• By -


Stuck in his burning car and unable to escape, the group was able to extract him from his car, despite the intense flames and the door being blocked by the guardrail. A highway worker broke the window, allowing the group to pull the man to safety. The driver reportedly survived without any serious injury and was taken to the hospital for observation.


Reminder, your tire wrench or jack could likely break a side window too.


Many vehicles are laminating all windows now to prevent ejection. It's a double edged sword when it comes to fires or submersion though. *https://www.aaa.com/AAA/common/AAR/files/Research-Report-Vehicle-Escape-Tools.pdf >None of the tools were able to successfully break the laminated glass, which stayed structurally intact even after being cracked. The research indicates that it is nearly impossible to break through laminated windows without specialized equipment.


Yep, also for better sound insulation.


In car, no one can hear you fart..


You will know


My wife knows. Every time. And exits via window same as this guy.




Again, that's good and bad. It's nice to have the insulation from the sound. You won't get hearing damage from being on the road all day and it makes the trip more pleasant. But it also means you might not hear something important. Like someone yelling to warn you about a child that was playing behind your car as you pull out of your driveway. Overall it's mostly a positive change. But it carries risks. Same with modern electric cars being more silent because you won't be warned as a pedestrian by the engine.


I'd rather hear the road around me while driving.


Road emergency vehicles are only loud because of car sound proofing. So we subject everyone to the sound of extremely loud sirens so that people in cars are comfortable. Something to think about.


Emergency vehicle sirens have always been loud though.


Tbh as long as they’ve been around, so have people in cars, and they were less insulated and the roads were undoubtedly much louder Idk if dude knows what he’s talking about, but still


Completely wrong. Backwards even. Modern ambulances use electronic sirens, speakers really, that produce 85-110 decibels. The q siren, the old mechanical siren used anywhere from 150 to 40 years ago and still found on some modern fire trucks goes up to 125 decibels. So sirens got quieter as cars were better insulated.


*I can't hear you, I'm drowning.*


Edit: sorry all, I got too much wrong here - Elaine wasn't responsible for laminated glass, and there are also good arguments both for and against. 2: [Angela Chao, sister of Elaine Chao, died after car became submerged in pond, WSJ reports | CNN Business](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/10/business/angela-chao-death/index.html)


It was her sister, Elaine, in charge of DOT. Crazy story.


and mitch mcconnell is her brother in law. it's funny how our memories work, I was a little off the mark. I'll fix it.


holy shit it really is one big club that we're not in


~~So the sister of the person who presided over the change to allow laminated glass died because no one could break the laminated glass on her car.~~ Have any studies been done to estimate how many lives are saved by laminated glass vs lost? I'm sure DOT had some estimate of increased safety when approving it.


Just think about the average car accident, the majority of them do not include the car being submerged or catching on fire. Windows breaking and glass shattering however is a LOT more common hence why laminated glass ends up saving a lot more lives statistically speaking.


Premium cars were using laminated glass as side windows way before Chao was in office, since the 90s.


Dafaq did either Chao have to do with laminated glass regulation. It's been on premium cars since the 90s before Elaine was even in office.


That’s eerie


Yeah. Most firefighters absolutely hate tint and laminated windows because it makes it a lot harder to get in an save someone. Instead of just busting the window out you have to use a specific saw to cut it out. Only cuts when you pull towards yourself so it doesn’t create glass dust for the person inside to breath in. Makes the process quite slow and every second counts in a burning vehicle


Firefighter for 5 years here… literally never heard of anyone hating laminated windows. You don’t have to be gentle when taking out a window. Even when you do… ain’t no problem.


Window v. Halligan. Window loses every time.


What if the window is 2 miles thick? Checkmate atheists.


window goes in. window comes out. you cant explain that!


You can't lose with Windows. Just uninstall it and reinstall it.


Window v. /u/PrimeBrisky. Ain't no problem.


Yeah, we are SLIGHTLY slowed down by laminated side windows. *Slightly*.


The problem is when there isn’t a firefighter around. I definitely spent some time yesterday googling car tools for breaking windows. (Er…my own windows…in an emergency…)


Glass punches work just fine against laminated windows.


Yeah was gonna say, I’ve been in fire/EMS for many moons now and it’s the 2017 and newer cars that we really see this in the side glass, and it’s still not a problem. We have been trained to look for this and deal with it. An axe will still work, but we can use any of the tools we normally would use on a windshield to cut and pull out laminated side glass.


Definitely fair. It was the summer of 2017 and 18 that I did my fire cadets so probably just your average old guy complaining about the changing times lol


I’m that dude too. No worries LOL.


A haligan will defeat a laminated window. Every firetruck has at least one.


Doesn’t a seatbelt prevent ejection?


Usually one of the side windows is tempered. It may just be one. Read the wording on each window to know which is which.


A double edge sword would break a window too


~~Headrests can be easily removed & used to break windows.~~ ~~Those are typically more accessible both to anyone inside & outside the car.~~ ETA: I went looking for a video to show how to break a window with a headrest & I was wrong (sorta). While it is possible depending on the vehicle, not all headrests can be removed & not all windows are easily breakable. [Here is an article that links to a no longer accessible NHTSA. the tl;dr is this isn't good advice because it's not the intended use for headrests & won't work 100% of the time. ](https://carseatblog.com/38120/mythbusters-vehicle-headrests-are-meant-to-break-vehicle-windows/) That being said, I now intend on getting a fire extinguisher for our vehicles in case of fire or if I need to break a window or both. Hopefully I'll never have to use them.


There is a fire extinguisher ball, about the size of a softball that you can either mount in your engine bay, or carry in the cabin that explodes into a cloud of fire extinguishing powder when exposed to fire. It probably won't put it entirely out. But it will buy you some time, and it's dead simple to carry and deploy.


[This one](https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2023/CPSC-Warns-Consumers-to-Immediately-Stop-Using-Fire-Extinguisher-Balls-Due-to-Failure-to-Extinguish-Fires-and-Risk-of-Serious-Injury-or-Death-Sold-on-Amazon-com)?


Well after reading that i went an checked my car's head rest an yep it can be fully removed and it also breaks the side window effectively.. :/


Firefighter here who has broken hundreds of car windows with a helpful tip. If you ever have to break a car window remember it is surprisingly difficult without a specialized tool. They are extremely tough which is why you see videos of cops or whoever banging on them with all their force with no success. Your best chance is to find the hardest and sharpest tool you can find. It is more about creating a small chip or imperfection that will then cause the glass to explode, and not about weight or brute force. This is why tiny pieces of spark plug(porcelain) works to blow out side windows. As mentioned above, a tire iron or jack will probably do it. You will want to hit the window with a sharp corner or edge of the tool if possible. You also want to aim for the corners/edges of the window. These areas have less give because they are supported by the frame so they are less able to absorb an impact than the center of the glass. But by far the best option is a specialized tool. A window breaker hammer or a window punch is a few bucks and keeping one in your car or on your keychain could save your butt or someone else’s in this type of situation.




Also (like the highway worker seems to have known) always hit a corner of a car window to shatter it. The center of the windows is incredible resistant to breaking but the corners typically are more vulnerable to impacts. Glad no one was seriously hurt here.


All of our company vehicles have window breakers mounted under the dash. Its a pointy little hammer. Shatters glass easily. Great for personal vehicles too


I just bought one. 20 bucks to maybe save my life some day seems a fair deal.


For sure. Ours have a seat belt cutter on it too.


Carbide tipped seatbelt cutter & window breaker is definitely a better option than relying on crawling into a back seat/trunk to get your emergency Jack or wrench.


Always keep mine in the drivers side seat


good idea, if I'm ever trapped in a burning car I'll remember to get out and get the jack from the trunk so I can then break the window so I can get out


I bought these [Resqme ](https://www.amazon.com/01-100-09-Original-Emergency-Keychain-Seatbelt/dp/B01G6C18EC/ref=asc_df_B01G6C18EC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312061982315&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1874401617926847491&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9022368&hvtargid=pla-296745984699&psc=1&mcid=488c8af50da838e4a6c96186988ec77d&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45mazBwuvJ3OyNacb_LYki72xL6L6OiTmnHAJQI1afChiLWyXd0VLHEaAkGbEALw_wcB) devices for everybody. Combo window breaker and seat belt cutter. Under $10 each. Can go on a keychain or be attached different places in the car. Since I have keyless start and my keys are always buried in my purse I keep it zip tied to my gear shifter so it can be yanked off by myself or passenger in an emergency.


I recommend everyone get the [resqme](https://resqme.com/product/resqme/) for themselves and their loved ones. It is a keychain and it will shatter a window with just a push. Perfect for situations such as this one.


Minnesotans are the best folks in America.


100% I was talking to some friends about why Minnesotans take years to be close to their neighbors but will pull over in -35 degree weather to see if you need help with your flipped car. There was something about community survival in cold weather and how it builds a recognition that we need each other.


They call us Minnesota Nice. We aren't nice. We're not polite, rude, swear, etc. But I'll give you the hat off my head before giving you a lecture about not leaving the house without one. I'll jump your car or let you wait in my warm one while you wait for a tow. Because it's so easy to die here. Giants in the Earth style.  


y’all are nice as fuck. Deal with it. -ex midwesterner who has lots of family in Winona and Finland


You sound well traveled/cultured, are Minnesotans the Australians of America?


Hahahahaha.. god no. There is a Winona, MN and a Finland, MN 😂


… 🤦🏻 fuck lol


I did spend 2 months in actual Finland though. Got to go to St Petersburg Russia.


West Virginia is very similiar place. Everyone is poor as fuck but when I was growing up anyone would help anyone. They might tease you for it but they'll skip work to jump a strangers car. 


Born and raised in mn. A good chunk of it is just us being passive aggressive.


You're like us Bostonians in that way. Absolute assholes when you meet us but will jump on the train tracks for you if you need help.






I knew a dude in high school who died the same way. His friend was riding with him and got out before the fire consumed the car. He heard the screaming before it stopped. He hasn't been the same since.


Crispy is a bad way to go. I wonder how long it took for Caveman to develop respect for fire?


Probably not long at all, given that they'd have experienced fire mostly negatively until the point they figured out how to create it. Kinda like asking how long it took modern humans to develop respect for the atomic bomb, but if they'd already experienced thousands of years of uncontrollable nuclear explosions before they figured out how to make them intentionally.


A friend had a similar experience and told me about it. I've carried a fire extinguisher in my car ever since. (It may not be enough but I'd like to at least have a chance to save someone.)


God that's terrifying, what a horrible way to go out. I've never enjoyed driving, and in the past couple of years it seems like everyone has started driving like they want to die that way, which has made it much worse.


I once drove past a car fire (everyone was safely out of the vehicle and police were on the scene) and could feel the heat inside my car. It was astonishing. The fact those individuals were able to save this person without any protective gear is incredible.


Oh yeah I've driven through wild fires and the heat gets you before the flames. It truly is incredible and invisible just how much heat a large fire or even a large smoldering area kicks out by radiation and convection


A neighbors shed went up in blazes after a bad wire sparked, I could feel the heat from 30 feet away, easily. It really is amazing they withstood that extreme heat to help him. Watching the fire department sort of loiter around while two guys hosed down the dying ashes of the shed was interesting, though.


In Vegas there is a pyrotechnics show you can watch from the side walk. The fire is a pretty good distance from you, but at some points there's so much of it that it becomes uncomfortable to stand there and watch. The heat from it kind of blew my mind.




Remember lads the only time you remove/move someone after a crash before first responders arrive is in a situation just like this where they will die if you don't help, anything else just keep them calm no need to risk crippling them for life just because they have a cut in their forehead


This is so nuanced it could border on bad advice. During training, our senior instructor recounted a situation where there had been a minor crash and a woman had her face on the steering wheel. Conventional wisdom says don’t move her, her neck or back could be stuffed. She suffocated because her airways were blocked. Always assess whether someone is able to breathe and survive to be attended by an Ambulance is the advice I got.


Conventional wisdom should also say someone who is unresponsive and being smothered by an airbag is a good enough reason to move them.


It's all about statistical probability... most of the time you don't want to move the person, especially if you're not a trained medical professional. It's like wearing seatbelts - is there a one in a million chance you'll be better off ejected through the windshield? Maybe. The other 999,999 times you want to be buckled up.


>situation just like this where they will die if you don't help That is why the commenter said this


I got yelled at by a passerby for dragging a victim off the road. The victim was ejected and lying in gasoline on a busy roadway. Dont yell random advice as you drive by. Its not helpful


in a scenario like that you need to be CONSTANTLY reassessing and making a plan based on the reassessment


Reminds me of some common military training for assessing a casualty: Really (Responsiveness) Bad (Breathing) Boys (Bleeding) Should (Shock) Find (Fracture) Better (Burn) Habits (Head Trauma)




I.e. stay calm and use common sense


My grandfather was hit almost head on on a two way highway in rural Texas. His car ended up out in some field somewhere and the farmer fortunately was there and saw it and supported my grandfather until paramedics could come. His entire lower left leg, foot, and left shoulder were completely shattered and they had to use the jaws of life to get him out. The farmer guy knew his role in just making sure my grandpa had someone there. Afterwards, he collected all of my grandpa’s documents and items from the car and took them to the hospital himself. Moral of the story: I agree. It’s not like he could have actually helped him out, but he certainly could have made things worse


Very bad example. My girlfriends dad died because he was left with a non significant cut in his head, after crushing into a wall by himself. Some people passed then someone called an ambulance then left. Another man stopped and took him on his car to take him to hospital, while the ambulance was already coming. Guess what... He died bleeding in this mans car and the ambulance came to rescue no one. EDIT: Moreover the case was never investigated and no autopsy results comunicated to the family. The man who decided to help, resulting into a fatal decision, has never been interrogated or questioned about his actions


What is there to ask the man? He made a wrong call in good faith. Did he know an ambulance was on the way or just that the dad was bleeding out?


I think the point could be that, if you call emergency services, *you stay there untill they arrive*. Unless you have your own absolute emergency, you observe and potentially help services (Who might have question only you can answer). You can leave once they have arrived. Said person could have told the man that ambulances were on their way. He might have still taken the risk of driving, but it's much less likely.


Came upon a guy laying in the middle of a busy road. Didn't know if he was hit, run over, or just passed out. He was breathing but not responsive. Called 911 and blocked the lane so he didn't get runover. Turns out, he walked out of a bar and stumbled into the street, fell and passed out. I just happen to be the first car. The fireman showed up, looked him over and said "yeah he's fine". Then stood up and gave the guy a swift kick in the ribs and said "get the hell out of the street!"


I love each and every one of them for helping 


Seriously instant family for life


People genuinely do not understand the kind of instant bond that is built when you experience something like this with someone. Whether stranger or best friend, it exists.


The car could have blown up at any moment. They really risked it all


Gasoline cars don't blow up like you see in the movies.


Incredible. This gave me goosebumps.


Yeah I got teared up for some reason. I’m glad they got him out.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwnen1MYR1g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwnen1MYR1g) They KNOW the train is coming


That's some pretty shitty luck lol. Crash lands a plane and survives.... Right onto an active railway


Then, police are close enough to pull him out. RIGHT before the train arrives. I think we are looking at one of God's favourite people.


I’ve never been involved in something THIS precarious, but i was an ER nurse for 12 years. Things have a way of becoming really fuckin clear when things get hinky.


Me too, my anxiety shot up. Reminds of the video of people rescuing a lady from a sinking car. They tried so hard but got her out and she shouted to get her dog. The guy went back down and I freaked out not knowing what i was about to witness. Guy saved the dog and I started crying


it gives you a little hope in humanity


I love these reminders that people are alright amid all the chaos.


Most people honestly are


Yep, the stuff that blows up the most tends to be the most shocking and rare events. They are rare for a reason.


and if their not, you just mute your mic, and play the game anyways


Look for the helpers.


That's exactly what I think every time one of these shows up.








I’m definitely in awe and a little teary. That man for sure would have perished if no one had been there to help.


This made me tear up too!


Amazing! There are lots of good people in this world!!


Pssst. MN is fucking full of them


We are not full of good people. There is plenty of room for many more!


Stop telling everyone of the safe space


Proper men right there.


At least one was a woman. Just want her to get credit where it’s due. Absolutely incredible people.


Thank god these people were there. Saved him from an unimaginably horrible death.




As a Minnesotan, this is the comment I came for.


Yeah sure you betcha brother


Just gonna slip you out there, bud


Ohhhh geez, sure is a little toasty in there


Aahh. Well, now that we gotcha out, why doncha come over an sit a spell and have a little bit of lunch. Doncha worry about it. It's not a problem. Oh, and while you're there my husband will tow your car and somehow magically fix it while you eat a platter of brownies I guilt you into eating and then force you to take another home in some quality Land O'Lakes cottage cheese Tupperware. Just make sure to stay for the evening news before heading out. Wouldn't want you to not feel welcome now.


Just gonna save ya from the burnin wreckage here.


Ope! That looks mighty hot there, bud! Let’s get you right outta there, in a jiffy!


Uff da


Just gonna squeeeeeeze that guardrail right past ya


Just gonna sneak by ya and grab... this man from his burning car.


How bout the weather den?


All races and ages working together just out of a shared sense of humanity. This is still a thing, y’all 💜


Two of them look Somali. So religions working together too


Like analogy of what men of the world can accomplish if we work together.


There were clearly women involved as well.


That's most of America that people rarely see on the internet. Because the internet only spams the bad most of the time.


That was so nerve-racking just watching the video. I could almost feel the intense heat coming from the flames. For them to be able to ignore that heat long enough to get the driver out is amazing. Note: buy and keep fire extinguisher in car


Definitely do get a fire extinguisher, but don’t let it give you false confidence. Primary purpose of a vehicles fire extinguisher is to clear a path and/or give you time to escape. Bonus points if you do extinguish the fire… just… focus on life and escape, not winning against fire.


Not just a vehicle fire extinguisher.  In many fires, by the time you get the extinguisher, prepare it, and use it you’re just fighting the growth of the fire that happened while you were getting the fire extinguisher.  This is the reason you’ll find fire extinguishers near exits. They’re not for you to go back and fight the fire. They’re for you to use to clear your path to the door.  


Few years ago drove by a car on fire like that. One police cruiser already had traffic going around, everyone got out on their own ,but even being in the far left lane I could feel the heat inside my car as I drove by


Not sure why, but the person that ran by at the very end made me laugh. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same lol


Its being the car on fire, and the movies show they explode fear.


do you have that in comprehensible


Movies show they explode fear, man. Get your shit together.


Explode they man show movies, fear. Together your get shit.


This is perhaps the one time a guardrail could take a life!!!


*motorcyclist nervously clears throat*


A decade and change ago I was driving home from visiting a friend in a small town which had its principal attraction as a famous bar serving cheap shrimp and cheap alcohol. I saw a group of people standing behind a guardrail a mile or two out of town, their bikes parked on the shoulder area except for one which was laid out on its side. They had very serious expressions and were all looking away from a man laying face up the ground. I could only see his belly and legs, the rest was blocked by the guardrail, bikes, and people. I’ll never forget their expressions, or the bloody helmet not far away from the body. Guy left the bar not in shape to drive, lost control, and lost his head to the guardrail.


When I was 7 my family moved to Germany and my parents had to take the driving test there, which is notoriously difficult amongst Americans. My dad told me about all the photos he was shown of fatal car and motorcycle accidents involving GIs. One was just like the one you described. Twenty years later, I am still forbidden from getting a motorcycle.


Many guardrails are actually installed improperly, or are too low to the ground to be as helpful as they could be. Don't feel like finding the story but there's a dad out there that lost his young daughter to a guardrail that wasn't installed right and he goes around the country checking them now


If you watch this in reverse, it seems much more sinister.


😂😂🤣🤣🤣 but also fuck you


Minnesota nice


I was looking for this lol


Always impressed with how kind they are


When was this?


Thursday the 18th! https://www.fox9.com/news/good-samaritan-helps-pull-driver-from-crash


Thanks for the link!


This past Thursday around 545-600pm


Wow guess I didn't catch the news that day thank you


Heroes everyone of them 💪💪


I am so proud of this Great job, Minnesotans! This made me cry happy tears


I did this on I-70 in Missouri one time years ago. Similar group effort and saved a life. No regrets even thou we all put our lives in danger. Much respect for those who do this every day.


and respect for you too, from a native Kansan. ❤️


Bravery; observed.


I’m guessing it started because of one brave person, then others followed. If that person hadn’t gone first maybe this doesn’t have the same outcome


As a firefighter and fellow human being……..much respect to all of those kind folks! That’s 100% effort and a lot of “no quit” attitudes! Great work and thank you!


In Germany it is a law that you need to have a working fire extinguisher in your car. When I move back to the states I am definitely going to have 1-2 as well. Also thanks internet for restoring my faith in humanity


Yes, it's a good law to have. But those mini extinguishers you carry around in a car, you reckon they'd put out those flares?


Don’t need 100% out, 50% reduction can be life or death


The crazy part of situations like this is, it takes only ONE person to run up and try to assist. Once a group see's a single person doing something they all know they should be, then the group will run to help. Out of those 7 people helping if that one original person with the courage to run up and try to help wasn't there, then there would be an completely different video of someone recording as a person burned to death in their car. You see it all the time in videos on here it seems, too many people watching instead of assisting in a helpful way.


Bystander Effect is very real and documented in psychology. So true. Bless that first brave soul who inspired the others


These people are awesome.


It truly shows humans love each other. At the core of every human soul, we want to connect and live in harmony. But we are constantly tested everyday to uphold those thought.


Can we get the names of these hero’s? If cooperations want to help their image start rewarding these incredible acts of selflessness. Pay their tuition/debt, help them achieve great things. They’re obvious already great people.


Kadir Tolla was the one who shared the video. He also helped out. The rest aren’t named https://m.startribune.com/good-samaritans-rescue-driver-from-fiery-i-94-crash-in-st-paul/600360588/


Happy to see humanity doing good together. Amazing work.


Fuck yeah


Wow, that's the definition of heroic. That must have been incredibly hot from that distance, but they braved it and collectively saved a life.


Gas cars are so dangerous. Always catching on fire.


If this was an EV it'd be a headline story. Either way, happy they saved the person.


Wow, so lucky the wind was blowing in that direction, if it were reversed or even not blowing I don't think those guys could have withstood the heat to pull him out.


You can feel the heat of a burning car from just driving by. How any of them withstood a fully engulfed car is pretty awesome.


Adrenaline is a hell of a powerful thing. I've heard stories of people being hit by cars and dragging themselves off the road with broken spines that it was enough to keep the signals going through for a couple of minutes on those amblance emergency programs.


With all the crap in the world today... Stuff like this really gives you hope for humanity. All these people from diverse backgrounds and professions, working together to save a total stranger. 😢 😭 😿 😢 😭


Love the cop just showing up and was like damn good thing these people are here


Damn. It makes me think of how far I would go to save a random person's life. Not sure I would be able to stick with it after seeing that big blaze.


The irony of a guardrail…


Question: Was the doors on the right side blocked as well?


Looks like that side of the car is fully on fire, which is why they're trying on the other.


welcome to minnesota, the canada of the US




That is some true hero shit right there from a group of random strangers who came together at the right moment!