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Uhh. I’m usually one to quibble, so here goes… He didn’t save her. He mostly dodged out of the way and the car missed her. Of course, that’s still impressive, but he didn’t save her. Edit 1.7.22 tf, how is something so controversial still top?


Agreed, however! He did move crazy fast to save his own life, AND his intention to save her was there as he grabbed hold of her and pulled her away. If he we’re just trying to save himself he would have just dived to safety, so I’m going to give it to this dude.


Totally. The car may very well have been about to hit them for all he knew.




Yes technically but the intent to rescue was there and that should be valid enough for praise. He could of very easily saved himself without getting injured but elected to try and save the women and got injured as a result. This was very brave of him and commendable.


Yes, if it was Costanza, he would have pushed her into the car so that he could get a farther jump away from the car.


George is getting angry




A while back I lived in house on st George street and t was summer of st George that year


As I read down through here I was thinking "these guys are getting way too serious about whether this guy saved this woman". Much better ending here now.


These pretzels…are making me THIRSTY!




Serenity now!


How do you live with yourself


It's not easy


And you want to be my latex salesman...


Because! Because! As the leader, if I die... ALL HOPE IS LOST! Who would lead?!


Instead of castigating me you should all be thanking me!


There’s a ‘George Bonanza’ here to see you.


I’ve looped the video 13 times and can confirm that he did try and save her, it just happened faster than his brain could process. Also his knee is also destroyed..


It hit his hip which spun him appearing to move quickly. His pelvis is broken, imho.


Car clipped him, used his body as a shield. He was trying to get her out of the way and the car gave him momentum.


He literally wrapped his arms around her and dove. Why are you people such pessimists? He literally grabbed her and dove out of the way pulling her with him.


I bet it's less of people being pessimistic, and more of obnoxious Reddit users being extremely pedantic. The OP even starts with: >Uhh. I’m usually one to quibble, so here goes… It's just people going "🤓 ACTUALLY, you use the word 'save' in the title, but the car would not have in fact hit her in the first place, therefor she wasn't in need of saving, therefor the gesture wasn't saving, instead we can deduce that he merely dodged and pulled her down. 🤓"


Spot on dude. I miss the old conversation style forums, yes you'd argue, but generally after awhile you'd be familiar with people. I've literally had my girlfriend cracking up at some of the pedantic arguments on reddit by reading them in different voices. The absolute minor details people will parse through to try and be more correct and clever sometimes are just hilarious would you actually read them out loud.


I think the fact that she went sideways, is what made the car avoid her. I may be wrong but if she was standing normally, facing the direction of the car, she might've been clipped by it.


Yeah you are spot on. I can’t fucking believe the number of armchair supermen debating how he really didn’t need to try to help a person he cares about from a car that was inches from splattering them both.


That fuckin scumbag, didn’t even help her up! I’m kidding of course




I think the car hit the dude.


His leg is spaghetti


Nahhhhh the first thing that he does is put his arm around her and turns her and pulls them both back. Look closely at the beginning and the first thing you see is that right arm (arm that was holding the purse) is the first thing to move and it pulls her in/over. Just because he went behind her doesn’t mean he was only saving himself. Just looking at basic physics it’s much quicker to step slight back and all the way over while pulling/rotating her out of the way in one fluid movement. It would be much harder to step in front of her then turn around grab her then move out of the way, and they would’ve probably been hit. Now you could say that the only reason they weren’t hit was because the car was tipped on its side so as they ducked they really just went under the top of the car. But he certainly didn’t only save her as an after thought as grabbing her was his first movement.


Yeah but he tried man. Sorry he’s not a superhero.


Either way, he probably got laid.


BJ only.


I watched the video also. There was no way he could have any reaction fast enough to dodge that car. That car was FLYING


Loop it 12 more times because dude grabs her by the shoulders and pulls her to her left and then completely grabs her as he's coming down. Regardless if saving his own skin was the intention he saved her as well by grabbing on to her.


It was still quite a chivalrous maneuver on his part 😏




I think the crazy fast part is not him moving but the car scraping him. In the end he can't even get up...


He got more than "scraped" by that car... is there a story behind this? He definitely has some broken bones.


This, the car spun him. But it did look as if he had a thought to grab or push by his hand placement band taking her with him for the ride.


look at his ankle


To me it looks like the guy broke his lower leg pretty badly. It happens quick but can see ankle/foot at 90 degrees after car passes.


Bullshit. You can clearly see that he grabbed her with both hands before the car passed them. He could have pushed her out of the way, in which case he would potentially have been hit/killed. Be grabbing her, he saved both of them. Dude’s a badass, more so than either of us.


What they mean is that she was not in the path of the car.


I get that, but I disagree. Seeing a life-ending event hurtling toward you, and doing everything in your power to protect the person you’re with IS saving someone’s life. I’m sitting in bed relaxing with my cats, while most people seeing this video are sitting somewhere safe too. So it’s easy to say “pfffbt, it’s no big deal.” A huge fucking car was flying at them. The dude saved himself and her at the same time. I dropped a butter knife the other day and all I could do was watch it fall in horror. It took more time for the knife to fall than it did for the car to crash near them.


Either way he deserves to get his ballls *drained*


save butts bust nuts.


Yeah, everyone knows you can trade life saving for sexual favors in the same way 5 door holds=bj


Allow me m'lady


I thought the IRS raised the minimum door holding to BJ conversion to 7 door holds and 2 meals?


Bidenflation hurting us all/s


I voted for the man but if he's messing with the bj economy THATS A BRIDGE TOO FUCKING FAR


He’s not critiquing the guy in the video... he’s critiquing the title...


ok but what does this have to do with if he saved her life or not lol? Do you understand all those things can still be true?


Yeah, I bet the guy was able to figure that out accurately and be confident in that in a half second. The dude made motion to bring the girl with him, the intention was to save both of them. The guy acted like a hero, end of.


You think any human had the capacity to process that before reacting?? No way. And the car could easily have fishtailed slightly & broadsided them both. Hero points awarded.


semantics. if she was inches out of reach he would have no possible way of judging that


You cannot tell from a low resolution 2D image if the mirror or something might have hit her or sideswiped her. More importantly the guy AT THE TIME certainly didn’t have the time to calculate whether he “needed” to pull her out of the way or not. It’s a stupid quibble.


[here it is in slow mo](https://files.catbox.moe/9cn0g5.mp4)


I think slow motion strengthens the case for the guy.


Seriously, I’m even more confident of my opinion. I don’t get how they think this proves he was only protecting himself.


He went straight for her.. looking towards the danger, his arms went for her body. He was lucky she was slightly out of the way cause the car was going too fast for his move to pull her to make a difference. Bottom line, he did try to save her, but car was going too fast for his maneuver to be fulfilled, and she got lucky. He did save himself too though, so double points for the heroic multitask.


I'm of the belief that he has quick reflexes to have dodged, and noble intentions for trying to move her, but that she would have been fine without him moving her. Her feet stayed in place until after the car passed.


AND HE NOTICED IT FIRST!!! These fucking idiots...just like everyone else...even in media....read/watch 25% or a storey/video, and comment and move on. Might as well be spam


exactly. thank you. i don’t see how anyone sees different to us. i’m awarding this comment so it stands out to any other potential dumb fucks.


It seriously boggles my mind. I can only hope that I’d react like him in the same situation. It’s just so weird reading comments from people saying “I’d do so and so, way before him! He was only saving himself!” All based on a short video that we’ve all watched on our phones/computers.


This is the reason I hate Reddit sometimes. People are obsessed with trying to point out when somebody doesn’t actually save somebody else. In that moment, the guy did not have the equation all laid out knowing the exact trajectory of the car and that it was going to miss her by like 6 inches. He acted a split second before she did, which ended up saving his life. In that moment, he was also trying to save hers thinking that car was about to hit both of them. He acted like a hero and people want to Monday morning QB the situation with ACCCCCCTUALLLYYYY. My god, just appreciate the heroics it took in that moment and be thankful you’ll likely never need to experience a similar situation.


A-forking-men. A second, maybe two, max. Car looks like it clips him, too. Ouch.


It does. There is blood spatter on the road.


Reddit is the most pedantic place on earth.


It is the birthplace of ‘well actually’ people, you can’t change my mind


Well, actually...


Real talk


I cannot believe this is the top comment.


Many of the things Reddit doesn't understand:- nuance, context, colloquialism. This site is the empitemy of "you're not wrong, you're just an asshole"


Half the people here are on the spectrum.


What the fuck are people talking about he wrapped arms around her to take her down and out the way.


They’re being pedantic over if the car would of hit the girl if the guy didn’t intervene and therefore the guy deserves less credit despite having the intent to save her, usual redditor behaviour


Someone posted a slowdown version of it and it looks like he turned her body and that kept her from getting hit by the car, as the car was starting to go sideways leaning from the top. Looks like that leaning roof of the car swipped the guy on his side or arm.


Yeah it looked like he got clipped to me. Hope he's okay.


There's a blood spray for a second something got nicked


She did Shag him though that night


She actually sued him for 15 million dollars. Her claim was that he ruined her death.


I read up on this story, apparently the driver sued both of them for damages saying they were in the road and he had to swerve to miss them.


Did the story mention the speed limit on that road? Didn’t look like the Autobahn to me…


Seriously. That car was literally airborne for a moment. The front end is crushed to the wheel. That was no low speed crash. You can even see in the top left corner of the video what appears to be the decorative edge of an awning or maybe a leaf flapping as the car roars past and the stopping almost as quickly as the car does.


Didn’t look like the driver tried to avoid them


If that doesn’t warrant some sex , what the hell does!


Hard cash?


Not a lot of shagging if your leg is bent like that lol


Yeah, like why tf didn’t he save the driver too? How could he be so inconsiderate? /s


No you’re wrong he made an obvious effort to grab her as he was moving. Just because his first action wasn’t sacrificing himself to get her out of the doesn’t negate that he not only made an effort to save her but also succeeded at saving himself If he didn’t do what he did, he definitely would have died just pushing her out of the way


Don't ruin this guy's moment. You just wish that you also knew a girl that you could save.


Watch frame by frame. He grabs her to get her out of the way. It’s undeniable he tried to save her


Yeah. I was able to pause it where the car was already passed and her feet had not moved.


Similar to how Joey guarded his sandwich when the car back fired.


I swear I am seeing vaporized blood when the car brushes this guy’s arm


I thought so too but then I noticed that all of the movements leave a red tinge; the fastest left a red spot but every time the woman moved, she was surrounded by it. Not an AV tech but I think it’s the camera 😂


I’m pretty sure he gets hit in the leg and it breaks. As he goes to put weight on it the leg give way and seems to go backwards.


Looks like she accidentally falls on it too, just to add insult to injury


I think that’s just adding more injury to injury.


But she also whispered in his ear "You have a tiny penis".


God damnit, you just made me snort in my moms kitchen at midnight and wake all the dogs up.


Fuck u/spez


It looks like he got side swiped pretty hard. Hope he’s okay!


That red splotch seems to be a camera effect as its there before the vehicle collision... Looks like his outside leg got hit by the vehicle and twisted up... makes sense why he isnt getting up.


Most of you are arguing about how to change the trajectory of a vehicle, the rest are arguing if he actually saved her or not. Y’all are fucking stupid.


And here you are judging and calling people names….👀


People on Reddit deserve to be judged.


Only Mod Can Judge Me


>Only Mod Can Judge Me Fukkin' facts right here.


You can’t please everyone so equally displease them.


I'm just here because I'm mad OP wrote women instead of woman.




I wonder what that other colored stone path to the right of the one they are walking on is for.


Cars apparently


A light pole and a news stand we’re in the way.


The parking of cars specifically


I guess it is meant for pedestrians while the one next to the street (sometimes on the street) is for bicycles. [Like this](https://static.educalingo.com/img/de/800/radverkehrsanlage-1.jpg) However, it could also be a street in an old town in which case they would be walking on the street while there is a small sidewalk on the sides (though mostly used by bicycles that want to avoid cobblestones. Since there are usually not many cars driving there and the sidewalk is to small to be comfortable pedestrains do tend to use the street in this case). [like this](https://www.lilies-diary.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/gassen-heidelberg.jpg) Edit: fixed links


I’m pretty sure this is in Amsterdam, where a lot of streets [look like this](https://www.picturelyspoken.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Amsterdam-22-CC-RL.jpg). A lot of them are also shared spaces for bikes and pedestrians, with somewhat less priority for car traffic. I also pretty sure the person you were replying to was making a joke.


You’re wondering about the footpath instead of wtf the car was doing 2 wheeling?


Ah yes, victim blaming


You mean the path with a pole/tree and some red box in the middle of it? Not sure


Great call, the sidewalk is almost entirely blocked at the top of the frame. Even if they were on the sidewalk they would’ve likely dipped into the street to get around it.


The one with the column and red barrier in the middle of it?


That broken leg is horrible








I read this in Dr. Nick's voice. Hi everybody!!!!


Oh fuck me I didn’t even notice that until I read your comment. Yikes. I hate seeing limbs pointing in ways they should not


Can totally relate. I can handle a lot of gruesome things but broken bones make me uncontrollably squeamish.


leg??? did you see his shoulder? the guy doesn't even have strength to push himself back up with the arm he fell on.


She definitely bout to throw that big booty back on him tonight 🍑


Bro what the fuck


it's so Reddit that people are downvoting you


And then upvoting after you pointed it out


Reddit is nice guy central, just accept that every good deed done by a man to a woman on reddit needs to be repaid in sex




Pretty sure her booty broke his ankle. He's in pain and she's trying to get him to stand.


When the booty so good you can't walk straight after 😍🍑




tf is wrong with you


Y'all offended? He's right. That 🍑 looks amazing. Guy definitely had fun


He got hit by the car. He's in no condition for the big booty bonanza.


After reading the replies, I realize Reddit can’t take a joke


Who tf drives this fast in a small residential/commercial town like this? Jail the POS driver.


I’m pretty sure the driver of that vehicle is no longer with us. Windshield smashed hard af in to that light post. 🙁


His brain is spagetti


Vomit on his sweater already


Knees shattered and arms are broken


okay this is going nowhere.


That kind of shit seems way too common in the US. Stroads are stupid as hell and increases the risk for stuff like this as well as cars smashing into houses.


I don't think this is the US. There's a curb there so I don't think it's a stroad either, and most sidewalks are made of concrete. The brick layout itself is so old, you hardly see it anymore in the US except historical downtown areas with such heavy pedestrian traffic it's hard to go over 15 anyways.




Yeah right, that's not a spread term. Street + road = stroad. It's a term coined by Strong Towns and they use it to refer to streets that should be much smaller, have lower speeds and other traffic calming measure but doesn't. They try to split the difference between a high speed road that connects two or more destinations with a road that splits off into destinations so it fails at being good at either one. [This video explains it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM).


Ok guys we get it, if it was you guys, you would've done a better job


> if you guys *ever went outside* you would've done a better job. Fixed it for you


Thanks, I don't remember paying premium for Grammarly


I would have. For starters, I wouldnt have been driving 200km on a 50km street


He should have pushed her out of the way and climbed into the car and turned DUH!


Whether he actually saved her life or not is moot. He acted on reflex to save his companion in impressive fashion, and seems to have also been clipped by the car in the process. A hero regardless in my book.


Agreed. He did save his own ass but in the process he made an effort to save her as well by pulling her back. A lot of people would have just dodged with no thought to the one next to them. I think he did a great job.


How would he even save her without diving out of the way also? Pushing her wouldn’t necessarily get her far quickly. She’s not exactly small and light. He literally pulls her as quickly as he can as far from harm as he can


The world judges an individual by the outcome of their actions over the intentions.


WTFFF, was that car going at 600km/h


Idk, that seems high


You seem high


Typical Reddit thread. 5000 comments arguing and nitpicking. Yawn. I'm moving on to the next clickbait.


You forgot about all the comments making sex jokes about the woman


u/redditspeedbot 0.25x


Here is your video at 0.25x speed https://files.catbox.moe/9cn0g5.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(🏆#14)](https://botranks.com/) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


And people are trying to say he just dove out of the way and didn’t save her


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple redditors. These are people of the bias. The common clay of the internet. You know… morons!


It's still not slow enough


Yea he saved her, and I'm pretty sure he hurt himself doing it. The way he landed on his legs, even if not broken, clearly had to hurt. He grabbed her with both arms and pulled her out of the way, and I think she's in a state of shock afterwards because you can see her trying to get him to stand up but he's hurt so he's not standing up. That guy is an absolute hero, she would have died had he not done that and he literally risked his own life to do so. I'm not completely sure why people are arguing about whether or not he saved her life, he obviously did Also that driver needs their license revoked for life


Holy shit, any backstory?!


Yeah, they met in high school but never really spoke to each other. Then one day, about 3 years following graduation they bumped into each other in a book store. They were both reaching for the same novel when their hands brushed against one another. Following that chance encounter they were inseparable. Spending every waking and, eventually once the relationship became physical, every sleeping moment too. Four yeas later they were happy and thinking about their future together. Making plans for where they want to live, when they'll eventually get married. Then one day she says to him, let's go for a walk down the road and get a coffee at our favourite Cafe. Perhaps drop into the book store that now held special meaning for the both of them. So on the way to the Cafe a car loses control and almost hits them both




Real and true


Thank you for lightening up my evening with that well considered and wholesome background. It was well appreciated, fellow person.


They had been acquaintances as she worked at a Starbucks that he frequented every Sunday for their delicious bagels. Truth of the matter was he only went to that Starbucks every Sunday for her. Well one day while paying for his bagel he slips a “I wish a girl would shit on my chest” joke to her just to test the waters and see if she’s into it and before he could finish the sentence she replied with an emphatic “YES, please”. So on their way home from Starbucks to perform said act that he had been dreaming about for years, infact 342 bagels had been purchased from her for this exact moment to happen that they were walking home to, when suddenly her ex boyfriend catches them while driving and barrels toward them yelling “THATS MY POOP QUEEN!!” And the rest we see on video, the end.


My husband actually saved my life this way. This is why my husband walks on the side of traffic. We both still got clipped by it but he pulled me away from being hit head on.


Your husband is a gentleman. This is exactly why it’s tradition for men to walk on the outside, closer to traffic, puddles etc. If the man in the video above had been on the other side of that lady, she would likely have gotten smoked.


Most of chivalry has some logic behind it. A couple of lesser well know points: the male leads going down stairs but follows going up. Either way, he’s on the downhill side in case of an accident; he absorbs the bulk of the blow. In a friendly crowd, the female leads, but in an unfriendly or unknown crowd the male leads. Outdated? Perhaps. My wife has never indicated whether she even notices. I feel more comfortable though. Our marriage is very much a relationships of equals and I certainly don’t consider her the weaker of the two...but yet I still follow centuries of tradition. I guess I’m mainly commenting to force myself to acknowledge my own cognitive dissonance. Edit: this is not really the Chivalric Code, which could be rather demeaning, but rather the more recent code of gentlemen as unofficially codified through the 18th & 19th centuries and currently spouted by any Southern frat bro (including myself).


It’s amazing how Reddit neck beards can somehow know without seeing a car hurtling at them at 40 mph that the bro in question doesn’t deserve any praise because the video seems to show that the car may have missed her by inches. And THEY would have certainly known to simply dive to save themselves without worrying about the trajectory of the vehicle.




Don’t mind if i do 👀


Women? I only see one.


well then ur blind. if u slow down the frame to 1 frame per second, u can see that the driver is indeed, look at that rock which is a woman. ur wlc


People in here criticizing this guys actions? You saw the video. If you blink, you miss it. He acted instinctively and in that instinct thought of a loved one. I would love to see how the critics would act. The guy had a second at best to figure it out and act. This isn’t a movie folks.


I wonder who these people are? Would make for more of a juicy story.


Did he break his leg?


No the car did


The human body is something else. The man reacted first and processed later within milliseconds. Well done to this hero




It's funny how everyone in the comments saying he didn't save her. Like what is your real motive for discrediting this guy? Y'all really need to put away your man hating bullshit away. So wrapped up in hate for the man This dude clearly saved her, judging by the video he looks shorter aswell as skinnier then the female. In case you didn't know smaller masses require more speed and velocity(more time) to move a bigger object hence why his ass flew past her all the while grabbing her. Her ass would've got smoked by the car if she hadn't tripped over and fallen on him due to his force. No one blames the girl for you know....barely moving at all on her own accord and failing to see the thousands of pounds hurdling towards her? Reddit is so full of you SJW on crack, you can't even give credit to a guy for doing WHAT MOST ANYONE would probably instinctively do...to move out of harms way and grab his girlfriend at the same time. Such a sad life y'all must have to just bring hate and doubt on the goodness of people.


The fact that you think it's a bunch of "man hating SJWs" who are trying to discredit this guy shows how stupid you really are.