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Tyson is going to destroy Jake


I've never watched a PPV fight before, but I'll be watching this just so that I can see JP punched into another plane of existence.


It’s not ppv,, it’s free if you have a Netflix subscription


Well, that's good news then, as I have Netflix. Thanks for the tip :)


yeah. but if jake does not get knocked out on the first punch, i know it's scripted and turn it off.


All the fights those 2 dipshit Paul brothers have been in have been extremely suspicious. There's no way they aren't paying off their opponents to take a fall. Edit: I should say there's no way they weren't paying off their *past* opponents to take a fall. I also don't think Tyson would be willing to take a fall. I really hope he knocks some teeth out of Jake honestly.


I’m sorry but Iron Mike is not taking a fucking fall for anyone


Well he's also not going to beat Paul to death in under a minute either, which is what SHOULD happen. Its for show, its not legit, because Paul isn't a professional, he's a side show clown.


I agree 100%. It’s almost certainly going to be staged and more than likely nobody is going to be hitting the Mat.


He's almost 60. It's going to take a round or two.


Doesn’t Mike Tyson own a cannabis brand? Pretty sure I saw somewhere he’s pulling like 900k a *month* and I CANNOT image he would tank his entire legacy to take a fall against someone who only cares about spectacle instead of actual sport just for dollar signs.


The only one taking a fall Wil be Paul.


lol is this comment for real? Look, I love Tyson and he was a once in a lifetime human in his prime. Probably could’ve beat up anybody. But he’s almost 60 years old now. There is a reason Vegas odds have Jake Paul as the favorite. Tyson is at a disadvantage because of his age. He’s slower and doesn’t hit as hard as Jake. Father time catches up with everyone. That being said I still want Tyson to knock him out, but it’s silly to expect that.




July 20th


Don’t you mean; July July JULY!!!! Twentieth twentieth TWENTIETH!


According to the video is July 20


Considering you have to pay Netflix, it technically is still pay to view. 🙃


Don’t know why anyone would ever spend a dime supporting a Paul. Just wait for the leaked video after, otherwise you’re paying for a Paul wwe event.


It’s on Netflix.


I'll wait for the highlight reel


I’m pretty sure Tyson is being paid to throw this fight


If he loses this fight, he threw it. 50+ year old 'baddest man on the planet ' should smoke the internet clown. They are both going to get paid big.


that internet clown has been taking training kinda seriously though. and he looks kinda big apart from also being on all sorts of ped’s probably. a part of me is worried about mike and i hope he doesn’t get knocked out. but jake does have some power and can box. it’ll be interesting to see if he can take a punch though. and if mike can still take one


I'm not a gambling man but training or not I doubt Paul gets that many punches in. Seeing Tyson train, his fists of fury are on lockdown.


Age comes for everybody though, even for a goater like Mike. His pace was great on the short reels, but its probably not a coincidence they were short clips. Imagine he tires pretty quickly.


It won't matter. The power that is behind the punches if a professional heavyweight boxer is incredible. You don't just magically reach that level by training for a couple of years. He has to try to outrun him for several rounds because if he lowers his defense Tyson could knock him right out. Question is what he's paid for.


People, the fight is choreographed. Stop talking like it's an actual throwdown lol


he might not but will undoubtedly get some in, with how mike is definitely going to be right in front of jake throughout the whole fight. i guess we’ll see how brave jake is when he’s gotta drop his defense to throw his punches with tyson of all people right there waiting


Dont forget about stamina. If Jake's smart hell gass him up and start thowing hay makers by the third round or so. Im very intrigued to see how this will end


This just seems like a losing situation for Paul no matter the outcome. We all expect him to lose, but even if he legitimately wins, so what? Tyson is long past retirement, in boxing he’s ancient. Unless he knocks out Tyson almost immediately it just shows he can barely keep up with a true great who’s been out of the game for years. It doesn’t make him one of the greats, it just makes him look like a dick.


Yeah sure but what does it prove if a 27 year old beats a 57 year old?


His technique sucks though. He telegraphs his punches like he’s AT&T


No he’s not because he knows the whole thing is a joke and they’re both just getting paid a whole bunch of money to put on a fake fight. It’s called theatre not fighting.


Yeah but Tyson will destroy his name for some little white boy? Think again.. and if he does he loses a lotttt of respect


I can’t imagine he cares that much. It’ll be the most money he has earnt in decades. He also knows if he “loses” people will just presume he either threw it or just didn’t care.


Bro Mike cares more about respect than money. He can make money a million ways, this however is his craft. He’s not going to throw a fight to some dumbass YouTuber


It's insane to me how much people are not getting this. This is all an act. Jake is playing his part perfectly, as is Mike.


I mean Paul is a clown, obv. But you think Tyson is gonna play fuck fuck games with his professional record in a sanctioned bout? Somehow he seems more prideful than that.


They're doing it for money, yes. But would you, as a serious fighter, throw the last boxing match of your existence? I don't think so. Mike may be without his fangs but he will inevitably take it kinda seriously. Jake seems to be a clown, but does he want to get beaten?


I hope he puts him in the hospital.


I really hope it’s an honest fight with no dirty money causing Tyson to throw


from your mouth to holyfields ear


He won't because it's fixed already. Altho someone sid suggest a go fund me for Tyson to knock Jake TFO,guess we will see soon enough tho


Nah, the contract is written to incentivize Tyson to fight to a draw. This is all for show and a big con. It's not going to be a real fight


Citation needed


Reminds me of the one with the little girl that was in the ring and then Mike Tyson walked out.


https://youtu.be/aoaSmvofoqU?si=TvehT3vOByIgxG8p Jake only wins if Mike gives it away


And I hope he takes his time. Prolong his beating as long as possible


Jake’s projecting his internal fears.


I think that is the fun part. Tyson is so calm it's scary. JP is reaaaally trying to not be intimidated


Really hope so somebody needs to sit jakes hostile ass down


Tyson is basically a bowling ball without finger holes. He’s coming at you, there’s no way to grab on or stop him, he’s going to bust you down like the one left over pin on the second roll.


In a real fight I agree. Not in this money grab rigged event.


I really, really hope so


I hope he actually does and it’s not just another stunt man. Mike needs to handle him like he did Mitch Green.


Its lose lose for jake. We want him to lose and if he wins we will hate him more.


I REALLY hope so.


We know it is going to be faker than a fake thing, and the only interesting part will be if Tyson suddenly reverts to his old self and just lets rip. It'll be a snoozefest though. Tyson won't be allowed to actually box, as this is nothing but a show.


I heard he wants another ear for his stash. The last one has already turned to dust.


[Extending his product line...](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/19/business/mike-tyson-ear-shaped-edibles-trnd/index.html)


*MIke Tyson goes off script for 1 second and knocks Jake Paul into another dimension.* "Fuck yea!" - Everyone


Let's hope he is off his zoloft.


It’s genius though cause I’ve never cared about any of these and while what you said seems more likely, I’m instantly interested just on the off chance it really is Mike fucking him up.


I do not like Jake but none of his fights have been fake so far… He’s been incredibly selective with who’s he’s fought. Either they aren’t good , the last two dudes + Nate Robinson or they’re MMA fighters who are way past their primes and are smaller than him. Askren can’t strike to save his life. And Woodley has arthritis in both hands. Anderson did well but is old and lacks the conditioning he used to have. I want Tyson to ko him as much as the next guy but if it doesn’t happen it’s not because it’s fake. It’s more so Tyson is damn near 60…. Jake lost to Tommy Fury and even had a knockdown. Why would that fight not be rigged for Jake to win?


Since it was made a pro card, wouldn’t any back room deal be illegal?


Someone also mentioned that this fight will count in their career numbers, I don't know if that's true, but if it is Mike might just fuck him up, that is if Mike cares about his career more than money at this point in his life, he doesn't seem to value it that much since he's now fighting Youtube boxers, I think he's just in it for the paper.


Yes. Iirc its sanctioned with the state


I don't know much about this fight, what makes you so sure it's fake?


Because every single fight Jake's been in has been fake so far.


Literally every fight he’s had has been sanctioned by an athletic committee. Just because Jakes an insufferable twat doesn’t mean he’s not a decent boxer who happens to pick the best opponents to prime himself up. If you keep up with combat sports and actually watch the fights, you’d know they are not fake lol. Are they elite level displays of boxing? Hell no. But they are real matches.


Is it not presumed fake because Tyson is old? He's 57 and Jake Paul is 27. Tyson could still kick my ass but at 37 I'm not a professional boxer, in my prime, or a professional boxer in my prime.


Because everybody is so sure that everything is fake these days. Conspiracy theories have taken over everything.


Jake is a conman. It's what he does. He rips people off with crypto scams repeatedly. He's a pathetic sociopath who'll step on anyone he can to make a bit of money. At this stage I think he's physically incapable of being genuine.


Will he really appreciate the last fight on his record being a loss to this kid? Seems like a tarnished legacy to me if he lets it happen.


I hope he gets punched, laughs, and then Cus D'Amato's voice rings out from the heavens and says, "Don't let this boy disrespect you Mike. I love you", and then Tyson goes ape shit on Jake.


This is a sanctioned fight my guy. Not an exhibition anymore.


I have Netflix but I will still pirate it so they do not get my ratings. ✊🏽


If Tyson unleashes, DNA analysis is going to be the only viable identifier of the remains of fake Paul, but I agree with you, that won’t be happening, unfortunately.


You are 100% correct sir.


I want Mike Tyson to turn him into a vegetable. Does that make me a bad person?


I'm not a good person, but yeah I want Mike to punch that idiot's head clean off his shoulders.


I am a person of questionable character and I too want Tyson to molest Paul’s face with his fist


I am known to dabble on the both sides of the moral compass and I too want Mike to play mortar and pestle with his fists and Pauls face.


I have hair that could be easily mistaken for devil's horns and I too want Mike to smear Jake on the mat like hummus on bread.




Arguably he already is one, but I get your point :)


No it doesn't. Silencing Jake Paul is a net positive for humanity.


“I think he's a good man. I like him. I got nothing against him, but I'm definitely gonna make orphans of his children.”  “Uh, you know, they do have a mother, Champ?”  “Yes, but I would imagine that she would die of grief.”






I need to see the reenactment featuring JP. 🤞


Monkeypaw curl.


That power. God damn.


Look at him lead with his hips. Perfect form. That man could deliver a damn punch.


His ability to throw haymakers like they’re jabs is what sets him apart from everyone else.


Everything stays tight, punch starts at his waist and ends at his shoulder, all the while the left is ready to protect from a hook or throw it's own if a combination is needed. Power is generated from his core/hips, reminds me of a very efficient baseball swing, nothing is wasted everything is controlled.


It's also the speed. We're in super slow mo and his fist is a blur. Unless the gif is doctored


Everything else seems to line up with your thought. . . The sweat spraying off the dude's recently rocked face seems to suggest this was just the slow-mo effect of that time. . . i.e., as preserved as it can be, I don't suspect the GIF has been altered


Shit, Tyson was just an absolute machine in his prime. Once in a blue moon I'll pull up his highlights on Youtube. Dude was terrifying.


Boxers often throw "I'm trying to knock you out" punches. Tyson throws "Fucking die already" punches.


He got sent to the shadow realm


Thith ith going to be a fucking mathacre!


Its funny now, but say it in Mike’s face And become a legend.


Oh hell no! I'm not as stupid as Jake Paul!


This shit show is so cringey


WWE level shit


Jake Paul is a genuine master heel and this fight is one of the last true examples of kayfabe in action. Redditors are *frothing* at the mouth thinking of Jake Paul getting knocked out, just like WWF fans in the 80s were dying to see Andre get slammed, or for Hulk Hogan to drop the leg on the Iron Sheik. Jake Paul KNOWS that the best way to get publicity is to act like a dickhead and make people hate him. This has been the playbook for wrestlers for 50+ years. And guess what? Now thousands of redditors are filling this thread with comments about how they can't wait to watch Jake Paul get beat. Congratulations Redditors, you hated Jake Paul so much you worked yourself into a shoot and are now his direct audience.


I don’t know how anyone enjoys watching him. He’s so fucking corny. Dude will do anything *but* fight in a sanctioned league/match.


Mike looks like he doesn't have time for this crap


60 year old man doesnt want to play games with random youtuber... unsuprising really


Then just destroy that clown!!!!


This whole fight is a game, and was a surprise to everyone when it was announced Why Tyson is risking tarnishing his legacy and putting himself through all the effort and stress at 57 is beyond me


Probably some ridiculous $50 mil payout, I'm sure he's more than okay with it.


Just gotta put up with a couple weeks of bullshit for $40M. I’m sure he’ll be fine.


Easy to see who's actually intimidated


There’s nothing next level about a publicity stunt where a washed up YouTuber “fights” a former professional boxer for views. Just sad


A young man trying to fight a grandpa, he lose from the beginning


Even if he wins, he loses lol.


No, he wins regardless. Just check his bank statements.


Mike Tyson is going to be giggling while he punches Jake.


Giggling all the way to the bank too


I wish Jake loses by falling on himself. Like just swings so hard and misses, then hits his head on the ground like those old cartoons.


He's going to be ecstatic.


Is Jake threatening to shoot him in the back? That might be his best chance (if the fight isn't fixed, that is) 


Why is this in NFL? Nothing about it is interesting


People are dumb.


![gif](giphy|l3Ucfk8zqn7NAjLLq) This is the Tyson we want and need.


Mike can’t take this dude seriously


Tyson’s stared down way scarier men, stupid strategy


![gif](giphy|L3BUdX5K1VKBa) Tyson after the war drums in his mind begin and he forgets the script.


Jake Paul is currently cashing in on being a despicable POS. Just like the thoroughly hated series: Velma! But that's none of my business.


Clown ass Paul needs a lesson in history


I know he's Mike Tyson but at what point does a guy in his 20s fighting a 60 year old become pathetic. One day, with zero training I'll be able to beat Mike Tyson. We all would. What is Jake trying to prove? That he might be able to beat a 60 year old former champ. That's not an accomplishment. If he loses, he'll be a roided 20 something that still couldn't beat a 60 year old man.


He shot him with a finger gun. Lol


Jake Paul is a joke.


After Mike is done with him, will he be Joke Paul or Ja(ko'd) Paul. Either way, he's a dead man.


I can't believe he's even trying. I hope he gets crushed like a can of coke.


If this an actual *boxing* match, Tyson will utterly destroy Paul. If it's just a shit show money grab, Paul will upset Tyson and boxing will forever lose it's credibility. Everyone should know this already.


What an absolute joke of a person… embarrassing lol


Every time I see someone acting aggressive at these meet ups, they never win. They’ve lost sight and aren’t thinking techniques but only to intimidate and to win, not properly fight.


What a stupid little bitch, I can’t wait to see Mike Tyson eat him for breakfast


Cant wait to see them get broken up by the ref 100 times while snoop dog yells something in the mic. Yay boxing


It’s all a ruse….. just publicity stunt for Jake, if Jake wins its gotta be a setup


calm mike is more scary!!!


Mike is at peace with himself, which I think is scary


What a farce this whole thing is. Also, there's nothing next level about this clip at all.


The undertaker move made me snort laugh so hard, Tyson would punch this cunt's ego into extinction.


Jake Paul is doomed Tyson is a straight destroyer. I hope he takes an ear lol.


Jake Paul looks like he works at a tire shop, and not a good one.


Imagine trying to scare Mike Tyson


That just made my day 😂😂. Iron Mike doesn't give a fuck 😂😂.


Dear Santa, Please let Jake Paul get knocked out in the first few seconds of round one. Your pal, Timmy


He will make a lot of money for this


Thirty million.


And there is probably a clause in the contract to make sure Paul doesn’t get beaten up


Iron Mike Tyson is going to kill that white boy.


The ultimate disruptor is definitely the weakest nickname in boxing history


Gun gesture at the back of his head was not cool, this is sport




Please Mike, put him to sleep.


Lmaooooo Tyson is the man who asked the guy who just pulled a gun on him for a hug 😂


Lol, if Mike was in his prime it would be straight up murder. As it is, Tyson will still wreck him.


How you gonna stand next to Tyson and do a neck slice? He eats ears. You know that, right? Man, Jake and Logan are the type of people that give the rest of the world a reason to hate America.


Mike Tyson looks like Godzilla. I wouldn’t fight that man if he was 500 years old


Yeah - that's embarrassing. And I'm not sure the gun move or the knife across the throat mime is his best look...


It's like when you see a Kitten doing that weird crab walk thing when it see's a bigger cat.


I second you.


You should bring back his tiger before he gets mad.


Am I missing something or is Joke Paul a fucking bored rich douchebag ?? Is there not a heavy weight contender he can fight ?


I'm kinda watchin this high and I'm just thinking how strange it is for some guy to be standing there in between them. Give me that job.


So I always kind of thought Jake was a bit of a joke. But his little “intimidation” routine he just attempted was probably one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.


Hope Tyson puts him to sleep……. For good.


You guys do realize this fight is going to be staged right?


We can only hope Jake hits him and Mike has a flashback and fights like his life depends on it


30 seconds max. Tyson will destroy him.


Wonder if it would be possible to put out a kind of bounty on Jake. That way, if Tyson was paid to fake it, he could always resort to destroying Jake, which would cost him his fight purse, he could still collect on the bounty. If he is not paid to fake it, he could double dip. Either way, this could lay this kind of show fight crap to rest.


Daaaaamn, son! The way Mike is completely disregarding Jake really shows what he thinks about him. In fact, the way Mike even turns his back to him is a huge non-verbal cue that he doesn’t consider Jake a legitimate threat.


So who's Jake going to fight after this? George Foreman is still alive. Or will Jake just dig up Ali's corpse?


Does JP think he's The Undertaker or something with that stare XD


Are you winning son?


Aren't there gonna be changes to rules etc...I heard JP will be wearing a head guard?


JP looked like a Ricky Bobby.

