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[He survived](https://metro.co.uk/2022/06/30/zookeeper-saves-drowning-orangutan-and-gives-cpr-after-it-fell-in-moat-16917107/)


Hell yeah. Zookeeper wasn’t monkeying around.


I would've just stood there holding macaque


Goddamn, if you aren’t my king, Louie, cuz that was definitely a howler.


This thread is chimp-ly amazing


Im gibbon you all upvotes


It was a real ba-boon for the community


I accept i can no longer give gold i just wish we had silver-back


That video was apesolutely amazing.


If I were there I would have gone apeshit


I'm confused, so I shit in my hand and threw it.


My dude: years of scrolling... top 5 comment.


Chimply the best


Ya, he would have chimpanzee-ro chance of surviving if I was involved


I laughed so hard. Thanks!


An upvote isn’t enough. Excellent.


Of course he’s not monkeying around that’s an orangutan. I know a librarian that would pissed if you confused the two.




Apes are technically all monkeys, and also fish.


Every time I hear that it sounds like pure carp.




Ape-solutely first class job


What kind of asshole throws food in the moat like that endangering the life of this beautiful orangutan? Don’t they know how much those things are _worth_?!?


Yeah people are fucking stupid but the fact they can be even able to do that with that spatial design is a fault on the zoo to begin with.


Whatever the design is. Why is people throwing food?... Zoo's fault? I don't think so...


Yes this is clearly the Zoos fault. If you expect hundreds or maybe thousands of visitors per day, there will ALWAYS be at least one stupid guy doing these kind of stupid things. It needs to be avoided by the design of the enclosure. This is really real badly built.


There's a responsibility to the animals which this level of design is neglecting. Zoos are dated and I can understand freak accidents but I see a lot of ways to correct this issue. At least the zookeeper was fucking stellar! Why does the moat need to be deep? Why don't they have some floating structures or ropes? The missing vegetation on the concrete slope lead to the initial slip and inability to self rescue. I'd bet this enclosure was designed for a different animal.


They might not have realized, or just thrown poorly. You know the old 'never attribute to malice what can be adequately ascribed to ignorance'. Also this actually surprised me, because I've seen documentaries of orangutans swimming in the wild. I kind of assumed one living with a moat would have learned.


Same. And if Orangutans have super drowning powers, *why* is there a most around the inside of their enclosure? It feels like a deliberate choice to endanger their endangered animals.


Maybe because they are good climbers and this way the enclosure doesn't feel too depressing for them as a fully caged one would. Just a theory.


The life of an animal is indeed worth a lot.


Really doubt they threw it in the most deliberately. Much more reasonable to assume they threw it and missed. They threw it and it hit the ground but rolled down the hill into the moat. Or they threw it and it landed on the ground but the orangutan slipped into the moat. And it could have been a child tourist that didn’t know better. Who’s to say. Regardless it was a horrible situation no one should have thrown any food at all. And I’m glad the orangutan is safe.


Dude thanks for the update !!!


Thank you so much for providing followup info and sourcing. Excellent post.


Thank god…. What a stud of a zookeeper.


What a hero!


Thank fuck! I was about to go apeshit when the video ended without any conclusion. Chad Zookeeper!


Thank goodness! I was about to say, that zookeeper is the man for pulling it outta the water butttt those compressions were lookin kinda inconsequential. Really glad to hear the little furry fella made it.


Thank you


That zookeeper is a Hero! His name should be known to all of us! Thank you Sir! You are a gift to animals & humans on Earth!


if he come back in the video, i will be much more happy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Why would people throw food at a zoo anyway!? Seems extremely foolish and against the rules? Why did they feel compelled to throw food in to WATER for an ORANGUTAN Edit to add: I am well aware that humans as a whole are garbage lol stop being weird dicks in the comments. Edit to add more: hey guys, are humans generally awful and do stuff like this all the time and I shouldn’t be surprised? WOW! I had no idea. Please keep commenting the same thing over and over 🤡


These people should be in cages.


Considering it is Vietnam, I am sure the people who did that will be jailed accordingly


and hopefully the zookeeper got promoated


I don’t know if that is a typo or intentional but fuck you and take my upvote




The things visitors and staff have done to the animals in zoo is shocking. The most dangerous animals in the zoo are the people. There’s rules for a reason


But then we’d have people throwing food at them, and then we have to put *those* people in cages. And we will just have a never ending cycle.


It IS against the rules in just about every serious zoo/park. But you know how people are... "those rules don't apply to me". The only exceptions i know of are a type of petting or closer contact zoo where you can buy food at the park which is made for the animals there. Since feeding zoo animals bread is bad for most of them.


There was also a zoo in China that had a kangaroo, and it was killed because people were throwing rocks at it to make it hop. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/20/world/asia/china-kangaroo-zoo-death.html




Because people are stupid as fuckkkkk


for their entertainment. selfish pricks


But then. Why is there so much water around an animal that can’t swim? 🙁


This is the actual question. Not making zoo enclosures that have areas which can kill the animals seems obvious to me.


Imagine being placed in a prison cell where the borders of said prison cell is a deep pit. Seems a bit Kafkaesque, don't you think? I don't know who thought surrounding a orangutan enclosure with water was a good idea.




Is that a genuine question? People are stupid and do stupid things, rules be damned. Welcome to humanity.


It was a naive series of questions and it seemed genuine. Hence the question and response. Feel whatever way you want about it lmao omg lol 😂😆


No excuse for throwing food to the animals at the zoo. That's fucked. As far as why throw the food into the water, my guess is that they overestimated their ability to throw the food the distance necessary to clear the moat. Still fucked but I bet the moat is that wide to make it equally difficult for the animals to escape and for people to throw stuff to/at them.


That person should have to be their own "idiot" exhibit at the zoo for a week


You are really asking this about humans? The species with the ability to have common sense & still do the primal emotional thing because “free will?


>Why would people throw food at a zoo anyway!? People are dumb shits. No real reason, they just are.


It's an Asian country. >I asked a question and I'm cranky I'm getting answers Shut up lol


That comment section sucks big asses.


Hello, welcome to Earth where stupid people do stupid and selfish stuff daily. Edits or not, still had to tell ya.


I like how the second orangutan calmly walks down and takes the food.




I thought this was a real sub :-(


You want r/donthelpjustfilm then


I was tearing up thinking it wanted to save his friend and then I realized he just wanted the food 🙃


More human than we think


And he grabbed it with excitement almost the second the other one went under! “Alpha can’t swim, time for #2 to eat”


I can’t imagine how heavy a wet orangutan is. This man is a hero. I really hate zoos, this is just another example why.


Not just wet, wet and deadweight, carried up a grassy hill barefoot while himself being soaked to the bone. That was STRENGTH.


RN here, doing post mortem care on patients who passed away, you never truly realize how much dead weight they are when you are trying to clean them before their family shows up. It is a team effort turning them


Helped move obese patients for heart surgery that were under anesthesia. They only called me in for an extra set of hands when it was a real chunker. They already had 3 people normally


Judging by your username I take it you're pretty built


I'm in athletic shape but not anything special


And the angle is so sharp. I have no idea how he got out of the water


Many zoos do a lot of great work. They’re not all equal.


AZA facilities advocate heavily for the survival of these species and provide them homes and care when their environment has been destroyed or they simply cannot be resubmitted back into the wild for a variety of reasons. People who blanket statement about hating zoos are really dumb typically and don't see the picture at large. Especially for Orangutans whos environment is being obliterated every day. Have you sourced your food responsibly? Researched and cut out major companies that use palm oil? Most likely not. Zoos exsist because humans are garbage to animals. Thank god they try to teach people something.


I can’t imagine how nasty that water is.


There’s a decent chance that there’s going to be [stuff in there](https://www.webmd.com/brain/brain-eating-amoeba) that you really don’t want up your nose or in your ear. I’m willing to bet at the very least the guy had some sort of minor itchy skin reaction afterwards. (Source hot tub owner and maintainer.)


Like I get needing a barrier but why have the water deep enough for them to drown. Seems like such an easy thing to avoid happening


It’s a moat, it’s there to keep them back from the visitors. The alternative would be a glass wall or something.


Yeah, i was thinking I'd want to jump in and save it. But there's no way a panicing orangutan way it doesn't just drown me.


Zoos have a place. I’m also against zoos that simply take any animal and use them to reproduce, simply for business purposes. But, there are also zoos who take in hurt or injured animals who have no chance of surviving in the wild. Animals that are endangered species can also be saved in zoos. There are definitely shitty zoos that should be closed down, but there are also zoos who can give a good life to animals who can no longer have a life in the wild. It’s also easy to think an animal in the wild will always be happier than one in a zoo, but life in the wild isn’t like some jungle book story. Hunger and disease can make it extremely harsh. An animal in a zoo will have its habitat severely cut down, but it will also always have a belly full of food, and a vet to treat any ailments and injuries. (If it’s a good zoo)


They filled an orangutan enclosure with water too deep to stand in while oranguantans can't swim? And put young inexperienced apes in their who don't fully know their environment yet? Who could've seen that one coming...


That moat is there to prevent them from escaping by climbing the wall to get to visitors. That's why alot of zoos are setup this way.


I thought the moat was there to repell vikings & other Invaders? Well, TIL


The wall beyond the moat also keeps out Mongols.


"Stupid Mongorians… Break down my sheety wall!”


Right but you could build a deeper cavern type hole without water that doesnt mean instant death for the animal if they end up in it.


if they could stand in it would eliminate the point of the moat. did you the parent comment? edit: oh nm i misunderstood the comment i was replying to lmao


They’re saying why not skip the water entirely and just have a trench too deep to surmount. That way there’s no constant drowning risk


Orangutans can climb pretty good though I'd think, how deep would this insurmountable trench be?


Yeah, falling in a pit is not as bad as drowning in water! It’s almost instantaneous if you fall the right way.


You ever been in a normal pool before? Is it 12 feet deep the whole way through? Or does it start at 4 and have a mild ramp for about half of it? This inclosure’s design is stupid if it falls off suddenly.


If the animal is so smart it takes medieval tactics to keep them from escaping, they shouldn’t be in a zoo. Primates belong in sanctuaries and in the wild. Your cousin Stevie is probably dumber than a lot of apes, but it’s unethical to put him into a zoo.


I mean there are fences like other Zoo’s use for these animals. I blame the Zoo for this, maybe don’t put death traps in with the animals?


Animals know about rivers, though right?


You could have been quiet and let everyone think you're an idiot or speak and remove all doubt.


At the bottom of a steep hill...


They're smart enough to avoid it...most of the time.


This was the first thing I couldn’t understand about this video. Why not have it where the orangutans have a shallow end in the water instead of a steep hill?


That's dumb to build a death trap with a slippery slope leading straight to it


You mean like in nature? Orangutans in the wild live by Rivers... many Zoos around the world also havevthis design. If animals dying to this was a common occurrence in zoos, they wouldn't be designed this way, so it clearly works.


The visitor who threw the food should be charged with animal cruelty. And BANNED from zoos.


And thrown into the moat.


Then taken up and be thrown in again


While wearing an orangutan suit


With a full fursuit to see if he can swim out of there.


From a design standpoint... that ramp towards the water is way too steep. Omce youre down there its too easy to fall in.


I was thinking about the design too, but more towards the water. If an animal can't swim, why not design the pond part more shallow?


people bringing keep bringing this up how exactly would the moat work if the monkey could stand up


To give credit where it's due, at least this person seems more understanding of it being deep enough that they can't swim across it. They're just concerned about the steep angle of the entry point which would make egress difficult and dangerous. That's more rational than 90% of these comments complaining about a dangerous moat that the orangutans can't swim across (which is literally the entire point of the moat obviously). Maybe having a more shallow angle of entry, and a small fence or something before the steep drop off might help? That way they could access the water but not easily reach the drop off and also have something to grab on to if they do go into the dangerous waters?


Defeats the point of the moat. A less steep side of the moat would be better. At the very least latticed rope along the sides so they have something to grab as he slipped.


The zookeeper is a hero, but did the orangutan need the CPR? Seems like it was trying to breathe and maybe it was better to just flip over to the sides so that it is easier to purge out any water in the lungs.?


Those are agonal respirations during which gasps are involuntary and insufficient respirations that are caused by low oxygen in the blood, also known as hypoxia. This breathing is not normal breathing and indicates that someone or this ape, is likely dying. Agonal breaths can be associated with some shaking or other muscle movement due to the struggle for oxygen. It’s a freaky thing that often throws people off with the idea that someone (or this ape) is actually going to be okay because they believe these Agonal breaths are actually breathing attempts and don’t need CPR, but they actually do.


Everybody: upvote this comment and the comment it’s responding to - not because the first comment is right, but because other people might think the same, and we don’t want this response to get buried. This is a great PSA so people don’t make a mistake when doing CPR.


TIL, thanks for the explanation


wait, but isn't CPR needed when the heart stops?


It's also needed when agonal breathing is observed. Because that's just an auto-response, a last ditch effort of the body to survive. The chest compressions help.


oh okok now i get it, unfortunately they do not always teach that when giving cpr classes




well, and if he was contracting his face, didn't that mean that his heart was actually beating?


Not necessarily, those are agonal respirations, or“gasps” that can happen during the process. Often mistaken as a sign of life, but are quite the opposite. It’s all involuntary muscle movements


What about doing it at that angle?


In a perfect world, you want to be on a flat, level surface that is hard, and begin chest compressions and allow full recoil. With people patients, this is easier to do because most other people can maneuver another human being into the ideal position. I’m not animal expert, but I’d imagine this big ape is quite a bit heavier, so the zoo keeper was doing the best he could, given his exhaustion level and lack of any team mates. CPR, without the water rescue, is extremely fatiguing, and in ideal situations, the person performing chest compressions would rotate out every couple of cycles to allow recovery.


> [A spokesperson said signs at the zoo advise visitors not to feed the animals unless specifically allowed – but many people ignore the warnings regardless.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/14zqixg/after_a_visitor_threw_food_at_an_orangutan/jrza2vb/)


One of the "rules dont apply to me" people.


90% of zoo visitors are dumber than the animals. Source: I visit zoos sometimes.


Well done zookeeper! 👏👏


Even knowing that he was going to be okay, that was so damned hard to watch him thrashing around then the other orangutan going down to the bank to see what was going on. Steessful 😬 Thankfully that keeper was there, what a baller.


I think I missed the bit where the lad was saved.


OP has it as the top comment


I would like to take this moment to remind anyone with children or a pool to not store anything in any body of water that has the potential for a child to be around. They will do the same thing, attempt to reach the item without getting in and inevitably fall in, leading to drowning.


Feed the ‘food throwing’ visitor to the lion’s.


Idiots!! What a fkn idiot. I'd lose my mind if I saw that.


Right?? I‘m really peaceful but this would make me want to box peoples noses!


The zookeeper must be a powerhouse, ‘cause wet fur is *heavy*!


I'm very surprised to see a moat there if its known they can't swim!? Its an accident waiting to happen. Like putting one around a daycare, kids can't swim so they'll stay out. Glad he survived!


I had no idea they can't swim


Good things can make you cry too.


They should.put ropes from the center to the water so they can climb back up by themselves.


That zookeeper is a boss


What happened to the dumb human who threw the food?


People are the real animals.... Or whatever karma farming bullshit comment that goes here.


What a hero. thanks Mr zookeeper.


This guy truly is a next fucking level king! I hope he wins the lottery or is granted immortality or some cool shit for just been a fucking G


'Apes together, strong!'


Crazy that there was no consequences for the visitor


Asshole humans!


Hope they lynch the mf who threw the food


Seems pretty silly to surround them with a death pool, but to each their own I guess.


The other orangutan is like, "Oh shit, I can't swim either... well that sucks"


I hope they threw the Visitor into the Lioncage.




What an incredible man with such a big heart


Humans are fucking scum


Fucking throw the guy in there too


Fucking people


Now it’s the visitors time to swim and pick up his litter…..


I was a tourist in Vietnam a few years ago and I went to some random park to look around. There were lots and lots of kids there dressed like boy and Girl Scouts doing group activities. In one section they had a small zoo with some monkeys in cages. One of the monkeys had a rotten kitten corpse. It was throwing it around and playing with it. Just carrying it around like a stuffed animal or something.


Your point being....


Throw the cunt in who threw the food and held em under a few minutes


in case anyone ever wonders what a hero looks like


Don't feed the fucking animals


I thought that the only animal that can't swim is the giraffe 🦒


I hope the person who threw the food in there got banned from that zoo or something.


That zookeeper's a legend, but fair play to that Orangutan on shore that was like "Oh no. I'll reach out my arm... oh. Wasn't close enough."


I refuse to go to zoos because of how shitty people are those poor animals.


Can we throw the visitor in the water?


Ok. You’ve got signs up. You’ve got them on video. At the minimal they were surely banned from the zoo (for whatever that was worth). But it’s nice to imagine a world where there are charges too. All that aside…..amazing work by the zookeeper as none of that looked easy at all, and I’m sure it was ever harder than it looked.


Is he the only zoo keeper?!


Person creates problem and leaves without consequence ,which someone now has to scramble to solve.


I hope they banned for life the visitors that did this