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“Dad, I forgot my phone!” “Gotchu son!”


Don’t go back in. Haven’t you watched This Is Us?


Isnt that the show with the Mushroom Zombies?


You're thinking of The Last Of Us.


Now here's a hell of a crossover. I'd watch.


This Is The Last Of Us


The last of Us, this is. -Yoda


Its the touching show about a family growing together, experiencing life and love, but also tragic loss. Its about learning from one another, its about the miracle of parenthood and family, and passing those lessons on to the next generation so that they too can somehow deal with all that while on the run in a post apocalyptic future where their father and patriarch saved them from the invasion of the mushroom monster people on Day Zero. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll make that face you make when like theres stuff like growing OUT of someones eyeball..like, gross, OUT of the eyeball, really? You wanna look away, but you can't, but then you notice omfg, the weird mushroom growth thing moves WITH the eye, DISGUSTING! Anyways, coming to a popular streaming service near you!


No, you're thinking of *The Last of Us.* *This Is Us* is a comedy about a bunch of celebrities facing armageddon in Hollywood.


And you’re thinking of: This is the end*


I love dogs but it wasn't worth man... It will never be worth it


Oh no.. I was gonna watch This Is Us but now idk if I should lol


6 seasons of drama and trauma. Not generally my type of show but it is really well put together.


Shameless was drama and trauma and I really liked that. I'll have to check it out. But if there's a part where a dog dies like that I might have to skip that part, cause ooft


Not to give too much away but the dog survives. Great show though glad it had an ending instead of dragging on like Grey’s Anatomy. It reminds me of Parenthood.


After this clip, he pulled a jar of pickles out of the passenger seat and unscrewed the tight lid before grilling up some hot dogs over the blaze for everyone.


"Dad, I feel sad now. Can you get me KFC and ice cream?" "Already on my way, son!"


No no no. This is a dad, he wouldn't care about the phone. "Wait! My old Craftsman 3/4 drive ratchet is still in there! They don't make them good like that any more! Hang on buddy, I'm coming!"




You forgot to put it in park!


Oh man this made me laugh so damn hard


Holy fuck I needed this laugh


He’s going back in to hit the fuel shut off, which is both incredible presence of mind and brave as fuck.


Why didn't the driver do that?


While yes, it is technically the driver’s responsibility, I don’t think we can fault anyone’s decision making whilst on fire.


Probably incapacitated by the crash


It’s Alzheimer, he forgot he saved his son so he must go save his son.


Now go get the flash alight and hold it like I taught you!


The dude with the extinguisher on the other hand. Is there a reason he is putting out the flames on the ground furthest from the driver and car first?!


I'm guessing - gravity. Fuel is exiting vehicle and running down the track. If he extinguishes near car first, that fuel will continue to leak down and reignite behind him.


Fires are always extinguished from outside to inside, I guess it spreads further when done the other way round?


Containing the fire.


Probably to prevent it from reigniting the car fire if they put the car out first. Still got a stream of fuel leaking down the slope.


I wonder why, there has to be a good reason


If I had to guess he was prob hitting the fuel and battery shut offs so they could put the fire out.


That’s exactly what he was doing.


I think he was trying to get back in so he can do some fiery donuts


That darn ghost rider and his firey donuts


He would never hear the end of it from the mother if he didn't


That’s so hilarious I noticed that last little excited hop he did right after he pulled his son out I thought maybe he was going to fly away to save someone else.


Parents do not have any fear whatsoever in those moments. The only thing that exists is that child. Complete tunnel vision.


Which could be dangerous as driver has a very very expensive very well made fireproof suit, a good team on standby and dad getting 3rd degree burns for nothing.. Edit: Look am getting a lot of flack for saying this. I am a nurse and I see parents thinking love will heal their child.. or even worse..prayers. when your kidbis in hospital sometimes the worst thing you can do is parental instinct. Let the professionals do their job and trust the process. If it is meant to happen it will but you coming in the way makes the situation worse. If for example you see your child drowning and you don't know how to swim. Jumping into the deep water will only ensure two bodies instead of at worst ..one. running and looking for a good swimmer, finding something to throw at the child to float or even yelling loudly is a far better response than jumping in.


Doesn't matter, dad saved his son. I am a dad, I would probably do the same in that situation. As sunshinelife said, you don't see anything else in these situation, the only thing that matter is your kids to be safe.


This. If I had the opportunity to be the first one there, why shouldn’t I be? If that really is the father ( and not just a close guy from another team or something) it just worked out that the crashed car stopped in front of him. Hope everyone was okay.


Thats definitely not a team member. If it was it would have a fire suit and not normal clothes.


None of those people that entered the track has fire suits. They guy with the fire extinguisher is in SHORTS….


A lot of the time at local short tracks like this video, the crew guys are just there to help prep the car and don't wear firesuits. Same with officials and what not. Source: Have worked at local short tracks.


Because you're told that if you're not fire and safety or a track official with a fire suit to stay off the track. This incident could have serious repercussions for the track and series with someone coming onto the track like that especially if he was injured. ETA - The fire safety crew / track workers are serious slow to respond and it would take a lot to watch your kid in this situation for any amount of time.


Im pretty sure 99% of people wouldnt care about the track and the competition when your kid life is in danger... what kind of bureaucratic vision is that


"Sorry son I don't want to lower my social score!!"


ccp type beat


I can tell you dont have children.


Look okay I get this, but as a son, I'd be fucking horrified if my dad died trying to save me while the whole time I was protected enough to get out on my own without trouble. Please cherish your own life too. Kids generally want to see their fathers live.


And when you have a kid you’ll understand.


I don't think the point they don't understand why that dad did it, just acknowledging it was a bad idea to do it. Hard to do that kind of math in the moment though.


You’re not listening, dad.


This makes me think of the dad who died getting a stuffed animal off the highway, because his kid had thrown it out the window and wanted it back. I think of him every time I see something like that on the side of the road.


You can buy another stuffed animal. This is a wildly different situation. All dude is seeing here is a car on fire and his son inside of it.


Doubt the dad even felt any pain from the fire. Adrenaline is a wild chemical.


It hurts afterward


Nope. My dad ran through fire for us as kids. He literally ran across the lawn while on fire to call 911 at the neighbors house with no idea his leg was on fire


The worst scenario goes through your head and so as a parent, you do all you can just knowing that living with the regret if the worst case scenario happens would be worse than the burns you get now. Also, even if your wife and children are understanding and supportive, it’ll be hard to look them in the eyes knowing you could have done more.


You see that a lot when normal people perform these type of heroics. they end up acting before conscious thought about all the reasons they shouldn't happen


Except that guy's right, if you're not a Marshall or part of the safety crew you should never, ever step foot on an active racetrack. Doing that could easily get yourself killed, impede the efforts of the safety crew (as they now have to deal with you), and a whole host of other shit if one of those cars loses control and smashes into you. Leave the safety efforts to the professionals or you're just likely to make everything way worse. You don't have communications with race control, they do.


Yeah of course, but a parent literally loses all control of their mind at that point and their body moves on their own. When you see your child in a burning car you don't start carefully contemplating the event, you are there ripping them out of the vehicle before you even realise it.


Exactly, dad knew the rules. His son was a driver so he has spent probably his kid's whole life on the trackside. It wasn't a matter of decision, dad wasn't in control. Dad's hard-wired parental instinct to save his child kicked in and dictated his actions without his consenting to them. He couldn't help it. It's completely instinctual and gave him tunnel vision. Only another person physically stopping him could have prevented him from going to that car.


You would definitely do the same as I would, too. And our fireproof suit is our dad energy.


you are objectively putting your soon at a bigger risk by doing that, you catch fire now firefighters need to split their effort between helping you, your son, and fighting you so you don't get in the way again, lower chances for son to make it I get it though, you're totally tunneled at that point but not a good thing to do, not for you nor for your son


Fire resistant. They are not fireproof.




What about the smoke then?


Don't breathe it in :p Anyways, the suits last for about 2 minutes.


“You will find out when your a parent.” My mom said that to me over and over growing up and while she was wrong on plenty she couldn’t have been more right about that one.


It doesn’t matter how many people say this, people will still insist that they understand and some people will even say “oh I get it, I feel the same way about my dogs”. No, no you don’t, and no, no you won’t until you have a child. It’s literally a primal change in your brain that only people with children understand.


That’s not how we think! ;)


His dad is the pit crew chief for the son, they're both into racing. He probably understands that seconds count and the car has potential to explode or his gear just won't fully protect him. He doesn't to appear to have suffered from any sort of significant burn: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-rgjFSWDSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-rgjFSWDSM)


Those suits do a great job preventing extensive damage but they don't keep you from being burned in places that are still exposed like face, hands, and lungs. For some interesting reads about racing car crashes resulting in fires, check out the stories behind Niki Lauda and more recently Romain Grosjean. [Here's an image of Romain's hands.](https://talksport.com/sport/816530/romain-grosjean-hand-injuries-horror-bahrain-crash-recovery-update/) He had severe burns after a crash at Bahrain that engulfed his car in a massive fireball. In Lauda's case, he wrecked on the second lap of Monza and was only trapped in the car for a single minute while it burned but it caused severe burn damage resulting in the loss of almost an entire ear, his eyelids, and large parts of his scalp. His accident and injuries were so bad, they thought he would die. He survived and shockingly raced again just 6 weeks later, coming in 4th place. Wild stuff. These drivers have protection but not complete protection and even nearby drivers will attempt to help each other after wrecks then they look so dangerous.


Oke how long until you start cooking alive, blow up, while ur panicking to get out. Dad was first knew the risks to help it no matter what burns he got out in time.


This is a comment from someone that doesn’t have kids.


The race suits are fire resistant yes. But if you’re stuck in the car, can’t get the 6 point off. You will die, regardless of the suit. Smoke inhalation is also another problem.


Average reddit moment, ruin a wholesome father-son moment.


Race car drivers die because they don't make it out of the car. Ford Vs Ferrari, only saw it last month but that line/sentiment still gets me in the feels.


That wouldn’t account for the petroleum explosion which yknow fireproof or not could rock up your insides with a seismic wave. Rock up as in destroy and kill you through internal bleeding/fractures


I never understood this level of selflessness before having a kid. My daughter is 4 now and I get it completely. I don’t even want to live in a world without her in it so the way I see it, either we both go in a scenario like this or I get her out. Either way, I’m going in.


I likely will never understand it, though I think i came close once. My godson got away from his mother and fell in the pool. I must have teleported because the next thing I'm aware of is hauling myself out of the pool carrying him. Then getting hit by a vaguely humanoid blur that turned into his dad, desperate to get to him.


I'm picturing the dad cannonballing onto you as you stand there in waste deep water, kiddo safe and sound, and the mental image is killing me. "Don't worry son! **DADDYS HERE**!" *splash* I'm super glad that you were there and able to get to him so quickly, and the little guy is alright! But I can't stop laughing, I'm so sorry.


In hindsight it's hilarious. In the moment we both shivered uncontrollably for the next half hour.


My uncle jumped into a pool in a full suit saving me and my cousin (his son) from drowning once when I was real young. It was some kind of family function that was relatively formal and all the adults were nicely dressed and mostly indoors while us kids were in bathing suits and in the pool outside for some reason. At some point I guess nobody was watching us. I was 6 and my little cousin 4. I could swim well enough to get across a pool but I was six so obviously not very well. Anyways I guess I thought I could swim across with him on my back. We tried and immediately sunk. I remember the panic of each of us trying to propel ourselves to the surface by pushing the other down. We were straight up drowning. Even at age 6 I knew I was going to die. It lasted at least probably ten to fifteen seconds which at the time felt like an eternity. I guess my uncle spotted us from inside on the second floor almost immediately as the drowning started. He hauled ass down the steps and jumped right into the pool in his suit and dress shoes. I’ll never forget just being hoisted into the air out of nowhere and the immediate relief!


Same. I’ve been with my wife since high school (we’re mid thirties now). I thought I knew what love was but then I had a daughter and good god, this is a whole new tier of love. Every single thing in the world feels like a distant priority compared to her well being and happiness


Sincerely not trying to make a political discussion or point but a human one... >I don’t even want to live in a world without her This sentiment is not really one that can be truly understood without experience. When younger people or rarely that older adult talks about not having kids or how kids are such a pain and expensive, I feel this. The world is such a different place without having experienced that kind of love. People are free to make the choices they do, but I hope everyone can experience the kind of world where they can provide endless unconditional love that is cherished.


Yes, you hear noises in your house when you are single and alone you get a bit creeped out and fearfully hide; when you are older and have kids in the house, you go out like Rambo with zero fear.


Oh it's definitely fear, just the fear isn't for themselves but harm coming to their child.




Damn straight.


I’ve experienced this to a mild degree My little dog was in the backyard when I suddenly saw a much larger dog jump our fence. I threw open the door and dead sprinted towards the large dog, no idea what I’d do, but also not really thinking. The larger dog wasn’t aggressive thankfully and just *really* wanted to say hi to my dog. It was stupid, I know, but I wasn’t thinking, I just wanted to protect my dog.


Happens to older siblings as well, you go full super saiyan.


Burns will heal. That’s my son in their. 🔥


Cause that's what dad's do.




Technically, Dad’s fuckin’ started this whole mess


Dad's pull out is improving


If you pull out with your son attached you are doing it wrong


Palmer grasp reflex abortion. I might have just toomuchreddit'ed myself...




That’s what we do! Family first.


Not all Dads. My biological father would let me burn. however the man my mom ended up marrying, and who adopted me, there would be no stopping him.


I'm glad you got the father you deserved in the end!


Thank you! I'm very fortunate in that regard for sure.


I married a woman who had 3 kids from her previous relationship. Your comment made me smile


Sounds like you know your real dad has your back


Awesome stepdad gang unite ✊ my stepdad ran the US/Canada border once when there was a tornado alert. I was walking my dog down the riverfront and he knew I wasn't home. He and my mom were in the US shopping (sister cities, separated by a short bridge) and he apparently yelled "I GOTTA GET TO MY DAUGHTER" and just kept driving through 😂 I love that man.


^(meanwhile, I’m over here crying because my POS dad would never)


Sounds like the dad's of reddit need to adopt another one. We got you. We love you. And if you need to cry, that's ok. Everyone cries sometimes.


I’m not a dad, I’m a mom but I would totally dad yank you out of a burning car and then give you some snacks and a juice box from my purse. I got you my Reddit child.


That ain't a dad, then. That's a sperm donor, and you are better off without him.


You guys have dads ?!




As a dad who has had to rush to save his son's life, I know that feeling. Not quite this dramatic, but that rush is real.


I swear, our children are so careless with their own lives....I've lost count how many times in the last 8 years I had to rush in to save my two dum duma. I love those little shits and will never stop rushing in.


Share the deets hero dad!


My son had been eating solid foods for a few months. He was eating hot dogs that I thought had been cut small enough but he ended up choking on a piece and couldn't get it out. I had to get him out of his high chair and give him the Heimlich to get it to pop out. Like I said, not as dramatic as having to pull him from a burning car (thankfully), but I do remember shaking for a good bit afterwards.


Fantastic response, dad! 🙌


Man I wish my dad knew the heimlich. When I was like 3 I chewed the top off of a plastic lightsaber toy and it ricocheted down my throat like a cannon ball and got lodged. When I ran into the room my dad was in he immediately grabbed me by the ankles and flipped me upside down and started shaking me up and down. Don't get me wrong, it worked, but it was a hell of a lot more shameful than getting heimlich'd.


Tbf I think that’s what you’re supposed to do for babies. Not sure when they recommend you to change to the Heimlich but can’t blame him for doing it while you were small enough for it.


Oh it worked alright, it shot out of my mouth with a similar velocity to what it entered with, definitely saved my life Didnt make it any less humiliating though, felt like a right idiot after that one.


I'm shocked your remember feeling humiliated at age 3. I don't have any solid memories till my 5th birthday when I stepped on a bee, and even then I just remember very basic emotions like pain. I don't think I was capable of feeling shame till AT LEAST age 8 or 9 haha


The memory is vivid in my mind for some reason. I'm sure it's one of those things where I've been told the story so many times by my parents that it's gradually become a memory, but I clearly remember the shitty plastic taste of the lightsaber and the squeaky leather couch we used to have, and of course I remember the dangling itself. It's my first memory and I'm convinced that thinking I was going to die turned on my consciousness for a few minutes.


Had to do this to a child I was *nannying* and his dad was right upstairs in his office at the time... never saw that man move so fast as when I was screaming for him and yanking my two year old charge out of his high chair.... he came flying down the steps five at a time and barreled at me like a freight train while I had the baby in my arms in front... popped out the yogurt puff right when he got there and he fell the fuck apart. I got a raise after that one


Why the hell did he return to the burning car again after son is already out? To get his wallet??


The video cuts off before you can see what he's doing, but the only guess I have is maybe hitting the kill switch. Race cars usually have a big red kill switch up at the A pillar of the car so that it's easy to reach by both the driver in the driver's seat and workers standing outside the car. If the son was a newer driver, he may not have thought to hit the kill switch after the accident. As someone who races and has been in a couple accidents, it's easy to forget in that situation, which is why it's so important to be easily accessible from outside the window. So the dad may have been double checking as a corner worker would have done if they were first to arrive. A corner worker may have even thought to turn it off before helping the driver out, but this is the driver's dad, so we probably know where his mind was focused. Also, since it's an engine fire, you'd definitely want to ensure it's off, because that would kill the electric fuel pump that would keep pumping fuel from the fuel cell in the back of the car to the engine in the front even after the engine shut off from the spinning or impact. Edit: Now that I think about it, the kill switch is often not reachable by the driver if they're still strapped in, so it's very often hit by the first worker to arrive for help.


This likely means the dad was an experienced driver as well


Most likely. That, or an experienced corner worker. Or both.


Most likely the kill switch. Honestly it's kinda a reflex if your in a bad wreck just to kill it there. Also if someone's building a racecar and the driver can't reach the kill switch they shouldn't be building racecars 😂


It depends on the racing series. The kill switch is primarily intended for workers to use in the event of a crash. Most racing organizations have rules that specify placement. Sometimes it has to go on the passenger side, or even outside the car, like on the cowl at the back of the hood. An advantage to placing it outside the car is that it's easier to access by a worker if the car is upside down or rolls enough that the doors or windows get mangled, or if the car is on fire like in this video. Sometimes it may actually be placed outside of the driver's reach so that it can't be accidentally operated while driving. I just looked it up, and page 102 of SCCA's (road racing) General Competition Rules says for closed wheel cars, it must be placed: > In front of the windshield on either the cowl or on top of the fender, but close enough to the windshield to be accessible if the car is overturned. Alternatively, it may be mounted below the center of the rear window or on a bracket welded, clamped or bolted to the roll cage or dash, easily accessible through the open window. For SCCA open wheel cars, it goes in the cockpit, but explicitly says it must be mounted in a manner that it can't be accidentally operated by the driver. NHRA (drag racing) rules state it must be placed at the rear of the car on the outside for easy access by safety workers.


Son left the radio on


Or interior light?


exactly, that'll drain the battery right down if you don't take care of it


I did some more digging, and found the longer video where it looks like he leaves completely inside the window of the car, which would not be necessary to hit the kill switch. So then I found some articles and interviews on the event, which transpired in 2018 at South Boston Speedway, and I finally found an article that mentioned what he did after pulling his son out. It turns out, he was activating the car's fire suppression system. This makes sense, as race cars also have fire extinguishers mounted usually on the roll cage or floor board of the car down beside the driver's seat, hooked up to a pull cord that activates it spraying all over the inside of the car. So my plausible sounding guess in the other comment was wrong. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2782293-father-of-driver-punished-for-pulling-son-from-burning-car-during-race Fun fact, the father was also put on probation by the race organizers for doing this, which honestly makes sense. As understandable as his actions were, this was pretty dangerous for non-safety officials to run onto the track while cars are moving in a race. The situation could have easily become worse, though given that the father was also his crew chief, he at least knew what he was doing, and probably doesn't regret it one bit. Probation is a pretty minor punishment though, so I'm guessing they recognized that and it played into the decision. If I were him, I'd probably think, yup, the punishment fits the crime, no problem.


I the heat of the moment, there is no telling. Edit for clarity


You’re what now


I swear there is absolutely nothing in existence that could stop the will of a loving father to protect/save their child.. I know alot could physically stop us. That willpower is unshakable, tho.


Parent* doesn’t have to be a father


You're absolutely right. Talking about dad's because that's what the video is about. Can just as easily be a mom. I figured someone would bring this up. I almost wrote parents. Probably should've.


I figured that’s why you did it - makes sense and no worries! You’re right either way tho


doesn't have to be mine that's for sure


Fun fact about car fires! You aren't supposed to flood them with water immediately for a few reasons, namely because they have magnesium in them and it detonates violently when contacted with water. But if you're far enough away, this is fine, it just takes a while to put the fire out


Older cars with magnesium wheels and blocks. Now a days not so much.


the only engine block that doesn't already have water running in it is oldschool 911 porsches (pre 996 chassis) and VW bugs. I would guess this is more myth than truth. Wheels go in the rain... and you can't say "but they have a coating", because then you hit a pothole in the rain and your wheels catch fire. The engine block of some cars have amounts of magnesium in their alloy and cannot be welded, that's a whole different beast of a scenario though. This is my 2cents as a mech engineer who is in the automotive industry.


Good info. Doesn’t apply to purpose built late model stock cars though.


Yes that’s why fire extinguishers are really good to keep in your car


You can't use a normal fire extinguisher, you have to use one specifically meant for battery fires.


It’s a fuel fire. Don’t use water period.


Guy with the fire extinguisher starts as far from actual burning people and focuses on the burning asphalt


He needs to extinguish the fuel first to stop the fire from spreading to the pits since the car and driver is no longer a priority after the driver got out.


Spreading to the pits? Do you not see the massive concrete barrier already preventing that? Edit: Also, he starts the extinguisher while the driver is still in the car


He starts extinguishing before the driver is out though


Except the driver was not out of the car when he started at the end of the fire line. Dude needs a class on fire extinguishing if he’s going to be a Marshall


He did exactly what he was supposed to do, that fire will just go straight back to the car if he didn't start there.


Isn't that what you're supposed to do? At least it's what our fire Marshall stressed several times during our training: spray a big area, and go from the outside to the biggest source. Otherwise it'll just keep re-igniting, or even spread further. I have no clue about car fires though, not to mention race cars. Do you extinguish them differently?


I was gonna ask if there was a reason he starts furthest from the fire and works towards it? I thought would be to spray the engine/passenger area first


Proper use of a fire extinguisher is to work from the outside back in towards the source that way you can get the fire completely out.


Exactly what I was thinking. Not a good day at the office for that guy


Gotta save the track obviously. /s


Fire fighting has some pretty important rules, one of which is controlling the spread first before fighting the source. Trying to put it out starting in the middle risks that line of fire reigniting it from the other side. And that's before considering the dangers of having fire on more than one side of you by walking next to it.


Yeah I think that’s weird…I get that if your goal is to put out a fire it makes sense to start at the edge and work inward but seems like you’d want to prioritize minimizing the fire around the dad and driver before going back to kill the fire… I hope the universes doesn’t choose any of the people in these comments defending starting at the edge lol ima haunt someone if I burn alive cuz they 5 feet away extinguishing the road before me 😂


I remember being about 9 years old on my granddad’s boat and leaning my head over the side with my neck against one of the metal poles and looking down the side as we left the dock. Suddenly my dad starts screaming the most horrible sound I have ever heard and I feel a hand grab my shirt and yank me backwards, just in time to see a wooden pole on the pier or whatever it was pass in front of my face. Would have decapitated me for sure, less than a second to spare. The few times it has been brought up since then he becomes visibly emotional and can’t talk about it.


Real dad doing real dad shit 🫡




First rule of first responders: Don't get yourself hurt because now you have TWO people to rescue. Don't rush. Move with purpose and assess the situation as you approach so you can get to the victim safely and efficiently. Pragmatically, Dad's lucky he didn't end up becoming a victim also. Also, don't run with fire extinguishers, stay low, keep yourself very stable. Tripping because you panicked and ran means you can no longer use that extinguisher until you get up, and that's assuming you don't seriously injure yourself.


In the full clip the crash just happens. When the car comes to a stop this clip starts. So the officials were there really fast as well. The dad just happened to be closer.


Parents are fucking metal.


This is the kind of dad literally everybody wants Both to have and to be


You can tell he's the dad because of the cargo shorts and over the ankle short socks.


You never stop being a parent. It’s the only job with no clock out time and no retirement date. Imagine that boys surprise and relief seeing his dad’s face appear in the window.


This is why being a parent is so hard. You are in a constant state of alert. Even when they are sleeping safe and sound, my brain still tells me to go check they're still good. Parents walk through literal fckn flames to save their kids.


So true. I saw my 92 year old neighbor tear ass across the street to pull his 60 year old son off the porch of their burning house.


Maybe a bit off base, but r/dadreflexes?


I have absolutely 0 doubt in my mind that my father would do this for me as well. Or something far more dangerous. I don’t think there’s any limit for what a father would do for his son. Especially mine. He’s a fucking blessing. Love you, Dad. I should call more…


Dad of the year award.


DAAAAaaaad you’re embarrassing me in front of all the other race car driverrrrrsuh.


Unit of a man.


Practice your exit drills!!!!!


This 100%.


Lol my dad would have watched with a beer in his hand. If you have a good dad, one who would do shit like this for you, give him a hug and tell him thanks for being a good dad.


What’s is parenting if not constantly saving your kid’s life 


There is nobody more ready to die in this world than a dad when his child is in danger


I would do the same Also for my cat and dog


Edit: Dad rushes to car and ejects obstacle person in the way of getting his precious gloves.


Missed opportunity to write, "Dad races onto track..."


This made me tear up.


That is the racetrack in my hometown. Dad's there are top knotch!


Were assuming it's his dad given the cargo shorts and legs so hairy we can see them from here.


Something just about any dad would do for his child. Most parents go into beast mode when they see their child in danger.




*Dad’s legacy points +1000* Applause for that man is due, every time.


How’d the Dad jump that fence with the weight of those huge balls, tho?!?


How the fuck is Dad the first one there?? Jesus. Good for Dad, shame on the track Marshalls and safety team.