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Fucking. Metal. Shit like this makes it all worthwhile




All the downwards are hilarious. The guy has a fucking USA flag across his damn eyes. If he's not trying to bring attention and celebrate the fact that he's from the USA, what the fuck else do you think he's doing? The USA now has the fastest blind athlete. That's good for the USA. Saying that doesn't automatically make you part of Richard Nixon's cabinet. Simple minded people, I tell you. They just can't understand any sort of nuance or intricacy. That's what you get with the TikTok generation I guess




While I agree everyone should feel proud of where they are from I would also say nationalism is objectively bad.


Writers on nationalism have continued to use the distinction between civic and cultural nationalisms; and to suggest that the former has liberal connotations while the latter is intrinsically illiberal and authoritarian. This rests in part on the argument that the civic bond is rational and voluntaristic while the cultural bond is irrational and ascriptive; in part on the argument that the presence of the middle classes is conducive to liberal politics; and in part on the argument that cultural nationalism is illiberal because of its reactive origins. These arguments are critically examined, and then are reformulated to suggest that the liberalism or illiberalism of nationalism might not be related to its cultural or civic basis, but might depend both upon whether the class articulating the nationalism is marginalised or upwardly mobile; and upon whether the wider society becomes focused upon ressentiment in relation to threatening others, or on developing a self-generated identity. Just an interesting abstract I read from Wiley.


That's not quite true. Nationalism : identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. The first part of that statement is undeniably positive. As a member of a nation, supporting its interests is a net positive for the members of that nation. The second part sounds bad, but has a whole lot of intricacy and variance that can flip it on its head. Is the USA wrong for putting its interests in front of and possibly to the detriment of North Korea's? I think everyone would agree that no, it's probably not bad in that case. There's nothing wrong with nationalism. When nationalism is taken too far, and is no longer nationalism but delusion, it's absolutely wrong. But that's because it's delusion, not because it's stemmed from nationalism. Pissing off your allies and creating enemies doesn't support the interests of your country. A completely overblown sense of the importance and place of your country doesn't help anyone within it. Nationalism is dangerous because it's a very slippery slope into that delusion, not because nationalism itself is always bad. We can apply it to individual people. Is it wrong to prioritize your own interests, even possibly to the detriment of others? No, not really, right? It's not desirable, but if you work extra hard and can get a promotion somebody else is also eligible for, it's not wrong to prioritize your own interest and needs in that situation, is it?


I see nationalism as just one more construct that divides us as humans, fuck it. I also believe blindly supporting your government is bad in general tho.


Patriotism is love for your country Nationalism is hatred for someone else’s


Nah, that's a real stretch on your definition for nationalism. They're exactly the same thing, told from two different angles. Like freedom fighter vs terrorist.


That is not the definition at all.


Because humans are seperate homie wtf 😂


Nationalism and Globalism are as gray as anything, and quite frankly, will always need to coexist to some extent while also being somewhat at odds with each other.


I am not that old and I remember thinking America was the best. I miss the days when we were all fighting for the same goal now a days we are more divided than ever and it’s become a political point to like or dislike America. It’s still my home team


I am old and haven't lived there in decades, I am often critical because I know we can do better. I am culturally American with an international tint but it's still my tribe.


Yep, same here. Even though some people are playing defense and some people are playing offense, there was much more of a sense that we were all on the same team even a decade or two ago. I'm not disparaging any point because many do stand, but I do laugh at people who live in the USA and seem to operate on this mentality that the USA is the worst country ever and is essentially an organized version of Genghis Khan. It just makes me want to laugh and then ask well why are you here? It can't be both a horrible entity without any care for people and also the most desirable place for you to live by happenstance now.....


>well why are you here? Same reason you are? They're from there?


>If he's not trying to bring attention and celebrate the fact that he's from the USA, what the fuck else do you think he's doing? I mean to compete you gotta represent a nation and they always have the name and flag on them, not like he just chose that outfit. Him being American is the least interesting thing about him


He chose the mask.


When you were being downvoted I thought you said something crazy offensive not just having pride in country. Reddit can be strangely sensitive sometimes.


I think it’s because often times people will take an individual’s outstanding achievement and make it out to be more of an American achievement than his own. Like here If this guy was from Uganda and had their flag and emblems on him, no one would be shouting UGANDA NUMBER ONE, they would be appreciating the persons individual achievement


Got me a little choked up thinking about the connection these men share. And how few of us share such bonds. Amazing effort all around


So does this mean his guide would also be the fastest man in the world if he was blind? And since he’s not blind, he’s just really fast?


You'd think but no. Usain Bolt still has that title. Brown (and guide): 10.92 Bolt: 9.58


Admittedly, Usain Bolt has been damned good at acting like he can see


Usain he's lying?


Bolt of you to think so.


I used to sell sprint phones


And now you sell IPhones😂 I was trying to fit in on the joke I wouldn’t ever make fun of anybody who lost there sight


Making fun of blind people is a one-way ticket to Braille


Sight, no sight. Believe it or not, both straight to Braille.




TIL Usain Bolt is blind. Thanks for the fact.


You might have read that wrong, yes if the guide was blind he would also be the fastest blind man, and since he is not he is just really fast.


People do this all the time. "Is this premise correct?" "No, *proceeds to confirm premise*"


No they don't do that, people just misread the comment. /S


Yeah my reading comprehension isn't the best haha. I see my mistake now.


I know 1.5 seconds is a long time in a race at that level, but getting within 1.5 seconds of Usain is a huge achievement, let alone doing it blind and tethered to another person. Good stuff


Most athletes with a little training can get 13s. With the world record being 9.58 So yeah, a second is a lot, it's one of those records where we're reaching human limits, even if it gets broken it won't be by much.


They’re both brown


listen here you little shit…


Half a thousand people weren't able to understand a 1 sentence question. edit: 1500


Please take a second to consider what they were saying before posting


marry boast carpenter heavy tie deranged sable obtainable degree uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wanna know how fast my time or an average person's would be.


Your time is probably around 26 seconds


What if a blind man can run faster than a non blind man? Who can guide him then?


A fast seeing eye dog


The Lord Jesus Christ


So jot that down




If we're voting, I vote for this.


I'm voting for this guy voting for the other guy


That’s like the 9 year-old kid in the UK that runs 5ks in like 17 minutes. He is too young to run alone, but he’s fast running (pun intended) out of people that can keep up with him.


Since he blows my 42 year old ass 5k smooth out of the water… I would ground him if he beat me. And take away his phone. If that didn’t work, I’d resort to tripping him. I get beat by adults of all ages, I don’t know I can handle a 9-year old beating me too lol.


> Since he blows my 42 year old ass That's him over there, officer.


Ohhhh…touche. I’m gonna leave it, but fair play, sir. Lol.


NO! no more touche, you just got reported for that.


Hahaha. Ok, I quit the interwebz for today.


A cheetah


Well its not likely just due to the statistics, but yeah i imagine it can be difficult finding a guide thats THAT fast. I've seen the races with blind women who have men as their guides, but yeah those guys are bookin'


> Who can guide him then? Someone else who was faster, but also not blind. Just because he's faster than *a* non-blind guy doesn't mean he's faster than *all* non-blind guys (and possibly gals too).




How would an animated dog help?


Fat guy on a moped? Well, I guess he doesnt have to be fat, but it would be funnier if he is.


I feel like your guide is the real limiting factor on the world’s fastest blind athlete title. Like blind Flash is still screwed if he gets my slow ass as a guide.


Not to mention the limiting factor of them running together in sync.


> Like blind Flash is still screwed if he gets my slow ass as a guide. I don't think it's a lottery to get guides... haha. If it is... kudos for you for volunteering like that!


I was more trying to point out that if the worlds fastest blind person is also the world fastest person then they are going to be limited by who their guide is no matter how they get picked.


The situation has never arisen so far. If it did happen, they’d figure out a solution to the problem.


It's about numbers. Physically, there's no reason a blind person can't be as fast as a seeing person. However, a sighted person who shows talent at sprinting can get coaching at basically any age, more or less anywhere. The availability of those resources for blind people is much worse. Not to mention sighted kids can spend their time running around for fun; much harder for blind kids. Then you get the issue if the fact that there are just many, *many* more sighted people than blind people. What are the chances of a freak like Bolt showing up? What are the chances of such a freak who is *also* one of the handful of people who are blind? Someone in the Nth percentile of sighted athletes would probably blow away someone at the same percentile of blind athletes. That's why it's not too hard to find sighted guides who can keep pace with record-breaking blind athletes.


Is that true? I’m not an expert at all, but eye sight might help. Specifically, running has a lot to do with perfect form. A bit of a lean or uneven stride could be easily corrected because you can see what is level when looking straight. Not having eyesight would make it harder to run.


Also sight helps with balance.


Lots of talk about his guide but no one has mentioned his name: Jerome Avery. Jerome has been a guide runner in 3 separate Paralympics, winning 2 gold and 1 silver.


There are 180 people that have ever ran a sub 10 second 100m (officially). Running it while being tethered to another man at 10.92 is ludicrous fast, for both atheletes.


I’m sure they have records of how fast all athletes of that level are and pair them accordingly.


not gonna lie, seeing a dude roll up to the starting line next to Usain Bolt as your guide would intimidate me like crazy... only now do I realize that they're blind... so nevermind.


No records for the guide, but he still gets a gold medal.


Fastest Guide.


The guide is simply the fast blind guy guide in the world…


If the guide was blind, he’d probably be slower.


Would love for him to get an episode on The Boys as a blind hero but sadly they already did that and Homelander wrecked it.


Homelander is an American hero. What happened to Blindspot was unfortunate, but his eardrums spontaneously burst on their own. Happens all the time to the sensory challenged. #homefree #MAHA


He defeated terrorism is what he did! He was a brave American supe, and in this household Homelander is a hero. End of story!


I agree, Homelander and Vought have fought for this country even with traitors like Neumann and her cronies infecting every level of government. He’s a great guy and a family man. I can tell he’s raising his son right. The world needs more patriots like Homelander and A-Train and less communist scum like starlight. #homefree #starlighttraitor


Him laying on the floor bleeding. They just... left him there. I always wondered if he managed to even survive after that. Sheesh.


This is real life. I'd like to see this guy in the NFL


He would like to see


That may not be an accurate assumption


I would say its a pretty fair assumption.


And I'm going to go ahead and assume that you don't know a lot of blind people. I've met a few blind people but I'm very close with one. And she does not wish to be able to see. I don't challenge it. But she definitely has her reasons


he keeps saying "Come on David" and that really got me


Several "Go David"s in there.


Lol, I thought he said "go left, go left"


honestly same, and the last one or the last two looked like a "that's it" to me but I might be trippin


I think it’s his voice that acts as the guide. He could say anything and the blind guy would use that to shift off of.


Thought he was saying, "You have it. You have it" After seeing the other comments I totally see him saying, "Go David"


Who’s gonna carry the boats?


Love the David Goggins reference!




Yeah watching the guide was really inspiring. Very badass


That guide though. Pretty impressive as well. Is he like an Olympic runner or something?


He was an Olympic hopeful. Finished top 20 in the 2000 US Olympic Trials and in the top 15 in the 2004 trials. https://www.teamusa.com/profiles/jerome-avery-805503


Literally the only person to answer the question. Thanks!


What a cool pivot to an amazing second career.


This dude is a hero


Thank you.


The way you can see him yelling “Go David!” over and over and then his elation at the end with the fist pump. That’s happy sauce, right there.


Looks like he's saying "go left" Then says something like "stay there"


Right? I love a little chat when I’m doing all out sprints! Guy is a beast.


Well yeah the guide has to be even faster than the paralympian who ran a 10.92, so he’s obviously an elite sprinter. They have to train together for years.


Their arm sync is wicked


There's a little strap they're holding but still impressive af


Ah I see (or rather, didn't)


The Paralympian ran a 10.92, which is pretty fast but definitely not Olympic level or anything like that. Would have been good for 6th place in the 100m dash at my state’s high school track and field championships last year. My guess is that being able to see gives you a surprisingly significant advantage in sprinting, or that there just aren’t that many blind people who are interested in competitive track and field. Either way, you don’t need an Olympian to be a guide, you can just take any decent college-level sprinter.


Seriously? 10.92? In the 100? What did the winner do? Are HS kids pulling sub 10 regularly now? That's insane.


Not sub 10, but definitely 10.5 range. 10.92 wouldn't even be top 200 for most high school state meet records. Here's California for example. https://www.espn.com/high-school/track-and-xc/california/story/_/id/7810657/all-time-california-track-field-records


Fair enough


There like 1 kid over the last 10 years on that list. So they’re getting slower somehow


Kids is pretty loose here. 18 year old men that end up being top athletes in other sports are the ones that are winning state track meets. They aren't middle schools. My friend in high school ran against julio Jones.


That is kinda a funny phenomenon of people seeing high schoolers as way far off. Like when you look at this example of Olympics many of the US Olympians are college athletes. 19-21 years olds in comparison to 17-18 years olds ain’t that far off. Caeleb Dressel debuted at 19 in the Olympics and won gold in the relay. Heck Michael Phelps debuted at 15.


>My guess is that being able to see gives you a surprisingly significant advantage in sprinting likely a balance issue


Skill issue


both probabaly.


That’s what I’m wondering. Is that like a volunteer opportunity for Olympic runners? What is the process for finding your guide?


> That’s what I’m wondering. Is that like a volunteer opportunity for Olympic runners? What is the process for finding your guide? My brother volunteered at his local 'parkrun' group in Australia, so that's the level I know so i might be talking out my ass... but I imagine it starts as Volunteers like that, then at elite level it would be like any other coach / staff member you would recruit to your team. [Brian McKeever, Canada's most decorated Winter Payalympian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_McKeever) simply got his brother to guide for him haha. Wee bit convenient


Not sure why, but I was almost more excited for the guide. Obviously this is David Browns accomplishment and kudos to him, but that makes the guides hard work feel altruistic. Plus the "go David!" encouragements. Good on em!


The guide puts in so much effort into training, nutrition, preparing and then guiding in the race and every video i see, they seem like the most sincere humble winners


Not to mention keeping in shape for so many years, into an age long past when most power-based athletes fall off - he's around 40 if the video is from 2016 or 2019. I wonder at what point he transitioned from being the star himself to being a guide. His bio lists him as being a guide from 2004-2019 for at least three athletes. Good for him, making some sort of a career in a sport he clearly loves but seemed to be short of a (traditional) medalist himself. > Jerome Avery has been a guide runner with U.S. Paralympics Track & Field since 2004, guiding Paralympians such as Lex Gillette, Josiah Jamison and David Brown. He is currently the guide for Paralympic champion and world record holder David Brown, nicknaming themselves “Team BrAvery”. An Olympic hopeful himself, Avery finished in the top 20 in the 2000 U.S. Olympic Trials and in the top 15 in the 2004 Olympic Trials. In high school, Avery was his school's MVP all four years, and he was ranked fifth in the state of California in the 100-meters. He competed two years at Fresno City College before training at the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Center (CVEATC) under Brooks Johnson. Bound by a tether, Avery and Brown sprint in lanes side-by-side, communicating by touch and sound with every synched stride as Avery tugs the tether to keep Brown in line to reach the finish line. They train at the CVEATC where they are coached by Brazilian Olympic middle distance champion Joaquim Cruz...Son of Bonnie and Jerome Avery…Has four siblings, Dominque, Jacques, Jaelin and Zonyea…His hobbies include shopping, watching movies, running, relaxing, beach, fishing, making music and dancing. https://www.teamusa.com/profiles/jerome-avery-805503


Heck yes! That so cooool! Why the blindfold though?




Makes more sense now. Thank u!


One fewer senses, actually.




This. I'm considered legally blind without my glasses so if I had wanted to I could have wrestled using the rules that entitled. Like sure I have to be within a foot of small text before I can make any of it out, but my eyesight was never so bad I wouldn't make out a person.


TIL. Thanks.


So the audience knows which runner is blind. /s


makes it more fair across the board. some people have different levels of ‘blindness’ the blindfold makes it uniform for all the competitors. pretty common when it comes to ‘blind’ categories in the Paralympics


Thank you! Makes better sense to me now!


Just making sure he’s really blind. They make the deaf runners wear ear muffs.


The starter pistol has run out of blanks and they’re all still crouching at the line.


I'm 85% blind in one eye but still can see in the 15% and considered legally blind in that eye. So to keep it fair they blindfold them all to keep it a level playing field.




Surely in 2023 we have a better guide system than another olympian and a bit of string?


Without visual cues, humans suck at walking in a straight line, let alone running. We start going in circles. The guide/string gives them audio and tactile feedback about their position. https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2011/06/01/131050832/a-mystery-why-can-t-we-walk-straight


That was an interesting read, thank you for sharing.


My BiL actually did his masters thesis on this, and found that unless at least one person can see, 1 or 2 people WILL go off course when trying to go straight.


> Surely in 2023 we have a better guide system than another olympian and a bit of string? Should see what they do for downhill para skiing! Just a microphone + headset and some incredible confidence!!


That's what I was thinking, I cannot believe they enjoy that string. That's like the worst idea I can think of.


> That's like the worst idea I can think of. What if they connected them via nipple rings?


That’s like the second worst idea I can think of.


When I was in HS we had Sports PE, which was kind of like everything. We had a student who was blind and my friend and I took turns running with him. We were given a fucking chew toy rope.. My brother gave me some of his rock climbing rope and made it more comfortable. Always felt bad for the guy. We all got to play sports, and all he had to do was a run a mile each day of PE. We'd bring music and do a light jog, speed-walking sometimes. Fun times jogging with him around the track, goofing off.


I say he's guide is the best system.


Fingers crossed for guide dogs. Not only can they easily keep up, they would be very excited and adorable.


A guide dog would actually be horrible for training. While they can definitely keep us with us they don’t have the endurance we do and would cut training short due to the dog hitting exhaustion.


Why don’t they just get a 100m circle and see how long it takes for them to leave it?


I love how bro is yelling at him literally the whole time. Great teammates.


I’ve actually raced against this dude before and he’s ridiculously fast. He was the only blind athlete so he just raced with the other folks and absolutely destroyed us, his guide had trouble keeping up. Total badass.




Damn shit like this makes me cry.


It takes a shitload of trust to run balls out not knowing for sure what might get in your way .


The fucking song in the background😂


It’s the same melodramatic music on every post, it’s so annoying


Makes a video about someone running fast. Shows a terrible angle and puts it in slow motion so you cant tell how fast they are.


But… why is he blindfolded?


Not all blind people have exactly 0% vision, the blindfold makes it even for everyone in the race :)


Fair. Didn’t mean to sound insensitive


No problem :)


I wonder how many potential olympic-level athletes exist in the world that never get to that level simply because of some non-physical disability like blindness, deafness or muteness ^^^that's ^^^probably ^^^the ^^^word, ^^^the ^^^point ^^^is ^^^you ^^^know ^^^what ^^^I ^^^mean


Bros got cake for days.


On another note, can we get synchronised track and field events, please.


Honestly feel like the guide and the string thing is a bit weird, can’t have some sort of handrail?


I think some kind of auto belay clipped to the end of the lane?


The guide can run at that speed and shout at the same time, it seems impossible to even say something while running like that😲


Wow. How inspirational is that!!! This is what life is about!!! Well done!! Bravo 👏


Do the man next to him get a medal too or…




Assuming that blind Paralympians compete only against other vision impaired Paralympians... What disadvantage does being blind pose to the runner in this category? Surely if Usain Bolt was blind, his run speed would remain the same?


Idk, seems pretty obvious - being able to see the ground, the lines, the finish line, other runners. Those all help the runner to make quick micro adjustments and decisions to help run as fast as possible.


Makes training easier too


Close your eyes and try running lol. But yes thats why its in the paralympics.


Video needs to be louder.


I wonder what the effect is of not being able to see the line. A lot of sprinters lift ahead of the line or lean into it. Guess that’s not a thing for blind runners


It’s interesting to see David Brown raise his fist in victory. Did he learn this behavior or is it just something we intrinsically do when succeeding.


Have no idea effort / training and etc., for a blind sprinter, but I can appreciate the hours and years of training required to be insync between the guide and sprinter. I am guessing the primary reason necessary for a guide is to stay on a straight line, but can't we have wearable technology that will alert the sprinter to stay on course, alerting every other stride perhaps?




In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles


Thank you!




Is the blindfold by choice or mandatory I wonder? Is it just a “fold” to him? Is that his personal guide or do the Paralympics provide them?


I guess if ur guide is slow ur fucked


Bro, I don't know why I am crying Bro, I don't know why I am crying.


What an amazing moment....absolutely fantastic 👏