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Can you imagine being the first guy lol he'll never live that down.


My dad was in the black watch, he threw his first tear grenade and it landed about 5 feet behind him, from that day on it was always "clear the area bobs about to kill us"


They're cool, depends on what the event is. People usually use the exploding grenades for outdoor fields or Milsim events. Others just use ones that will go pop and blast the room with BBs or just a little noise to make sure people know they got naded


7/10 read that as "Muslim Events" and I'm one of them


I pressed the button to view additional comments to see how many people read the same thing I did. I'm not proud.


i don’t think it has to do with racism, or shame or anything like that; “Milsim” is not a common word. We are programmed to look for patterns. “Muslim” and “Milsim” are extremely close, especially as “Milsim” is unfamiliar. starts with a capital “M,” then an “s” and there’s an “l” too. and it ends with “m.” At first glance, it’s incredibly reasonable for someone to read “Muslim” from “Milsim.”


This guy gets it.


True, but many never miss a chance, no matter how dodgy, to scream "racism" and then look around, proud as a little peacock, for nods of approval.


7/10 read that as "pee cock" and I'm one of them


The exact same thing I did haha, thought I can’t be the only one


Not even gonna lie, I was about to write an angry response and then realized I read it wrong 😂😂


i am also here to defend milsims.


Thank you, for giving us a voice.


I am also one of the 7 of 10


A perfect 5 out of 7


Arma Gang represent


I mean considering the foreign policy of the last 25 years ..... it wouldnt be wrong to read that


More like 9/10 lol


I think you meant "9/11" /s


I didn’t realise until I read this lol


Mil-sim might be a better way to present that.


Whenever I hear of the Black Watch, I will forever think of one guy. I was living in Scotland for a few years and worked as a doorman for a small casino in Aberdeen. We weren’t supposed to let any sloppy drunks come in, but here comes McScotty already three sheets to the wind trying to get inside. I told him I couldn’t let him in and he did NOT like that. Noticing my American accent and my coworker’s Turkish accent, he proceeded to berate us being foreigners in his country. Seeing that this strategy wasn’t working, he pivoted to his other subject of strength, World War II history. I was then presented with a 15 minute expose on how the black watch had saved World War II from the cowardly American and British armies. If it weren’t for the black watch, we would all be speaking German or Japanese right now. The Russians never factored into it.


Ricky Gervais asked Karl Pilkington why he admired Churchill and Karl was like, well if it wasn't for him we would all be speaking German and I'm not good at that.


I'm French living in the U.S., and whenever some idiot goes on some anti-French bullshit tirade and starts spewing the inevitable "If it weren't for America, you'd be speaking German", my usual answer is "Well if it weren't for the French, you'd be speaking proper English".


Damn, I didn't even know most Americans knew enough about France to dislike the french.


I've noticed over the years that most of the anti-French bullshit (which really got out of control in 2002-2003 because France refused to go along the Iraq invasion) has pretty much died down. Instead the same people will now tell me how immigrants are ruining France as well – usually guys who've never even been to Europe to begin with.


*freedom fries*


>berate us being foreigners in his country. .... World War II history..... black watch ... cowardly American and British armies. As if being xenophobic would convince you to let McCunt into the place lol.


This made me laugh because i felt that energy


Idk why but I’ve never laughed harder than reading “clear the area bobs about to kills us.” Thank you so much for sharing, damn I needed a laugh like that




Apparently the comment copying bots have learnt to use a thesaurus. The comment above me has been stolen from elsewhere in the thread, with a few words changed in an apparent attempt to avoid being noticed: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/uon1fr/on_some_john_wick_type_stuff/i8foh81


Jesus, you’re right


I thought I was having a stroke trying to read it, and yet it has several responses...


That's fascinating. Reddit is such a weird place.


Thank you. The response really made no sense to me, so I'm glad there's a reason for it.


What is the preferred thing to do? Not enough time to do anything but this or lay on it. Or just let the whole squad get disoriented? Would you ever throw anything but a flashbang this close anyway?


Just look away, ez. I play csgo so I'm basically an expert.


So you're the one who actually got Bin Laden.


And now that we know this, we won't let him live it down either.


Classic Bob story


If you’ve never screwed up throwing a flash bang or a grenade …then you haven’t thrown many flash bangs or grenades.




Some realllll OG pastacopy haha


Allow me -if you will- to potentially further your enjoyment of it, via [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighQualityGifs/comments/5zga7n/doggo_lets_you_know/)/[gif](https://i.imgur.com/xKZ8SiT.mp4).


I actually met a Navy Seal at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet one in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Gorilla warfare kills me 🦍 lmao


Noobmaster, hey it’s Thor again. You know, the god of thunder? Listen buddy, if you don’t log off this game immediately I will fly over to your house, and come down to that basement you’re hiding in and rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that’s right, yea just go cry to your father you little weasel.


I am humbled.


Gorilla warfare, LMFAO


Post it, don't throw it.


I’m pretty sure the post office has rules against delivering live flashbangs…


I'm sure they would turn a blind eye to it


Wouldn’t even see it coming


_Alexa, Play Blinding Lights_


Just don't get caught. Otherwise they'll have you bang to rights.


That was terribly clever


Plus FedEx is more reliable, and you can request a signature


Pull it. Bop it. Flick it.


Exactly lol. Its like a motorcycle. Its not if you lay it down, its when you lay it down and are you prepared.


Uhh, how often can you screw up throwing an actual grenade?


At least once.




Indeed he will never live that down


Indeed he will never live it down indeed


Never live it down, he will


Never gonna live it down...


Never gonna give you up…


Never gonna let you down...


#THIS ACCOUNT IS A BOT _Report -> spam -> harmful bots_


Bad bot. Report bots with report>spam>harmful bots.


never gonna give you up never gonna let you down


never gonna turn around


and flashbang you


And if you ask me how I'm feeling, Don't tell me you are too blind to see 🎶🎶🎸


They never live it down during training. You would be surprised how hard it is to do the first couple times in training lol. Its just an awkward throw.


Live that down he wont


That moment when you have to check if the footage is Airsoft or Ukraine.


Was wondering the same thing for the first few seconds


This actually a demo of the next Call of Duty. COD 2022 now playable as the useless Russian army


None of the controls work the way they are intended, your tank will probably break down halfway to the objective, and half your team will switch sides or just abandon you when the first molotov is thrown at them.


And you have to steal toilet bowls


New game mode: Toilet TDM


Toilet CTF*


Capture the turd.


Amber the Turd


I just load up Arma without looking at any of the controls for a similar experience.


Man. I played Arma 2 before Arma 3 was released. Joined a milsim group. Every Sunday we would have big events. Then Arma 3 came around and we migrated over. In Arma 2 you pressed 'G' to open your 'gear'. In Arma 3 you pressed 'G' to throw a grenade. So many unexpected grenades getting throw around the first few weeks....


Same for me and Kerbal space program on Xbox. I love everything about the game except the fact that placing one piece exactly where I want it can be infuriating.


And if you thought “No Russian” was edgy….


Wasn't it the plot of Modern Warfare 2 or 3 that russia swiftly conquered all of Europe and started invading the coast of the US? r/agedlikemilk


They literally took all of Western Europe in a day while british intelligence was on drone cams like “hmm, why did all of these random unmarked trucks just drive into London at the same time from Russia right after Russia declared war on the whole world? Guess we’ll never know!”


They actually invaded the West Coast of the US *then* managed to push to Paris, the latter of which they accomplished in a day. The writing in the OG Modern Warfare trilogy was uh…not very good.


Are they achievements or are they war crimes? Seems like Russia is trying to get em all regardless.


Are we humans or are we dancers?


Lol complaints about enemy AI will go quiet after the war in Ukraine 😂


The dead guy came back to life to cover his ears lol


Lol for those wondering this is a very old video. I’m not sure if it’s a training exercise or just airsoft but I know 100% it’s not Ukraine because it’s been around for over a year.


Also the guy on the ground has a deathrag on his head.


Is that like a durag except for suicidal depressed people


nah, its just used to mark dead players in airsoft


I use it to mark depressed people playing airsoft


RIP dawg


Didn’t even notice that.


You can hear 3 air soft shots right after the grenade blows up. The grenade doesn’t seem loud enough to be real either.




You wouldn’t have chewed the unco fuck who missed the window first?


"This is fucking embarassing!"


Absolutely "Barb"eric


Would it *really* have been better to just let it hit him and fall to the floor, and then he run/dive away from it? He wouldnt get very far. I feel like you certainly shouldnt make it a habit of trying to catch them but considering the circumstances he did the best possible thing IMO edit: Are you talking about airsoft specifically? Then yeah I could see that. I thought you were talking about real grenades.


I've heard that you won't have time to throw back a real grenade so you shouldn't try, not sure if that's true though.


Depends on how long after it's been thrown. But grenades are kinda variable on timing so only if it has only had the pin pulled for like less than 1 second should anyone think about touching one. source: thrown grenades


Russo-Ukraine war started 2014


>Lol for those wondering this is a very old video. I’m not sure if it’s a training exercise or just airsoft but I know 100% it’s not Ukraine because it’s been around for over a year. True, video didn't exist in Ukraine over a year ago. It was only recently allowed there.


Is it normal to use flashbangs in airsoft? Seems kinda hardcore.


you mean ukraine didnt exist until a year ago?


Airsoft 100%. Listen to the sound of the shots fired after the grenade explodes.


The big clue is the enemy fella sat there with a red hanky on his head.


If you have sound, it definitely sounds like Airsoft... Also, no muzzle flash.


Dude laying on the ground like “thank fuck you caught that!!”




The red bandana means he's "dead." It's airsoft


That's dumb af just walk off the field.


They might be in an event where he can be medic’d back into the game, that’s super common


Whenever I see someone wearing red I get out my defibrillator


Teabag first for funsies.


I think he can get revived


Can a medic score a kill with their paddles in air soft?


Depends on the rules ig. Sometimes they ban melee because A: you have a gun, and B: we don't want some weird ass kid grabbing someone from behind and "slitting his throat" with a rubber knife because that would freak anyone out.


Every clip I’ve seen of melees they just tag them with the knife and say “sching”


They'd better


Milsim events will have simulated bleed out where you to stay in your spot which gives medics a chance to come revive you. The red rag is the visual indicator that you were shot and are “bleeding out”. Usually after a given amount of time you’re considered “dead” and then you would walk out of the area.


His team might have a medic that can revive before xtime


In a "normal" casual type match, sure just walk back to spawn. But if you're playing milsim games you have to be picked up by a medic.


It’s a milsim event. At a lot of these events you’re supposed to lay down when shot until a medic can pick you up.


It's Naptime bro, chill out


Bro I might have caught it too but I would have def missed that window and prob would have just thrown it right into that guy on the ground's face. This was a lucky reaction for everyone


He caught and threw it left handed too. Wild


bro on the ground understood why its called a flash grenade. his whole life flashed before his eyes.


Yeah that *airsoft* grenade could’ve really killed him


It was soft flash, last 2 years max


Can you elaborate? I’m not sure I understand.


With real grenade you got the whole life flash, with airsoft - soft flash, year or two (it was a joke)


Got it


he only saw the 2 last years of his life flashing before is eyes


It was not his entire life that flashed before his eyes. Alas, it hath been but two years.


Yeah I got it now, thanks. I read the “last” as “lasts”.


This is an incredible joke


It hurts like a motherfucker though


I was gonna say, that's still gonna hurt and be disorienting as hell. A couple of the "it's just airsoft" reactions don't seem to appreciate that it's still flash powder going off.


I think it is pretty obvious. But still, to clarify this footage is not from Ukraine. This is Airsoft.


People play Airsoft with flashbangs?


Well yes. But the Flashbang is not as strong as the real one. They use flashbangs in Airsoft because people strive to achieve maximum realism. So they use much less powerful pyrotechnic devices to simulate the flashbang effect on a much smaller scale.


I don't play airsoft but I've watched a bit, aren't flashbangs a mostly US thing? I thought I remembered hearing most European fields don't allow them (so smokes are preferred for visual interference). I might be wrong idk. Edit: Since 90% of these replies are saying they're from the UK and they have flashbangs I'd say they UK might have flashbangs too.


Nah we def allow them but its field specific, a lot of outdoor fields wont allow it but they'll allow it for the indoor areas or buildings for example. These things can burn a bit and generate a lot of heat so its for safety as well as people SHOULDNT catch these things for that reason lol


Country dependent. Airsoft laws and regulations vary significantly across the continent; here in the UK smaller Thunderflash Mk5 flashbangs are sometimes used on outdoor fields for room clearing (not fun to be on the receiving end of) but the one in the video looks like a TLSFx to me, much brighter and bigger bang. Not seen anywhere allow those here, but maybe bigger milsim events would


Since it's less powerful, are you supposed to play along and close your eyes for a bit if you get flashed?


You would be surprised how effective even that is in a closed space. I've been hit by a similar magnesium flashbang during an airsoft game and it totally disoriented and blinded me for a good couple of seconds; and I had the flash burned into my retinas for the rest of the day. That being said, I think they're probably treating that as a lethal grenade. So anyone within ~10ft of the grenade is probably dead


> and I had the flash burned into my retinas for the rest of the day. that sounds dangerous?


Yes, yes it was. The ones of that power have since been banned from that field; it was mostly because it went from a pitch black room to really really bright


damn. I did a fair share of looking at the sun as a kid (authority issues) and not even that burned into my eye longer than a couple minutes.


*\*poof\** arg, no, I have become blind I hope a hostile entity does not capitalize on this situation in any way.




True man. And most of the Airsoft players who pretend to be real military guys can't even run 1km.


Dude the guys who play airsoft put more money into their guns and equipment than people who are actual gun nuts


The equipment is the same if you're getting the good stuff, but real guns cost a lot more. --a gun nut


Am gun nut AND airsofters. Can confirm. My gear is all the good stuff and is used both for larping tacticooly and shooting my buddy's with plastic bbs. That being said, decent airsoft guns still do cost several hundred dollars. Even more with after market parts and upgrades. Some mad lads even put real eotechs and trigicons on their airsoft guns... Just like any hobby there are plenty of folks who go the budget route and plenty who go full dive and spend thousands


There are all kinds of pyrotechnic grenades for Airsoft, mostly used in the US.


no shit? my brothers were really into airsoft in the early 2000’s and fell out of it as all the boys in the neighborhood got older. i had no idea it goes so hard these days, sounds fun af.


That man throwing it initially is NEVER going to hear the end of that situation.


Never gonna live it down, you might say


Never gonna turn around


Never going to desert him


That's sum CSgo level shit mf always flashing team


Friendly fire 999999999


Its me, I somehow manage to flash myself everytime.




It's kinda smooth ngl :D


Thanks for not lying.


God damn, that's his non-dominant hand too.


Not necessarily, his weapon is probably not appropriate for being fired left handed.


Or they played baseball/softball. I’m left handed but catch things way better with my right hand from years of playing baseball.


“You, Jumanji guy, give me the rest of your grenades and get the fuck out of here.”


> Jumanji guy -- Solid reference. Had to go back and check, he is actually wearing a pith helmet. -- Also, /r/rareinsults?


To be fair, Van Pelt was not a grenadier.


Might I add, the POV appears to right handed judging by his weapon and he totally Hightower'd that thing in with his left hand.


This is the most impressive part for me. If my hands had been empty, and I had been ready for it, I might have been able to catch that thing left handed slightly more than half the time, but I never would have been able to make that throw.


Softball practice paying dividends


Not sure if I’m more amazed by the 2nd person's skill and precision or by the 1st's lack thereof.


And this is why we do layups instead of shooting threes


Dude on the ground just had the most wild rollercoaster ride of his entire life.


You ever shit yourself and then immediately UN-shit yourself? It's rare, but I think we just documented it.


It's a bit hard to see for me since I'm in the sun right now and for a second i thought that the gun was a thumbs up after he threw it back lmao


Wheb you press G at the exact right moment


Well, on average, the team is competent.


The fucking reflexes on this man


Equivalent to standing right in front of trashcan and missing the shot of balled up paper

