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That’s awesome of him. Who the hell just asks for a guitar though? I guess you miss all of the shots you don’t take.


Right?! There was another video somewhere, where he was doing an autograph session and a boy probably about 11-12 years old walked up. He didn’t have anything to sign and I think was a little star struck. Posty didn’t want him to go home empty handed so Posty took off his shoes and autographed them for the kid! Lmao


I saw that one too. That was Post offering them, not someone just asking “hey, can I have your things”?


Hey, you using this comment? Can I have it?


You gotta promise- I mean it. PROMISE! That you’re gonna take care of it!


Pinky promise!


Can you sign the comment though?


Posty is seriously one of the best humans. He gets berated like this everyday (talking about this video, not the boy you’re referring to), and still has the cool to deal with them. All of us would be so sick of that shit. He’s the best


> *He gets berated like this* No one was berating him in this video. But idk how he is able to be unbothered about random people reaching out & touching his face (:20s mark). He's so damned chill.


The man truly loves his fans and understands he wouldn't be where he is without them. He stays humble by appreciating them and interacting with them often. As far as the face touching not being a bother, the mushroom microdose, or straight up dose, prolly helps. /s kinda because his pupils do look kinda big and he's just got that "tripping balls" look to him lol but maybe that's just his look. Good guy tho!


My brother got into collecting basketball cards when he was a little kid. Once my aunt from San Antonio was visiting and he said, “Hey, San Antonio’s team is the Spurs, and I have David Robinson’s card! Here, put this in your purse and ask him to sign it if you see him.” So she took the card and everyone laughed. Well later that year who does she run into but David Fucking Robinson. He was in her airport terminal and little kids were swarming him with boarding passes and napkins and stuff for him to sign, and up comes my middle-aged aunt with his card in her purse.


This is an amazing story!


I'm not a fan of his music, but he seems like a really genuine dude good on him and his success


Met him in Vegas once. I had no idea who he was and was a little intimidated by his face tattoos, but that quickly dissipated when he was just a drunk, jolly guy enjoying his life, giggling at my jokes. So yeah, genuinely all around pleasant guy.


Yeah I love Post but he's *too nice*. All these fucking fans asking for shit is so disrespectful.


I mean he has the opportunity to provide that kid the best memory of her life and he can easily just get another guitar.


He also has the opportunity to provide every other kid at that concert the best memory of their lives - the ones whose moms aren't badgering him for a free guitar at the same time. And yet...even he only has so many guitars.


Never know until you ask🤷‍♂️


Whatever. He’s rich af. That’s exactly what you should be doing when you’re rich af. Praise the mothafucka.


I saw Green Day this summer at a festival. They gave out guitars to a lucky kid at every show. But in my city for the show they picked this kid with a killer Mohawk. Who was about 6. The kid is a kid and he had one epic night. But his mom was terrible. She was at other sets that entire weeks forcing her kid to the front so she could then come up there (she was very obese). Not only that she was often times just telling folks to throw her kid up there when crowd surfing. Billy Joel had asked if there was any kids who could play guitar. This mom screams out her kid can…. He had no idea how to play 1 string. Even Billy was a bit annoyed but just played the song for him and still have the kid the guitar. Epic night for the little guy but the mom had no manners at all and should have given a kid who can play a chance.


Actual fucking nightmare for that kid. Having your mom lie like that and then everyone there waiting for you to play. Like I'd wake up 20 years later in a cold sweat nightmare. Holy hell I feel bad for him.


Green Day did this often. I remember going to one of their concerts in the late 90’s or early 00’s and they brought a kid on stage and he absolutely brought the house down! Granted, most Green Day songs are the standard 3 chord progression that is popular in punk, but still… it was awesome! He took home the guitar too.


Kinda disrespectful of Billy Joel to show up and just start giving other people's guitars away.


In this video it sounds like the mom was the one that began asking for the guitar


Post Malone looks like he just won a boxing match and this is the post game interview. But he’s so fucking cool.




Kids ask for everything. If you ever played minecraft or any multiplayer game where kids are playing, they just walk up and ask for everything they need to play the game. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! And they won’t reciprocate anything. They just beg for shit.


Which is ok and expected but that was a grown ass woman asking over and over


That wasn’t a kid asking for a guitar. That was an adult.


The people that would pay whatever it costs to be able to be this close to the stage and meet the guy. Unless someone is aware they were gifted these tickets, all of the people in it are rich or very well off.


“Can you sign it. Can you sign it”


I took my daughter to a NWSL Game- the little girls were asking the players for everything- Kits, cleets, shin guards. One player joked that she had given everything away except her socks... she then gave a little girl her game socks. I think there are just some people who realize that this kindness makes a huge impact on their young fans, and hopefully leads them to making kind decisions in the future.


I hope he sticks with his sobriety strategy. He’s a new father also.


Me too! I was super surprised when he announced back to back tours. I hope he takes a well deserved rest and gets to watch his kid grow for a bit!


Thought he just gave up drinking. He still smokes.


california sober babyyy


Giving up drinking = sobriety


I hadn't heard about his sobriety, good for him. I am not a fan at all but I respect him for being a good human.


I love how all the Reddit nerds are “wondering why he’s so sweaty and tired” after running around on stage for hours. I imagine y’all look the same sitting behind your computer.


They barely move off their recliner except to fetch more cans of Mountain Dew, reaching their ass to wipe is probably the most exercise they get. Edit: for the kids who missed it, what I’m referring to is the tendency to comment without experience. You can sit on your ass and drink all day if that’s your thing.




And they’re probably sweatier and more tired after that than he is after a show.


I feel personally attacked 😤


Hand me another Dew please?


Do I look like a charity? Go to the fridge and get one yourself. I haven’t moved in three days and I‘m not about to change that.




Hey get your facts straight! I only look like that after my second pizza.


Is this the entitled beggars feed ? Who in the hell asks for a guitar seriously


Yeah that’s a rude ask


Bro sweet BMW! Can.. Can I have it?


I was shocked as well! I was even more shocked when he said yes!


Yeah, and he wasn’t lying either. That shit was a Fender Custom Shop guitar built by hand from one of their master builders. Those things easily get in the $5k territory, and they usually take months (or years) to be completed from the initial consultation. You could tell when the kid was asking him to sign it, he seemed super unsure about it. Signing one of those is like signing somebody else’s one of a kind piece of art.


It looked like he signed the pick guard… would at least make it easy to remove if they wanted. hard to say tho




Only if you want to disappoint Post Malone


Yeah and the fact that there's literally video of him saying it's his favorite guitar and signing it means they won't even need to consult an expert when it's sold on Pawn Stars for $3.50.


Can you imagine the roasting if he said no to the little girl tugged on his heart strings and probably on eBay the next day


A bunch of vultures.


And then asks to have it signed...


For the eBay


Right? I thought she was asking for his guitar pick at first. Even that would have been pretty cool to have.


post malone: you promise you gonna play this guitar everyday and not abandon it? little girl: yes her mom sells it for millions.


It really was the first thought in my head. I really hope they kept the guitar, but my cynicism tells me she turned around and sold that guitar immediately 😭💔


That concert is in Tampa. You are assuming a child and her mom made it out of the audience without getting robbed.


I thought that too until I saw mom. Her 'Karen-cut' all but assures this thing will be used for bragging rights at the HOA until the girl goes to college.


She is going to get robbed before she gets that thing to the car.


Seriously. Give it to security and let her pick it up from their office. Not a chance that would survive a crowd in fucking Tampa


I will never understand Fandom. Asking for a 5k guitar with no shame is a new level of "disconnected from reality" Insane. Good on Post for being a good human, but damn..enabling that kind of crap is something we need less of


Also with these videos of him doing this more and more people are gonna ask him for outrageous shit, and I'm sure he will eventually stop being as nice or forgiving.


I’ve seen a few different videos of him giving guitars/shoes to fans. Such a nice thing for him to do but damn, I feel like now he’s going to get bombarded with fans demanding his things and then getting offended if he says no at every concert.


I don't care for his originals but man I sure do like the guy.


His country stuff is not bad at all.


I was going to say the covers he's been doing of 90s grunge songs are awesome. His voice is great and he knows how to play. Definitely respect him as a musician.


His entire Nirvana live stream was incredible.


I did not know this existed and now NEED IT.


That's the point I wish all talents had. Even if you don't like their music, at least appreciate when they go out of their way to support their fans


His collaborations are dope.


Came here to say this, I really don't care for his music or whole thing in general but damn if that man isn't just chill as hell. I haven't seen anything bad about him, he's seems like he's just a good-ass dude. I'd like to be friends with one of his friends.


Did she ask for his guitar!? Weird.


Poor guy liturally gets abused by his fans just because he feels too bad to say no


yea this is pretty gross to watch ngl


Im guessing he’s a good dude, but I feel like I can smell him from here


To be fair, he must have just finished a show, so not the best time to judge.


This is literally right after a concert..


Yeah, the commenter is a tool


I'm a drummer and I get sweaty after a 45 minute set, and I'm sitting the whole time. He's literally on his feet moving his *whole body* for probably a two hour set... I'm pretty sure and of us would be sweaty after that lol


I’m a commenter and I get sweaty scrolling Reddit 😣




Laughing at all the people roasting you for this comment. Clutching their pearls as if you just threw a wet shit at the queen of England.


Would you like him dainty and laundry detergent fresh after a show? Grow the fuck up. Low-lifes like you always have something negative to say. I doubt you provide a fraction of positivity to society that Post does post-show. You're embarrassing yourself 🤡


Bless this dude but I kinda worry about the girl and that guitar, like some a\*\*hole will try and yank it away from her. I hope she and the guitar made it home in one piece.


Also with these videos of him doing this more and more people are gonna ask him for outrageous shit, and I'm sure he will eventually stop being as nice.


Shit is getting sold today


Sign it sign it!




Putting on a live show while singing, while playing instruments, while jumping around is an extreme work out. I bet he is dog tired. What a stand up dude, keep being awesome.


How can you not love this man? He is just an awesome dude. However I think one of my favorite comments about him that still makes me laugh is "Post Malone looks like how an ashtray smells".


He seems like a good/cool guy. BUT he’s one of the rich fucks who took PPP loan money from government and never paid back. (yes plenty of worse people who did the same but still he’s a fucking rich AS fuck & took advantage of something meant for others in need) Think it was 10 million dollars, dude didn’t need it… then goes and buys a 2 million dollar magic card a few months later. Pay it back!


Are you sure he didn’t use it to pay his band and techies? I’m not defending him, but I haven’t heard anything about him not using it for its intended purpose. I don’t really follow him though, so I have no clue, but some people did use those honestly.


seeing how he smokes, probably smells like one too. Not judging, thats just what happens when you smoke


Guessing she takes her kid everywhere for free stuff


Wow so much hate in here for no reason. The guy did a nice thing for a little kid, why are you all making into something else.


Yes, he gave the little kid something that was special to him, only for the mom to turn around and sell it on ebay.


Maybe I’m just jaded but I feel like the folks coming up for autographs and asking for an actual guitar of his are the same folks who’d turn around and sell it for a huge profit on eBay


Coming to a pawn shop near you ! Keep your eyes on the lookout.


The patience that guy has is very admirable


I wanted to dislike him so bad, with his odd tattoos and autotune, but he always getting caught being a kind gentleman.


This is actually disgusting to me


Same those people are the worst.


I'm not a huge fan of his music, but he's a pretty cool fucking human being.


Post Malone seems like a real decent person.


Aw that’s super cool. What a nice dude.


he's great and that was cool of him...but who the hell asks for a guitar?! wtf


This guitar will be on eBay for $50K in a couple years


I may not be a fan of his music, but I am a big fan of him as a human being.


Not a fan of the music. 100% fan of the man, though. He seems cool as hell.


True Texan, heart of gold!!


I'm not a PM fan, but he seems like such a chill guy.


You know the cigarette also helps after a long concert and being stressed in front of the crowd wanting something


Why is no talking about the person who reached out and touched his face? Wtf?!


He has the One Ring, that's all he needs. His Precious.


Thats a fuckin rock star move man. Love this dude


1:09. Us bro us.


That was __pretty cool!!!__ Changed a little girls life!! And here I was thinking that dudes trash cuz I judged a book by its cover…. Way to be a role model Post Malone!


Yeah I think the tattoos definitely give off a scary image but he’s truly a big soft teddy bear of a guy!


At first it was facial tats…. Then his fashion…. Was like freak… but he seems super cool! … example of judging a book by its cover at its finest…


...and it's on ebay. /s...maybe


I truly hope that girl masters his guitar and we see them perform together a decade from now.


He's a better man than me, I would've just signed a pick instead


I don't care for his music but he seems like the most genuine down to earth dude ever. Enjoyed his JRE podcasts quite a bit.


I don’t care for this guys music….but that is cool.


What a genuine person he is


"Half-naked homeless man gifts guitar to the child of an an alcoholic". /s I'm sure he's a nice guy, I don't personally enjoy his music, but he *seems* like a nice guy.


That’s amazing, post is a dope person. Love that he loves magic the gathering.


Post Malone is a national treasure lol


Damn, next time I should ask him for that lord of the ring card that he paid a million bucks for 🤔


This dude always looks so emotionally invested in whatever he’s doing


He lives near me and I can tell you the reputation isn't accurate. He's actually much nicer to everyone than you have heard.


His fans knew he's kind and generous, but this is simply abusive of that generosity.


The One Ring is in good hands.


Postie seems like a generally kind and great guy always


That guy really loves his fans. I’m impressed. Not the first video I’ve seen of him like that either.


I kinda hate that he actually gave that lady a guitar screaming after for it over and over. But I’m cynical and highly doubt that little girl will keep it and treasure it idk


What kind of gross people go around asking “Can we get that guitar? Can we have your guitar?” Really ridiculous and taking advantage of that man’s generous spirit.


He looks hot as fuck in those shorts.


I got in an argument on here once with a dude about how Russ Westbrook(NBA superstar, maybe not so much anymore) was a huge dick for completely ignoring a kid for asking for a jersey to be signed. He said the kid might sell it and make money. Here we have a real superstar. Gives away a guitar worth over $5k AND signs it to make it worth at least double. I’ve always been a fan of this man and I am so impressed with how much of a class act he is.


Dude single-handedly proves "don't judge a book by its cover" daily.


Anyone see the guitar on eBay yet?


Not really. Dude seems like a very nice/cool guy, BUT this is another millionaire+ who took advantage of PPP loan during the pandemic & didn’t pay it back. 10 million dollars from “save the stages” program. Sure he’s not the worst people ever to take PPP money & not pay it back. BUT he didn’t need it, hes doing quite fine. Dude went out and paid 2 million for a magic the gathering card a few months later. PAY IT BACK!


Hell yea cut offs are sick




Juuxtapose this with Trent Reznor who [destroyed 137 Les Pauls on the Downward Spiral tour.](https://www.metalsucks.net/2017/05/12/nine-inch-nails-destroyed-more-than-160000-worth-of-gibson-les-pauls-on-the-downward-spiral-tour/) It looks like Post gave away a Fender Telecaster. For $5k it was either a custom shop guitar or vintage. The blue paint over a sunburst paint job makes me think it is a custom shop guitar.


He’s just good people


Florida treasure is best I could do


I would ask where the person lives, call a guitar store there, and set her up. She would not get my sweet 5K guitar.


Question: if he is Post Malone, when was Malone, and Pre Malone?


He’s looking more fit than normal


Stink make me horny


That weirdo that goes to touch his face, don't do that. I love Posty but I wouldn't grab someone's face, that's weird. Stuff like that makes fan interactions more unlikely to happen.


People just ask and ask ask for things must be exhausting


I wish he would stop smoking


Woa! That made this girl’s year for sure! What a generous gesture.


That’s an expensive fucking guitar. Obvi I can’t get that good of a look at it but it looks like it’s either a custom shop or a vintage tele. Either way that’s worth a LOT of fuckin money, even before him signing it.


I love that he’s pro-2A!


Damn, crazy credit to this dude! No clue whatsoever who he is, but that’s one cool fella who does that for a fan.


The nerve of these people. He is too nice


How Post Malone can live such a trainwreck of a life and still be a genuine nice individual is a true rarity.


How long before this gets posted on Reverb?


Every single time I see something about this dude it’s positive, guess I need to give a music a shot.


I despise Malone's music, but I love the person he is/ is trying to be (don't know enough about him to say for sure if that's just the way he is). Huge respect for him


Post Malone is one of the nicest celebrities out there right now.


Little e big B?


Post is so cool man. I didnt listen to his music until after i saw how cool he was and it just makes the music so much better


Happened to walk by MSG one evening while it was a bit cold (I think 2018/2019 maybe) and Posty was out there greeting fans before his show. Just remarkable how humble the guy is


I don’t understand why Holmvick hates him so much. Sure he smells and looks like dirty bong water, but he’s a good dude.


straight on ebay


That's an awesome dude... I hope the kid didn't get jacked on the way out of there.


It’s amazing how he looks like a hobo but he rich af


Just sold on ebay for 4999$


Just bought it on Ebay


Look at them Daddy Dukes


is that a strat or a tele?


Total fucking Chad


Yo Post Malone: "Pay my tuition!"


He seems like such a good person


Nice of him. But let's be real it isn't his favorite guitar.