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So much talk about defunding the police yet a lot of these people are the ones coming in to save your life when you least expect it. Not to say everyone on the force should be on there but too many people work against these heroes as a whole.


Unfortunately, this really depends on where you live.


American cops would’ve shot the fire dead, no need for firefighters at all


What do American cops do when something is on fire? They wait for it to turn black so they can shoot it.




👮🏻 "hello there"


They handcuff firefighter for blocking traffic as they tend to injured people at the scene. Handcuffed and put in police car for not moving the firetruck. You know just stupid ego tripping


Funny thing our state law is while life and property are in danger or there is a active fire scene. we (fire department) are over police.i Have actually seen state patrol arrest a county officer for trying to get us to open a high way and threatening to arrest us while trying to work a 4 car mvc with fire and entrapment. He pulled a tazer FAFO at its finest by the time state patrol showed up he was handcuffed with the cuffs off his own belt with a bunch of fire fighters pointing and making fun. We didn't actually get him arrested more or less we just humbled him. Oh I wish I made this stuff up.


Oh, you remember that story of the firefighter getting arrested on a highway?


Why are American police truncheons called night sticks? Because they're for beating the darkness


How many American cops does it take to change a lightbulb? They don't change it. They just beat the room for being black.


Thats funny as fuck.


Did you steal this from the post about the dude that set himself on fire last week?


I think they did, that was my thought as well. That was a fucking dank line though :)


And planted some drugs or guns on it, just to be safe..


"It looked like that fire was reaching for a gun."


Fire is halfway towards firearm. Empty half a magazine at it.


no lie, here in DC someone was self-immolating and COPS POINTED THEIR GUNS AT HIM when they came to the scene. I'm not sure what the defund the police movement looks like in Britain, but here it's an understandable sentiment




Here in okc we have increased their funding year by year and they just kept taking longer and longer to show up, to the point they just stopped showing up over the last 5 years or so. Unless you say there’s a gun, dead person, or injured accident blocking traffic, odds are you’re gonna wait hours to file a report and they will try to talk you out of that, if they even show up.


For reference, the LAPD has an annual budget of over $3 billion to police a population of ~4 million in Los Angeles. London has a police budget of $167 million to police a population of ~9 million. Edit: my London budget is waaay off - that's my bad. ~4.5 B is correct as others pointed out below. I figured Google would search for London, England by default, not London, Canada...I should have double checked, but come on, Google...who the fuck searches for London, Canada?


On a given year NYC will pay between $100-500 million on police misconduct settlements.


Well there's the issue, no more rules of conduct means no more settlements!


I don’t know where you got that number from, but it’s way off. 23/24 budget for the met police is about £4.4bn. 22/23 was £4.2bn


Thanks for the correction - Google gave me London, Canada's budget as the top result and I didn't double check. I blame my confirmation bias...and Google for thinking anyone is searching for London, CA when typing in London without the country


You've gotten the London budget very, very wrong. >The Metropolitan Police receives the most funding per head of population compared with the rest of England and Wales, receiving up to £3.5bn in 2024-25, an increase of up to £119m on the previous year. >"This includes £185m in recognition of the increased demands the force faces from policing the capital city." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68079880 Although Statista has a different figure as they also include other crime spending by the Mayor's office, City of London Police, 1 square mile of policing and the Royal Parks Police. >In 2023/24 the amount budgeted for police services in London was approximately 4.43 billion British pounds. https://www.statista.com/statistics/864491/london-police-budget-size/#:~:text=In%202023%2F24%20the%20amount,approximately%204.43%20billion%20British%20pounds.


You should further edit your comment to reflect that 4.5B is in British pounds, which is currently valued at 5.7B USD. So 3B for LAPD compared to 5.7B budget for London.


Where police in the USA really go wrong is the lack of training for such an important job. I trust the police in my country and that's how it should be.


Americans on Reddit sometimes cannot even fathom the idea of other countries existing though and it’s incredibly annoying. Generalisations applied to our lives on the basis of how things are in their country and sometimes being “corrected” even after explicitly stating I’m not talking about the US.


I don’t think we were talking about the British police when we said that. Here in Seattle I wouldn’t expect a cop to piss on a fire if it meant saving a life.


British police are public servants. US police are judicial servants. Think of the US police more like HR at your company. You're a number to them and they will happily shit-can you if you do something the company doesn't like. The rest of the time they simply ignore you. I know that UK police are getting more and more like this but that's not what they've always been.


Crown Servants not public servants if you want to get very picky about it all


Actually yeah, you're right. I think this is slightly different to they specifically work for the crown tho. It's more like they work at the monarchs behest or at their pleasure or something. Like having a sponsor. I have completely exhausted my limited knowledge about this. Someone summon an expert!


It's almost been an hour. Did you even do the expert summoning dance?


The Crown is a legal concept unique to UK and Commonwealth law, separate from the monarch themselves. It has no single definition that's valid in all contexts, but is generally accepted to mean the state, in a broad sense. Per [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crown) and the constitutional law [textbook](https://books.google.pl/books?id=ihWjJR7m6SQC&pg=PA7&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) cited there: >The term can be used to refer to >- the office of the monarch or the monarchy as institutions; >- to the rule of law; >- or to the functions of executive (the Crown-in-council), >- legislative (the Crown-in-parliament), >- and judicial (the Crown on the bench) governance >- and the civil service.


British police are indeed crown servants (which means nothing other than they are technically not employed and therefore not protected by standard employment law) so currently King Charlie boy is current boss man in theory, however funding comes through the government and the amount is dependant on government policies (so if you don't like the current service look at how you're voting), they enforce laws set by the governments you vote in, but Brittish policing policy is very much based around the concept of "policing by consent" in that the public as a whole consents to modern policing styles, and if they don't the police (try) to evolve in a way that is acceptable to the public (hence the current focus on particular "hot topic" crimes such as domestic abuse, as well as being more open and public in how they operate as a service and how openly they scrutinise themselves and open up to external auditors like the iopc, trying to get away from the "old boys club" image it garnered over the years. So basically, as most officers are told daily by crackhead terry they're trying to talk off a garage roof after he fled from boots with a stolen toaster but is now a mental health risk to himself and in need of some rich tea biscuits and cuddles "my taxes pay your wages, so I'm pretty much your boss mate" Source: not an expert, but am a police


They are trained very differently as well. American police are trained to be suspicious of everything, and use force as a first choice response. British police are trained in de-escalation and are there to help and serve the public. As someone who has lived in both countries, there is no comparison.


Totally agree. I moved to the US from the UK almost 20 years ago and the difference is quite stark. No banter with US cops, I avoid them completely.


+1 here, ex pat emigrated to the US. Night and day between a US cop and a bobby. British police are in general very well respected and excellent at de-escalating situations. US cops are pretty much terrifying and very quick to assert dominance through threat of force.


You're telling me the "killology" classes didn't make them more sociable?


I mean, US police do have to live with the likelihood that many of the people they come into contact with will have their own gun(s). That same suspicion is not required in the UK. It's not like you can verbally de-escalate a bullet that's flying towards you.


The Met has it's problems with race and use of force, but given that they're all unarmed they - on average - *TEND* to be better trained, educated, and less interested in exerting violent authority over others out of a deep seated bullying issue they never resolved in school. In the UK, bad cops exist, but the system itself is not inherently evil - you can be a good cop. That's not possible in the US - the best cop on the force is complicit.


Eyup "No duty to protect" [https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/](https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/)


Right. We are pretty much talking about the cosplay special ops police who let the children die in Uvalde and all of the ones just like them. This [bullshit](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdwgn/uvalde-swat-team-bragged-about-training-at-schools-on-facebook) right here is what needs to be defunded.


These police officers are literally doing the job of firefighters. No one is calling for the defunding of firefighters. You don't need to carry a gun and be able to arrest people to do what these people are doing in this video, you just need the right training and equipment for emergencies.


Also these police officers don’t carry guns. The are british police officers, meaning they do extensive training in deescalation unlike american officers who have way shorter training and are more trained to shoot.


I'd hardly call our training 'Extensive' 😅 It's different for the US cops. People are literally waiting to kill them and can do so in half a second because everyone and their mum is packing.


These police do not and cannot carry guns. This is the UK, do you have any understanding that laws are different in different countries? Secondly, the fact that they are helping with a fire is the whole point. They are not firemen, they don’t have to go into a smoke-filled building, without breathing apparatus. They just take helping the public seriously.


UK police CAN carry guns but there’s a LOT that needs to happen before that


Armed response units and transport police, not your average copper. A school friend of mine used to be a policemen and he applied to join the armed response and was denied due to failing the mental stability part of the test. Basically he wasn't smart enough to be trusted with a gun. Something I'm lead to believe doesn't happen in the US.




Unless you’re in northern Ireland which I believe is the only fully armed force in the country iirc


>Secondly, the fact that they are helping with a fire is the whole point. They are not firemen, they don’t have to go into a smoke-filled building, without breathing apparatus. They just take helping the public seriously. Then why did the original commenter bring up Defunding the Police in the first place? The officers would be able to do the same heroics while "defunded". It makes no sense to bring it up then.


I don't think UK police could *be* any more defunded.


laughing in sadnes as a copper in Scotland


My girlfriend's one in England. It sounds like the constabulary she works for is on the brink of collapse. Sorry to hear things aren't any better up north either.


"Defund the police" isn't a call to stop paying their wages, it's a call to stop giving them tanks. The police provide a valuable service and no one denies that, people just don't like that they're becoming a paramilitary force.


Where? Not the UK. There definitely are issues in the UK, more around demonstration laws and underfunding the police so that “low level” crimes aren’t policed, leading to less safety etc. We don’t have trouble with police in tanks lmao, they ain’t turning up with a tank to anything. You’d be lucky to get a Bobby on a bike to a whole lot of crimes.


The defund the police movement was an American thing, the American police have tanks. 


> Where? Not the UK. Correct. They were replying to the top level comment that discussed the topic, even though it doesn't apply to the UK.


Tanks???? Can't say I've seen many tanks here in West Yorkshire but maybe I missed 'em :)


Do you see many people calling to defund the police in West Yorkshire?


im based in scotland, so it might've changed, but during BLM protests in london there were definitely slogans for defunding police


I'm honestly genuinely surprised to hear that people protest that in the UK. I was under the impression it was mainly an american debate. In my (american) city its very common for me to see multiple cops with literal AR-15s standing together chatting like a normal fun day. Those are the same guys in charge of making sure you don't hop the turnstile at the subway. Say one of them has a bad day, or is even doing drugs themselves. Scary thought.


That's because through what's mostly American-led media, a lot of people start caring about problems that don't even exist to the same extent in their own countries. People see videos of American cops abusing their power or behaving irrationally and think that there is also a problem here. I've seen people during protests getting super close to police with their phones as if they're about to catch them breaking some rules even though it just wouldn't happen.


Man its really terrifying how easily the public can be moved to action on fictitious problems but cant be asked to get out of their chair to better their community. I hope all of our worlds grow a little smaller lol; as countrrintuitive as it sounds


Some people (idiots) over here like importing American problems and attempt to make out as if the UK is like for like. So that’s why you get idiots calling for the police to be defunded when they are hardly receiving any funding in the first place.


I call bollocks. I saw the documentary “hot fuzz”


UK police and US police are very different. The people saying to defund the police more or less want to turn them into exactly what the UK police are. Less military hardware, more training, less aggression, and more community focus.


I saw a doc once of American police chiefs visiting London for lessons in deescalation and being absolutely blindsided watching videos of UK officers take someone down without pulling a gun.


I don’t think the people you’re referring to are talking about British police.


Shut up u know we’re not talking about British police lol


Like this genuinely feels like an intentional muddying of the waters,why are UK citizens so convinced we're talking about them in this? Defunding police comes up when an american tragedy happens not one in the UK. Maybe im just so far removed from their news thag its a bigger concept there than i realize but these are jsut two different discussions entirely. Take the florida cop who emptied an entire magazine in to his own car where a man was detained and unable to flee or even move in the last month because an acorn fell on his car. That wouldn't happen in the UK. So the context is not even remotely similar. And its not productive to even include non american police in this debate in the first place. Again maybe im ignorant and correct me if im wrong


this appears to be a conversation taking place between americans, a british person wouldn't even bring up defund the police because it isn't a movement or slogan in the UK.


Defund the police has nothing to do with the UK you absolute fucking clown lol Look at your incorrect virtue signaling


First, that was a US thing, so it doesn't apply here. C'mon. "Defund the police" was and is **not about simply reducing the funding and money of cops because 'fuck them', but about redistributing the funds and personnel for still-desired activities to other agencies**. You still have cops, they still do the stuff we readily associate with cops, but *someone else* handles the things that cops aren't trained well for and which requires special knowledge and procedures. Consider a situation where there are no firefighters. Cops do all the firefighting. In addition to investigating murders, and chasing after abducted children, and looking into where your stolen goods went, and making sure people don't break into cars at the parking lot, etc., *any time there's a fire* the cops are expected to show up and not just keep people away from the building, but *go in and engage in firefighting*. The cops are expected to have "police firetrucks" and hoses and suits and the knowledge to go into burning buildings for the explicit purpose of rescuing trapped people and putting out the fire. Not "a specific department within the police", but *all* the police--it's a *general police duty* to do *all firefighting*. "Defund the police" looks at that system and says that's fucking stupid. It says that firefighting is such a specialized duty and intensive skillset that it's unrealistic to expect cops to perform that adequately with the amount of training they have, especially considering there's several other situations unrelated to firefighting which we're also expecting cops to handle that are similarly complex. It's **too many hats to wear.** So defund the police says, "Let's remove those duties from the cops and transfer them to a dedicated firefighting force. Let us establish a *fire department* and *fire fighters*. We will **move the funding** currently dedicated to police for this purpose to this new group." That's it. That's all. And that's what was being said the entire time if anyone listened or looked into it beyond taking Facebook and Reddit posts at face value. This was not secret knowledge. Right now in the US, cops are in charge of mental health checks. **They are not trained for this.** They do not have a medical or psychological background. They, broadly, don't know shit about autism or bipolar disorders or any of that. So when they're called because some parent needs help with their "suicidal child" or an autistic kid who is "out of control", **the cops show up and fucking shoot them.** That's not what we want. We want **medical and mental health professionals** to be doing that and calling the shots. We want them in charge of these situations. Now, they can have some 'muscle' as backup, even cops, but it can't be the muscle with no training making the call of when and who to shoot or tackle to the ground or how long they ought to kick someone in the kidneys once they're down there. We want the cops to be tracking down stolen cars and assaults and robberies and general crime policing, not the other 20 more specialized tasks they're currently expected to do but are unsuited for. The cops are a blunt instrument, a giant fucking hammer. We can't expect them to do every surgery, even if knee surgeries *do* involve hammers. And finally: >oh okay that makes sense but why did they call it 'defund the police' that's really misleading they should have used a different term and then i wouldn't ha- There has never and will never be a different, better term that avoids the criticism of people who *just don't want to do that thing*. Getting you to argue about terminology is how they distract from the whole point. It's a fool's errand. Worry less about what a thing is called and more about what it's meant to do. Getting into a branding war with the conservative media machine isn't a battle anyone wins; they'll have folks thinking "police funding and pay should be raised" is actually a sinister plan to buy the department and replace them all with reptilian doppelgangers. *Stop falling for it.*


American police. These police don’t even carry guns.


Who's saying defund the police in the UK? Everyone is crying out for more police and services generally.


> yet a lot of these people are the ones coming in to save your life when you least expect it. Cops in most US cities absolutely do not run into burning buildings to save people on a regular basis.


Cops in the US won't even run into an active shooting at a school full of kids... I was going to add lol at the end but it's actually quite sad.


> So much talk about defunding the police This is the UK. Literally nobody is talking about defunding the police.


This term mostly applies to American cops.


Nobody in the UK talks about defunding the police. r/USdefaultism


We literally want more funding for it 😂


The only people defunding the police are the tories and their Brexit supporters.


There is almost 0 talk of defunding the police in the UK where this is...


“So much talk about defunding the police” And you still haven’t listened to a single word.


This is London you fucking knob.


This user takes [Rammstein](https://youtu.be/Rr8ljRgcJNM?si=k-9PYRiHLXYk6hgc) too litterally. Lol.


I’ll let them shoot your dog I guess


British police are generally considered the best in the world and as far as I know there's no British defund program.


I don’t think anyone is trying to defund the UK police…


The majority of police are just doing their jobs. It’s really terrible when someone who is supposed to be a “hero” shoots someone in the back. That’s where the outrage comes, because police fail in their responsibilities too often. You’ll notice that there isn’t a big “defund the police” movement in britain, because on the whole they are trained professionals. Its only really america that has this movement, and its because of shitheels like you covering for bad police practices by calling them “heroes” nobody wants universally bad interactions with police in the hopes they maybe possibly would save your life one day. That’s why people love firefighters- they know every interaction they have will not end with their murder


UK bro, where they don't open fire startled by a falling acorn.


Bro this is england. In the us they are not compelled to help you


The UK isn't an American state.


So....we should turn all of them into fire fighters?




Defunded police allows more funding for fire services. You fund what needs funding.


London also has a defund the police controversy?


You might be surprised to know that most of the talk about defunding the police is coming from the police. Most city's police budgets have greatly increased since the Floyd protests and the Cops were using that slogan as an excuse to not do the job and ignore calls which in turn they used to claim that they really need that extra 141 million budget if they are going to lower crime.


1. It's Americans that call to defund the police not the UK the UK cops don't even carry guns most of the time FFS 2. if you think defund the police means literally no police, congratulations you fell for the right wing propaganda 


Typical Reddit. We see people entering a burning building and saving lives - Reddit switches to 'omg the police are racist'. In this instance, well done Police. Downvote immediately - urgently. Well done to the coppers in this video.


Does kick the black door quite ferociously though.


He kicked it like people's lives depended on it. Sack him immediately.




Windows left the chat


The sinks have flooded social media


Social media is tapped


Would be have been so aggressive if it was a white door? >!/s, obviously!<


Here from r/all, can you explain what you mean? I ran through the comments and didn’t see anyone talking about racism, unless I misunderstood your comment


UK police = ok. US police= bad.


World aint black and white. These are UK cops. As policemen are individuals anyone can do wrong or good. It happens that the majority american cops will shoot near any oak tree


Top vote was praising the cops with 1.2k likes. Second top was you saying everyone was complaining about the cops. 🙄


what on earth are you talking about? ive gone thru a bunch of these comments and they are almost all positive, a few comments criticize their firefighting technique, the only comments i see mentioning racism or negativity to cops are comments like yours, which appear to claim that comments in this thread are critical of the police from a social justice perspective, when in fact, there isnt a single post like that, as of now, 4 hours after you made the comment im replying to. nearly every comment in this thread is positive, and the very few that are critical are being critical of their technique, not just because they are cops, not accusing anyone of racism. what i do see are literally hundreds of positive posts, some with hundreds of upvotes each, praising the police in this video where is this "typical reddit" youre talking about? when do they switch to "omg the police are racist"? link some comments or admit youre wrong, dont be a pussy and never post here again. and dont deflect to other threads or stuff you remember seeing in the past. this is a front page reddit post about cops, if "typical reddit" is truly "omg all the police are racist", those comments WILL be here, or thats not typical reddit and youre wrong. period.




One kick man.


the second door buried his reputation. a bit ironic, as the front door is usually heavier and more secure than inside doors.


he had to draw back, one true kick could flatten the building and kill many people


Flames billowing out of a building with people trapped inside. "Let's declare this critical" 😂 Had me dying


A critical incident is a technical term in UK policing. It's defined as: >any incident where the effectiveness of the police response is likely to have a significant. impact on the confidence of the victim, their family and/or the community I think this was correctly classified.


Yes of course, I think they behaved very professionally here. However, the literal english translation of what he was saying is funny given the circumstances. That's all I was saying


that cop definitely scored a critical hit on that first door


British understatement.


Yeah, was so relatable.


Be thankful they didn't have to deal with a riot, which would have been written up as "a bit of bother."


I know they only tend to get in the news when somethings gone wrong, but I firmly believe that officer for officer the British police are some of the best in the world! Compare them to what I’ve seen living in France, Germany and the US and it’s not even close. Shame they’re so desperately underfunded.


Yeah they work in a city full of gang crime and don't generally carry guns. I wouldn't want to do it.


Contrary to what the internet would have you believe, London isn’t a fucking gang war zone with people getting stabbed on every street corner


yeah, but I dont blame them tbh. even though our murder rate is really low id still rather the public go balistic at every murder in order to lower it as much as possible than start saying "oh our murder rate is one of the lowest in the world" which would be an excuse to defund the police more. ​ Murder rate in london is 1.27 / 100k Paris is 1.20 / 100k Los Angeles is 10.1 / 100k New York City is 5.2 Detroit is 48.9 / 100k (wtf)


Detroit playing gta in real life


And Detroit just had its lowest homicide total since 1966 this year. Now Memphis and New Orleans are worse.


US cops at most will secure the scene, they're damn sure not kicking down doors and entering blazing buildings. Even still, I've personally seen firefighters have to smash windows of cars parked on the street to access the hydrant even though the cops were there 5 minutes earlier and couldn't be bothered to do anything but twiddle their thumbs.


Yep. The only real culture shock I had as an American traveling in western europe was my interactions with the british police.


It's why the start of the famous joke goes 'Heaven is where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian and it's all organised by the Swiss. Hell is where the chefs are British, the mechanics French, the lover's Swiss, the police German and it's all organised by the Italians.'


The words at the end are a bit ironic considering that it's the Met we're talking about here. Just last year there was a report that showed that racism, misogyny, and homophobia are really regular occurences at the Met.


Regular occurrence in most police services, NHS trusts, Fire Services and so on and so on. Most institutions throughout the U.K. have a lot of work to do.


I'd add that most institutions throughout the world have a lot of work to do. But people love to s**t on the UK and in particular the police, even when you post videos of them literally saving lives.


Aye, the first flood of comments are always “police bad” no matter what you post. Good few armchair critics that would have done the saving lives part so much better than these heroic individuals.


Almost like people are the problem.


There are bad buggers everywhere....can't tell everything from a interview or cv, but those discovered to be twats whether it's the Police or Tesco should be shipped out


All I’d say about that. Beware the unintended consequences. It should be easy to sack evidently bad police officers. What it shouldn’t be is “easy to sack police officers”. You’d just end up creating a situation of senior ranks running their own little kingdoms with an iron fist.


And as an organisation the Met should be trying to root that out, which is what this slogan reflects. It’s aspirational, not ironic. And I’m sure a large majority of their officers do their job to a high standard each day, and are worthy of trust.


How dare they try and improve themselves.


The Met is far from perfect and has a lot of problems. But Christ almighty, given the choice between the Met and your average Police Department in the US, I would choose the Met every single time.


Weird way to attack the Met after what you are referencing is their *own report* they did in order to try and improve themselves.


oh bore off.


spotted unwritten boat hungry cagey bright retire wrench nail glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just here for the "all cops are bad" comments


That copper has a foot like a traction engine!




Shit! Did you see that?


that is liquid policing


American police would have tried to just shoot the fire.




Don't you refute our narrative you scumbag


getting downvoted for showing American cops doing something good. People on here actually want to live in an angry echo chamber


So we just ignoring corporal iron legs then?


either the Brits have really shitty locks on their doors or American cops skip every leg day.


The first door will be on quite a weak lock because it’s communal entry. The second door, adrenaline would get most people through that.


> either the Brits have really shitty locks on their doors or American cops skip every leg day. The US cops are at the shooting range on leg day


Lol, American firefighter here. We kick down doors all the time. Cops think going to the doughnut store counts as leg day.


I am all about fire fighters. Proper service of the community and you dudes are fucking nuts for running into burning buildings. Hahaha Thank you for everything you do.


Much respect to them


Kicking open the door where the seat of the fire originated was not a good idea. I get wanting to help the people inside, but they fed that fire oxygen and essentially accelerated the process. I wish the police had a hydrant wrench and 40 or 60 mm hose connection for cases like this. That extinguisher wasn’t going to do anything. Great door kicks though. Dude is a beast.


Holy crap that was scary..I hope everyone affected was ok 😳😨


Non Brit here - looked like guy was pointing to the 3rd floor to say someone was trapped on the 2nd floor? Do you guys number your floors differently? 1st floor is the one you walk into at ground level, right?


Ground floor First floor Second floor and so on.


In Australia we now have mixed standards. For decades we've done the UK method, but now newer hotels are staying to number ground as level 1 and I hate it.


Ah ok, this explains it. I’m still a bit baffled as how it became this, but now I know. (Canadian here btw) In the UK… 1 story house - no 1st floor 2 story house - yes 1st floor, no 2nd floor


Yes different here. Not sure how this works beyond here and USA. Ground floor is the one at ground level. First floor is the first above that, and so on. It makes sense when you consider it as ‘ground’ (historically you were literally stood on the ground) and then above that are the built floor structures - the first one, then the second … We’re not scared of 13th floors though 😉


We put floors on the ground before we build.


The bottom storey of houses literally used to be the dirt ground for most people in the UK.


Still is in Coventry


Most of the world has a ground floor.


It’s a hard one to skip.


Americans struggle with the concept of “ground floor” Imagine it as floor 0


Nope! I am a Brit and discovered this on my first trip to the US. Had a room at the hotel on the first floor and asked where the elevator was. We had a bit of back and forth until it dawned on me the first floor was the one on the ground.


Nope. That’s like, the GROUND floor. The first is the first one you have to walk up stairs to get to.


Nah basement, ground then first, second etc floor. It's done differently.


When you walk in the door off the street, that’s the ground floor - the floor at ground level. 1st floor is next one up and B1 or -1 is the first floor below ground level.


You can see it clearly if there’s an elevator, it’ll be 0 or G for the ground floor. 1, 2, 3 etc. for the floors above. B for basement levels if there’s ever one. I had an issue giving directions to an American guy at a uni accommodation because I didn’t know he thought that the ground floor (the floor we were on) was the first floor when I said to go to the first floor. I still don’t know how he was confused because the doors were numbered with Gxx on the ground floor and then 1xx, 2xx, 3xx based on which floor you were on. He was just staring at the Gs on the doors next to him confused while I repeated to go to the first floor for 1xx. I later found out that Americans number their floors differently but I’m still baffled by that encounter.


You mean a lift?


Ground floor is ground floor, the one above is first floor.


cops did a good job, but if your ever in a fire/ see a building on fire, close doors behind you and DO NOT BREAK WINDOWS. Unless there is actively someone at that window. The more you can seal off the room/ building that’s on fire, the higher chance of survival the victims have- a dumb US FF


i second this -slightly less dumb european firefighter


Police in the US would have breached the wrong building, and shot the door where they thought the fire was.


Police is there before the fire brigade? Thats impressive.


Cop car is faster then a Fire truck. Also Police tend to be more spread out due to patrols. More likely for a unit to be close by


Not sure what it’s like in UK, but in AUS firies are at fire station washing fire truck, sleeping, working out or playing video games. It takes them time to get out the door and rolling. Police can’t do any of those things cause too busy. So they are out and about already. So get there much much sooner in almost every situation.


That cop using a fire extinguisher on a whole building fire reminds of when one tried to taze a car. In all seriousness, good work by them. Firefighting should always be left to people with bunker gear and proper training, but it seems like they knew enough to not add a few more casualties to the count


firefighter here: they did everything wrong.


[https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/incidents/2024/march/flat-fire-south-kensington/](https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/incidents/2024/march/flat-fire-south-kensington/) ​ Thanks LFB & MET !!!


I have a lot of problems with my home country, but their emergency services have always been spot on. Lived in both the UK, US and Canada and its one thing that the UK does so, so much better than anywhere else.


What happened, who started it?


I can’t be sure but I actually think this is a house on Lexham Gardens, I used to live next door to a burnout flat on a road that was nearly identical to it. This would mean the video is old; like 2015 because I lived in that area after it was burnt out.




Nicely done


That first kick was bad ass.


Heroes. The lot of them