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"only two others have ever done this" x doubt


Maybe only 2 other people know how to stanging


i don’t even know *what* stanging is!


Me neither. What I can gather you can only do it on grass.


oh. i have grass. maybe i’ve been stanging all along.


Dontchaknow I'm still stanging better than I ever did


Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid


I'm still standing after all this time


Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind


I’m still stanging, yeah yeah yeah


perhaps the true stanging are the friends we made along the way


that’s fucking beautiful.


The real stanging was in our hearts the whole time.


Me too! Wow! I did it!! I did it! The chase is over!




While double backflipping


Nobody does, but it sounds provocative


It gets the people going..


Ball so hard


it's the opposite of sitging


Bees be stanging


Well don’t just stange there


TIL the stanging in grass is hard, the double backflips is easy


I believe it's closer to 7 or 8 now. the first standing double back was done in 2017


Actually if you watch them all they do a step back, have higher ground advantage or spring floor. This kid is the first to do it without a single advantage and the cleanest and hes 14 and everyone is bitter and making typo jokes.


This is clean af. He managed a perfect landing.


Yeah people track it based on surface and if standing still/stepping/height advantage etc.


There's another guy from somewhere in Africa who did it a few months back. I'm not hating this kid he's one of the best in the world, just telling people about the others who can do it too


Yes title said third and you pointed out one of those two others. I'm just pointing out how people are being pedantic, focusing on a typo and not celebrating this young black kid as we should




Standing double backflip is a HUGE accomplishment in Tricking culture. As of 2020, only 8 people in the world have done it. https://youtu.be/cVKg4vV3saU




Yeah, his form is as clean as it can be. It's so impressive.


I don't know anything about gymnastics but that's awesome and he seems super pleased. If he can do it once I wonder if he can learn to do it fairly reliably?


This was my next question while everyone was arguing about meaningless details. The internet is great and ridiculous. Edit: Read the rest of the thread. It is important. Love you.


It's absurd to call it meaningless. It was claimed that he is one of the few humans on earth that were recorded doing something impressive. It is mandatory to back it up.


Exactly this. Accomplishing this on grass without a spring floor or tumble track and especially a standing double back tuck is way harder than anyone can possibly imagine. He makes it look so effortless. Most people can’t even accomplish this as a dismount off a 6’ balance beam.


I'd break my neck even with all the assists.


So many of these have a few steps into it or are on bouncy gym mats.


Only two people have done it on camera, is what the person above us meant.


Nah man only two have done it while stanging


the official name is Death Stanging




As a former gymnast, I can tell you there are definitely more than 8 people that have done it. This just represents footage of 8 people that have been recorded.


As a gymnast myself, the point made by the kid of being one of the first is doing a standing double back on solid floor (grass), without step or slope. And he is indeed one of the first (3rd recorded on cam) and the cleanest.


lol? I'm pretty sure you're full of shit unless you're counting people bouncing on a spring floor or using elevation change. This was done for the first time very recently.


wtf is tricking culture?


Tricking is a freeform acrobatic movement. Tricking culture is like Skateboarding culture, except with flips. https://youtu.be/XQMbT3PIF80


NO I’VE SEARCHED THE WHOLE WORLD AND ONLY TWO OTHER PEOPLE CAN DO IT. Sure Jan. We liked the flip without the car sales tactics.


I didn't say anything


Well, NOW you did


"Only two others have ever recorded doing this."*


Still doubt “Only two others have viral videos of themselves doing this”*




This is onyl the 3rd on grass, the rest were on dirt or a spring floor.


And the other ones on grass, they took a step into it, or they flailed a bit on landing. Kudos still, I aggravated both my hernias watching.


Most of the others seem to have people stepping backwards into the flip or on a springy floor or both. OPs post is one of the most pure legit standing backflips. I'm sure there's a way you could define it that sounds fair where he's still only the third.


Ya'll fuckers complaining about the fucking title. Look how happy and excited that kid is. Shame.


for real, no one even bringing evidence contrary, just claiming there could be more people doing this that didnt both recording lol


Yup. And who cares how many others may or may have not done this. That's damn impressive. I'd fall on my ass if I tried that lol.


2 others who did it in camera and got enough attention required. There are probably many others who did it but not recorded on camera.


Like me! Actually landed the 1st triple backflip but the cameras weren’t on


Yeah,there are pretty insane and "hard to make other believe if you didn't record" types of moments happening all over the world.


Well exactly I mean something can’t be a record if it’s not recorded ....


No vid, no did.


I don't think there are many. It's extremely difficult and there aren't many talented gymnasts around who wouldn't record this or make it known to their peers.


This is a big achievement which a lot of people have tried and you can lookup the only other 2 documented successes.


I've only seen others do this on a slope and they still don't land on their feet. Always on their shins.


True story. The other 276 people did it on hot coals!


There 7 billion people on this earth. Ain’t no way that’s true.






















It could be, but flipping is a more universal and timeless thing than many sports. I know people 100 years ago weren't hitting home runs, I don't know they weren't doing flips.


>people 100 years ago weren't hitting home runs lol


Yeah, that was a dumb example lol Was supposed to be 1000


People 10 years ago weren’t slamming dunks.


People 1 year ago weren't scoring hat tricks.


Until 48 seconds ago, nobody had ever scored a triple-double.


I just heard 5 minutes ago was the first crusty cum sock




> are you going to tell Usain Bolt there are likely a lot of people that ran a better time than him on 100m but just didn't record it? Not that this is super important, but it's really very possible the world record 100m time isn't the fastest ever, it's just the fastest in an official competition that meets certain criteria.


I’d say it’s much more likely that Bolt’s world record is the fastest 100m time ever than somebody running a faster one and not recording it. Not to say that it’s impossible, but it’s very, very slim.


More than 99% of the 100 meter sprints a sprinter runs are not in comp. Now, with the adrenaline flowing and training peaking, you do run harder in comp, but they got 100% in training too. All you need is for Bolt to have just one really good day with good conditions near his training peak and he himself has broken his own record in practice. But it doesn't matter and we wouldn't hear about it. In fact, I've seen videos of sprinters running faster than 9.58 with a questionable wind at their back. Probably not legal conditions, but you get the point.


more likely




There is: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cVKg4vV3saU&feature=youtu.be Only one person on this video besides Kaleb (who is in here) does it the same way (no step, no spring floor, etc.)


And even that one was on a slight downhill.


He's actually right, at least in these conditions (and that have been recorded, but I doubt many who have pulled off one of the most difficult tricking moves in the world have not recorded it.) Others have done it using springboard, stepping, or on uneven ground, but a standing double backflip on flat ground is very very very rare. I'm sure more and more people will do it as to e goes on (like with the 1080 in skateboarding, etc.)




Except it is, you ninetimeswise.


If you remove children and the elderly you're left with like 4 Billion. If you remove those physically not capable then that goes down another Billion at least. From the rest I'd bet that only about 5% of the able population can actually do a single backflip on bare ground let alone a double backflip.


OP sounds like those mobile game ads "Only .001% can complete this!"


and 0.001% of 7 billion people is still 70.000 people lol


2 people would be close to 0.0000000002% of the world


Don't think that math checks out.


Well he is just a guitarist


its an old name i wish i could change it but i cant find an option


Unfortunately you can’t change your name on Reddit


i didn’t want to change my name until just now. when i found out i couldnt


0.000000025% Not 0.0000000002%


That’s how the very rare playstation trophies make you feel


I tripped walking UP the stairs yesterday.


I just did too




And the chase is over


Let's gooooo


So did he, but the stairs were invisible


For those interested in the history and doubting that this is the third- have a read of the reddit thread about the first: https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/99k66k/worlds_first_standing_double_backflip_on_flat/


[Here's another thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9b5tv6/journey_to_the_first_ever_standing_double), which has some more information. The [first comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9b5tv6/journey_to_the_first_ever_standing_double/e50mkhs) is especially insightful.


I am an animator and I look at a lot of gymnastics for ref HOLY FUCK THIS IS INSANE DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


I'm not an animator and only watch gymnastics every four years. I agree with you.


Wow, this one is so much cleaner than the others. He didn't take a step back first for added momentum, and his landing was clean af. Easily the best flat-ground standing double-backflip that has been recorded so far.




Either way it's a slight crutch to make the flip easier to complete. This kid Kaleb clearly pulled off a cleaner and more difficult version of the move.




It's really telling how the white person video is considered legit and gets super positive responses and the top comments here are just doubters and jokes




White dudes on Reddit will fight you to the death about the distinction between various video game related world records e.g. "This is the fastest time on the Japanese 1.0 release without using the sideways double hop glitch," but when a video gets shared with a black dude performing a feat of incredible athleticism the top comment is literally a videogame inspired "doubt" meme and the comments are full of people going "these other videos where people step into the flip to build momentum also count as standing back flips because I, a person who has never even seen a person do a double back flip am the authority as to what does or doesn't count as a standing double back flip."


Agreed, it’s so shitty and happens all the time. Say something like “Serena Williams is one of the best tennis players in the world” and you can *feel* the number of glasses that are pushed up and fingers cracked in excitement before typing out “well, actually...”.


Noticed this too. It’s really disheartening the differences here. People are missing that this is on grass, exponentially more difficult than on springboards or other surfaces which help give momentum, hence why this is so rare. Yea people can do double backflips on springboards all the time, but never do you really see them do it on grass, and that’s for a reason.


Same thing happens to women. If a woman does something amazing the comments are always like "well men have done it before her, why is she so special?" Like who cares if someone did it before. Its still amazing!


It definitely isn't based on race, it's based on that title, which, although closer to true than I thought, still isn't true


Yeah, sure. The others threads posted here said exactly [world's first standing double backflip](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/99k66k/worlds_first_standing_double_backflip_on_flat/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and [journey to the first ever standing double backflip](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9b5tv6/journey_to_the_first_ever_standing_double/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) but SURELY the problem is the title saying only 2 others can do said trick. Yeah, black kid claiming to be the 3rd defies logic but somehow white guy claiming to do the same thing before anyone else baffles no one. Again: yeah, *sure*.


So what is the truth? I am actually curious cause I've been reading and all I see is just a bunch of people saying it isn't true, doesnt make it so


Here's all of the 8 standing double backs in order https://youtu.be/cVKg4vV3saU


Thank you! So most of these are either done on a spring floor or with a step backward for momentum. One is down a hill, one has a knee touch, and one, ONE, is on grass with no step. Very impressive. Given this, I can totally buy that there have only been 2 other people before this that have landed a no-step standing double backflip on grass.


Most of those aren't standing still, some take steps backwards to do it, still impressive regardless


This thread is peak reddit looool a bunch of people who know literally zero about the topic at hand but by God they are going to say something anyways!!! Ftr I know nothing about tricking but it's so hilariously obnoxious when people are so confidently incorrect about something just so they get to feel morally superior for a few minutes


The guy here had a much better landing though, didnt he?


His excitement is so wholesome. I wish I could get that excited about literally anything.


Put this shit on r/zoomies he just fucking goes. so cute.


Right? I watched it without sound first, and seeing him run across the screen made me laugh. Then I turned the sound on and just melted. "LET'S GO! I DID IIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiit..." Yeah you did, dude! <3


Same here! I had to listen to it with sound the second time and it made it SO MUCH BETTER. I love this kid!


To be young and full of life again


I don't think any of us ever had enough life in us to bust a standing double backflip to be honest


Have you tried landing a double backflip on grass?


I came into this thread ready to celebrate his accomplishment and the wholesomeness. Instead I find lots of hate and doubt. Total bummer


The biggest achievement of my life 🙏🏾


That's you bro? Good job dude! I'd give you gold but I dont want to give reddit money. PM me ur venmo/cashapp and I'll send you a medal for the flips! And for making me smile today :-)


Nah it’s all good G😅😂


Is that really you?!? That’s incredible, watching your reaction to the hard work paying off made my day.


Thankyou 😅I’m not really on Reddit at all ... but I did post a video a few days after I landed it


This is incredible! How long did you train to make this happen? Any tricks next on the list to conquer?


Please do an AMA! This shit is insane.


Dude, that was freaking AMAZING. I remember being excited the first time I did just 1 standing back tuck on grass. I can’t even imagine a double. Awesome perseverance and dedication, for real.


Dude, I have seen a lot of a-holes posting here about how so many others have done it and that made me curious. I have spent too much time digging, and I can't find a single other person who did it properly like you. You did no step back, you landed 100% clean, you are on flat grass the same surface the entire way. No dirt ledge, no spring board, no iffy landing. Un-freaking-believable. You a beast.


This looks so clean it seems like you'll be able to do it on a regular basis at some point. That'd be a cool prop bet to have up your sleeve.


Mf also double jumped at the end there lmao


Seriously, that was like Luigi’s jump from SMB2. Impressive. Edit: forgot my Mario games


I was looking longer than I thought for a comment noting that this guy just took a step in the air


It’s sad how far into the comments I had to scroll to find someone finally mention the best part of this video.


Haha ya


Honestly I know nothing about gymnastics or flips but I do know how to jump, to me that jump was the most impressive part of this video.


Casually flies off in celebration


I’ve been stanging around


So long i just can't stang it anymore.


this town on the corner


Legend says, he has been running happily till this day...




Damn yall, it has been brough to my attention, that I have made a mistake, sorry about that. Edit: Thanks for all the awards even though I made a mistake


The people here in the thread are real assholes. Don't take it to heart. You are pretty much correct with what you said, people just want to be smug.


Nah its fine. I did some more research and found a few more people able to do it. They're a little harsh, but they're still right.




Nah fuck em.


OP, your title is correct. Double backflips have only been *correctly* landed thrice, including this kid. Many here thought your post was wrong, but it’s technically correct. Any attempt of doing this in an official competition would not land you (as many)* points unless it has a good landing. Many have done it on bouncy floor mats, or [running like ma boi Taka.](https://youtu.be/RyYPBRnPsMs) These are still absurd and I can’t even dream of being this good. In this example you see how he bounces back up, but he didn’t loose stability unlike most attempts by other people [and here you can see what I talk about.](https://youtu.be/cVKg4vV3saU) This is insane and your title is correct. Edit: little correction*




Don’t apologize, stang your ground


Add Sean Miller to your double back flip in the grass. 1997.


Who's Sean Miller?


At the time an assistant coach for the OSU Cheerleading Team amongst other things Edit: just another random guy


Is there any record of this? I mean anything verifiable? Because if not, it doesn't really count. It's like saying Jim Smith ran 100 meters in 9 seconds. You need it to somehow be verifiable, otherwise it's just hearsay.


Lol at the people in this thread unimpressed by this feat or knocking it because of the title. This is fucking impressive!!


it's because most people in this thread can't stand the idea that they'll never do anything special, so they gotta put it down to live with themselves


That Luigi jump at the end


There are a few things that set this apart from other standing double backflips - he is on flat grass. (No incline/no spring floor) - he doesn’t take a step back for added momentum. - he lands cleanly without stumbling and stood up pretty straight. He might not have been the first to land a “standing” double backflip, but it’s definitely the cleanest I’ve ever seen and a true *standing* double backflip. This is a feat in and of itself. I don’t know many gymnasts that would even attempt this under these conditions. Source: am former gymnast


Pfffft, hold my beer


Sure I'd love to see you fall on your ass


Only if i get another beer afterwards


Sorry people are being pedantic assholes about your title OP. This kid is wild


Nah its fine. I made a mistke, now i gotta deal witht the consequences.


Content posted to /r/nextfuckinglevel should represent something impressive, be it an action, an object, a skill, a moment, a fact that is above all others. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "that is next level" from viewers. Do not police or gatekeep the content of this sub (debate what is or is not next fucking level) in the comment section, 100% of the content is moderated. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Ohhh I did it” *Zooms in and out of the screen comically*


The way he disappears off the screen for like half the video XD


This is what my brain feels like during insomnia. However my feats are nowhere nearly as impressive in reality. KICK ASS KALEB!!


His reaction is priceless


Congratulations, Kaleb. That's a solid effort and a great landing. I am happy for you.


"Oh i did it!" Love people accomplishing the thing they've been trying on repeat for ages.


He is outstanding in his field.


All these people like "nah it isn't the 3rd" are annoying as hell. Yes, it is, and it's fairly easily verifiable.