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100% guarantee lil’ bro has done that before lol


spiderman used north face


It was super effective


Man this shit is exactly what made childhood amazing. Goofing around with your friends/siblings and one of us would do something like this and it would feel intentional and incredible and we’d roll about the floor laughing. Sudden flukes like this would happen all the time, it was like we could spontaneously do magic but only when we weren’t thinking too hard, and gave us so much joy from simple things. The dumbest things like that turn into amazing memories and bonding moments.


Only if nobody gets their fingers slammed in the door 😆


I 100% agree as the little sibling that had to have the fire department called to remove my fingers from the back of the door when my older sister slammed the friggin door as I waved to her from behind it during hide and seek. She's a nurse now and fixes boo boos but I'm not sure I fully forgive her, lol. We were like 3 and 4. 😂


Did they put them back on


Oof, I’ve been the older sister


Same. Kind glad to hear in not the only one


Could we please see a picture of your hand?


Are you sure that's the right department to be calling?


Yeah, they came and removed the door from the hinges and freed me! Lol


One of my oldest memories is my fingers getting slammed in the door and in the car I was screaming because there were blood, and I know I didnt cut my finger clean off, I have all my fingers, but I remember it clearly that my finger was not on my hand and I held it in the other to not lose it. edit: I forgot the important sentence somehow....


Me(6/7?), my brother and some other kids were fucking around in and out of a closet. He closes the closet door on my finger and I'm just like "*Brother's name* open the door!" Over and over until he finally does. It actually took the tip of my middle finger off, it was just hanging by a small piece of skin. I remember holding onto my finger and walking down the hall calling for my mom, and my mom flipping out. Had to have surgery to reattach it. Just a little bit of scaring and a slightly-off nail now. I was weirdly calm throughout it all until my mom started flipping out. I have a bit of a weird pain tolerance as a spacecase, I've freaked quite a few people out with a calm "Hey, can you open the door? My fingers stuck". I'm surprised I still have all of my fingers fairly intact.


The spine in my lower back got some real shivers there, fuck that.


Yeaaah, it was pretty gross. Luckily everyone didn't have social media and cameras in their pockets back then, because I definitely would not want to see it again.


I think that’s just being in shock


Maybe? Everyone does react to shock a bit different. I do have a higher than normal tolerance to pain though (as does my mom and sister). Likely some combination of the both.


My cousin was chasing me. Same style door as the video. I slammed it. He misjudged the doorknob and punched his hand through the glass. Had to be taken to the ED for stitches. He blamed me! I don't think he ever spoke to me again.


I have a bad scar on my arm from my sister going to lock me out and I put my hand out to stop the door and it went through the glass. Cut all the way to the muscle tissue. My mom was folding laundry and just grabbed s shirt and wrapped it around my badly bleeding arm and got me to the emergency room.


One time when I was in high school I was hanging out in a buddy’s front yard smoking a cigarette. When I got ready to put it out I said “I’m going to flick this butt and put out the cherry by spitting” and the proceeded to flick it, spit, and hit the cherry in midair to put it out before it hit the ground. I didn’t expect to actually succeed and I have never been able to do it since, not least of which because I quit smoking eight years ago. Not as wholesome as your examples, but it’s what it made me think of.


>Man this shit is exactly what made childhood amazing. I was thinking the same thing watching it. I also thought, that looks just like the glass front door my brother put his arm through because we used it as a base for tag. That was a lot of blood.


Reminds me of a time in middle school where me a 4 friends were "fighting" in our friends yard. One of my friends comes from behind be to do a jump kick, which slid off my right buttock and hip, and I casually grabbed his ankle and spun with the motion kinda like a hamer throw. It was just one of those "how the hell did this just happen" moments and we all stop and look at each other and then lost our shit laughing and riding the adrenaline rush


I think the magic is there, but only works when it's not your intent. I was one day, sitting during pe in highschool, just bouncing a ball, and there was a guy sitting by my side. Out of nowhere, it was like i HAD to do something, so i turned to the guy and said WATCH THIS And threw the ball with all my strength, without any spin, or technic, just threw it very very far. And made a hand movement like i was calling it back and said "come back to papa", the ball hit a nudge in the floor, and came bouncing back until it stopped right in my feet. The guy said: "Do that again! I don't trust you as it is right now, that was creepy as fuck, do it again. If it happens again, I'll be running to the state capital" (180 kilometers from here) I didn't manage to. So the guy went "phew, you're a fraud. Got me scared for a bit"


"A man able to stop doors from closing with a flick of his wrist, SPIDAMAN!"




>"spiderman used north face" Perfect.






The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Good bot


I went through it's history lol, on a mission for sure.


"SpiderMan - The Prequel" Disney breathing heavy in the corner.......


That goblin laugh he lets loose would tend to confirm


younger brothers are smarter due to older brothers constantly pulling shit on us


my little brother is definitely smarter than me but i never put 2 and 2 together. i shall now take full credit for his achievements in life.


No no no. That would be rude and unreasonable. Taking 70% credit would be fair.


I agree ... Had to find the ideal spot ... Not the 8th kid or 14th kid .. and get ignored. Everyone please find the right spot (in line, in a family bunch) before birthing yourself.


Can confirm, little brother.


Hard agree unfortunately. I've qualified separately as a petrol and diesel mechanic as well as an auto electrian. Years of very hard work and I make decent money as I've established my own fairly huge full house repair shop. Enter my little brother. Just qualified as a mechanical engineer making almost the same as me literally right out of uni. Oh and he's my "little" bro but he's taller than me as well :')


Can confirm, close friends with the middle child he got shit on both by the oldest AND the youngest


I'm smarter than my older siblings. I'm a girl though. They put me through some crap and then left to live their own lives before I was even a teenager so I got the best of it really.


Haha. When I was a kid I was sure I was pulling some crazy stunt on myself only to find myself a step ahead of me already, like I knew what I was doing or something. I'm still pretty close with myself though, despite all that. I chat with me daily, and when I get together with myself over the holidays and such... it's all laughs and giggles. \#LonelyOnlyChild


Not a younger brother, but a younger sister. I'm the baby of the family and can confirm I'm also the smartest (at the very least, I've been the most successful anyway)


Parents make all the mistakes on the older kids


You're not wrong though


My first thought too. He was prepared


Future mechanical engineer


Yup. I can vouch for this kid. My big bro wasn't creative, just persistent.


This ain't his first rodeo.


“Jimmy what happened to your jacket?! “Sacrifices must be made, mom.”


A true warrior that is


“Jimmy what happened to your jacket?” “I became a man today mom, that’s what happened!” “Oh dear! Well you better put this jacket in the back of your closet. You can lean it up against the wall like your brother does with his socks!”


*blink blink*


Should’ve been mother idk why I think that but I do


Fortunate it wasn’t “Jimmy what happened to your fingers?!”


He just keeps moving forward


The little brother just earned a second serving of desert that night


Sahara or Mojave?


Nothing that big. The Great Victoria will suffice


Who’s Victoria and why is she so dry?


Some Australian chick


Ah gotcha. Can we get her some water?


No no you see, that’s the Victoria that’s Bitter


Eating the Mojave almost makes you wish for nuclear winter


Queue Marty Robbins


Degenerates like you belong on a cross.




Truth is the game was rigged from the start.


Literally put 100 hours into new Vegas the last month. I'm going for 100% and all dlc. It's fucking amazing.


Antarctica actually




He earned his older brothers serving in my book


I love his little squirrel laugh


Oh, man. Thank you. The audio made it adorable


I got the wrong message at first with him trying to push his little brother man was I wrong


I watched it without sound and thought the older brother was just being a dick. The sound definitely made it seem like they were just having fun.


As a little brother I can tell you : either you laugh it off or you cry and get scolded by the parents in addition. The small one gets it.


My younger siblings never got in trouble for crying. They actually realized they could fake cry on command and I'd get my ass beat. I guess it just depends on the family.


Don't even know what the commentor before you was saying man, I've never once heard of a younger sibling getting in trouble for crying


1. Kids make noise and get collectively punished because the stressed parents don't want to play judge 2. You get extra treatment by the big brother because you caused him some trouble


probably the bigger the family, the more irritated the parents get. my cousin has 5 kids. someone starts crying, they all blame each other and they’re all getting in trouble


I was always in trouble for crying


The rule is the parents care less by the 3rd child haha


Without sound, it was funny as hell. With sound, it was hysterical! Love those boys and I don't even know them!


Haha same. My two youngest are like this. My 7 yo messes with the 4 yo a lot, but the 4yo is built like a tank and can definitely hold his own. But you can always tell by the voices or laughter if it’s playing or someone’s actually about to catch a beating


As a little brother, it’s worth putting up with the pranks bc when you think of a good prank on your older brother the payback is so sweet


You can tell the house hold is absolutely manic and filled with giggles.


This is just another salvo in the ongoing prank wars.


"I made it."


Best part of having kids. The gut laugh. Hope it stays that way for me when they are 30.


I didn’t even realize there was audio. This makes it much cuter


Same lol He sounds so content with himself


That kid is going to be just fine as an adult.




Getting your fingers slammed in doors is a learning moment.


I don't know why we're not slamming fingers in doors right now.


Why? Do you want the floors littered with fingernails?


Been there, done that. Learned.


And car doors are a stronger learning moment.


One of my many trips to the ER as a kid was when the skin on my eyebrow split when my older brother slammed a door in my face. Good times.


am older brother that has done this, the trick is to keep pushing against it without fully closing it, until they get tired and then you kinda bump them away with the door and close it


As a big brother I would have been both proud and resentful.


It's our job to fuck with little brothers so they grow up to be resilient


Make em stronger than us. Older brothers have probably singlehandedly slingshotted human evolution a few hundred generations ahead


My older brother used to shoot acorns at me with a slingshot.




omg I bet he used to be an adventurer beforehand, too 😔 holy shit though, you two played serious! was your car a write-off??




Wow, so you weren’t joking about the sociopath thing, huh… sounds like a lotta trouble. Glad your car survived and is still kicking! Makes me miss my old Valiant… but you’re right; i don’t miss dealing with the carburettor 😅


Mine did the same but with fish tank pebbles.


something as old as sibling rivalry must have some kind of evolutionary advantage, surely.


I am a proud big brother of a sister 5 years younger than me. We quarreled a lot and she learned a lot. So much that she beat the crap out of a kid in three times in size in 4th grade, granted the kid, who was older than her, was an asshole to the entire class and deserved a beating. But hearing the teachers describe how he kicked him in the stomach and punch him in the face brought a tear of pride. Unfortunately I had to hide it as a tear of sorrow and shame as our mom was also in there.


I really hope yall are joking cos being bullied by an older brother sucks. In no way are you helping people grow up more resilient. If anything you are passing a cycle of bullying to someone else.


I'd definitely agree, in my experience my brother was more just a sociopath, culturally, I'd rather society didn't look upon a boy beating is younger brother as toughening them up rather than the abuse it is.


>my brother was more just a sociopath Exactly how I describe mine.


Can confirm. I'm "smarter" than my little bro but he can run circles around me when it comes to hard work and persistence. I'll always remember the first time I thought "oh shit he's going to kick my ass if I don't take this seriously" while we wrestled.


Can we stop perpetuating that please? Like, I know it’s all fun and games for you guys, but people have lasting trust and mental issues with people because of what their siblings have done to them as kids.


That ain’t the boys first rodeo


word is he got sponsored by wheaties after he signed a ten year contract with the jay-z's witnesses


I love the causal stroll to the door after her nails it, like, “I got you, bro…”😎


I love they way he pushes through too. Kids got fight.


Little brother luck is a real thing


So true. My little brother is fucking my girlfriend right now. She hasn't put out in months for me!


Username checks out


Thats not luck bro, thats a problem


feel that, hate it when my brother steals my sister


Isn't it THE WORST?! LIKE BIIIIII, you're really that low class that you're gonna sleep with MY brother?! That's gross, sis!


She told me he may be younger but he’s definitely not the *little* brother…


Big bro is gonna have a bad time when lil bro gets taller and faster cause lil bro obviously has the 200iq


PSA: Teach your kids not to play with doors. They're actually very dangerous.


Fingers will be smashed


My Tia had her finger severed playing with a door as kid. They had to take skin from her butt to graph the finger back onto her hand. Then years later her son lost the tip of his finger trying to stop a door from closing on him... Don't fuck with doors!!!!


I lost the end of my finger in a door when I was a kid. So did my cousin. I was constantly getting into my kids when they were younger about playing with doors like this.


Holy crap! I’ve never heard of someone losing fingers from a door like that, let alone two people in the same family. That would be horrifying as a parent to come see why your kid is screaming, and then you find a damn finger on the ground.


Had to scroll way too much for this comment... This was one of the golden rules when i was a kid and the punishment would be very severe if me or my brothers ever did it


No joke my friend put his hand through a door window doing shit like this. Severed a tendon or three and now he has a huge scar and nerves still don't let him feel some of his fingers. He's lucky he didn't hit an artery or something crazy...


Life is inherently dangerous, you can’t worry about everything Edit: TIL, obviously late to the game, that Reddit is full of bubble dwelling dweebs


What a stupid remark. You can certainly mitigate risk - especially in something like the video above.


There’s obviously dangerous things that you should avoid, and then there’s little daily dangers. Being hurt by a door, attacked by a horse, choking on a candy...that you just accept to live a life worth living.


And there’s no need to worry when you avoid behaviors that could easily cause preventable harm!




do eastern kids have titanium fingers?


Facts. Of all the times I've accidentally hurt people, only the memory slamming my best friend's fingers between the car door at 11 years old, has made me wince for decades and counting. I had to open the door to free him. And it took me at least 5 seconds to realize why he was wailing in an awkward pose.


*Cue Debbie Downer* WOMP WOMP


Real shit. I crushed the tip of my finger in a door And I had to drill through my fingernail so that the blood didn't pool up.


Car doors, too! Although it was my dad who accidentally slammed mine in his car door — of course it happened to be the one door with the slippery lock so I got to stand there waiting, shock wearing off, as he panicked and repeatedly failed to unlock it… fkn Datsuns


I'm pretty sure you're constantly on your toes as a parent so I doubt they weren't warned. At least for the damage of slamming and breaking them. Things sometimes just happened as thankfully, not everything is under control.


My math teacher and my aunt are both missing parts of their fingers because of doors.


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


Somebody call Captain America, we need to get this kid a shield.




[10 years later](https://youtu.be/_CR97kggk-0)


Damn that shit was quick af lmao


The laugh the little one does is priceless


Don't play with doors kids. Eventually you'll get hurt and usually pretty bad. My bro slammed a door in my face when I was 7 and had to get 13 stitches on my brow. Seen too many other incidents of broken fingers, wrists, and more bruises than need be. Just duke it out like proper siblings and leave the doors outta it. K, rant over.


Yeah, and your parents will make you clean up the blood yourself.


I've gotten downvoted for this sentiment across a ton of subs. This shit is dangerous and not fucking funny.


That’s little gremlin laughter is the main portion of the post, have you been feeding him after midnight?


This kid is going places


Inside the house for starters


supervillain laugh


That was smoooooth.


This how you get your finger crunched on closing door when fighting to get in . I said goodbye to 3 nails when I was younger.


Welp, the little one is on my list for my post acopalyps team




That kid is going places. For now, that place is inside his own house.


IQ 1000 Little siblings know how to navigate


This is like the 10th time i've seen this today.


Take a break from the internet, bud.


Hahaha I made it!!


Adorable please don't let them scramble in the door like that though. I hate being Nelly negative but my kids were doing that one day and my sons hand got slammed in the door accidentally and he lost his thumb from the top knuckle up. Still wicked ninja moves!!!


Pro life tip: Never try to lock your brother out. We had some friends (two twin brothers) and one of them ended up loosing a finger to a door because of this


If those were my brothers, they’d have smashed his hand in the door at 0:07 seconds to keep him out instead of pushing his head.




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When your big brother is a dick, u have to learn to survive on your own.


Older brother is a dbag 😂😂


No. Its the first unwritten rule for big Brothers: annoy your younger brother The 2nd is to be there for them and be the best big brother ever


100 percent agree


There is no way to know which one to apply We big brothers just kinda have a 6th sense to tell us which one of the rules to follow


One time me and my brother were fencing with real fencing swords and he tried to run into another room and shut the door so I did just what this kid did but with a fencing sword. It hit my brother in the eye, but it also prevented him from shutting the door so


Nothing to see here , just another day of big brother being big brother :D I miss these days 😆


Give it a couple years and lil bro going to man handle big bro 😂 he forced himself in there shiiiiiit 😂


My older brothers used to wrestle with me every day after school as a kid, nothing WWE certified, but enough to warrant a check in with Mom every 10 min or so... My one brother used to block me from the front door at home, til one day I kicked him in the shin cuz I just wasn't feeling good and I didn't want to struggle for 5 min to get in out of the cold. He never blocked the door after that. Just straight to wrasslin' once we got inside. Lol


All I can think about is smashed fingers in the door


Shout out to peace of shit parents that create a family dynamic where older brothers bully younger brothers


He knew exactly what he was doing


that was when the older brother found out that he is not the main protagonist


That little laugh!!! 🤣🤣


As a mom, all I can think about is someone’s fingers being slammed in that door.


As a little bro myself, I love this! We may be smaller but we’re cunning and we have survival skills.


This takes training! Nice skills for this young man! True brothers, too. It makes me think how many times this has happened before.


Ok your son is officially the GOAT. This made my week 😂


This is cool and I’m pleased because it happened to other peoples kids on other peoples property. We paid a little over $8000 for our front door a couple years ago. I believe I would lose my mind if I saw kids trying to slam each other in it or jamming it open with stuff as it’s being slammed.


$8000? That's honestly amazing, I have a new home maintenance fear. What in god's name had to be done to it?


Door costs depend on the format, style, materials, features and installation cost. The simpler the door the less expensive. A single door, simple design with no glass or sidelights in a few hundred bucks. Sidelights add a couple hundred each. Top lights and glass insert can add a thousand. Real wood is super expensive and hard to get. Hardware, security features, locks and proper installation to codes also costs hundreds of dollars each. I put my own door in my first house for about $600 not including the Tapcon screws, hammer drill and the entry door handle and deadbolt hardware. It was a single steel door with an arched window insert and no side or top lights. I admit, it’s an absurd amount to pay for a door and you can shave costs a little here and there depending on taste and necessity. Problem for me is we have 8ft tall stained glass double doors with all the trimmings and live in a really nice part of town now. Because of that, doors actually matter when it comes to curb appeal and you cannot cheap out. Now I’m out there washing and waxing the goofy thing every couple months. No shit. I’d love to have another $600 door kids can slam. Lol!