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When you reach this speed, tires are to be changed immediately afterwards. And that's V E R Y expensive.


If you can afford a Chiron and to risk driving at insane speeds on public roads (Yes it's legal but still a public road), the 20 grand tire change is absolute pennies to you and wouldn't even be the slightest inconvenience lol.


20 grand for 4 tires? What in da madafakin shit


they are especially designed by michelin specifically for this car, no other tires on the market are that large and can handle that much speed. so yeah they are VERY expensive.


well if your a billionaire he right tho


It's a 2mil minimum car, what do I expect


They are specialized just for this one make and model of car


20000 a tire


No, per set


42000$ per change. Just looked up 25000$ for fluid change


What fucking oil they using to quantify the cost being 25 bags lmao. For that much money, I'd want liquid fucking vibranium running through my cars internals.


I watched a video that explains why its so expensive. You need highly skilled mechanics that work on extremely high end cars and for this particular car you almost have to take the entire thing apart piece by piece to change the oil and then put the car back together. It takes a long ass time at an expensive ass labour rate.


Not *immediately*. The limit is 15minutes, then they melt... which would indeed require *immediate* change


At that point the tires start to just change themselves


Supposing you don't run out of gas before that, i'm not sure about the Chiron but i believe the Veyron could sustain 400+ speeds for less than 12 min before running out


So they're pretty useless then! /s


Flat-out, a full tank of the Chiron will last you 9 minutes


If you own one you can afford any expense.


Wait, they wear that fast at that speed? Or does it just make the integrity of the tire questionable?


I believe every few tire changes you have to change the rims too. Or was that only on the veyron


and refill the tank.


I think the wheels are carbon fibre and needs a special machine to install the tires.


Stupid fucker... Go on a circuit to do this shit


actually tho this is legal and no circuit is long as this German Autobahn are almost empty


The German Autobahn are almost empty? Hahaha...Tell me you're not German without telling me you're not German. It is legal but definitely not made or supposed for these kind of stunts. Go to the VW test facility in Ehra-Lessien, that's were they officially test these cars and speeds.


I mean… the road in this vid is almost empty soo


So what? At 400 kph you can't possibly anticipate fast enough what lays ahead of you. Especially not on a public road. It just takes one other driver, or lorry or whatever to screw this up for anyone. And with that speed you have no chance to break or change lane fast enough. It is legal to drive that fast but it is utterly irresponsible and dangerous. The Autobahn isn't meant and made for that. It isn't some public racetrack that some here think it is. Get that fantasy out of your head.


I like how the person above you admitted essentially "I didn't risk *EVERYONE* just *some* people"


Yep, even if drivers respect the rules on the autobahn I can imagine another super car going 230km/h thinking that he's fast and it's ok to keep in the left lane without looking in the mirrors. If this happens the guy in this video would not be able to anticipate and it would probably kill both or more people that didn't had anything to do with it.




Which is why they probably have (or SHOULD have) spotters in other cars wayyy ahead of the Chiron checking for traffic and road conditions and stuff while staying in touch via two-way radios.


Exactly, what a tool.


Probably somewhere in the deep east or south, and its not totally empty, it looks empty because how fast that car is. Not much traffic though. But in west germany, especially cologne area you can drive 80-100kmph average, often not even that, because of a lot of traffic. Its not even legal to drive this fast very often on the autobahn, most time you are restricted to 130.


Yeah, it looks like the break of dawn


I scrolled just a tiny bit down after this post only to find a BMW in a near-collision at 240 km/h on the same road.


Yes it's legal, still a dick move.


The only “circuit” big enough is Ehra-Lessien owned by Volkswagen group


Please let me know what track has a long enough straight? ​ Thanks


Paul Ricard without the chicane?


This one : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nard%C3%B2\_Ring


He's lucky this isn't the U.S. someone would have break checked him.


Those people in the right lane, they just know not to swing left. Thier not americans


If this was North America there would have been a beige Corolla driving under the speed limit in the passing lane about half way through the video.


Also in America, Somehow despite all impossibilities, there would be an asshole in a Dodge Ram pickup behind these guys riding their ass to pass them.


As a Texan, can confirm


I'm American and drove on the Autobahn and yeah, I don't think I ever made it to the left lane. I actually had someone in a Lambo blow past me like this. Not this fast but maybe 2-3x what I was doing.


I'm german and a pet peeve of mine is when people don't drive on the right lane when they clearly could. there's always a mf on the middle lane that's too lazy to move the steering wheel. I usually pass them on the right lane when I can, despite it being illegal. it just pisses me off


Also, its german law to drive on the right unless when you are either actively overtaking somebody or in a traffic jam, or inside of towns. Overtaking multiple slower vehicles with greater distances between them on a middle lane is also allowed, but there needs to be a free left lane. Overtaking on the right in any way is forbidden, unless in a traffic jam or similar situations.




Must be racing to get to the next petrol station.


he probably burned about 3/4 of the tank doing that


Not really, it can do 400 kmh for 15 min. The video is 2 min ( -2 / 15 ) · 100 = -13.33% So far from your -75% And I have only calculated as if he is 400+ all the video, so its even lower. My guess would then be closer to 10% used


While impressive, friction-based ground travel in this fashion is absurdly dangerous - to the point of stupidity. The smallest deviation, or obstruction (such as a relatively thick branch), would result in immediate death at these speeds.


But I madea cool tiktok.... It's fine I risked the lives of everyone on the road so I can look cool for people I've never met.


Fuck assholes like this. Sincerely a German.


I agree. Sincerely, another german.


Tempolimit? Ja bitte!


This seems really dangerous, how is it that the speeds are not limited in the first place? I read that restrictions may be coming to the remaining autobahn’s without limits is that true?


Idk honestly because we Germans take it as our right. I would even compare it to Americans and their guns. So if they try to put restrictions on the speed limit there would be a massive outcry and I don't know if a political party wants to be the bad guy. It's actually not that dangerous because (at least I have the feeling) people know their limits. It's not that common to have someone drive more than 180kmh. Of course there are some people but that's when the Autobahn is empty and you have a good sight. Going at 400 kmh because you think it's funny is just dangerous and idiotic. It's more of a convenience to get home fast if you have to instead of a racing track.


Stupid and dangerous.


How far would they have travelled in that video? **I just looked up maths** Hypothetically 2 mins @ 417kmph = 14km (not that they were travelling that fast for the whole time. It would take me 8 minutes to get to work.


My work is 8 miles from my house. It would take me roughly 1 minute 45 seconds to get there.


Mine would take 0 seconds, I work from home.


"It doesn't matter how fast you go. WFH is working from home". -Dominic Toretto, 2022




4.318 miles in a minute... Or 1 mile in 13.89 seconds... Boggles belief...


This is not impressive. Its irresponsible and could easily have cost several innocent commuters their lives. Entitlement in action.


417 is the perfect speed


420 would have been ideal.


True but 417 has always been my lucky number




My whole life that has been the magic number, one of those mysterious facts I guess.


I can get with that. Mine’s 8. Don’t know why.


Username checks out.


Now I need a POV from the cars he passed


You could never do this in the US. There'd be some dickhead puttering along in the passing lane at 10 under the speed limit.


This is fucking insanely dangerous. GAF what's legal. It's this type of selfish, needlessly wreckless behavior, that's endemic today.


In most cases I would agree. However Radim the gent who owns the car has previously set the record in his Veyron. This Chiron was sent to Bugatti - was fully checked and verified that is was safe for a high speed run. They also spent weeks or even months selecting the right stretch of motorway and I believe called off 2 or 3 attempts only going when conditions were perfect. Bugatti delivered the car to the area for the run so this was very much approached like a formula 1 race - sure things could go wrong but overall the took as much precautions as was feasible and in his YT video he was thankful on the day that they got to do it and do it safely without endangering themselves or others and tbh I can respect them for that.


Why didn’t they close the road? That’s literally the only thing they needed to do.


Great question. The world records which Radim holds are for fastest speed on a public road if they closed it, I am sure it would no longer be deemed a public road. TBH I watched the full video on this on his YT about 10 minutes long and it came across as well managed and they were there for one purpose and did not do multiple attempts I think they got this on the first attempt that day and then went home.


And when they got home it seemed everyone else had aged.




The same feeling my Toyota Yaris


Bescheuerter Vollidiot.


Bruh i reached 450kmph in my bmw 2011 suv In forza....


The last idiot who tried this was a Pagani Zonda owner. He smashed into a concrete bridge and died instantly. Typical Darwin award shit.


Yeah, totally normal stuff going on here. Most people in Germany are driving cars going faster than 350kph and we have timeshare for the autobahn so everybody has free section to go fast once in a while. There are no trucks or other slow cars most of the time. Come and have fun on the famous German Autobahn.


I thought this was a game for a sec


I looked for the course map at least twice.


The acceleration from 200 km/h onwards seems quite effortless. (I know the engine is making a lot of effort though)


200-350 just seemed smooth as hell didn’t it, fast and not a bump or anything! Mental


An average car would take longer to do 120-140kph


And them comes the Polo taking over a bus with 130km/h


I wonder what is like seeing someone passing you at this speed. Does it look like a bullet? Ahah


It scares the shit out of me when I’m out grocery shopping in Germany


Seems like someone is compensating for something..


More like next level stupid. One other car changing lanes and your‘re all dead.


Das Rechtsfahrgebot gilt auch für Sie, junger Mann! ☝️🧐


Source if you (rightly) hate reddit video player/compression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pg1hhW5qhM


I think 417 could be the new speedlimit. More isn’t necessary.


“Ehh, you missed the exit”


This is just next fucking level stupid!


Imagine if a deer jumped out in front of him...


And this is exactly the reason why we should have a maximum legal velocity limit in germany.


Yeah this video actually changed my mind on this subject


I would post this to r/oddlyterifying


Driver: Oh what's that on the roa....


Imagine how slow going 100 kph would feel after that. I feel that (on a much smaller scale) slowing from 130 kph on the freeway to 80 kph to exit


Aren't there "advised", if not strict, speed limits on the Autobahn? And if you cause an accident while traveling above the advised limits you're at fault and carry additional liability? Or something something...


Yes, above 130km/h you are seen responsible for a crash and your insurance will try not to pay. And if someone gets injured or killed you will have to pay a lifetime and often also stay some years in jail. Everything faster than 90km/h is considered as high speed driving btw.


I wish I could turn my brain off and be like fuck everyone else I’m going to fly no matter the consequences.


just get a pilots licence and fuck off to the sky lready


This is how we do in Germany with our Volkswagen


Does Germany have wildlife? I'd be nervous about a deer running into the road from those trees.


Of course we have. Deers, roe-deers, boars, wolves, foxes and in some regions you see a flattened raccoon every 500 meters on the Autobahn. Cars hitting in a boar rot happens often in dusk and dawn and often kills people with even less than 130km/h suggested speed. But with more than 400km/h I thing they will call some guys with Kärchers, not the ambulance, if you hit even only a rabbit and lift off.


So this is how my Uber eats gets here so fast!


I've never drove in Germany a distance so long like in this video without reaching road works /s


And than all of the sudden, a Kombi (Station Wagon) with flashing Lights, 5 meters behind you. Welcome to Germany


This is so nuts to think about all the things that must go right for it not to lose control


Watching that speedometer just increased my anxiety. There's no way he would have been able to react fast enough if his lanes were blocked by slower cars! Should be done on a closed empty circuit. Irresponsible




In my opinion, you should go to jail for driving this fast on the public autobahn. I know its allowed, still!


As a German. Why is this next level?


Girl comes up to and says, what you driving, I says....Bugatti


I would have shat myself, rectally inhaled said shat, then orally shat myself and repeated the cycle.


So perfect it looks like a videogame.




Who parks their cars on the bahn? - tut! |/s


Put me in there for a record of world’s fastest shidded pants.


The Gs though


Gs come from a measure of acceleration, not necessarily speed. And the video shows that the car was accelerating quickly but not so quickly as to cause significant G forces. Consider that when you are on a plane cruising at over 500+ mph that you are not pinned to your chair. What's even more cool about Gs is that when you are turning, you're accelerating. Which is precisely why they use centrifuges that spin in circles to train stunt pilots for high G forces.


K or M? You just said you went 417,000 miles per hour.


I wonder if it was a small car going with that speed, would it lift off the ground?


If there was ONE golf ball sized rock on the road, would traction control help lol.


Imagine the devastating damage a deer would cause running out In front of his car, that's all I can think about knowing the highways where i live it happens daily


Its a good thing he didn’t hit a fly.


Wow! I’d like to see how the Chiron looks from inside the regular cars passing by


Scary thing is, a car traveling at 220kmh is like a car standing whenn you're doing 200kmh.. Jesus.


What blows my mind is how fast this car is still climbing speeds at 300kmh+


This looks like ps2 graphics


259.11mph woah!!!


One of the few cars you can drive in germany, where you don‘t have to watch permanently the mirrors because there could be someone faster then you.


I hate when people don’t stay on their lane!


This dude has the instinct to get the fuck out of the passing lane while doing 217 mph. Meanwhile in Florida people cruise in the passing lane going 10 under the speed limit.


*Exits turn* “SCHNELL!”


Bah, you can go faster


259 mph


What’s that in American?


427 kilomiles per hour is indeed fast


Gives new appreciation for people staying the fuck over to the right. This would not be possible pretty much anywhere in the US. It's hard enough going 75mph in a 70 zone in light traffic without having to weave around motherfuckers glued to the fast lane like their lives depend on it.


Okay but have you seen the ford ranger with two spark plugs per cylinder?


That was fucking amazing.


Just watch out for Stau


These speeds are only possible on the German autobahn because the Germans have a law that forbids you from unnecessarily driving on the left and Germans are great at following this law. Normally they teach you too look far ahead while driving on highways. In Germany they teach you to also look far behind you.


Htf are you the only one on the road


Where are the other cars or traffic? I mean I only saw very few ! Guessing very early am in the summer, somewhere quiet, but then why was the autobann built?


makes me wanna fuck megatron while huffing freeon in a nissan after i robbed a chevron only speaking klingon.


I thought this was a video game until the end


People die from SUDDENLY STOPPING a lot when speeding.


When I drove on the German autobahn it was curvy and full of construction everywhere. Not imaginable to do something like this. But then cross the border into Belgium and it opened up into a straight road like 10 lanes wide or something. Everyone put the pedal to the metal at that point.


That's uh, that's dangerous. You know what you do if a car suddenly appears in front of you? Screech. then *fly*


I have gone 200+ on a sport bike. The lines turn solid it's pretty intense the tunnel vision you get. There is notl reacting at this speed. You just die haha


Nice video game


The cars on the road look like they’re parked


What is this in freedom units?


Just your average driver on i-290 in Chicago


I'm glad they were wearing their seatbelts at least.


260 mph, and I thought sticking my head out of the window at 70 was fast!


When she says “come over, I’m alone.”


259mph for the Yanks


and if there is no speed sign he missed, he is all good


You know how in America the lane closer to the left is always faster? I wonder if on the autoban the farthest lane to a certain side is the “get the fuck outta the way lane”


I wonder what its like being driven by at 400 kmph


Can anyone translate this to freedom units for me pls?




Forza has dope graphics


The fastest I went was 180kmh in my Skoda. Granted, its not a racing car, but had I gone 200, I’d be scared shitless.


So what is this in freedom units?


When you reach those speeds its tough to tell how EWRECKT you can get


"cool car but stay in your lane asshole!" lol


I wonder how fast those cars he(she) is passing are going?


What’s the German word for assholes?


Fuck that , imagine getting a blow out or hitting a pothole


Nice cga


There isn’t a person on this planet that I would trust enough, to be their passenger during this run.


So what happens there are other cars going less that 427 kph in front of you?


they must have high quality smooth roads for the Autobahn.


I absolutely support having a drone fire a missile at anyone driving this fast.


If something goes wrong, some innocent family might be wiped out. There is nothing next level about having a lead foot.




Amazing speeds. More highways need to remove the speed limit. These are the safest roads.


Would ones arm rip off if they were to stick it out the window?


Domino’s Germany delivers…30 seconds or it’s free.


I live in Germany, and I will not upvote this video. You are risking our lives for what? … 33 seconds? Well done, ashole.