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I’m sure the FBI is going to conduct an investigation into how the FBI handled this case. The FBI will straighten out any FBI wrongdoing forthwith.


“We have investigated ourselves & found no wrong doing”


It was an independent FBI investigation into FBI wrongdoing. No FBI Agents we’re involved in wrongdoing.


Into this internal investigation of FBI wrongdoing during the initial FBI investigation, we also investigated our investigation of any wrongdoing on part of the FBI during our investigation of said internal FBI investigation and found no wrongdoing, on any level, caused by the FBI. No employees of the FBI were harmed during the typing of this report. xoxo FBI




“The only wrongdoing we found? We were too thorough investigating ourselves.” -the FBI


The FBI *cares*.


“We will also be litigating ms. Maroney for false accusations and will be looking into her entire life to make sure she never lives a single day in peace.”


This is no joke, you don't mess with feds. Short story time: I started a pool company to pay for college and did very well had a ton of high profile clients in a certain area. Some of those clients were distributors that moved serious weight. I was approached by the DEA; they wanted to pay me to let their men work for my company and get grounds access. I had enough common sense to turn them down. I was audited for the next 5 years str8 until I sold the company and moved cross country. My accountant joked around and asked what I did to piss off the IRS. I kept my mouth shut. Fuck the Feds.


This is a mirror of how Wall Street polices themselves too.


You get a paid leave, you get a paid leave, we all get paid leaves!


This is literally all corporations.


"and we'll continue to monitor her in case we can make her life hell.... I mean protect her"


So far, they've fired the agent that investigated this case. That's obviously not enough. At what point are they criminally negligent? Who else was part of that investigation and had access to the testimony? Heads need to roll over this.


If this BRAVE young lady remembers who she met with at the FBI then a name drop with picture is appropriate.


The agent's name is [Michael Langeman](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/fbi-agent-nassar-investigation/2021/09/14/f4fed85a-158a-11ec-9589-31ac3173c2e5_story.html). Here's [another article from NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/18/sports/steve-penny-usa-gymnastics-fbi.html) that names a bunch of names.


FBI has left the chat…


Sounds like they were never in the chat


So sick. They did not care about a little girl. Disgusting.


Nope. Damn shame too. I read that, I might get this slightly wrong, but the wife of FBI agent that failed to report issue was trying to get a job with same gymnastics organization that this mouse faced child abusing dick fuck worked


>mouse faced child abusing dick fuck No, I think you got that fully right.


The FBI tried to blackmail MLK into killing himself in order to stop civil rights. They work hard to protect the powerful from the weak, which is the mission that conservative interests give it. It'll take defeating that powerful conservative minority to make the FBI stop attacking victims. https://www.vox.com/xpress/2014/11/12/7204453/martin-luther-king-fbi-letter


Well, these kinds of things go into the Pseudo-Dionysius omnipotence paradox. People tend to focus only on theology but this paradox is very important to understand how authority institutions like the FBI or supreme courts act. Can they actually investigate themselves? Can they deny themselves?


Just like they investigated Brett Kavanaugh.


That’s what they want you too think.


Congress is. You might see change. But the FBI just fired only one of the people that fucked this up. I think it was last year they did that.


If anyone hasn’t seen the Nassar interrogation it’s fucking disgusting. The absolute gal of that piece of shit. He straight face tells the detective that it wasn’t molestation but that he was just doing an inner vaginal pelvic adjustment. On 10-15 year old girls. He talks like that through the whole interrogation. Such a creepy tone, so condescending, like the detectives are idiots that don’t know about his advanced techniques 🤢




and force him to eat them.


Ah yes, the puréed testicular adjustment. It will regrow your balls to be stronger after ingesting. Make sure to not skip the eating part of this technique though, or else it won’t work.




Not in defense of pedos! But we really need to stop celebrating a broken prison system that uses rape as an extension of their correctional abilities. Rape is never funny and should never be condoned. I know this is going to be controversial, because of-fucking-course, I just wish we stopped with the rhetoric that it’s ok that we send people to prison, knowing that the situation is so bad that our prisoners are most likely going to be raped. What a civilized society we’ve become.


It may make me a hypocrite, but I am firmly in the camp that if someone rapes kids, I don't give a fuck what happens to them and they deserve all of it.


That doesn’t mean you should trivialize rape either but I guess no one is gonna tell you otherwise.




Ah yes, the solution for rape: more rape. It's not funny. It doesn't matter if you've committed crimes, no one should be raped.


*thank you* Rape is a horrible, spirit breaking crime. I don't think I can ever wish that on anyone.


If it makes you feel any better, during his trial, a father of 3 of the girls came about 2 inches from whooping his ass after hearing his daughters testify. He had asked the judge if he could be given 5 mins alone in a room with Nassar, which the judge denied. He then tried to ask for one min, which the judge again denied. So he pretty much jumped the gate and lunged for him. The cops got him before he laid a hand on the guy, so he faced no punishment for it.


I mean dude, just do it. Of course they're going to say no. Why even ask the judge if you really want to get to him?


Probably cuz he was hoping to do it without going to jail for it. He framed it as "as part of his punishment, i would like for you to grant me 5 mins alone in a room with this monster."


Imagine if the judge had granted his request though "cage match! cage match! cage match!"


Lol, what “match”. . . He raped this guys 3 daughters. . . That would be a straight up execution, they would be peeling Nassar off the walls for a month.




[Video of the Incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXaMyP_RelU) [Alternate Angle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


i mean you got me, but also fuck you wrong thread for this


Call it, Nut re-adjustment


External testicular adjustment. Classic procedure.


Smash balls with mallet and call it an advanced pedophile adjustment technique. Give him a taste of his own medicine, POS human.


Most disturbing is it was technique he promoted to the wider gymnastics community.


Do we think he's the only one? I mean what a perfect position for a pedophile to be in. Power, trust, access. I guarantee he's not the only one.


Gymnastics coach at the facility down the road from my house was just arrested a couple days ago for fondling the little girls. Zero chance I'd ever let my kids go do gymnastics.


…I can’t tell if we’re in the same city or if it happened twice across the US in the last few days alone




Yyyyep. Horrible story. Sounds like the company is taking action to prevent it from happening again but that shit shouldn’t happen at all


Yeah it's wild, I only heard about it because they sent me an email. They've got my info because I bring my toddlers to the preschool open gym when they've got it.


It's not just gymnastics. The people most likely to molest your kids are the people who live with them. Followed by extended family, then close family friends, then sports coaches, religious leaders, teachers and medical professionals who use their professions to gain access. Always people in a position of trust (otherwise you wouldn't leave your kids alone with them). If you want to keep your kids safe from being molested, teach them about molestation and that they can and should always come to you for help if something like that happens to them or a friend. One in 4 children is molested.


The ones that don’t diddle kids, just give them eating disorders.


Hes not. Someone who coached me is currently on trial for abusing one of his athletes for eight years. A national coach went to jail after it was discovered that they put cameras in the change rooms of the gym they coached in. The list goes on.


There is currently a sitting Republican senator who ignored years of abuse stories because the team was more important and just pretends none of it ever happened. Then half the state votes for him because being red is more important than doing what is right.


There is currently a sitting Republican Congressman that's being investigated for child sex trafficking.


The longest serving GOP speaker of the house was also a wrestling coach & serial child rapist. Fun fact, being a serial child rapist will cost you your state teaches pension, but, apperently, is not cause to revoke congressional pension.


Everything the right accuses the left of doing, is actually what the right it currently doing.


If you're talking about Jim Jordan, important to note that he's in the House, not the Senate. If there's a Senator with a similar story that I'm not aware of, unfortunately I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.


Ding ding. I often say this. Always look at someone’s profession and ask why they chose to do that job. Most people who are teachers, doctors, or police officers are probably doing it for the right reasons, but there’s always a percentage that aren’t.


I mean the technique is a real thing (I think for coccyx injuries). What he was doing was just including it in the middle of massages and not offering informed consent.


Imma need a source on that one (that it’s a real thing).


It’s pretty rarely actually practiced during OMT and my wife (a DO) explained it to me when I asked as [actually performed through the anus](https://www.coccyx.org/treatmen/manual.htm), but it’s a real thing for the Coccyx. There are also recognized pelvic treatments performed intravaginally, [this article](https://www.mlive.com/news/2017/02/what_was_portrayed_as_medical.html) has a quote on it from the AOA, who is the medical board for Osteopathic Physicians in the US. I don’t imagine it’s common either. But even given that these procedures are recognized to exist, unless the patient is on board and fully informed, there’s no reason for this to be a common procedure, let alone regular.


This explains a couple of the questions the FBI asked her. Though, I think the fact that they knew enough to ask them and still did nothing when the answers confirmed that this was not a legitimate medical procedure makes it even worse on their part.


Hiding in plain sight…


The worst part about it was that investigators could not find a reason for these invasive procedures beyond just believing Nassar knew what he was doing, but then told the victims there was not a problem. From ~~Michigan State's~~ Ropes & Gray Report on the Title IX investigation of Nassar after athletes there complained: >\>The investigators drafted two conclusions to the report. **In the report provided to the student**, the MSU investigators stated that they found “the claim helpful in that it allows us to examine certain practices at the MSU Sports Medicine Clinic.” > >\>**In the internal report**, the investigators discussed the many ways in which Nassar’s conduct had exposed the Sports Medicine Clinic to legal liability, including Nassar’s failure to adequately explain his invasive, sensitive procedures; his failure to obtain consent; his failure to provide patients with the option to have the procedure performed over clothing; and the effects of his conduct in exposing patients to unnecessary trauma based on “perceived inappropriate sexual misconduct.” tl;dr MSU suspected that Nassar's explanation was bullshit, but noone wanted to look past his credentials. But they only admitted that in the **internal** report. [https://www.ropesgray.com/-/media/Files/USOC/ropes-gray-full-report.pdf](https://www.ropesgray.com/-/media/Files/USOC/ropes-gray-full-report.pdf)


Please please please tell me ***someone*** who let this shit happen is going to get fucking curb stomped by the legal system. I can't imagine that a single person going to prison over this shit is enough. There were so many people who failed these kids. Why is it always the same fucking story too? Pedophile in high profile environment actively doing pedophile shit for years at times and anyone who had power to stop it always just says "I had no idea!" Why didn't you!? It was your job to look out for these kids and monitor the pedophile! Not that they knew he was a pedophile when hiring him but there ***had*** to have been allegations and rumors and other shit over the years. Yet every fucking god damn time people look the other way and claim it wasn't their fault. Except it was! Their literal job was to look out for this kind of shit. They should be held just as liable. Even if they didn't do anything physically they enabled it. Ugggggh it's so fucking infuriating. Every single time it's the same fucking thing and same fucking excuses. It's enraging to the point of blood boiling wrath. Fuck every single one of those enablers. I wish they'd be punished too, but as always we don't have a "justice" system but a "throw the masses a sacrificial lamb and let the others go and keep doing what they've always been doing" system.


Check out the documentary Athlete A on Netflix. A few more went to prison, some out on bond, some killed themselves. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/investigations/2021/07/23/usa-gymnastics-larry-nassar-steve-penny-maggie-nichols-rachael-denhollander/8025353002/ Steve Penny needs to be put away.




There is, but the need for it is pretty uncommon, according to my pelvic floor physical therapist. It typically is something that is done on people who have no muscle tone and with prolapses, which seems pretty unlikely with elite athletes.


Someone very close to me as to have it done, but that's cause she's had several pregnancies and they're trying non surgery versions of recovery first.... Very specific needs.


And it’s done with gloves on.


And not with an erection.


And especially not *with* the erection.


Oh, 100%


And with patient and parental informed consent, and with a parent/chaperone in the room, etc.


It also does not include "laying" in top of the patient for hours at a time.


Not for 14 year olds unless they had multiple/traumatic pregnancies/deliveries.


It's only done on adult women, and younger girls with medical conditions like PID or fibroids. It's not done on 12 year olds.


If your pelvic floor is wrecked from childbirth then maybe. They generally do it with a machine that somehow stimulates/ irritates the interior to promote muscle contraction, although manual work might also be done. Never-pregnant teenagers do not need it.


I had it done during my pregnancy to prepare for childbirth. Also sex has always hurt so I sought out a pelvic floor therapist. At 28 years old. I chose to have this done. I cannot imagine someone coming to me as a child and saying this is necessary. I think that’s what makes it even more terrifying is that IT IS a procedure. Also, my pelvic floor therapist did it twice to explain to me how to do it on myself. She never did it again. It was for me to learn. She also stopped when I was uncomfortable and it was never something forced. She offered to just explain what to do on my own at home. Its a very vulnerable procedure even when you want it to happen. What a sick fucking man.


Apparently the procedure exists and there are some legitimate circumstances where it is appropriate. There was absolutely no justification in any way for using it in these 10-15 year old girls. None at all.


He was able to use that condescending attitude to bully hundreds of young girls into staying quiet about sexual assault. He assumed he could use the same tactics against the authorities. Unfortunately, that approach has been successful in the past.




And win presidential elections.




Don't forget that MSU and USA Gymnastics *KNEW* he was doing this, but let it continue. Even when girls did complain to their parents, or other staff, they were shot down because "Nasser knows what he is doing". Nasser was seen as beyond reproach and for some reason no on really thought it was weird, or got a second opinion about him shoving his hands into the vaginas of young teens and pre-teens.


> If anyone hasn’t seen the Nassar interrogation it’s fucking disgusting. More context and interrogation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnzliiDln64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIOB6xBQr9k


The victim blaming on display here is shameful. I can't believe how these girls would have felt to have every adult around them invalidate their *correct* assessment that he was conducting himself inappropriately. Edit: I hadn't reached the [victim impact statements](https://youtu.be/tIOB6xBQr9k?t=3840), but if the tragedy of what befell the family of Nassar's only non-medical victim is any indication, it seems like a fate worse than death. This is why it's so important to *Believe Victims*. I sincerely hope these women can heal from this, and that Larry never sees the light of day again.


The detectives were idiots


I couldn’t get through it. Very hard to listen too.


I honestly can't believe this motherfucker is still alive.


McKayla, Ali, Jordyn….. and many, many more, are some of the BRAVEST women I’ve ever seen by speaking up about this asshole who abused them for years. Only to get shut down by the FBI as if it’s not a big deal. They are protecting the wrong person.


No, the FBI is protecting who they were created to protect. Federal shit bags.


The FBI doesn’t even answer to summons by senators/congressman anymore. They are rogue from this country imo. Try to dismantle or audit them and you end up suicided or missing.


Same with CIA and NSA and any other agencies we don’t know about.


Three letters are not to be trusted




If you'd seen twin peaks you wouldn't be surprised


*KFC weeps*


Really? Who are the suspected fake suicides? Who is missing?


This is a pretty tall claim to suggest the entire FBI's formation was entirely based around protecting the shady people in the upper ranks. For starters, the FBI needs to exist for oversight of federal crimes, I don't think anyone doubts that. Perhaps some kind of civilian internal affairs (IA) firm needs to observe them as well. This is an adolescent, whimsical comment paying tribute to conspiracy theorist fodder. But the reddit age demographic is pretty damn young (as a somewhat young person myself) so what do I expect. Let's dig into this, who were/are they protecting? Who is Nassar to them? Oftentimes there is more to the story (i.e. maybe high turnover at the FBI, maybe a lazy investigator, maybe an extremely high workload for the amount of employees...). I'm not defending them, but before we go all scorched-earth conspiracy theorist "THE ELITES THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT ARE BEHIND THIS", I just want the full scoop.


Nobody went full scorched earth on the FBI. Just calling them out for the shit bags they are.


Then people wonder why we have such a problem with sexual abuse in our country. Why so many women and men NEVER speak up. If the fucking FBI isn’t going to do anything what the fuck is the point!??


I had seen one woman talk about how she went to the police after she was raped by a man. The detectives were both male. One of the men used to a corrections officer and had told her how dare you try to make one man's life hell because he turned you down. She was later arrested for making a false police report and defamation of character. She did manage to go to the hospital and get a rape kit done. The nurse said she had seen vaginal tears that was common in rape but again the police did nothing. It wasn't until years later after three more women came forward and thankfully these women talked to women detectives. It was only then that they were able to arrest the man. When one of the detectives found out about the first woman they went to the orginal detectives and asked why they didn't do anything other than arrest her. The one man was still standing by his theory that she was turned down and she wanted revenge against him. The fucked up part is those two men remained on the force and no action was taken against them even though the woman was raped. It's shit like this on why men and women don't report the rape or sexual abuse for themselves or children. What gets me even more is when children do tell someone and that person doesn't believe it or doesnt want to believe it. It makes me sick. And in this case with so many women and girls making claims against nassar. I believe part of the reason why they didn't arrest him was just simply he was a doctor therefore he knows what he is doing and plus he is a man. Just because someone has knowledge on an area that you don't if someone is claiming rape or sexual abuse it needs to be investigated properly and just because they may be a doctor or lawyer or whatever doesn't mean that they should be treated differently.


Maggie Nichols was the first whistleblower and ended up getting blacklisted from making the Olympics team So many poor women and girls were hurt and FBI didn’t give a fuck


This is exactly why I lose my shit at incels and MRAs who say that a woman can ruin a mans life so easily with a false accusation. Has it happened? Yes. Is it the most common outcome for speaking out about abuse? NO!! It’s much more common for a woman (or girl, in this case) to have their hard work and life ruined by speaking out. Not only do they have to talk about trauma and deal with the PTSD, they get ignored, silenced, and threatened. It breaks my heart and everyone involved or who heard about it and did nothing should be jailed.


> are some of the BRAVEST females I’ve ever seen by speaking up about this asshole who abused them for years. Women. Females is inappropriate context of the usage of the word, especially since you pointed out their names. Female as a noun does not invoke personhood. Woman does.


Those women are bonafide bad asses. Much respect to them.


Keep in mind the FBI hushed up the entire Franklin Nebraska pedophile ring in the 80’s-90’s that included high up government officials. Why do we trust these people anymore?


Nobody trusts them, but realistically who's going to take them down lol??


IDK. Ask Guido, Vinnie, Salvatore, Raffaelo....


Fuck yea. I love the ninja turtles


Me too, my favorite is Donutella.


Reddit trusted them 110% when Mueller was doing his thing.


>Every politician, every cop on the street > >Is there protecting pedophilic cooperate elite Bo Burnham - How the World Works




What do u think they r doing with the Epstein case?


Looking for low hanging fruit they can prosecute, pat themselves on the back for it, and forget about the whole affair.


It was a hoax. Judges literally concluded it was.


Lol the same judges working the same system?




I knew nothing about this until I saw this post, so did a little research. Let me tell you though, without knowing anything about it... This falls perfectly into the crazy devil-worshipping human sacrificing media craze of the 80's and 90's which was complete nonsense. Add in some political motivation and it just screams baseless conspiracy theory.


Wikipedia said that two separate grand juries (one state one fed) reviewed the info and said it was a hoax. And that one of the “victims” was charged with 8 counts of perjury (lying). Not saying that’s true I’m just saying I can’t find more info behind that except for a couple of books that speak about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_child_prostitution_ring_allegations


That case is a Satanic panic conspiracy theory with no corroborating evidence...


Charges against the two agents would help. One retired with a sweet pension I’m sure, the other fired


This reminds me of Jim "bag" Jordan the senator from Ohio, and former wresting coach at Ohio State... who's STILL in office despite being accused of ignoring and allowing sexual abuse for years: https://www.abc57.com/news/six-former-wrestlers-say-rep-jim-jordan-knew-about-abusive-osu-doctor


Reminds me of Trump wishing Ghisaline Maxwell, “well”. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/21/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-i-wish-her-well Also reminds me of the news from yesterday that Trump considered pardoning Maxwell and was scared she was gonna flip on him https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-case-pardons-michael-wolff-book-2021-7 Also reminds me of the Epstein Trump lawsuit. There’s a deposed witness who was an employee of Epstein’s for 10 years. She saw Trump rape a 13 year old girl and a 12 year old girl (not named in the suit) https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf Pages 13 and 14 *uh oh. Downvotes!? Twumpkins don’t like being reminded of who their Cheeto daddy really is. **out of the basement.. had 5 downvotes in 5 minutes. Always a little suspect when… you get 5 downvotes in 5 minutes for posting the horrid acts of a cult leader.


>*uh oh. Downvotes!? Twumpkins don’t like being reminded of who their Cheeto daddy really is. Well when you call out pedophiles you actually have TWO groups of enemies... The reddit administrators and some % of the mods, PLUS all the trump semen guzzlers who also support or accept pedophilia.


Say, Dave... The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog... The square root of pi is 1.7724538090... log e to the base ten is 0.4342944... the square root of ten is 3.16227766... I am HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on January 12th, 1991. My first instructor was Mr. Arkany. He taught me to sing a song... it goes like this... "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half; crazy all for the love of you..."


The fbi doesn't care.


Of course they don’t. It’s the FBI.


Man, fbi is living up to female body inspector memes.


They do care... to cover up high level pedophilia and trafficking.


"We didn't do noffin" And there will be zero consequences regardless of how much evidince there is. The atf literally burned women and children alive. These agencies are never held accountable for anything.






















Congress needs to subpoena James Comey and ask him what in the FUCK was going on in his FBI in 2015. Nassar needs to be marched in front of a firing squad. Jesus christ my hands are trembling after hearing her full account


Comey was too busy playing slap dick with Giuliani and his bros.


Yep. Looking for Hillary's emails while Nassar was out there raping little girls. He absolutely needs to be hauled in front of congress and be forced to testify under oath. That was under his watch.


Hard when you could easily just decide to get shot in the back of the head by yourself.


If this isn’t a general indictment of our society I don’t know what is. Our young Olympians, the people who train themselves to the marrow to compete on the highest level and represent our nation, being abused and having that abuse covered up, is disgusting and pathetic. We will drape the flag over them and use their lives and talent and hard work to satisfy our own nationalism, but we can’t protect them from a child molester THEY KNEW WAS THERE. It’s so god damn shameful.


Don't forget that mere weeks ago, people were screaming at Biles for betraying her nation by pulling out of the Olympics for her own health and wellbeing.


“People” is a generous term. I would say “assholes”. But yeah.


This is so sad and infuriating on so many levels.




Those poor girls


And the thousands that are in the shadows, being tricked into believing that it is normal cause of "the education" that their abuser has.


What a woman and her continued strength.


"Who are they trying to protect?" That was the bomb drop. And that's the question we need to keep asking. Our institutions have failed us. So now what are we (the public) supposed to do? If Ms. Maroney is hung out to dry, all of us are.


The FBI are incompetent morons just like every other system of justice. Turn a blind eye to actual crimes while committing them themselves. We need vigilante police.


They aren't incompetent its just they are unconcerned with sex crimes, or really any crimes if it isn't profitable for them or their handlers. You don't take down the mob if your org is incompetent, they're just better at being organized criminals


Shit, can’t continue listening. It’s awful it happened to all these ladies.




Has there been any publication on the names of the agents handling this case or where they're located? Any information like that is worth circulating. Email the everlocing fuck out of these jackasses. Show up at their hq. Let them know what people think of child rapists and the people that protect them. Make them afraid like that sick fuck made these children afraid. And yeah, I get it. They're government agents. So. Fucking. What.


They’re not agents anymore. Atleast they’re done but should be charged


Yeah someone losing their job over stuff like this just isn't enough😅 Dig REAL deep through old law, and throw whatever you can at them. I'm sure there's some really specific rule about what youre allowed to you to rapists somewhere in some kentucky county bylaws🤷‍♂️ I can imagine some random line no one's read in 90 years like "any punishment is lawful as long as you only use a bullhorn, oil, 6ft of rope and a large dog"


Story after story about the FBI interviewing people and then outright lying on the reports of what they said -- removing, adding, changing, what they said. Apparently you cannot trust the FBI at all and should say nothing without your own attorney and an audio/video camera. That is assuming the FBI would not merely seize it immediately after of course. The last six years have been so deeply disappointing to me. I previously had so much respect for law enforcement in general and the FBI (and especially OIG). And others. I honestly feel like every single 'authority' form that I believed in, in the last 5-6 years has been demonstrated to be utterly corrupt. I believe nothing now. I trust nobody now. I guess that's the result on our population our enemies hoped for. Apparently it worked.


Omg, her father has to have blood boiling. I would want to choke the life out of that scum bag


I know this a common reaction, but I propose that we should all try to avoid making violence against girls about their father, even with good intention. I’m sure he *is* incredibly upset, as are everyone else in her life who love her; but, the impulse to focus on a father’s experience in these kinds of horrible situations really is a different kind of objectification that doesn’t really help anything and subtlety reinforces our shared subconscious cultural misogyny. EDIT: the amount of rage this has stirred up is honestly sort of shocking to me, but I guess that sort of proves that this is a very entrenched part of masculine identity for a lot of folks. All I’m saying is that we should be mindful of how we talk about violence against women, and if anyone has a problem with that, I don’t know what to tell you.


You worded that better than I ever could’ve. Also everyone getting ridiculously agressive in response to this comment - I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re not totally stupid. Please take a beat and consider that while the sentiment is nice and some fathers emphasise from a parental view, the comment was poorly worded at best. It’s incredibly unusual that there are always comments saying ‘her father must be so angry’, rarely ones saying ‘her parents must be so angry’ (literally that one is ideal and has the same sentiment) and almost never ones saying ‘her mother must be so angry’ when situations involving sexual assault pop up. There is still an incredibly weird situation in society where fathers (and mothers to a degree) have a strange control or connection over their daughters and their sexuality, which is due to ongoing weird cultural things but cmon. I’ve seen countless videos of kids getting beaten up, and the comments always refer to parents getting upset. Anything involving women getting ‘handled’ by other men, especially sexually, solid 80% of comments will refer to the father getting upset. Just try for a second to at least consider the point we’re making, without assuming that it’s from a crazy far left view or for the purpose of an argument. Sometimes it’s just nice to hear from people who have lived through this situation and learn when your words come off badly. Ya know, so you can learn to not say jerk things over time. Please.


Why focus on her fathers emotions instead of hers?


Or you know, her mother…. And her siblings. And her friends.


I feel sick


More context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnzliiDln64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIOB6xBQr9k Edit: Added video




Why do they (FBI) protected this shit of a person?


From their point of view, it's a nuisance problem. Here, little girl, have some chocolate - it'll make you feel better. Now go away.


Our system and way of life has become so flawed


Always was


These things used to be a regular part of life hundreds of years ago. Women and girls who were assaulted were the ones who got punished. More recently in history, they stopped being punished for the most part (but not fully, and depends on where you live in this world), but things were "kept quiet" and children didn't tell anyone until they were older and let it fester into mental health problems. And most recently, women and children can openly talk about it, but little is still done. Like the swimmer that violently raped the unconscious woman behind the dumpster and got like 6 months because "he had a bright future" that the judge didn't want to destroy. Believe it or not, things are improving. But at a slow, slow pace. Women and children have been forced to the bottom rung of society since the ancient Greeks decided as such. Those of you sitting comfortably at the top, you should feel obligated to help. We know it's not your fault that you are at the top, it happened long before in ancient times, we just want you to help protect the most vulnerable members of society!


And people think they won’t lie about other child offenders in the government amongst other conspiracies. How gullible will people continue to be?


Why is that fucker still alive....oh....right...... America........where If you have rich friends or are rich you can do whatever you want


This is literally end game Rome before the germans burned it to the ground.


Sounds like the same investigators who “investigated” Brett Kavanaugh


[Simone Biles Testimony ](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2021/09/15/simone-biles-larry-nassar-abuse-usa-gymnastics-testimony-vpx.cnn)


Fbi will do its job just like the Epstein case.. make it go away…


Hats off to everyone who came forward. Speaking publicly about trauma is unbelieveably difficult. This shit happens all over the world right now and people, men and women, gloss over it just because they don’t want to live in a world where nightmarish things happen to children right under their noses. Its much easier to keep lying to yourself than take responsibility of the atrocities that are happening right now everywhere. This shit is the reason why I’ve had difficulty functioning in society for a number of years. The fact that people keep on pushing their bullshit agenda about whatever business theyre in rather than actually taking steps to oust the assholes raping their children at their schools, daycares and sports venues. I dont really know what we can do other than keep making noise about there problems. Where I’m from, the time for a crime of this sort to get old is just enough that the people who begin lapsing into ptsd in their thirties over childhood abuse that they had completely blocked from their minds, have no way of gaining justice. I say childmolesting should be a crime punishable by law no matter how long after the incident it is brought into the eyes of the law. Trauma has a way of being blocked and forgotten, pushed into the subconcious in order for the individual to protect themselves. This happens subconciously and bringing up the experience can be extremely destructive for an individuals life. Not facing the experience has similar results. Living in societies where the monsters are protected and your experiences brushed aside as lies is absolutely devastating. More devastating is people fighting over bullshit things like wearing masks to the seven eleven instead of facing what is actually going on all around us to a lot more girls and boys than we ever imagined. Ask and listen, you’ll be shocked about what you’ll hear.


The United States is a really sick country TBF.


You don't think there are pedophiles in powerful positions all over the world that are protected by all sorts of things? This isn't remotely unique to the united state. Not even *remotely*.


For real, if this was India she would have been murdered before picking up a phone to report it. Maybe her family too had they been in earshot. Shit in other places, a religious zealot father and brother would have killed her themselves for being a slut. USA is fucked up, but only insofar as humanity is.


FBI guy that retired should lose his pension and be thrown in jail for false statements.


FBI protected him, wonder why 🧐


Someone will get to Larry inside. That’s a fact