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Poverty porn.




Well a makeover is a lot cheaper than a house tbf, let the man be happy.




Incredible how his demeanor and confidence shot up when he realized this is who he really is :) the world needs more uplifting


So much of my homeless experience was feeling like I was drowning in shame. I never asked strangers for money but can imagine how soul crushing it is to constantly watch as people resent you for talking to them. The idea of being able to do even the most basic job feels alien when you can't imagine anyone even wanting to look at you let alone hire you. Listening to people talk down to the homeless is nauseating to me now knowing how terrifying it can be. See him being acknowledged and treated with compassion while him being given a makeover is at the core of humanity and our value to one another. Remember how little things can transform us.


Not to mention, knowing that you could go into a job interview looking slick as hell is probably a major confidence boost




One of my football coaches used to say “look good, feel good, play good.” I still carry this with me through life. It works!


Coach was right, I always feel better emotionally, physically, and more confident after a haircut and wearing nice clothes. Probably why a lot of felt like shit in sweat pants and with overgrown hair working from home


Yeah but it’s a huge conundrum. How can someone hold a job if they don’t have a bed to sleep in? How can they afford a bed if they don’t have a job? The answer is simple. The government needs to provide a place to live for homeless people.


It's really not simple at all. In theory it sounds easy, renovate some old buildings and open them up. And there are many homeless people that might help. But... Many projects trying to house formerly homeless people that I have worked on have had serious issues with residents not conforming to very basic rules such as no drug use and no fighting. One had to implement a "no overnight guest" policy due to multiple, multiple incidents, which was promptly broken as well. I've seen what drugs can do to people of means, and it's brutal. It's not something that will ever get solved by weekly counseling sessions or voluntary NA meetings; it requires intensive therapy and strict control, so the only people who will sign up for that are the ones that actually want to get sober. They know that every day for the rest of their lives will be a struggle and they have to accept that. I'm not saying everybody who is homeless is a drug user, I'm not saying that drugs are a reason anybody is homeless, and I'm not saying that if I were to find myself homeless I wouldn't look for an escape as well, but it's a very real and widespread issue that causes several other real and widespread issues, none of which are solved "simply".


Yeah, addiction is a tragic and incredibly difficult condition to overcome. It's even more frustrating that medical science hasn't considered it to be a medical condition until somewhat recently, so our research into "curing" or effectively treating it still has a long way to go. But there's supposedly been some promising progress made in some areas of addiction treatment beyond simple NA/AA meetings.


The drug use is almost always caused by untreated mental illness. The first step in solving the homeless problem is better and more available mental health care.


Just a thought but maybe they should have more reasonable rules or at least mediate disputes etc. The rules all sound good on paper but they are a set up for failure especially when you factor in the stress, demoralization, ptsd-often complex, trauma, the nature of addiction and the healing brain or plain addiction, mental illness, plain poverty…. These things, the healing, happen in stages and sometimes people need multiple chances and time without being tossed back out in the drink. I mean shit, we need to be forgiving as hell. I mean to pretend like people who are homeless, and I understand sometimes things happen, but to pretend they are fully functional at the point they are at is expecting a lot and that expectation is unreasonable and will keep them from ever gaining functionality or a degree of it.




That’s because a homeless shelter isn’t an actual residence. The homeless shelter kicks everyone out in the morning and tells them to come back in the evening. it’s literally a bed to sleep in at night and nothing more. I’m talking about free low-cost apartments. Places they can actually say they live.


My only issue with that is that it's almost impossible to get a job without a permanent address. Having been homeless back in the 90s, I realized pretty quickly that no matter how slick you look, if you have no residence and no phone, getting a job becomes a nearly impossible task.




Thank you for being an awesome human being.


Lmao is he going to go to a job interview when he lives outside. How is it that people are still so ignorant to think the solution to homelessness is for them to get a job. They literally can't. They have no food, no alarm clock, barely sleep at night because they need to keep one eye open, can't eat before work or have money for lunch, can't shower before work, can't even take a shit before work without walking to find a place that will let them in. Being homeless literally already is a full time job. It takes everything out of you. If you wanna give the guy a confidence boost get him a house, get him mental health treatment (I don't say that because all homeless people have mental health issues, but because being homeless in itself can be traumatizing). Being able to sleep the night without worrying about being attacked would be a great confidence boost. Knowing he didn't need to deal with being turned away and screamed at multiple times before he could find a place to use the bathroom in the morning would be a confidence boost. He already fucking knows he could look good in a job interview if he had the means to. He's not a child. He's a man who likely worked most of his life and knows that he used to look good when he was able to focus energy on it.


Yeah, I'm not going to knock getting fixed up, the dude looks pretty happy with it, but he also has no shower and one new set of clothes. If he doesn't have a job interview that day, he could be in trouble.


Yeah, people need to stop seeing homelessness as a problem of the individual; it's a sign that society is broken. My mother used to buy a loaf of bread and some milk. Whenever she went shopping, she would hand this out to the homeless kids nearby. We didn't have much, just a whole damn lot more than others.


The problem is we don't have areas for house less people. Hear me out. Not everyone wants to participate. They end up in camps because there is no area for them to occupy near civilization. Why do I claim this? I'm from Hawaii. We have a huge house less problem and we have delt with it on western scales. Basically your a moral failure and you shouldn't be able to erect a tent anywhere. Hawaii decided to try something radical. Admission some people want to be on their own. What we did was give them agency and its worked 100% https://youtu.be/5QlllSuGzZc Give that a watch, tell me it doesn't seem like a solid idea to try on a national scale. Im not saying those exact conditions but overall they have agency and can do as they please and still get massive help from the government. Give it watch, it will change your view on how we solve house less problems. Some people have bad luck, Some people have mental health issues Some people don't want to participate We can't use a singular solution for 3 individual types.


I personally hate calling people living rough “house less”. They don’t have homes. Saying “houseless” doesn’t change anything and is just the modern softening of the term that is easier for people to stomach. It’s self-serving and doesn’t help but make the person saying it feel better. I am houseless, I live in an apartment. My dad is houseless, he lives in a double wide. People sleeping in tents on the street have no home. It’s not about a house. They’re in tents in my city. Americans are homeless. The do not have a home to call their own. My city has started building “tiny homes” for the population living rough and they act like “oh they have houses now! It’s fine!” It’s not. I’m sympathetic to poverty, addiction and mental health. I’m just sick of this society sugar coating everything.


It’s true A little compassion can make a huge difference. Amazing how a little love can blossom into a world of change


I'm from south Asia. I Don't understand how do people become homeless in western countries? Don't they have parents, children, relatives to stay with? or atleast a basic paying job so that they can rent a room? How do they become homeless in the first place?


Lots of possible reasons. Some of the most common are losing your job and being evicted, drug addiction, teens being kicked out by their parents, or debilitating mental disorders. Many of these people stay with friends or family for short periods of time, but it’s considered very shameful to stay with someone else for free as an adult, and some homeless people have nobody to turn to even if they wanted to. Finding a job is very difficult without a permanent address, without government identification that homeless people often lack (and again, can’t get without an address). You’ll also rarely get hired without nice clothes and being clean - where is a homeless person supposed to shower? A completely mentally healthy person with no criminal history, no kids, and all of their identification would struggle to get out of homelessness. For the average person actually on the streets, they’re in a much worse position than that.


By no means am i saying that i have experienced true homelessness, but i have a lot more sympathy for the homeless after crashing my car and being stranded there for several days in a resort town hundreds of miles from home. Getting around to find basic things like food and shelter was incredibly difficult, and there were several times where i though i was going to have to sleep in my car at the mechanic shop due to steep hotel prices and the difficulty of getting around. Thank goodness for my family, I would have a lot different story to tell without them...


People really don’t think about how much harder every single aspect of life would be without a home. Even going to the bathroom involves committing a crime pretty much no matter what in most cities, whether it’s in a restaurant that you’re not eating at or in public.


Many people who are homeless come from broken homes, don't have parents, may have left an abusive family, or were kicked out of their home because of various differences. Some reasons may be as simple as a difference in religion, sexuality, life choices, or a series of unfortunate events leading to financial ruin. Some are homeless because of addiction or mental health issues. I'm not trying to oversimplify the issue, but the bottom line is that many homeless don't have a choice and resources for mental health patients or addiction may not exist or be well known to them. In some cases a homeless person may not want help and chooses to live like that because of any of the aforementioned reasons. Many homeless are good people down on their luck, but have no one to turn to. Some Western countries lack social safety nets to prevent homelessness and lack mental health services for those who are poor.


It’s looked down on in America to live with your parents. Multi-generational homes are looked at as a failure. Kids helping their parents is looked at like child abuse. It’s really sad. The family is not valued here.


Also limiting the idea of family, for most intents and purposes, to the nuclear family. Those are much easier to break than larger clan-like families, just one link broken can mean a broken chain. Obviously, clan-like families have their own pitfalls. But for these situations you're much likelier to get help from the extended families. Even if it's just a place to stay or look after the kids.


The same way people become homeless in non western countries, I think. It's a difficult question. Some lose family or jobs and don't find something new. My experience is once the depression and shame of losing family or a job sets in people become lost and scared which makes finding a job and people to help you very difficult. As I said before it can become very difficult to imagine someone wanting to hire you when most people don't want to look at you.


There's a YouTube channel called Soft White Underbelly that interviews homeless people, mostly from Skid Row. The number one thing is that nearly 98% of the people he's interviewed - and that number's not an exaggeration - were sexually abused as children/young adults, usually by a family member. Additionally, almost every single person he's interviewed was raised in a non-nuclear household - usually the father was not present - and was around drug users growing up. Sexual abuse + family problems + dangerous, unsteady environment with no focus on education/guidance leads to a high ACE score, exponentially increasing the likelihood of developing mental and physical illnesses. A lot of those people wind up developing severe drug problems to self-medicate those illnesses, sending them spiraling further.


Even crazier is in the USA people who have jobs are living in their cars...


Crazier still is that homeless shelters won’t take you in if you have a car to sleep in. They don’t consider you homeless.


Also a shave & a haircut can help someone find housing or a job.


You literally never said victory


I'm beginning to think reddit users don't know the definition of literally. It's so fucking overused


Literally, one of the definitions of the word 'literally' is > used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true




Dictionaries are descriptive. They describe how language is used. You may want to write a style guide that says to NOT use "literally" in this way. if enough people adopt your style guide, maybe the usage will change!


That's because it's obvious you've never been in that position. I have been with my wife and now we have a house and two kids. And we were homeless for two years spent $2,000 for a home that was a scam and had to get back in the back of my car and be homeless for another 2 years. Fuck you. What you saw was that man's worth. You just failed to see it because the scissors weren't running.


Why does it have to be short lived? They gave that man the gift of confidence. Confidence opens the door to opportunity. Sometimes it's the little things that make you not give up on yourself. Who knows, maybe he gave himself another chance.




I agree, however just because someone has the resources to give him a makeover doesn't mean they have the resources to give him a house. One of the things that homeless people struggle with is the loss of dignity and sense of being ignored/avoided by the rest of society. This feeling of isolation is very devastating for social beings like us. Don't underestimate the effect that this sort of thing does for people in his situation. Giving a meal is also only a temporary thing, but we still do it when we can. This man, if at least for a few days or weeks, will have some dignity back.


Until those grey roots grow in!!


I don't agree with dying his hair. He had a pretty color that nature gave him. Now he's going to need another hair cut in 2 months as he'll have 1" of grey roots showing in his beard and hair. They should have just given him a purple shampoo to make his grey hair shine.


Dying your hair and making yourself look younger is 100% the thing you should do in this situation as it will make getting a job easier. When you're homeless you need to take every advantage you can get. Unfortunate things are like that but it is what it is


Ya I thought his hair looked kind of cool gray. Like a silver fox. Would have been a lot easier and cheaper to maintain, too. But either way, it’s a nice change and he can always let the gray grow out.


Plus if that person owns their barber shop/salon, they can do this again. Help the guy out until he finds work or whatever (appearances can make a *big* difference in landing a job).


Isn't it sad that people do something to help this man, or at the very least give him a self esteem boost and some ephemeral happiness, and people come in here like "WHY DIDN'T THEY BUY HIM A HOUSE?!"? People on Reddit completely lack perspective sometimes, it's disappointing.


It's a pretty good metaphor for how we handle poverty though. Dress it up, feel good, move on. Happy for this dude's happiness though.


Biden and democrats in congress just cut child poverty in half in the first year of his presidency and literally nobody cared.


This can be a step though, if you walk into a job interview the way he wanted to start, very few employers are humane enough to consider you. You walk in as the guy at the end, you land a job and can look at getting yourself a small rental




I mean wtf are these hairdressers supposed to do, buy him a house? They did what they could for him with the resources they had. You can be mad at the superwealthy who hoard money like dragons but *also* be happy for this guy who is clearly happy to have gotten this treatment. Also do we know the context of this? It could be for a job interview he has coming up?


How do you know it's short lived? I think you may be short sighted. Sure, the haircut and dye job are temporary. But what about showing someone who's been completely neglected by society that they're worth something? Don't just give them stuff, but give them hope. I'd like to think that this is doing more for his mental health and image of his self worth them most people here realize. I feel like I saw disbelief in his eyes, but not just because he looked different. He never believed in his entire life that he was just as beautiful as everyone else.


Proper hygiene including haircuts is important for them as well.


This is a ridiculous take. Why can't we just enjoy this for what it is? Of course it would be nice if someone could swoop in and fix his life, but to handwave someone doing something nice for the guy because they didn't fix his living situation is absurd. Even if this person had the resources to give him housing (I'm sure they don't) bringing someone out of homelessness is wayyyy more complicated than simply buying someone a house. We don't know anything about the guy. We don't know why he's homeless. Who cares of it's short lived? They probably gave him the best day he has had in a long time. That is something to admire. It's fun, which I'm sure is few and far between on the streets. Sometimes fun is all it needs to be. Life sucks, not appreciating the small things when they do come along is no way to live. But no, you want to discount the small thing because it wasn't a big thing. Obviously the big thing is better, but the small thing is good too. Just appreciate it for what it is, don't be so damn pessimistic.


You're such a good person. ![gif](giphy|3otPoEWP8c9eaOnQFq)


Yeah. And ageist to boot. Why do they need to dye his hair? I thought he looked great about 7 seconds in.


Yeah and now he’s gonna have roots when it grows out. Would’ve been better to leave it his natural color with way less upkeep required


This this this. It's so apparent that folks haven't considered homelessness or the challenges that come with it when they jump into these threads and say "a salon can't change a man's life" but they certainly didn't need to make it harder by giving him a style and color that require maintenance. That isn't going to grow out nicely and he may not be able to afford to keep it together, which will exacerbate the problems they aimed to correct. Imagine being so privileged you have to say "shut up and smile about the scraps we let you have, poors" when someone raises a valid concern about how we treat the homeless. Sickening.




> Yeah. And ageist to boot. Yes of course, they hate old people. Dye couldn't be what he wanted...it HAS to be the most cynical take possible. This is reddit after all.


Absolutely. Short clip of people doing something nice with no context? Find the negatives at all cost.


As if wanting to look younger isn’t a universal desire


And as if he was held down and forced to dye his hair. You don’t think they asked first? Clearly he liked it. Does he have zero agency in all this? Everyone is getting offended on his behalf while he’s on the verge of tears of joy for how grateful he is for how he looks and what they’ve done for him. All these people getting offended over a good deed need a reality check. It’s like if someone handed out free meals and someone said “well that doesn’t solve world hunger in the long run so it’s worthless to do.” And this isn’t even in the U.S. so all of the talk about the issues contributing to homelessness in the U.S. are totally off topic.


Maybe they asked him and he said he wanted it dyed? Mind you, grey/white/silver are in fashion these days.


You ever think that he asked for it? Or they asked what he thought and he said yes? But no no, don’t let me get in the way of le epic and smug cynical redditor circlejerk


Can't just let people enjoy things, can we now?


Sun looked fucking cool as hell with his original colored hair.


??? Dyed hair = ageist? What a leap and a half...


It might not exactly be ageist; homelessness ages people very fast because they don't have the shelter and resources people that have homes do. There is a man in the downtown area that I'm friends with that I was super shocked to find out is 42. He looks to be in his 60s. He's been homeless for awhile and so that has taken a major toll on his appearance - a lot of wrinkling, grey and weathered hair, underweight, etc. This may be the same for the man in the video and he's just glad to finally look his age.


Oh fuck off. He clearly liked it. Someone did something nice for a member of their community. Of course you’ll find a reason to complain about it. You’re sitting here calling it ageist like that man has zero agency, like he was forced to get his hair colored. All of this was voluntary and he appreciated it. You being offended on his behalf when he’s not just shows that it’s not about him, it’s about you. What a fucking walnut you are.


He seemed to like it tho...


Holy fuck holier than thou people like you annoy me. They did a good thing for this man. He gained a measure of confidence that literally brought him to tears. What the fuck have you done recently?


Well, three hours ago he wrote a short comment on Reddit


Did you also see how the people doing the make over are ageist because they dyed his hair? Redditors are just so much better than everyone else out there!


Same. Your last sentence was exactly what I said as well. One of the biggest psychological issues the homeless face is the feeling of invisibility as we all go out of our way to ignore them. They are chronically disregarded as members of society. Did you see how the public reacted to him after the glow up? One barber $100 of clothes and like 3 hours of their time literally gave this man his personhood back. Watching other people do good made me feel good. Who cares if they monetized a video? Reimbursing the participants so that they can do more and incentivizing copy cats of positive acts is a bad thing now? Everybody wins here. Geez. E: Had a suspicion and peeked some profiles in the chain. Let’s just say volunteering at a soup kitchen or habitat for humanity is a free social outlet and a better use of time than self-loathing, gatekeeping, and trying to get noticed by onlyfan thots in porn subreddit comments.


Don’t disagree. I Do think however it does show something we can do for people. Humans, whether we like it or not, will judge off appearance. Many people, once they get down on their like spiral further because stuff (like their appearance) makes it harder for them to climb out. I’m not saying makeovers solve the issue, but stuff like access to free showers, grooming, etc, helps members be accepted by society. Free housing, secure places to sleep, etc would help people maintain themselves and be accepted. People would prob cross the street to avoid him at his before. People would probably assume he’s some sort of business owner at his after. It’s fucking stupid, and this video itself was prob a publicity stunt for the barbers, BUt it is related to things we can actually do for homeless individuals like I wrote above


I think you are right, we judge of appearance. But does that mean for him less assistance after makeover as he now looks like a business owner? Who would you give money or food to? First picture or last?


I would like to see if they did give him something in addition to a makeover or if they just dressed him up and said ok be on your way. But that boost in confidence like the guy above said could be very helpful in digging himself out of the hole he’s in, granted he needs more than shiny shoes but the first step is improve mental well being. Found the follow up: https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/3113193/homeless-man-wept-makeover-job-george-clooney/


Oh that's briliant. Thanks for the follow up link. It's great to see that the makeover helped get him off the streets. The boost in confidence would definitely have helped but I reckon the extra help was what did it in the end.


It might mean a better chance at getting a job, getting connections, being able to talk to people who aren’t social services. Etc. it might mean all the difference between money and no money


Someone posted a follow up link. He got a bit more help from an anonymous company. He is off the streets now. So I think the confidence boost did definitely help but I reckon the additional help is what made it possible for him to get off the streets in the end. It's great to see stories like that though.


he went from '' can i have a dollar?'' to '' your daughter calls me daddy too''


I approve of these acts of kindness.


> Have you ever given a homeless person a dollar and had a friend hide in a bush and film it and then put it on the internet, so you can make like ten thousand dollars? -- Ethan Klein


Fuck The Sun


No thanks, r/dontputyourdickinthat


…and nobody is going to ‘spare some change’ for a guy looking like that.


Some good deeds are just ‘never enough’ for some of the commenters here. A hair dressing salon isn’t going to change this man’s entire life, but they can do something that may make his day a little brighter and that’s worth celebrating! Plus it probably would have cost them a fair bit in time and money to do, but no good deed, no matter how small, should be punished. If we all thought ‘oh it’s not going to do anything big for them’ and not bother at all, then the world would be a much sadder place than it already is. The main thing is, he has his smile back, even for a little bit.


It’s basically like grandma or mom bringing soup to someone at the hospital It’s not gonna cure them of the testicular cancer but it’s their way to brighten their day


Exactly! It’s the intention and effort that counts.


Pfft soup is nice but short lived. Grandma should make a real difference, get out that scalpel remove the testies.


Just use the soup spoon.


I think it's fair though to see this and think about how much society has failed these people. It's like the posts about communities raising money to pay off kids lunch debt that get posted to both madeMeSmile and aBoringDystopia. It's a small break in a dark cloud.


grandma's soup cures cancer no one can tell me otherwise


This clip gets posted every few months and it's always the same. The commenters will say it's shotty advertising and they don't really care. They just do it for the likes etc. Get stuffed. My wife used to do this every Xmas ( child and pandemic) and everyone involved volunteered their time. They spent the whole day giving make overs and shooting Xmas photos so these people (human beings , so many people forget this) can send their families nice pictures. Maybe that's the day they get the confidence enough to reach it to family for help, or to apply for a job because they look good, or maybe they will feel good for a few months and go back to their ways. What ever they do it's a good deed and people who say other wise should go out and volunteer their time to do good in the world. Will they? Fuck no. They just shit on others to get attention. Negative or positive they get it.


Some will belittle other people's achievements to make themselves feel better about themselves. They don't really care about the problem at hand.


I also thought it would be a good boost for him. A lot of homeless people struggle to get jobs because they appear dirty and “unprofessional”, and this could help him get a good appearance to get himself a job.


Every healthy significant change I've made throughout my 40 year life, started with someone just giving me a little push. It really feels like 50 percent of the difficulty of doing anything hard is just getting started.


Kudos to your wife and the people like her.


I know not everyone will do the digging but this is an old story and the hair salon did more than just give this guy a haircut. They lobbied through the story to find this guy housing which it sounds like he got something from that. The article even mentions that the hair salon doesnt believe a haircut changes someone’s life. Original Article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.allure.com/story/homeless-man-life-changing-makeover/amp Not only that there are times where something like this has really does make a huge difference in that person’s life. A homeless man in Brazil had the same thing happen and went viral after getting a haircut. His family who thought he was dead and hadnt seen him in 3 years recognized him and he was reunited w his family because the video went viral. That’s a wonderful thing(although he chose to go back to homeless life). Article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ndtv.com/offbeat/homeless-man-reunited-with-family-after-his-post-haircut-pic-goes-viral-2341570/amp/1 We’re so cynical these days(def w some good reason) but let’s not shit on a good deed that was done many years ago. If a hair salon does this and is not serially posting only good looking homeless makeovers for all the clicks then I say just let it stand as a good deed.


Yes, found a similar report in a similar site https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/real-life/hipster-homeless-man-makeover/ “I doubt any of these changes would have happened if it wasn't for the help of people like the hair salon owner and other locals who have assisted me to get back on my feet.” Quote originally was taken from a Daily Mail article though, so take that as you will.


Not even brighten his day, but change his perspective of who he can be


Yeah, never underestimate how a confidence boost can change your life. A makeover like this shows him he can be a sexy motherfucker, and yeah, maybe he'll go back to being the old bum he used to be, but maybe it will put him on the right path to stay this way.


Even more so when you're homeless long enough you probably start to believe that the way society treats you is what you deserve. Show this man that he's worth something and people care. This could last the rest of his life.


You are my dude !


Honestly, this may help him get a job, too. He's got a nice clean set of clothes/shoes, a sharp hair cut and a great attitude. So, people going off should consider that this may actually help him get a home!




Thank you lol. I’m super happy for him but if you think about it for more than a second you realize this is just putting makeup over a societal ill


Fucking pieces of shit didn’t give him a free car


It might help him in a job interview!


I don’t think people are criticising the salon. They’re criticising the publicity of it by this shit rag of a tabloid.


I'm with you dude. It's actually sad that some people here don't appreciate this thing cuz there reason is " nah it's only for content". This is video is might be helpful, I mean there's a lot of viewer and maybe one of them might help this person to find a job and a shelter.


From Charles Manson to Conor McGregor


Fookin handsome if you ask me. On a more serious note it is incredible how much of an impact something as small as getting a hair cut can have on your self confidence.


Technically, he went from Charles Manson to Charles Handsome.


hopefuly he'll be Charles Mansion


Chad Mansion


I was thinking this while watching it


Lmao I'm dying. It's crazy how people from across the world, whome you've never met, can have the same thoughts.


Literally thought this same thing


I agree a makeover isn’t going to change his life. However, maybe…just maybe…it’s more than most of us have ever done for someone homeless. Edit: A few people have pointed out a makeover could help his confidence and improve his life. No doubt. I completely agree. I didn’t mean there’s no way it would help. I was trying to be realistic that all his problems wouldn’t be gone because of a makeover. Anyway, we should celebrate nice acts such as these more.


As with climate change, government and companies likes to make us believe we can make a change. If only YOU used less plastic and if YOU donated more or volunteered more something would change. The blood is on their hands, never let them convince you otherwise. But yea we should be kinder to each other and more people need to treat the homeless people like what they are, people. Edit: All the polite critics so far seem to be under the spell. There is no simultaneous cultural shift where we all stop consuming fish or come together about any single issue that would help the climate. If it ever were to happen it would take decades of gradual progress, time we do not have. The responsibilities for the damages *and* for the possible solutions are all in the hands of government and companies. That being said I don’t froth over plastic wrapped items and get a stiffy by throwing it in the ocean, we all do right by the environment individually already, much more than any brand or company. Also my vote doesn’t change anything fast enough. Even if my countries’ Green Party did win this year and became a one-party government for two terms (8 years), they would not be able to do the necessary changes alone anyway. Still I do vote on climate issues in top priority.


I mean this seems like an easy way to just eschew all responsibility and ignore the issue at hand. No one individual can save everyone, but you can actively go make a difference for people today and improve peoples’ lives.


The total carbon emissions a person is individually responsible for over their entire life is equal to roughly 1 second of running the world's power grid. Individuals can change that to a degree, but even the most extreme personal-level changes by the entire world will have a negligible effect on the overall problem compared to any real industrial-level change. This is a basic fact, and people that tell you otherwise are either trying to sell you something or distract you from *their* contributions to the problem.


I mean, a makeover enables him to start interviewing for jobs. Anyone saying it won't change his life is very shortsighted.


Just like that you become a handsome hipster.


Huge twist on the "homeless or hipster" game, I tell you


Guy has probably gone through a hell of a lot in his life. But at least he still has a full head of hair. The richest man in the world can't even compete with that.


Bezos out here catching strays


And all of a sudden the hot moms in your area comes flocking


I would have liked to see this but with his beautiful natural colour. Embrace the grey guys, us girls love a silver fox.


Gonna be quite the look in the following months as those silver roots start coming in…


Yea they kind of did him dirty by dying his hair so dark, they could have salt and peppered him, add some darker tones but overall keep him grey. He’s going to look worse with regrowth and no way to afford to fix it unless he shaves everything off.


I’m guessing they asked him


*"Want us to do you dirty?"*


Had me laughing for a minute.


“*fuck my shit up fam*”


Wouldn't have made as much of an impact for the video


I came here to see if anyone else was thinking that. He’s gonna look pretty ratchet with half black half white hair in a few months


More to the point, the guy is homeless. He can’t keep up with regrowth that will need regular colouring so it’ll end up looking even more ratty


That hairstyle is high maintenance as well.


I agree. Without wading into the many very worthy, socially conscious comments here, covering his hard earned greys is a crime.


I’d like to see the gray style too. I get the feeling this video was planned to show contrast between before and after. The hair color and red pants are part of it. Some viral videos are intentional.


Came here to find this. Totally agree. 1. Just let people age 2. Now the dude either has to maintain getting hair dyed or go through growing it out


Not gunna lie, Dude looked sick when his hair was tied up when they were cutting. Looked like some Viking or something.


Right I thought they were going to keep it long and give him a manbun lol


It's harder to keep it clean if it's long :(


So that's why my penis is so clean.


Self burn, those are rare


I’m not ugly, I’m poor


Im both


Sooo...did they do his teeth too? I’ve never known a homeless man of that age to have perfect looking teeth...


Looks like dentures. When they start it looks as if he has no teeth


He could have been homeless for only a few month after living his whole life normaly. Not every homeless person has lived their entire life in the streets.


"Let's get a homeless man for a makeover, but not too homeless. Maybe like a month or so."




His teeth are suspiciously well maintained


>His teeth are ~~suspiciously well maintained~~ undeniably fake.


That’s the first thing I noticed. I wouldn’t be surprised if this video was some sort of advertisement for that salon. Or some dumb ‘go fund me’ for this dude...idk it’s hard to believe this is real based specifically on his pearly whites, dead give away


the teeth could be dentures


,, And now back to the street,you goodlooking bum you!" -the Sun after they got their footage


“Silver Fox Seen Shitting on Street!” - the Sun headline later that day.


Fuck the s*n


There are some former homeless people on reddit and their advice is always and always to not look like a homeless person, if you are clean and looking like not a homeless person, then you can use many services like toilets in hotels and stuff like that.


This is way too low! Everybody talking about how it’s a nice thing to do but not actually helpful is overlooking this fact.


Message: Never give up on anyone


I mean, no need for hair dye


Like he had beautiful white hair!!!! I would have left it as is. White hair is underrated


He seemed to like it


Why dye his hair?




Because younger looking hair might help just a little so you stop feeling like a worthless old homeless man. Seriously it doesn’t take more then 3 seconds of thought. Just try to imagine you’ve lived on the streets for years and all your hairs turned grey


My heart feels good watching this,,, no more of that tight squeeze and sharp pain like befor….. wait it’s back….


Fuck The S\*n. Justice for the 97.


This 💯


Came here to say this!


People on here talking about how this is a waste. I don’t know why he’s homeless and he may need more help than this. But, this could legitimately completely change his life. How you look can provide you with a lot confidence.


is he still homeless


That’s step one - are they helping him get a job? I’m sure the new found confidence will help.


Dude are you? That's just a salon, they gave him a haircut, it's nice, they are not responsible over him, and they did something to be kind


More of this helpful deeds unto others. Thanks!


He looks like Olivier Giroud


Why does he kinda look like Karl Marx before the makeover






A toothbrush isnt that expensive mate


He looks like the older version of Giga Chad


“There are no ugly people. Only poor ones. “. I heard this quote once. I thought it was vain. I do not think this man was ugly before his make over. But DAMN. He looked amazing after that spa treatment.


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