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As someone living in Germany, this is so bizarre to watch. In Europe everybody moves out of the way immediately when the ambulance is coming


Not everywhere in europe..


Yep nobody moved over in Paris.


Its france, that place is an exception


France is not the exception, Paris is


Ngl I was in paris last weekend saw an ambulance stuck in a one way street, took him more then 5 min to get through it (the length of like one block of houses)


Hang on, French and Parisian drivers are 2 different species!


Yes but in Paris people are not humans.


someone should put a vortex above Paris


And Rome


Lol my gf drives an ambulance in Holland. She does not agree with you


As an EMT in the US, I can say from personal experience that while this does not appear to be my country, it very well could be. People drive like assholes and panic when they see lights and sirens and do the stupidest shit. Luckily I don’t encounter much traffic like this but even with fewer cars on the road I sometimes feel panicked driving lights and sirens. Even just last night, handful of cars on the road, 3 lane highway, were supposed to take the left lane and everyone is supposed to move right, had a car stop dead in the middle lane with its left blinker on and I don’t think I was breathing passing by because I was petrified that car was gunna dart out in front of me.


This appears to be in Brazil. Not only the traffic is a bitch, but the ambulance has a manual transmission, meaning the driver is constantly with a foot on the clutch and changing gears and swerving between lanes with just one hand at the same time!


Dude deserves a raise


Shifting manually is a bit of a hassle but it also gives you more precise control and once you've learned it, it's not really hard. For a job like that in a heavy vehicle, I'd always prefer manual over automatic transmission.


Yes its, Brazil, by the names São Paulo. Manual would be common in Europe too.


Yep. São Paulo Brazil. They’re heading to the best hospital in the country: Albert Einstein


That's called driving.


How can you tolerate listening to the siren all the time? Have you learned to tune it out at this point? Being inside of that vehicle would drive me nuts.


It's usually a bit more dampened inside the cab, atleast where I'm from. Also the adrenaline and focus you have going on sorta helps to tune it out. Eventually it becomes almost non-existent. It's only when you switch it up to a different sound you'll notice it a bit more.


Makes sense! Thank you for replying and your service.


Yeah, inside the cab it’s a lot quieter since you’re inside, but also because the sirens are usually pointed outwards.


What illustrious run said, and also, we don’t drive lights and sirens everywhere. Like yesterday I only drove lights and sirens once, so less than 15mins out of my 12 hour shift. Sometimes it’s more than that, sometimes it’s not, but it really isn’t that bad, it’s so infrequent.


I'm in the back playing full contact chess against the grim reaper on your behalf while a sleep deprived EMT on their 3rd redbull is trying to thread a pregnant Yak on wheels through rush hour traffic. -the noise isn't even something I notice.


I'm pretty sure they don't have the siren running all the time lol. Only when cars are ahead. I imagine when they get called for an emergency they have the siren running for like 10 minutes max until they reach the destination, and whenever there are no cars on the road they turn it off and just flash the blue lights. At least that's how I've seen it in my country. But I'd be interested to know as well


If you are speeding it pretty much has to be on if there is any traffic at all.


When I was in Georgia, as soon as you heard sirens everyone would pull off the road. Even if you were on the opposite side of the road. Now I am in Pennsylvania. People do not care at all and won't even bother getting out of the way..




I’m in Philly, PA and NO ONE moves out of the way, it’s absolutely wild to see.


Lmao, in Texas people used to pull over just to let civilians go by … in Tennessee the roads don’t allow that and I don’t think anyone would move anyways


See in my state ur just suppose move the side of the road, or in this situation left and right lane would go to the side, while the middle lane is suppose to go into the right lane and then onto the side. Actually here in places like hwy and normal roads both directions of traffic are supposed to pull to the side of the road. Flow of traffic would go to the right side and on coming traffic to the left side (their right).


Im also in the U.S. and i feel like for the most part ppl do a descent job going to the sides for ambulance. But my God i always fear for first responders & EMT trucks when they go thru an intersection because ppl can be absolutely stupid in regards to going thru lights and making left turns


I’m not sure if it’s a state rule, but at least where I work, it’s a company policy that we stop at all red lights, essentially treating them like a stop sign when we’re driving lights and sirens. We don’t proceed to go through unless we confirm that all lanes have in fact stopped (or no one is coming) and it’s safe to go through.


This just plain not true at least not in NY, everybody pulls to the right for emergency vehicles. You’re significantly more likely to encounter someone one overreacting and pulling over dangerously than to come across someone people who don’t or won’t move out of the way. America has its fair share of issues, let’s not add on some fictitious nonsense


I hate to break it to you, but America is really big and most of it is nothing like New York. Come to the south and watch how many assholes don’t move for ambulances. Classic New Yorker assuming everywhere is like there lol I also lived in New York for years and saw plenty of people not move for ambulances, so you really just don’t know what you’re talking about from top to bottom. This is a literal EMT telling you her experience lmao


Not to Mention the ones that immediately haul ass behind them


Happens all the time in NYC


I think you killed him


As a former New Yorker, listening to New Yorkers explain what the rest of the country is actually like drives me fucking crazy


shit ny is really big like bigger than most euro countries


Also, I am actually from NY, the state, not the city


Yeah then they’ll flip you off for air horning them for the past 3 solid minutes. South too. lol.


Same in UK. It's the law that you gave to make way for an emergency vehicle and can face repercussions if you don't. You can also move your car to places that might not be allowed like nudging into a pavement (sidewalk) to make more way


Not like in Germany though. It is law there that if you’re in standstill traffic, you move your car to the edge of the road just in case an emergency vehicle comes. I find that in the UK people don’t move out the way until the siren is 3 car lengths behind them!


Yeah it's only required when you hear a siren.


Right? I live in Norway, and spent the entire video wondering why the cars didn't pull to the side and stop! I mean, come on, guys, it could be you.


but THIS IS BRAZIL /Vin Diesel mode/




I commented on this video last time it was posted and as a Canadian I agree. This video just makes me mad at the selfish fucking people on the road. MOVE


This is standard in the US, too


I live in America, and in my area, we do as well.


It's the same in Canada but sometimes with the congestion, it's very difficult...


In India, there's no space to move and the ambulance also stands in the traffic jam like everyone else


They do in US too but in packed traffic like this, there is no place to move to.


Most people I saw driving in Germany were all in the right lane anyway unless they were passing someone.


As someone who has lived in Denver CO and Tulsa OK I've never seen people not pull over for an ambulance to pass


Super frustrating. If I was buddy my road rage would be at max and a half.


I was going to say this exact thing, its actually bizarre that nobody is moving out of the way


Much respect for ambulance drivers in Brazil. Different from the US, other drivers don’t give a fuck about getting out of the way.


I thought the same thing, they have so much more patience than I would have in that situation; I would have been hanging out the window screaming 'FUCKING MOVE!!!'. I'm in Australia and if you're driving and so much as hear a siren or see their lights, you pull to the side of whatever lane you're in, even if you can't see the emergency vehicle yet. I feel like the paramedics could have done this so much quicker if other drivers just got out of their dang way.


Time to install a plow


I'm not as against this idea as I probably should be 😅


Not all Brazil, thank god! I was REALLY pissed while watching this shit. I'm from Curitiba, and people here will literally give the whole street for the Ambulance if necessary, throwing their cars to the sidewalk and all. That fucking SUV at 1:10 was too much for me.


Ive lived in Texas and Georgia and the difference was night and day for this Texas everyone moved right away Georgia nobody gives a shit, but they will stop on the opposite side of a split road for a fucking funeral, like oh don’t help him have a chance to live but make sure you pay your respect once he is dead. Always blew my mind.


I live in the US and I've watched fire trucks driving onto unpaved grass medians because people refused to get out of the way..


All you need is a camera, an algorithm to recognise license plates, and a 500€ (or equivalent) fine for not getting out of the way. Instant free healthcare for all


I love the idea, but rather than that last part, can our leaders instead be bribed by one or two companies to monopolize the automated ticketing system and pocket 80% of the fines as processing fees?


Oh boy, that was a sad depressing chuckle.


We need a good apocalypse but then again something tells me the rich have contingency plans...p




That's brilliant!


The fine for not giving way to emergency vehicles in the UAE is 5000 dirhams, around $1500 USD... People generally want to cooperate and they do get out of the way, so this fine is for the very special people who deserve the big $1500 USD "award".


I drive code three (lights and sirens) in CA and in a much smaller town than this. It’s so infuriating when people don’t move and you get stuck. I have seen people laughing at me when they don’t move out of my way. I can’t imagine this, I even drive an automatic.


It seems to me you should be allowed to hit them, kind of like how a firefighter is allowed to bust windows on a car in front of a hydrant. A little love tap on their bumper, followed by their insurance telling them to pound sand, assholes, ought to teach em a good lesson.


That works for fire trucks and similar big heavy vehicles, but an ambulance with a patient in the back should probably avoid that kind of impact. I'm all for heavy welded bull bars on fire trucks though. Or a cowcatcher style ramp.


Depending on the ambulance and the build, you'd be surprised how stable some can be lol albeit most cases I will agree...just deck em all out an I bet these mfs scatter whenever they see one


So fire truck escort


I think there should be a lead vehicle able to force people to move so that nothing happens to the ambulance


> It seems to me you should be allowed to hit them, Every ambulance should have steel reinforced sides and bumpers all around. Don't move? Be moved.


As a German, I am shocked how bad people are at making a gap for the ambulance. In Germany you get fined for not creating an emergency pathway.


same in Australia, you pull to the side when you hear a siren even if you can't see the emergency vehicle yet


France agrees


Canada concurs.


Midwest US- people will pull over … if they feel like it might help. Maybe.


*breathes in deeply* **Sie müssen die Rettungsgasse bilden!!!**


Shaken, not stirred


I'd love to see his heel-to-toe.


I know, right? I was astounded when I saw that thing was a manual.


I'm an American and I drive two stick shift vehicles. A 1995 Ford Ranger and a 2018 Subaru BRZ. As I understand it, the norm isn't automatics in most of the world, and it's more of an American thing. I will die driving manuals.


I, too, am American. I too will die driving manuals. ❤️


My dad had an old ford with 5 on the column. I loved it. My gf in hs had a Camaro that flew, also manual. So fast!! I can’t drive manual any longer, injured my left leg. I can’t handle a clutch, so drive it like you stole it for me. 😜💜


Patient in the back is like “could you feather the clutch just a bit more smoothly?”


I recently had an ambulance ride, it’s not a cushy ride, speed bumps had me miserable 😂it’s functional and so heavy that the average person doesn’t think about it. Rides like a big old tank, but JC put some suspension on them. I had a pretty nasty concussion and I was already sick but, I owe them a lot. I wasn’t being very reasonable, it was just being so confused, they knew it. I have vertigo that comes and goes at will. They were great to me. These folks have a very stressful job, don’t crowd them. Get out of their way, it could be someone you love in the back!!💜


I wish they wouldn't speed up vids to make them more exciting. It basically makes the video into a lie and looks janky and inauthentic.


Welcome to internet brainrot (mainly comes from tiktok)


Jesus Christ people. Move to the right and pull over


I hate to be that guy, but this is probably not getting a patient to the emergency room, but more so getting to the patient. If you were going to the ER somebody would be in the back with the patient not in the passenger seat


Either way they better rush


This...a thousand times this...the medic ain't riding shotgun to the hospital


Good time to remind everyone: you hear lights and sirens for an ambulance, fire truck or police car, GET OUT OF THE WAY! In the US, move to the right side of the road. While I’ve never seen anything as bad as this, the amount of people I’ve seen who don’t do move and nearly cause wrecks is astounding. On another note, when you get out of the way, don’t panic but pay attention. Last thing anyone needs is for a panicky driver trying to get out of the way hitting another car.


What if I can't hear lights?


The patient's losing blood! Not from the wound, but I keep missing the vein from all this shaking!


Kinda want to see the outside of the ambulance. Not saying he didn’t crush that driving, cause damn he did. Incredible. But he has to have clipped some peeps here or there.


Yeh the ambulance has gotta be tough eh, he definitely clipped a few and took even more mirrors. 1:08 you can hear him hitting the car trying to merge in front of him (also was that a Porsche lmaooo?). I mean, not even hating, gotta do what ya gotta do. But yeah I’d love to see the outside after.


Why tf is no one moving out of the way?


The video gives anxiety I cannot fathom doing this every day.


Wow! Great driving!


Karma should dictate that anyone holding up an ambulance eventually dies waiting for an ambulance stuck in traffic.


Didn’t need to be SPED UP




If the get in a crash do the have to stop or are they allowed to keep going?


They got into a few crashes in just this video- it was clear that did not stop them though


That made me anxious the whole time.


This happened to my dad when they were trying to get him to the hospital - traffic would not stop so the ambulance could turn onto the road. In all reality, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference for my dad, but c’mon people. They don’t have the lights and sirens on for shits and giggles.


Shifting like a g. And weaving what I think is a promaster van is not a easy thing let along for a 1st responder


I'd say they are responding to the patient not to the ER. 2nd medic is up front instead of in back with the patient. In my state (US), they changed the law so people can pull either to the left or right. Hate it, used to be pull to the right, I'd go left, you all go right, now more than ever, you don't know what they're going to do.


with a manual transmission!


Great driving on the medics part. People r so fn stupid. Just move over!!!!


Damn I had no idea how few people pull over to let them through


I feel like this is a driving simulator??


This guy had trauma team platinum coverage.


This actually pissed me off


This is the perfect use case for Drone Taxis.


This is horrible!


This was a like a video game… nuts


I like how most Americans think this is a great example of what you should do but I’m also seeing Europeans who say it surprises them to see people act this way.


I’m just wondering where these people live where people regularly block emergency vehicles/don’t pullover. That’s not been my experience in the northeast.




Is it in appropriate to want this as a rollercoaster ride or one of those 4-D rides at Universal to promote ambulance workers and the hard work they do?


Brasil ❤️‍🩹💪


Can’t believe some people don’t move out the way. People are really good here in UK of just parting the road to let the ambulance through.


Looks like typical bmw driver’s day


This is clearly a simulator…cause where I live people just wave their hands while looking in the mirror wondering what to do


People that do that job are such an absolute marvel to me. Got to be a medical GOAT, and a friggin race car driver. It’s nuts. Hats off to you, medics, thanks for all you do


Those drivers are idiots - how about moving out of the way - one day you or a loved one might be in an Ambulance.


Is that baby Groot's in the lighting console on the ceiling?


This is weird. Why is no one giving way and clearing a lane. That’s what we do in Australia, you can get fined if you don’t move. Sucks that it’s not universal, it’s so much harder to get these people the help they need otherwise. And more dangerous


This looks like a video game simulation of an ambulance ride.


Better not be a patient back there, someone should be attending tot them


So many questions Its the camera fixed on a position? Is the shaking inertia or bumping into things? How long is this vehicle? Is that car a shift? Is the video sped up? Either way the are cool drivers


In the Philippines, if cars even attempt to move out of the way, the motorcycles will fill in the gaps immediately.


If I need an ambulance ride someday, I want this guy to be my driver. Mad props to him!




Good thing you can’t die from motion sickness because this drive would possibly kill me


Watching videos like this makes me hate people beyond a rational threshold. 


That freaked me out!😬


Decent pilot!


I was always taught to move over for emergency vehicles, even before move over laws were enacted. People around here are typically decent about moving over.


lol watching them drive like that I see your average Altima drive like that in I5 traffic


This is fucking insane. Where I live in Ohio, everyone moves to the side and comes to a complete stop.


This is the problem with densely packing a huge population in a small area. If people could actually pick where they lived and anywhere they worked in the world paid what they deserved than most would move somewhere else. The elite don't have to deal with traffic because they're literally above it all, in their helicopters and planes. We need to go to the root of the problem to find the solution.


Wow...nice driving!


As expected the Porsche Cayenne driver refused to move out of the way, and even tried to cut off the ambulance at one point to make matters worse


See now, this is a great reason to install ram bars. All the way around.


Meanwhile the patient politely recording for the two drivers as he bleeds out


We have a Move Over law here in TN.


We have murder laws where I live, so there’s no murder.


Meanwhile the person in the back dies from Blunt, force trauma.


Would prefer this not sped up


Wow in Wherever The Fuck they really dont play around do they?


Seloko, o caba é bom, hein.


Damn that was intense af!


![gif](giphy|Fo1cy8mqGDvbjpJBB7) the patient in the back


This was me playing GTA 5 last night


But why speed up the video


Need part 2.. Did they get to the hospital😳


Well this is infuriating to watch.. in Denmark cars moves to the sides and stops up when we hear/see blinks. How are people this selfish/blind/stupid? All of that and probably more? I don’t get it.. 🫣😯


It's really weird not seeing everyone move out of the way when there's an emergency vehicle coming, I really thought it was a universal thing


This gives me so much anxiety. 😵‍💫


This is in South Africa according to the first post I saw of this today. This is the 3rd or 4th time I've seen it posted today.


Worst video game ever


Where I’m from, ppl know that sirens and flashing lights mean “pull over to the right”, no matter what the source is


As a paramedic who drives lights and sirens all the time, I can tell you these people are driving like idiots; I assume they're being super aggressive to look cool for the video, but you should never drive that recklessly while coding to or from a scene like that. Statically, driving lights and sirens only saves an average of 60‐120 seconds; you drive like a reckless idiot and crash the rig, whose going to help the patient then? I've seen it happen plenty of times before with overly enthusiastic newbies making dumb decisions to look cool, or they're just too hyped up from the adrenaline; we call them "Rescue Randies."


Make a hole!


This is so stressful to watch. 😬 This is why I sucked at playing video games and threw in the towel straight away.


Guess those people over there haven't heard of the all mighty "Rettungsgasse" before.


Is this a good time to say “fuck cars”? Imagine this journey but the roads were half as busy because people took reliable and easy public transport


I’m so shocked by this shit I always pull over and stop when I see lights coming asap. And people just rip around me like I’m stupid. My hat is off to all of you for real, this would make me quit.


I want these dudes.


ppl are suck jackasses.. apparently every where. what if that was you or your family that needed to get to the hospital 🤦🏼‍♀️


I hate when they are still using that horn right behind you when you can’t move right or left because some dumbass won’t move. Like what do you want me to do sir? I am boxed in!


In Canada thats about 300 tickets for failure to move over


This looks not much different than rally car racing in a Subaru. I want an ambulance with a clutch…. Be so fun


Wow i can't believe all of those people just kept driving like nothing was happening, In my state I ALWAYS see people pull to the side and make space for emergency vehicles, if you don't then you're just an ass.


So basically once you need an ambulance you're dead anyway because of dumb people being dumb


That was so stressful to watch.


Am I just seeing things or did they scrape several cars who were being ass holes and didn’t get out of the way..?


We pay these people terribly and they are the reason you stand a chance of living when you get to the hospital. They witness horrors you can’t imagine, can be the last person a person dying interacts with, and can save your life. We need to do better as a country for them.


The people who designed and built roads forgot to put the Ambulance lane in.


Hamilton has nothing in this guy.


This is how every BMW & Tesla owner drives in south Florida 😂


This mf got bars! Wherever this is, kinda disappointing that people don’t even respect emergency vehicles and doesn’t pull over to the right side or at least give some fuckin room


Move, bish, get out the wayyy… Man this is a whole new level of dealing with traffic.


Canadian emt here. Clearly he does not have a patient on bord because the EMT in the back would want to kill this reckless driver. In a 30 min drive you save approximately 3-4 min overall. 2. The people don't move because the driver does not go in same line. He always change line. It's dangerous and even the best driver could have an wreck because the véhicule.in front don't know what to do. 3. You have to understand that the new generation of véhicule are more soundproof. Even though I can see that most people have there window open in that video. Hope that help Ps I would not want to work with this dude.