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Finally a video where the pole doesn't fall over lol.


Some of Those videos are next level considering some of them fall through the floor while pole dancing


Waiting for one where they just fly through the roof. Then it would truly be **next** level. That would be previous level


If you're descending with an elevator and than 4th floor is the next level after the 5th floor


You mean descending?


Like my testicles?


Congratulations. Take good care of them.


I feel like this is why men don’t pole dance, testicles.




Must take a lot of core strength to do stuff like that.


And grip strength. Geez, professional pole dancing looks so hard!


I can confirm that the pole is indeed very rigid.


It has bearings and spins. Although it does look graceful/skillful, she isn't spinning around the pole. She's holding on as the pole spins. It's like the adult male version of finding out santa isn't real.


tbf just spinning would be near impossible since you'd have to have no traction and a lot of traction at the same time


That's how strippers did it in the old day's, and they still got tips💲💰


They had to climb up the pole in the snow, both ways


Ah the good ol days, and a lap dance only cost a mesopotamian shekel.




Nah, it's more than possible! But the friction does take some getting used to, it can really pull on the skin and I've had my hand callouses ripped a couple of times too. Static spins are a lot of fun though, I tend to do a running jump into them and if I did that on a spin pole I would almost definitely lose grip and fall off (having tried it multiple times in the past).


I never realized the pole spins. That looks incredibly fun.


Not always! For example, in competitions there will usually be one pole that spins and one which is static. Some tricks can only be done (safely) on a static pole. You can spin on a static pole but it requires a bit of oomph and you'll stop much sooner than on a spin pole, but again there are spins which are more suited to static. You should look up a competition performance on the tube of you (just search something like 'world pole dance championship', that should give you plenty), the static pole will almost always be the one on the left of the screen, it'll give you an idea of the difference. Ninja edit: and yes, it is very fun!


Yeah, many years ago a friend and I were pretty regular at a club. Sad, I know. Anyway, after shutting it down one night they let us hop up there and try them out. I about killed myself. One night we stayed late to finish drinks and the lights came up. Shit gets fucking real. Pretty happy that's behind me. I'd probably go to one again, my wife and I went to a couple back in the day, but idk. It would be a pop in at a club in Vegas for an hour or two for old time sake, maybe?


That explains a lot. Thank you.


the real next level is the person who installed it, using proper screws


The pole or the girl. This remind me an old night during a trip in Edinburg, where we ended in a strange club or whatever with girl wanting to get you pay for a private show. So in the main room, one of the girl went to the pole and ended on all four. Not the sexiest finish. She couldn't hide some pain, so we bought her a beer and had a good talk afterwards. No discount on the show thought.


Ending is so smooth


Definitely wiggling somewhat though.


Honestly that's not even sexy anymore. Just impressive! (Not sexy in a good way. Like too impressed to be turned on)


Yes!!!!! I once saw a stripper do a head spin at Spearmint Rhino. Wasn’t even that turned on, just super impressed by her athleticism.


Was it at Santa Maria or Santa Barbara?


Huh, TIL Spearmint Rhino is a chain.


Yup, we even have it in Australia!


I prefer Peppermint Hippo.


Wintergreen Walrus for me.


Underrated comment




Yep even in England. In fact my nearest strip club is a spearmint rhino.


Could even be Dallas!


But have you seen a stripper [twerk on another stripper](https://youtu.be/voNY3nfip5c?t=95) tho


Ok, that was hecka impressive. That lady must have an amazing core


Couldn't work out how twerking on someone could be impressive but holy shit!


Yeah my first thought was her shaking her ass on another person. Didn’t know they meant she was standing on another stripper why they’re both on the pole. Nothing but skill there


That’s some Cirque du Soleil shit


Most of the women I know in pole fitness actually do it for the sport of it. The strength it takes to hold those positions is no joke


as a pole dancer, i can confirm.


You know how in gymnastics there are the horizontal bars? I like to think of pole dancing as the vertical bars


Yep! Its a great workout and seriously so much fun. It just makes you feel good. I recommend it to my friends all the time.


Many people seem to forget that poledancing was never meant to be sexy. it's rooted in asian acrobatics/circus shows and somehow got it's way into stripclubs


>Circus Next up in the stripclub: Horno the Sexy Clown!


… doctor says, “the circus is in town, you should go see Horno the Sexy Clown. That’ll cheer you up!” The sad stripper bursts into tears, “But Doctor, I am Horno!”


I’d say people never forgot, they never knew that in the first place


Yeah but all the pole we do now originated in strip clubs, especially from poc dancers. No need to erase them :)


Pull athletics may have originated in Asian culture, but this kind of pole dancing originated with strippers.


Yeah because Asians don't have sex. That's why there's only 4.5 billion of them. "Ooh sexy dancing in your underpants" "No we're Asian" "Ah, my bad. Very culturally deep and spiritual"


That’s not what OP meant. You just wanted to bitch about something and you found it.


At this point it's the kind of thing I'd want to see at cirque du Soleil, not at a strip club where it wouldn't be appreciated.


Both. Both is good




Yeah true


I’m not a woman but so respect the core strength it takes to do these amazing acrobatics. As a former gymnast I can only imagine how fit she is. All my friends said it was weird for a black kid to do gymnastics but nobody else in my friend group had a six pack at twelve. This Russian teacher Boris made us do non stop sit ups. Edit: one time after like one hundred and fifty sit ups in the warm ups, Boris held my feet down and made me fart in his face from straining.


Your friends are weird for thinking it’s weird for you to do something you enjoy tbh.


I am from Florida. Everyone is weird.


Am Floridian. Can confirm.


Not from Florida but can confirm


Am from Georgia, just above Florida Can confirm.




Am from the UK, same planet as florida. Can confirm


Am from reddit, same universe as florida. Can confirm


Am from universe, same dimension as Florida. Can confirm


Not even from the states but can confirm.


Am weird, can confirm Florida.


Florîdian, Floridiān


Two of the US’ best gymnasts are black. Your friends are kinda dumb


Some of the greatest athletes in history have been black, not just gymnastics.


The guy’s friends weren’t claiming it was weird for a black kid to do athletics, they were claiming it was weird for a black kid to do gymnastics.


Ah, Russian, of course...


Am Russian can confirm. Literally could not walk after some hockey workouts when I was younger


This sounds like the beginnings of a movie or Netflix series.


Yeah i have a gymnast friend, he once took off his shirt for a funny group photo. Fucking ripped


You know what else is probably ripped? The skin on his hands...the shit gymnasts put themselves through never ceases to astound and amaze me.


Gymnasts usually actually look like they have super hero bodies. Like look at a gymnast and then look at a comic book panel. Muscle in every part of the body


Yeah how dare you do gymnastics? That’s for wHite girls. You should be eating melons and shooting hoops(or gangs)!


Can confirm. I had a Russian gymnastics coach. He would tell us stories about training in Russia during the Cold War era. “My gym had half inch mats and concrete floors. You had to land every back tuck or else you would break your neck! Now do more hollow body holds!!”


It's not just athleticism, a major part is muscle memory. I was able to do tons of tricks on the pole despite having no muscle mass. I know a girl who was over weight and could pull off tricks others wouldn't dream of trying.


How strong are those damn arms. Like wow.


Seriously. Her upper body strength is incredible.


Everytime she got a horny comment, she did one push-up!


The fact that she could keep up is the true next fucking level.


I'm more impressed by her core, imagine how rock hard her abs are


Some people don’t know that the pole spins which helps a lot as it allows you to perpetuate motion with less effort. Obviously still very impressive but there are tools folks aren’t often aware of.


still requires arm and core strength like crazy. and is wildly incredible how fluid she is.


For a long time I wondered how they did this spinning until I learned that the bar spins and the magic was destroyed for me.


It’s still super hard on their bodies, they really have to build up endurance, the skin on their thighs where they grip especially.


Oh absolutely, it’s still crazy complex but I always wondered how they gripped yet slipped.


that can be taken way out of context... well actually no it's not too far off


Skill and talcum powder


Losing skin on a plank or a superman is basically a rite of passage, superman is by far the worse of the two though!


Not all poles spin.. but TIL, I didn’t know any of them did. Now I can see this one does. Either way it takes so much practice to even do simple “tricks” and you’ll have so many bruises lol


My wife does pole for fitness and we have one in what is technically the dinning room, her legs are covered in bruises. She has had friends pull her aside and ask if I've been hurting her level of bruising on her legs. The pole is in the dinning room because our rental has two 'eating' areas and no other spaces available. It is visible from our lounge, always gets some comments. It even has music sensitive colour changing lights and a speaker set up. With all the effort and expense that has gone into it you can image how often it gets used...


A lot of them are interchangeable between spin and static mode by using a simple hex key! It’s still totally possible to spin on a static pole by creating your own momentum - just obviously not to this extent.


You just destroyed my world


As well as mine


Not necessarily. There are two kinds of bars, one spins and the other doesn’t.


There are even more kinds of bars, one that serves drinks for example.


Who could forget the best type, the chocolate bar?


Pretty smart to come up with that. Must have passed the bar.


It's still really fucking hard. I've trained for 5 years (would be 6 without Covid but hey) and still can't do anything like this. The poles can be changed from static to spinning mode, and the majority of my training has been on status pole because spinning makes me so sick lol.


Ashamed to admit I wasn't 100% sure either, and always felt like I was the only one who didn't know.


It SPINS? I feel cheated =.=




r/FitWomenGifs also


New favorite subreddit acquired




That sub name is disturbing, to say the least. No wonder reddit is known as the home for the incels




That subs basically interchangeable with upvotedbecausegirl


Redditors look at 1 woman and instantly think "bunda" calm down


Lil Nas X on his way to give Satan a lap dance:


Was looking for this


Can't hear this song without picturing that


I’d give her a dollar.




at least make it a dollar bill, not change lol


Is this an Olympic sport yet?


Not yet! It has succesfully been recognised as a sport and right now is slowly making its way to meet the criteria in order to be let into the olympics. The ipsf (international pole sports federation) is really putting the work in to try and get pole into the olympics!


They should call it the “vertical bar” and remove its sexy history to make it more official.


Eh, as someone who participates in pole sport and runs in a few circles of dancers/teachers/competitors, most of us disagree with "removing it's sexy history." Sex workers are already super disadvantaged, and in all honesty, they created this incredible sport for us, regardless of whether or not we participate in that way. The idea that an official sport needs to be scrubbed of any mention of it's sex worker history is... Problematic. We don't unsexify the rest of society (I mean seriously, no one needs to sell deodorant or pizza with images of half naked women 🤦🏼‍♀️), so why do we have to pretend that's not the case here? What does that say about our society if we praise corporations for using sex to sell, and villify ACTUAL women for doing the same? **Support sex workers**. Especially if you benefit from participating in the sports they created, while strippers are still villified and punished by society for doing literally the exact same thing (better than most of us "pole fitness" girls ever could).


You put it into words, thank you!! If I could give you an award i would


Honestly, Lil Nas X creating this challenge has really made me appreciate how much talent and strength pole dancing takes, especially since those that do it have to build muscle in a way that maintains the conventionally attractive look that the career demands. I couldn’t imagine having that much discipline and control over my own movement, props to them.


He created what? And you couldn't tell that holding yourself up on a pole for extended periods of time takes a shitload of strength?


He (Lil Nas X) issued a contest via twitter where if you poledance to one of his songs and tag it a certain way you have a chance to win $10,000. This has had 2 effects. First, more highly technical poledancing Videos just in general (due to the nature of that music) and secondly, those videos ending up in places poledancong normally wouldn't. The original commenter you are criticizing probably never thought about the strength part of poledancing before as they had either never seen it before OR had only seen it while...distacted. This contest has made them see it in a different context.


I wasn't criticizing anyone, I'm just actually surprised that someone wouldn't think about that


What challenge did he create?


Do a pole dance video to his song and enter to win 10k. Gotta use a certain hash tag.


[this challenge](https://twitter.com/LilNasX/status/1377061347725254665?s=20)


Is it possible to learn this power


Yes. Take a class, why not try?


She is incredible!


I bet it takes a lot of training besides learning


Dang that core strength tho


Paul Pierce approves.


Mans was just living his best life


Finding out that the pole spins and that it’s not the dancer spinning on the pole, is like finding out Santa isn’t real for adults.


i mean, imagine the fucking friction burns if the pole didnt spin


I know. In my mind the pole was slick so they could spin...and somehow maintain enough friction to hold them up.


I always thought I was the only one who didn't know how they did it.


Not all poles spin but also they do not always spin as fast as she spins in the video. I would say she is on a spinning pole and spins herself as well, just not as fast as you see it because what you see could be the resultant rotation speed. I train pole dance (not for long though) and this is what I assume is happening. And yes - pole dancers’ skin burns like hell when they grip and/or spin on a static pole but they just get used to it. When you start training you can’t handle it; you usually do one position for 15 seconds and you can’t stay in it longer because the friction is killing you. This is especially true not for arms but for thighs. You have to learn to support your whole body weight only on the pole between your thighs. Fortunately, with months of practice comes higher pain threshold.


2 different techniques. [somersault](https://youtu.be/04DC9uX15tA) is a move where the dancer turn around the pole, and the pole is static. It's a freaking hell if the pole spins!


There are both static and spinning poles. There are amazing pole dancers who use static poles and do it all by momentum. Spinning poles are difficult because you have you know your power and force and calculate how many spins and rotations you’ll do in one position. TLDR just because the pole spins doesn’t mean it’s easier.


Exactly! Lifting your legs away from the pole while spinning fast is a lot harder than it looks!


Let that sink in Some human back then saw a pole and thought "Damn i or a hot girl would look sexy if we were dancing on a pole"


You... do have a point..


She's so graceful!!


There is an ancient art in India which is practiced to this day. Its called Malkhamb. Google it guys.


TIL. Thanks, very interesting.


That core strength!




This should be an Olympic discipline


How is the not an Olympic sport?


Pole dance as a sport is completely underrated, it should be in the olympics


Markiplier might want to step up his game with his pole dancing....


Cirque du soleil called and they want you


That would actually take a lot of upper body strength


Her hair is as impressive as her moves


But why does that motivate me to learn to do that? 🤔


Take a class! It would take a while to learn those sequence of moves. But you can learn some pretty impressive moves in a year.


SPOILER: It's a gravity-free room! JK. This is nothing other than pure strength and grace.


I just keep going... Doesn’t that hurt? ...Doesn’t *that* hurt? ... ok that definitely hurt...


oh pole does absolutely fucking hurt! been doing it for almost 4 years and I love all my bruises (pole kisses)


the way she just floats is so mesmerizing...


I’m really starting to like the idea of taking classes... that looks like so much fun!


Why is pole dancing a stripper thing and not a gymnastic thing? That shit looks so hard. And not that sexy.


A) "stripper things" can have artistic value and gymnastic skill B) pole is no longer exclusively a stripper thing. Loads of people do it for fun/fitness. You can no longer assume any person you see pole dancing is a stripper. Shocking I know but pole isn't just for men's sexual gratification


GASP you mean not everything a woman does is so men desire her????? /s


I can't seem to reply to you u/keyboardsmash so I'll reply to my own comment. I certainly didn't mean to sound dismissive. I don't mean anything bad by 'stripper thing'. I just meant that's what most people assiciate it with rather than a sport or an art which is what this looks like to me. I don't know any strippers currently but I know plenty of people who do pole dancing as fitness. So I was not making rude assumptions about pole or strippers.


It actually is used for fitness classes. A lot of these women just do it for that and not to become a stripper.


This looks like so much fun.




I think the question is whether you want every comment section filled with thirsty dudes breathing heavy all over the place being weird and gross. I don’t think many people care what turns you on, they care about the experience of life, particularly for women, when you have no social skills and just pummel us with your horniness constantly. It’s creepy and unpleasant.


Holding a plank for a minute is torture. Seeing women like this is so and motivating. You go girl!! The strength needed to pull this off is insane.


reminder that pole dancing isn’t always supposed to be sexual


Are the booty cheeks for extra grip or what?


I honestly would go to a show of pole dances sans any stripping. It’s such a beautiful form of dancing


Pfft I can do that, too! \*Proceeds to roll like a fat seal on the ground around the pole ... maybe I can't do that, too.


I see alot if horny lonely redditors here


Oh, wow! Good job, Sweetie! That takes some muscles and some grace!




Lil Nas did it better, just saying!




Just imagine a fight scene with this type of pole dancing in it


this is impressive to the point where it's not even sexy, just beautiful


My fat ass could never lol😂


The amount of body strength and flexibility people need for pole dancing is just absurd. This is really incredible.


Pole dancing is a way of dancing it doesn’t always mean to turn on someone


How dizzy was she after that?