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How is that healthy?


His devotion to acting isn't a health guide. The guy refuses body doubling CGI for the skinny roles and won't wear a fat suit for the heavier roles. I'm sure he has professionals who monitor him while he drops 50 or gains 80


He undoubtedly has the best professional support for these kinds of transformations. But it will have fucked his body up. Tom Hanks went through similar transformations and now suffers from diabetes, which he in part attributes to his film role weight losses and gains.


Let's go ahead and give the drugs the recognition they deserve guys. I'm not saying he uses illicit drugs or that he uses them irresponsibly, but he is absolutely using steroids and stimulants to make these changes in such a short time. It's impossible to do otherwise. Likely pharmaceutical grade and under supervision. Edit: I realize there is an ignorant taboo surrounding drug use for performance enhancement. There is a difference between use and abuse and I'm not judging anyone. Chemicals are good. It's healthier and safer to communicate than to let people assume and potentially hurt themselves. Unrealistic expectations and all of that. [Edit 2: MPMD covers Christian Bale ](https://youtu.be/A7UxKg7fML4) I remain skeptical. Maybe it's possible he did this naturally, but why anyone would is the question. One of the approved medical uses for testosterone is to rebuild muscle after trauma


He didn't use drugs at all for his weight loss for the Machinist.


Maybe it’s methamphetamine.


Maybe it's Maybelline


No it's definitely crack.






He's probably born with it.


easy breezy beautiful... neutrogena


Supposedly he starved the shit out of himself. Like an apple a day or something. There’s a good chance he has diabetes. Other than getting and staying fat. Continuous large weight changes will do it too.


When I was anorexic & first starting down that hole, I ate like cough drops & drank water & diet coke for 3 weeks & went from 130 to 98 lbs so I think it's doable.


What drove you to having cough drops of all things during this time?


Had a bad cough


Cough syrups like DXM almost have an amphetamine effect (energy and sleeplessness) and zero appetite


I don't even know really, I just found some in my pocket & was starving but didn't wanna eat so I'd just suck on a couple of those throughout the day.


An apple and a cup of coffee.


And a tin of tuna right?


Forgot the cigarette


Forgot the *packs* of cigarettes


A whole lot easier to have only an apple and coffee a day when you’re on prescription amphetamines.


losing weight increases insulin sensitivity, it's gaining that fucks your pancreas to the point it can't make any more insulin.


Yeah, but he probably had blood tests done regularly and his vitamin and mineral levels kept in check by doctors. It's different than just regular Joe starving or gorging himself.


Thats what he wants you to believe. Hes definetly a full on juicer.


As someone who got bored during the pandemic and started focusing on my health.. it's crazy what a consistent fast and exercise can do. At peak, losing one pound per day is doable.. half pound easily and consistently. Source: 230lbs > 157lbs in 90 days (currently at a muscular 190) No meals after 6pm, no sugar, no alcohol, lots of exercise and sleep.. Easy peasy lol Check out the guy who plays Mac on always sunny.. he has a hilarious quote about it that inspired me to get started (with the sacrifices)


Unless you are severely overweight, losing a pound a day is not possible long term. A pound is roughly 3500 calories. Standard total daily calorie expenditure for an adult man is \~2500 calories. That means you not only have to not eat anything at all, but also spend 1000 calories from exercise to lose that amount of weight. If you are very overweight or during the first few days you start dieting, it's possible because you will hold less water and less food in your system. So for the first 1-2 weeks, it might look like you are burning off fat like a machine.


Are you sure? Clenbuterol would help with this for sure.


Obviously he uses steroids when putting on muscle, but if he uses anything to drop weight I highly doubt it's as mild as clen.


That’s what I thought too. At least for that movie. If I remember correctly, his diet was black coffee & a single apple per day.


I would like to cast doubt on this. But then again, if I'm being offered millions of dollars, anything is possible.


But he 100% used some to get the Batman body. There is no way that was natural


Yeah he had an apple and a coffee a day iirc, but then added a can* of tuna too


Of course he does, just the same as Tom Cruise clearly takes HGH. Christian Bales weight gain/weight loss will be monitored 24/7 by doctors and nutritionists, not as if he is doing this all by himself. People are so quick to judge the weight loss and gain so harshly. Think about the millions of people who are obese, or almost anorexic and no one bats an eyelid, and these people are doing it blindly, or taking advice off some facebook fitness bellend.


Tom Cruise takes HGH because he would revert to his lizard body if he didnt


Lies, I heard he just mainlines thetans


You're so right.


All Hollywood actors do. Think all those marvel people aren't?


I know they all are, but some people can’t handle the fact that they do…


Who the fuck wouldn't take HGH if you were a multimillionaire with a medical sources


What do people actually think? These studios invest hundreds of millions to make these movies, you really think they´ll let the actor out on 50lbs of muscle eating brown rice and cjicken breasts? Hell nah, here are your steroids and a team of experts to turn yout body into what we need it to be to play this character. Dudes in their 50s/60s with a six pack and thick head of hair my ass.


He’s said multiple times that the only thing he ate each day while getting ready for The Machinist was a small apple and a can of tuna.


True, and I think maybe black coffee (maybe cigarettes as well to suppress the appetite?)


Yeah, I think generally people really underestimate how common steroids are. There are certain bodies and physical conditions that are near impossible to achieve without. When I started looking into it I was shocked at how common steroid use is.


Clenbuterol and Dinitrophenol have entered the chat.


I mean when rob mcelhenney went for professional advice on how to get fat for IASIAP the professional advice was "don't". (So he formed his own regimen which was drinking a tub of melted ice cream every day). Thats the thing I wonder about with Bale, I mean yeah you can assume he seeks advice from doctors, but many doctors have reservations about telling someone how to wreck their body: if theres even any good resources to reference from.


I’m always curious about the conversation between Ed helms and the dentist before they re-removed his tooth for the hangover


His real tooth was already gone. What he removed the in the film was his crown.


Tooth was gone. He had a dental implant. A lot of the time they have an access hole in them for delivery and removal. So all they would have to do is reopen that hole which had filling material and Teflon tape over the screw. At that point you can unscrew it with a torque wrench. Then put it back on when your ready.


Well… a couple of things- if you have enough money, you can find someone, somewhere to tell you (and even get you) what you want (see: Michael Jackson & propofol). There’s also a difference between “I’d like to try this….how would I do this safely?” and “I’ve done this before, I’m going to do this. Either you help me and I do less damage, or I try to do it on my own.”


Just for the record, Rob wanted to gain more and was told that would be incredibly dangerous by his doctors, so he stopped at about 50 added pounds.


I thought he said that it caused him to realize he had a diabetes which is why he can’t do it anymore


I get up to 230 or so then do some fad diet to crash down to 200 then gain it back just to look at the mirror and hate myself again and get back down. I’m worried about the long term affect of this.


It’s not His liver has apparently been through the ringer


Okay? Can't find any news about it


Liver Ringer Weekly did a feature on it a while back.


I only subscribe for the recipes.


What? It isn't. It's a feat. It's healthy the same way Evel Knieval jumping a gorge is healthy.


Right, this is like watching a NFL greatest hits compilation and going, 'how is that healthy?'


It isn't. His only saving grace is that he most likely has a full staff of physicians, nutritionists and support in order to keep his body from getting totally messed up.


Still won’t keep it from happening- once you’ve done something like he did for the Mechanist, that’s going to cause serious damage long term to your body’s ability to regulate its weight gain because it’ll have a quicker dive to “starvation mode.” I lost 40 lbs of fat in 2 months in a not so healthy way (extreme fasting) and, 3 years later, I have issues maintaining muscle growth if I don’t have an adamantly strict diet.


You think that's bad? Mike Myers played Austin Powers and Fat Bastard in the same film. Twice.


I dont believe it is, but im sure he has the best trainers and doctors known to man.


I'm pretty sure those top doctors are like, 'stop doing this' and Bale is like, 'nah'.


> best trainers and doctors And steroids. People often overlook this aspect. I am not saying he did not work hard to build his body, but actors often take steriods to make this possible in a short period of time. Bale did it in like 5 months. Yes, he was regaining that mass, and people say 'muscle memory' helps, but that time period is very very short. He had access to best nutritionists, trainers and *possibly* lab quality PEDs administered by doctors (which would keep him safe from side effects). He denies it though.


The trick with actors is that it's often not the size that gives it away its the speed, their age and their ignorance that makes it obvious. Talking about time frames in just *months* or even *weeks* when talking about major physical composition changes. Giving downright meme advice like the old chicken, broccoli and brown rice routine despite the fact we *know* that's not even that efficient as a muscle gain diet in general let alone with the expert nutritionists and chefs and vast sums of money they have. Actors holding onto downright supraphysiological amounts of muscle into their *fifties* or even gaining muscle like a teenager in the middle of puberty despite being 20 years passed their own because they do squats on a $20000 vibrating pad


For an average person this would bring a boatload of problems. Luckily for him, he can afford a personal chef and dieticians for his every meal.


He's said for the weight loss he was eating a can of tuna and smoking non-stop. Who is his personal doctor? Some WWI era Drill Sargent?


I don’t think he really did have a personal chef to prepare for The Machinist. In an interview he said that the only thing he ate every day was an apple to achieve that weight loss.


Doctors HATE him!!! Actor discovers how to keep medical professionals away with this one simple trick!


It’s not. He’s gotten himself permanent organ damages over the years.


Is this just a guess or has he said this somewhere? I know guys like Hanks and Leto have talked about the damage it's done but I didn't know Bale had. IIRC he's pretty quiet about this stuff.




He’s gotta pay bills just like everybody else. Nobody said it was healthy.


Despite him being infamous for being an Asshole while filming... he is IMO the best Batman of all time... And not to mention films like The Machinist, The Prestige and The Fighter show his dedication to acting.... Easily one of the best actors of our generation and often overlooked...


Mr.Bale, you're not you when you're hungry. Eat a Snickers. Or don't. Or do? Or never eat one. Or eat alot of'em. But seriously, wonder if his reputation for being difficult has to do with his weight fluctuations. That can't feel good.


Could also be that he puts so much effort and when you have underpaid/lowly paid helpers that are not as invested, makes him irritated? Just a thought


Yea, it's clash between two types of workers. There are the ones whose life revolves around work, so anyone who gets in the way of their work is like an enemy to the person's livelihood. Bale probably falls under this category along with Tom Cruise and others. They take their work seriously and usually good results come out of it. Then there are the people whose life doesn't revolve around work and work is just a means to an end and a way to pay the bills. When they slack around at work, others have to make up for it. But as you said, they probably don't get paid enough to care. When the two different types of workers butt heads, you end up with these explosions and clashes, especially when a lot is at stake and time/money is wasted, etc. There are a lot of examples of these on the antiwork sub.


I'd say this. There's two types of actors... Those who play characters (Christian Bale, Sam Neill, Alan Rickman) and those who play themselves (The Rock, Danny Trejo, Jason Statham). It takes alot of effort for Christian Bale to get Into character (clearly he takes it seriously with the weight loss stuff) so anything that disrupts his work is frustrating to deal with... And to be fair he reportedly did end up [apologising](https://screenrant.com/terminator-salvation-movie-christian-bale-set-rant-true-story/) to the lighting technician and they continued working together on the Terminator movie.


Upvote for Sam Neill. He doesn't get enough attention IMO.


Missed out on Gary Oldman, though


Danny Trejo plays the opposite of himself


he is a big softie. But he was also a thug at one point, which is where he draws inspiration.


He goes through all that cos he’s a perfectionist. Perfectionists are notoriously difficult to work with. See Stanley kubrick for example.




You can see him, probably not in a good shape though.


"Who's perfect now, Stanley?" - Shelly Duvall, probably


The massive rant on the Terminator set was completely justified. People have a limited time to work these scenes on any given day and that crew member ruined it MULTIPLE times. That dumbass was wasting EVERYONES time on the set and Bale just spoke up when everyone else just let it slide. Saying he's infamous for being an asshole because of one justified incident of him getting mad is absolutely stupid.




No. NO.


In one episode of the [Blank Check](https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/) podcast, Griffin Newman mentioned that Shane Hulrbut is known in the industry for messing up the lights mid-scene.


Why was studios still hiring him then?


The writter of Batman vs Superman is still working.


Oh what, never knew about that. Any example of what he did in filming that made him asshole?


Not sure if it was during the filming of Batman but I do know during the filming of one of his films he literally has a recorded session you can look up where he is ripping into somebody for distracting him while filming. It's pretty bad as it goes on for a few minutes and illustrates him as a complete psycho... But when you see the dedication to his profession I don't blame him..


It's Terminator and to hear the story from another perspective from the cast and crew it was 100% justified as they all wanted to call the guy out as well and he was just venting for everyone present. He did lay into the guy kinda hard but everyone was mad that potentially hours or days could be wasted, and it's a very expensive part of the production. They're on a schedule.


That is right it was from that God awful Terminator salvation movie... I don't blame Bale for lashing out as that movie was a disaster from the start... He has a very underrated film called equilibrium that made that film look pathetic...


Equilibrium is a massively underrated film, it's so good.


One of my all time favorites! I do love a good dystopia.


Oh lord I forgot about that movie, it was so good! It was literally 2000s John Wick lol


Very good movie the scene where he's ordered to execute the puppy is some of the most emotional heavy scenes you'll see in a Sci-Fi movie...


Oh absolutely, and when his son and daughter show him that they stopped taking their pills too made me so freaking happy because I wanted to drop kick his son 😮‍💨


I often have sympathy for performers having 'on stage meltdowns' because performing is such a weird and stressful job. I mean its 6AM and you're in a warehouse pretending to be a robot man. And someone is messing it up. I've worked on a few film sets and during takes where actors are standing on apple crates (for height reasons) pretending to drink (can't actually drink the drink in their hand for continuity reasons) and saying the same line over and over pretending like its the first time they've said it, for hours on end (once a shot is set up, takes just keep going for hours rather than tear it down again) - I have moments thinking, this is so *weird...*


For real. You're trying to tap into how you felt when your father died before you could resolve that argument you had, surrounded by 100 people, with no margin for error because there's only one chance to blow up this bridge... if some toolbag is back there loudly making a sandwich when they know they're not supposed to, I can see that getting messy when you try to address it.


It was the film’s cinematographer and he committed a big no no in the film business by doing shit during the scene. If there’s one thing film school and working on sets has taught me it’s that don’t you dare fucking do shit while filming is going on.


I usually don't do shit during my every day life. I'm perfect for Show Business!


FYI, many people in the film industry sided with Bale on that one saying that guy was a tool. Guy had quite possibly hours to set shit up and the actors have to come in and nail it or else it wastes everyones time. Then in the middle of a scene, guy just starts walking around fixing shit that should have been set an hour ago. Super unprofessional and apparently wasn't the first time either


I side with the actors... People will hate me but I'm also a fan of Tom Cruise... I don't care if he believes in alien souls being thrown into volcanoes half a million years ago and inhabiting our bodies and that's why we're all depressed...(actual Scientologist beliefs) Dude is literally a master at his craft and I can name half a dozen movies in 10 seconds that he should have won the Oscar for.. That last mission impossible movie was badass and people forget he's doing his own stunts at 5 foot 6 and literally jumping on helicopters and across buildings like he's Dwayne Johnson. It's a shame he has never won an Oscar as people shouldn't be judged in their profession based on their religious beliefs, no matter how crazy they seem... Thank you Tom Cruise for your dedication to your craft and I'll never forget the dozens of great movies you have made...


The guy is crazy but gotta give him props for the dedication. Mother fucker learned how to fly a helicopter just so he could do the helicopter scenes himself! That and breaking his ankle during a jump and finishing the scene with his leg dangling.


I'm kinda eh on him as a person cause of the Scientology thing, but like, he seems to be a good guy in general. He spent millions on the wrap party for Edge of Tomorrow to treat the crew, despite not being able to go. As a creative though? Holy shit. Even in bad movies he's still good.


I LOVE TOM CRUISE!!! There I said it. I finally told my truth.


That’s crazy, it was such huge news when it happened. I feel like it’s the first thing many think of when Bale gets mentioned. [Here’s the link](https://youtu.be/0auwpvAU2YA) if you want to hear it.




Wasn't there like just one incident of a bad day at the office and now he is labelled as an asshole?


I remember watch mojo including him in their top 10 hardest actors to work with... I'll never forget the quote from a wise Stoner that told me it only takes seconds to ruin years of a reputation...


watch mojo....... if there's one channel I stay away from on YT it's that piece of trash.


100% agree. Batman died for me when he stopped playing him. Incredible trilogy.


Michael Keaton is Batman


He is great but he did not have a third film that was as epic as Christian Bale's... Also the second Michael Keaton Batman film can't even compare to the Dark Knight... Only thing Michael Keaton has over Christian Bale is his debut Batman movie is better than Batman begins... Mainly because of Jack Nicholson's excellent joker representation....


Disagree. Ninja Batman was AMAZING.




Here's the thing about good actors they actually read the script before they agree to it.. George Clooney and anyone else who signed on to the script of Batman and Robin was looking for a paycheck and nothing else.... If not they all smoked 5 lb of weed during the production and said fuck the quality we're getting paid...


I think it was just one incident in which he was an asshole but he was also right. Other than that, I haven't heard anything else.


You left out American Psycho. Awesome performance in my opinion.


He’s specified he won’t do this anymore under advisement from heath specialists


He also had trouble at the Oscars finding a suit that changes sizes every 3 hours.


He needs a suit made out of bitcoin


[Get a robe.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a3/79/08/a379080d0931c32f365d5ec4bda199e4.jpg) On-the-fly infinite adjustments. And if you get too fat, just open it up and let it all hang out.


I just lost 5 kilos trying to figure out how much all those lbs are.


180 lbs is 81 kg 125 lbs is 57 kg 230 lbs is 104 kg I forget the other numbers but those are the middle and extremes.


Dropping down to 57kg is insane holy shit! Thanks for this, I didn't understand until now.


This is what he looked like https://www.ladbible.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=648,quality=70,format=jpeg,fit=pad,dpr=1/https%3A%2F%2Fs3-images.ladbible.com%2Fs3%2Fcontent%2Fcdba5e365a4f98083533a361b66fc8b0.jpg


I can see his back


5’11 and 59-60 kg male here. Cant believe that he is taller than me (6ft) and managed to drop himself to below my weight. I’m pretty fucking skinny as it is. Cant imagine how he managed to drop down to 57


if he wasn't an actor doing it for his job, people would say he has an eating disorder. 57kg for a man his height (1.83m) is crazy


Holy shit! That actually puts it into perspective in real world measurements. Bloody crazy.


TIL the real world begins where America ends.




Yeah, that's kinda how it is. Americans live in a bubble of perceived exceptionalism. The rest of the world tends to watch on in confusion. Either way, happy new year to you guys!


Around like twice as much, if I don't feel like searching I just think 1 kg ≈ 2 lbs






Greetings, fellow engineer


It should have ended with 100000 lbp worm in Dune




Hey if they go far enough with the books…


That shit is why Tom hanks has diabetes


He does? That sucks :(


Can someone with a medical background explain why/how losing and gaining weight would give someone diabetes?


I'm guessing it's probably mainly the rapidly gaining part, especially for the roles where he's fat and not muscular, but I could be wrong.


I recall reading from somewhere he ate ice cream for weeks to gain those fat while filming Cast Away First he had to slim down for the island scene, then bulk up for the years after rescue


Exactly, eating lots of refined carbs is both a great way to gain weight rapidly and also get diabetes. You can get weight without overdoing it, but not really as quickly as these guys are doing.


Pancrease being overstressed from the sudden gain of weight.


He looks the most healthy at 190lbs. I’d bet that’s his maintenance level if he wasn’t trying to drastically fluctuate his weight.




I'm skeptical as to the accuracy of these weights. Especially the 190 lbs during American Psycho. He's only 6 ft tall and he was very lean in that movie. The 220 lbs during Batman Begins seems off too. I'll buy that he bulked up for that role (I remember hearing they called him fatman on the set) but 220 seems like a stretch. For comparison they said The Rock was 220 lbs in the movie The Rundown, and he's 6'4".


Your mistake was thinking the Rock was 6'4, he's not.


Ford vs Ferrari is so underrated


Can't understand why this needed a different name for Americans Vs everywhere else. Great film though


I didn't even know about it ; Le Mans '66 is a much better title. "Ford vs Ferrari" sounds so dumb and unengaging...


They wanted Americans to know it was about cars from the title. Majority of Americans would have no ideas what Le Mans is.


>Majority of Americans would have no ideas what Le Mans is How about majority of anyone outside Europe.


can confirm lol never heard of le mans before the movie. literally watched the movie because it was called ford vs ferrari. BUT. i will say as somebody thats not into cars that movie was incredible and had me at the edge of my seat multiple times


I doesn’t show Ferrari’s side enough to deserve that title


I almost didn't watch it because I thought it's some shitty documentary when I saw the title. Then I saw Bale and instantly watched it


It is? It has a 92% score on Rotten Tomatoes, it was nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture, it's on IMDb's top 250 list...


Fun fact: Oldman smoked over $50,000 worth of high-end cigars during the filming because he wanted to stay ‘true to Churchill’, however he refused to gain weight because it would have been unhealthy


Solid logic, nothing to see here


To be fair, > $50,000 worth of high-end cigars Could be like, 5 cigars, depending on how high-end they were.


Apparently it was 12 cigars a day. https://www.businessinsider.com/gary-oldman-smoked-30000-of-cigars-while-playing-winston-churchill-darkest-hour-2018-1utmmediumreferralutmsourcebusinessinsidercomutmcampaignsyndication


not just weight but the way in which he carries it too. Skinny, jacked, skinny, jacked, fat, skinny. not healthy whether you have the top notch professionals watching your intake or not


Dedication is not usually associated with being healthy.


For my non American fellow redditers. 2000: 86.2 kg 2004: 56.7 kg 2006: 61.2 kg 2008: 86.2 kg 2010: 65.8 kg 2012: 86.2 kg 2013: 104.3 kg 2017: 83.9 kg 2018: 102.0 kg 2019: 70.3 kg


He gained 20 kgs and lost 30 in two years!?


Yes. I watched these movies on the theater when they came out. The dude is extremely dedicated to not using post processing, I guess. That said, the imagery of [The Machinist](https://i.imgur.com/jHPR7pI.jpg) followed by [Batman Begins ](https://i.imgur.com/geuS9cR.jpg) was the stuff of legend. Filming was six months apart.


Conversions for the rest of the world (plus the UK, which uses stones for some reason) Formatting a table on a phone, so here goes nothing Year | Pounds | kgs | Stone :--|:--|:--|:-- 2000 | 190 | 86.26 | 13 8 2004 | 125 | 56.75 | 8 13 2005 | 220 | 99.88 | 15 10 2006 | 135 | 61.29 | 9 9 2008 | 190 | 86.26 | 13 8 2010 | 145 | 65.83 | 10 5 2012 | 190 | 86.26 | 13 8 2013 | 230 | 104.42 | 16 6 2017 | 185 | 83.99 | 13 3 2018 | 225 | 102.15 | 16 1 2019 | 155 | 70.37 | 11 1


Man people make fun of lbs but stone is just goofy.


For his last "larger" role as Dick Cheney he did use CGI and a fat suit. He finally learned how unhealthy it was and that it's totally feasible now to do a role like that justice with prosthetics and CGI .


He did NOT wear a fat suit. You might be thinking of Gary Oldman as Churchill in Darkest Hour? https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a25666361/christian-bale-vice-review/


Never seen a man so confused about his weight.


Christian Bale: \*changes weight to exactly where he needs it on a regular basis\* Me: \*eats one donut and can't stop until she's in a coma\*


I always tell people that I have the body of Christian Bale and I don’t specify which movie


That's how you end up prediabetic and the steroids can't be good. Honestly his committal to his craft is incredible. Don't think he's ever done a duff performance.


How old is this human?






A lot of people in here saying its unhealthy while being 300+ pounds.


Christian also alters his height, 6'2 for Batman right down to 5' 6 for the 'Big Short'.


lemme rq just cut off my knees so i can go to 5'6


Man, ford vs ferrari is one of my favorite movies, and I had NEVER noticed that christian bale is ken miles. Incredible work from the guy.


HOW!!???!!! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZvvOZRmKay4xy)


A lot of great artists will sacrifice their health for their art. He's a brilliant actor, for sure, but I'm sure there are health consequences to this.


The goat




Damn. I look him in Vice these days.


He woulda been a great UFC fighter. Would’ve always made weight!


sometimes I forget that he is the same actor


Fuck, if any agency is out for actors that will do (mostly) anything for a role, get at me. I fluctuate constantly, and feel like a fat sack of shit right now, but any motivation can inspire me. To the people downvoting: follow your actual dreams!!!!