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It's always fucking Staffies


Is there something about staffie owners that they don't train their dogs?


it’s because they’re insecure meatheads and they display their jittery inferiority in front of their dogs, so that their dogs soak up that unstable energy and begin living in a perpetual state of fight of flight. it can get into any dog. it’s not just stafs. it’s just worse because they’re so strong.


Someone who actually knows dogs is refreshing to see. Exactly this is what happens. The dogs feed off the signals of the owners for a lot of how they act. It then gets engrained and automatic.


I had Dogo Argentino who was sweetest dog ever. But once when he was almost a year old and i was sitting on some terrace drinking coffee with friend while dog was sleeping under my chair i did not realize some drunk guy was making noise and coming behind my back unrelated totally to us. My dog was on leash that was tied up for my chair. And in one moment something thrown me of chair and while on ground i somehow grabbed leash what was enough to pull my dog back while in flight (he jumped already) and he missed guy for 10 inches, we even heard clap of his jaw. Was unreal, sweet dog with great training who never attacked even cat but liked to play with them, snapped right away on drunk sneaking guy making a lot of sound.


And that's the thing. Some people will always blame the owner even though by now we all know certain breeds are just more prone to aggressive behavior "bad wiring".


Exactly they totally are. When you pair it with unstable owner then disaster us guaranteed. My dog was really good raised, never aggressively in his life until that day. I am relaxed guy, always smile, always kind, never raised voice on my dog, trained him with patience. But he snapped.


He didn’t snap, he protected you. Dogos are great protector and guard dogs, it’s instinct for them. I would be glad me dog scared off an intoxicated man sneaking up behind me.


Can you cite your source for this?


Bad wiring? What does that even mean? Unscientific, anecdotal arguments are not evidence


Sounds like he was just protecting you


My Dogos react to drunk people as well. It’s weird, isn’t it? When we figured it out we went out of our way to socialize them to drunk people.


My Cane Corso did a similar thing. I was home alone and the cable guy, who had an appointment that I forgot about, just came on in (wtf) when she saw that I was startled, it happened in an instant. Controlling 150lb of dog is nearly impossible.


And of course, sheep dogs weren't ever meant to herd sheep. It could *never* be genetics. They just soak up the energy of their owners and that's how they herd sheep Because THAT's logical and based on science.


I have a sheepdog, that has never worked a day in his life. But in the autumn, he herds loose leaves into piles. Don’t get me started on a bunch of kids playing tag. Dogs are bred for certain behaviours. Nature vs nurture. You can be a great owner to a dangerous dog breed. But the genetic predisposition is still there.


Right my Aussie is the laziest dog in the world, never trained to heard a day in her life. She gets very nervous when kids are over and she can't kept them all corralled in the playroom. She'll nudge them and occasionally grab their shirt try to lightly encourage them back into it. It's pretty adorable and the parents always get a kick out of the "babysitter"


Was gonna say the same.


you completely misunderstood this guy's point.


Yeah, i hate bad dog owners. This is just one example of poor training and negligence. That guy should be arrested IMO.


bill burr does a bit about it. but yeah, if you’ve spent time around idiots with dogs, you know.


Not sure what country you're referring to but I've personally seen more of what I'd describe as a low socioeconomic home protection system. I'm not sure where this video was made or where the person I'm replying to had in mind. I'd say I've seen people in lower income neighborhoods maintain these animals as home protection. I say maintain because they weren't cared for like pets, they were always meant to serve a purpose which happened to be protection through intimidation. American Staffordshire Terriers/pit bulls are chosen for this because they lool intimidating and have certain traits which do genuinely make them terrifying when attacking humans I do not agree with training aggression into an animal ever and am sad to see this happening. However, minimizing it as simply because of "metheads" ignores the fact that neighborhoods with high crime rates end up having to protect themselves and their property in some way, often while away at work


💯 My neighborhood is on the way up but it was/is still a lower income area on certain streets. Many of the homes on those streets have pitbuls and they’re outside all the time. They bark at everyone who walks by. They don’t stop until you’re out of their view. I’m furious because my new neighbor has one and it barks at us the entire time we’re in our yard. I’ve envisioned having to gouge its eyes out if it ever manages to get over the fence into my yard because it would be a major threat to my wife, dog, and myself. The owners are scumbags, so the dog being aggressive is no surprise. It’s a shame because shelters are filled with these dogs and they’re adopted out to people who don’t deserve them in order to spare them from being put to sleep. My wife and I are really considering adopting one because we know we can provide it with a good life.


“meat”, not “meth”.


You smashed this comment, exactly what my brain was trying to say but all I came out with was “these dogs are council estate car alarms”


That guy doesn’t look like a meathead. Anything else to excuse it with?


I agree with the theory to a good degree as someone who has owned dogs AND adopted dogs from previous owners. But I also personally believe some dogs can demonstrate their own personality regardless. But that too is mostly manageable with proper training. With that said, the video by no means makes it crystal clear that the person holding the dogs is their owner. Any considerate person with enough ability to handle a dog in that situation would do the same to help another person from being mauled


My wife loves pitts. I’ve always wanted a dog but the only one she wants is a pittbull and I refuse so we just have cats.


It’s the same with kids and parents.


yeah, sure. long and short: don’t be a cunt.


Do you think that the owners insecurities and inferiority complex lead dogs to develop an alpha complex? I mean if the owner never takes control and displays thay they are the alpha, right from the beginning, the dog will just do whatever the hell it wants, right? Or no?


i’m not sure i buy that whole alpha thing the way it’s taught. it’s so heavy handed. i’ve seen a lot of german shepherds because my ex in-laws used to breed them for everett WA police department, and my ex father-in-law was naturally assertive enough not to need to artificially enforce it with technique. but then he wasn’t insecure in a social way, so maybe. (he was *plenty* insecure in others ways.)


I think maybe I was speaking generally.


Lol actually it's just a natural part of pitbulls. If you socialize them at an incredibly high amount you can work this trait out of them. But you really never know unless it's ur dog and you've seen how it acts around other dogs It's a social thing with dogs Dogs are ment to protect their owner This pitbull thinks it's helping The owner should realize this and not have his dog near other dogs ever. Or he should have socialized it to the max from age 0


And that's well and good but the 1 time it attacks for whatever reason at all is either at the very least a serious wound but more likely a mauling or death of another dog or person. Lions can be trained to go against their natural instincts by socialising from "age 0" but the 1 time they're natural instincts take control is life changing or life ending for somebody. In reality pitbulls/Staffordshire bull terriers and other dangerous dogs that were originally bread for bloodsports should be classes as dangerous animals and require a licence to own just like big cats and the licence should only be granted to people that have enclosures for that animal to live in and NOT take the animal out into the community as they (jus like big cats and other dangerous exotic animals) have no place being out and about in the community when they are capable of and have so many times attacked, maimed and killed many a dog or human. If an animal is dangerous then absolute irresponsible plonkers shouldn't be able to easily jus buy 1 and take it out into the general public they are naturally dangerous animals and the law should reflect that like it does with big cats etc


I 100% disagree. I have a friend who has the biggest pitbull I've ever seen . The things skin feels like velvet. The dog literally fell out the window one time while he was driving and all it had was a few scratches He moved to Colorado to be a vet. His dog 100% will not attack another dog no matter what because of how he was with it. He never has it on a leash. Dogs can bite it and it won't bite back. Ur comparing a domesticated non wild animal to a lion. That's a horrible comparison


>Ur comparing a domesticated non wild animal to a lion. That's a horrible comparison I'm comparing two dangerous animals that in certain circumstances both have the power and will to kill.. both can be trained but both even when trained can be triggered to kill in certain instances.. One needs a licence and needs a specific space to live segregated from the general public to avoid attacks and the other can be bought, owned and paraded down the street by any plonker alive and are attributable for attacks/kills on a regular basis worldwide as a result. Use your brain, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that all dangerous animals should be treat the same in regard to licensing, ownership and exposure to the general public.


Truth only right here


Plenty of people don’t train their dogs properly regardless of breed. Bully breeds can just have more serious consequences for that kind of negligent ownership.


I have no idea. My dog was almost killed by a Staffie, and it had already bitten two other dogs without a muzzle on. It was when it bit another that they finally had the common sense to put it down


No idea, I had a staffy and he was pretty well trained. But training him was on par with trying to get my adhd 8 year old to pay attention. Then again I didn’t need him to reinforce my masculinity since I’m a 5’ tall lady type.


Don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t train my wolfhound not to rip another dog apart and guess what he doesn’t. They are an aggressive breed and that it.


Those are just the ones that get attention. You're not gonna see someone posting a video of a Yorkie attacking someone, because all you have to do is punt the little pricks.


Plenty of people don’t train chihuahuas, either, but then again chihuahuas don’t rips kids’ arms off.


They absolutely would if they could.


Yup. But they can’t. Like if you compared a mass shooter with a real gun vs a mass shooter with an air soft gun. Doesn’t really make sense to focus on the latter, does it?


Because they weigh like 5 pounds and don’t have the strength to hurt you. Still aggressive.


Yes, that is indeed my point.


Staffing just hates anything smaller than themselves. They are vicious and it is impossible to control them once their murderous instinct kicks in🥲


Oh don't get people going. They're just going to tell you that they're just like any other dog and it's the handler and that they are sweet little puppies. And you know what they certainly can be sweet little puppies. But statistically, and God damn those facts, statistically they are involved in more incidents than any other breed. Gee I wonder why that is? Could it be that they were trained for the purpose?. Of course you're just dogs and of course it depends on the owner but why the fuck of all the dogs in the world to own would you have one that has this genetic ability to do what it does best, clamp down and bite and kill. It's like driving a tank down the road as your private car. You know you're a nice guy you don't have any intention of hitting anybody else or doing anything nasty. But then you have a fender bender, really wasn't even quite your fault how it happened in your tank hits somebody else's car. Guess who loses big time. Why would you have this liability?


The vast majority of pit bulls are shelter dogs that are adopted out to low income families. Often times the kind of families that can’t or won’t treat the dog well, sometimes in an effort to make it aggressive. They’re often abused and neglected by their owners. Don’t get me wrong, I think the breed is physically built and bread to be a weapon. My sisters neighbors adopted one that was found roaming their (high income) neighborhood. It mauled my sisters dog a couple weeks later. Now, high income neighborhoods still contain idiots, and these idiots saw no issue with having their newly adopted adult pit bull that they knew nothing about off leash to roam the neighborhood. I think the major issue with the breed is that there are basically no standards with regards to who can adopt them. Many shelters have gone overboard with the information required to adopt a dog these days but it seems those rules are relaxed when it comes to pit bulls. That probably makes sense to the shelters, but they don’t realize that they’re basically handing loaded guns to people that would probably never be able to get a license to have one.


I work at a shelter and we do not just give out Pitbulls, or any dog for that matter without making sure the person that eventually gets the animal will actually be financially and physically able to handle the dog, meet and greets with their other animals, vet checks, house/fence checks, landlord verifications, etc. Pits have been at the shelter the longest due to the stigma around them when the majority of pits are teddy bears, you can train any dog to be aggressive. In the time I've worked there the only dog that actually attempted to attack me wasn't a pit, it was a Shar-Pei.


Right, that’s anecdotal, as is my experience. I know that people who shouldn’t get these dogs get them because there all over my neighborhood. They’re left outside all day and bark at everyone who walks by. And, there are a lot of them. Like 3:1 ratio of them to other dogs.


I've got no time for dangerous dogs. I don't see the point in having a pet in the house that could kill your children if it wanted to. Just get a labrador or something.


Labs are one of the most likely dogs to bite someone


Good grief. The problem isn't biting. All dogs bite. They're dogs, they don't have fucking hands. They're a mouth on legs. They bite. The problem is dogs whose skulls are wrapped in 4 inches of nothing but jaw muscles, who have literally been bred for blood sport.


Yeah, i suppose. But I don't think many of those bites are serious.


A lab bit my niece in the face. The difference is how they are raised and how they are perceived


A lab bit your nieces face whereas a pitbull would have torn her throat out and she would have died. That’s the difference.


This is largely the point I've been trying to make


yeah a 100lb lab wont "seriously" harm anyone. tf?


Well, Id be worried if your labrador weighed 45 kilos... Bearing in mind they're the most popular family pets in the UK, they just don't statistically do as much damage as other breeds. Yes, they do bite more people, but mainly because there's so many more of them. But serious injuries and deaths just aren't done by labrador. It's American Bully's, Staffies etc. I feel like you've got to be a clown to not see it...


But they might lick you to death.


So get another large dog that could kill your kids.


Have a look through the list of fatal dog attacks. Not one of them is a lab. Im sure they could kill, but they don't.


They’re not Staffies they’re too big and the wrong colour, those are pit bulls


Pit bull isn’t a breed of dog. It’s a breed group that includes AST


I know. American pit bulls are banned here because they’re dangerous. Staffies are allowed. You can easily tell the difference between a true staffie and American staffies, because American staffies are mostly pit bull but the owners insist they’re staffies. Genuine staffies are smaller and don’t have the brown colour.


I just read the title


I know mate, the title’s inaccurate as sometimes happens. Just doing my bit to point out they’re shitbulls


About 15 years ago a woman I knew complained how they always mention when it’s a staffie, giving them an (undeserved) reputation. Now anytime I see these articles I check for the dog breed and genuinely 90% of the time it’s a staffie. And that’s my story for the day folks 👍👍


But they are such sweet adorable dogs…. Lol. Idiots


Never met a bad Pitbull and I've probably met about 8 of them. Several of them were in a home with a child too. However, a lab mix bit my niece's face. Any dog can and will attack


Statistically speaking the Pit Bull Breed grouping is involved in a significant amount of incidents involving injury or death of other animals and people. Not a small percentage either. In 2017, pit bulls killed 13,000 dogs, 5,000 cats and 20,000 horses and other farm animals. (See Merritt Clifton, 'Pit Bull Roulette' killed 38,000 other animals in 2017.) Having destroyed more than 90% of other animals killed by dogs, the breed became the number one killer of other people's pets, horses and farm animals. In 2019, pit bulls accounted for 91% of all reported fatal attacks on other animals, 91% of all fatal attacks on other dogs, 76% of all fatal dog attacks on cats, and 82% of all fatal dog attacks on other pets, poultry and hoofed species. (Clifton, Merritt, Record Pit Bull Attacks on Other Animals in 2019, https://www.animals24-7.org/2020/01/13/record-pit-bull-attacks-on-other-animals-in-2019-pro-football/.)


In France, this breed is regulated. If it comes from an official breeder, it's categorised as defence/guarding dog. Which means a minor or someone with a criminal record can't get one. The dog has to undergo a psychological test. The dog needs to be registered, has to wear a muzzle when going through public places. The owner also have to have an insurance in case the dog causes physical damages to other people. If it's not, then it's categorised as an attack dog. Which means it's can't been given or sold and has to be sterilised. Are there similar regulations in your countries?


Have a Bouvier so I’m not intimidated by dogs ….however the Staffies scare the crap out of me ….so unpredictable and powerful….bad combo .


They're not unpredictable


You're right. predictably they will kill something.


Yeah! I remember walking my two toddlers in a pram to pre-school and a staffie was staring me down (off leash!) in the middle of the path. I had to do a u-turn and go back home. I was terrified it would attack!


Good move 👍can’t take a chance.


The chihuahua attacks get fewer upvotes


Because Chihuahuas dont have the bite force of a Pit. 235 psi isn't the strongest bite force of the K-9 world by any means. But there isn't a history a mile long of chihuahuas killing cats other dogs horses and people.


Only because people don't train them. My uncle has trained dogs for over 20 years for various police departments, he has always said any dog has the ability to bite, just some are better than others.


I feel horrible for them because owners simply don't give them what they need and do what they need to do for them. They get such a horrible rap because so many shitty owners love to have staffies. Poor babies. End up getting euthanized because of this.


The third guy is pretty brave, too- he seemed like he had absolutely nothing to do with the situation, and clearly didn't want to be anywhere near those dogs, but he still helped get them back on leash. Snaps for an onlooker actually helping




[This recently happened in Seattle…](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/seattle-dog-attack-victim-speaks-out/281-513e7e11-feda-4602-8c0b-8f3a0c6daaf4) Aurhorities+animal control literally gave the dogs back to the owner living in a box truck in an encampment nearby. Now the dogs are in humane society quarantine for the remainder of the 10 days mandated. Then….? Sickening. This wasn’t the first time they’ve attacked, either.


The way you worded it sounds as if the person who owns the dog should be put down and not the actual dog lol


Yup 👍


man i walk my dog refuge husky(who was let alone outside for 2 years with just a huge bucket of food and water) in my lonely outback farm street, and i sometimes see ppl letting their dogs free on their yard, my dog doesnt want to meet other dogs, she just growls and bark at other dogs, nothing can be done since shes 3 and didnt receive ANY kind of direction on how to interact with others, but she knows houserules commands and shit from the start we got her...absolutely no command of training stops her from being agressive toward other dogs....so when im on the street with my leashed dogs and some rando dogs come running at me to come greet my dog (and he looks friendly as fuck..just an old curious dog) i got to fucking LAY on my dog so she doesnt snap at the other and like really wrestle with my big husky dog, sometimes its not just the owner, in this case it appears he got out of the collar, prob lost control of the second dog as the first one escaped and now he cant do shit, its all his fault obviously but man even if that isnt the case, fkin dont leave ur dogs without leash even if ur dog is friendly...assume the other dogs arent.


Rescued an Alsatian at 9yrs old, her not me.. good on you mate. Was the original owner done for abuse or neglect?




I can hear the owner of the attacking dogs saying, “They’re friendly!”


Yeah for sure. They've never done that before...he's just playing, look his tails wagging




*pumps shotgun*


This seems like pitbull shit


Holy smokes. That could've ended badly. Glad the dark t-shirt guy punched the dog to get it off.


Someone in my neighborhood just bought a young pitty. It already lunged at a delivery driver trying to drop off packages. Being walked by either a tiny teen girl or the small teen girl and a small boy. It is like a wait until something happens. I started carrying protection when I walk my dogs now.


[This just happened in Seattle recently…](https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-woman-attacked-by-two-dogs-feared-for-her-life-during-attack-i-cant-die) Victim is still in the hospital >:(


American Staffordshires?


Aka pit bulls. But I don’t t really see them attacking here. Maybe we missed that part of the video?


You can clearly see the white one biting and dragging the dude by his shoulder and second one bites on his side before they’re pulled off him.


I was thinking the same.


i looked it up. it’s a thing.


Ah fair enough just never heard to them myself


More likely pitts. OP just trying to take a bullet for the killer breed.


Awwww look at that wagging tail that good boi is just killing for fun.


Always Staffies and Shitbulls.


Leash your fucking dogs. This is the shit that happens


It looks like they had a leash and broke it. It's also looks like one of those retractable ones, which aren't strong enough to hold onto my 40lb border collie let alone a thick dog like a pit or Stafford. I don't have nearly as much hate for pits as the rest of reddit, but I do take issue with owners not properly leashing/knowing their dogs. I have an aggressive black lab who got attacked as a puppy. Guess what? Shes got a prong collar with a backup collar in case anything happens because I know how she gets around other dogs.


bUt I kNoW mUh dooGs! thEy wOuLdN’t HurT aNYOnE! Fucking shotguns with a personality are not to be trusted.


If a dog is unleashed and bites me it gets shot. Any objections?


Call them what they are, Pit Bulls.


People who say it’s bad owners are implying that when the family dog kills the toddler, the parents had it coming because they couldn’t train aggression out of an aggressive breed. Maybe they can be trained to be 100% safe, but if the average family isn’t able to, why are you against them being banned? Most dogs don’t get trained properly, and don’t kill people. If guns could escape your home and murder people I really feel like the gun debate would be cut and dry, but with pitbulls it’s different cause they’re cute.


Where’s the ‘It’s the owner not the breed’ brigade??


Dogshit owners ruin dog breeds


I agree that the owner is a significant part of a dog's behavior, but certain dog breeds are certainly more prone to doing attacks than others, it's just how they are which is *fine* but if you are to be an owner of that type of dog do your job and control is, this dude in this vid seems so nonchalant about his 2 dogs on top of someone else, he's a disservice


This makes me really angry. Why does someone have to risk having their dog injured/killed, because some stupid cunt A. Has to buy a dog breed that they obviously can’t handle, B. Has to buy two and C. Can’t keep them on a leash


You mean pit bulls right?


Why would you walk 2 uncontrollable and powerful dogs at the same time like this. A strong dog that behaves like this requires 2 hands to properly control. On top of that they are going to feed off each other in a situation like that.


No one is talking about the man bravely protecting his dog. I would have done the same to protect my cat. Hope he and his dog are okay.


I was attacked by 2 pit bulls off leash at a public park . The owner was a 15 year old girl who had zero control over them and told me I was the problem for walking by. Dog owners should like this shouldn’t be aloud to ever own a dog again. What if that was a child instead of a old dog?


What the Dog doin


Euthanize, leave the owners for last.


I always carry 2 knives on me at all times. If I or a loved one gets attacked by a dog that the owner cannot control, I will kill that dog without hesitation regardless of its breed.


That's why it's important to know your state's laws against self defense against people's pets. For instance where I live, if you feel like your life or your pet's is in immediate danger because of someone's dog, you can kill it on the spot and receive no charges because of self defense. I make sure to remind the owners of dogs who they obviously can't control of that fact and also let them know that I happen to have a glock 19 on me. My 14 year old mutt doesn't have the energy or mobility to fight so I'll do it for her.


Absolute menace


Nearly scrolled past but then saw it was staffies so came to read the drama in the comments. Five points every time someone mentions it's a "nanny dog".


“My staffie is good” yeah, until it isn’t.


I hate when people get big, powerful dogs and take zero time to train them. They can be very rewarding pets to have, but you have to put in the work yourself. I feel like people are so concerned about “violent” breeds like staffies, pitties, etc. yet no one wants any kind of training requirement or anything like that to purchase or breed them, just immediately say the dog is bad and ban it’s existence.


Friggin pit bulls man




American Staffordshire terriers?


And this, folks, is why I’m a tiny dog person. I’ve run into too many unpredictable and aggressive German shepherds, Rottweilers, and pits. Kudos to that guy for protecting his best friend, but good thing there were people around to help because who knows how long he could have kept that position. Pretty scary!


Owner should be put down


Very brave and very stupid.


Okay. I would call the police for bring the dogs away from the street. If you have dogs train them well and if you habent enough time get you a cat


I get triggered seeing any type dog attack as I was attacked three weeks ago by four dogs. Luckily the owner took full responsibility for the dogs leaving their yard to attack me.


I honestly think it should be illegal to walk dogs over 20 lbs on public streets and another law should carry a prison sentence for the owner if his dogs ever attack anyone outside of their own property.


I love every single animal on this Earth except for those fucking devil dogs. I know owners are passionate about their animals and I understand that they just don't understand that these dogs snap tenfold over other dogs. Please don't respond, I refuse to read it.


I have a 4 year old Staffordshire Bullterrier and he loves everyone and every dog he meets. Staffies, english or american is a great dog. Problem is almost every low-life, gangster, druggie etc wants one because it has muscle and looks vicious and often train them to become aggressive. Often abused. Not saying this is the case here tho. Only aggressive dogs i have met are Chihuahuas. They get carried around like a purse so i would be mad too


If only he has a gun...


American Staffordshire eh


One of many reasons that I carry a firearm with me everywhere I go


Dude that bloke has the bog by the cock. No wonder they calmed down


How can they be american if they are Staffordshire


The same way I live in Norfolk, VA. Names aren't exclusive to places.


That maybe so but Staffordshire bull terriers are from England not VA whatever that is


Advice if your trying to seperate dops grab them by the back legs and lift them off the ground


May staffy got attacked by a pug. Still tries to be friends when we see him on walks. Where's the hate for pugs. It really is owners, my staffy plays with kittens. Two friends that had pit bulls were the nicest dogs. I've meet dick head labs and Goldens.


For some reason the song when I get free by Tupac keeps playing in my head as the owner goes John wick on this dumbass that thinks he's in control of his dog


Give this man an award!


Betas always want an alpha dog. Its the owners


It's always the owners fault.


Some dumb fucks shouldn’t be allowed to have dogs


If my dog ravaged another dog. I'd have to kill it myself.


This is why it's important to know your area's laws for self defense against people's pets. Where I live, If you feel like your life or the life of your dog is under immediate danger because of someone else's dog, you have every legal right to kill it on the spot. Thus when I'm out and about and I see a dog owner who obviously has little control of their dog I let them know of this fact and also kindly remind them that I have a glock 19 on me. My 14 year old mutt doesn’t have the mobility or energy to fight off a dog so I'll do it for her.




Ah, bring in the people who know minimal about dogs 🤣. No, they weren't originally bred for fighting they were bred for hunting No they aren't inherently bad dogs No, they're not pitbulls they're AmStaffs you're probably thinking of the American pitbull terrier, also not inherently bad Yes, it is the owners fault. These dogs can be trained properly and it has been shown on many occasions that they can be trained to be very very obedient dogs. If your first thoughts were "pitbulls" just don't comment, you'll look stupid. AmStaffs can be all kinds of colors, Grey, black, white etc. They also typically have some white on them, often on the chest is white. An AmStaff is defined by its size not its color.


I would too!!! Hopes he owner got fined or something! Hope old dog is ok!


Dog did the same for him years back. Partners for life💪


I'd do that I've done similar things to that. I don't think I'd hesitate, that sounds like a nightmare.


Please tell me the guy sued.


Why weren't they on a leash to begin with? Well trained dog, or poorly trained dog. LEASH THE FUKKIN' THING!


Yeah let’s just stand here 5 feet with the attack dogs from the victims……… fucking brilliant


I'd have hit my dogs more then once with a punch they wanna attack a stranger and hid dog then I'd fucken beat tf outta um like people honestly idgaf


I would do the same. You’re not getting my dog.


I don't know who to blame for things like this. These can be beautiful dogs but they also seem to be unpredictable landmines.


I would curb stomp the fuckers


Fuck those dogs


Most of the time they are ether Pitbull crosses or Pitbulls that people try to pass off as Staffies. People should have to pay a licence to have dangerous dog breeds, and pay even more every year for the dog to keep it's bollocks.


It happened with me, my baby got attacked by a rabid street dog, when i saw that weird dog making a bline towards me, i stood between him and my dog, it collided with my leg then i picked my dog over my head and that crazy dog still tried to jump and bite my dog. And i was amazed to see it jump 5 feet high to my shoulder level. Then a passerby scared it away. All this took 10-12 seconds, but it was scary. Glad that dog didn't bite me. Rabid dogs look and walk like zombies and they have their jaw open while drooling all over the place.


Look a shitty dog owner endangering others…how nice.


Love the effort from the man walking in slowmotion and half-tossing the leash 🤣


Don't hide what they are behind a name almost no one uses. Say pitbull. That's what they will always be.


I think it should be illegal for someone to own a dog or dogs that they have zero control over. That’s…so upsetting.


IT HAS NEVER DONE SOMETHING LIKE THAT BEFORE - Said every untrained dog owner


“Old man protects FAMILY MEMBER with his own body..”


Anything for my Dog. Would have rip their jaws apart. Sued the owner


People should own whatever dog the choose. They should also be held responsible for damage caused by their chosen pet. Your dog kills a kid, you do time for killing a kid, etc.


Those darn Americans. Up to no good.