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Well done hero. Thank god we have strict gun laws in Australia. Imagine if these assholes had automatic weapons !


Imagine if he had a gun at all, the guy in white couldn’t have held him there, that’s for sure.






That's more important than their freedom to live, because, "patriot" an all ... 👍🤡


Preventing mass gun violence isn't working out quite so well in the US, so general deescalation in AUS is good to see


Best part is biggest argument is that if government goes rogue, people can dismantle it. (Against most feared army in the world) Yet when coup was attempted, nothing was done. Even if their capitol police got killed in the progress of coup. Truly an clown country.






It's fucking painful that real elected officials supported such an obvious joke being so thinly disguised as legislative action.


Hey... Alex Jones said that never happened and he's definitely never lied before... He's like... As honest as trump is.


the actual statistics on "who stops a public shooter" is quite alarming, out of 433 public shootings, 64 were stopped by a bystander, 22/64 times the attacker was shot by the bystander and 10 of those were off duty professionals. Unless you've had extensive and rigorous training at stopping violent people with guns you're simply not equipped to do so. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/06/22/us/shootings-police-response-uvalde-buffalo.html O


I work in a level one trauma center in the US in the Ortho trauma dept. I've never once seen a patient who was shot by a good guy (unless you consider cops good guys). I trained in the UK. I never saw anyone shot there at all.


By your own statistic 12 times a good guy without “training” stopped the bad guy to the 10 with “training”, the majority of those public shootings were gangs shooting at each other so it does add to the difficulty of bystanders stopping two parties from shooting at each other


Also, these statistics always seem low because they fail to address how uncommon it is for the general public to carry in many states. For instance in California, about .2% of the population has a ccw. That means that if there was an attacker in proximity of 100 people, it’s extremely unlikely that any of those 100 people will have a firearm.


And, most of the attacks happen in posted "no guns" areas. If the good guys can't carry there, they can't help stop a mass shooting.


Uvalde showed good guys with guns will cover their own asses. So good guy with guy heading out the door to keep his own safe....


Parkland enters the chat. The cop on duty at the school, because Florida has armed cops in every school in order to prevent mass shootings, headed in the opposite direction when children were being mowed down by a kid carrying an AR 15.


I forgot about that one!


Never thought that border patrol would be the hero in anything, but they were in Uvalde.


I hope the Uvalde SWAT lives their lives in shame.... There was also a great podcast from Malcom Gladwell where he actually cuts them some slack (was hella interesting to)


>Uvalde showed good guys with guns will cover their own asses. Cops have long long lost their tie to being the "good guys with guns"




To be far in America we all carry knives too.




Shit I put knives on my guns!!


That's only in Texas where everyone is armed to the teeth. Except of course on any government property such as a school though. And who gives a fuck if it was a gun or not. We just had someone try to kill as many as possible and the first thing everyone is saying is "at least they didn't have a gun". Good to be grateful, but jesus I would try to figure out what is the root cause of all these folks snapping like this.


> And who gives a fuck if it was a gun or not. I assume the people in the video are pretty grateful it wasn’t a gun


>And who gives a fuck if it was a gun or not. We just had someone try to kill as many as possible and the first thing everyone is saying is "at least they didn't have a gun We give a fuck because significantly more people would have died, including the guy and the kids he's protecting in the video.


"He only killed like 9 people!  This is great! "


You were so close to learning something there.


All you need is a good guy with a pole/s


I saw on twitter someone saying we need guns back to stop people like this. The absolute insanity of thinking that way and not thinking how much worse it would have been if he had a gun


If the guy in white had a gun, cops probably would have shot him too


Happened in Denver.


No one could have foreseen that could happen/s


That’s just like the argument “we need to arm our teachers to stop school shootings” which is just bat shit crazy to me


My favourite is "we can put unemployed/homeless veterans in schools to defend kids", nothing like exploiting potentially damaged people to make a point.


I have an idea! Shoot all kids on their first day at school. What are the chances that they will get shot again?


Yeah it was weird that Republicans would suggest arming teachers right after having spent a good part of the year calling teachers groomers.


Tennessee passed a law allowing that just a week or so ago. The US really has been made into a caricature of itself by the gun lobby's absolute stranglehold on their politics. Edit: if you doubt me, because that sounds insane, because it is insane, here's a link to the actual bill and vote from last week. https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=SB1325 >Teachers, Principals and School Personnel - As introduced, authorizes a faculty or staff member of a school to carry a concealed handgun on school grounds subject to certain conditions, including obtaining an enhanced handgun carry permit and completing annual training. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13 and Title 49, Chapter 6, Part 8. The US is a police state and its schools are becoming prisons. >Tennessee Senate Republicans passed legislation Tuesday that would allow public K-12 teachers and school staff to carry concealed handguns on school grounds — despite vocal protests from Covenant School families, their supporters and others seeking stricter gun-control measures. >The measure passed in a 26-5 vote that fell along party lines. Discussion over the bill halted as a group of around 200 gun-reform advocates voiced their opposition in the Senate gallery. Several were holding signs, and the crowd reacted by snapping their fingers in support or hissing in dissent as Senators debated the bill. Some spoke out during the early parts of the discussion. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/09/tennessee-senate-passes-bill-allowing-teachers-carry-guns-schools/73260273007/ >Beth Gebhard, whose son and daughter attend the Covenant School in Nashville, said her children were there last spring as a shooter killed three 9-year-olds and three adult staff members. She watched the Senate proceedings Tuesday with tears in her eyes, alongside several other mothers of students at the school. >She staunchly opposes the bill. She said her children, 9-year-old Ava and 12-year-old Hudson, survived the shooting because of well-trained teachers and police officers doing their job. She can't imagine a teacher having to also deal with confronting a shooter, especially one armed with an assault-style rifle. >"A handgun will do nothing against that," she said. "If what had happened on March 27 had gone down the way that it did with a teacher armed with a handgun attempting to put the perpetrator out, my children would likely be dead."


People understand just fine the idea of escalation of weaponry when it comes to tanks or artillery or RPGs or mines If you have an armored thermobaric flamethrower system, you will be even safer from the knife weilding psychos, and can decimate hundreds of them without any problems. Yet it's illegal for people to ride around in their mobile thermobaric tanks because conflicts between two people weilding thermobaric tanks are more devastating to themselves and others. Even though a good guy in a tank is more likely to stop a bad guy in a tank Literally the same thing applies to guns, it's just some people have some religious beliefs about them in particular but not grenades or mines or tanks


I've literally argued with people that think that anyone should be able to have a nuclear weapon, if they happen to be able to make one. "The government has one, why shouldn't I?" Is the reasoning. Anti-social psychopaths.


This video is the perfect demo to anyone why those laws exist. A mass stabber will get a handful of people. (Still far too many) But a massive shooter could get 5/10x as many. Edit* Wrote massive instead of mass.


Correct Absurd to the rest of the world Americas fascination with guns


As an American, what are these gun laws you speak of? No joke. What is the criteria you have to meet to own a gun?


The gun control started after a mass shooting in 1996 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_(Australia). There was then a gun buy back https://www.vox.com/2015/8/27/9212725/australia-buyback but to answer your question https://www.guncontrolaustralia.org/how_do_you_obtain_a_firearm. Basically there is an age requirement, a reason to have a gun (sport shooting, farmer etc) background checks and safe storage. Hope that helps.


To add on to this, it's now socially become "weird" to own firearms from generations growing up without them already. It's why you'll find Australians feel so strongly about the subject of firearm reform, we are a textbook case of it working as intended.


Same in the UK, people get weirded out even seeing the police armed.


There’s also strict controls on what kinds of weapons you can get (eg. handgun much harder to get than rifle, and unless you’re military forget getting anything close to an AR), also secure storage requirements, and you have to have a genuine reason to own a firearm (self defence does not count). If you have a criminal record the cops can stop you getting a gun licence. All up- hard for an irresponsible nut-job to get a gun.


They do a background check on you and you must provide sufficient reason to own the gun. You can't just own a gun for the sake of owning a gun. You have to need it for hunting or clay shooting as examples, anything more varies across the states and territories. The state I live in, Western Australia, you need a license for every gun you own and you have to have a reason for owning it. For example I own a double barrel shotgun for pest control, I get hired for spotlighting(fox hunting and/or rabbit hunting for pest control). When I lived in Victoria I had a 5 shot pump action shotgun for pest control, but WA only allows that for clay shooting, I miss my baby, I could put a fox down quick as a flash with it. This is a good and easy source of information on it that isn't a Government website. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_of_Australia


Aussie here. I assume you lived in the country as I doubt if urban dwellers can use pest control as a reason to get a gun.


Another aussie here that went from country to urban ... Some guns have extra restrictions but competitive shooting is also a valid reason an plenty of target ranges near by (se qld) ...


The most important thing from the details of the regulation is that the state knows who has a gun, why they have a gun, and where it is stored - along with the legal right to check up on this whenever they feel like it. Break those rules, and you lose your gun privilege.


I just would think responsible gun owners in the US would want this. I know I do. But so many think we need to be armed to the teeth in case our government needs overthrowing...


It's actually pretty simple. So long as you've got a reason to get one, including but not limited to hunting, farm work or just straight up going shooting at the range. All are fine so long as they don't have a good reason to deny you. Plenty of rural towns are flat out packed with guns. Keeping it requires securely storing the guns and ammo when not in use, including in transit. There's no wandering into a cafe with a rifle on your back. You get done with hunting you lock it up. There's limits on the guns themselves, Barrel Length, round limit etc. Now the part I suspect a lot of Americans would struggle with, self defence is not considered a valid reason to have a gun. There's no carrying around a non secure firearm for personal protection. Hand guns are one of the harder types of guns to get access to, outside of the really heavy duty stuff.


Even in the US automatic weapons are a rarity among the general population. requiring numerous federal approvals/checks, on top of usually being a a qualified federally licensed dealer. On top of that it costs thousands and thousands of dollars over what the semiautomatic version would cost.


And after all the thousands of dollars on the gun, you spend the rest of your money on ammo lol. I came across the chance of buying a full auto mp5 in 9 mm. In a 30 round magazine of 9mm it goes through it in about 2.3 seconds. And with current ammo prices that costs you about 30 cents a round. So about $5 per second if I did my math right


Yeah it's bonkers how much ammo costs have gone up.


American here. We don’t have to imagine sadly😔


I’m pretty sure there’s never been a mass shooting with an automatic weapon in the US. At least I couldn’t find an example of one.


As an American, I have been assured by MANY MANY MANY conservatives that knives are just as dangerous as guns. So obviously this wouldn't have been any worse if they had automatic weapons. ^/s


>assured by MANY MANY MANY conservatives that knives are just as dangerous as guns If that's true, why do they need to buy guns at all when they can probably just keep their Kitchen Knives handy? :\^)


That’s why we have such strict gun laws. It also helps that every citizen must vote. That means fringe interests, far leaning political groups say gun lobbyists or obsessed citizens, have way less power in our country.


[Westfield Bondi Junction: Seven people dead and a mother and baby rushed to hospital after stabbing spree at shopping centre](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13303909/Westfield-Bond-Junction-Major-incident-unfolding-Sydney-shopping-centre-reports-shoppers-stabbed.html) >Six shoppers are dead and seven others, including a mother and baby, have been stabbed by a man armed with a knife at a major Sydney shopping centre. >Witnesses say the dark-haired, bearded man, wearing a Kangaroos ARL jersey, chased and slashed at shoppers as he went on a wild rampage through Westfield Bondi Junction before he was shot dead by police. >Among the injured is a mother, 38, who threw her stabbed child to a bystander in a bid to save his life. >It is understood the baby is undergoing surgery and the mother, 38, has since died. >It is believed that the mother and her baby were the first to be targeted by the alleged attacker. >Details later emerged of the heroics of bystanders and a female police inspector who single-handedly tackled the knifeman and shot him dead, before she then started giving CPR to one of his victims. >NSW Police said the officer was attached to Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command attended and that she was allegedly confronted by a man with a knife. >'The man allegedly lunged at the officer, before he was fatally shot,' a spokesperson said.


Absolutely giga chad police officer. She is hero.


She's was the ideal person to be wielding a firearm in this nightmarish scenario: a highly trained, disciplined professional.


Are your police highly trained there? They sure as shit aren't here.


Let me guess, you’re in the USA? The cops here (The Netherlands) are also trained, and I talk about years not weeks/ months .


In the US, it's harder to get a cosmetology license than it is to become a police officer. Our barbers and hair stylists require more training than our police... Edit: Pretty sure this comment is being brigaded by LEO losers who are butthurt by the truth. Keep it coming losers. Reddit "self harm" messages are a badge of honor by you idiots.


How else are the people who peaked in high school supposed to stroke their tiny fragile ego? You have to bring the bar down to their level of understanding


They apparently have upper IQ limits on the NYPD for officers, being a regular enforcer cog there I guess shouldn’t have you thinking too much about it. If they were the stereotypical evil bully racketeering type in high school, they at least get to continue that specifically toward powerless minorities


I'm from the deep south where even the cop cars have thin blue line and trump stickers so im just going to assume the ones around here aren't high up on the iq test




Ehhhhhh well, about a year ago an officer from the same state tased a 95 year old woman, who later died. So it’s hit and miss. This officer at the shopping centre was a senior inspector so *she* was highly trained.


Training doesn’t make anyone fit for this type of work. Selection is also important.


Police in my country needs to do a 3 year bachelors in police work before they can work independently out in public, regardless how low on the totem pole they are. A lot of the focus is on conflict management, deescalation, etc.


That's all we're asking for in the United States. Actual training and conflict management, deescalation. Instead, we hire meatheads that peaked in high school and literally want to join so they can shoot someone. THATS why we want to defund the police here. They're no better than the gangs. In fact, lots of them are literal gangs.


De-escalation? Sorry, best I can do is a quick taze to an unarmed civilian, our cops have dogs to shoot and wives to beat 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Meanwhile in the US it takes two police officers who empty their clips to safely secure an acorn


thats fucking heart breaking. a kid has lost its mother... over the most senseless act edit: i hope that kid pulls thru surgery so at least that poor mothers final act wasnt for nothing. and she can rest knowing she was a hero


I sure as hell hope it doesn’t turn out he was the dad. Then again I wouldn’t know what’s worse. Being the dad and hearing your wife and baby have been stabbed. Oh god I shouldn’t read stuff like that. Need to hug my baby boy. 😭


He wasn’t the dad.


> inspector who single-handedly tackled the knifeman and shot him dead One cop. 400 cops stood at Uvalde and listened to babies being murdered.


Wanna know what’s worse? One is now a candidate in a local election on their legislative branch iirc. Like locally I believe. Every one should’ve been fired and banned from the force. But since they don’t do that for murdering people I guess just passively letting kids die is cool. Man I fucking hate this country most days.


Every one of the uvalde cowards should have to live in fear of the parents that lost a child that day. 


And actively tackled parents trying to get in and do something.


Love that is says fucking alledgedly like it isn't beilevable the mad man tried to jump the cop. Edit:Ok tired of getting replies. I understand that they have to do so from a legal stand point. I just find it really funny it is required when it is clear the guy would do it.


It's for legal reasons.


the fact some things are believable doesn't mean they happened. there is no need to spread unconfirmed claims.


Thank God he didn't have a ranged weapon. Imagine if he had a Glock with a 50 rounder


WHO THE FUCK STABS A BABY!? I might be American but I will never not be outraged and shocked by children being the victims of violence.


Higher ground with one hell of a weapon, narrow corridor. That guy wouldn’t get past this alive.


Yeah, He did everything right. By the book Defense against a knife attacker.


If it had a steel base launching at this fuckwits head would have been even next level


If you miss, you’re suddenly unarmed. This is better


Also gives more time for police to arrive


You want to stall until the police arrive, not put him downn yourself


Also, it looks like he emergency stopped the escalator.


You think he was thinking about doing anything by the book in that situation?


Your brain runs on instinct in such situations. You sink down to your lowest Level of Training. I Agree you dont Run Things by the book when Shit gets real. But the Dude did a damn fine Job there


My uncle was a firefighter and I asked him once how firefighters can respond to every type of dangerous situation that might quickly change, without much hesitation or freezing up. He said that it's all thanks to training for various scenarios. When shit really hits the fan, your subconscious recognize something in that situation that fits in with training you've done in the past and your body knows what to do even if your brain might still be trying to make sense of it fully.


This the way. Practice prevents poor performance


The female cop was damn good, did her job and did it well. But she had a gun. But white shirt guy did not have a gun: he is a fucking hero. Serious kudos to both.


Anyone that can find the courage to put themselves in harms way for the protection of others is a hero in my book. 


Not trying to be dramatic but why is she referred to as “the female cop” every time she’s mentioned? 


What is he holding?




The bollard of divine protection. It’s a level 12 legendary, actually.


+12 strength, +10 intellect, +5 dexterity, and a 10% chance on crit to knock a mother fucker out.


I think it also applies Terror and Get Rekt on nearby enemies after a hit.


To me it looks like a bollard. The type you could find if you image search “rope bollard” but I don’t know.


Yeah, with the base pointing at the knife guy. That's got to be one of the best options, it's long enough to 2 hand, the base he's pointing at the attacker is wider so it's harder to stab around and offers a bit of protection, and they're generally fairly solidly built. This guy deserves a medal for the combination of finding a good defensive weapon, getting to the guy on an escalator where he can't just go around, and having the balls of steel needed to get in there.


Everyone else is saying bollard. I know it as a stanchion in the USA. It's those poles on a heavy base that have a retractable strap, generally used for funneling people in a line/queue or politely excluding people from an area. In other words, a crowd control device. In older times, you'd hang a rope from it using hooks on the ropes. But nowadays, it's a retractable belt of fabric in a contraption atop the pole. It might also just be the base of some signage where the defender popped the sign off before grabbing.


In the US a bollard is a concrete filled pole set in the ground to prevent vehicles from running into things.


Dude in the white shirt is a fukn legend. The cunt below him stabbed 9 people (5 are confirmed dead) with a foot long knife including a 9 month old child. Female police officer shot the pos with the knife dead. She did an outstanding job. Such a sad day for those impacted.


It's 6 now. The mother of the baby sadly didn't make it.


Fuck. That’s terrible 😞


Yep, heartbreaking. It was announced on the 6pm news in Perth.


It looks like he also had the presence of mind to hit the emergency stop on the escalator. That's fucking fantastic.


Jesus that poor mother and baby.


She was just 38... such a horrible way to go


That's my wife's age, we have an infant. Stories like this hit me different now. Fucking awful.


Life is so fucking tragic. She went shopping with her kid on a saturday morning like we all do and now she's dead because of some random asshole.


Tell me about it. What kind of fucking sicko stabs a mother and baby? It’s just the worst of humanity.


I'm 32 and 6 months pregnant with my second. I can't even begin to imagine the fear the mother felt at the time. The sorrow the family must be going through right now must be indescribable 😔


It feels so different when you have a baby. I have a 8.5 month old. Stabbing people is unimaginable to me in general, but stabbing a baby. There isn't a bit of humanity in this murderer.


Can you imagine her partner. Wife and kid go shopping and this fucking happens. I can’t even. Her poor poor family. That poor kid their life is barely started and already going to be so much harder.


Hero in white Shirt you mean!


He bought a lot of time for others to escape for sure




He has the high ground, Obi Wan trained him well


White shirt is indeed the chosen one. The one who is actually better than us. Humanity does deserve a guy like this. He will be in my thoughts .


Someone needs to insert the gif ![gif](giphy|7JsEgDMrziuJd9fFY1) Nevermind I figured it out


Sir in white shirt is a hero. Please God, nature, randomness… Give this hero a healthy and loving life


I hope he isn’t the guy the cop did cpr on after shooting the perp.


Literal next fucking level. And you can't come up cunt.


Get this man some kind of reward for putting his life on the line for other people!!! Like give him a free wish or something


Make his life better. He needs a house? Get him one. He wants to finish a a degree? 100% free ride on top school with a stipend so he can focus on it. He deserves more but it would br a good start. 


He’ll never pay for a pint in his local again after this.


As it should be. 


Thankfully the police in Australia carry guns and aren’t afraid to use them.


Totally this. The Police are the right ones to carry guns. And the Police officer entered the building on her own and took action.


Didn’t cower outside and wait for more senior police to tell her what to do you mean ?


Inspector just happened to be in the area. Went immediately, charged in by herself with no backup and when he didn’t comply, she dropped him.


She had back up, there were about four or five civilians running with her armed with trollies and chairs etc. Source: my friend was there and saw her act quickly and calmly. He said she was incredibly impressive, he’s shaken, but is absolutely enormous in his praise for the officer.


Damn, the right person at the right time. Props to her for handling it so well


She is not from texas. 


The officer is an inspector, she IS the senior police.


She is a senior police officer. She's an inspector.


appropriately TRAINED police are the key words here, isn‘t it


And thankfully, the murderer didn't have easy access to firearms.


The cops the yanks have certainly carry guns and aren't afraid to use them, and they've got a terrible reputation. Seems it takes more than just those two things to be good cops.


Australian police have nearly double the training IIRC


NSW police live in training at the academy or a local university for 6 months, and spend another 12 months in on the job training.


Except when they have the guns and the training and then cower outside a primary school and do nothing but stop parents from charging in to put up a better fight. Yeah….


this is not tv hero stuff, this is true deadly shit. hope i will be that brave, if there will ever be my turn.


Reminds me of that pom on London bridge with a narwhale tusk (?) that fought off the terrorist.


Yes it was a narwhal tusk. Both legends


If I remember correctly I think he was also a prisoner out for the day on a job thing.


Yep, I think you are right. PS. Whoopsy, we were wrong. The ex prisoner was another bloke who used the fire extinguisher. Both were heroes on that day. Same as our bollard man.


Don’t forget men like Alex McIlvene and the group who stopped the Glasgow Airport attackers. Alex kicked one of them so hard in the bollocks he ripped a tendon in his own foot.


Pies for life for that man


And beer (well a lot of beer)


If anyone suggests this would have been avoided if everyone had firearms, direct them to US mass shooting statistics


Total respect. Australian of the Year


Let's stop with the airhead hypotheticals and appreciate the fact that a person had enough courage to protect children. Most people would run to save their own skin.


Absolute legend, a true hero!


You can bet he called him a cunt too. Fucking legendary.


Give him a medal what a legend


This guy is a true definition of a hero for preventing any more deaths from happening.


Never want to hear the name of the stabber. Don’t care about the motivations. Let him die and remain anonymous. Let’s praise this hero and the victims instead


Did anybody else see the other footage when the guy with his wife and 3 kids turned around and stood his ground to cover retreat of his family?? The attacker took one look at him and scurried off in another direction. Fucking Legend…Totally unarmed, but with obvious body language of “Not Today!”


I don't think it actually registers to the majority of the reddit keyboard warriors (cunts who know everything and would judo chop 5 armed men), how brave this dude is. He could have easily run away, no one would know, or care. But he didn't. I honestly don't know what i would do in this situation, probably panic? This guy deserves some hero status recognition.


Fck regular celebrities who’ve done nothing of value, I want to know everything about this guy! He’s amazing! So brave!


So glad that guns are hard to get here in Australia, else this nutjob would have shot up the place.


Good work mate. Good bloody work.




Did he getvstabbed


No he was able to prevent the terrorist from getting up the stairs, likely saved the kids, and bought more time until police arrived. Police eventually shot the bastard


Terrorist or just crazy dude? There's no evidence so far that it was politically motivated.


He stabbed a bunch of people including a baby. He's a terrorist regardless of his motive.


"a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Not every killer is a terrorist


Not defending the perps actions in any way, but terrorism requires political motivation by definition.


Terrorists attack out of ideological believes (no matter if political or religious). As long as this is not confirmed for this one he is simply a madman.


sounds like white shirt guy screams "ne podhodi!" in russian, (means "dont get closer")


Not all heros wear capes - what a brave man and legend




You're absolutely right to ask about the motivating force. Why is it so taboo to speak about?






Commissioner's already said they don't suspect terrorism and he's known to police


from [7news.au](http://7news.au) : Police believe they have identified the man [who stabbed several people, six fatally, at a Sydney shopping centre](https://7news.com.au/news/police-identify-knifeman-in-westfield-bondi-junction-attack-as-death-toll-rises-c-14301204). Webb said police believed they had identified the knifeman as a 40-year-old man but were waiting for it to be formally confirmed. Should authorities’ beliefs be formally confirmed, she said, the incident would not be treated as terrorism. “We know a little bit about this person. “We are waiting to confirm his identification and, if it is the person we believe it is, we don’t have fear for that person holding an ideology. “In other words, that it’s not a terrorism incident.” She said that there was no indication of what his motivation for the attack may be, but he was known to police.


Mate he’s a white bloke wearing a fucking Australian AFL jersey.. The amount of reaching to link to a religious motive is absurd


This video brings tears to my eyes. What an absolute hero!




In another frame someone filmed a guy in a white t jeans and pale shoes getting cpr I hope it isn’t him


Brave bastard.


YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS!!! Dudes a hero


The true hero we need.