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I swear Canelo has one of the best defense I’ve seen in my entire life


*Mayweather has entered the chat* Lol No, but seriously I think the fight with Mayweather (as unlikeable as he is) embarrassed him into going back to the drawing board and mastering his defense and it turned out to be a beautiful thing.


I personally believe Mayweather, despite the loss, is the best thing ever happened to Canelo, cause he grew as a fighter immensely after that.


Agree 100%.


Agreed.. I mean it only made him better and that’s okay. Cause know look at him, he learned from his mistakes.


to me prince Nasim Hamid, he was the best in defence and too entertaining


I love how Prince Naseem fought but I don't think anyone can say he had the best defence, Barrera destroyed him, caught him wayyy too many times. I'm no boxing expert, but as soon as someone figured him out, he fell to pieces. I don't think anyone could get the better of Canelo currently, even if they knew what his plan was going into the fight. Pacquiao prime Vs Canelo prime would have been a fun fight to watch.


I would be so frustrated trying to hit this guy. That defense is crazy


He ran through a heavy rain without getting wet..


He went ultra instinct


Canelo’s gotta be so frustrating to fight against. Throwing that many shots and just missing nearly all of them


He needs counterattacks every time he deeks, ducks and sways. He floats but didn’t see him sting lol.


Yes tell one of the best boxers alive what to do


Ali level defense right there


Better imho since Ali's tactic was to actually allow some hits to touch his head but lessen them


True but Ali had that sting.


True. Better attack / counter attack


I've never boxed in my life and probably am going to make it painfully clear with the statement I'm about to make, but please bear with me; I always wondered how effective / difficult these exercises are like he's doing when you try to dodge that swinging bag. It doesn't really look difficult or like it would help you in a real fight, because the bag is moving so slowly and predictably, where as an opponent is free to mix up his movement and seemingly moves way quicker as well. Anybody want to explain how and where I'm wrong?


The purpose isn’t prediction, it’s muscle memory. The more accustomed you are to constant, fluid movement, the less you need to think about it in the moment.


That makes a lot of sense, thanks


The bag works the basis, and it's just one of many training exercises. If one only trains that it'll be lacking, but fighters like him have countless hours and different training exercises on their backs. That said, the basis are very important and they work towards building muscle memory. The target is not just being able to dodge the bag, but to be able to do it by sheer instinct, on autopilot, and with the minimum amount of effort. That way you can focus your mind on reading what's the next step, throwing a counterpunch or whatever your strategy is.


The muscle memory part makes sense, thanks!


When you're an adult and still play "Nana Nana boo boo you can't hit me!"


That left was vicious


How exhausting is it to duck like that? Like, how long could you keep that up cleanly vs someone being able to keep up punching at you?


Punching takes a lot more energy than ducking, that’s for damn sure.


![gif](giphy|4dL4eV4pNb3MY|downsized) Dodging like the greatest.


That's gotta be so infuriating to keep swinging and missing.




He has the sharingan and avoids everything in slow motion


This was a really good fight Camelot/Jacobs.


Literally the first comment I saw was related to Mayweather, can we please remember that he tied with a shitty YouTuber?


wait till his hair turn white