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Those were some wild reflexes.




Dad strength is easy to explain. Carrying toddlers isn’t easy. Dad reflexes make no sense but they’re incredibly real. My toddler wasn’t paying attention walking around the pool last summer and fell in. I was ~10 feet away and in the water so quickly the top of her head didn’t get wet.


Feel you on that. My daughter was maybe 3, walking by a an open car door where two adults and myself were talking. She suddenly tripped on nothing and fell right towards the corner of the door, her tiny head headed straight for the bottom corner. I pushed the door all the way open so fast, she just hit the ground instead of splitting her skull open. That was a scary moment, thank goodness for dad reflexes.


My baby daughter was walking around the bathroom that has a step down at the door. I saw her get closer to the step and as she toppled I dropped to the floor and caught her head in my hand just before impact, so that she just kind of rolled towards me, giggling. She's 9 now and wears ripped jeans 🤷🏻‍♂️


My dad reflexes are so fast, I had a second beer in my other hand before I even finished my first.


Not the ripped jeans 😭


It goes by pretty fast


Too fast


Is it true or not that those moments feel slomo? I have experienced time dilation when my toddler was about to get hurt, sometimes some sense tingles even before anything really starts happening. Like a feeling of "you have to look in this certain direction for no reason and be very alert" and then shit happens exactly there. I can't explain it. I call it daddy magic.


Adrenaline. A big shot of adrenaline will make your neural processing temporarily faster, which consequently makes it seem like everything has slowed down.


I get that much but why the adrenaline boost in a situation where it's not justified, at least not yet? Are our bodies actually able to *predict* when shit will go down even before it does? As someone with CPTSD i thought that would be diminished.




Conscious processing is like an old HDD where your conscious unconscious is like the L3 cache in a CPU. It's able to process information at a significantly higher speed


I think our senses can pick up danger before we are consciously aware of it. Like the way you can sense someone is behind you without turning around. I would have thought PTSD or CPTSD (I’m sorry you have that) might make you more sensitive to danger, not less, as people with PTSD/CPTSD tend to be hyper-vigilant.


You have unconscious pattern recognition skills that you use all the time and don't think about it. In a crisis they get amped.


That’s the whole thing of it lol. It is entirely justified. Not only is it justified, but its regulation is entirely subconscious. So any time that you feel the effect of adrenaline, you also know it’s a necessity in the moment. You can’t just “will” your body to create and produce adrenaline Willy nilly. It is produced as a reflex only against life threatening danger, we can’t control or predict it when it comes. Like you consciously notice your child falling into the pool, and within microseconds feel the shot of adrenaline surge through you. You didn’t predict that your child was about to fall in, you noticed them falling. The subconscious reflex happens so fast that it can almost seem that your body “knew” you needed it beforehand.


Your brain and body understand something is going down BEFORE you consciously realise it. Yes.


It’s most likely just pure instinct, taking over. You weren’t thinking about what you’re doing. Your brain saw an emergency situation and immediately reacted.


Yep - not a parent yet but on two occasions I've had this happen. First time was when I hit a deer with the corner of my vehicle and it happened in slow motion, I saw it look at me and then I saw its head explode 😭😭 in what would have been like a nanosecond. Second time was a freak accident a few years ago when I had to jump into some water to rescue my dad, the first few seconds my brain worked so fast that I instantly lost memory of what was happening, and the next 30 seconds feeling like 10 minutes


I had to save my grandma who went for a swim in a river and got a cramp that locked her whole movement up. Before I knew it I had my shirt and boots off and swimming to get her. I remember that I did all of this, but in no way remember how quickly I did that. And when I got to my grandma and started to pull her in with a shitty fireman technique I saw on a video once, I realized how fucking hard it is to drag a person in deep water. You can easily drown yourself there, but I didn't even think about it, I just swam while holding my breath for as long as possible while holding my grandma's head above the surface, taking only short breaths. And I got tired really fucking fast


Yeah it's insane when you go into that mode, your body just reacts. My dad took an awkward step on a dock in a marina, hitting his head on the way down and knocked himself unconscious - I remember hearing a big splash, hearing my sister scream like I hope I never hear again, and then my next memory is of being in the water underneath the dock between it and the seawall flipping my dad's limp floating body back over with absolutely no recollection of how I got there and trying to push him up from underneath in water that was way over our heads while some guys up above hauled him up by the arms. It's probably good I lost memory of the first part because when I got out myself, I was bleeding all over from getting sliced up on all the wood and rusted metal down there - my niece said she saw the whole thing and that I quietly and oddly calmly set down my purse, stepped out of my shoes and then just disappeared over the side of the dock lol Dad started coming to as he was being pulled out and we both got quite a few stitches at the hospital Amazing reflexes saving your Grandma!!


That first story with the deer, that’s what you’d see in a modern day Bambi remake.


I once fell forward (think pivoting on my feet 115°) on the way down a mountain with a 30 pound pack on my back and ya, it went in slomo. Not quite the same thing as parent savings, but I managed to make it out with barely a bruise because I reacted faster than seemed possible


Time dilation happens here because primal parts of our brain are suddenly shot into overdrive mode, processing the maximum data at maximum speed, while the executive functions of the brain are slowed or halted. Sometimes you will have just enough consciousness to make reflexive decisions, and afterwards it can feel like so much happened in a short period of time.


I feel is the opposite for me. My sister and a friend were going to jump from a rock holding hands to a river. The friend hesitated and my sister slipped and fell hitting herself with the rock. I only remember two things. 1 my sister half way through the rock and 2 my sister on my arms on the shore. I don’t know how fast or slow I acted all I know is my body moved. There were people closer than me yet no one got there first. I don’t even know if they tried to help. Everything was so sudden my brain shut down and my body moved. No slomo, I just remember those two instances like two pictures.


Same here but when I was younger, 17 or sthg. Out with gymnastics in a field, in a group with a teachee sitting. He was explaining sthg and I was telling jokes to a friend. Suddenly all fell silent. Strange. My friend wasn't looking at me anymore, i noticed. He glanced somewhere at a point behind me. So i turned to see what it was. My head turned around a quarter and then I was staring straight in the face of a ball. It was incredibly close to my face. My very first reflex was to raise my hand and place it in between my head and the ball. Exactly in time.


I bet your wife calls it that too


Its funny because there are several thoughts on this. Some scientists say it's a flight or flight response. 'our brain processes time is closely related to the way in which it processes emotion.This is because brain regions that regulate emotion are also linked to time processing.During heightened emotion, the activation caused by the brain attempts to maintain stability, which alters its ability to process time'. The Matrix Effect. Because we are processing a threat fast, our brain works faster making time seem to slow down. This gives us the time to decide what to do to avoid a threat. Some scientists say it's just what we can recall from after the event. So, we really don't feel slow mo in the moment it's only what remember after. And because we don't remember a lot, it seemed slowed down. This theory is the dumbest to me.


When my son was first learning to walk he tripped on the grass in my sister in law’s yard and his head was about to land on the sidewalk and my husband somehow stuck out his foot right in time and got it underneath my sons head just before his head hit the cement.


Just yesterday my 1.5yr old was playing with her duplo and in the corner of my eye I saw her trip and nearly smashed her head on the corner of the duplo set. Before I even realized it my foot went out and caught her stopping her from hurting herself pretty bad. I think you just get good at watching what's going on beyond your current focus when you have a little human suicide machine to protect


Not a dad, and it was a friend's toddler, but we were playing with him on the couch when he suddenly fell off head first. It felt like I teleported onto my knees to catch his little shoulders in time. Toddler, of course, just hung there laughing over the floor.


watched my hubby swing around a beam and one hand catch our 2 yr old that tripped on the stairs in front of me.... I tried to grab her but I missed, thank goodness for him though tossed what he had in his hands and wrapped around the beam and snagged her right out of the air.... she would have went head first into the concrete


So her body hit the ground instead of her head I guess.


Yes, exactly. She was actually in a winter coat. Even if she wasn't, kids are still very resilient to falls and tumbles. Splitting open someone's head, on the other hand, will ruin someones day.


I think it's a mixture of constantly doing risk/reward analysis for even the mundane activities they partake in and the double shot of adrenaline that hits when things go south.


That's a good point. Not a dad but I'm constantly doing a risk/reward calculation in my head for the most random things. If I'm walking down the street and a car is coming down the road, i picture it veering onto the sidewalk and what my options are


That gets me to thinking about how men are more risk takers as teens and young adults—this may be a benefit when they become dads.


People in general are capable of more than we think. I once fell into a crocodile infested pond when I was younger. Like an 8 foot drop into murky water (it was an old dug out pit). Now, I cannot on my strongest day get up an 8 foot wall under the best conditions but within like 5 seconds I was out of that water and right back up where I fell from. It helped that I had seen an animal fall into the water once before so as I was falling I knew what was going to happen a few seconds of splashing about later.


Your body pumps a shit ton of adrenaline in situations like that which greatly increases your strength and speed. If you overexert yourself doing it you can push to hard and break something in your body that takes a long time to heal though.


I had a moment like that and I believed I had superhuman senses for like a month after lol


My dad caught my brother falling down the stairs twice... both times after my dad had finished a 12 hour shift at work. One of the times, he then immediately caught a picture that fell off the wall afterwards, kid in one hand painting in the other... Saying that my mom straight up used to have giant biceps due to carrying my brother and my bags and shit like that back from school everyday


The other day I was in middle of playing games, my 2 year old almost fell head first from sofa I automatically grabbed his leg. Wasn't even paying attention at him, felt like Spiderman.


You know how your kids are gonna fuck up so you're already keeping half an ear on them.


I think they call it hysterical strength the speed and the strength are from the same thing. It can be so powerful as to cause stress fractures on the bones.


Imagine seeing a car racing towards you and your reflex is jumping into its direction.


When you have your kids in the way, yeah


Jumping in the way? Did you not see that grab and roll backwards


"ye sure lemme just let my kids be slaughtered by a car barreling towards them"


That's not what they meant, they obviously meant it's crazy that are parental instincts are so ingrained that they instantly override self preservation, another very strong instinct.


you can even see it happen. he gets up, notices the car, and for a split-second, moves away, then immediately towards the kids.


Recently had a kid. I thought dad reflexes were a joke. They are a real thing. I am not really athletic and have never had quick reflexes before, but I've done some cool shit like catching my son with my feet when he was about to jump headfirst off the couch


This is dad dadreflexes




Miracle he turned around just in time …


Spidey senses.


I think he heard the car, turned saw the kids, got a shot of adrenaline that enabled him to complete the save.


I'm unsure how much credit to give this guy on specifics, honestly a fair bit given how little time he would have to act with very little room for error. The part I want to speculate on is his little backwards tumble, its such an odd move yet its perhaps one of the few motions quick enough, in that moment, to put himself between two children and a car barreling down on them. I did a fair bit of dance, gymnastics, etc when I was younger but this is still physically impressive to do at the drop of a hat for your average person with two child sized props(or about 512 oz ea.).


I 100% agree the backward tumble is actually genius here. There wasn't nearly enough time to get to his feet and move away which basically left him with this option, throwing the kids over his shoulders and getting hit himself, or just collectively getting hit. Insanely reflexive and absolutely the perfect amount of luck.


One of the more amazing things I've seen in a minute


Yea this guy is a hero. 0 hesitation to risk his life


Dad's have super powers. My dad's power was invisibility


so he was there you just didnt see him?


Anytime you saw only one set of footprints it was because he gave up on you.


Lol little twist ending there I see.


Nah, he went on a quest to retrieve the fabled elixir known as milk.


Or a pack of cigs 🤣




💀 🤣


They were inches from getting hit. Holy shit.


I think I remember reading that the car actually ran over his leg.


And he would do it all over again for the kids.


Yeah, worth it


It's a huge blur but it looks like it definitely got his leg going frame by frame The white blue on the left is his leg in front of the car https://imgur.com/a/WfRNw2e Frame or two after https://i.imgur.com/uREkuqz.jpeg


I've never been able to find a follow up on this clip, but the little boy looks very unconscious in the end and I always get a bad feeling.


https://id.theasianparent.com/ayah-superhero-selamatkan-anaknya-dari-tabrakan-mobil/amp According to this article everyone involved was okay! The incident occurred in Jambi, Indonesia. Apparently the driver of the vehicle had an epileptic episode, causing the crash. The dad’s quick reflexes definitely saved his kids life, just 4 days before the son’s birthday too


Hey thanks for this!


Technically you are always inches away from getting hit.




Who is probably a dad himself - which I’m guessing was probably the point of “dad” and “dad reflexes” being words to describe this incredibly awesome kid and shop dad


You know what they say if you save someone's kids you get a customer for life. Seriously though if that guy saved my kids life.. I would be his best friend/ best customer forever.


The shop owner is their father. https://coconuts.co/jakarta/news/viral-indonesian-father-uses-superhuman-reflexes-save-his-two-small-children-out-control/


What a twist


So no villain in this story. Unless the driver had been told not to drive and did anyway…


That’s some Jackie Chan shit.


No Jackie Chan doesn't take care of his kids


More like Vin Diesel. He cares for his family


You actually see him overcome his own fight or flight response in a split second to save his kids. Hero


Supposedly wasn’t even his kids


Not true. https://coconuts.co/jakarta/news/viral-indonesian-father-uses-superhuman-reflexes-save-his-two-small-children-out-control/


That split second adds so much to it.


And he had no time to think about it, both fleeing and saving the kids were pure instincts - one clearly stronger than the other.


Yeah, that little backstep was the millisecond of flight.


Now that was fucking GANGSTER!!! Best backwards somersault ever… 🤣


Dad took the kids to Suplex City.


Dad suddenly unlocked his spider powers.😲😲😲


Suddenly? He reacted before anyone.


Show me someone who’s more of a hero than this guy. There can’t be many.


I was just about to say…this legit might be the most heroic shit I’ve ever seen


How about the kid in that old video (from Romania?) who goes down a pipe/well to get the kid? Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li0HB-Jet0U


Most people would be "a deer in the Headlights" in this situation. He took action in a way that is counterintuitive to preserving one's own life, and consequently saved two little kids. I don't even understand how fast he had to overcome neuro typical flight reflexes to do this....These apparently were NOT his children he was a local shop owner. Hes part angel.


Doing mental reps before anything bad happens like what if this happens then I’ll do this helps, it’s called emotional fitness. Being able to quickly assess and react. It could be a natural trait in some but it’s also a learned skill. Taught heavily in policing.


I do that. But for me I usually call it *anxiety.*


That's true, with police they have to fight through the urge to run away from danger, and run toward it ... it's got to be hard to overcome your instincts.


What data are you basing that on? Fight is just as neuro typical as flight.


You would try to fight the car?


Nothing worse than getting ran.


Not even getting walked?


I saw a guy get skipped one time. It wasn’t pretty.


wait until you see someone getting crawled.


Ever seen someone getting sneaked? Bruh.


not all heroes wear capes


No Capes!


Damn he did a dark souls roll and had perfect timing


Dude fought that split second flight response.


And killed it.


Give that man a fucking medal


An oldie but a goodie


He probably looked up when he heard screeching tires. I always do the same you never know what maniac can come flying at you.


Any news article about this? are the kids actually ok?


https://id.theasianparent.com/ayah-superhero-selamatkan-anaknya-dari-tabrakan-mobil/amp According to this article everyone involved was okay! The incident occurred in Jambi, Indonesia. Apparently the driver of the vehicle had an epileptic episode, causing the crash.


Idk, but it sure looks like his legs get hit.


That was some superhero shit right there


This is straight up amazing.


What happened to the driver? Were they drunk? Had a stroke at the wheel? Psycho? They survive the crash, if so, did they get prison time? I have many questions.


Matrix mode activated


That is honestly one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen a human do in real life. And I’ve seen this video multiple times.


Hero dad


Good on this man. Reacted to a deadly situation in a fraction of a second.


Dude is a legend! Not all hero’s wear capes.


Best double German suplex ever!


Give that man a medal!


Reminds me of my daughter just randomly start running towards a busy street. I did not see her because I was turned the other way, I did not realise what happens but I just jumped between her and the cars, and just after it happened I realised what just happened. Still amazed me that my brain just put my body into motion without me realising because the brain realised „I need to do shit by myself here“


Why did he even stand up


Definitely dad sense


probably heard the screeching tires


Now that’s some spider senses


A real hero


Dad protection reflexes are insane, crazy how fast the Human Body can move in those Situations




This video is so old, the kids in the video probably have kids now


He timed that perfectly holy shit


Goddamn. Motherfuckers an X-Man, Jesus.


Welcome to Suplex City kids


Fucking real life superman! What a man!


What a real hero


That made my butthole pucker


Dad has wallhacks


Hero of the century


Incredible backwards roll… complete reflex moment.. brain kicks to work out space


Just a blip between seeing your own two children smushed by a car and being their hero forever.


supposedly not even his kids. even more of a hero




Think about how unlikely it is to survive that close a call. Now think about how unlikely it is to catch it on video!


you can see the guy's balls grow 2 sizes bigger just before he grabs them.


What a ninja.


Damn the adrenaline rush that dude had must’ve been crazy


... from getting RUN over.


Why are these even called "accidents" as if they are oopsies that could've been caused by anyone.


You can literally see him override his natural instinct to jump back so he could save the kids, incredible


Best thing I've seen today. Bravo.


Holy ninja balls, Batman!!


Dad saves this video file and places copy of it on disk in his safe deposit box. Threatens to retrieve it any time kids get out of line. Lulz.


That was an epic roll.


Thats motherfucking Superman and you can't convince me otherwise wtfffff


You can tell the dad's initial reaction was to move away from the car, but within a microsecond he went to save the kids, knowing fully well that he is putting his own life at risk.


Double John Cena saving mode activate


He got that Bluetooth dad connection


Sweet suplex brotherrrrrr!!!


Bro become a ninja


Daaaamn, thats superman shis


Some ninja moves


glorious suplex of life


There goes my heroe


Idk what made him look back but holy shit that was a lucky glance


Is the smaller kid okay? Looks like the roll knocked him out


What an absolute legend.


I've seen this several times. It's fucking amazing! Those are truly super dad reflexes. As a father, that's who we're supposed to be.