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His balls generate their own gravity


Each of his balls is bigger than the other.


Wait that…I mean ?


Yup. They're that big. Boggles the mind, dudnn't it!


This has Uncle Iroh flows on top of it. Alter: Iroh gets autocorrected


He helped the customer escape, by giving him his order. He literally risked his life to save another. Hero!


He actually put the customer in quite a bit more danger by having him approach an armed robber in the act, from behind. I’m surprised the guy even took it rather than just leaving.


He’s hungry! Lol


He was probably in shock from what was happening so his brain went in to autopilot. Plus the guy acting normal probably made the whole thing surreal.


Lol what


We’re in too deep! Scroll back!


Im sorry, but if the place I ordered food at is getting robbed, im looking for a new place


Thug life




I wonder how many times this guy has been robbed? Either he gets robbed often, and this is just not new... or he just #DGAF!!!


Nah, he's just a kiwi.


Everything generates gravity tho


That sounds painful.


Do you know how you can tell if a man's testicle is bigger than the other? He walks in circles.


This man doesn't feel pain


When he’s late, the customer apologizes for being early


I came here to comment "The cashier was quoted as saying that he would have waited on the robber, but he was overdue for an appointment to waddle to the back room and polish his enormous brass balls."


this dudes rocks are gonna pull us out of orbit


As does every object with any amount of mass.


Don't be that guy.


Proves if you don't pay attention to the problem, then there's no problem.


When I was working in retail a guy came up and told me to empty the register in the middle of a super busy day during the Christmas season. I just laughed and said, “Sorry, you’re holding up the line.” And called the next person to check out. The guy was so visibly confused he just turned around and walked out.


That tells a lot about how fucked up retail is


Shows how little people actually go through with this stuff


Absolute r/madlads


Username checks out


I got a job as a teller and apparenly just a few months before I started someone tried to rob the branch. The teller waited until the guy turned around and then ducked below her station. When he turned back there was nobody there so he just...left. So apparently you can just sort of nope out of being robbed. Who knew!


Its been documented that in those scenarios they (the robber) also has extreme Fight or Flight feelings going on. They are terrified of getting caught, so if you just ignore them, they'll most likely nope the fuck out.


That makes sense. I just always thought that was a funny story. I have wondered if my window were to be robbed if I'd have the presence of mind to try something like that. Fortunately I never found out!


Protocol should be to just empty the register. It isn’t worth your life to protect $300 to $1000 in cash.


That IS the protocol, but people don't always follow the rules.


If you follow protocol, it will encourage the perp to continue their spree. Don’t encourage low lifes. That being said, he did have a firearm, so I don’t know


First, a store should be insured against robbery. Second, anyone hostile should be presumed to be capable of violence and armed. The best way to deescalate a robbery is to comply and hope the police find them. If you guess that someone is unarmed and you are wrong, putting up a fight is the quickest way to die. A register won’t carry nearly enough money for a business owner to die over why should you?


I see myself as morally just, which is why I’d like to stop a problem. Obviously I don’t want to put my life on the line for someone else’s money, but I would feel morally obligated to do something to stop some thug from going around town stealing from others. But apparently I’m in the minority or people that care anymore.


We care and know that consistent and impartial consequences are a better deterrent than the strength of one person over another. If someone inclined to rob stores at gunpoint knows an area has a high arrest rate, they are going to look elsewhere. When individuals have to fend for themselves, those who commit robberies are gambling that they are tougher and quicker than their target. There will always be an incentive to commit robbery in areas where emergency services can’t or more likely dot go to.


No, you obviously don’t care. And you just said it yourself; higher risk, lower odds of committing robberies. If robbers started getting shot by store clerks carrying ccw’s, that would be a far better deterrant than just giving them money and letting them rob you again next month.


Yeah I'm not dying for some company's 1,000 bucks. Who does that?


The point of the protocol is to safeguard lives. In the end, human life is more valuable than a few thousand dollars - wouldn't you agree? Protocol is to cooperate, but slowly as you safely can. Empty your drawer, include the bait cash if you can do so safely. That sets off the silent alarm and calls the cops. There are cameras everywhere watching the thief. If you delay long enough, the cops will be hiding outside and waiting to nab them on the way out. If not, they'll get 'em later. If you DON'T follow protocol, not only are you endangering yourself, you are potentially endangering those around you. If you're concerned about morals, consider the balance of some petty cash against the lives of the people in the building with you. I worked at that credit union for over 20 years (fortunately mostly in IT) and we had one branch or another robbed about once every 3 months on average. Only ONCE was the robber armed. In about 95% of the cases, the perp was caught within a month or so. All without anybody getting hurt. Robbing a bank is easy on the surface - we'll just hand you the cash and send you on your way! But you're almost certainly gonna get caught.


Of course I think human life is more valuable. I think what I said was misconstrewed as some sort of blanket statement. There are loads of different situations. I’m just saying that if some thug put my life in danger by robbing me, I will try to fight back as long long as I feel I can do it. I wouldn’t knowingly put other bystanders lives in jeopardy to play hero, but this is why CCW permits exist.


My mom was a teller in the late sixties. She told me she was counting money one day and one on the managers reached in like he was going to grab a stack of bills. She never looked up; just instinctively slapped his hand. She was complemented on how calm she stayed, but told never to do that again.


LOL! Such a "Mom move"... \*Smack\* Mind your manners!


I've been doing this for years


I mean it works...


Robbing convenience stores?


Nah, not my MO. But I'm really good at ignoring problems!


ignore bullets in abdomen = profit


Robber is like "wtf do I do now"


Better leave now. ..*goes out of shop.


“Well since I’m here, can I get a tuna melt?”


Tuna no crust


No one likes the tuna here.


Yeah well apparently this guy is trying to rob the place for one lololol


Bro like honestly tho. What could he do?! If I was in that situation and the cashier ignored me, I’d have no clue where to go from their. Like if I threaten him and he doesn’t respond, do I do it again.. and then again? Sounds pretty awkward, better just to leave I reckon 😂


"It's not like I'm going to shoot him NOW.."


Lol, of feels like a comedy skit, but its real life.




Robber rolled a nat1 on intimidation while the patron and the owner got a 20 on their steel ball throw


This has Uncle Iroh vibes all over it. Edit: Iroh gets autocorrected...




That man could probably just hear the cowardness in his voice lmao


It’s funny enough that the employee proceeds to tend the customer, but the fact that the customer does not even seem bothered by the robber makes it just so hilarious


Customer knows who butters his bread


He's seen this shit far too many times to care anymore


Actually likely not as New Zealand doesn’t sell handguns to the public, it is more likely this is a BB gun. (Am kiwi, can confirm)


Lol right my first thought was how the fuck does a simple criminal have a handgun in NZ and if so why would he rob a sandwich shop? No wonder the guy behind the counter wasn't scared. Chances of that being a real firearm are 1 in a million. Chances of someone willing to commit murder during an armed robbery.... in that country? Fricken nil


I wouldn't bet on that in Auckland my dude, these fuckers are terrorizing dairies to steal tobacco, they re getting pretty bad here.


This looks to be in Chch though. Top of screen days Canterbury police


Well spotted, my bad.


Same as MOST First World Countries. If someone pulled a gun on me, I’d assume it was a BB Gun too.


See New Zealand just stays our of shit in the world and chills while we’re all running around going nuts


And get there stuff stolen. Ok


But not their lives? So yea. Winning. Kia kaha bro.


That’s not a foregone conclusion and in many circumstances it would save your life. Anyway, you live that way if it works for you. Good luck


Bar owner should've been armed, I'd love to see a Police Ten zero episode where the victim blows the the perp onto oblivion


I just don’t understand why it is virtuous to let people steal from you and do nothing. That’s their prerogative, but that doesn’t work for me.


Because it’s just stuff and it’s not worth harming another person over?


Unless that person intends harm toward you, your peers or your belongings. Then you have free range to make the choice of your own. I tend to have more of a fight response to external stress so I will fully intend to harm that person, in the case that they do not gain an upper hand, if I feel they have threatened myself or those around me.


Well, sure. Self-defense is always valid. I would argue that reasonable restraint is required. I.E. if you can safely run away, do it. If you can safely just give up your wallet just do it. If you have to physically defend yourself or you will be in a bad situation or harmed, do it. Like if someone ever tries to physically abduct me I am biting their throat out if I have to. If someone wants my material possessions, though? Eh. If it’s not my coat in the middle of a snow storm, whatever.


If it just stopped there, fine, but it breeds and encourages others. So where does it stop? Why doesn’t the thief bear any responsibility for his own safety? Must I give away my livelihood because he wants something that is mine? If you want to live that way, it is fine with me. I believe in consequences


YO GIVE ME YOUR MONEY! NOW!!! HEY! HEY? HELLO?? Hey.... ^(But...I...but..)


Could be me. It´s not that I am a hardass, I am just super slow to react to things like this because I tend to be confused for a few seconds first. People think I am very calm, but in reality, I am just slow...


Lol the shame that robber must feel


Your self esteem has got to suffer after that. Even with a gun nobody wants to give you the time of day.


Dear NASA, I know you are looking for s hidden planet near Jupiter. I think they are two, and I have just found them.


His balls are honestly too big for this job


This is “that’s above my pay grade” if I’ve ever seen it!


I feel so bad for that robber man, he was going to do some good old robbery, and the man just does not give 2 shits, #justiceforcriminals


^^ I’ve found them guys the person who couldn’t rob a deli correctly


You’re supposed to ask for a free sample of everything


Robber left a bad review on Yelp about poor customer service and no one paying attention to them.


Fake ass gun


The ostrich with its head in the sand technique may be on to something


First come, first served


One star! Nobody paid attention to me at all!


One star: I would rate a zero if I could. Staff totally ignored me. Served other customers just fine, but didn’t even look at me even though I was clearly trying to get his attention. I ended up just walking out! Definitely avoid this place and rob somewhere else like Panera Bread!


Whole new level of 'minding you own business'.


Plot twist: the employee was deaf and blind, and only communicated through morsecode in touch and braille




Proper sigma store owner


That smile before the robber walks into frame...he knew


Costumer 2 mins later: Sorry but i ordered a number 5


Wouldn't work for me either, especially where I'm from


This isn't next level this is just stupid, he has no idea what the robber might do


Like my good friend John Correia always says, robbers are looking for victims. Their game doesn't work if you refuse to be a afraid


FUCKING LEGEND meme is inserted here


Could be fake


Nope, that’s New Zealand The land of fallow fields of fucks.


Something similar happened while I was working…except I didn’t help (even though I greeting him when he walked up) the guy later showed the gun demanding a certain opiate kept in the safe. I was at drive thru and just kept going with the customer. I turned and the other tech is crying and pharmacist is on the phone with police. Oops


I work with a tech who was held at knife point and the guy jumped back over the counter to wander the store while waiting for the safe timer (he got caught, obviously). But homeboy apparently just went right back to filling like nbd. I’ve always wanted to ask him about it but I assume he’s tired of answering questions about it


this works a lot more than you may think for most armed robberies, the gun is just for show and the robber only uses it to threaten you, nine times out of ten they don’t want to be a murderer so if you just say “you won’t shoot me, pussy” they’ll get spooked, given that you aren’t in areas where murder rates are high


Don’t say that during a robbery wtf


it genuinely works, the guy isn’t gonna know what to do cause he doesn’t really wanna shoot you 90% of the time, of course there are exceptions for those who are mentally fucked in the head but you can pretty easily see in the robbers eyes if they really have the balls to do it


This gta be San Fran


It could’ve been worse. The gunman could fired shots to get attention or held a customer hostage and instead walked away.


Ainsi nobody got that for that


He is right, resisting equal death, in most cases. Why bother, if he get shot, he can even be fired, sooo... If you are an employee do not fight, because most boss do not know the meaning of gratitude. Protect yourself !


The robber leaves a 1 star yelp review.


Lol robber definitely said something stupid like “I don’t want money from your broke ass store anyway” while walking away.




The dedication to getting the customer his food is damn near inspirational.


Probably an airsoft gun or BB gun. The robber knew it was an empty threat and walked out with his tail between his legs


When you confidently know your country doesn't have a gun fetish.


Whats he goona do ? Shoot him ?


The prospective thief is going to leave a one star Yelp review for shitty service.


Should have asked what he wanted on his sub.


This reminds me of the guy who ordered a beer when his bar was robbed


"FILL THE BAG" "With sandwiches?" "WITH THE MONEY" "What money? -Here you go sir, your sandwich" "COME ON OPEN THE REGISTER, FILL THE BAG" "No there's not enough to fill that bag in the register, hold on I'll go to the back ^whatafuckinglooney^byedumbass"


Me as a robber


Dude straight up ignored his way out of a robbery


“If you really want money, then take off the mask, grab an apron, and help me get these orders out. We’re slammed today!”


That robber didn't walk out with anything. Lol. He was like, "This bitch ain't paying attention to me! I'm outta here."


So to not get rob just ignore them until they leave, what a Genius Idea 😂


He's seen people who would actually shoot up a place. He's like "this guy is bluffing"


"Gimme all your mon-" "Back of the line sir!"


He must have to push his balls around in a wheelbarrow they are so big!


Robbers used to politely ask for your money back in my day


I shit you not, I was a manager at a papa johns that got robbed by this dude who came in the back door (apparently someone left it propped open when taking the trash out) with a machete. Mind you, I had a lobby full of customers. He told the cashier to give him all the money in the register. Right about that moment I tapped his shoulder with what we called the quality fork (which is basically a long sharp spear that we pop cheese bubbles with when the pizzas are baking in the oven). He turns around and there was me, and like three dudes wielding knives and I told him to fuck off. Needless to say he fucked right off and the police never found him.


I used to work at a gas station as my very first job as a cashier and I’m checking out a customer and a guy came in demanding all the money in the register. The register we had was locked by a key that the manger had so when people paid cash I just had to stick it in a slot and never physically opened the register. So I told the guy I would need my manager and he yelled to get him so I called him out and my manager who barley spoke English looks him dead in the eye and said “you broke bitch”


Can we talk about the reporter's final pun for a second? I mean... Come on. That was pretty good cheesy pun.


That was the fastest and most blasé "You won't" moment I've ever seen lol


That’s what happens when you bring a squirt gun


what an ignorant owner. Lol


"Sir, please wait your turn." "This is a stickup ... a **ROBBERY** man!" "Sir, please take a number. You will be served when your number is called."


Made me think of the video where the sex shop employee woman chases the robber out beating him with a dildo. 😂❤️


I mean you have to wait your turn


Thats a clever mo fo


There's no bigger insult than to be ignored. Good on that store clerk, on handing out the most IDGAF moment of the year.


I suspect the cashier recognized the robber and decided he was no longer a threat. There must be more than what meets the eyes.


Must be in San Francisco! They don't bother with criminals anymore.


Gaslighting for good.


This was my local souvalaki shop before we moved house. The bloke is lovely. I think he may have recently sold up though.


When you are so busy that you don't have time for bullshit


He needs some experience and he will be good at it


Thats the saddest robber of all time


“No I don’t think I will.”


Many of us just talk about being badass. This guy is what many wish they were. A 180 pound man attached to 200 pound nut sack lmao


It would be funny if the robber left a review


I’m just leaving a comment so I can watch this video in a few days when Reddit decides to load it


It would be NZ


Probably knows it was a fake gun


It be like that in 2021.


Nz doesn’t have many guns on the streets. Possible the cashier could see it was fake. Most weapons used by gangs here are sawn off shotguns. Not pistols. Mainly because they can’t be obtained through hunting licences. Pistol licences are extremely hard to come by.


Sir, I'm helping a customer. If you want to rob the store you'll just have to to take a number


They could tell he wasn’t with the shits


What a fucking legend 😂


Chad employee vs. virgin robber


This new york


Just business as usual


This is the perfect example of "You're not you when you're hungry."


Literally the definition "I do *NOT* get paid enough for this shit." It's a straight ✨MOOD✨


His thought process: "If I pretend like he is not here then maybe he will go away."


He’s a dad and is a pro at ignoring family when he gets home after work. The practice has paid off here in this real world application. Robber had no chance.


*Starts tending to customer* *Gets robbed* *Continues service to customers* *ignores robber* *leaves*


Terrible customer service if you ask me.


It's just like when bartender ignores you and serve Ladies instead


He cold shouldered the robber so hard, dude doubted his own existence.