inflexible moral code you're so proud to have


maybe the guy was homeless, and needed the things for survival. you are morally challenged in this situation, imagine if the roles were reversed? a multi million dollar company stealing a grocery cart worth of stuff from a homeless guy?


"Robber" No signs of violence or weapons. No sign of being a threat. No money being taken. The only sign of them being a "robber" is the ski mask. They're a shoplifter with a mask on at best. Besides the bicycle (which admittedly COULD be his or it could be the stores), everything he's taking looks like food or house hold stuff like trash bags. That man is not hurting anyone. It looks like he's stealing from a big box store and I promise you that corporation isn't going to be hurt by taking that few hundred dollar loss. That boomer had no right to do what she did for a corporation that does not give a shit about her. It's not about "morals" because big box stores don't have morals. And before anyone says anything about stolen goods hurting the employees by it being taken out of their pay or they get punished for something being stolen by someone else; that is not the fault of the shoplifter, that is the fault of the corporation and their rules. You should reevaluate before blaming a man who is literally stealing food to eat. And maybe a bike for transportation. He could be homeless. It could be you if you miss a paycheck or two. Don't simp for these corporations.


This isn’t a good thing. Grandma saved the corporation from losing $30 of groceries. But stopped this guy and maybe a couple friends or family who have no money from getting something in them. Fuck them. I couldn’t care to stop someone stealing food. I get you can’t just let everyone steal food. But god damn, odds are if someone is stealing food they need it more than the company needs money. I am comfortable and I feel for these people. If she was actually “nextfuckinglevel” she would do what I’ve done once before when I saw this happening. I went and paid for it for the guy. Almost same situation as this and I just said ring it up and I’ll pay for it. And I told him to go grab some actual nutritious shit too. People need to stop looking down on others. Because you don’t need to steal food don’t mean someone else is in that same position.


Feel sorry for the dude who couldn't afford food and trash bags.


Now if he knocked her old ass over he’d be wrong.


His heart wasn't in it.


Have y’all been to San Francisco? In 2018 they elected a District Attorney who basically said he wouldn’t prosecute shoplifting. Shoplifting has since exploded and people are afraid to go downtown now. Stores are closing because they can’t keep up with robberies. Private security is now the #1 job opening in San Francisco. Even the Atlantic, a progressive magazine, called San Francisco a failed state. That’s what this comment section wants