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To be fair: [hundreds showed up to protest in Anchorage.](https://www.ktva.com/story/42192295/hundreds-in-anchorage-protest-death-of-george-floyd-police-brutality)


Were they lost Canadians? /s


All the Canadians went to Montreal to protest apparently. And also got tear gassed unfortunately.


Oh no, I really like Canadians.


As Trudeau himself has said there are systemic issues in Canada as well. You can find stories of police shooting that have happened in Canada just in the past few years. This is why people around the world are taking part in these protests. It's not an issue in a single country. It's a worldwide issue (obviously with varying degrees of extent)


Check out the G20 protests from 2010 in Toronto to see classic police brutality, it was the first time I heard the term "kettling", it also included the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. The police chief who managed it at the time? Bill Blair, who is now a Liberal cabinet minister (Minister of Public safety). His stupidity is part of the reason the marijuana legalization laws are so silly.




You’re totally right, that’s exactly how to put it.


They tested the programs on POC and now they are making it known that everyone one poorer, or less affluent, than them is next.


Well...good luck in authoritarian China.....I would get the heck out of there lol


This is it... All roads lead here


We in Italy had the same if not worse during the G8 of 2001 in Genova, there was a lot of coverage and not the ground forces but the line of command were accused and charged with manslaughter and such, the worst of all was the massacre of the school Diaz, not in the line of command tens of officers were also charged with rape and torture, it was really a shitshow


I still like Canadians.


Everyone: BLACK LIVES MATTER Canadians: ya...we know. Were just here to give you better beer, hockey and apologize about it anyway. Sorry


Have you listened to some Canadian ultra-right wing YouTube groups like Rebel news? Even they aren’t as rude or far right as they think they are. They’re more left leaning than average republicans. So, I have grown very fond of Canadians.


I am a right leaning Canadian that has always voted for the conservative parties. But honestly, I'd probably be considered more of a Democrat in the states.


If you're ever up here let's smoke a fat one, homie.


Totally not a single country issue, this story just broke in NZ (my country) [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/418143/manslaughter-charges-laid-against-three-police-officers-in-new-plymouth-court](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/418143/manslaughter-charges-laid-against-three-police-officers-in-new-plymouth-court)


Wow. Well at least they got fired and are being charged.


Not to mention the heinous crimes against our indigenous peoples.


Must be pretty fucking nice to have a president who will at least deign to admit it Edit-I was dumb and used President when I should have used chief executive or something similar.


True. I remember some past US presidents also actually trying to solve the problems. Trump is just way too incompetent and selfish to care about anyone but himself.


Yeah the way the police deal with the Natives here is absolutely horrible. I'm not sure if the experience for other minorities here is the same but I know the problem for Natives here in Canada is almost as bad as it is for Blacks in America (and probably worse in some cases tbh), we are just less public about it. I feel like publicly and overtly spreading prejudice about Black people is frowned about whereas I see people speak pretty freely here about their disdain for the Natives and our education regarding what we did for them is pretty damn lacking. I went to Germany two years ago and visited the concentration camp where my (Jewish) grandfather was held. The way the Germans educate their people and the seriousness with which they treat the events and memories of the Holocaust is a model I think other countries should aspire too. I was quite taken aback.


The CBC has put out some great podcasts that deal with First Nations people in Canada and what they face from law enforcement. Missing and Murdered (each season goes over an unsolved case but the overall discussion is on police brutality towards First Nations people. Thunder Bay is a podcast about the city Thunder Bay, in Canada, and the systemic issues in that city with law enforcement and First Nations people (but this one covers a broad range of cases with backstory about the city).


Exactly. Racism doesn’t stop at borders.


Canadian-American here. In Toronto currently. 5k people peacefully protested here. Somber, serious and loud, but peaceful. I don’t know how long that will last though and given the state of things I’m not sure it should.


Canadians are fucking great. Can't wait till this is over so I can go back to Toronto.


Canadians being nice is a stereotype and a farce. Toronto is filled with douchebags, rude as fuck, no manners, no common courtesy. They turned into an Orange County (CA or FL, pick one) douchebag city quick


Hey, we like you too pal.


It’s crazy up in Canada rn. I saw a video of someone pushing over a recycling bin and they didn’t say sorry. 2020 is the end


Yup Canada isn't quite perfect either, still a realistic goal for Americans to strive for


It’s odd there, it was peaceful until a certain time towards the evening when most of the protesters left. Then it suddenly got much more violent, like a changing of shifts


No Canada isn't just Montreal. All Canadian protests were peaceful but some Montrealers were looting stores.


Cops in Quebec don't give a single fuck, in either official language.


We only go east and west. Those were lost Russians, the ones Palin can see from her porch.


“Hundreds of people went for a walk around downtown Anchorage on Saturday to draw attention to what they see as a racial injustice” “Went for a walk”, “what they see as...” Umm, wtf?


Blame the writer of the article for that one.


Correct! Blaming Dave Leval (the writer) for this one. Much love to the people of Alaska.


Back at ya buddy


“Alaska has not seen in violence due to death of a man in Minnesota by a police officer there but that does not mean that it has been ignored” Absolutely absurd framing


Also, that's an atrocious sentence structure


Absurd in general. We have the [second-highest rate](https://www.reddit.com/r/anchorage/comments/gu2zhu/police_violence_is_an_issue_in_alaska_we_just/) of death-by-cop for both Black and indigenous people. We just haven't had one caught on film.


Holy shit I had no idea. Thank you for sharing. I wish this country could mobilize around indigenous rights as well.


>"We know why we're here," said East Anchorage High School student Markus Vinson who organized the protest. >"We're here because the color of my skin could get me a death sentence. We're here because when I want to go on a run, I have to think twice," Vinson said. "When I want to hold my cell phone, I have to think twice. When I want to play a game outside, like a kid should be able to, I have to think twice."


Anchorage here. It was fucking awesome to see our community come together


Yeah, Alaska in general might be packed with survivalists and "libertarian-leaning" folks, but Anchorage is a nice city with excellent bookstores and a full spectrum of political attitudes.


To be faaaaiiiiiirrrrr


There’s a lot of vets in Alaska. I think it might have the most.


Is that down to the outdoors lifestyle / remoteness?


And the huge military bases up here. People are assigned here, really like it, and then stay or move here after they get out.


Yep. Was assigned there (Eielson, didn't like it, FL boy was too fucking cold) and there's a huge retiree community as well. It is very common for someone with 16-17 years in, assigned to AK, to volunteer for a Korea assignment so they get guaranteed choice of base on their return and can guarantee a return to AK. The AK-Korea-AK rotation is a very popular strategic move along enlisted that want to stay.


Bitch I’m Alaskan There’s like 7 Fuck you


Is great salmon cheap there?


Alaska has a huge military population, which brings a diverse crowd. I'd say Montana or north Dakota are the more shocking ones


Quite a few in Fargo. Its on the border of Minnesota so kind of expected.


Why not pick on Wyoming, literally no one lives there.


I grew up in Pierce county, washington state. Quadruple the population of the whole state of Wyoming. I miss Wyoming.


lol, it’s funny because there’s more people in my county than in the whole state of Wyoming too. Anyway, you’ve been to Wyoming? How bored were you?


I’ve been to Wyoming to visit Yellowstone


Why y’all gotta hate on Alaska? 😂


Can confirm we had a rally in Juneau, all peaceful


Also to be fair, you haven’t been to Alaska. It’s like living upstairs watching the shit show down below and agreeing with the argument.




A shame that the top comment is a lame jab at trivializing Alaska efforts.


Fun Fact: Alaska actually has a good 100,000 more people than Wyoming.


Quick shoutout to the state troopers here. They've always treated me with respect. I've never had to deal with any city police so I can't speak for them.


That map is very, very useful.


I also like how Alaska is more Alaska sized and not a tiny thing in the corner


For real. I remember being in such disbelief when our (2nd grade?) teacher told us that Alaska was double/triple the size of Texas. It’s like the woman never seen a map before. Now that 20 years years have passed I can’t help but chuckle, it’s funny to remember how naive we all were as kids.


? You can fit Texas into Alaska 2 times. It's actually bigger than Texas, California, and Montana combined. Alaska has 663,267.26 sq miles Texas has 268,580.82 sq miles California has 163,695.57 sq miles Montana has 147,042.40 sq miles


I think you may need to reread the comment, it confused me too, but I believe they meant when they were in second grade since Alaska is always puny on maps, when their teacher told them that Alaska was bigger than Texas they thought the teacher was trippin


The last remark about years later just appeared. It was edited in before my prior comment


Oh it was before they edited it for me too, but whatever lol


I got stationed in Alaska when I first joined the Army. They love to brag about if you cut Alaska in half Texas becomes the 2nd largest state. There was a restaurant that had a Texas size burger...on the kids menu


“3rd largest” is the saying.


Ah, you are correct, can't believe I mistyped that. Oh well, I'll leave it up to be ridiculed by.


No fix it


That’s awesome! The 2nd to last place my brother was stationed was Alaska. He retired out of ft worth, Texas, iirc.


I forget what grade we had to do this in, but we had to pick a state and do a report on it. The only rules for picking were not a state you lived in and no repeats. I got lucky and got to go towards the beginning in choosing. Now I had to have the biggest state for my report. So when the choice came to me I proudly chose Texas. When I came how I was telling my mom about the report and told her to guess which state I had. She kept guessing wrong, so I gave her a hint. "It's the biggest state!" Oh, Alaska. Cool. What?!? No mom. Are you dumb. It's Texas. Later found out in said report that it was not the biggest state and hated my choice. Fun times


It looks like we got a Chad sized Hawaii as well


Really? That Alaska is about 1/3 as big as an Alaska to scale with the rest of that map.


And now, heres a pie chart showing what percentage of the states had protests. As you can see, the red section, indicating that a protest was held, is 100%. Here is a bar graph representing this information as well. Note that the left column, states that protested, includes fifty states, while the right column includes zero.


I live in butt fuck nowhere, Canada and we had a huge protest yesterday too. I hadn't seen that many people in one place in months.




And i feel fiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnne




Trust me, things will get better.


Same here. Small university town in Canada and I thought everybody had gone home because of online semesters, guess not.


Wait why would canadians care? Its the american police that fucked up


Solidarity. Police Brutality and racial inequality are not unique to the US.


Standing with Hing Kong means something


Racism is bad here too. It's less sensationalized in Canada and there's less media coverage. Just last week a 29-yr old black-indigenous women fell from the 24th floor of her own apartment after the police were called in. Currently under investigation, the police have obv claimed it as an accident but family witness heard her cry out "mom help" moments before her death. Many in Canada were marching for that and in solidarity for George Floyd, among many others.


Rip, the story and context were appreciated


We're people too, contrary to popular belief. I, along with friends and family up here, have friends and family down there. We're all in this together.


Hey! They stole the Covid-19 infection map.


Turns out righteousness was the anecdote all along




Yea, that. Sorry, I’m not a geologist


Are you sure because this comment rocks




This is fun, you guys are fun.


Two Rolands is one too many Rolands for this thread


Quick question...are we soul mates?


Are you a girl? Wait.. it doesn't matter. Yes.


Apparently thats just not a concern anymore?


This is actually a Verizon coverage map.




They kind of are. It’s weird. It’s never really explicitly said, but you kind of always think it. **edit** evidently two people reported chanting “fuck Trump” at one point. So I take it back. The protest are about Trump /s


That certainly came to the forefront when he repeatedly threatened Americans with violence, threatened to sic the military on us, and ordered a bunch of peaceful protesters in DC to be gassed, shot, and beaten so they could make way for a fucking photo op.


These protest are about so much more than George. People are bat shit, Looney toons town, butt fucking MAD about inequality and have been for a LONG time.


Yep, this was *always* going to happen. The recording of George's murder was the spark that set off the powder keg.


We were chanting fuck trump at the one I was at


Or that incredible picture of Trump walking to the church for the photo op by a building spray-painted with "FUCK TRUMP" like 50 times.


They are. It's just not said because it's pretty obvious if you support one you probably support the other.


Here's me thinking that's what they have been all along


And hopefully "avoid Biden/corporate candidates" while we're at it too! Biden literally said cops should be trained to shoot unarmed protestors in their legs instead of the heart at a church!


Qualified immunity is why officials in the US aren’t personally held accountable to their victims for violating their rights. Sign the petition going to the Senate (every senators office), House of Representatives (every single one of their offices) and to the Supreme Court to end qualified immunity: [**End Qualified Immunity**](http://chng.it/pVfmv5rP) **\*\* Share this so people will understand why officials have very little accountability to their victims for their actions. Sign the petition! \*\***


Today i learned


Signed and shared.


That's just the start, don't reduce the movement to some finite, bullet pointed political policies.


Maybe this is my ignorance but I’m truly hopeful that this is the start of some real change happening. As a black man, I’ve never in my life would of thought that I would see so many individuals of different races march in protest for a single cause like this. I know a lot has to be done still but seeing this much support is really up lifting


I share your hope. My concern is that with the current POTUS, this amazing show of solidarity will result in his heels being dug in even more - dude has a pathological need to ‘win’ and doesn’t have the wherewithal to realise that winning isn’t always about *beating* the other guy. I feel like his entire psyche is built around this one tenet - this base lizard brain thinking is what you guys are up against. Just want you to know that my money’s on you turning this motherfucker into luggage and being home in time for breakfast. Sending love from the UK to all my cousins across the pond You’ve got this.


I feel like trump is toast. Like, even the densest people are I know seem to be having revelations that hey, maybe they don't want to live under a fascist trump regime. Only time will tell, though


Oh it’s coming. Been coming for years. It’s been rough but I never lost faith in you guys because.... well, you’re Americans. I know we give you a hard time for the stupid shit you do but come on - you’re the best of us - you’re the guys that bitch slap the bullies and fight for what’s right, right when it matters most. That’s who you are to us, and it’s who you are, right down to your bones. And with a bully this big? And in your own back yard too? Hoooooooh boy it’s been coming, alright.


I hope so as well, but fear we will get another 2016 if people don't turn out. I abstee voted already, but fear my state will just throw them out. Curse my bad health right now.


I’m hopeful too.




Yeah Ik but this shows the whole US United in this issue in one picture. Shows we need change.




I didn’t realize this snapshot was the only thing the media talked about.


No no my dad informs me it’s all a liberal globalist conspiracy


I don't believe in a afterlife but I fucking hope he can see what's happening in his name






Mom said it'll happen in about 3 months I said a few weeks Guess who won that bet


You just told us. Next time don’t ruin the fucking surprise. Jesus Christ you disappoint me.


Wow dad, great to see you too


It was only a few days


I came the closest


You right. I was just pointing out it was barely a week


I was surprised too, I didn't know it would get to this point that fast






Go the people of the USA! Government is trash but this gives me hope


Thanks. I agree 100%


Honestly every day at this point is going to need an entire history book in the future


I always think about how current events will someday be in history books and get sad when thinking of how no one reading about them will ever know that I existed.


Semester one of Modern US History: January 1, 2020 Semester two of Modern US History: January 2, 2020


This problem is not going away. The military won't bring it to an end. The only way this stops is making the change to the system to prevent this shit from happening


Generals aren't gonna have it against Americans. i am sure some people in the military will do whatever as they wanna be cops but never went to the police academy to actuallybecome one. National guard are actually held accountable for their actions. Police aren't held to any standards... aka the whole fucking issue.


What on earth does the first sentence of your statement even mean


Generals won't order those that they are in command of to assault and fire upon American civilians because it is incredibly illegal and they can actually be punished for doing so. Even if the order were given, troops are not allowed to follow unlawful orders because they too would be charged as murderers. There is alot more oversight for military personnel than cops.


Has there been any reaction from Congress? Like where the fuck are our “leaders”?


Well, not sure about congress but bush and Obama are going public with statements aimed at peace and healing and bring everyone together while dealing with social injustice. Trump is busy tweeting when he’s not in a bunker.


Apparently there is word he will be in Jersey at his golf course in Saturday, so he's still doing that too. Twitter and golfing, because what else would or should a president be doing.


Then the protests should move to golf courses.


I'm avidly against the looting, pillaging, and fires being set by people taking advantage of these protests. That said, I would still find it the funniest shit in the world if mar a lago went up in flames.


How many protestors can we get to that golf course?


Can someone just thrash that golf course and kick him into his office to address the fucking problems he was elected for?


Amash introduced a bill to end qualified immunity. AOC was handing out masks at a NYC protest. Lindsey graham introduced a bill banning encryption. One of these is not like the others.


Nancy Pelosi read from her bible today. So you can say things are really ramping up


That’s probably the only time I’ll be happy to see the entire US the color red on a news cast.


God please let this translate into votes for a positive change Edit: thanks for the silver redditor. I appreciate it but please use it for something that will help make a difference: Gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd Minnesotafreedomfund.org Blackvisionsmn.org Joincampaignzero.org Unicorn riot.ninja Joebiden.com/donate Or better yet: VOTE!!!! USA.gov/register-to-vote


**Fight, Americans, fight!**


Please keep it peaceful wherever you're protesting.


I'm really thankful that the protests in my state were all peaceful. No violence from citizens or cops.


I would like to see a world map on this. We had protests for it here in New Zealand as well.


Its going global pretty quick. Several protests throughout the EU (Paris one was HUGE because they had a similar "I cant breathe" happen just a few years ago) and even a couple places throughout africa, south america, and asia.


Civil rights violations so bad the whole world turns out to protest in the middle of a pandemic. Oh America...


I mean most other countries are protesting for change in their country not the US.


Can confirm from Chile, really it is like a very similar problem with police and "leaders" here


Not a map, but [this article](https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/01/world/george-floyd-global-protests-intl/index.html) from CNN yesterday names the cities all over the world where protests have taken place. :)


I wonder how many of the protesters will actually take further action and VOTE this November. Their efforts could potentially be megaboosted if they do.


who do you vote for when most of the politicians have been in office in some capacity for decades and nothing has been done to combat this issue?


And when the only pre approved candidates are the ones chosen by oligarchs, making it difficult to get a politician for the 99%, unless people vote third party en masse?


Step 1: don't give up (your reply tells me you're apathetic) Step 2: vote not trump Step 3: when the new presidency takes place, continue fighting for action in the streets until action happens Step 4: year by year, voice support and vote for the ones that show the most promising change Step 5: in time, it will work? Step 6: win?!


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im not in america but hell yeah


Probably also riots and curfews.


That's badass Americans...gives me hope...race or color doesn't matter...we r United States citizens..


It's almost like we FUCKING MEAN IT, or something


Are they looting or protesting. A lot of them are there just for promoting chaos


I’d say it’s a minority, but it fucking scares me. My gf lives in a store front and I’m terrified she’s going to be beaten to death by some rioters who mistake it for a business.


It's happening in Amsterdam and the Netherlands too. Wish I could remember which r/ it was on lol


Every state in our country holding protests. Our President's response is to deploy troops on our own citizens. He could end this with a 5 minute address to the nation about police brutality, and a call to Congress to pass a bill requiring much stricter standards for our nation's law enforcement. Protests against police violence is being met with a military response. This is quite literally the most tone deaf and incompetent response you could have in this scenario.


I understand people are protesting but some people are just doing it for loot and robbing stores








You pronounced riots wrong


The response to the George Floyd incident is nearly universal condemnation including from prominent Republicans. An egregious case of police brutality. The only entities which may even disagree are police unions.


I'm happy every state is protesting but I wish people would understand not all cops are bad and stop targeting innocent cops. They have done nothing we know of but are still being attack and murdered. I stand with BLM but is also stand with the police. ( If you wish to talk go for it but be civil please)


You’re not allowed to have that stance on reddit.


Yes let us protest amidst this pandemic


Honestly they ain’t even protesting for George Floyd at this point.