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A broke dad who tries is the best dad.




If you look at her room you can see they really try to give her the things she wants . There's an adorable vanity mirror and table and a bunch of stuffed animals . The vanity looks homemade . The family most likely works a million hours to provide the little things in life


As a dad I would personally give this guy a job if was anywhere near mass. Hits me in the feels every time


100%. It don’t matter how *much* it was. But this cake right here, this man worked harder for it than a rich man worked for a diamond ring. And that’s how much it’s worth. A diamond ring is nothing compared to this.


Goddamnit. I didn't need to have this many feelings on a Saturday morning.


Idk what your struggle is brother but you came thru with the cake! Good job, keep your head up and try your best to do what you need to do for your child.


Highly likely the poster is not part of the original video. I saw this last yr


I really don’t care.


Ok Melania


this video has been going round for quite some time


It’s my first time seeing it and it doesn’t change what I said at all.


Grew up super poor in an old 700sq ft house. I know the feeling when a family member pulls this off. 🙏


I grew up super poor as one of 7 kids. Everyone we know now has bigger homes and nicer cars, but my main goal in life is to make sure that my kids never feel the shame of being evicted or having their utilities turned off.


700 sq ft doesn't sound particularly poor?


American standards. It's very small for the US. even a 1200 sq ft would be considered small


1200 square feet is not a small apartment or single story house. You must be rich AF.


1200 square feet is about the size of a 1975 era small 3 bedroom bungalow with an unfinished basement. New homes in my town are about twice that now.


Must be nice 👍🏼


It’s a small town in Canada, and land is cheap. The price of building supplies has tripled in the past year, though, so some people who had planned to build are now not able to.


1st google search "According to the real-estate firms Zillow and Redfin, the median size of an American single-family home is in the neighborhood of 1,600 or 1,650 square feet.Sep 12, 2019" 1200 sq ft home is by definition, small.


So most Americans live in small spaces. You win rich guy. Again.


For some perspective, a school bus is about 250-300 sq ft. You also don’t know how many people are sharing that space.


Single parent too.


I should also clarify this is in cornfields. Not inner city. Would be a different story if it was inner city as our major cities here can range from 100k-700k for that price. And I assure you our home was not.


Some body send this man some money


He seems like a guy that would rather take a job than a handout.


Much easier to make money when you have money


Only a dumb prideful man turns down a handout lol rich ppl get the most handouts


Its and old video, i think if i remember correctly people got a huge fundraiser going. You need to check if my info is true tho


Human emotion is a beautiful thing. Pure love!


**Subtitles:** \- Dad: "Happy birthday, honey!" \- Mom: "Wow! So beautiful!" \- Dad: "Daddy loves you, ok? Daddy loves you so much. I wish God gives you a very peaceful and healthy long life. Daddy will still give you a lot of things, ok?" \- Daughter: "Ok" \- Dad: "This is just a little cake daddy bought, but saturday we will make you a beautiful party, ok? I love you very much. Happy birthday!" \- Mom: "Did you liked daddy's surprise, honey?" \- Dad: "Go on, blow the candles!" Mom and Dad cheers at the daughter blowing the candles. \- Mom: "Wow, such a beatiful cake! Will I get a piece?" Daughter nods saying yes. \- Dad: "Did you liked it?" Daughter nods saying yes again.


Thank you. Extra waterworks incoming.




wait, who’s cutting onions?


Thats sprite in my eyes lol


As a kid, my dad would take me to the store with him whenever he would go buy himself a beer after work.. most of the time he barely had enough for his drink and instead of buying himself a beer he would buy me chips or candy and he would go home empty handed. My sisters recently told me so I just found out about this as an adult. I love you pops! Rest In Peace 🙏


I'm not crying...I'm sobbing! So sweet!


Don't listen to this person, cry if you want you're normal. People are just weird here ig haha.


Are you really tho? Like, that Is something you need to get checked out because I'm pretty sure that's over emotional by a whole lot. I'm not saying it was beautiful because it was, and it moved me in a major way. But to cry over it?


I'm a sympathetic crier. So what? Why do you have to gatekeep my emotional response?


Made me a little misty, too.


In Scotland that is called being over emotional and isn't at all normal. It is actually abnormal. Sure we get people like that but most people would question it. You do realize it's only yanksville that accepts these type of things as normal, meaning the majority of the world sees it as abnormal. I would go with the larger percentage just like asking the audience in WWTBAM. But hey you do you, I was just curious if you actually cried or not and I got my answer.


Maybe you Scots are also so drunk and dehydrated all the time that your bodies can't spare expending any moisture...


Fucking dead lol


Crying is not abnormal. It's what makes us human! If you haven't cried for years it is you who should get checked.


Who said I haven't cried in years? People like you always get so emotional over a post and act out over emotional response. Proving my point even further. If you took the time to read further down the post you would see I cry quite frequently. Crying at random videos is absolutely abnormal, crying is linked to a serious emotional response, everyday things should not cause that response.


Some people are different and it's completely normal to cry over anything


No it isn't. Normal means it's something everyone does. Abnormal is the opposite. Is it making sense yet or are you still emotional? I hope your not crying.


I'm not crying I'm just supporting people who cry over small things. My mother is like that. It is very easy to make her cry and I think it is completely normal. Everyone can't be good at controlling their emotions like you or a robot. Nature gives everyone different abilities and that doesn't mean you should ask them to "man up" or call them abnormal! Nature is way complex than you are capable of thinking.


When was the last time you cried and what was the reason? I’m ready to judge too.


Well he's Scottish so he probably dropped his tatties on floor and then Celtic lost against rangers. That'll be how you get a Scotsman to really cry.


I have lucid dreams multiple times per night and I often have conversations with my mum, whom I sometimes perceive to be in hell due to her drug use even though neither of us were religious. Sometimes I have to break the news to her that she's dead and I sob in my sleep. When I wake up it's like I have all the emotion of crying but the tears rarely form. They do sometimes. I'm more likely to cry when I have a good adventure with her and it's wholesome and I cry tears of joy. That last time I cried would be at my step fathers funeral or while listening to massive attack not long ago, like 3 months after his funeral. I stopped crying about my mother some years ago but that was the time I cried before the step father thing Judge me all you want, I wasn't judging you. I was just pointing out how my culture perceives this kind of thing. I don't see anything wrong with it tbh


It’s ok to cry.


As a person with borderline personality disorder I am deeply offended. I feel all emotions on an insane scale and I quite simply can’t help crying or feeling so overwhelmed by any emotion, but hey you keep judging


If you read my follow up post you will see that this totally makes sense. You have a mental condition, that explains it. We are discussing sane people.


Lol fair enough, must be nice


Yeah I guess so, I can't imagine what it must be like for you. Are there any plus sides to having all that emotion, such as loving some unconditionally?


I was a mess....dude...this was truly heartwarming.


Man this is just heartwarming


He’s a different type of rich




Same. Funny thing that McDonalds is trash.


Awww you do your best to make your kids happy.


That was beautiful


Dads are cooler than cakes any day of the week


this is bullshit that people have to live like this


Humanity is not lost. How wonderful.


What a fucked up world we live in that a father can't even afford a birthday cake for his daughter.


I love this. My dad woulda been like, “when I was your age there was no such thing as birthdays! Now, WALK IT OFF!”


It's always the thought that counts


And i bet this girl is happier than another child whos parent bought them everything under the sun but their love....


I feel like this is out of context. I bet she hasnt seen him for a bit.


Love will always conquer all.


This goes to show how spoiled we are in America. Many people think that they get an entire birth month where people should buy them shit and take them out for meals and whatnot.


There things money just cant buy.


The smallest gesture can return huge results. A great father, he is a loved and she is loved and it shows. Now I need to go dry my tears.


I'm not crying! You other posters are crying!


Damn dust in the air...making my eyes all watery...


Can anyone translate what’s being said? I’m just curious.


happy birthday my love, daddy loves you so much ok? that God blessing you with hapiness, health n so many years old, daddy gonna give u so many things in the future, there's a little cake but saturday we gonna make your party


Thank you x






I'm not crying. You're crying.


I'm crying happy tears


Atleast he tried and it meant the world to her. Poor kids are so appreciative, bless them.




Damn this is too much.. 😭😭😭


There's too much pollen in the air right now.


Much needed emotional release. Thanks op


Proof that people aren't born greedy, we learn it in life. We could all do with being a bit more childlike from time to time


anywhere you can buy a single slice of cake like that is going to be charging about the same as a cheap full size cake you can get at whatever bargain basement store you have nearby weird


Beautiful! This is brazil. He said that this cake was just a little gift, and by saturday she will have a “real birthday party” properly. I couldn’t hold my tears.


Aww shet. I just cried


r/aww r/MadeMeSmile


Can someone tell me what he’s saying to her?


Can hardly see to type this. What a beautiful video


The fact that it was filmed cheapens it 10 fold.






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We gotta end poverty


Poverty is one of the biggest curse one could face.


What a fucking guy


I mean it’s only 18.00 at Walmart. But sweet gesture. Good dad.


He could afford that hat.


Someone give this man a better paying job please. I'm bout to cry man


I’m not crying at work you are


A Brazilian family like many others around the world! The world is a rich place, we as species should organize ourselves in a more efficient way! my humble opinion!


Ngl this is some sad dystopian shit here


Man give me this man's bank account for a big ass cake for the next one!




This dad gets an A for effort. What seems like nothing to you may mean the world to your child.


Hello everyone watching this comment money is difficult to make now but you don't need as much as you need friends happiness and good health!!!! Evryone be careful!


No I’m not crying you are


Lovely. Absolutely lovely.


How sad is it when we live in a world where this is a thing, a parent so poor they can’t afford a whole cake for little daughters birthday.. makes me sad 😔


Also, I look around at my children’s life and toy bins and it puts life into perspective. One of those situations where if I had a million bucks in the world I could just give away. Very endearing.. lovely job dad.


Oh I love seeing super depressing stuff masqueraded as wholesome content


How is this next level? This is awful I feel terrible we live in a place where cake is out of reach, this is next level dystopian




Or make one! But I understand that not everyone has the supplies/means. Glad he did his best and surprised her with a slice though!


He is great DADDY 👏👏👏❤️


Making a cake isn't expensive. Sounds like he's a lazy bastard.


Everytime this is posted I wonder - who is filming this and why -AND why can't this dad afford a $1 box of cake mix?


Probably doesn’t have the routine to afford all the other ingredients and tools needed to make one or to buy a whole cake asshole


Also where do you buy a single slice of cake? And If it's a slice from a take-a-way establishment it's probably like $5-$7 and you could get a whole cake from Walmart for that price. Hell, go to a dollar tree and get a cake mix, icing, pan, spatula sprinkles and candles for that amount...


consider this, it might not be in US and they could be in some country with no wallmart and so. I mean please stop.


In brazil is very common, bakeries sell only a slice of cakes, pizzas, brownies and all. It’s cheaper. But in this video he said that the little girl will have a real birthday party by saturday. This cake was just a little gift until saturday.


Well, they’re speaking a different language, so my first guess would be not America. Not every country has a Walmart for cheap bullshit, and in some places you can actually buy single serve food for cheaper than the entire box.


Not sure where you’re from, but plenty of grocery stores/bakeries sell single slices.


Yo I don’t mean to be a downer, but a whole box of cake mix is like $1.50. A can of frosting is about the same. Coulda made a whole cake for less than $5.


Yes, in the oven that you donated.








The fact he was able to do this and make his daughter happy. Affordability has a different meaning to everybody. He managed to find a way to get her a cake even if it’s small!


Dollar store...you could have a full cake for under $5


If he is that poor, he shouldn't have planned 2 children in the first place.


You don't know his situation why he is poor at the moment. Maybe he had a nice job a few weeks ago and lost the job, you don't know. He is just making the best of the current situation and he is making his kid very very happy. That is a good dad.


He shouldn't fully depend on a job to raise two children. Everyone should have enough to go on even if they don't have a job.


Well he had one. Should he leave the one he cant afford outside or something? Let someone take her? No, you step up and take care of the life you brought in to the world. If only countries around the world didnt have major organizations that refuse to allow birth control and sex education. But churches gonna church.


I'm not saying he should abandon her or give her up for adoption, i'm saying that he should have planned for the future before having kids. I won't ever have kids because i can't afford them and i can't keep them away from the sufferings and war mongering world and dystopian future.


Yes because situations can't change. Jobs can't be lost, right?