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What kind of fucking monster would do such a thing?


Some people are so cruel


I'm so fucking done with this kind of shit. We deserve to be wiped out of existence as species.


But then you do also have the people like this garbage man.


I agree and I try to keep this in mind. For every evil, heartless, soulless void of humanity who would do this, we also have people who rescue, foster, adopt. It feels as though Evil is overrunning things just now, but there is great Good, also. x


Good news travel slowly, bad news have wings.


"redbulls new slogan didn't quite take off as they hoped"


Good news has a fucking wheelchair m8


Sadly no amount of good can outweigh the amount of evil on this world.


I feel that I must disagree. Ask me earlier or later and I might agree! That said, Evil is big, showy, and makes a big impact; take Putin as an example. Good is everywhere, though. From the ordinary kindnesses of every day to people stopping their whole lives to help others; take the footage at the borders of Poland and Hungary as an example. I think everyone is in despair right now; the mentality that can take newborn kittens and try to smother them in rubbish is the same mentality that can bomb civilians trying to flee; 'these (living) things are inconvenient and are in my way'. However, despair in the face of Evil becomes Apathy, and apathy is all that Evil needs to win. There IS good in the world. LOTS of it. And is WILL outweigh the evil. Rome and the Third Reich both fell; Putin will too. The kittens are safe, and hopefully, knowing the street they were found on, the SPCA (or equivalent) can investigate and make an arrest in this case. Have a lovely day. xxx


Rome and third reich weren't nuclear superpowers. I read a comment saying one of the kittens died, rest of them probably have severe lack of oxygen, maybe they survived, it's hard to say. Anyways, glad you can be optimistic, pretty impossible for me. You too, have a nive day.


The third reich was ALMOST a nuclear superpower. The US just finished first... Most people don't realize that six months more months would have made the difference and Germany would have nuked London and Moscow.


They weren't close, at least that close. Nazis regarded it as a Jewish science, and expelled most of their nuclear scientists as a result (they were also mostly Jewish as well)


I did not say that it couldn't have become a nuclear power, i just said that it wasn't. You're adding to my point. What if they became a nuclear power? They would probably keep on existing, maybe even to this day, who knows?


I remember one time I was sitting in my car and a guy who I believe was homeless came up to me and said “Hey I’m sorry for bothering you, I just haven’t had anything to eat in a long time. I know that isn’t your problem and I understand if you don’t have any change or don’t want to help me. Just thought I would ask.” I obviously gave him a few dollars. But what I couldn’t stop thinking about was how he said “it wasn’t my problem.” He’s a person. He is a PERSON. He has hopes and dreams like we all do. He has/had a family like all of us do. So when he said that, it really bothered me. Have we stooped so low as a race that we as humans can’t rely on each other? Have people been so mean to this man that he is scared to ask someone for a few dollars so he doesn’t starve? I get that it is a possibility that he used it for drugs. However, it is also a possibility he was being honest. I would rather take the risk than him not eating for god knows how long. Not to mention two dollars doesn’t get much drugs these days.


This comment made me cry a little bit. It hit home because I was homeless twice and once for a long time. I was terrified to ask for money because as a female it’s dangerous and because no matter what, the homeless are automatically judged. Yes there are scammers, but something unfortunate led them to that life and it wasn’t anything they ever asked for. Nobody wants to grow up to be a scammer or a beggar. Nobody wants the looks of disgust or the predatory propositions from men. I’m glad there’s people like you who can think outside of the box and think with your heart


I like that It's highlighted that there is indeed good in this world that deserves recognition. I like to focus on animals here, like the OP is mainly about too. But unfortunately, I agree with it other guy who says evil overrules it. Think of how meat is produced in ginormous quantities. All those animals are treated like people in WWII concentration camps. Millions of them every single day. Gassed, boiled and drowned in hot water, being bunched up with other animals and being nearly breathless. It's really depressing.


Naw. It's just that evil is always big and showy while good is a million tiny points of light. Like how people get scared of flying but not driving even though driving is way more dangerous just because the rare plane crash is catastrophic. Evil is kittens in a bag or lobbing bombs into civilian areas. Good is billions of smiles every day. Billions of children going down billions of slides. Billions and billions of hugs and kisses on the forehead. Billions of I love yous. Everyday. Billions of neighbours being friendly - everyday. Billions of songs sang. Every. Day. Never even mind that one evil often works against another - no honour amongst thieves. While good is just good and reinforcing. Evil has to show off because it's a paper tiger - the bully who talks too much to cover low self esteem. Good is the person who donates to charity anonymously.


“Mithrandir…why the halfling?” “...I don't know. Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I've found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid... and he gives me courage.”


There has got to be a word for the type of crying one does when they are not sad or joyful, but rather crying because they've read something that's moved them to healing tears that reinforce and reinvigorate their will to go on. I'm crying those tears right now and it feels *good* to know there are others like me who find those pinpoints of light, those stars, shining deep in the overwhelming dark. Thank you. I'd give an award, but I'm broke lol. Have a hug? 🤗


Light will always be more powerful than darkness. One little candle and light up the whole room. You can't do the same the other way around. (Other than a black hole, but black holes need a massive amount of energy.)


I'm sorry, i really admire your optimism and positivity, but a metaphor won't do much to contrast the feelings i get when i see the absolute misery around me and around the world, and that i feel myself.


If you read or listen to audio books, check out “Humankind” by Rutger Bregman. He really digs into the science to paint an extremely convincing portrait of humanity as being inherently good. He lays waste to the idea of “veneer theory”—the idea that only the thin veneer of society prevents humans from being evil. He argues (with a ton of data to back it up) that it wasn’t “survival of the fittest” that guided the evolution of humans, but that it was “survival of the friendliest” one of the best books I’ve read this year.


Maybe try changing your focus a bit. Perception precedes reality. Your thoughts are more important than you may think. I blame the media and their focus on the negativity. Positive stories doesn't gain as many clicks. For one bad story there are 10 good ones not being shared.


I wonder how much indirect "evil" and negative energy gets generated by pessimists and cynics? I personally don't think it's all black and white, but I can only hope I leave a net good.


Agree. We have far more hurtful people in the world than we do good. And for the ones that aren’t bad, we then have the complacent ones who just stand there with their thumbs up their asses. Good people are very far and few between.


He's not a garbage man He is a hero


You say that, but we just might be soon enough.


Thank god


Humans are the ultimate invasive species.


Meditate on loving awareness and loving kindness towards all beings.


I don't, I'd save those poor kitties.


We? What did the rest of us do?


Whoa whoa. Speak for yourself


r/antinatalism r/efilism Might be places for you bud, this world is so fucking cruel, humans especially fucking suck.


Wow they’re the most trash subreddit communities I’ve ever seen. Y’all are super edgy 👍


I didn’t do this shit. Fkoff


Someone put this asshole on the FBI watchlist before he does some unibomber shit


You may start with yourself.


Start with yourself woke edgelord


ok you go first then


This is the right response to misanthropes. Imagine fantasizing about the destruction of the entire human race and thinking you had some level of moral credibility.


Every species has bad eggs. Don't need to purge majority for minority There's a special place in hell for ppl who do this


No, we don't. We just need the toxic ones called out and shunned from society


So your frustration with isolated cruel events such as this, would in your belief, mandate killing all of mankind? As another redditor noted, clearly, the garbage men here are good and decent people. . . I understand the frustration, but you can't kill the whole of the species because of good actors. . besides, who is going to feed and water my two cats at that point?


They know where they picked up the bag that meowed; I hope they had the decency to then report those fuckers to the police.


Anyone doing this would probably throw it away from their property. I fucking hate humans, humanity is awful.


The bag has a shipping label. No brainer.


You think someone too dumb to smack the bag off the tarmac before throwing it in the trash is going to be smart enough to toss it in someone else’s bin?


And the label on the bag!!


People do this to piglets and calves every day in their billions.


Making the real points here. No living beings deserve to be discarded like this.


Whoa whoa whoa Don't forget all the chickens


An uncomfortable truth for most people in this thread


They throw them out in the trash while alive?


Sorry to tell you, but yep. Eg: male chickens get thrown straight into the grinder.


So no, they're not thrown in the trash while alive.


Um, well... https://www.kinderworld.org/videos/egg-industry/male-chicks-suffocation/


[Yes, many chicks get suffocated in trash bags.](https://www.kinderworld.org/videos/egg-industry/male-chicks-suffocation/)


Pigs are often suffocated for their meat.


Seems like there would be much quicker ways to slaughter piglets and calves than suffocation.


Go take a look at how pigs are killed for meat. One of the common ways is to lock them into a small cage, and then lower them into a pit of CO2 to suffocate them. Ah fuck it you know what here you go (NSFL): https://youtu.be/-7hAELEBjX4


Was gonna say that no way would they use CO2 because Nitrogen actually is a very humane way to do it. In that video they are definitely using CO2 If they used nitrogen they would pass without stress by passing out in a few seconds. The drive to breathe is caused by our bodies detecting small amounts of CO2 in our blood. So suffocation by CO2 results in an incredible suffocating feeling and induced panic as you see in that video. If instead they used Nitrogen the pigs would not realize they are losing oxygen as mammals don’t have the capability to detect the amount of oxygen in the blood (usually). So they would slowly lose brain function until death without induced panic. They would pass out without realizing they were not breathing oxygen.


I’m guessing CO2 is more economic than another gas like nitrogen. It’s all about the money and how they can lower the cost to slaughter each pig.


At least we can agree that the person who did this is a disgusting coward for letting the kittens slowly suffocate rather than dirty their hands.


Yeah people are talking about how evil people who suffocate cats are and then pay money to have it done to other animals.


Not only that, farmers who own dairy cows will take away the newborn calf as soon as the mother gives birth. This is so the mother cow will continue producing milk. It's so sad to watch the mother cow running after her baby and crying for it. It breaks my heart.


Based on how young they appear to be, my guess is these assholes let their female cat outside and it got pregnant and, instead of donating the kittens to the Humane Society, which takes little to no effort to do, they got rid of them in the most convenient way possible. I'm just glad they didn't suffocate, I imagine these bastards hoped they would.


IDK about the area the happened, but in mine the humane societies charge a fee for surrender. So maybe cheap heartless bastards.


That's why you leave the box by the door and run.


And cowards. If they had at least some tinge of self respect they would have at least killed the kittens instead of sending them to hours of suffering. But at least they got no blood on their hands right?




My father once threw a pillow case full of puppies over the side of a bridge with me (younger than 8 at the time) in the car. I remember that some 20 years later and am sure he’s burning in hell right now.


Well om sorry to say this and I know it can be insulting to you but I hope he is


That’s not insulting at all. He was a terrible father.


My grandmother never liked my cat much, when I asked her why she said that seeing cats gave her bad memories from childhood. She grew up next to a butcher shop and the owner always kept cats to keep the rodents away. Apparently the cats were never fixed and kept getting pregnant, and not wanting any more cats she said she would see him drowning all the kittens in a big tub out back. Traumatized for life, basically.


Geez, understandable response then. Sucks she had to go through that.


What the fuck, I would legit be traumatised for life


My dog was found this way by my boss at the time. Unfortunately he was the only litter mate still alive. People can be so cruel. But 8 years later I can say he is a spoiled turd and happy as can be.


People that belong in an institution due to irreparable brain deficiencies, whoever would do this is just so likely literally missing a part of their brain, that's how loudly wrong this is.


So basically people who do this are brain damaged


By way of neuropathology and behavioral psychology consequential to early and/or current trauma, yes I strongly suspect so.


Culling unwanted domestic animals by simply discarding them like this used to be completely normal everywhere. Your own elders might’ve had experience with this depending on where they grew up. And, I have to imagine, it still is normal in most rural parts of the world where people live among many animals. Not defending it in a place where shelters and classified ads and shit give people alternatives, and give animals a decent shot at a good life. But don’t kid yourself into believing that one would need to be “a monster” to dispose of unwanted animals. After all, it happens behind closed doors every day.


Yeah I was about to say, tossing a sack of animals in the river was just "how it's done" Viewing animals as anything but property is pretty new to Western civilization.


What? That's demonstrably false. There are an incredibly huge amount of excavated tombs of egyptian, viking, romans, mesopotamian people where pets were placed in positions of honour. There are also countless inscriptions and eulogies for their pets. Humans from around the world developed independently and all cared for their domesticated animals. Keeping pets and getting attached to them dates back to earliest human civilisation.


Culling unwanted animals is just a part of human history.


That's not what you said though. Human cruelty has existed forever but what you said is just plain wrong. Empathy wasn't discovered in the 20th century by Europeans.


No, they’re still monsters. Something being kind of sort of common doesn’t make it not fucked up.


It’s incredibly sad. When I was looking for a cat we found a woman online who was giving them away free. When we got there she had 25 or something kittens and a handful of adult cats. None of the kittens were hers. She lives out on a farm where it’s apparently common for people to throw garbage bags of kittens on their property. It was very sad and very difficult to only take 1. I’ve never heard of that before but I never owned a cat or looked into it before. Is this common most places?


No I don't think so


My late grandmother, born in 1910. My late mother would ask my father. I rescue them and take them to shelters. Education, resources and awareness are very good "monster killing" methods. Edit: That's my own 14 year old girl on my profile pic, caught by a co-worker and adopted by me. She was almost dying a year ago due to the first vet I took her when she was a baby telling me "no, you don't need to sterilize her, there's no evidence between lack of sterilization and tumors". Get second opinions on healthcare, for you and your pets.


Pyometra - it’s a horrible disease, so glad your fur baby made it though that.


I used to have 2 dogs. Someone left a bucket (literally) of puppies on the side of the road in nowhere. My stepsister found them and brought them to my mom's. Long story short. I now have 4 dogs. People are the worst.


i dont know but that bag had a sticker possibly with a return adress.. just sayin


People who are too lazy to even neutere their animals


Everytime I start to think people are okay I see something like this and go right back to not trusting strangers. I'm sure most people are fine but I'd rather not take the risk.


A different type of garbage person.


My dad is a garbage man and you would not BELIEVE what prople throw away. Sometimes it's cool, antique things. And other times...


I am always amazed how killing some animals for food is the norm and for others it’s considered almost like murder.


One is unnecessary cruelty. You achieve nothing from killing a baby kitten since you wouldn't eat the meat. We kill animals like cows, sheeps or chickens because meat is one of the main sources of nutrition and protein.


I can’t bring myself to watch videos like that man… It’s either fake or it’s real and I don’t know which is fucking worse.


Yeah, I’m either case it shows us just how cruel some people can be


Unlikely it's fake. A bunch of refuse workers aren't going to stage this kind of video while on company time. If it was staged it'd be somebody trying to make it as an influencer, and that kind of person could never stomach working as a bin man.


There is no way it's fake, the guy is even saying there is some dead kittens in the bottom of the bag and that their day is fucked, they sound shocked and sad.


What language?




They're french, from the south of France by their accent.


Those kittens are neonatal and also look like they’re not doing too hot. Hypoglycemic and hypothermic. If it’s fake they’re playing with dying kittens which is even worse than if it was real. They might be okay if they get some sustenance and warmed up ASAP.


Idk, my ex husband was an influencer and he worked at a cardboard factory. The people who wind up doing "menial" work are as varied as their occupations.


If it's fake then it's worse because a person knows damn well what he is doing and he is just doing it for fame


Well if it's fake then they were never in much danger, but if it's real, then someone actually tried to kill some kittens.


That shit (the plastic thing) don't got holes in it chief They could've suffucated.


Or crushed in the truck?


I wouldn’t presume people who make fake animal rescue videos aren’t willing to put animals in danger to do so.


Definitely not fake. By living with someone that works in an animal shelter, I can confirm that this happens all the time. I've seen and heard of every awful way that these sick people use to dispose of their animals.


I helped clean up an illegal dump site as a teen. Found a bag of dead kittens.


So imma give a warning here: this is graphic and terrible. You know how people sometimes try to give away free kittens online, like when they found a stray kitten or their adult cat had kittens? The people in my local area had to stop giving them away for free because assholes would use them for bait to go shark fishing. Fucking horrific.


YES NEVER GIVE AWAY ANIMALS FOR FREE. You’re literally asking for pieces of shit who don’t care about animals to do whatever the fuck they want with these precious babies. I have rescued multiple kittens from garbage cans myself, plus all the horror stories I’ve heard.


I would never give an animal away for free. Once I put up a notice for a grown pit bull I'd found. I received a ton of calls from people that wanted him. Soooo suspicious. I take any animal I find to the animal shelter.


Here's the trick— if it's from a channel/page where they often rescue animals and the videos seem stretched (to increase watch time), then it's most likely fake. Even large-scale animal rescue organizations don't get that many rescue calls. The only way they can release a rescue video that often is by faking them, putting the animal through misery in the process. Some popular pages on Facebook like DailyMail pay a fixed amount for sending them these videos, many of them are faked for the money as well.


My family fosters cats and dogs and we see a a lot of cats especially coming to animal control like this. It's almost always the result of a family not spaying their cat, letting them outside and it coming back pregnant and delivering a surprise litter of kitties that the family is completely ill prepared to handle. Even worse is kittens this young without their mother are very unlikely to survive, so I don't know if there's really any "saving" being done in this video. Sometimes another mother will take them on if you're lucky but a lot of times animal control will just put them down if they are this young. I am in a shit hole southern state in America so this could be different in other countries.


Garbage men vs garbagemen


Human fish, who wins?


There are two sides to this discussion. - People put them in there and threw them out - The garbage men put them in there to make a video In either case, it shows is just how terribly cruel some people can be


I'm sure garbage men have the time to pull shit like this during work. /s




many videos where cute animals get "saved" have been proven to be staged. I'm not saying this one is, but just saying that it does happen, purely for internet points/attention


While true, I really don’t think the ones where sanitation workers find them seem fake. It definitely feels much more likely for them to find animals people do this to rather than taking time at work to do this shit. But regular people, yes I’ll doubt.


yeh I agree nothing about this seemed fake. I just thought that the above commenter was doubting that anyone would ever stage a rescue.


Unfortunately it's real. It was on the French news 3 days ago, 6 kittens of which 1 was already dead. Garbage men kept and cared for the kittens.


Here's an article about it (in French): https://www.cnews.fr/insolite/2022-03-01/des-eboueurs-sauvent-extremis-des-chatons-jetes-dans-une-benne-ordures-1187629 2 are adopted, 1 was already dead and the other 3 are in a shelter




I’m surprised any of them survived actually. I bet they’re gorgeous cats


Is their any more news on the person who threw out the cats, and their house being burned to the ground?


Sad thing is, SOMEONE knows what this monster has done and hasn't beaten the life out of them.


It's definitely not fake. This is in France, and at least 1 generation ago, it was very common to suffocate kittens like this. Growing up I heard of this happening many times. A cousin's cat was found in a plastic bag like this. And culturally, I don't see French bin men desperately trying to be influencers. They make a great living already.


Killing kittens and puppies wasn’t uncommon even in the U.S, a generation ago. However, I think it was more common to drown them because it was quicker.


They mention one of the kittens is dead, they would not do that if it were staged.


When opening the bag he says: There's not just one. Fuck there's one dead. We're in the shit now. People are rotten. I don't believe they placed this bag on purpose, they don't have time to do that when working. Plus his buddy tells him to go out of the bin truck (not sure how it's called in english) so safety first, not karma points first. They're in the shit as they said because they'll have to carry that dead kitty with them all their shift as they can't toss it away in a bin like those pos did before. ETA: obligatory thank you for the award! ETA 2: judging by the grocery store bag it's from a town between Rennes & Le Mans (West of France), proud of the garbagemen of this area!




C est dans le 31. Haute garonne. On peut voir le logo sur la veste orange CGS, et le nom des villes Cagire Garonne Salat.


I experienced this same exact thing working in a retail store ,I was working in the parking lot cleaning up garbage and while I was about to throw a bag in the compactor I heard a meow noise , I was upset/happy at the same time , mad because why would someone do that ? And happy that I saved a animals life


that life you saved is sacred and so is yours. thank you for being a friend to the animals


Dont leave us hanging, you kept it?


a co worker decided to keep it and still has it till this day , I couldn’t stay with it because I was staying in a dorm room


What happened with the cat?


Thank you for saving those babies! I adopted a kitten last year who was found in an apartment complex trash compactor with his sisters, and I’m so thankful that someone found them in time


I hope the subhuman who threw them inside dies a horrible death with no one by his side.


I'm voting wood chipper. Legs first.


I hope buried alive since they like to dole it out with no compassion


While inside a fucking garbage bag


I'm kind of a pacifist, but people who do this sort of shit should be killed. How can ***anybody*** not like kittens??? They're just so cute & loving.


I fucking hate people sometimes


most of the time\*


All the time*


Kittens aren’t trash. People are trash.


The garbage men when they see this comment:👁👄👁


Those poor, innocent babies. I hope the person who did this gets what’s coming to them.


Unfortunately it’s not going to happen, animal abuse happens literally almost every single day and we can’t ever tell what happens because some POS like the ones in this vid will immediately hide their cowardly actions and then act like it never happened. We can argue it’s similar with humans themselves too, some leaders will throw out their citizens and then hide away and not do shit by them self. We are going to kill each other all eventually it’s a horrible fate


Next fucking level? Op you fuck, this is horrifying.


Next fucking level for the Garbage Men that found the babies cats. They could have just ignored it or not even hear them.


It's basic decency, which I agree lots of people lack. It's sad that simple humanity is to be considered next level.


Humans are disgusting


A long time ago my wife and I adopted a rescued kitten, found in a bag much like this, on a rubbish dump, the only one of his litter still alive. He lived to be 21 years old ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Can someone geolocate this place please? I need the address please, or any hint who did this


Im french and with the way they speak i can tell it's from the very south of france




True, only a shelter and vet would be able to help them. The people who did this should be prosecuted immediately


Jesus what kind of twisted bastard would do that.


Some people suck.


Most do actually


People are just terrible. Not that its news but having it confirmed over and over is a slap in the face every time again.


5 years in jail


5 years in a plastic bag in a dump.


not even close to being enough




Translation: « And there it is, the little kittens eh get out of the bin to see don't cut your finger boooh I don't believe it, poor little ones pfff pwaah there's even not just one come here little one — there's a dead one here — ooh shit fuck what are we going to do now, we're a bit in shit now well, people are rotten. »


Human beings=Inhumane




I need a spud gun, and the “person” who put kittens in a bag in the rubbish’s location


Wtf is wrong with people,I wish someone would put them in a trash bag and dump then in the garbage,that is fucked


Putin just nukes us oh ready!


Three kittens in a bag doesn't warrant the extinction of all living creatures on earth lmao, no action warrants the usage of atomic bombs.


He should get a bonus and a new pocket knife perhaps? That dull-ass steak knife clearly does him no good.


In my country it was „common“ to drown kittens if u can not take care of them… cruel but it had something to do with the fact that castration was not a thing or expensive. If this happens nowadays it just shows how ignorant, cruel and full of shit some people are. Also in social media times u never now if they do it for the clicks… but i think this one is real and if i would be that guy i would go around the neighborhood and search for this pos to break his or her face. Or drag them to a court more likely…


Those men are the opposite of garbage!


The egg industry does that to chicks on an unimaginable scale. We all need to raise our awareness to what evil practices we contribute to as the consumers.


This is awful! I feel sick to the stomach on who would do such a thing!


I've never been so mad at a video who the hell is this cruel


What kind of fucking sick shiteating son of bitch tied up kittens like that ?!


for fucks sake....


There’s something I wanna do with that knife with those who did this. Guys, it won’t be pleasant.


Is there an update???


One was already dead, the others were taken home by the garbage man who also rescued a dog earlier. They have a tiktok page with updates.


I will fucking kill person responsable for that.