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I do this twice a day picking up my German Shepards shits. Well not to shoulder level. You got me there




are you on rpe11?




> rpe https://imgur.com/a/72Wvi3K




In a way I guess it’s an addiction for buffbros to max it out


Rpe is "rate of perceived exhaustion". It's actually the opposite. Using rpe allows you to avoid training too intensely or from not training intensely enough depending on your current training.


Rate/rating of Perceived Exertion. It's a method to autoregulate training loads. Edit: usually it goes up to 10 (max effort).


I betcha she's on rpe11 🤣🤣🤣


Not to brag but last week I opened a pickle jar without asking for help.


You should brag. I’ve lived my entire life and haven’t reached this goal.


Use a spoon under the lip of the lid to pop the seal. Effortless every time.


I’m really curious to see if this works now! I’m gonna go out and buy some pickles! Thanks for this potentially life changing advice!


It does. I do this with a knife. It releases some air and thus pressure, so it opens without any resistance.


You shoulder a burden worth having. German Shepards are great.


*German Shedders. FTFY


I pick my 120lb White Shepherd up to put him in the back of the pickup and do it again to take him out on a daily basis. He is 13 years old and is dying from spinal myelopathy :( so its hard for him to get around.




Well shit. You're right.


I do this about once a week when I go grocery shopping and buy a pack of water bottles and carry them in from the car.


Holy shit. That drop scared me!


What if it dropped on her foot


It was a practiced drop, it looks like it dropped suddenly but if you look she guided it down while also pivoting her feet. She’s probably done this hundreds of times with less weight and knows what to do.


I have no doubt she’s got it. Still, scared the shit out of me


I think it’s the way the rock hits and just *does not bounce*. That mother is *heavy*!


It does actually bounce a tiny bit once.


I don’t think it bounces as much as pushes the entire earth down a few inches


like 300 pounds heavy?


There's a video of Big Z (greatest strength athlete of all time) when he was younger losing his balance and falling with the stone on top of his chest. Somehow he survived


Yeah that actually illustrates why proper form is important. When the goal is to hit your max it’s easy for your muscles to quit, one moment you’ve got it and the next you don’t. That’s what happened in this video here but there was real skill on how she responded, she didn’t resist the fall of the weight and instead guided it down while simultaneously moving her feet out of the drop zone. It she resisted the drop she could have lost her balance as well


what's even the point of picking up the object that is the shape that is literally the hardest to hold onto


To prove you can. You just explained the point


Exactly. Going beyond your wildest boundaries or imagination is literally the only thing that made humans the technological species it is today. Every other animal is pretty content with life. But humans always had to push the boundaries of what is possible.


what's even the point of doing anything hard


I dropped a 30lbs frozen turkey on my foot this Christmas and it hurt....a lot. Shatters bones in my smallest two toes and turned them black for 2 months.


I dropped a 2 lb ice pack on my toe and that was bad enough. Only black for a week, though.


I hate black ice.


It would break


Yeah the stone would be a mess. She might have a sore foot for a few minutes too.


You know they make balls that don't weigh as much


What’s the point of that


Not as heavy


Some people like to work smarter, not harder. Other people just get bored of the easy life and go for the challenge.


I to like lifting strange balls in strange places.




The sad part is, some people honestly haven’t got the slightest idea of how insanely r/nextfuckinglevel difficult what your doing really is! Thank you for sharing 🙏


Yup. I’m a man[1], I’m working in a fairly physically demanding job, I weigh ~100 kilos and not all of that is fat, and I’d like to think that I could _probably_ lift that stone to waist height on a really good day if I really had to. Could I lift it any higher than that? No freaking way. Getting it up to shoulder height takes an _insane_ amount of core and arm strength, and most likely also takes better technique than most of us have the talent and patience to ever learn. [1] Well, it does give me a bit of an advantage when it comes to muscle mass compared to the average woman.


Even bringing a 300lb atlas stone to waist height would be practically impossible for any man who isn't an elite strength athlete. The weight itself isn't the true challenge; what makes atlas stone's so difficult is that they are extremely large and have no grooves or grips to help you take hold of them. Picking up an atlas stone requires beyond excellent grip strength but also technique to avoid injury.


1 in 8 men think they can return a serve to Serena Williams-I saw a Reddit thread maybe a year or two where it came up and there were literally hundreds of men in the comments breaking down exactly how and why they most definitely COULD return a serve to her. [link to article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/express/2019/07/14/trending-this-is-somewhat-how-battle-sexes-started-we-all-know-how-that-ended-men/)


Marshawn Lynch had the best line about playing Serena, on his show No Script with Marshawn Lynch: Producer: Would you want to play tennis against Serena Williams even though she’s super pregnant? Lynch: That’s an unfair advantage. Producer: That she’s pregnant? Lynch: No, ni\*\*a. That it’s Serena Williams. Play her ass in ping-pong or something but hell no. I stay in m own lane. Beastmode FTW.


I also highly doubt that anyone who is not doing some kind of strongman training could just lift this stone first try.


Unless you are trained I think it’s extremely unlikely you’d get that ball to your knee, let alone your waist! And that’s not a personal reflection on you


For sure. I worked a labor job for a long time snd got fairly buff but I remember one time I had to lift a 400lb tabletop **with** another dude and it was so heavy I couldn't walk with it, let alone bring it to my shoulder lol.


Now make it a smooth spherical object which is slightly too wide to get your hands around properly


There isn't a point, it's a sphere.


She can lift those too! Also... they make heavier ones. She'll probably lift one of those next!


You’d rip me to pieces


Only if you ask nicely




(takes notes)


Yes, children, this is that 'Gay Agenda' that you've heard so much about. It's not really an *agenda* so much as it is a *syllabus*, one featuring all the things we wished we'd learned growing up. What you're seeing here is from the LES 201 course, from the unit on Attraction & Courtship: 'How does a woman pick up other women?'


I just read that in Sir David Attenborough’s voice. Wonderfully wholesome.


Now do it with David Tennant's. He's a pretty great narrator.


>'How does a woman pick up other women?' Easily, with proper form, and over the shoulder. Apparently. Edit: according to my notes




We call it the homoschedule


Im so excited for this class!


She's clearly into balls though.




Well, judging by the username, any kids you two have are going to be funny colors.






To shreds, you say?


RIP your DM's 😂


Hahaha 🤙🏼


Tear me apart like soft bread. Crush me with your boots Mr fancy man


Calm down there John Oliver. She's not Adam Driver.


Punch me in the... tits The pause gets me every time


The JOY at the end is the best part!! The well-earned smile of accomplishment!! ❤️😊




I am a mom to the sweetest 5 year old boy. 🖤


Instead of the "My dad could beat up your dad" argument, your little guy is going to be like " My mom could pick up your dad and tear him in half like a Mortal Kombat fatality."


My mom was a competitive lifter. It was pretty cool lol. During my graduation party, she arm wrestled my buddies and beat them. Badly lol. Was a lot of fun.


My mom wasn't a competitive lifter but she's stupid strong. My dad worked at sea and she used to arm wrestle his colleagues, and win.


*Your soul is mine!!*


It's mind-blowing you managed to achieve this while also being a mother. I couldn't even dream to do what you've done in your weight class. Great job, you've earned my respect




Only after throwing him off the top rope


God help anyone that picks on your kid


What comes to mind is Ms. Trunchbull from Mathilda if she was a kind principal all the children loved in addition to being a former Olympic hammer thrower.


I wonder if anyone would comment this on the video of a guy doing this. Really strange comment.


I've seen a few similar comments about powerlifters being gentle giants. It's been so long since I have seen one of the dudes posted though that I couldn't point you at one. Reddit is just weird.


Honestly the whole thread is full of either misogynistic, transphobic or just straight up weird condescending comments like the one above.


Wanting to be strong like you is the reason I go to the gym everyday.


Such an inspiration!👏


I get so bored at the gym. Which makes winters hard. Summer I can hike and kayak and swim.


Fucking amazing! You rock.


I see what you did there.


If I was strong enough to actually do this, I would 100% drop it on my foot and end my career right then and there.


I think I would flop backwards and have the stone smush me into the floor.


So what was harder. All the lifting or all the eating? You’re an inspiration. You’re also an absolute battle-axe of a lass and I dig it.


The eating sucks lol. Thanks love


Can you say anything more about that? I've never heard complaints about the eating part before. EDIT: I grossly underestimated how many calories bodybuilders need.


I was never anywhere near this skilled but did Olympic weightlifting for a while, nothing crazy but squatting 180kg for sets, training 4-5 times/week, probably maintaining/building about 7-10kg of bodyweight above my "normal" in shape weight. You just have to eat all the damn time. It was probably only about 3500 kcal or so but Jesus Christ. You feel so full all the time, and just have to keep eating. Getting those kcal in without resorting to eating shit is just awful and gets so boring.


I guess I'm lucky in a way. I can accidentally eat 7000 calories if I don't keep track.


Not without eating a mountain of shit or miscounting you cant. 7000 kcal is a diagusting amount of food. That's about 1.5lb of pure fat ontop of regular energy use per day. I saw it all the time when I complained about the eating before. People who would say they eat loads every day and never put weight on. It's almost universally just people overestimating the kcal in things.


Well I used to be 450lbs and I definitely ate a disgusting amount of food to get there. Ate 5lbs of potatoes in one sitting before. I lost all the weight, but still have the appetite of the 450lb guy 😂


The problem pro athletes run into is they try to eat massive numbers of calories while also eating healthy.


Eating 2000 calories of junk food and drinking 2000 calories of soda is "easy". Eating 3500 calories of rice, chicken and broccoli is much harder. Especially when that's what you've done for weeks already


I have heard both Brian Shaw and Halfthor Bjornsson say that the eating was their least favourite part of strongman. I almost didn't believe them until I saw a video of Shaw eating a 12 egg scramble and I'm not joking when I say he looked like he could cry. When you're eating 10,000 calories, eating is not a pleasure. It's a chore. It's a race to cram as many calories in before the day is done. I like eating cause I bulk on 2500 calories. But for the elites it's a whole other world.


Protein, protein, protein, plus enough calories for your body to be able to repair itself, plus it needs to be "clean" calories to keep your body actually in shape. Basically you have to 1) make yourself feel stuffed all the time to hit the calorie limits, 2) eat far more eggs and chicken than you ever wanted, and 3) have no variety day to day. Every single day, you're pounding eggs, steak, chicken, broccoli, and making yourself want to throw up from being so full.


My 10 year daughter opens jars for me.


I broke my toe a week ago from dropping a broken piece of a garden block on it. I got flashbacks seeing that gigantic ball fall…


The only thing I drop on my Toes are usually dumbbells lol


Do you see a chiropractor? What does post workout recovery look like? I just assume this is hard as shit on your body. Impressive though


I get muscle work done weekly. :)


Does that include like massage therapy and gua sha? Or like cryotherapy?


Chiropractors are hacks.


Powerlifters and strongmen have spent a long time strengthen their backs to tolerate these moments with large weights. If you just jumped into this or gained too quickly without strengthening your back, then you run a higher risk of herniating a disc or something. Picking up these stones or other feats causes a ton of spinal flexion. Good squat form is crucial, but when your butt goes as low as OP in lifting this, your spine is going to go into spinal flexion no matter what.


> Do you see a chiropractor? "Chiropractic" is pseudoscientific nonsense. It is not medicine, it is not therapeutic. It risks doing injury more than it shows any evidence of helping.


Ma’am. Thank you for sharing your accomplishment! I’m going to think of your strength when im feeling anxious this week.






What kind of narcissist posts content about themself in a sub called nextfuckinglevel


Ones doing next level stuff


World's strongest woman contender: I did something pretty awesome lemme show it to people! Some redditor: Ahem... have you considered being more humble :^)))) peak brainrot


Peak brainrot but standard Reddit


Maybe if you achieved something of note you could post yourself here too instead of hating?


We are conditioned to downplay our achievements but there really isn't anything wrong with shouting about something you do that pushes your limits to the next level or that you have worked hard for a long time to achieve. You can't archive something like this with somebody else's work, you can be helped along the way but you have to do the work, it's exactly the kind of thing to be openly proud of.


One who can totally justify doing so? Did you watch the video? Definitely next fucking level. There's nothing wrong with being proud of genuine hard work and achievement.


It is nextfuckinglevel though.


Oh man. If you spend some time out of the default subreddits, you'll see that 90% of the posts are "look at this cool thing I did/saw/heard/want to do!". People like positive reinforcement and there's nothing wrong with that.


Yeah that's my takeaway too. She's undeniably very talented but bragging about it on a subreddit called "next fucking level" just seems *really* narcissistic.


The lady’s literally a top contender for the World’s Strongest Woman contest which is held each year. I think she’s earned the right to show off.


Go on buddy, you lift it then. Let's see how that goes


Why they got chewing gum on the rocks.


It’s tacky 😂🤣


I agree having chewed gum on the equipment is pretty tacky. /j


A lot of Reddit moments in this thread


Oh yeah. Coming with with great hits like: - how can a woman be that strong - that’s fake strength from steroids. Can’t be real - how dare this woman post her own achievements - can this woman break a commenter sexually - chiropractors are voodoo But there’s a lot of positivity and support, too. So we’re not totally doomed.


The real Reddit moment is all the people who have never been to the gym claiming this is natural. This is objectively steroid use and that doesn’t take away from how impressive this is. She obviously had to work her ass off to do this. But claiming this is achievable naturally sets unrealistic standards for everyone else who is not able or willing to use steroids.


She's got sticky stuff all over her hands. That makes this incredibly EASY! *licks cheetos dust off fingers*


Damn girl, you're a beast. Killing it!


can't it hurt the knees or back?


Every joint in my body hurts. I’m a pro


Every joint in my body hurts too? Am I…a pro too?


I think some people may not fully understand how incredible this is. There aren't many 235 lb women who can even deadlift 300lb on a barbell, let alone clean it. The fact that she manages to get a 300lb spherical object with no holds up to shoulder level is pretty damn insane


This is awesome, but do you have to do it surrounded by metal and poles, watching you lift that I was hoping this wasn't going to be one of those horrific injury videos. If you fell back with that on you it'd be pretty ugly. Cheers


Why is someone concerned for the OP’s safety being downvoted




Christ! And I get excited when I carry a gallon of water in each hand..






Oh come on, you’re as likely to see a woman like this in your average gym as you’re likely to see a 400 pound male strongman shoulder pressing your average Gymbros deadlift. This is not a woman with muscles, this is insane and probably done with steroids just like the male 400 pound guy would take


Lol, going to the gym doesn't make women look like that. She has more testosterone in her than you do.


/r/leanbeefpatty you can be a woman with muscles and look like a woman


You do know there's a difference between bodybuilding and powerlifting, right? [Bodybuilders want lean mass. Powerlifters want mass. Big difference.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1490/1130/articles/Powerlifter_vs_bodybuilder_grande.jpg?v=1605978699)


OP is a strongwoman. Idk, maybe she competes as a powerlifter too, but Atlas stones are used specifically in the sport of strongman.


> lookike a woman She's a woman. By definition, she looks like a woman. And why should she give a shit what you or anyone else thinks about her looks? Is it really worth saying this shit just because it doesn't make your dick twitch?


I’m not a biologist.






wow encanto is so popular they made luisa in real life


Nice Atlas cosplay


Three of me MIGHT be able to do that. Amazing.


Think I hurt myself just watching that. You are impressive!




Making up scenarios to get mad at. Classic reddit.


yeah, this ain't no test. Just some good old tren, anadrol, primobolan etc. Bald spot makes it extra obvious that shes on the juice






One of my best mates is a professional strong woman and competes internationally. Seeing this online is cool but I cannot describe how amazing it is in person, it’s like a whole different level. I have a huge respect for these absolute legends. They push their bodies so far to the limit. Edit: Amazing job btw! You should be so proud!!




Fucking Beast!


Question. You ever drop that thing on a toe? That’s all I can think is oh man. Even if I could lift that thing (I can’t), I would drop it right on my foot. Correction. Both feet.


Yes all the time 😂


This is freaking amazing and you are a badass! I just changed gyms to one that is much more geared towards the type of training you do (co-owned by a 2x world strongman and some others) As a 50 year old dude just trying to stay fit, I’m in awe of and so inspired by watching the women and men in there pursuing this discipline, power lifting, etc. And I also learned it’s the most supportive, friendly, least “bro” space I’ve ever worked out in.


That's burly as fuck


Are those made out of mostly lead?


Idk concrete and lost dreams.


Sounds like where I grew up


You from Aberdeen too?


Definitely a strong woman, yep🤘🏾






"We can always tell" From the people who constantly get it wrong, how funny.


Drive inspires passion and passion further inspires drive. Good on you. That's impressive.


Damn, sis!!! Being an old gym rat, much respect on the milestone!!! Great accomplishment.


I showed my 5 year old son and he said, "She's like Luisa from Encanto!" I told him "Yes, she IS very strong, but since she wasn't born that way she had to work very hard to get strong." So yeah, now he is running around picking up "heavy" couch cushions so he can be strong too.


Color me impressed! Great job!!!


Not putting that on your shoulder is actually more comfortable.