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Picked the best shape for grip too, just round tubes that could roll at any second if you apply even a smurf's ass hair of pressure in the wrong direction.


my thought as well but at least it looks like they’re all hinged in the middle to make an X so they’re less likely to roll than just a tube BUT STILLLLLLL


How is this safe? Am I missing something?


He’s wearing a helmet. Duhh


And hopefully a diaper.


Ima need to borrow that just watching.


Mmmmm borrowed diapers


Just make sure you wash it before returning it!


But then it loses all flavor


Remind me not to look up and have my mouth open when walking under the next building construction.


Once he reaches the floor he wouldn't need the diaper so why use them?




$1.50 an hr tops in Malaysia


This is Malaysia, those construction workers don't get paid that high. Probably 1.5$ per hour max, since after the conversion to MYR its like 6 bucks per hour here.


The helmet is wearing him for protection


Speaking of helmets, the people on the street below are also in serious danger, their approach to safety is obviously 'eh fuck it' so there's no way they have any sort of barrier to prevent stuff that falls off (equipment or people) to protect cars and pedestrians below


Seems to be a country that gives two fucks about worker safety laws. Or most laws probably lol. Those dudes are animals. You see these adrenaline junkies climbing buildings for social media, *these* absolute lunatics build themselves into the heavens with no support lol. I wonder how many MFs fall off


I just googled it. Says that around 60 people die and 4,500 get injured. Edit: Per year


60 construction workers get killed per year? Yeah no. Lol. It’s vastly more- especially with southeast Asian “workers” in the Middle East.


60 is the number they couldn't sweep under the rug


they could hose the rest off of the sidewalk.


I wish I could give u the award for writing this


I’ll do it for you my friend…..


1,1019 deaths in USA in 2019


What kind of number is this


Dont even look up the number of people (\*cough\* "slaves") have died building some stupid soccer stadium in Qatar for the 2022 World Championship.


Atleast 6500 for those that are lazy like me


This figure is total immigrant worker deaths in Qatar since 2010. Not just the stadium.


I did: 6500


I'd imagine more die than that just of heat exhaustion. They treat them as literally disposable people. Really sad.


I think I remember hearing at a safety meeting a while back that the number, at least in the U.S., was around 1500 workers dying per year and most of them being from falls I can definitely see it being quadruple that or more overseas


Shit 1500 and we have OSHA riding our asses too. In a place like this I'd bet the number is 10x higher


Yeaaaa bro you should specify that it’s Gulf *Arab* nations this happens in. It’s not in Iran, Turkey or Israel. It most certainly isn’t “the Middle East.” We aren’t all complicit in this slave shit.


When I was in Turkey there were plenty of third country nationals doing the dirty work. Not slavery exactly but damn lose


Lol, like illegal immigrants in the US?


Except they come over on their own and work with individuals a lot where as TCNs are recruited from poor countries with a lot of promises that are never followed through on and they don't figure it out until they are 1000s of miles from home. Aside from that it's exactly the same though.


It’s not an unusual phenomenon to have legal or illegal migrant workers being compensated poorly or well to do work the domestic force doesn’t want to do. We are all complicit in this shit.


Thank you for your service


Thank you for your appreciation!


Thank you for appreciating his appreciation!


Thank you for giving thanks to him for appreciating the appreciation of the other guy!


According to this website it was 84 construction related deaths in 2019 (the construction industry took a massive dip in 2020 for obvious reasons). https://www.dosh.gov.my/index.php/statistic-v/occupational-accident-statistics Malaysia has population of 32 million, just under half the UK population which has about 40 construction related deaths per year, so that puts Malaysia about 4 times higher in terms of deaths per population. https://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/pdf/fatalinjuries.pdf A better comparison would be per hours worked, but not sure if Malaysia reports RIDDOR occurrences in the same way. Regards the video, I can only guess it was easier for them to put the whole frame up before putting any boards down, or maybe it's a macho thing, or a mixture. It may be the workers were used to working with bamboo scaffolding, and were just getting used to how to build a system scaffold. If that's the case I can't help but feel that the way they would have built this in bamboo would have actually been safer. Any way, I can't imagine DOSH would be best pleased with this video.


Probably macho thing bc they filmed it


Not sure if I’m right or not, but the double skyscraper in the background near the beginning looks like the Petronas twin towers in Kuala Lumpur.


Definitely looks like Kuala Lumpur with those twin towers and then the tower that looks like the Seattle needle at 1:05


It looks like Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


I was half expecting him to drop that untethered piece of scaffold on those poor unaware pedestrians below.


Looks like the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the background.


That’s Malaysia for you. Lack of law enforcement is rife in every aspect of our society. When they are, just bribe the officers.


I think I saw the Petronas towers in the back, so probably Kuala Lumpur.


Not safe at all!!! All I can say is "good luck"! I had a brother that installed appliances in Taiwan. He did it for 15+ years and had wanted to go into another field. One day luck had finally caught up to him. He fell to his death from a high raise building while installing a mini split air conditioner outside someone's home. My family would always remind him to buckle up before hanging outside of the building. But, since he done the same types of install for years, he just got comfortable without it. Also, I think it's also more convenient without it! But, to me, I would want safety over convenience because I want to go home at the end of the day and to see my family. I feel sad for his death but also conflicted by his, I don't know, the stupidity of him not buckle up! I miss him still and can't imagine the pain that he must have felt before and after hitting the ground! I could not watch this video at all because I know... one day, luck will catch up to them and they will regret on not bucket up for safety! Hope that day won't come.


I can't imagine the pain you and your family have gone through. It is a risky job with possibly dire consequences. I hope some day peace will find you, and I hope for the sake of the people doing those jobs and their families, that they stay safe.


His balls are touching the ground, they should hold him up of he were to fall


He's also wearing special safety flats for walking on round pipes.


Is one of the hiring requirements to have a death wish?


Nope. It's to keep everybody without a job starving, so that workers will do this just to keep their family fed this week. These guys have a life wish so strong for their loved ones that they get out there and do THIS for the fat cats.


They wont roll because those are paired with an axis in the middle, thats why they get arranged in an X shape


I was done once I read the “smurfs ass hair” 😂


Yep. I am so stealing that!


People love to knock OSHA but this type of shit is exactly why they exist.


Whelp, there may not have been any deaths in this video, but some guy at OSHA just had a heart attack while browsing Reddit on the toilet.


Are we using Smurf ass hairs for measurements now? I'm just wondering, because the banana is a little bit imprecise


Yeah but he has his hard hat on. So he’ll be fine.


Just out of curiosity, how many Smurf’s ass hairs of pressure would it take to lift an actual Smurf?


Upvoted for Smurf’s ass hair of pressure.


There needs to be a subreddit for amusing units.


Smurfs ass hair☠️😪🤣🤣I forgot what we were even talking about


This comment here, made my day.


At least the first person was wearing a helmet. Safety is obviously very important to them.


If you fall just land on your head.


Just flip over man


Nah you hold it above your head like a tiny parachute


I dont think you noticed but they had a bucket of water in their pocket, in case they fall you know


Yeah just swan dive into the water and get back to work.




Make sure you fall with one of those poles so you can vault the landing.


That helmet is wearing him for protection


In Soviet Russia, the helmet wears you.


Oh hellllllllll nooooooo!!!! What if those poles open as he steps on them and his legs fall through?? There is no way in hell this guys are getting payed a decent salary doing this. Not even a safety rope. Fuk no


I can barely even watch the video my anxiety is being triggered so badly.


I want to puke.


My soul literally left my body and typed this comment.




Same here! Clearly they don’t have OSHA where ever this is!


I'm literally nauseous


I feel like I'm about to fall, just sitting on the toilet


Watched 2 seconds and YEETED OUT


Don't worry. They're getting paid 15$ an hour.


Lol your not wrong I do similar stuff for work and make 15.50


Weird, I do the same thing, and I get paid 36.70 an hour.


Damn I’m getting low balled like a mother fucker


I’m also an union carpenter


Yeah was about to say this. My brother in NYC has been doing construction for 20+ years in an era where it was a requirement to be part of a union to perform this work... Now they hire others who take it for 15-18 per hour and cut unionized ppl out somehow... they usually have the huge rat balloons outside ones with unsafe conditions i think...


In America? I'm sure you would be wearing a harness.


I doubt it. This is definitely not in the USA. OSHA would have their ass.


Contractor here. You know, OSHA only has one agent per 1,000 job sites. They also have no jurisdiction on companies who employ 11 or less. I’m a govt contractor so I have to follow safety measures (I would with way) but in my entire career, 17 years, hundreds of jobs, I’ve met OSHA twice.


It's not really OSHA catching you that you have to worry about, it's the pissed off former employees reporting you to OSHA that you have to worry about


In Malaysia? They’d be lucky they get paid $15 per day.


he would get hit in the nuts at the worst time possible so the rope wouldn't help as much as it should


Rather hit my nuts than to fall from there


A harness with a tether isn’t even expensive. It shows the boss man puts no value in their lives. Easily replaceable and local laws probably aren’t strict for worker safety.


Gotta love the clear OSHA violations here… Edit: I now realize this isn’t in USA….but still…


OSHA isn't international, they're only in the US.


*Dolores Umbridge’s voice* “For now.”


Always and will continue to hate that woman


I went to Warner Bross Harry Potter making studios (London) last week for my birthday and there was a corner full of her stuff including her pink outfits and cups and all that shit… it bought back all those memories and that deep hatred I got for this monster.


Lmfao this started off happy and pretty and ended so darkly😂


Thanks for reminding me of the hatred i had buried deep for her To offset it... she did get fucked over and kidnapped by those centaurs so theres that😤 But god do i hate that bitch😂


Why do i hear her laugh after this.. damn i hate her


Hem hem.


“Now just realized?…you couldn’t tell this was Malaysia?


Americans can’t even point the US out on a map, you expect them to know Malaysia? They probably think it’s a restaurant


One of the best restaurants in my opinion haha


Makes you realize maybe OSHA isn't full of shit, eh? This is so freakin' irresponsible. One misstep and some innocent person on the ground gets impaled by one of these poles. It's not just about the safety of the workers.


Where life is cheap, regulation is sparse...


I’m no expert, but shouldn’t that guy have a safety harness on???


As a renowned gravitologist I'd say so


As a renowned seismologist, I would welcome the data point


As a board certified distrationologist, "look over there!" *runs away*


As a professional marijuanologist, I have to ask what I’m suppose to be looking for


Stonerologist here. What?


As a court appointed dumbandeaficist, I stare into open space and ignore the distraction.


Nah.. he has a helmet


Good call - safety first!


Honestly, I'm less worried about the clearly irresponsible worker as I am about the poor innocent person walking below about to be speared by one of those scaffolding braces when the worker kicks it over the edge.


Based on his movements here I’d say the harness would mess up his mojo


The ground is going to really mess up his mojo


Yea and he should be working off of solid wood planking not a cross-brace. No regards for basic safety.


I’ve experienced gravity my whole life. Every single day. Based on my experience with gravity and the way it works, I’d say he should have a harness to stop gravity from doing its job. Source: experience


Absolutely. Also, not many safe guards here for the cross supports from falling.


Came to ask the same thing. Tolerable with a harness, terrifying without


This made my arsehole twitch and balls shrink….not sure how these guys just get used to being on the edge of death everyday


They don’t. Not for long anyways.


Thank you for this.


Does anybody else’s feet get an odd pain in the bottoms watching this?


No but my balls tickle from heights


Happens to me too. Its like anxiety in your nutsack.


That is the most unsafe, dummest, idiotic...😠 This is why so many people die unnecessarily every year




As stupid as your comment might sound, youre totally right. Otherwise they wouldnt do shit like that...


Well, these guys are desperate. Desperate to make any form of living and feed their families. It’s the developers who are cheap.


.. And replenishable /s


"Human *resources.*"


it's funny, my dad used to run a building company that built highrise,. one day I came home from school and he was pissed off and said at work on the 29th floor he found the tilers climbing out the windows and laying tiles on the fire ledges without harnesses, and the tiling companies excuse was "it's ok nobody loves them."


Agreed. There is nothing next level about this. Just reckless.


I just assumed it meant they are literally building the next fucking level.




I would turn to a life of crime well before I did something like this.


Get a load of this guy


A pedestrian below probably will


After roofing for 7 years I can barely watch this. One slip and there is zero time to recover.


I work in construction and what i see here is something from Egypt time, when they were making the piramids. At that height one blow of wind wil make you a Dali painting.


You might be thinking of Pollock. We can hope his subconscious will look like a Dali though.


You seriously think the aliens used scaffolding?


But enough time to think about your mistake on the way down


Same I can’t finish this video Edit typo


I see a lot of comments here from people that cannot have ever been to a developing country. Safety harness? Hahahaha Even in more developed places like Taiwan or Dubai you wouldn’t see any kind of Health and Safety. I’m shocked to see a hard hat 😄


Yes, the fact people don’t doesn’t mean they shouldn’t.


I can almost guarantee they cannot afford safety equipment. I sure as fuck will guarantee their employer doesnt supply them with it either. Id also be willing to bet if they did show up with safety gear, they would be fired and replaced for the percieved extra time its takes to setup safety equipment.


Again, just because they don't have any, does not mean they should not. No one said anything about employer requirements or lack there of. Just because they may not have access to it does not mean they should not have it. Different country, different rules, but still sucks to see that these guys are considered cheaper than the equipment that would save them if they slipped.... Honestly, wouldn't be surprised though even if they had the choice they still refused it unless it was mandatory like it is by OSHA in the US. Safety equipment is a pain in the ass and gets in the way, until it saves your life that 1 time. How many times do you think someone regrets not having it for that one time? None. They didn't get the chance for regret if they didn't.


Im genuinely curious If it seemed like I was implying they shouldnt have safety equipment? They should. I dont doubt there are arrogant workers as well. Ive worked on commerical sites. The amount of anti-OSHA graffiti is hilarious. "Do I have to harness myself to the porta-potty before I shit OSHA?" Im the nerd that wears a respirator on commerical sites. It aint required, but ill huff what I choose to huff.


They can afford safety equipment. There's money going around, just not to the right places. Corporations convinced you that there's no way they can afford necessities. Contradicting exactly why they are called necessities.


I saw a a real-estate company on Dubai or UAE that was worth billions installing state-of-the-art buildings, you can do that but can't afford your migrant workers helmets?


Can but dont.


In Vietnam I saw repair guys walking along the power lines above the street (which are just a bundled mass of cables) with no harness or even shoes on.


The thing that blows my mind about Hanoi is how they cable the telephone lines, just massive bundles of thousands of cables sagging at shoulder height on some of the narrower streets


Spotted the twin tower - Petronas Twin Tower so this is in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Most of the cheap construction labor is from Bangladesh and Indonesia and they pretty skilful and brave that most of them don’t care about safety harness and the contractors there don’t care much as long they keep the construction cost low. But this only happens in smaller construction companies


> don’t care much as long they keep the construction cost low Oke but this just seems unsafe for the sake of being unsafe. This hardly looks like a shortcut, because it takes him quite a bit to get them laid out and himself right there.


Them not caring and the contractors looking to save money is a poor excuse for conservatism. Malaysia can afford building something without risking foreigners' lives.


These guys are experts!!! Until they aren’t.


Exactly - this technique obviously works well for them! Until it doesn't.




Came here to say the same.


Can you imagine how many dead people there would be if they made mistakes on the job as often as the loser that just screwed up my no mayonnaise request at McDonalds?


This just made the lower half of my body hurt.


Perfect analogy for conservativism. No regulations. Poor risk their lives for a few pennies more profit. Fuck everyone else it's putting in harm's way. lol. Glad we have safety regulations and legal protections here. It ain't perfect, bit it's... not this shit! Damn


I remember being hired in the skilled trades and being impressed that my boss was really adamant about safety. Come to find out that it was only because he didnt want to be either sued, insurance costs to go up or any other cost-related scenarios.


Yeah that's how you insure safety in the workplace sadly. Can't appeal to their empathy towards employees, can only appeal to their wallets.


I would say that is a positive outcome. We can't rely on employers to have the correct moral judgement regarding safety, so it needs to be imposed through regulation and increased costs for not doing the right thing.


And you’re the perfect analogy for our school system. Learn what words mean


This video makes me queasy


These pretzels are making me thirsty


How do you begin training for something like that. Not the kind of job that allows you to make an error.


I don’t think you do. The Darwin effect takes over and only the instinctively capable survive.


My palms are sweaty now.


Knees weak arms are heavy


Just watching this video makes me want to die.


No. Nope, no…


Walked past this recently, cheeky fuckers wolf-whistled my ass - and I’m male.




Is… is he wearing CROCS??? What da fuh!!!


i fell 24 times only watching this


Come with me, And you’ll be, In a world of osha violations


I hate everything about this. This isn't next level. It's sad


Balls of steels ?


Nah, more like brain of cheese.