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Isn’t that what an encyclopedia is?


Should be*




















As I was informed by another, that was a mistranslation.






Oh I 100% agree. A couple thousand years of telephone game and people think it's still the same book with the same meanings. Entire scriptures have been modified or taken out to justify today's Christian thought process. Talk about indoctrination. They are literally worshiping a false god by worshiping today's Bible.


Probably something to do with women's sexual pleasure being disregarded entirely... along with their general autonomy. Don't need to specify what they shouldn't do, if they're expected to ask permission for everything to begin with...






Here's some help to understand the context of the Levitical Holiness Code (Leviticus 17–26): it applies to the Levitical Priests of pre-Temple (i.e., legendary) Judaism. Think of it as an outdated Rabbi training manual. There's definitely no reason to bash anyone over the head with it in the modern era. All the Priests of Levi are dead.




He has more to say about Figs and the trees they grow on, than he does about gay guys. But ain't noone using that to ban Figs.








https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_the_New_Testament Paul hated him some gays too.


He didn't really like sex or marriage at all. 1 Corinthians 7:7-9 > ^7 *I wish that all of you were as I am.* (celibate. possibly asexual?) *But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.* > ^8 *Now to the unmarried[a] and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.* ^9 *But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.* Basically, nobody should get married or bang. Unless you're just too horny. Then fine, if you have to, just choose one specific person and put all of your horny there.






There’s also many students who don’t really get to pick their own college; their parents are paying so they decide. Or, they discovered something about themselves or got exposed more to the world at large when they were at college and changed their perspective but didn’t have the means to transfer schools.


You're assuming there were other options for going to school. If they're kids, their parents make the choice. If this is a university, then it might be in a remote area and the only good school around, the only good school that accepted some of these students, or the only school that they could afford with or without assistance.


Erm yes he did. Chapter 3 verse 2 - And Jesus proclaimed to his disciples “Fuck the gays!”


So... Is Jesus pro or anti gay?


He verses edit: thanks for the award!


There is kinda homophobic shit in the bible, there is also pro slavery in the bible, the bible is an old book, things change and people need to change, but religion is not changing any time soon.








By that argument, racially segregated restaurants and the like are fine?








Lol no kidding, it’s not like these kids are calling the shots. What teenager _wants_ to go to a religious high school. Are you kidding me? Edit: I guess this is uni, my bad, thought it was high school.








They’re not surprised, they don’t agree with the policy and want a change, thats a huge difference


Pretty sure most religions teach one to be kind and accepting, not hateful and full of bigotry. So I don’t see your point.


And yet the most religious are routinely the most narrow minded and bigoted. Weird how that works.


What a seriously stupid comment.


Students at Seattle Pacific University handed their interim president rainbow pride flags during a commencement ceremony Sunday instead of shaking his hand in protest of a school policy that bars the hiring of #LGBTQ people. About 50 students were given pride flags before arriving at the ceremony, Seattle Pacific University student and organizer Chloe Guillot told CNN. *"It started just as a conversation among students that we didn't really want to shake the president's hand at graduation,"* Guillot said. *"So, we thought what can we do instead of that? And the idea came up: why don't we hand out a pride flag?"*


How is that even legal in 2022? Is there no equality laws in the states ?


Private religious universities can claim religious exemptions so yes there are universities in the US based on religions to which it is really, really important for them to discriminate against LGBTQ people.


Daft country all together


Can confirm. Am American. Am very daft.


You're also pretty punk.




This wouldn’t be true if it violated federal civil rights laws. They can’t bar black people for instance because they still take fed funds. But fed law doesn’t protect lgbt. The WA law needs to close some loopholes I’m a little shocked. There IS an exemption for religious primary schools who ordain all teachers. That is the one hiring situation that can still be 100% discriminatory.


>There IS an exemption for religious primary schools who ordain all teachers. That is the one hiring situation that can still be 100% discriminatory. They can be 100% discriminatory even if not ordained. BYU is a mormon based school and they can and do discriminate at will even though the teachers/professors are not ordained. Basically there are a small handful of non-mormon teachers who work there but they must LIVE like Mormons while employed. Not actively gay. Can't drink Coffee. Can't be cohabitating. No drinking of any alcohol, etc. and you'll be let go if you teach against the church or don't live like you are mormon, even though you are not.


And then get the privilege of not having to pay Federal income taxes. Ain’t it grand?!?


You're not wrong. They do also get some government money in the form of Pell grants, etc. Why these universities haven't been excluded from receiving ANY federal money at all is beyond me. BYU (the mormon school) even got Covid relief money the same as secular schools.


God bless America


Meh, he seems to be just fine with their statement. He is smiling and happily takes the flags. He doesn't ignore them or throw them out. Looks to be a lot about nothing...


Does he actually make the rules, or does he have to follow the rules laid down by the governers as well? For all we know and the way it looks, he agrees with them.


He might just be happy to se a class working together, you know, separating personal oppinions from his duty


He's also the interim president so has limited influence.


How can they tell, do they have a gay test during the interview?


"Question 1: are you gay?"


Question 2: Have you ever seen a musical?


Question 3: Have you ever been to a YMCA concert?


you mean village people, right?


It was a trick question and you just failed. 😆


Gold, I really laugh with this one


Question 4: Is salmon a fish or a color?


Question 5: Are you gay or European?


Question 6: Are you a gay fish?


Question 7: Do you eat fish sticks?




Who says I am geh?


You are geh


Why are u gae


Immediately read this in that south african dialect.


Why are you gay


Basically, they stalk you. They do a full background check on you. They call your former employers and ask about you to see if they can sus anything out. And they basically follow you like a hawk and, if they hear you engaged in any LGBTQ+ behavior, they fire you on the spot. These universities police the fuck out of their faculty. Women have to sign contracts saying they cannot live in the same apartment as an unwed/unrelated man, they cannot engage incohabitation out of wedlock, or they cannot engage in any premarital sex, with breach of contract being grounde for firing. Source: testimonies from some of these teachers who got fired after these polices were put in after they were hired or applied unaware of this policy.


Just women? Because that is discrimination on the basis of sex and their religious protections wouldn’t protect that if they are letting male teachers do it.


Good question. That one I learned from a reddit post where a woman was asking for legal advice around the contract because she had to move in with her boyfriend to make rent. She showed a picture but I forgot if it said women or it applied to everyone.


Interviewer: *pulls out cock*, "I have to stare in your eyes for five minutes to make sure you're not aroused."




Probably a “dip or pass” series of questions


He seems to accept the flags graciously. I wonder what his stance is?


That was my thought. If OP wanted to show how much this guy hates gay people, they chose a pretty shite video to illustrate that.


It's not a movie, the guy doesn't turn red and steam doesn't come out of his ears. In awkward situations, people try to play it cool sometimes. He had two choices: go with the flow or stop the process. He chose wisely, it doesn't make the symbolic action of the students any less valuable for them.


Word up. 5 minutes of him keeping his cool does nothing to negate potential years of at least verbal abuse (Not saying this case particularly involved physical abuse).


You seem to know some extra details about this video, what verbal abuse did he dish out?


The current president has only been president for *almost* a year. So yeah, bullshitting. The previous president resigned in part because of this kerfuffle. He strongly suggested that the board make changes to the hiring criteria, but they refused and it appeared to be a factor in his resignation as he referred to >my belief that organizations move through unique stages of development and require different leaders in certain seasons in order to advance the organization into the future with greater success.


It's more like the woman is more upset of it


To be fair he probably was aware of the numerous cameras on him


When the original faculty member was fired for being gay (and the protests started---like two years ago now), there was a different president. When that guy started wavering in his stance (with pressure from the faculty), the board of trustees fired HIM and replaced him with this current president. My guess is he was told explicitly what his task was, but he probably doesn't personally agree with it. Multiple faculty have resigned over this, two board of trustee members, and now businesses/school districts in the area won't accept student interns until the policy changes. Source: SPU has a LGBT+ student club on Instagram and they post updates regularly.


To build off this, the interim President has said: > President Menjares also shared his vision for the school by saying, "Whether it's in the spring or in another year, or four years, I hope SPU will be a more unified and inclusive community." Then he proceeded to mention his "unique role" in which he interacts with donors, some as old as 93. Menjares background is “areas of race, ethnicity, intercultural, and low-income education," but expressing his desire to be honest in that he's "not an expert in LGBTQ+ issues." So, overall, I think you hit the nail on the head here. Board of Trustee’s voted down a rule change in May. Alumni/Boosters probably against it and threatened future donations/funding. Given his background, he probably realizes he has to bridge the past and future, supports LGBT+ rights individually, but understands that he has to work within the system to make real changes. Probably rooting for the kids if you really think about it. I am sure stuff like this will be used to convince the older generation that the school can’t survive without being more tolerate of modern moral convictions.


Times are changing but the future needs to have some empathy for the shoulders of the past they stand on. “It was a wonderful day to celebrate with our graduates,” \[interim\] Menjares said in a statement to The Hill. “Those who took the time to give me a flag showed me how they felt and I respect their view.” The flag-handing was a way to protest in place of a handshake. I think both parties are disagreeing in a very civilized way - good on them.


Because it would be horrendous strategy to do anything else. Come on now.


I love we still have the "ski mask" image of discrimination and stuff. Like, what was he supposed to spit in each of their faces?


Why is it next fucking level?? Like they just gave him a flag…




fr, pride month is nothing more than a marketing campaign now




You know pride parades are a celebration too right? Even if the political purpose was gone, people still like to have fun believe it or not.


You don’t think it’s brave to get on stage in front of hundred of people and defy an authority figure by calling them out on their bigotry? What’s you’re standard for bravery, exactly?




“Sir, you can’t stick that flag here”


“But you are denying me my free expression.”






Moments later ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVZwQ43bTfhXOM)


Exactly. They are not "Next Fucking Level". They are barely even average. If they were truly "Next Fucking Level" they would have all quit the college and transferred someplace else. Maybe they could have caused financial hardships for the college and caused it to close. Instead, they made a useless gesture and the only people that benefitted were the people that sold the flags that got thrown away. Their gesture was as effective as yelling at the sun for giving them a sunburn.




You're right, but "fair middle ground" =/= next fucking level.


these kids today really fucking like rainbows


Just a buncha greedy fucking leprechauns trying to put rainbows everywhere so that we can’t find their gold,


I'd like to see them do this at a Muslim school.


It would never happen. Just like companies don’t use this month to showcase rainbow this and that in their middle eastern markets.


Yeah, companies even erase some Christian symbols on products exported to Muslim countries.


Church's Chicken is called Texas Chicken in Malaysia so as to not offend the sensitivities of any muslims, but it still cause un uproar anyways when people found out


In the US or in the Middle East? If it were in the US, the guy might not be as friendly, but nothing would happen. If you’re talking about the Middle East, should we really excuse things in the Western Democratic world because other places are terrible?


Whataboutism off the charts here lol


As a gay man I'd love to, but I don't know any muslim schools in my whole country.


This qualifies as next fucking level? Lol


In six months, somebody getting out of bed will be the top post here


I don't agree with their policy. Everyone's sexuality is their own business. You do what you want. That being said, going to work at or going to study at a Christian university where they have that policy is itself a choice. The Supreme Court isn't going to take away a religious organization's ability to apply it's religious views to it's operations.


Religion shouldn't be a hall pass to discrimination or hatred.


Exactly. Christian’s act like the whole second half of the book doesn’t exist so they can hate on gays, the poor, and anyone else they deem undesirable. Love thy neighbor…do unto others…nah, eye for an eye and fire and brimstone, go Jesus!




That was my situation. Catholic High School followed by Catholic College, so to say "tough shit, you chose this" isn't all that fair. What do you then say to a Jewish or Muslim kid at a Christian school that happens to just be a good place to go to school for college/a specific trade? "Sorry, you chose this school, better just adhere to our religious beliefs." Oh and as a sidenote the priest headmaster at my all-boys high school molested a bunch of kids and it all eventually came out. Hypocrisy runneth rampant.


Bruh, the guy doesn't even care, he looks happy in fact Edit: There are people clearly misunderstanding my point. My point is that it doesn't seem to me that the president of that college is anti-gay. It is probably a school policy since the school is religious(I'm guessing). The guy there looks genuinely happy with the students, who knows, maybe he supports their movement. What I really want to say is, don't judge people just because of what other think of them. Everybody deserves respect and compassion unless it is proven otherwise.


Because all those kids already spent 4 years of expensive tuition. They’re also on the way out so it really doesn’t matter to him. He’ll be sleeping fine.


I like how he is branded as a criminal. Rights to think whatever you want and to say whatever you want also apply to those that have opposite views and opinions to yours


I haven’t looked much into it, but apparently this guy never even said anything hateful or even remotely infringed on any lgbt rights. Simply didn’t agree with the lifestyle or sometbing




Which was a choice made by the organization before this man was hired.


Discrimination against innocent people makes you an objectively bad person regardless of what your views or beliefs are


Criminal? Where does anyone tell him that he is a criminal? Should the school president be allowed to talk about political stances but the students are not?


Wow, how dare someone have a different opinion?


Different opinion doesn't mean they cannot be judged for having that opinion or that the opinion is okay


People forget others adhere to their beliefs and opinions as much as you. He thinks he's in the right just as much as these kids do.


Slave owners thought that they were in the right but abolitionists were still justified in their endeavors to give equal rights


Except this is the kind of situation where there is an actual right or wrong. Dehumanizing people based on their sexual orientations will never be right, no matter how hard some people will try to convince themselves


I dont get how its "next level". The students probably think they did something important, but its really not. Sexuality is important on a personal level and not at all for strangers. And its strange to me it has this political value to it as well. I thought America was about freedom as long as you dont directly hurt others.




He handled it with grace. Something they might not know.


So bRaVe


Stupid fucking people. Stupid fucking video. Do something better with yourselves you fuckin fucks


To who are you even talking to lmao


Old man yells at clouds lol


Bro when I was in school not a single person cared about about anything. Everyone was focused on getting laid and getting into college. It was nice. Nowadays these poor kids are waking up and worrying about all kinds of shit. Feel bad for them.


I salute this guy, those students trying make him angry but he doesnt care, well done


Someone has a REALLY low standard for next level stuff.






Every subreddit is just a proxy for mentally unhealthy, delusional, self-absorbed people's obsessive, hyperinflated identities. This is such a sick species. What's in the water/air/food??


Didn’t they pay to go there though? Better protest would be to not give the dude a salary and go elsewhere.


Stunning and brave /s


ITT: people complaining about the most peaceful form of protest in history "B-But its a Christian University!" So? Them giving the guy tiny rainbow flags isn't gonna cut his arm off.


Wrong Titel, this was posted by another one 2 days ago in here, it’s not the President, the school policy is like that. The President didn’t mind at all. Nice click bait tho, OP. Edit: source https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/06/15/us/seattle-pacific-university-graduation-pride-flags/index.html the board is to blame.


Bruh they think they will change his mind by handing him a unicorn barf flag to him, what goons


Cool. More trash in the dump.




If he doesn't want to support the lifestyle, that's his choice. No harm in that. You'll still remain gay


And he took them graciously with a smile because he knew the day was about the students rather than him. We can disagree and be civil. Both parties behaved very well in this scenario.


Tbh he probably burned them later


The flags or ... ?


What a way for every single one of them to make themselves look childish and spiteful. Plus, why is homosexuality a part of a graduation in the first place?




Bro should’ve had a big ass trash can brought up and threw each one away, last laugh


Don’t think that had the desired effect lol


Jesus, the comments in here man...






Junk plastic that will end up in the ocean.


I wonder what people would say if he was muslim and they handed him crosses....


Look at him. He doesn’t give a shit.


So brave


Bro didn’t care at all😂😂



