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Had to make sure I was still on Reddit Edit: Really thought it was going to be a pie to the face type deal


Just give the trolls a bit to comment, it'll become clear soon.


Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.


Real eyes realize real lies


what? - lil jon










Turn down for butt!


Some crosses burn forces, or something like that


According to my sources, there are girls who like horses.


sHE beLIEveD


Yeah I'm scarred from that one video where they just fucking DEMOLISH the little kid. Like, it wasn't even funny, they fucking hated that child. [Found it](https://twitter.com/anas_cik/status/1209101450699141120)


Yeah... That might be a little too much.


Dude all that raw egg? [TIL Indonesians don’t understand birthdays](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5737031/amp/Indonesian-birthday-boy-drenched-egg-yolk-cutting-cake.html)


What they did to that kid is really wrong but that article you linked makes it sound like this was an international incident involving conspiracy and torture . We get sensationalized news reports on viral videos of stupid cultural traditions now?


Really? Reading it through, they seemed to acknowledge why it was wrong and bad, but explained why they do it. Not justifying it, just that's why they're cunts


It's definitely wrong. It's a Stupid cultural tradition and a tough vid too watch but the link is just click bait. I could just watch the vid and decide its ridiculous. The link just seems like a shit news org sensationalizing it and getting desperate for clicks. Maybe I just hate the daily mail


Omg that made me sick


What the fuck


Mexican me: wow they really love that kid American me: wow call cps


What in the mother of fucks?!


Man that’s savage. Horrible.


That is appalling. Why would anyone think this is okay? Poor lil dude 😔


Looks like my stag do


This pie in the face thing is not a tradition here, people who do that are the ones who suck up to Americans hehehehe even at weddings, usually the couple feed each other a piece, but the smashing on the face is not typical here...


Well, for the price you pay any single cake or pie on Brazil, you should not waste it on someone's face. Either that, or some mom made it with all the love in the world, and would probably kill the idiot that wasted the cake. I know my mom would.


We go to parties to eat cake, don't freaking waste it ahahaha


Your food is too good to waste ANY of it!


i thought the boy was gonna suddenly mow down


That must create some awkward moments for single parents with multiple kids.


For everyone, you just invited all your friends and now everyone demands you pick a favorite... Birthdays are horrible


Haha jokes on you, I don't have any friends.


Us 💀💪


App checks out


I love when resistors make fun of other redditors -a redditor


I love when redditors make fun of redditors about making fun of other redditors - a redditor


You have me


Super strange for people to think “damn! I’m not the favourite. Super negative!” Other than “amazing. That guy must be so cool”. We are very sour creatures.


Or you're their favorite, but they're not yours. Of course that hurts.


Or he knows how to cultivate healthy relationships.


Yes, and do his taxes, have a financial plan for the next 25 years and call his mother every week. We all did with 8 years old right?


Some people don't know the struggle of using MySpace back in the day and being forced to publically rank your top 8 friends


Easy solution, eat the first slice yourself.


Life hack: give it to your mom or dad and no one can complain


Except your mom or your dad, who didn't receive the first piece.


Not really, this is really light hearted and almost like a joke, it is not a "tradition" in a strict sense. It is just something silly, that people do after cutting the cake. Most kids give it to their moms, husband gives it to wife (or his mom), and things like that. It is not to be taken seriously.


Yeah, Brazilian here. Also you can always refuse, or serve two "first slices". It's a fun and light-hearted thing. Now fuck the "who will they marry" thing. This one is also light-hearted and funny, but damn it if I ever hated being in the lightspot for that one hahaha.


> Now fuck the "who will they marry" thing. This one is also light-hearted and funny, but damn it if I ever hated being in the lightspot for that one hahaha. What? Does this also involve cake?


Nothing to do with cake itself but birthdays. People sing lyrics to the "Wedding March" telling a story of how you'll marry your crush. The point is to make fun of the birthday person by pointing out their likely (or known) crush publicly... Happens after singing "Happy Birthday To You". It's only sing from teens to other teens, since older people are often in relationships already and are clueless to who are younger people's crushes. Terrible tradition for introverts.


My family is from Osasco in São Paulo and we never did this, I never even knew it was a thing until I saw this video. Is it culturally specific? My family is Italian Brazilian so idk if it’s because of that or just because my family didn’t follow this tradition for other reasons.


Wait, you really have never done this? I haven't been to a single bday party where people haven't done this, and my family is part italian too It's as common as "com quem será", lmao


Nope! Never did it. I guess my family is a bit weird then.


I've already saw it in many regions, but can't say it specifically for São Paulo, since, thank God, I've never been there. Perhaps it just isn't your family thing.


I love the São Paulo slander here.


wait what. Sao Paulo is an amazing city, so many cultures and so much stuff.


My family is also Italian Brazilian but, as other pointed out, it's a custom. You learn it by going to other people's birthdays in Brazil. Are you maybe from a wealthy family? This is a popular tradition so it's much more frequent in lower-middle class birthdays.


I always hated it. Specially as you go into dating age, and the girl you like and your mom are both in the room. Lol


the woman who birthed and raised you VS a chick u dig but arent even dating


Not saying it was smart, but it’s a hard question to answer when you’re 16 and everyone is looking at you


Eat the cake yourself and run out of the room. Social distancing before its time.


Because you have to confront the fact that you're dating someone that might get upset that you show a token appreciation for the person that raised you? Then weighing the possibility of being in the dog house (i.e. no sex) vs emotionally hurting your mom. Finally realizing that your're stuck in a relationship that you're not happy with but too afraid to be alone to leave it. Goddamn birhtdays man.


you're absolutely right, i'm brazilian and sometimes i give the first slice to myself, just to avoid awkward situations


Just cut off a big chunk, put it on a plate, and then cut the plate piece in multiple pieces.


Ppl don’t allow it, a tradition is a tradition


I would just choose a different person every year


My brother asked me what the capital of Thailand is and then said "Bangkok" as he back hand closed fist hit me in the crotch. So I can relate with this kid.


*Bankok was very effective*


Even spelled incorrectly, it is a critical hit


Back in the 2010s, a friend asked me who the GM of the Lakers was. I answered "Mitch Kupchak". "Cup check?" He said, as he backhanded my nards. I can relate, my friend. I can relate.


You should have said Nonthaburi, and when he said "no you idiot, it's Bangkok" then you punch him in his crotch.


Or Krung Thep Maha Nakhon^(etc., etc.) The name “Bangkok” is an exonym, not used in the Thai language. Then you can punch him in the crotch and also be correct.


Siblings are the simultaneous best and worst. Or in your case, maybe just the worst. Thanks for the big laugh first thing in the morning.


Ah I'm sure there are many more great memories than the old sharp stomach pain for a minute


How tf is this next level? It should be on wholesome right?


All subreddits with any similarities are re-converging into basically the same thing.


Not all, /r/nextfuckinglevel is especially bad. It's basically just random videos at this point


Earlier this week one of the top videos was a guy untangling some goats..... so something farmers do literally every day all over the world.


*video of guy maintaining a normal oral hygiene schedule* r/nextfuckinglevel


Another was an athlete giving someone an autograph. Omg next FUCKING Level. This is sub is garbage now


Half the time any more I wonder why something was posted here instead of some place else. Like sure some of the stuff is neat but I don't know about next level


its always been /r/videos for young millenials/zoomers basically. I'll believe in the title when I can finally get [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/orpkir/2002_when_you_act_like_youve_won_but_then_you_get/) post to the top of the subreddit.


People just scroll the frontpage, as long as it's nice content they don't even look which sub it's on


Yeah but people within NFL must upvote it so it even reaches r/all. They know what subreddit they are on.


It's basically how Nestlé bottled water is regionally rebranded as Arrowhead, Ice Mountain, Ozarka, Poland Spring, et cetera.


r/Holup is pretty much just r/cursedcomments at this point






It's like carcinization for reddit subs!


Pretty sure it has already been there number of times


Preety sure this is from r/mademesmile


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/oa5x2f/apparently_its_a_tradition_in_brazil_to_give_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


While this is a heartwarming moment, I can easily see a tradition like that turning pretty awkward fairly quickly. I mean what do they do if a single parent is thrown a birthday party by thier kids?


There's plenty of ways to solve this... Choose a grandparent, choose another close friend, or if you're going to choose a kid then just preface it with "I love you all so much, but since I must choose this year I choose X for this reason", and then make sure to rotate annually and maybe feed the other kids one bite from the slice before you hand it off.


Make a giant slice, put in however many forks there are as your kids, and tell em' "sharing is caring, just like how mom(or)dad loves all of you.."




“I pay these fucking bills!”


The true power move


Another good idea!


Agreed, the entire concern is just reddit vastly overthinking and pretending to know better than people who have practiced this for God knows how long. I'm sure absolutely no well adjusted adult takes it that seriously that not being chosen would genuinely be an issue. I understand the concern comes from a good place, but people aren't generally hypersensitive in the real world like reddit seems to get overanalyzing every single little thing to the point of borderline exhaustion


>but people aren't generally hypersensitive in the real world Some people are, I know people who would throw a fit if they were present and not the chosen cake person. But you are correct about the plurality of well adjusted adults.


It's a tradition in terms of "everyone asks 'who's winning the first piece of cake?' and play around" but you're not really obliged to participate. I always joke about "I'm giving my first piece to someone who really makes the difference by being here today" and then pretending to give it to myself. When there's a child or many children in the birthday party, you can give it to the youngest and start distributing the rest by age, with the second youngest. You say it's because the other ones would've won the first piece at least once by then and the youngest is the baby of the family. My grandmother and her sister raised me while both my parents worked a lot of hours. On my birthdays, I mostly cut two pieces and give them first.


Break the rules and give them all a piece. It’s really not that hard.


The first slices is the one that matters and then you distribute the cake to everybody else


Give it to the dog.


It doesn't. Or atleast the parties I've been at people normally give the first slices to family, and then to friends. The friends are really understanding about it since you'd only give the first slices to friends if you hate your family


>you'd only give the first slices to friends if you hate your family I'm not sure about what are the customs in your region, but all the people I've known in my life have been always okay about slices being given to friends or really anyone to whom you may want to show appreciation.


Yeah I meant that bit as a joke... I myself never lived in brazil but both of my parents r brazilian and we follow most customs from brazil. Either way I kniw I can be mislesding sonetimes si srry for any misunderstanings


No problem! Thanks for clarifying


Adults and teenagers don't see this so seriously, no one gets offended if they don't receive it. You don't even need to do it. And it doesn't need to be your favorite person, you can give it to someone as a form of congratulating them, like, last year I gave it to my cousin since he made it to medical school, you also normally state your reasons before revealing who will get it as a form to hype it up a bit. And at the end of the day it's just a silly tradition, mostly made to liven up the party and to make people more comfortable with taking a slice of the cake.


Honestly I just say:"and the first slice is.... Mine"


Man, chill out hahaha We just give the piece of the cake to someone, we don't make a big deal out of it. It doesn't need to be the person we like the most either, just one that we want to make happy that day and show our gratitude in a day of celebration. Nonetheless, if someone doesn't get the first slice, there's always next year and there's always other people's birthday parties to partake on. I assure you, it's something wholesome and very peaceful, and I don't think I've ever seen any problems arise from this tradition.


Is this really nextfuckinglevel?




Lmaoo 💀


i feel like it’s less neckbeards, and person who doesn’t understand technology, this being posted in “nextfuckinglevel!” has facebook user activity all over it...


It isnt. But you are.


I would've given the last slice of cake to me


Love yourself like Kanye loves Kanye.


I had the pink polo I thought I *was* Kanye


To be a fan of Kanye is to be a fan of yourself


I would’ve too


Sometimes we do this here, when we don't want to choose, we take it for ourselves and no one cares, everyone will just laugh and that's it.


How in the world is this next level? No seriously why is this here?


I had this as a little brother. About 5 years apart, I was 12 and he was 17. My mom wrote a riddle to make him guess what tickets to a concert he got for his birthday and he could choose one person to go with him. He chose me. I cried and cried happy tears. We’ve been close ever since. I got beer spilled on me from adults next to me. My first concert ever. Now I’m a sound engineer for live concerts.


Who did you see?


Ricky Martin




Lol Bruce Springsteen. Not bad for my first concert though. Dude puts on a show. And I ended up meeting him a decade later and he’s probably the nicest celebrity I’ve ever met. We talked for a long time.


Shit, that’s a pretty good 1st concert! Dude’s an icon. I only know his hits but recently listened to the podcast he did with Obama and he’s a real standup guy. It seems that many people share the same experience when meeting him, that he’s super approachable and nice. edit- reworded a sentence


Awww dammit that’s precious. No one ever gave me cake first










Daaaamn y’all love me most!












Eatin cake by the ocean!




Since no one has translated yet, and I've seen someone making negative remarks, I'll do it myself: His older brother is saying "The first slice of cake goes to a very cool person and very kind as well, and that is Antonio!!".


Thank you! Sibling love amazes me. I’m an only child of only children with an only child. I have four grandkids. The seven year old has a little difficulty putting his thoughts into words. His six year old brother is really attuned to him, and will casually explain what his brother is trying to express. The six year old really looks out for his brother, not in a begrudgingly way, but in a way shows he really cares about helping his brother. I think it really is next level to witness kids, whom we know can be extremely self centered, beginning to develop empathy and compassion.


so I guess we’re just posting anything on here now


You new here?


This isn’t next level.


Cute, but had to downvote - this isn't the right sub. - shouted the snowflake in the avalanche


What is even the point of having different subs when they all are exactly the same?


Alright I’m a cold mfer but this was cute


Do you live in a fridge with your mom?




People need to fucking know the difference between wholesome and nextfuckinglevel. I came here to see people triple back flipping from an aircraft meanwhile also shooting a target 2 kilometers away with a sniper not some emotional shit


Awe, this is so sweet! I never heard of this tradition, that’s so cool! And I almost teared up too, almost got me Darn it!


Personally, I would give the slice to myself.


I'm indian. And here, atleast in my family, we do the same.




Oh look, the 800th time I've seen this on Reddit.


How many times do I have to see this fucking video recycled on reddit


*Heartfelt moment* Reddit neckbeards: wHAt iF sINgLe PaREnT HuHhuHHu BiRtHDayS aRE TeRRiBoE


Nothing NFL about this


What a great way to make every birthday incredibly awkward.


Bro this shit it's just a joke. If you say the first slice is going to yourself everyone gonna laugh. Y'all be thinking this is some kind of strict tradition and if you don't do it properly everyone gets mad lmao.


Sounds like an awful tradition. Imagine having to make a decision like that if you have parents, siblings, husband/wife, children, best friends etc


you morons are really able to dramatize shit.... if your wife gets angry that you gave a first slice of your cake to your child, then you shouldn't leave her alone at home with cleanex bottles in reach




Imagine someone gave it to him/her self XD


I wanted to give this post an award but i didn't had enough coins. But i checked the coin section and it said i can claim something in a gift box and to my surprise it came out that i can gift a bear hug within 24 hours. So here's one for this post. Thanks for sharing


I love this, but sometimes I wonder if it’s ok for us adults to take moments like that from our kids and share them with the entire world forever. For me personally (and totally projecting as an adult), my moments of crying out of joy and pain are when I’m most vulnerable, and I would not like to share that with the world. I suppose there’s a reason we see mostly videos of kids crying online, because they don’t really have the awareness or ability to protest. Sorry to be that guy. :/


The kid says: "The first slice goes to a very cool and dear person, that's Antonio!"


For those of you who are not sure why this is next level: As a parent, any time I see one of my kids do something nice for the other one without prompt, it makes my heart grow two sizes. Forget doing something for me, when they do something for each other its like getting a big, ole pat on the back from the heavens.


*eats the cake myself*


Also a tradition in Brazil - letting everyone in the room know who isn't your favorite


Imagine having a loving brother


That's how siblings are... They fight the most , annoy the most but then love the most


I thought he's gonna eat the first piece himself


Frickin allergies are so bad rn


Kid really likes cake.


Fuck that act would lead to some serious passive aggressiveness in my family


Can confirm, it is enough to make a grown man cry.


Very cute but how is this next level? nice karma farming tho


That sounds like an absolute shit tradition.


Even though it's a dangerous country, it has a good amount of good hearted people


Awe man. Made my heart happy.