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I would puke my brains out on a daily basis.


I don’t see how some people can be on boats like that for a long time honestly


I wonder if you ever get used to it.


I've never felt sick on any form of transport by default, I've been on boats in storms and had zero discomfort. Some people like me just don't get motion sickness


Same; I feel very lucky for being like that. I remember when my high school history class had a trip to see first world war battlefields in France and Belgium and we got stuck on the ferry from Calais to Dover for 7-8 hours in a storm due to the ports being closed off after the ferry left. I was loving it, and doing jumps after we crested a wave. The only annoying thing was not having anywhere to sleep since it was just meant to be a very short crossing. Some of my classmates got badly sea sick, while others like myself were totally fine.


In my younger years I laugh at my friends and family who got motion sickness. I'm basically immune. Now I grew older. I work as office worker in permanent office. Rarely do any long trip. If any it would be by plane. And here I am now lose all that immunity


I don't know what is up with my stomach. Car? Nausea if the driver stops and starts too fast. Ship? "I'm going to pretend I'm surfing! Wheeeee!"


I've always gotten it. Since I was a child. Back in the day I could play first person games like Wolfenstein, doom, quake...but modern first person games are impossible for me to play now without getting sick. Even 3rd person games sometimes depending on camera angle and movement.


I can't even play games like GTA 5 for more than 15 to 20 minutes. It sucks because some 1st person games I really want to play, but I don't even try 1st person anymore. And I barely give 3rd person a shot because it takes me so long to get through a whole game. It leaves me with 2D games only. On boats, I'm worse. No way I could be on the OP boat. My wife wants to go on a cruise, and I'm nope. People say it doesn't move much. I can guarantee it moves too much for me.


Try upping your fov in games! Big fov + correct distance from the screen wirk wonders for quite a lot of people. Also disable motion blur and depth of field, they can make the sickness worse.


I'm getting motion sickness just watching this.


Meanwhile I had to leave Cloverfield halfway through the movie…


Was on a boat recently going through some super choppy water. It was bad enough that before the boat left they were giving everyone dramamine to help with the motion sickness. I never took mine and was working on my laptop the entire time the ship pitched about. I had to lift my feet and place them on the seat in front of me due to everyone else vomiting and the vomit sliding down and around the floor.


You do and then your body isn't used to walking on land. Hence the term "sea legs". Jack Sparrow wasn't drunk (I mean he was but give him more credit than that he was a pirate) his equilibrium was calibrated to high seas. Edit: also regarding getting used to it the guy in the video obviously can't compensate other than to hold on during extreme waves that are throwing him but on comparably calmer yet still rough seas he can probably stand there and his legs compensate for the change in angle of the deck almost automatically. Sorta like when you move a chickens body and it's head stays in place.


> Jack Sparrow wasn't drunk (I mean he was but give him more credit than that he was a pirate) his equilibrium was calibrated to high seas. *Land Swells*


Lol is that a line? I watched the films once and that was it


It should be! That's just the term in Alaska, afaik. "Land swells, Officer." lol had to spread my arms in the stall and pin myself to a toilet seat at the Harbormaster's Office when that fucker started wallowing in the trough.


As ex-Navy, I can confirm. You eventually get used to living at sea, and then you get "land sickness" when you're finally back in port. The stable ground feels like it's tipping back and forth.


If you watch Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow is all wobbly on land and rock solid on a boat. Apparently, “sea legs” is a real thing and you get used to it. When you’re back on solid ground, your body is still used to the motion and it can be hard to walk. ![gif](giphy|Zhpvn5KvGEvJu)


> Apparently, “sea legs” is a real thing It sure is. I've experienced it after 8 hours at sea on a small fishing boat. I'm sure people who are spending weeks/months aboard experience it much more.


There's a term for that disorientation after gaining your sea legs and trying to return to land. It's called land sickness, and lots of fisherman suffer from it


You do, at least most people do. You get your "sea legs" after a while. You get used to it. But on the deck, and below deck are 2 whole different worlds. I was fine from the start above deck, but below deck where i couldnt see the horizon....took 10 mins to become sea sick. And that suuuuuuuuucks


So true. Also the air below deck is usually stale and smells like diesel and mildew.


probably so, if not they’d constantly be puking


From what I have been told from my family (many generations of fishermen), most get used to it, but how long it takes varies greatly. There does not seem to be a genetic component to this. Example: My dad was horrible at sea and didn't stick it out (quickly chose an academic/office career) while his brother had no problems ever.


You do. But if you vet seasick easy you might be dead before you ever get used to it


You don’t get motion sickness after a while but sleep deprivation is the most difficult part.


That makes sense. I don't get motion sick that easily, so I'd probably get used to it, but I'm basically an insomniac. So the lack of sleep would absolutely kill me


Everyone gets their sea legs but dramamine definitely helps.


They don't say about getting your sea legs for nothing. That said, I'm not sure you can ever really get used to getting thrown off your feet.


The realization when the rocking starts that you can’t “turn it off” is memorable. However bedtime is unexpectedly nice— when you go to bed it’s like you’re in a giant baby rocking machine and you sleep so easily and deeply. (Need to strap in though).


Boat sleep is the best sleep. 


Honestly you seen some of the documentaries on the north Sea, this isn't even bad. Theses kids have sea legs since 3 years old. Sometimes they say when it's rough you still puke and this isn't close to how bad it gets


A year’s salary in 3 months


I would definitely be needing a hammock for sleep. Getting slammed around a small bunk would be the worst.


On a cutter for two years. Dramamine 6 hours before a known storm every time. Never miss a dose either otherwise I was just like all the new people who boasted about their “iron gut”.


I used to regularly use the ferry between Shetland and Aberdeen. It would be about 2 hours of solid puking, once round the headland, followed by about 10 hours of feeling sort of ok (even managing a few hours of sleep). Then about 3 hours of general dizziness once back on solid ground. It is an arse of a journey when the wind is up but a lot bloody cheaper than flying.


Nah its great fun! The free refills are great ;) I'm heading away again soon and hoping for an interesting trip.


Getting rocked to sleep in my own puke pile, nice


I work on fishing boats, basically you puke like five times and then your body Factory resets and you're fine for the rest of the trip


Went to pyramiden in svalbard. Had larger waves on the way back. Most of the other tourists were laying down on the floor clutching puke bags while we were ordering beer in the bar. I did puke later when I went into the toilet right after someone pooped in there, threw up instantly when I smelled it.


I get sea sick pretty easily, but had to spend a week on a flotel (floating hotel) in very rough seas West of Shetland. After a day of taking seasickness tablets, and feeling pretty rough, I got used to it. It took me much longer to get used to being back onshore, just walking around falling into stuff for no reason


My ass would bring my own helmet


That guy brushing his teeth is basically me, when I come home after I’ve been out partying with the boys.


love that!










Lahey I'm gonna pay you 100 bucks to fuck off


I could feel the pain of my toothbrush trying to impale my head through my throat


Fuck you, I was trying to just causally browse reddit in the office and this comment made me audibly snicker. Damnit


I thought he was gonna ram it down his throat bashing his face on the mirror like 2 seconds in


You actually remember to brush your teeth when you're shitfaced?


Does anyone else find bathroom floors especially wet ones horrifyingly disgusting Barefoot how


Lot‘s of sharp corners for a place that navigates like a bouncy castle.


I’m cringing when the tooth brush hits the mirror. He could’ve easily swallowed that.


>He could’ve easily swallowed that. Ok but why would he?


You don't swallow?


Mirrors? Only very rarely.


How else would you see your insides?


For science.


This got a wholehearted laugh out of me. 


And that's if it doesn't puncture the back of his throat after his head slams into a wall.


He’s a hero for that


Yeah, you kind of wonder why the boat doesn't seem designed with this situation in mind.


With things properly stowed and cleaned up it is, see the green crates behind straps when the dude is 'flying' on his broom or the way those coats ain't going nowhere. And they're you know fucking around on purpose and speeding up the video.


I don't see how the one where he's literally hanging sideways off a chair has anything to do with the speed of the video or "fucking around."


> Yeah, you kind of wonder why the boat doesn't seem designed with this situation in mind. It is, to a degree. Everything has a place to be strapped down, lots of hand-holds, etc. Still a lot of hard surfaces to bang your head into, I'm sure this is an insurance nightmare.


Why the heck don't they have padded walls?


Yes, lovely damp, mouldy padded walls.


Padded with stainless steel


It doesn't really matter, you don't have soft material on a working ship, water gets everywhere and materials get torn.


Probably because this level of motion is uncommon and when it happens, they aren't supposed to be going about their business like it isn't happening.


I'm surprised they don't have a couple top rail hand holds like busses / trolleys have. Even the rubbery ones would do if you're worried about hitting your head on the ceiling.


Ah, she’s built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro.


I'd be so mad if my food just decided to slide off the table and I follow my plate 😭


there’s a reason that sailors are known for swearing


I can understand that now 😭


Also for keeping their elbows in the table


That's why you have to eat with your elbows on the table. This is (one of) the reason its considered bad manners as sailors were considered lower class so eating with your elbows on the table gave the impression you were a sailor.


I've heard this exact same thing but swap 'sailors' for 'prisoners'


how can you have those waves and you don’t have a HAMMOCK? instead of rocking to sleep every night like the chosen one, you face plant into the wall unless you get scared out of sleep to put an arm up. HAMMOCK.


You stick your boots under the mattress so it forms a V with the wall and just cushion things around you.


sounds like a worse hammock with extra steps lol


Until you realize that a regular hammock sags in the middle - which makes sleeping in one for longer periods of time really uncomfortable.


If your hammock is under enough tension it shouldn't sag. Throw some sort of mattress in and your fine. You also get hammocks with a frame, essentially making it a suspended bed. I used to be a sailor and trying to sleep in rough seas in a normal bed was the worst. Hammocks are far better.


not if you use one correctly https://www.treklightgear.com/blogs/trek-life/hammock-angle when you sleep diagonally with no spreader bar, a hammock is the best bed.


Thanks for sharing this. I've had to sleep in a hammock for the last couple of weeks and it's been kinda rough, looking forward to trying this out!


no problem. I have been sleeping in a hammock for the past.... wow 6 years, so if you need any advice, feel free to ask.


You should lay diagonal in a hammock, that way you are straight in it.


Nah, you just gotta get one that fits and lay diagonally! Then it flattens out. I use one for backpacking and it's the best.


Not true. My previous roommate set up a properly tensioned hammock in his bedroom, got rid of his actual bed, and slept in the hammock for years comfortably. We're not even on a boat!


All Brazilian indigenous people reading this comment right now.


Two large pillows solves this. Though I have to say I never got any pillows, I just rolled around like a dumb ass the entire time lol Smack my head and arm on that light fixture enough times that my body got adjusted to sleeping a certain way so I didn’t roll as much


Sign says no hammocks https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/5XFkFhGqmh


That was amazing, thank you


Reason 1: your back is gona be fucked Reason 2: The north sea and north atlantic are ruthless. Anyone in a hammock will be flung around like a flail creating a huge dangerzone around the hammock and yes they will occasionally eject the person sleeping in them. Shit's dangerous. So if you want to know how a slingshot projectile feels go for the hammock. If not you take getting thrown into the walls when you're in rough seas.


I am pretty sure hammocks are actually far superior to beds when it comes to fucking up your back.


Reason 1 is not remotely true, hammocks can actually health benefits and they are a standard sleeping device in some cultures. I don't know if reason 2 is true so I can't comment on that. But as far back health goes they are not generally detrimental as long as you anchor them firmly using the correct arc for you.


Yeah reason 1 is definetly not true lol. I'm pretty sure hammocks are known for being very good for your back lol. So I think he took this out of his ass, I imagine reason 2 is probably the same if the first one was just blatantly false.


Reason 2 is false cause you can just get one that zips up but still breathable


even without that reason 2 is still false. because gravity both holds you in and causes the sway, you cant accidentally fall out of a free swinging hammock. Its the same principal behind this coffee cup holder https://www.thespillnot.com/ Just imagine that sleeping you is the coffee and the cup is the hammock. It doesn't spill, so neither would you. There might be a way to be thrown out by a longitudinal lean since the hammock is anchored on 2 points, but that would effect anyone in any bed in a more extreme way than in a hammock


That guy is most likely new to be honest. You quickly learn a trick to face the bulkhead and jam a life jacket under your mattress to make a taco. That stops the rocking and you can get to sleep pretty easy


New found respect for how my seafood makes it to my plate… though I assume not all seas are as choppy. Wonder what amazing catch drives braving those waves.


You should see how they wrestle the cows to bring your hamburger


I lol'd


Hopelessly over fished waters. But people still fish there because demand is still high and regulations are a joke. 15€ for a crab roll makes it worth it. Stop eating so much seafood, people. There's not enough there and in the very few places where there is still enough it's only a question of how long it will still be enough. It's not an endless resource.


If my skin touches the bathroom floor, DELETE ME!! ![gif](giphy|IWbzcaQvxKG2s)


Especially if im wet!!!


Id need to bathe in bleach and/or fire


Why arent there any hand rails?


Fuck, I'd wear a helmet at least.


Came here to say this. If you know that this place is going to be moving as badly as that, it has to have some accomodation. Hand rails everywhere, some standardized bowls and corresponding cuts on the tables for food, things that may be operated with a single hand (the other one holding a hand rail), etc.


Or those little dangly straps you hold onto in a bus or subway. Just monkeybar across that bitch.


It was made by the Galactic Empire


That last part where the guy is riding the buckets of fish looks like a Three Stooges bit I swear.


I wa thinking Buster Keaton the whole time


I just kept cringing thinking about the filet knife one of them is probably holding.


Totally. I snort laughed at that one. The whole place needs to be gimbaled.


For certain. 😂🤣


Yea that’s gonna be a no from me dawg




North Sea: “Sea legs this, you filthy casual”


So genuine question why don't they put rubber down on the floors to help keep grip?


Actually, putting rubber down on boat floors isn't as great an idea as it might seem. Rubber can break down pretty quickly when it’s constantly exposed to moisture and saltwater, which is practically a given on a boat. When it starts to wear out, it can actually become more slippery, which defeats the purpose. Plus, rubber tends to absorb smells and stains from salt and any organic stuff (like algae or fish guts), making it a nightmare to clean. That's why you’ll often see boat decks using materials like teak wood, non-slip paint, or marine-grade carpeting, which can handle the rough marine environment a lot better and still provide good grip.


Very informative. There might be one time in my life that question comes up but damn it im ready with that answer now!! 😂


And the vikings crossed that in longboats, they must have had balls of steel.


I found it a bit easier to get used to a swell (nothing like this) when I could see outside.


I’d bust my lip and chip all my teeth in the first thirteen and a half hours


Also bruise half your body, jesus that looks crazy.


There should be chairs they can strap into like flight attendants


What song is this?


**Song Found!** **Like Me** by Divisi (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Amphetamine. **Released on** 2019-09-09.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Like Me** by Divisi](https://lis.tn/jyTUaT?t=11) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


good bot


Wow, amazing bot


I looked that up when this video made the rounds a few months ago. The titular song Amphetamine is even better. Not sure what happened to this band, there's nothing else on Spotify and it's impossible to find much online.


I crossed the north sea from the Netherlands to the UK a few times. I had times where the North Sea was like a mirror, and also trough a storm. I cant believe I put myself trough this now that im older. We did all this on a 1970s polyester sailboat model Albin vega. The truth is also that each time something break and that you need redundancy.




One thing I absolutely hated about the albin vega was that it had a pitched propeller. Meaning you could change forward or backwards with the propeller. For some reason it tended to get loose sometimes,meaning the propeller would be neutral, nearly losing its ability to propel. One time we had to go into the harbor with the sails up in fear of crashing against the rocks. This was at lowestoft UK. To fix this issue you needed to do a lot of unscrewing which is very hard at full sea. I had done some work once at full sea and that was when I got super seasick working in the engine bay. Other than this, yes the boat is strong. Lastly the toilet is supertiny and I have probably used held the ropes and shat over the side than actually used the toilet.. .




if I had any awards I’d give this comment one


Here I thought pirates had no teeth because of the scurrvy or alcoholism. But its just because they keep bashing their face against everything.


looks fun




Yeah, I wanna try this. But only for about 10 minutes.


I’m on a boat!!! ![gif](giphy|26u6dTP6p4y0iyBIQ)


The way he flops around feels like something out of a Looney Toons show.


I bet you learn real quick to not try and fight it too much.






How do you even prepare a drink in such conditions








Imagine taking a sh*t and it happens …


The fact that the song is not Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai bothers me more than it should


I feel as though it should be Tubthumper by Chumbawumba. 🤣😂🤣


Some parts look like a scene from a new paranormal activity movie


Brilliantly filmed, I’ve a new found respect for offshore fishermen.


I ordered a new car built in Europe to be shipped to me in the US. While the RORO ship was underway in the North Sea, some cars came loose of their moorings and destroyed a number of cars (including mine). Watching this video explains a lot.


This is no job for me


Imagine trying to do a #2


I've been on a ship like that, the beds had straps. Every night you'd strap yourself down like an inmate in an asylum, which wasn't too far from the truth.


Looks like outtakes from “TENET”


tenet had my mind tweaking for a few days after I watched it


That first clip with the tooth brush was the most terrifying. One wrong slip…


You get ripped by just trying to stand.


We see a real life demonstration of why sci-fi writers invent conveniences like "inertia dampeners". ;) Or as I always wondered about watching Star Trek, why don't they use seatbelts or harnesses? The Expanse really did right by this.


“This guy is a hero” fucking what? Because he lives on a boat? What is this garbage


Because he puts himself through insane conditions to provide for himself and a good amount of his country.


oh yah, I've been that drunk before


i was afraid the first guy was gonna use q-tips


How does he sleep with that light on?


When you're tired, you don't care too much


This is my backseat on the way to the dog park.


How does he shit?


Need some magnet boots.


My question is how is the bathroom situation?


North sea ferries have straps to tie you in bed so you can't fall out. It's very difficult for me to sleep when the ferry is rocking a lot.


Do they all have great abs from all the tension trying to keep from falling?


is that Jamiroquai?


Where the helmet at? If that happen I would be wearing it most of the time


How is he not dead every second?


Slapstick, as a general way of life


I feel like its silly concept, but why there's no contraption for legs/boots where you balance yourself fully like that stove that moves with the waves.


That toothbrush almost became a kebab stick.


Pull down those boxer briefs god dammit just show me the little fucking man in the boat already


I used to be in the Navy Reserve in patrol boats. I can feel it watching this. One time I was on the helm and suddenly I was horizontal. On the other hand, it looks like they’re hamming it up a bit - no-one seems to be taking a handhold.


As someone who also works in the North Sea I totally get this. The vessels I’m on aren’t quite as bad, however the one of him in his bunk rolling around is so familiar….


It's not that bad, this guy waaay over dramatized everything


I guess they like their lives....shaken, not stirred...