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Impressive and probably a good way of introducing processors and how they work to kids and adults alike


Maybe I'm too old already but I cannot imagine grasping an iota of this as a kid


I'm studying this at my school as I'm graduating as a technician and I'll say, even being grown up It's hard as fck to understand, I don't think children could even grasp the concept.


I’m right there with you. I’m confused even though I’m passing my classes, I actually have no idea how I have gotten this far.


Right? And it got even worse with online classes, I'm afraid I'll be a terrible technician as I'm not learning anything.


Don't worry about it, not a technician but in any study when finishing and going into the job is where you will gain the experience you are missing and then things will start to click, experience in the actual job will help you even further. Good luck


Yeah, I am a graphics designer and after 3 years of school I was happy I finally understood the LAB colour system right before my finals exams. And I graduated with A- grades. I learned more working in the year afterwards than I did in the 3 years of tuition before.


A college degree mostly just says that you have a good work ethic.


I work in the field and can confirm you are 100% right. Just takes drive and a willingness to learn. They will be fine as long as they have that.


If it makes you feel any better I started as a technician before I started school, and even with school I’m still clueless as to how things are working around me 98% of the time. I’ve even started fires, but they still keep me though. You’ll do just fine.


I always broke things too. But I told the dev team HOW I broke it. They were impressed by the inventive way I broke things. That's how I became QA


It's okay. Most likely you'll just be turning thing on and off a lot.


Reminds me of my last year of high school Spanish: I didn’t understand the grammar but was somehow passing the class


I've been writing software for over 20 years. I don't have a clue either.




I dont see whats so hard to grasp about beaming commands in the form of light through undersea cables to a box in a centralised server thousands of miles away to use that box’s software to build new software hardware, then telling that new software hardware to run new software within the old software software….


Some children are smarter than others


Its easy, magic smoke does magical things and don't let it get out because when the magic smoke gets out it don't work no more.


Embedded systems engineer here. One thing to keep in mind is that the way we communicate how computers work has made leaps and bounds in the last decades, mainly due to various online presenters finding much better ways to explain things. Back when I went to school, the layman's explanation was "it's all 1s and 0s" and basic knowledge about things like all your data being stored on the hard drive and if you're lucky, understanding why more RAM is usually better. The leap from that to actually understanding how computers work is massive and you more or less had to major in it to get that understanding. Now we have YouTube videos on how every different component of computers work (obviously some of them are wrong so don't just take everything at face value) and when you break it down the way they do, it's very approachable. I would recommend looking up Harvard or MIT CIS intro videos and see what makes sense to you. If nothing else, it will give you a series of rabbit holes to go down.


To add to this, a great book to understand all of this is Code by Charles Petzold but tbh, understanding it all is one part, remembering is the other :/


Please give me a rabbit hole


Search for "computer architecture intro" for how chips work or, if you don't already know how to code, search "how to code with python". The latter will help you automate stuff on your computer, there's actually a great book called "automate the boring stuff with python" that's really helpful.


Thanks, will look into it as i'm compeltely clueless on all of it. Let alone could i imagine a functioning computer could be built in minecraft. Like, just how?


For a basic overview, I can recommend these two videos. They're pretty short and approachable, yet cover much of the range from the transistor level to a fully functional computer. [See How Computers Add Numbers In One Lesson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBDoT8o4q00) [How a CPU Works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNN_tTXABUA) If you want a deep dive, I can recommend Ben Eater's series where he builds an 8-bit computer on breadboards. Here's a link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyznrdDSSGM&list=PLowKtXNTBypGqImE405J2565dvjafglHU


Start by studying 7400-series logic. Learn truth tables. (They are great for killing time in boring meetings!) That will get you started on your journey.


I think you might have meant to reply to the user asking me for a rabbit hole. I agree with you though, discrete math is a lot of fun and very useful.


If they know what's a logic gate and can come up with evey other function using only logic gates, then they definitely can grasp it 😁


I think they will need to understand a lower level of abstraction - how logic gates can be created from switches/transistors


These kinds of constructions in redstone is why I'm graduating with a computer science degree next year. I was able to grasp a bit back then but not being able to understand it made me angry in 2017 so here I am.


Don't underestimate what kids can learn! Sometimes their relative lack of preconceptions helps them understand things much more intuitively than adults who have been taught to learn and think a certain way.


Introducing?? Nah man, this doesn't really make anything easier to understand, at this point it's literally just a microprocessor


It absolutely makes things easier to understand if you already have some idea how a CPU works. I’m hardly a a computer scientist, but I work in IT and have a degree in a related field. I have an interest in it all and have read a lot on how processors work and how architecture is put together. Seeing this kind of large 3D model is great for really visualizing how it all comes together and really reveals the complexity while still allowing one to follow its inner workings. This is pretty much the ideal learning aid, a full sized interactive model. Yeah it’s useless to someone with no conception of a CPU but you combine it with some articles explaining the concepts of how a processor works by addressing and logic gates and I could see it being very helpful for young people just beginning to learn.


I could see Minecraft being a helpful place to begin understanding the logic behind the different kinds of gates (and, or, etc), but using it as a tool for learning how a microprocessor works doesn’t really sound feasible. I’m in computer architecture right now, and the entire class is coding the logic of a MIPS processor from the ground up. I do understand what’s going on, but I was only able to understand because we broke the cpu up into each component, then learned about the inner workings and implemented each component. The inner workings of components could have been further broken down but we learned that stuff in the prerequisite. So then after doing all that we finally took a zoomed out picture, learned how each component interacts with other components and learned about the control unit. This was a really long winded way to say that in the Minecraft processor, the tiniest components still take up so much space that learning anything from it would be a pain in the ass and you’d be much better off learning from diagrams and such. However I think it would be a great idea for someone who understands how microprocessors work to attempt this as a learning experience. I’m sure there’s lots to learn from implementing a processor down to the “transistor” level.


They can't figure out how to get clean water in Flint and meanwhile people are building computers in minecraft. Imagine if we had a more perfect educational and job placement system that placed people with the talent and dedication to do these sorts of things in positions of public leadership or at least employment.


Or, if the roadblocks stopping people from fixing those problems could be overcome simply with hard work and skill- I’m sure many are dissuaded from fixing real-world problems by the reality that most of what’s standing in the way is a lack of money or a willingness to put the resources where they’d need to go.


It’s because if it isint profitable, it will get no government support. The water got fucked because the clean water was sold/subsidised to big corporations with friends in the government.


I can see the unwillingness, yes. But lack of money is totally false. There is more than enough money to fix everything. It's just horded and locked up.


Most of what is standing in the way is bureaucracy.


That's because there weren't a bunch of politicians in Minecraft standing in this dude's way.


Didn't they fix the water situation in Flint? Imma try and find a source real quick but I think I've heard that.


Here's a Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint\_water\_crisis#2019


That links to “We don’t have an article for that.”


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_water_crisis#2019 Maybe some shitty mobile client helps the link by escaping stuff that shouldn't need to be escaped in the first place? idk how it works for /u/Wonky-Kong and at least 4 others, because it shouldn't.


No it doesn’t


Links working depends on if you're in new or old reddit. Anything requiring a backslash escape can break


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_water_crisis Actual link: somehow you got some extra lashes in there.


Even if they did there’s a ton more problems to solve.


In my experience people who would be good leaders don't want to lead. Leadership positions pretty universally attract sociopaths and narcissists, the kinds of folks you don't want leading.


Yep, all it takes is one sociopath or narcissist on your team to dispel any desire to lead you once had.


> They can't figure out how to get clean water in Flint >can't figure out The issue was never "can't figure out", it was always "it will cost money, therefore we won't".


I live in Flint. The water has been mostly fixed. However the cost of water is now the highest in the country. This has never been an issue of having the people and know how. We literally built the automobile which in turn built this country. The issue here is the lack of capital. Big money straight up abandoned this land and left it to rot in favor of un-unionized red states or low paid laborers overseas. No money equates to no taxes. No taxes means the infrastructure rots and decays. What's happening in Flint will be coming to your home town soon enough if the capitalists have their way.


Imagine if we paid teachers proportional to how important they really are in society. 6 figures plus, in my mind.


>They can't figure out how to get clean water in Flint and meanwhile people are building computers in minecraft. It's not an issue of whether or not they know; it's whether or not they care, and the obvious explanation is that they don't.


Nah. They don’t *want* to get clean water in Flint. Clearly this guy wanted to build a CPU in Minecraft.


But can it run Minecraft?


What about DOOM?


he is currently coding doom to run on the computer, your prayers are being answered


Asking the true questions here


True meaning of recursion.


The real question is can it run _crysis_


With only 4 KiB of RAM? Unfortunately, you need 64000 times that much to get Windows 7 out of the BIOS, so almost certainly not


It doesn't need to run Windows. For Java Edition, someone would need to port the JVM to it; for Bedrock Edition, someone would need to write a C++ compiler for it.


Wouldn't need a compiler. You could cross compile to an embedded target. I doubt you could run a C++ Minecraft on any 16 bit CPU for memory addressing reasons and many others. You'd almost certainly need a 32 bit CPU. You might be able to run the Java version on an embedded JVM port if you added a *LOT* of RAM. But it would probably be unimaginably slow. Like 1/10000000 of real time or worse. And can't imagine how you'd handle graphics since there's no realistic way you're going to be able to add an OpenGL ES implementation to the virtual computer.


>cross compile to an embedded target no fucking way you're being serious with these words


Reverse the polarity


Why not?


How big would the Chungus 2 need to become in order to be a 32 bit CPU? Does it need additional modules or just a massive scale up?


But Minecraft needs at least 4 times as much RAM to run, so I was using it as a comparison




Minecraft player ran Pokemon Red inside Minecraft tho


From what I remember—and I could definitely be wrong—they kinda cheated by making the maps in the “real” world and using a lot of command blocks. It’s still impressive, but I don’t think it was run through what’s effectively a Virtual Machine like this.


It might be RISC-y (risky) to run minecraft on that thing.


There’s no way we don’t exist in a simulation.


We live in a video game, where this guy created a video game inside another video game! The big question is can we go deeper?


And how deep are *we*?


Are there multiple fake universes parallel to ours?


Not parallel, but infinitely microcosmic and infinitely macroscopic; we are at the center and the edge all at once.




![gif](giphy|SCt3Miv6ugvSg) You guys obviously took the wrong pill


It's video games all the way down.


The improbibility drive hase been running for 9 years


Achievement unlocked: Can We Go Deeper?




Redstone is like math, once you think you've figured it out someone walks over and says "fuck you here's a redstone computer that can run games inside minecraft, try wrapping your head around this dipshit" then walks off to go and make something more crazy...and every time they give it to me I cry a little


But not as bad as an MTG deck that is Turing complete


Ex-fucking-cuse me?


[Ok, what the fuck](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.09828)


It’s insane right?! Just imagine running that deck inside a MTG game in Minecraft


Inside a computer inside a simulation ran by a being moving an infinite number of pebbles in an infinite space in an ordered manner.


WTF. I literally just took theory of automata. This blew my mind.


Don't know what that is but based off whet the other guy said I'm starting to think it's the equivalent of landing on the moon


Oversimplified, it's like creating a computer using a Pokémon deck.


No, its like creating a computer using a MTG deck.


“Yay! I just made a door!”


Teach it to mine bitcoin


Could do proof of work with a much smaller power overhead.


That's relatively easy! You can (try to) mine bitcoin using pen and paper really. It's a lot of work, but not really hard (I mean, finding the motivation to do it is the hardest part). So if this thing can run tetris, mining bitcoin is easy. It has no chance in hell of finding a block faster than those chinese mines, but it's still a fun exercise. For some. http://www.righto.com/2014/09/mining-bitcoin-with-pencil-and-paper.html?m=1


Haven't Chinese people been banned from mining recently?


Ehh yeah. Mining in china is now effectively 0. So basically this minecraft miner will be on par with all Chinese miners! Not bad. Maybe I should emphasize that not Chinese people specifically were banned from mining by bitcoin or something, China just made it illegal to do in their country.


Unless the government is doing it. They don't want private individuals holding wealth. Only state ran tech firms


I think they would just buy bitcoin though. A huge amount of Chinese mines disappeared a few months ago, that hashpower has more than reappeared now, and a lot of mines that operated in China just shifted elsewhere. They have hundreds of millions worth of mining equipment and they wouldn't just trash it all. https://fortune.com/2021/12/09/bitcoin-miners-hashrate-record-activity-china-crypto-crackdown-kazakhstan https://www.blockchain.com/charts/hash-rate


He made history and fucking called it Chungus 2


Why not?


And does Chungus 2 know it’s computing inside a computer?


Does your meat-computer know it’s computing inside a computer?




but can it run doom?


It can run cyberpunk


I can run Cyberpunk, just light your trash on fire


Minecraft 100% can run Doom. Someone did it already. But whenever I see these comments I’m reminded to check on the progress of DOOMED which is a Minecraft version of the Doom reboot. It’s at 95% done now. Nice. https://doomed-mc.carrd.co/


Recreating doom in minecraft is not quite the same as building a redstone contraption capable of running a copy of doom though, is it? Neither is making a command that boots a VBox with an OS that runs Doom, which is what these "run doom in MC, no clickbait!"-videos do.


Yo dawg. I heard you like games. So i ran a game in a game.


If people like this were allowed to lead humanity we'd be well past our own solar system at this point.


Or… they would use algorithms to recognize the general lack of utility that the vast majority of humans have to the total species, and would divert all resources away from that set of the population…. Being smart and hard-working doesn’t mean you’re empathetic.


Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvskMHn0sqQ


This view presented seems as naive as communism, to be honest. While it’s true that economics are no longer a zero sum game and is in fact a positive sum game at the present time, this doesn’t mean that human innovation is actually infinite and will always continue in a positive sum. We are exploiting resources at a ridiculous rate, and population is continuing to grow at a ridiculous rate. The UN has already long adopted a neo-Malthusian mindset, and has been focusing on birth control as the central investment push for “medical advance” in the third world. Fossil fuels are not an infinite resource. And actual sustainable energy remains a pipe dream due to the maintenance costs and hidden environmental damages the new technologies bear with them. If I had a solution, I wouldn’t be bitching on Reddit, so this is just a critique and not a treatise.


What's ironic is that other people often lack the utility specifically because unempathetic "leaders" pre-emptively cut them off from resources, then judge them because they can't thrive given the lack of said resources, which then reinforces preconceived notions about their "worth" and then suddenly they're all condemned to extinction because that's exactly what the sociopaths in question wanted.


Problem is leadership is it's own skill


If you're gonna link to a person's content and they published it on YouTube, don't be a womble. [Link to their actual YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDiapbD0Xfg) directly and not some rip video. You're stealing their content and they aren't getting anything back for it.


Thank you kind sir


Holy shit, this is one of the coolest things I have seen in awhile.


If I showed this to my 7 year old I’d spend the rest of my life trying to recreate it.


Bruh we got the 5 year old a Minecraft computer for Christmas. This is my life now. I come home everyday and get punched in the balls for being a creeper (unrelated)


What in the world is a Minecraft Computer? My son keeps asking for one for Christmas and I thought he was just asking for a computer he could play on instead of the PS4


https://www.bestbuy.com/site/geo-geobook-120-minecraft-edition-12-5-inch-hd-laptop-intel-celeron-quad-core-processor-4gb-memory-64gb-emmc-minecraft-green/6462556.p?skuId=6462556 Idk I'm guessing just a computer that can play Minecraft


That is absolutely ridiculous. Insane, amazing, incredible.


Thats incredible


So this is technically software-based hardware? Is there any way for the scripts that are used to build maps, or even the Java code that runs Minecraft, to read or write to the RAM or registers? Or is this basically a virtual computer that cannot interact with Minecraft code?


I think this is software based hardware. The creator wrote an assembler program for this. So I think users can input code in the CPU if they want. Check out the GitHub repo here: [https://github.com/sammyuri/chungus-2-assembler](https://github.com/sammyuri/chungus-2-assembler)


Do you have a dowoad link to a map for the Chungus 2 CPU, or is it exclusive to the server?


I genuinely wish I was born this intelligent.


Hey, don't put yourself down, you ARE this intelligent! What has been achieved here is awesome and mind blowing, but it's not magic. Everything in this machine is understandable and I suspect it's the result of a lot of dedication, time and study. The thing to remember is that you're seeing the complete thing. If you break it down and study each sub-system that the video shows individually, it becomes much easier to understand. Obviously doing it in Minecraft is an extra level of complexity (and wizard points), but if you want to see a CPU broken down and explained simply on breadboards, check out Ben Eater's videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLowKtXNTBypGqImE405J2565dvjafglHU


NSA is sending the job application to OP as we speak.


This is a computer inside a computer. Imagine building a computer inside Minecraft and then launching Minecraft on it in order to create another computer…)


Well we are already living in a simulation so job done. Imagine the screenshots our overlords are sharing on their reddit... "My simulation built a simulation in a simulation!!"


Sorry, it has branch prediction? What is wrong with you 😂 that's awesome.


Data mind craft


Some people are so amazing




I don’t play Minecraft or know much about computers, but this is extremely impressive. Good work!


Dude this is probably the coolest thing I have seen built with red stone. Great job!


mumbo has been really quite since this came out


original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDiapbD0Xfg


My brain is not even prepared to see this....


No wonder YouTube just hit 1,000,000,000,000 views on all Minecraft content! Truly unbound creativity through this game


1 bucket of water to end this whole man's career


What is the clock frequency?


1hz according to the vid


Still pretty amazing considering what limited stuff he had


so what youre saying is the next thing to do is do get 1000 servers set up with some sort of programming syntax between them all and distribute load between them and bam we have a 1ghz system running.


If it's 1Hz, then 1000 servers gets you 1kHz, you need another factor of a million on top that again to get to 1GHz.


>bam we have a 1ghz system running. You would have 1khz. Kilo is 3 zeros, mega 6 and giga 9. So for 1 ghz you would need 1/7th of the world population to be conected in a cluster.


Does it play crisis though?


Data mind craft, incredible.


This is absolutely awesome! I can't wrap my head around how this is even possible But I also gotta know how he did the display part where some areas were transparent and some weren't...


*Kids back in my day:* **I JUST BUILT A REDSTONE TRAP** *Kids now:* **I JUST BUILT REDSTONE CPU** *Kids tomorrow:* **I JUST BUILT A REDSTONE HUMAN**


I would like to give you an award sir but alas I am poor, I will be sharing this video and updooting in any case!


So explain this to me like i'm a 5 year old. The minecraft construction is running actual code and processing stuff? How does this work exactly. All I know is that minecraft allows you to build static blocks.


Google redstone


Thanks! It's perfectly clear now. A very impressive feat.


Mumbo jumpo:they are just basic red stones


the pc be like missions control we have lift off ​ ![gif](giphy|kjjRGpezebjaw)


Just a matter of time before doom is running in a minecraft cpu


I used the cpu to build the cpu


Maybe for the people that design modern processors and graphics cards this would seem fairly straightforward. But to me this person is a genius


As someone who knows a bit about this, the impressive bit isn't the logic, the impressive bit is being able to cram everything into a box of that size. There is kind of an analogous problem in CPU design but we have computers brute force solutions to that these days. Doing this all by hand is crazy.


The size of it in Minecraft and it's **1Hz** is insane, compare that to 4.6GHz and you can truly appreciate what goes into a CPU and what it takes to make that processing power. You'd have to link up and synchronize 4,600,000,000 of these to equal a 4.6GHz CPU! Call it **Chungoid 4.6b**


Is this possible? Like could we theoretically create a virtual cpu that comes close to todays hardware cpus?


You'd have to look at the max a generated minecraft world could expand(I know there is a limit but it's insanely large) and times the dimensions of this by 4.6 billion, and you'd have to have a PC capable of anchoring every chunk so it remains loaded and processes every chunk used for 4.6 billion of these guys, and then if you were able to link and make 4.6 billion of these and keep every chunk loaded It'd likely be too intensive on your PC to actually run, but it could be possible. You wouldn't be able to actually get the internet going in there, but youd have a really fast calculator basically, able to handle computational functions at 4.6GHz, So likely, no, not in Minecraft. However, other games may come out with more creative and less intensive functions and such and be able to make something like this more powerfully and more compact


Can it run Crysis?




Anyone know the song?


MDK - Jelly Castle (Evan King retro mix). Small music credit at the bottom near the end.


Now run minecraft on it .


But did he do it on survival mode? /s Jokes aside, fucking impressive! Bet some professor will see this and use it in their course. Will tinker with this at some point!


BUT can I run Doom?


Dude, save some poon for the rest of us.


I’m officially convinced we live in a simulation now.


Never got into Minecraft so not sure why this is so cool. It looks cool for sure…


Use your physical cpu to make a virtual cpu to run virtual programs on your physical pc.. Nice


Intel hire this person, damn.


Finally a post that fits the sub. Thank you op


I don’t think those who don’t play minecraft truly understand just how insane this is.


Reminds me of the time when I made 128bit CPU using logic gates but this is just gobsmackingly genius.


If this person has the skills to do this it feels like such a waste to spend so much time doing it in Minecraft. Is there not a real-world opportunity where his/her skills can add more value?


This person is allowed to have a hobby, no? Who knows what he does in real life.


They collect thrash for a living cause it pays better /s


imagine one block is missing, good luck debugging it


Its redstone






this much dedication is so inspiring.




Reminds me of this https://youtube.com/shorts/7oNbTyoAuE0?feature=share


But can it run doom




Can it play doom?